#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/rac/cls_services.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/13 2010/01/04 10:35:47 sksantha Exp $ # # cls_services.pl # # Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # cls_services.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # Use srvctl commands to retrieve information about Cluster Managed Services for rac_databases # for a given cluster, use srvctl config to get list of rac database names # for each rac database use srvctl status service -d dbname -S 1 -f to get list of services # for each service following information is collected # service_name, enabled/disabled, tafpolicy, preferred instance list, available instance list, # running instance list # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # pardutta 11/04/09 - RAC One Node: collect and update Database Type. # pardutta 06/09/09 - Total active server count. # pardutta 05/21/09 - Exclude internal service from services list. # pardutta 03/31/09 - Changes to update database service record in # mgmt_rac_services. # rsamaved 12/31/08 - run srvctl service commands from db home # gallison 12/01/08 - Fix for in-view services # rsamaved 08/13/08 - # sadattaw 03/05/08 - adding support for monitoring 11.2 cluster targets # sadattaw 03/01/07 - XbranchMerge rsamaved_demosa from st_emdbsa_11.1 # rsamaved 01/31/07 - use em_error for err cases # kramarat 01/25/07 - XbranchMerge kramarat_cluster_db_services_fix2 from # main # sadattaw 09/28/06 - collect cluster managed services information # sadattaw 09/28/06 - Creation # use strict; use DBI qw(:sql_types); use Cwd; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/dbstate.pl"; BEGIN { # temporarly setting environment only in dev view env # this code is not active in production if ( $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT} and not $ENV{HAS_USE_SHIPHOME} ) { my $advrt = $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT}; $advrt =~ s/_ag$//; $advrt = $advrt."t"; $ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}="$advrt/oracle"; $ENV{CSS_CLUSTERNAME}='newdb_cluster'; $ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}="$ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{CRS_HOME}="$ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{CV_HOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{OCR_ROOT}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/ocr.dat"; $ENV{OCR_LOC}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/ocr.loc"; $ENV{CV_JDKHOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/jdk15"; $ENV{OCR_DEVELOPER_ENV}='TRUE'; $ENV{ORA_ENVIRON_OPTS}='true'; $ENV{ORA_CSS_VARS}='true'; my $libs = "$ENV{CRS_HOME}/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/opsm/lib"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" if $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs" unless $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin:$ENV{PATH}" if $ENV{PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin" unless $ENV{PATH}; my $clusternm = "newdb_cluster"; } } my $crsHome = $ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "EM_CRS_HOME returned $crsHome \n"); $crsHome = $ENV{CRS_HOME} if ($crsHome eq ""); print( "CRS_HOME returned $crsHome \n"); #comment following for testing in view my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); my $clusternm = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME"}; my %sg_maxsize = {}; my $clusterSize = 1; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "EM_TARGET_CLUSTER_NAME = $clusternm \n"); if ($crsHome eq "" || $crsHome eq "#CRS_HOME#" || $clusternm eq "") { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Ignoring cluster Services metric: either no CRS_HOME or cluster name is not found \n"); } else { $clusterSize = get_cluster_size(); print " ClusterSize = $clusterSize \n "; #call get_dbnames to retrieve Rac Database names on this cluster, using srvctl config\n"; my @dblist = get_dbnames(); # print " get_dbnames returned : \n"; my $srv_types = {}; my $availlist = {}; my $preflist = {}; my @runlist = (); my $tafpolicy = {}; my $enabled = {}; my $srvgrp = {}; my $resnames = {}; my $srv_cardinality = {}; my $db = ''; my @all_services; my %srvpool_cardinality_info = (); foreach $db (@dblist) { my @dbprops = split(',', $db); my $dbnm = shift(@dbprops); my $dbhom = shift(@dbprops); my $dbtype = shift(@dbprops); EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "db name: $dbnm db home: $dbhom db type: $dbtype\n"); my @kys = keys(%srvpool_cardinality_info); if(@kys == 0) { %srvpool_cardinality_info = get_srvpool_cardinality($dbhom); } push(@all_services, add_database_service_record($dbnm, $dbhom, $clusternm, $dbtype)); my @service_names = (); # print "calling get_service_status to retrieve service names using srvctl \n"; my $res = ''; $res = get_service_config($dbnm, $dbhom); if (! defined $res) { print "em_error=get_service_config returned null, possible errs found \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "em_error=get_service_config returned null, possible errs found\n"); next; } else { # print " get_service_config returned : $res \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_config returned $res \n"); # clear arrays before getting info for this db ##splice(@service_names, 0); $srv_types = {}; $availlist = {}; $preflist = {}; $tafpolicy = {}; $enabled = {}; $srvgrp = {}; $srv_cardinality = {}; $resnames = {}; @service_names = parse_serviceconfig_res($res, \$srv_types, \$availlist, \$preflist, \$tafpolicy, \$enabled, \$srvgrp, \$resnames, \$srv_cardinality); } # else $res = ''; $res = get_service_status($dbnm, $dbhom); if (!defined $res) { print "em_error=get_service_status returned null, possible errs found \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "em_error=get_service_status returned null, possible errs found\n"); next; } else { print " get_service_status returned : $res \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_status returned $res \n"); # clear arrays before getting info for this db ##splice(@service_names, 0); splice(@runlist, 0); parse_servicestat_res($res, \@runlist); } # else # print "Service names from srvctl \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "Service names from srvctl \n"); my $i = 0; my $nm = ''; foreach $nm (@service_names) { ## print " service name : $nm "; # get cardinality value for service my $cardnl = 0; if (lc($srv_cardinality->{$nm}) eq "singleton") { $cardnl = 1; } elsif(lc($srv_cardinality->{$nm}) eq "uniform") { $cardnl = $srvpool_cardinality_info{"ora.".$srvgrp->{$nm}}; } else { $cardnl = 0; $srv_cardinality->{$nm} = ""; } #print " service name : $nm, resnm = ".$resnames->{$nm}." , cardinality = $cardnl \n"; # hard code ecm_data_ver to 1 #em_result format # ecm_data_version|database_name|service_name|service_type|enabled|tafpolicy|preferred instance list|available instance list|running instance list my $svc_entry = "em_result=1|$dbnm|$nm|$srv_types->{$nm}|$enabled->{$nm}|$tafpolicy->{$nm}|$preflist->{$nm}|$availlist->{$nm}|$runlist[$i]|$clusternm|$srvgrp->{$nm}|$resnames->{$nm}|$srv_cardinality->{$nm}|$cardnl|$dbtype\n"; push(@all_services, $svc_entry); $i++; } # for each nm } # for each dbnm EMD_PERL_DEBUG("The recordset:\n"); my $record = ""; foreach $record(@all_services) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG($record); print $record; print "------ \n"; } } # end of script # Following are subroutines for adding server pool information # in mgmt_rac_services. # mgmt_rac_services subroutines START # Adds a record for the database service in mgmt_rac_services. # Currently the following attributes do not apply and thus # store dummy values: # enabled # tafpolicy # pref_list # availibility # runlist # cardinality sub add_database_service_record { my($dbnm, $dbhom, $clusternm, $dbtype) = @_; my @mgmt_racsvc_params = get_mgmt_racsvc_params($dbnm, $dbhom); my $enabled = "true"; my $tafpolicy = "NONE"; my $pref_list = ""; my $availibility = ""; my $runlist = ""; my $srvpool = $mgmt_racsvc_params[0]; my $cardinality_type = $mgmt_racsvc_params[1]; my $cardinality = 0; my $record = "em_result=1|$dbnm|$dbnm|internal|true|$tafpolicy|$pref_list|$availibility|$runlist|$clusternm|$srvpool|ora.$dbnm.$dbnm.svc|$cardinality_type|$cardinality|$dbtype\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("mgmt_rac_services record for database service:\n$record"); $record; } sub get_srvpool_cardinality { my ($dbhome) = @_; my $pool_hash = {}; my $result = run_command($dbhome, "srvctl status srvpool -S 1"); parse_pool_data($result); } sub parse_pool_data { my($input) = @_; my @cmd_lines = split("\n", $input); my $line = ""; my %srvpