# $Header: wastedSpace.pl 26-may-2004.08:49:39 jochen Exp $
# wastedSpace.pl
# Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.  
#    NAME
#      wastedSpace.pl
#      For a given list of tablespaces or schemas, return a list of
#      tables in the tablespaces or schemas with excess wasted space
#      or row chaining problems.
#       ARGV[0] must be a list of ";" separated tablespace names to check.
#               Send ";" if no tablespaces.
#       ARGV[1] must be a list of schema names.  Send ";" if no schemas
#               should be checked.
#       ARGV[2] is the minimum wasted space % for which data is returned.
#       ARGV[3] is the minimum row chaining % for which data is returned.
#       ARGV[4] is 'true' if wasted space check is enabled
#       ARGV[5] is 'true' if row chain check is enabled
#       ARGV[6] is the minimum size(MB) of segments that should be checked.
#       For old OMS's (, an em_result wasted space row is printed
#       if the wasted space below the HWM is > min wasted space %.
#       For newer OMS's, an em_result wasted space row is printed
#       if the total wasted space in the segment is > min wasted space %.
#       This includes the unused blocks above the HWM.  
#       See the printWasteOutput function for the format of the output line.
#    NOTES
#       Instructions for testing script standalone in vob:
#       setenv EMDROOT $ADE_VIEW_ROOT/emdw
#       setenv EM_TARGET_ADDRESS "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<yourhost>)(Port=<yourport>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<yoursid>)))"
#       setenv VersionCategory <10i or 9i>
#       setenv wastedSpacePerf <0 or 1> to show elapsed time
#       runperl wastedSpace.pl "<tablespaces>" "<schemas>" "<wasteMin>" "<rowChainMin>" "<true or false>(waste check enabled)" "<true or false>(row chain check enabled"
#           e.g. runperl wastedSpace.pl "ASSM;TS1" ";" "50" "0" "true" "true"
#       The script will wait for stdin input.  Type the following:
#           EM_TARGET_USERNAME=<db username>
#           EM_TARGET_PASSWORD=<db password>
#           Cntrl-D
#       or create a file with credentials and < creds_file at the end of the
#       runperl command.
#       Look for _sql to find sql statements
#   Included segments
#       Tables
#       Table partitions
#       Index for IOT tables
#       Index partition for IOT tables
#       Lobs
#       Lob partitions
#   Excluded segments (not checked)
#       Segments in clusters
#       IOT's in non-ASSM tablespaces (nyi)
#       Subpartitions (nyi)
#       Segments < 1 extent in size 
#       Segments associated with AQ table (cannot shrink or reorg)
#    TODO
#       Schemas not implemented
#       Subpartitions not implemented
#       Long row chain check
#    jochen      05/19/04 - Report on reclaimable space 
#                           Don't recommend both shrink and reorg.
#                           Check versioncategory in all caps so reg tests 
#                           succeed without case sensitivity issues (unix)
#                           Use total segment size for new OMS's, not HWM.
#    jochen      04/26/04 - Don't check small segments 
#    jochen      01/05/04 - Log and ignore invalid tablespaces
#    jochen      01/02/04 - Ignore AQ tables 
#    jochen      12/30/03 - Don't show iot overflow in recycle bin 
#    jochen      11/14/03 - Server no longer supports shrinking lobs 
#    jochen      11/07/03 - Tune queries 
#    jochen      10/30/03 - Ignore tables in recycle bin 
#    jochen      10/24/03 - Performance: Isolate row chain check 
#    jochen      10/23/03 - Don't connect if nothing checked 
#                           Get chain count for IOTs
#    jochen      10/21/03 - Check lobs in MSSM tablespaces 
#                           For 10i, check IOTs in MSSM tablespaces
#    jochen      10/20/03 - Algorithm improvements - bug 3202112 
#    jochen      10/16/03 - Fix getBytesAllocated for non-ASSM 
#    jochen      10/14/03 - Handle new db version strings 
#    jochen      10/13/03 - Display IOTs as table segments 
#    jochen      10/10/03 - Can't use table partitions in 9i 
#    jochen      10/10/03 - Check objects owned by SYS 
#    jochen      10/09/03 - Improve IOT partition performance 
#    jochen      10/08/03 - Use object_space_usage for all 10i segments 
#                           Only check privs if checking wasted space
#                           Use v$parameter
#                           Don't check segments in clusters
#                           Map IOT index partitions to table partitions
#    jochen      10/07/03 - Limit inClause to 100 tablespaces 
#    jochen      10/06/03 - Always recommend shrink for 10i
#    jochen      10/02/03 - getTables sql returning tables with no segment 
#    jochen      09/25/03 - Print SQL statements in performance runs
#    abodge      09/03/03 - Improve query perf (bug 3117550) 
#    jochen      08/26/03 - Get objects for all tablespaces at once.
#                           Don't check objects < 1 extent.  Don't call
#                           unused_space if estimating from stats.
#    jochen      07/21/03 - Use space_usage for ASSM tablespaces
#    jochen      06/30/03 - Add maxerrors
#    pbantis     06/25/03 - Handle login role
#    jochen      06/18/03 - Fix partition names lost
#    jochen      06/09/03 - Add row chaining
#    jochen      05/23/03 - Calculate bytes unused
#    aaitghez    06/10/03 - credentials to be read from stdin
#    jochen      04/17/03 - Fix StgPerf
#    jochen      04/01/03 - jochen_metric
#    jochen      03/24/03 -
#    jochen      03/17/03 - Creation

use strict;
require "emd_common.pl";

my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars();

use DBI;
use POSIX;

# Forward subroutines
sub processAll();
sub analyzeSegmentWaste($);
sub analyzeRowChaining($);
sub printEndData($);
sub processAllIOTs();
sub processAllTables();
sub processAllTabParts();
sub endTiming($);
sub startTiming($);
sub getPrivs($);
sub getCompat();
sub processAllIOTParts();
sub processAllLobs();
sub processAllLobParts();
sub clearSegment();
sub getIotPartDisplayName();
sub getAnalyzeSYS($);
sub verifyShrink($);
sub getSpace($);

# set PERFORMANCE_ON to either 1 or 0
my $PERFORMANCE_ON = $ENV{wastedSpacePerf};

# Get database version

# Major version number
my $verStr = $ENV{VersionCategory};
if (!defined($verStr))

my $db_version = $verStr;
if (index($db_version, '8') == 0)
    $db_version = 8;
elsif (index($db_version, '9') == 0)
    $db_version = 9;
    $db_version = substr($db_version, 0, 2);

# True if the db is 10.2 or higher.
my $is10_2 = 0;
if ($db_version > 10 || $verStr eq '10gR2')
    $is10_2 = 1;

# compat10i will be set to "true" if 10i database with compatible =
# compatible of or greater is needed for shrink
my $compat10i = 0;
EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("Db version $db_version; Is 10.2 = $is10_2\n");

# Get input tablespaces and schemas

EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf input tablespaces $ARGV[0]\n");
#print ("StgPerf input tablespaces $ARGV[0]\n");
my @tsnames = split /;/ => shift(@ARGV);

#for (@tsnames)
#    print $i . " = " . $tsnames[$i] . "\n";

EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf input schemas $ARGV[0]\n");
my @schemas = split /;/ => shift(@ARGV);

#for (@schemas)
#    print $i . " = " . $schemas[$i] . "\n";

# In clause is an IN clause with a chunk of tablespaces we are processing
# There is a max of 1000 objects in the IN clause so we may have to break
# processing up into batches
# 10/7/03 don't allow more than 100 tablespaces in IN clause to avoid
# shared pool fragmentation.
# After we fetch the info for the tablespaces, inASSMClause will contain an 
# IN clause for only ASSM tablespaces.  We don't estimate space for some
# segment types, so we only need segments in ASSM tablespaces.
# hasASSM will be 0 if the database has no ASSM tablespaces, 1 if it does.
my $inClauseLimit = 100;
my $inClause;
my $hasASSM = 0;
my $inASSMClause;

# oldOMS will be set to 1 if we are talking to a or earlier agent.
my $oldOMS = 0;

# Get input minimum % value for wasted space
# Segments with unused space below this value will not be collected.
# If oldOMS == 1, this value is the minimum of wasted space below the
# HWM.  If not an old oms, this value is the minimum of wasted space
# in the entire segment.
my $wasteMinValue = shift(@ARGV);
EMD_PERL_DEBUG("StgPerf input wasted space minValue $wasteMinValue\n");

# Get input minimum value for row chaining
# Segments with row chaining below this value will not be collected.
my $rcMinValue = shift(@ARGV);
EMD_PERL_DEBUG("StgPerf input row chaining minValue $rcMinValue\n");

# Get checks enabled
# Also print a line that will be loaded into the repository that tells the UI
# whether or not any checking is being done.
my $spaceEnabled = shift(@ARGV);
my $rowChainEnabled = shift(@ARGV);
EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("space enabled =" . $spaceEnabled . " chain enabled=" . $rowChainEnabled);

# Get the minimum absolute size of wasted space.
# Segments with wasted space below this value will not be reported
# This value defaults to -1 for old OMS (pre 10.2).
my $minWasteBytes = shift(@ARGV);
if (!defined($minWasteBytes) || $minWasteBytes < 0)
    $minWasteBytes = 0;
    $oldOMS = 1;
$minWasteBytes = $minWasteBytes * 1024 * 1024;
EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("min wasted space bytes = $minWasteBytes MB\n");
EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("old oms = $oldOMS\n");

# print the eod record so we know
# we have processed the data even
# if there are no results
if ($spaceEnabled ne 'true' && $rowChainEnabled ne 'true')
    exit 0;

# Query to get object space used

my $objectSpace_sql =
    "BEGIN "
    .   "dbms_space.object_space_usage("
    .       ":owner, :objectName, :objectType, 0.0, "
    .       ":used, :allocated, :partitionName);"

# Query to get dbms_space.space_usage
my $spaceUsage_sql =
    "BEGIN "
    .   "dbms_space.space_usage(:owner, :objectName, :objectType, "
    .       ":ubl, :uby, :fs1bl, :fs1by, :fs2bl, :fs2by, :fs3bl, :fs3by, "
    .       ":fs4bl, :fs4by, :flbl, :flby, :partitionName);"

# Query to get unused space info

my $unusedSpace_sql =
    "BEGIN "
    .   "dbms_space.unused_space("
    .       ":owner, :objectName, :objectType, "
    .       ":totalBlocks, :totalBytes, :unusedBlocks, :unusedBytes, "
    .       ":lastFileID, :lastBlockID, :lastBlock, :partitionName);"

# Query to get free blocks
my $freeBlocks_sql =
    "BEGIN "
    .   "dbms_space.free_blocks("
    .       ":owner, :segName, :segType, :freelist_group, :free_blocks);"

# Query to verify shrink 
# This verifies that the given wasted space is at least one extent
# in the segment.
# Returns 1 if the segment is shrinkable (wasted space is >1 extent), 0 if not.
#   :owner          IN
#   :objectName     IN
#   :objectType     IN
#   :partitionName  IN
#   :waste          IN  - estimated amount of wasted space
#   :shrinkable     OUT
my $verifyShrink_sql =
    "DECLARE "
    .   "doFree BOOLEAN; "
    . "BEGIN "
    .   "doFree := dbms_space.verify_shrink_candidate( "
    .       ":owner, :objectName, :objectType, "
    .       ":waste, :partitionName); "
    .   "IF (doFree) THEN "
    .       ":shrinkable := 1; "
    .   "ELSE "
    .       ":shrinkable := 0; "
    .   "END IF; "
    . "END; ";

# Get connection to the database
my $password = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_PASSWORD"};
my $username = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_USERNAME"};
my $role = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE};
my $mode = 0;
if($role =~ /SYSDBA/i)
  $mode = 2;
elsif($role =~ /SYSOPER/i)
  $mode = 4;
my $address = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS};

EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("Connecting to $username $address \n");

my $maxObjErrors    := 20;
my $objErrCount     := 0;

my $wasteCount      := 0;   #number of segments with wasted space
my $rcCount         := 0;   #number of segments with row chaining
my $segCount        := 0;   #number of segments analyzed

#-- DB connect handle and cursors
my $db;
my $isASSM = 0;
my $spaceCsr;
my $spcUsgCsr;
my $unusedSpcCsr;
my $freeBlocksCsr;
my $verifyCsr;

#-- Tablespace specific data
my $tablespace;
my $blockSize;
# Hash key is tablespace name
# Holds blocksize and tsnumber for tablespaces
my %tsInfo;

#-- True if we have enough privs to check wasted space for objects owned by SYS
my $canAnalyzeSYS       := 0;

#-- Segment type codes - must be in synch with emo/util/DBObject.java
my $SEG_TABLE           := 1;   #-- table
my $SEG_INDEX           := 2;   #-- index
my $SEG_TABLE_PART      := 3;   #-- table partition
my $SEG_INDEX_PART      := 4;   #-- index partition
my $SEG_IOT_OF          := 5;   #-- iot overflow
my $SEG_LOBCOL_IDX      := 6;   #-- (not used) lob column index
my $SEG_LOBCOL          := 7;   #-- lob segment
my $SEG_LOB_PART        := 8;   #-- lob partition
my $SEG_TABLE_SUBPART   := 9;   #-- table subpartition
my $SEG_INDEX_SUBPART   := 10;  #-- index subpartition
my $SEG_LOB_SUBPART     := 11;  #-- lob subpartition
#my $SEG_CLUSTER        := 12;  #-- cluster segment (not used)
my $SEG_IOT_OF_PART     := 13;  #-- iot overflow partition

#-- Problem codes
my $WASTED_SPACE    := 1;
my $ROW_CHAINING    := 2;

#-- Object specific data
my $owner;
my $objectName;
my $objectType  := 'TABLE'; #-- Type of object that segment belongs to.
my $segmentType;    #-- Code for segment type
my $segTypeStr;     #-- String for segment type
my $segName;        #-- segName
                    #--   When used for lob segments
                    #--     dbms_space expects the lob segment name but
                    #--     we display the lob column and table name to
                    #--     the user, so put the lob segment name here
                    #--   If non-null, used by dbms_space calls.
my $partName;
my $segPartName;    #-- Name of segment partition (lob partition name
                    #-- or index partition for IOTs)
my $iotName = '';   #-- IOT table name if segment is IOT overflow
my $lobCol;         #-- lob column name for lob segments
my $pctFree;
my $initrans;
my $numRows = 0;
my $blocks;         #-- Number of used blocks
my $avgRowLen;
my $bytesUnderHWM;  #-- Bytes allocated to table under HWM
my $wastedSpacePct; #-- Percentage of wasted space below HWM
                    #-- For old OMS's this will be the wastedSpace below HWM
                    #-- For new OMS's this will be the total wasted space
                    #--     in the segment including the allocated unused blocks.
my $chainCnt = 0;   #-- Number of chained rows
my $shrinkSegType;  #-- 1 if shrinking segment type is supported
my $initExtent;     #-- size of initial extent.
my $nextExtent;     #-- size of next extent
my $pctIncrease;    #-- PCTINCREASE
my $groups;         #-- number of freelist groups
my $segTotalBytes;  #-- Total bytes for the segment
my $bytesAllocated; #-- If old OMS, this is bytesUnderHWM.
                    #-- If new OMS, this is total bytes

# Recommendations
# NOTE: These values must match those in
#           oracle.sysman.emo.util.stgAdv.StgAdvConstants
my $S_SHRINK    = 1;
my $S_REORG     = 2;

# try

    # Connect to database
    if (($#tsnames != -1) || ($#schemas != -1))

        $db= DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "$username@".$address , "$password", {ora_session_mode => $mode})
                    or die "Could not connect to $username/$address: $DBI::errstr\n";


        # raise an exception if any problems occur.  Default is to only print error
        $db->{RaiseError} = 1;


        # SQL Parse
        startTiming("Parsing SQL");

        $unusedSpcCsr = $db->prepare($unusedSpace_sql)
                    or die "Can't prepare unusedSpace: $DBI::errstr";
        $spcUsgCsr = $db->prepare($spaceUsage_sql)
                     or die "Can't prepare spaceUsage: $DBI::errstr";
        if ($db_version >= 10)
            $spaceCsr = $db->prepare($objectSpace_sql)
                        or die "Can't prepare objectSpace: $DBI::errstr";
            $spaceCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
            $verifyCsr = $db->prepare($verifyShrink_sql)
                        or die "Can't prepare verifyShrink: $DBI::errstr";
            $verifyCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
            $freeBlocksCsr = $db->prepare($freeBlocks_sql)
                        or die "Can't prepare freeBlocks: $DBI::errstr";
            $freeBlocksCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
        endTiming("Parsing SQL");

        # Raise exceptions from any sql executions
        $unusedSpcCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
        $spcUsgCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;

        # Determine if we have enough privs
        # die if we don't
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')
            # Check if we have enough privs to analyze objects owned
            # by SYS
            $canAnalyzeSYS = getAnalyzeSYS($db);

        # We can only recommend shrink if the "compatible" parameter
        # is > 10.0
        $compat10i = getCompat();
        #print "num schemas " . $#schemas . " num ts " . $#tsnames . "\n";

        if ($#tsnames >= 0)
            exit 0;
        # Process all the tablespaces
        # Create an IN clause with tablespaces
        $inClause = 'IN(';
        my $first = 1;
        my $tsCount = 0;
        my $ts;
        foreach $ts (@tsnames)
            if ($first == 0)
                $inClause = $inClause . ',' . "'" . $ts . "'";
                $tsCount = $tsCount + 1;
                $inClause = $inClause . "'" . $ts . "'";
                $first = 0;
                $tsCount = $tsCount + 1;
            # Process one block of tablespaces at a time.
            if ($tsCount == $inClauseLimit)
                $inClause = $inClause . ') ';
                # Process all segments
                $inClause = 'IN(';
                $first = 1;
                $tsCount = 0;
        # Process all segments
        if ($tsCount > 0)
            $inClause = $inClause . ') ';


        if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
            print("Number of segments with wasted space = $wasteCount\n");
            print("Number of segments with row chaining = $rcCount\n");
            print("Number of segments analyzed = $segCount\n");

        EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Number of segments with wasted space = $wasteCount\n");
        EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Number of segments with row chaining = $rcCount\n");
        EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Number of segments analyzed = $segCount\n");
    exit 0;
# catch
if ($@)
    my $errMsg = "em_error=" . $@ . "\n";
    if (defined $db)

    die $errMsg;

# DB cleanup
# Do we need to close cursors?
# 8/28 - according to xxu, all resources get freed up when our agent-spawned
# process ends, and there is no clean way to free resources before that point
#my $ = $dbh->prepare("BEGIN CLOSE :cursor END");
#$sth3->bind_param_inout(":cursor", \$sth2, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET } );

if (defined $db)
# processAll
# Analyze all segments specified in the INclause
sub processAll()
    # Get all the tablespace info
    # This resets the inClause to include only valid tablespaces
    my $tsCount = getTablespaceInfo();
    if ($tsCount == 0)

    # Process all row chain
    if ($rowChainEnabled eq 'true')
    if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')
        # Process all tables

        # Process all IOTs

        # Process all table partitions

        # Process iot partitions



        # Process all lobs



        # Process all lob partitions



# analyzeSegmentWaste
# Analyze the object for wasted space.
# Returns 'true' if the object has wasted space, 'false' if not.
sub analyzeSegmentWaste($)
    my ($tablespace) = @_;
    # set up the tablespace info
    $isASSM = $tsInfo{$tablespace}->{TSASSM};
    $blockSize = $tsInfo{$tablespace}->{TSBLK};
    my $status = 'false';

    #print "ANALYZING " . getSegDisplayName() . "\n";
    #print $tablespace . "=" . $blockSize . "\n";

    if ($objErrCount > $maxObjErrors)
        return $status;

    $shrinkSegType = 1;

    # This may be an IOT overflow segment
    if (defined($iotName) && $iotName ne "")
        # Shrink does not support iot overflow segments
        $shrinkSegType = 0;

        if ($partName ne "")
            $segmentType = $SEG_IOT_OF_PART;
            $segmentType = $SEG_IOT_OF;
    elsif ($segmentType == $SEG_LOBCOL || $segmentType == $SEG_LOB_PART)
        # Shrink does not support lob or lob partitions
        $shrinkSegType = 0;

        #-- Get bytes allocated to the table
        #-- Sets bytesUnderHWM, segTotalBytes, and bytesAllocated
        #-- For oldOMS (< 10.2), bytesAllocated is under HWM
        #--     otherwise bytesAllocated is size of entire segment
        $bytesAllocated = getBytesAllocated();
        #print getSegDisplayName() . " bytes $bytesAllocated init $initExtent\n";

        # If there are less bytes than the minimum requested, 
        # don't do the check.
        if ($bytesAllocated < $minWasteBytes)
            #EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$segTypeStr $objectName too small under HWM - "
            #                . "$bytesAllocated < $minWasteBytes\n");
            return $status;
        # If the segment only has one extent, don't make a recommendation.
        if ($bytesAllocated <= $initExtent)
            #print $segTypeStr . " " . $objectName . " " . $bytesAllocated
            #      . " < " . $initExtent . "\n";
            return $status;

        #-- dbms_space.object_space_usage only available in 10i
        if ($db_version >= 10)

            $status = objSpaceUsage();

        #-- 9i assm can be checked by dbms_space.space_usage
        elsif ($isASSM == 1)

            $status = spaceUsage();

        #-- 9i mssm lobs can be checked by dbms_space.free_blocks
        elsif ($segmentType == $SEG_LOBCOL)
        #-- else estimate using available statistics
        elsif ($avgRowLen != 0 && $numRows > 0)
            # print "going to estimate\n";
            $status = estimateWastedSpace();
    # catch
    if ($@)

    return $status;

# estimateWastedSpace
# Estimate the amount of space needed to hold the data in a table.
# From there we can estimate the amount of space wasted.
# Algorithm from gajav and groyal.
# Returns - % wasted space
# Prints em_result output for space over minValue.
# Sets parent scope output values
#   wastedSpacePct  -- % space wasted below HWM
# Uses parent scope input values
#   minValue        - minimum wasted space % to return result for table
#   blockSize       - tablespace block size
#   owner           - object owner
#   objectName      - object name
#   objectType      - type of object that segment belongs to
#   partName        - partition name
#   pctFree
#   initrans
#   numRows
#   blocks          - number of blocks allocated to object
#   avgRowLen
sub estimateWastedSpace
    my $status = 'false';
        # If we are talking to a new OMS, use the total segment size
        # rather than the blocks below HWM.
        if ($oldOMS == 0)
            $blocks = $segTotalBytes / $blockSize;
        #-- Can't do anything if row length unknown.
        #    print ("avgRowLen " . $avgRowLen . "\n");
        if ($avgRowLen == 0)
            return 0;

        #-- Estimate how much space is needed to store the object
        #-- and compare with allocated space to determine wasted space
        #-- block header bytes is calculated as
        #--   kcbh + ub4 + ktbbh + (initrans - 1) * ktbit + kdbh
        #--      where kcbh (20), ub4 (4), ktbbh (48), ktbit (24)
        #--      and kdbh (14) come from v$type_size
        #--   blockHeaderInBytes = 86 + (initrans * 24).
        my $blockHeaderInBytes = 86 + ($initrans * 24);

        #-- Use PCTFREE to calculate the space in a block that can
        #-- be used to insert new rows.
        my $spaceInBlock = floor(($blockSize - $blockHeaderInBytes)
                                    * (1.0 - ($pctFree/100.0)));
        #    printf ("blocksize %f blockheader \n", $blockSize, $blockHeaderInBytes);
        #    printf ("space in block %f\n", $spaceInBlock);

        #-- Calculate the number of rows that will fit in a block
        #-- and the blocks needed to fit all the rows.
        my $numRowsPerBlock = floor($spaceInBlock/$avgRowLen);
        #    printf ("num rows per block %f\n", $numRowsPerBlock);
        if ($numRowsPerBlock < 1)
            $numRowsPerBlock = 1;
        my $blocksNeeded = ceil($numRows/$numRowsPerBlock);
        #    printf("numrows %f\n", $numRows);
        #    printf("blocks %f\n", $blocks);
        #    printf("blocks needed %f\n", $blocksNeeded);

        #-- Compare to allocated blocks to get potential waste
        $wastedSpacePct = (($blocks - $blocksNeeded)/($blocks*1.0)) * 100.0;
        #    printf("gaylen wasted space %f\n", $wastedSpacePct);

        if ($wastedSpacePct > $wasteMinValue)
            #print "Gaylen ";
            $status = 'true';
    # catch
    if ($@)

    return $status;

# objSpaceUsage
# Get object space usage information using dbms_space.object_space_usage.
# Uses parent scope input values
#   spaceCsr        - cursor for space_usage call
#   wasteMinValue   - minimum wasted space % to return result for table
#   owner           - object owner
#   objectName      - object name
#   segTypeStr      - table, table partition, or table subpartition
#   partName        - partition name
#   blocks          - number of blocks allocated to object
# Sets parent scope output values
#   wastedSpacePct  -- % space wasted below HWM
# Returns 'true' if the object has wasted space, 'false' if not.
sub objSpaceUsage
    my $spaceUsed;
    my $outAlloc;
    my $status = 'false';

        #print "object=" . $owner . $objectName . " type=" . $objectType;

        $spaceCsr->bind_param_inout(":used", \$spaceUsed, 25);
        $spaceCsr->bind_param_inout(":allocated", \$outAlloc, 25);


        #print ($objectName . " alloc=" . $outAlloc . " spaceused="
        #            . $spaceUsed . "index=" . $segName . "\n");

        # Print results
        #print "spaceused - $spaceUsed allocated = $bytesAllocated\n"; 
        if ($bytesAllocated != 0 && $spaceUsed != 0)
            $wastedSpacePct = (1.0 - $spaceUsed/$bytesAllocated) * 100;
            #print "objspc % " . $wastedSpacePct . "\n";
            if ($wastedSpacePct > $wasteMinValue)
                #print "ObjSpc ";
                $status = 'true';
    # catch
    if ($@)

    return $status;

# printWasteOutput
# We have found an object that needs to be added to the output.
# Print a row of data for the current object.
# Uses parent scope values for
#   owner           - object owner
#   objectName      - object name
#   objectType      - table, table partition, or table subpartition
#   partName
#   tablespace
#   bytesAllocated
#   wastedSpacePct
#   segmentType     - segment type code, e.g. SEG_TABLE
# Format of output row is | delimited string
# NOTE: This must match code in UI
#           oracle.sysman.emo.util.stgAdv.*
#   displayName|segmentType|tablespace|problemType(always 1)|
#       . recommendation|supporting parameters
# displayName is a ; separated concatenation of
#       object type;schema;object name;partition name;lob column
# segmentType is a code - see segment type codes above
# tablespace is a tablespace name
# problem type = 1 for wasted space
# recommendation = 1 for shrink
#                  2 for reorig
#                  3 for shrink or reorg
#   The supporting parameters are a ; separated list of values supporting
#   the recommendation.  They consist of the following:
#       %wastedSpace below HWM;     (valid if old oms)
#       MB unused below HWM;        (valid if old oms)
#       MB allocated below HWM;     (valid if old oms)
#       %wastedSpace in segment;    (valid if new oms)
#       MB unused space in segment; (valid if new oms)
#       MB allocated to segment;    (valid if new oms)
#       MB reclaimable space in segment (valid if new oms)
#   Old OMS's display the wasted space below the HWM.  Newer OMS's display the 
#   total wasted space in the segment, including the unused blocks above the 
#   HWM.  We will only calculate one set of values and leave the others at 0,
#   depending on the OMS we're talking to.
sub printWasteOutput()
    # Behave like the server.  If the wastedSpacePct < 1, don't return
    # a result.
    if ($wastedSpacePct < 1.0)
    my $wastedBytes = $bytesAllocated * $wastedSpacePct/100.0;

    my $shrinkable = verifyShrink($wastedBytes);
    if ($shrinkable == 0)
    $wasteCount = $wasteCount + 1;

    # my $package;
    # my $filename;
    # my $line;
    # ($package,$filename,$line) = caller;
    # print "LINE " . $line . "\n";

    my $recommendation = 0; #-- Recommendations for fixing problem
                            #-- bitwise OR of S_SHRINK and S_REORG

    # Figure out what we should recommend to fix the problem.
    if ($isASSM && $db_version >= 10 && $shrinkSegType == 1
        && $compat10i == 1)
        $recommendation = $S_SHRINK;
    $recommendation = $recommendation + $S_REORG;
    # Calculate MB unused and MB allocated
    my $mbAlloc = $bytesAllocated / 1048576.0;
    my $mbUnused = $wastedBytes / 1048576.0;
    # For old OMS's, the values are below HWM
    # For new OMS's, the values are over the entire segment
    # old OMS's use the first 3 values,
    # new OMS's use the last 4 values.
    my $supportVals;
    $supportVals = sprintf("%d;%.2f;%.2f;%d;%.2f;%.2f;%.2f", 
                            $wastedSpacePct, $mbUnused, $mbAlloc,
                            $wastedSpacePct, $mbUnused, $mbAlloc, $mbUnused);

    my $displayName = getSegDisplayName();
    my $result = "em_result=$displayName|$segmentType|$tablespace|"
                 . $WASTED_SPACE
                 . "|" . $recommendation
                 . "|" . $supportVals . "\n";

    EMD_PERL_DEBUG("wastedSpace - $result");
    print $result;

# analyzeRowChaining
# Analyze the object for row chaining
# Input: tablespace
sub analyzeRowChaining($)
    my ($tablespace) = @_;

    if ($objErrCount > $maxObjErrors)

    # punt if we don't have statistics
    if ((defined($numRows) && $numRows == 0 ) || $chainCnt == 0)

    # print $objectName . " chaincnt " . $chainCnt . "/" . $numRows . "\n";
    my $rowChainPct = floor(($chainCnt/$numRows)*100);
    # print "    % " . $rowChainPct . "\n";
    if ($rowChainPct >= $rcMinValue)
# printRowChainOutput
# We have found an object that needs to be added to the output.
# Print a row of data for the current object.
# Input
#   rowChainPct
# Uses parent scope values for
#   owner           - object owner
#   objectType      - table, table partition, or table subpartition
#   partName
#   tablespace
#   chainCnt
#   numRows
#   segmentType     - segment type code, e.g. SEG_TABLE
# Format of output row is | delimited string
# NOTE: This must match code in UI
#           oracle.sysman.emo.util.stgAdv.*
#   displayName|segmentType|tablespace|problemType(always 1)|
#       . recommendation|%wastedSpace;MB unused;MB allocated
# display name is a ; separated concatenation of
#       object type;schema;object name;partition name;lob column
# segmentType is a code - see segment type codes above
# tablespace is a tablespace name
# problem type = 2 for row chaining
# recommendation = 2 for reorig
# last value is a ; separated list of supporting data to display in
#   the problem description - %row chained;#chained rows;#total rows
sub printRowChainOutput()
    $rcCount = $rcCount + 1;

    my ($rcPct) = @_;
    my $recommendation = 0; #-- Recommendations for fixing problem
                            #-- bitwise OR of S_SHRINK and S_REORG

    # We will always recommend reorg since nothing else fixes row chaining
    $recommendation = $S_REORG;

    # Supporting data is row chain%, # rows chained, #rows
    my $supportVals = $rcPct . ";" . $chainCnt . ";" . $numRows;

    my $displayName = getSegDisplayName();

    #-- The 1 after segment type is the problem code for wasted space.
    my $result = "em_result=$displayName|$segmentType|$tablespace|"
                 . $ROW_CHAINING
                 . "|" . $recommendation
                 . "|" . $supportVals . "\n";

    EMD_PERL_DEBUG("rowChain - $result");
    print $result;

# getBytesAllocated
# Set the number of bytes under the high water mark, and total bytes
# allocated to the segment.
# If we are talking to an old OMS, 
#   return bytes under HWM
# else
#   return total segment bytes
# Uses parent scope values for
#   owner           - object owner
#   objectType      - table, table partition, or table subpartition
#   partName
#   tablespace
#   chainCnt
#   numRows
# Sets
#   bytesUnderHWM
#   segTotalBytes
# NOTE: Do NOT use seg$.blocks.  It does not always contain the size of
#       the segment.
sub getBytesAllocated()
    my $totalBlocks = 0;
    my $totalBytes = 0;
    my $unusedBlocks = 0;
    my $unusedBytes = 0;
    my $lastFileID;
    my $lastBlockID;
    my $lastUsedBlock;
        #     print ("unused space: " . $owner . "." . "objName=<"
        #            . $objectName . "> segName=<" . $segName
        #            . "> partName=<" . $partName .
        #            "> type=" . $segTypeStr . "\n");

        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":totalBlocks", \$totalBlocks, 25);
        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":totalBytes", \$totalBytes, 25);
        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":unusedBlocks", \$unusedBlocks, 25);
        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":unusedBytes", \$unusedBytes, 25);
        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":lastFileID", \$lastFileID, 25);
        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":lastBlockID", \$lastBlockID, 25);
        $unusedSpcCsr->bind_param_inout(":lastBlock", \$lastUsedBlock, 25);

    #    print ($objectName . " " . ($totalBytes - $unusedBytes) . " " . " totalBytes=" . $totalBytes
    #           . " unusedBytes=" . $unusedBytes
    #           . " lastBlock " . $lastUsedBlock . "\n\n\n");

    # catch
    if ($@)

    # #bytes underHWM = total bytes allocated to table
    #                   - unformatted bytes (above HWM)
    #                   - 1 block for overhead (segment map)
    $bytesUnderHWM = $totalBytes - $unusedBytes - $blockSize;
    $segTotalBytes = $totalBytes;
    #print("segTotal=$segTotalBytes underHWM=$bytesUnderHWM unused=$unusedBytes\n");
    if ($oldOMS == 1)   
        return $bytesUnderHWM;
        return $segTotalBytes;
# spaceUsage
# For ASSM tablespaces in 9i databases, use dbms_space.space_usage
# to estimate the amount of unused space.
# Parent scope input:
#   $owner
#   $objectName
#   $segTypeStr
# Returns 'true' if the object has wasted space, 'false' if not.
sub spaceUsage()
    my $status = 'false';

    my $ubl;
    my $uby;
    my $fs1bl;
    my $fs1by;
    my $fs2bl;
    my $fs2by;
    my $fs3bl;
    my $fs3by;
    my $fs4bl;
    my $fs4by;
    my $flbl;
    my $flby;
    my $usedSpace;

        #print "spaceUsage - object=" . $owner . "." . $objectName
        #       . " segname=" . $segName . " type=" . $objectType . "\n";

        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":ubl", \$ubl, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":uby", \$uby, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs1bl", \$fs1bl, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs1by", \$fs1by, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs2bl", \$fs2bl, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs2by", \$fs2by, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs3bl", \$fs3bl, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs3by", \$fs3by, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs4bl", \$fs4bl, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":fs4by", \$fs4by, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":flbl", \$flbl, 25);
        $spcUsgCsr->bind_param_inout(":flby", \$flby, 25);

        # The values returned in fs<x>by values represent a range.
        # fs1by = # of bytes with 0-25% free space,
        # fs2by = 25-50% free space, etc. We will take the lower end of
        # the range to avoid giving spurious reorg recommendations.
        # print ("1 - " . $fs1by . "\n");
        # print ("2 - " . $fs2by . "\n");
        # print ("3 - " . $fs3by . "\n");
        # print ("4 - " . $fs4by . "\n");
        # print ("full - " . $flby . "\n");
        # print ("allocated - " . $bytesAllocated . "\n");
        # For IOT segments and lob segments, only use full bytes
        # - Bug #3202112
        # Note that iot segments are handled differently and their 
        # segment type codes are for TABLE rather than INDEX.  We need
        # to know if it's an index segment, so compare the segment type
        # string.
        if (($segTypeStr eq 'INDEX')
            || ($segTypeStr eq 'INDEX PARTITION')
            || ($segmentType == $SEG_LOBCOL)
            || ($segmentType == $SEG_LOB_PART))
            $usedSpace = $flby;
            $usedSpace = $fs1by + $fs2by * .75 + $fs3by * .50 + 
                         $fs4by * .25 + $flby;

        #print ($objectName . " alloc=" . $bytesAllocated . " spaceused="
        #      . $usedSpace . "\n");

        # Print results
        if ($bytesAllocated != 0)
            $wastedSpacePct = 
                        ($bytesAllocated-$usedSpace)/$bytesAllocated * 100;
            #print ("wasted space pct " . $wastedSpacePct . "\n");
            if ($wastedSpacePct > $wasteMinValue)
                #print "spcUsage ";
                $status = 'true';
    # catch
    if ($@)

    return $status;

# freeBlocks
# Get wasted space information using dbms_space.free_blocks.
# Use only for < 10i MSSM lob segments
# Uses parent scope input values
#   freeBlocksCsr   - cursor for free_blocks call
#   wasteMinValue   - minimum wasted space % to return result for table
#   owner           - object owner
#   segName         - lob segment name
#   segTypeStr      - table, table partition, or table subpartition
#   partName        - partition name
# Sets parent scope output values
#   wastedSpacePct  -- % space wasted below HWM
# Returns 'true' if the object has wasted space, 'false' if not.
sub freeBlocks()
    my $freeBlocks;
    my $allFreeBlocks = 0;
    my $status = 'false';
    my $i;
        # If we are talking to a new OMS, we also need the space above
        # the HWM to be reported as unused space.
        if ($oldOMS == 0)
            $allFreeBlocks = ($segTotalBytes - $bytesUnderHWM) / $blockSize;
        #print "object=$owner.$objectName type=$objectType\n";

        # seg$.groups can return 0
        if ($groups == 0)
            $groups = 1;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $groups; $i++)
            $freeBlocksCsr->bind_param(":owner", $owner);
            $freeBlocksCsr->bind_param(":segName", $segName);
            $freeBlocksCsr->bind_param(":segType", $segTypeStr);
            $freeBlocksCsr->bind_param(":freelist_group", $i);
                                    ":free_blocks", \$freeBlocks, 25);
            #print "$i freeBlocks $freeBlocks $allFreeBlocks\n";
            $allFreeBlocks = $allFreeBlocks + $freeBlocks;

        # Print results
        $wastedSpacePct = $allFreeBlocks*$blockSize/$bytesAllocated * 100;
        if ($wastedSpacePct > $wasteMinValue)
            #print "freeBlocks $allFreeBlocks allocated $bytesAllocated\n";
            $status = 'true';
    # catch
    if ($@)

    return $status;
# handleObjErr
# Print an exception to the log and the agent output
# Input: exception
sub handleObjErr()
    my ($exc) = @_;

    # If we had lots of segment errors, don't report them all
    $objErrCount = $objErrCount + 1;
    # print STDERR $objErrCount . " " . $maxObjErrors . "\n" ;
    if ($objErrCount == $maxObjErrors)
        my $errStr = "em_error=Error limit exceeded\n";
        print STDERR $errStr;

    elsif ($objErrCount < $maxObjErrors)
        # SQL exceptions may have newlines.  Get rid of them so the agent
        # isn't confused.
        $exc =~ s/\n/ /g;

        my $errName = getSegDisplayName();
        my $errMsg = "em_error=" . $segTypeStr . ": <" . $errName
                     . "> " . $exc . "\n";
        print STDERR $errMsg;
# printEndData
# Print a result line so old data will be purged.  This fixes a problem
# where no data is generated by a sample and the purge trigger never fires.
# Input: checksEnabled 'true' if any checks are being done, 'false' otherwise
# Format of output row is | delimited string
# NOTE: This must match code in UI
#           oracle.sysman.emo.util.stgAdv.*
#   displayName|segmentType|tablespace|problemType(always 1)|
#       . recommendation|data
#   For this end of sample string we will set the
#   displayName to "wastedSpaceEOF"
#   and the data to checksEnabled
sub printEndData($)
    my ($checksEnabled) = @_;

    my $res = "em_result=wastedSpaceEOF|0|0|0|0|" . $checksEnabled . "\n";

    print $res;
# getSegDisplayName
# Form the display name for output.
# The display name is a "." separated concatenation of
#       object type
#       .schema
#       .object name
#       .partition name
#       .iot overflow name
#       .lob column
#       .index name
#       .lob partition name
# NOTE: This must match code in UI
#           oracle.sysman.emo.util.stgAdv.DBObject
sub getSegDisplayName()
    my $name;

    # If the object is an IOT overflow segment, we can't reorganize it
    # independent of the parent table.  For the display name, use the
    # table name instead of the overflow name.
    # If the segment is an iot partition segment, we have to reorganize
    # and shrink the table partition segment rather than the index partition
    # segment, so send the table instead of the index as the object.
    if (defined($iotName) && $iotName ne "")
        $name = $iotName;
        $name = $objectName;

    $name = $objectType . "." . $owner . "." . $name;

    # Add partition name
    $name = $name . ".";
    if ($partName ne "")
        $name = $name . $partName;

    # Append the segment name
    # For IOT partitions, we don't want the segment name to show up
    # since reorg and shrink want the table name, not the index name.
    # The dbms_space functions in 9i can't handle the table name.
    $name = $name . ".";
    if ($segName ne "" && $segTypeStr ne 'INDEX PARTITION')
        $name = $name . $segName;

    # If lob, append the lob column name
    $name = $name . ".";
    if ($lobCol ne "")
        $name = $name . $lobCol;

    # Add lob partition name in segPartName.
    $name = $name . ".";
    if ($segPartName ne "")
        $name = $name . $segPartName;

    return $name;

# getCompat
# If this is a 10i db, determine whether shrink is applicable.
# Has to have compatible = or higher.
# return 1 if compatible with 10i, 0 otherwise.
sub getCompat()
    # Query to get db compatible param
    # Shrink is only applicable to 10i databases with compatible 
    # set to
    my $getCompatible_sql =
            "SELECT value FROM v\$parameter WHERE name = 'compatible'";
    my $compatible = 0;
    if ($db_version >= 10)
        my $compatCsr = $db->prepare($getCompatible_sql)
                        or die "Can't prepare getCompatible: $DBI::errstr";
        $compatCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
        my $compatValue = 9;
        my @compatRow;
        if (@compatRow = $compatCsr->fetchrow_array)
            $compatValue = $compatRow[0];
            ($compatValue) = split(/\./, $compatValue);
            if ($compatValue >= 10)
                $compatible = 1;
    return $compatible;

# getPrivs
# Determine if our user has enough privs to do the checks.  Exit if not.
# input - dbhandle
sub getPrivs($)
    my ($dbHandle) = @_;
    # Query to determine session privs
    # We need ANALYZE ANY priv to do the check.
    my $getPrivs_sql =
            "SELECT 1 FROM session_privs WHERE privilege = 'ANALYZE ANY'";
    my $privCsr = $dbHandle->prepare($getPrivs_sql)
                  or die "Can't get session privileges: $DBI::errstr";
    $privCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
    my $hasPrivs = 0;
    my @privRow;
    if (@privRow = $privCsr->fetchrow_array)
        $hasPrivs = 1;

    if ($hasPrivs == 0)
        my $errMsg = "User " . $username
                     . " does not have the required privileges.  "
                     . "Enable the OEM_MONITOR role.\n";

        die $errMsg;
# getAnalyzeSYS
# Return 1 if we are able to analyze objects owned by SYS, 0 if not.
# We need the 'analyze any dictionary' in order to do the check.
# input - dbhandle
# return - 1 if we have analyze any dictionary, 0 otherwise
sub getAnalyzeSYS($)
    my ($dbHandle) = @_;
    # analyze any dictionary only exists in 10i.
    if ($db_version < 10)
        return 0;
    # We need ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY priv to do the check.
    my $getPrivs_sql =
        "SELECT 1 FROM session_privs WHERE privilege = 'ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY'";
    my $privCsr = $dbHandle->prepare($getPrivs_sql)
                  or die "Can't get session privileges: $DBI::errstr";
    $privCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
    my $hasPrivs = 0;
    my @privRow;
    if (@privRow = $privCsr->fetchrow_array)
        $hasPrivs = 1;

    return $hasPrivs;

# printTime
# Print the current time to stdout
sub printTime()
    my $sec;    # second
    my $min;    # minute
    my $hour;   # hour
    my $mday;   # day of month
    my $mon;    # month 0-11 jan=0
    my $year;   # year since 1900
    my $wday;   # day of the week 0=Sunday
    my $yday;   # day of the year
    my $isdst;  # true if daylight savings

    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    print "time: " . $hour . ":" . $min . ":" . $sec . "\n";

# clearSegment
# Clear the segment data
sub clearSegment()
        $owner          = "";
        $objectName     = "";
        $objectType     = "";
        $segmentType    = "";
        $segTypeStr     = "";
        $segName        = "";
        $segPartName    = "";
        $partName       = "";
        $iotName        = "";
        $lobCol         = "";
        $pctFree        = 0;
        $initrans       = 0;
        $numRows        = 0;
        $blocks         = 0;
        $avgRowLen      = 0;
        $bytesAllocated = 0;
        $wastedSpacePct = 0;
        $chainCnt       = 0;
        $shrinkSegType  = 1;
        $initExtent     = 0;
        $groups         = 1;
        $segTotalBytes  = 0;
        $nextExtent     = 0;
        $pctIncrease    = 0;

# startTiming
# Start timer - Prints the start time and starts timing a function, keyed
#               by the description text.
#               The list of timers is keyed by the description text, one timer
#               per description.
# Input
#   desc    Text describing function being timed
#           Used as hash key for list of timer.
my %timers;
sub startTiming($)
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 0)
    my ($desc) = @_;

    print $desc . " START ";

    $timers{$desc} = time();
# endTiming
# End timer - Prints the current time and the elapsed time since
#             startTiming was called. Description text is used as
#             a key to find the appropriate timer in the list of timers.
# Input
#   desc    Text describing function being timed
#           Used as hash key for timer
sub endTiming($)
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 0)
    my ($desc) = @_;

    my $elapsedTime = time() - $timers{$desc};
    print $desc . " END : ELAPSED = " . $elapsedTime . " ";

# getTablespaceInfo
# Populate the tsInfo hash
# Hash key is tablespace name
# Also form the inASSMClause
# Resets the inClause to include only valid tablespaces
# Returns number of valid tablespaces
sub getTablespaceInfo()
    # Query to get tablespace info
    #-- Returns 0 - ts#
    #           1 - tablespace name
    #--         2 - extent_management (DICTIONARY or LOCAL)
    #--         3 - segment_space_management (AUTO or MANUAL)
    #--         4 - block size
    my $getTablespaces_sql =
        "SELECT ts#, "      # -- from dba_tablespaces
        .     "ts.name, "
        .     "DECODE(ts.bitmapped, 0, 'DICTIONARY', 'LOCAL'), "
        .     "DECODE(bitand(ts.flags,32), 32,'AUTO', 'MANUAL'), "
        .     "blocksize "
        . "FROM sys.ts\$ ts "
        . "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause
        .   "AND ts.contents\$ = 0 "    # -- Must be PERMANENT tablespace
        .   "AND BITAND(ts.flags, 16) != 16 "  # -- not UNDO tablespace
        .   "AND ts.online\$ = 1";       # -- Must be ONLINE

    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getTablespaces_sql . "\n");

    my $getTSCsr = $db->prepare($getTablespaces_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getTablespaceInfo: $DBI::errstr";
    $getTSCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
    my @tsRow;

    $hasASSM = 0;
    $inASSMClause = '';
    while (@tsRow = $getTSCsr->fetchrow_array)
        my $tsName = $tsRow[1];
        # populate hash table, key is tablespace name
        my $isASSM = 0;
        if ($tsRow[2] eq 'LOCAL'
            && $tsRow[3] eq 'AUTO')
            $isASSM = 1;
            if ($hasASSM == 0)
                $hasASSM = 1;
                $inASSMClause = "IN('$tsName'";
                $inASSMClause = "$inASSMClause,'$tsName'";
        my $tsRec = { TSNUM =>  $tsRow[0],
                      TSASSM => $isASSM,
                      TSBLK =>  $tsRow[4],
        $tsInfo{$tsName} = $tsRec;
        #print ("TABLESPACE $tsRow[1] assm=" . $tsInfo{$tsRow[1]}->{TSASSM} 
        #       . " blocks=" . $tsRow[4] . "\n");

    if ($hasASSM)
        $inASSMClause = "$inASSMClause) "
    # If a specified tablespace is not valid, log a warning
    # Form a new inClause with only valid tablespaces
    my $ts;
    $inClause = 'IN(';
    my $first = 1;
    my $tsCount = 0;
    foreach $ts (@tsnames)
        my $valid = $tsInfo{$ts};
        if ($valid == '')
            EMD_PERL_WARN ("Segment Findings - $ts not checked. Valid tablespace must be permanent, online, read/write, and not an UNDO tablespace\n");
        elsif ($first == 0)
            $inClause = $inClause . ',' . "'" . $ts . "'";
            $tsCount = $tsCount + 1;
            $inClause = $inClause . "'" . $ts . "'";
            $first = 0;
            $tsCount = $tsCount + 1;
    $inClause = $inClause . ') ';
    EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("$inClause\n");
    return $tsCount;

# processAllTables
sub processAllTables()
    #-- Get the tables in the tablespaces
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table_name
    #--         2 - tablespace_name
    #--         3 - pctFree
    #--         4 - iniTrans
    #--         5 - numRows
    #--         6 - blocks
    #--         7 - avg_row_len
    #--         8 - iot_name
    #--         9 - initial_extent
    #--        10 - current next extent size
    #--        11 - pctIncrease
    my $getTables_sql =
        # Select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, pct_free,
        #       ini_trans, num_rows, blocks, avg_row_len, iot_name
        #       initial_extent
        # for all table segments in a list of tablespaces
        #   Table not in cluster, not nested, not temporary, not iot,
        #         not in recycle bin, not typed table, not external table,
        #         not partitioned
        #   If not applicable, ignore tables owned by SYS
        "SELECT /*+ USE_NL (t) USE_NL (s) */ "
        .        "u.name owner, "
        .        "o.name table_name, "
        .        "ts.name tablespace_name, "
        .        "DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 32 + 64), 0, MOD(t.pctfree\$, 100), 64, 0) pct_free, "
        .        "DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 32), 0, t.initrans, 0) ini_trans, "
        .        "t.rowcnt num_rows, "
        .        "DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 64), 0, t.blkcnt, 0) blocks, "
        .        "NVL(t.avgrln, 0) avg_row_len, "
        .        "DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 512) + BITAND(t.flags, 536870912), "
        .               "0, '', co.name) iot_name, "
        .        "s.iniexts * ts.blocksize initial_extent, "
        .        "s.extsize * ts.blocksize, "
        .        "s.extpct "
        .     "FROM sys.ts\$ ts, sys.tab\$ t, sys.user\$ u, sys.obj\$ o, sys.obj\$ co, "
        .          "sys.seg\$ s "
        .     "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause
        .       "AND t.ts# = ts.ts# "
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 4194400) = 0 "    # -- Not IOT, partitioned, or temp
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 2147483648) = 0 " # -- Not external
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 1024) = 0 "       # -- not in cluster
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 8388608) = 0 "    # -- not session temp
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 "     # -- not AQ table
        .       "AND DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 8192), 8192, 1, DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 1), "
        .           "0, 0, 1)) = 0 "            # -- not nested, typed table
        .       "AND o.owner# = u.user# "
        .       "AND s.user# = o.owner# "
        .       "AND s.user# = u.user# "
        .       "AND t.ts# = s.ts# "
        .       "AND t.file# = s.file# "
        .       "AND t.block# = s.block# "
        .       "AND o.obj# = t.obj# "
        .       "AND t.bobj# = co.obj#(+) ";
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getTables_sql = $getTables_sql 
            .      "and  u.name != 'SYS' ";
        $getTables_sql = $getTables_sql
        .       "AND BITAND(o.flags, 128) = 0 "     # -- not dropped
        .       "AND BITAND(s.spare1, 65536) = 0 "; # -- IOT OF not dropped
    my @fetch_row;
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getTables_sql . "\n");
    my $getTablesCsr = $db->prepare($getTables_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getTables: $DBI::errstr";
    $getTablesCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
    # Loop over all tables
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    $segTypeStr = 'TABLE';
    $partName = "";
    my $tabStart = $segCount;
    while (@fetch_row = $getTablesCsr->fetchrow_array)

        $segmentType = $SEG_TABLE;
        my $status;

        # Get data for one table
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[2];
        $pctFree        = $fetch_row[3];
        $initrans       = $fetch_row[4];
        $numRows        = $fetch_row[5];
        $blocks         = $fetch_row[6];
        $avgRowLen      = $fetch_row[7];
        $iotName        = $fetch_row[8];
        $initExtent     = $fetch_row[9];
        $nextExtent     = $fetch_row[10];
        $pctIncrease    = $fetch_row[11];

        #EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf analyzing object $owner $objectName $objectType\n");
        #print STDERR ("StgPerf analyzing table $owner $objectName $tablespace\n");

        #print "$owner $objectName $tablespace $pctFree $initrans $numRows \n";
        #print "$blocks $avgRowLen \n";

        # Check for wasted space
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true' )

        $iotName = "";

    } # loop over all tables
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print "TABLE COUNT " . ($segCount - $tabStart) . "\n";

# processAllIOTs
# Check IOTs for problems
sub processAllIOTs()
    # We don't try to estimate wasted space for IOTs
    if ($hasASSM == 0 && $db_version < 10)

    #-- Query to get the IOT's
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table_name
    #--         2 - index_name
    #--         3 - tablespace_name
    #--         4 - initial_extent
    #--         5 - current next extent size
    #--         6 - pctIncrease
    my $getIOTs_sql =
        # Select owner, table_name, index_name, 
        #        tablespace_name, initial_extent
        # for all iot segments in a list of tablespaces
        #   Table not in cluster, not nested, not temporary
        #         not in recycle bin, not typed table, not external table
        #         not partitioned
        #   If not applicable, ignore tables owned by SYS
        "SELECT /*+ ORDERED INDEX (o i_obj1) INDEX (io i_obj1) */ "
        .      "u.name owner, io.name table_name, o.name index_name, ts.name "
        .      "tablespace_name, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize initial_extent, "
        .      "s.extsize * ts.blocksize, "
        .      "s.extpct "
        .   "FROM sys.ind\$ i, sys.ts\$ ts, sys.tab\$ t, sys.obj\$ io, "
        .        "sys.obj\$ o, sys.user\$ u, sys.seg\$ s ";
        if ($db_version < 10)
            $getIOTs_sql = $getIOTs_sql 
            .   "WHERE ts.name " . $inASSMClause;
            $getIOTs_sql = $getIOTs_sql 
            .   "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause;
        $getIOTs_sql = $getIOTs_sql 
        .     "AND i.type# = 4 "                # iot top
        .     "AND i.ts# = ts.ts# " 
        .     "AND i.bo# = io.obj# "
        .     "AND i.bo# = t.obj# "
        .     "AND io.obj# = t.obj# "
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 1) = 0 "  # not typed table
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 1024) = 0 " # not in cluster
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 8192) = 0 " # not nested table
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 " # -- not AQ table
        .     "AND BITAND(i.flags, 4096) = 0 "  # not fake internal
        .     "AND BITAND(i.property, 1) = 1 "  # unique index
        .     "AND BITAND(i.property, 2) = 0 "  # not partitioned
        .     "AND BITAND(i.property, 32) = 0 " # not temp table index
        .     "AND o.obj# = i.obj# "
        .     "AND io.type# = 2 "               # base object is table
        .     "AND BITAND(io.flags, 2) = 0 "    # table not temporary
        .     "AND BITAND(io.flags, 128) = 0 "  # table not dropped
        .     "AND i.file# = s.file# "
        .     "AND i.block# = s.block# "
        .     "AND i.ts# = s.ts# "
        .     "AND s.user# = o.owner# "
        .     "AND s.user# = io.owner# "
        .     "AND u.user# = o.owner# "
        .     "AND io.owner# = o.owner# ";
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getIOTs_sql = $getIOTs_sql 
            .     "AND u.user# != 0 "
            .     "AND o.owner# != 0 "
            .     "AND io.owner# != 0 ";

    # Get the IOTs in a tablespace

    EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf processing IOTs in $tablespace \n");
    #        print ("StgPerf processing IOTs in $tablespace \n");
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getIOTs_sql . "\n");
    my $getIOTCsr = $db->prepare($getIOTs_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getIOTs: $DBI::errstr";
    $getIOTCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;

    # Loop over all IOTs
    my @fetch_row;
    my $iotCount = 0;
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    $segTypeStr = 'INDEX';
    $segmentType = $SEG_TABLE;

    my $iotStart = $segCount;
    while (@fetch_row = $getIOTCsr->fetchrow_array)

        # Get data for one iot
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $segName        = $fetch_row[2];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[3];
        $initExtent     = $fetch_row[4];
        $nextExtent     = $fetch_row[5];
        $pctIncrease    = $fetch_row[6];

        #print ("StgPerf analyzing IOT $owner.$objectName.$partName.$objectType $segTotalBytes\n");
        # Check for wasted space
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')

    } # loop over all iots
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print "IOT COUNT " . ($segCount - $iotStart) . "\n";

# processAllTabParts
# Check table partitions for problems
sub processAllTabParts()
    # Query to get the table partitions
    #-- Get the table partitions
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table_name
    #--         2 - tablespace_name
    #--         3 - pctFree
    #--         4 - iniTrans
    #--         5 - numRows
    #--         6 - blocks
    #--         7 - avg_row_len
    #--         8 - partition_name
    #--         9 - initial_extent
    #--        10 - iot_name
    #--        11 - current next extent size
    #--        12 - pctIncrease
    my $getTablesParts_sql =
        # Select owner, table_name, tablespace_name,
        #        pct_free, initrans, rowcnt, blkcnt, avgrln,
        #        partition_name, initial_extent, iot_name
        # for all table partitions in a list of tablespaces
        #   Table not in cluster, not nested, not temporary, not iot
        #         not in recycle bin, not typed table, not external table
        #   If not applicable, ignore tables owned by SYS
        # Note: Temporary tables cannot be partitioned
        "SELECT u.name table_owner, "
        .        "o.name table_name, "
        .        "ts.name tablespace_name, "
        .        "tp.pctfree\$ pct_free, "
        .        "tp.initrans, "
        .        "NVL(tp.rowcnt, 0), "
        .        "NVL(tp.blkcnt, 0), "
        .        "NVL(tp.avgrln, 0), "
        .        "o.subname, "
        .        "s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, "
        .        "decode((bitand(t.property, 512)+bitand(t.flags, 536870912)), "
        .               "0, null, co.name) iot_name, "
        .        "s.extsize * ts.blocksize, "
        .        "s.extpct "
        .  "FROM sys.obj\$ o, sys.tabpart\$ tp, sys.ts\$ ts, "
        .       "sys.seg\$ s, sys.user\$ u, "
        .       "sys.tab\$ t, sys.obj\$ co "
        .  "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause
        .     "AND o.obj# = tp.obj# "
        .     "AND ts.ts# = tp.ts# "
        .     "AND tp.bo# = t.obj# "
        .     "AND u.user# = o.owner# "
        .     "AND tp.file# = s.file# "
        .     "AND tp.block# = s.block# "
        .     "AND tp.ts# = s.ts# "
        .     "AND t.bobj# = co.obj#(+) "
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 32) = 32 "      # -- partitioned
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 8192) = 0 "     # -- not nested
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 64) = 0 "       # -- not iot
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 1024) = 0 "     # -- not in cluster
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 "   # -- not AQ table
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 1) = 0 ";       # -- not typed table
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getTablesParts_sql = $getTablesParts_sql 
                .     "AND u.user# != 0 "
        $getTablesParts_sql = $getTablesParts_sql 
        .     "AND BITAND(s.spare1, 65536) = 0 ";   # -- not dropped

    # Get the table partitions

    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getTablesParts_sql . "\n");
    my $getTabPartCsr = $db->prepare($getTablesParts_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getTableParts: $DBI::errstr";
    $getTabPartCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;


    # Loop over all table partitions
    my @fetch_row;
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    $segTypeStr = 'TABLE PARTITION';

    my $tpStart = $segCount;
    while (@fetch_row = $getTabPartCsr->fetchrow_array)
        $segmentType = $SEG_TABLE_PART;

        # Get data for one partition
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[2];
        $pctFree        = $fetch_row[3];
        $initrans       = $fetch_row[4];
        $numRows        = $fetch_row[5];
        $blocks         = $fetch_row[6];
        $avgRowLen      = $fetch_row[7];
        $partName       = $fetch_row[8];
        $initExtent     = $fetch_row[9];
        $iotName        = $fetch_row[10];
        $nextExtent     = $fetch_row[11];
        $pctIncrease    = $fetch_row[12];

        #print ("StgPerf analyzing object $owner.$objectName.$partName.$objectType\n");
        # Check for wasted space
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')
    } # loop over all table partitions
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print "TABPART COUNT " . ($segCount - $tpStart) . "\n";

# processAllIOTParts
# Check IOT partitions for problems
sub processAllIOTParts()
    # We don't know how to estimate wasted space in iots.
    if ($hasASSM == 0 && $db_version < 10)

    # Get the IOT partitions in a tablespace
    #-- Get the IOT partitions in a tablespace
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table name
    #--         2 - index name
    #--         3 - IOT partition name
    #--         4 - tablespace name
    #--         5 - initial extent
    #--         6 - current next extent size
    #--         7 - pctIncrease
    my $getIotParts_sql =
        # Select owner, table_name, index_name,
        #        partition_name, tablespace_name, initial_extent
        # for all iot partition segments in a list of tablespaces
        #   Table not in cluster, not nested, 
        #         not in recycle bin, not typed table, not external table
        #   If not applicable, ignore tables owned by SYS
        # Note: Temporary tables cannot be partitioned
        "SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ "
        .     "u.name index_owner, "
        .     "bo.name table_name, "
        .     "io.name index_name, "
        .     "io.subname partition_name, "
        .     "ts.name tablespace_name, "
        .     "s.iniexts * ts.blocksize initial_extent, "
        .     "s.extsize * ts.blocksize, "
        .     "s.extpct "
        .   "FROM sys.indpart\$ ip, sys.ts\$ ts, sys.ind\$ i, sys.tab\$ t, "
        .         "sys.obj\$ io, sys.user\$ u, sys.obj\$ bo, sys.seg\$ s ";
        if ($db_version < 10)
            $getIotParts_sql = $getIotParts_sql 
            .     "WHERE ts.name " . $inASSMClause;
            $getIotParts_sql = $getIotParts_sql 
            .     "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause;
        $getIotParts_sql = $getIotParts_sql 
        .     "AND ts.ts# = ip.ts# "
        .     "AND ip.bo# = i.obj# "
        .     "AND i.type# = 4 "                  # -- iot top
        .     "AND BITAND(i.property, 2) = 2 "    # -- partitioned
        .     "AND BITAND(i.flags, 4096) = 0 "    # -- not fake internal
        .     "AND BITAND(i.property, 1) = 1 "    # -- unique index
        .     "AND t.obj# = i.bo# "
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 1) = 0 "      # -- not typed table
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 1024) = 0 "   # -- not in cluster
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 8192) = 0 "   # -- not nested table
        .     "AND BITAND(bo.flags, 128) = 0 "      # -- not dropped
        .     "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 " # -- not AQ table
        .     "AND t.obj# = bo.obj# "
        .     "AND io.obj# = ip.obj# "
        .     "AND i.bo# = bo.obj# "
        .     "AND ip.ts# = s.ts# "
        .     "AND ip.file# = s.file# "
        .     "AND ip.block# = s.block# "
        .     "AND io.owner# = bo.owner# "
        .     "AND s.user# = io.owner# "
        .     "AND s.user# = bo.owner# "
        .     "AND io.owner# = u.user# "
        .     "AND s.user# = u.user# "
        .     "AND bo.owner# = u.user# ";
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getIotParts_sql = $getIotParts_sql 
            .      "and  u.name != 'SYS' ";


    EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf processing IOT parts in $tablespace \n");
    #        print ("StgPerf processing IOT parts in $tablespace \n");
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getIotParts_sql . "\n");
    my $getIOTPartCsr = $db->prepare($getIotParts_sql)
                or die "Can't prepare getIOTParts: $DBI::errstr";
    $getIOTPartCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;


    # Loop over all IOT partitions
    my @fetch_row;
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    $segTypeStr = 'INDEX PARTITION';
    $segmentType = $SEG_TABLE_PART;

    my $iotPartStart = $segCount;
    while (@fetch_row = $getIOTPartCsr->fetchrow_array)

        # Get data for one iot partition
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $segName        = $fetch_row[2];
        $partName       = $fetch_row[3];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[4];
        $initExtent     = $fetch_row[5];
        $nextExtent     = $fetch_row[6];
        $pctIncrease    = $fetch_row[7];

        #EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf analyzing object $owner $objectName $objectType\n");
        #print ("StgPerf analyzing index partition $owner $objectName $partName\n");

        # Check for wasted space
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')

    } # loop over all iot partitions
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print "IOT PART COUNT " . ($segCount - $iotPartStart) . "\n";

# processAllLobs
# Check lob segments for problems
sub processAllLobs()
    # Query to get all lobs
    #-- Get the lob segments in a tablespace
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table name
    #--         2 - lob column name
    #--         3 - segment name
    #--         4 - tablespace_name
    #--         5 - initial extent
    #--         6 - freelist groups
    #--         7 - current next extent size
    #--         8 - pctIncrease
    my $getLobs_sql =
        # Select owner, table_name, lob column name,
        #        lob segment name, tablespace_name, initial_extent,
        #        freelist_groups
        # for all lob segments in a list of tablespaces
        #   Table not in cluster, not nested, not partitioned,
        #         not in recycle bin, not typed table, not external table
        #   If not applicable, ignore tables owned by SYS
        "SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ "
        .    "u.name owner, "
        .    "bo.name table_name, "
        .    "DECODE(BITAND(c.property, 1), 1, ac.name, c.name) column_name, "
        .    "lo.name segment_name, "
        .    "ts.name tablespace_name, "
        .    "s.iniexts * ts.blocksize initial_extent, "
        .    "s.groups, "
        .    "s.extsize * ts.blocksize, "
        .    "s.extpct "
        . "FROM sys.ts\$ ts, sys.lob\$ l, sys.col\$ c, sys.obj\$ bo, sys.obj\$ lo, "
        .      "sys.attrcol\$ ac, sys.user\$ u, sys.tab\$ t, sys.seg\$ s "
        . "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause
        .    "AND ts.ts# = l.ts# "
        .    "AND c.obj# = l.obj# "
        .    "AND lo.obj# = l.lobj# "
        .    "AND l.obj# = bo.obj# "
        .    "AND bo.obj# = c.obj# "
        .    "AND lo.type# = 21 "
        .    "AND c.intcol# = l.intcol# "
        .    "AND c.obj# = ac.obj#(+) "
        .    "AND c.intcol# = ac.intcol#(+) "
        .    "AND BITAND(c.property, 32768) != 32768 ";
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getLobs_sql = $getLobs_sql 
            .    "AND lo.owner# != 0 "
            .    "AND bo.owner# != 0 "
            .    "AND u.user# != 0 "
        $getLobs_sql = $getLobs_sql 
        .    "AND lo.owner# = bo.owner# "
        .    "AND lo.owner# = u.user# "
        .    "AND bo.owner# = u.user# "
        .    "AND t.obj# = bo.obj# "
        .    "AND BITAND(t.property, 32) = 0 "     # --  not partitioned
        .    "AND DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 8192), 8192, 1, "  # -- not nested
        .      "DECODE(BITAND(t.property, 1), 0, 0, 1)) = 0 "  # -- not typed table   
        .    "AND BITAND(t.property, 4194304) = 0 "            # -- Not temp
        .    "AND BITAND(t.property, 8388608) = 0 "            # -- not session temp
        .    "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 "             # -- not AQ table
        .    "AND s.user# = u.user# "
        .    "AND s.type# = 8 "
        .    "AND s.file# = l.file# "
        .    "AND s.block# = l.block# "
        .    "AND s.ts# = l.ts# "
        .    "AND s.ts# = ts.ts# "
        .    "AND BITAND(s.spare1, 65536) = 0 ";   # -- not dropped

    # Get the lobs

    EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf processing lobs in $tablespace \n");
    #        print ("StgPerf processing lobs in $tablespace \n");
    my $getLobCsr;
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getLobs_sql . "\n");
    $getLobCsr = $db->prepare($getLobs_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getLobs: $DBI::errstr";
    $getLobCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;


    # Loop over all lobs
    my @fetch_row;
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    $segTypeStr = 'LOB';
    $segmentType = $SEG_LOBCOL;
    my $lobStart = $segCount;
    while (@fetch_row = $getLobCsr->fetchrow_array)

        # Get data for one lob
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $lobCol         = $fetch_row[2];
        $segName        = $fetch_row[3];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[4];
        $initExtent     = $fetch_row[5];
        $groups         = $fetch_row[6];
        $nextExtent     = $fetch_row[7];
        $pctIncrease    = $fetch_row[8];

        #EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf analyzing object $owner $objectName $objectType\n");
        #print ("StgPerf analyzing lob $owner $objectName $segName \n");

        # Check for wasted space
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')

    } # loop over all lobs
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print "LOB COUNT " . ($segCount - $lobStart) . "\n";
# processAllLobParts
# Check lob partition segments for problems
sub processAllLobParts()
    # We can't use the dbms_space functions on lob partitions pre 10g.  
    # due to bug #2962980
    if ($db_version < 10)
    # Query to get lob partitions
    #-- Get the lob partition segments in a tablespace
    #--     No subpartitions
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table name
    #--         2 - lob column name
    #--         3 - lob segment name
    #--         4 - lob partition name
    #--         5 - table partition name
    #--         6 - tablespace name
    #--         7 - initial extent
    #--         8 - current next extent size
    #--         9 - pctIncrease
    my $getLobParts_sql =
        # Select owner, table_name, lob column name,
        #        lob segment name, lob partition name, tablespace_name, 
        #        initial_extent,
        # for all lob segments in a list of tablespaces
        #   Table not in cluster, not nested
        #         not in recycle bin, not typed table, not external table
        #   If not applicable, ignore tables owned by SYS
        # Note: Temporary tables cannot be partitioned
        "SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ "
        .        "u.name table_owner, "
        .        "po.name table_name, "
        .        "DECODE(BITAND(c.property, 1), 1, a.name, c.name) column_name, "
        .        "lo.name lob_name, "
        .        "lpo.subname lob_partition_name, "
        .        "po.subname partition_name, "
        .        "ts.name tablespace_name, "
        .        "TO_CHAR(s.iniexts * ts.blocksize) initial_extent, "
        .        "s.extsize * ts.blocksize, "
        .        "s.extpct "
        .     "FROM sys.ts\$ ts, sys.lobfrag\$ lf, sys.lob\$ l, "
        .          "sys.tab\$ t, sys.obj\$ lo, sys.col\$ c, sys.obj\$ lpo, "
        .          "sys.obj\$ po,  sys.seg\$ s, "
        .          "sys.user\$ u, sys.attrcol\$ a "
        .     "WHERE ts.name " . $inClause
        .       "AND lf.ts# = ts.ts# "
        .       "AND lf.fragtype\$='P' "               # -- not subpartition
        .       "AND lf.tabfragobj# = po.obj# "       # -- get table partition
        .       "AND lf.fragobj# = lpo.obj# "         # -- get lob partition
        .       "AND l.lobj# = lf.parentobj# "        # -- get lob 
        .       "AND l.lobj# = lo.obj# "              # -- get lob
        .       "AND t.obj# = l.obj# "                # -- get table
        .       "AND c.obj# = l.obj# "                # -- get lob column
        .       "AND c.intcol# = l.intcol# "
        .       "AND BITAND(c.property, 32768) != 32768 "     # -- not unused column
        .       "AND c.obj# = a.obj#(+) "
        .       "AND c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) "
        .       "AND t.obj# = c.obj# ";
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getLobParts_sql = $getLobParts_sql 
                .       "AND u.name != 'SYS'"
        $getLobParts_sql = $getLobParts_sql 
        .       "AND po.owner# = lpo.owner# "
        .       "AND lo.owner# = lpo.owner# "
        .       "AND po.owner# = lo.owner# "
        .       "AND u.user# = lpo.owner# "
        .       "AND u.user# = lo.owner# "
        .       "AND u.user# = po.owner# "
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 32) = 32 "            # -- partitioned
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 1) = 0 "              # -- not typed
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 64) = 0 "             # -- not iot
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 2147483648) = 0 "     # -- not external
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 "         # -- not AQ table
        .       "AND lf.file# = s.file# "
        .       "AND lf.block# = s.block# "
        .       "AND lf.ts# = s.ts# "
        .       "AND s.ts# = ts.ts# "
        .       "AND s.user# = u.user# "
        .       "AND BITAND(s.spare1, 65536) = 0 ";         # -- not dropped

    # Get the lob partitions in a tablespace

    EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf processing lob partitions in $tablespace \n");
    #        print ("StgPerf processing lob partitions in $tablespace \n");
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getLobParts_sql . "\n");
    my $getLobPartCsr = $db->prepare($getLobParts_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getLobParts: $DBI::errstr";
    $getLobPartCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;


    # Loop over all lob partitions
    my @fetch_row;
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    $segTypeStr = 'LOB PARTITION';
    $segmentType = $SEG_LOB_PART;

    my $lobPartStart = $segCount;
    while (@fetch_row = $getLobPartCsr->fetchrow_array)


        # Get data for one lob partition
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $lobCol         = $fetch_row[2];
        $segName        = $fetch_row[3];
        $segPartName    = $fetch_row[4];
        $partName       = $fetch_row[5];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[6];
        $initExtent     = $fetch_row[7];
        $nextExtent     = $fetch_row[8];
        $pctIncrease    = $fetch_row[9];

        #EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf analyzing lob partition "
        #                . $owner $objectName $partName\n");
        #print ("StgPerf analyzing lob partition "
        #       . $owner $objectName $partName\n");

        # We can't estimate wasted space, so set stats to 0 to prevent
        # the analysis.
        $avgRowLen      = 0;
        $numRows        = 0;

        # Check for wasted space
        if ($spaceEnabled eq 'true')

    } # loop over all lob partitions

    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print "LOB PART COUNT " . ($segCount - $lobPartStart) . "\n";


# processAllRowChaining
# Check all tablespaces for row chaining
sub processAllRowChaining()
    #-- Returns 0 - owner
    #--         1 - table_name
    #--         2 - partition_name
    #--         3 - tablespace_name
    #--         4 - iot_name
    #--         5 - chain_cnt
    #--         6 - numRows
    #--         7 - segment_type
    #-- Get table and table partition segments 
    #--     where chain_cnt/numRows > rowchaining threshold
    #-- Note that IOT chain_cnt values are not valid
    my $getRowChain_sql =    
        # tables
        "SELECT /*+ INDEX (o i_obj1) */ "
        .        "u.name owner, o.name table_name, '' partition_name, ts.name "
        .        "tablespace_name, chncnt chain_cnt, rowcnt num_rows "
        .     "FROM sys.user\$ u, sys.ts\$ ts, sys.tab\$ t, sys.obj\$ o "
        .     "WHERE t.chncnt IS NOT NULL "
        .       "AND t.rowcnt IS NOT NULL "
        .       "AND t.chncnt > 0 "
        .       "AND t.rowcnt > 0 "
        .       "AND t.chncnt / DECODE(t.rowcnt, 0, 1, t.rowcnt) > :rcMin "
        .       "AND ts.name " . $inClause
        .       "AND t.ts# = ts.ts# "
        .       "AND o.owner# = u.user# "
        .       "AND o.obj# = t.obj# "
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 1) = 0 ";   # -- not typed table
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getRowChain_sql = $getRowChain_sql 
                .       "AND u.name != 'SYS'"
        $getRowChain_sql = $getRowChain_sql
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 512) = 0 "    # -- no iot overflow
        .       "and bitand(t.property, 1024) = 0 "   # -- no clustered      
        .       "and bitand(t.property, 8192) = 0 "   # -- no nested
        .       "and bitand(t.property, 64) = 0 "     # -- no iot
        .       "and bitand(o.flags, 128) = 0 "       # -- not dropped
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 " # -- not AQ table
        # table partitions
        . "union "
        . "SELECT u.name table_owner, o.name table_name, o.subname partition_name, "
        .        "ts.name tablespace_name, tp.chncnt chain_cnt, tp.rowcnt "
        .        "num_rows "
        .     "FROM sys.obj\$ o, sys.tabpart\$ tp, sys.ts\$ ts, sys.user\$ u, "
        .          "sys.tab\$ t, sys.obj\$ bo "
        .     "WHERE tp.chncnt IS NOT NULL "
        .       "AND tp.rowcnt IS NOT NULL "
        .       "AND tp.chncnt > 0 "
        .       "AND tp.rowcnt > 0 "
        .       "AND tp.chncnt / DECODE(tp.rowcnt, 0, 1, tp.rowcnt) > :rcMin "
        .       "AND ts.ts# = tp.ts# "
        .       "AND o.obj# = tp.obj# "
        .       "AND t.obj# = bo.obj# "
        .       "AND u.user# = o.owner# "
        .       "AND t.obj# = tp.bo# "
        .       "AND ts.name " . $inClause;
        if ($canAnalyzeSYS == 0)
            $getRowChain_sql = $getRowChain_sql 
                .       "AND u.name != 'SYS'"
        $getRowChain_sql = $getRowChain_sql
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 512) = 0 "      # -- no iot overflow
        .       "and bitand(t.property, 1024) = 0 "     # -- no clustered
        .       "and bitand(t.property, 8192) = 0 "     # -- no nested
        .       "and bitand(t.property, 64) = 0 "       # -- no iot
        .       "AND BITAND(t.property, 131072) = 0 "   # -- not AQ table
        .       "and bitand(bo.flags, 128) = 0 ";       # -- not dropped
    my @fetch_row;
    if ($PERFORMANCE_ON == 1)
        print ($getRowChain_sql . "\n");
    my $getRowChainCsr = $db->prepare($getRowChain_sql)
            or die "Can't prepare getRowChain: $DBI::errstr";
    $getRowChainCsr->{RaiseError} = 1;
    $getRowChainCsr->bind_param(":rcMin", $rcMinValue);
    $objectType = 'TABLE';
    while (@fetch_row = $getRowChainCsr->fetchrow_array)

        my $status;

        # Get data for one table
        $owner          = $fetch_row[0];
        $objectName     = $fetch_row[1];
        $partName       = $fetch_row[2];
        $tablespace     = $fetch_row[3];
        $chainCnt       = $fetch_row[4];
        $numRows        = $fetch_row[5];

        if (!defined $partName || $partName eq '')
            $segmentType = $SEG_TABLE;
            $segmentType = $SEG_TABLE_PART;
        #EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("StgPerf rowchain object $owner $objectName $objectType\n");
        #print STDERR ("StgPerf rowchain table $owner $objectName $tablespace\n");

        # Check for chained rows
        if ($rowChainEnabled eq 'true')

        $iotName = "";

    } # loop over all problem segments


# verifyShrink
# Check that the given amount of space would free at least one extent
# Input: # of wasted bytes
# Return 1 if at least one extent can be freed (# wasted bytes > 1 extent)
# Return 0 if the wasted space is too small to free an extent
sub verifyShrink($)
    my ($wasted) = @_;
    # Don't make a recommendation if the space is less than the 
    # minimum specified
    if ($wasted < $minWasteBytes)
        return 0;

    # Don't make recommendation if waste is very small
    if ($wasted < $initExtent)
        return 0;
    # Don't make recommendation unless we can free more than one extent
    my $shrinkable = 1; 
    if (($isASSM && $db_version >= 10) || ($is10_2 == 1))
        $verifyCsr->bind_param(":waste", $wasted);
        $verifyCsr->bind_param_inout(":shrinkable", \$shrinkable, 25);
    elsif ($isASSM == 0)
        # for dictionary managed tables, estimate the size of the last extent
        # to determine whether it's shrinkable
        my $lastExtentSize = $nextExtent;
        if ($pctIncrease > 0)
            $lastExtentSize = $nextExtent / ($pctIncrease/100.0 + 1);
        #print "next=$nextExtent pctIncrease=$pctIncrease \n";
        #print "   last=$lastExtentSize waste=$wasted\n";
        #print "   $owner $objectName $partName $segName $segTypeStr $segPartName\n";
        if ($wasted < $lastExtentSize)
            $shrinkable = 0;
    return $shrinkable;  

# bindSegmentInfo
# Bind the object info to the dbms_space cursor.
# Input the cursor
sub bindSegmentInfo($)
    my ($csr) = @_;
    $csr->bind_param(":owner", $owner);

    # We need to send the index for IOT's to be evaluated.  However,
    # in the output to the user, we have to show the table.
    if ($segName ne "")
        $csr->bind_param(":objectName", $segName);
        $csr->bind_param(":objectName", $objectName);
    $csr->bind_param(":objectType", $segTypeStr);
    # For lob partitions, we need the lob partition name, but reorg
    # needs the table partition name
    if ($segPartName ne "")
        $csr->bind_param(":partitionName", $segPartName);
        $csr->bind_param(":partitionName", $partName);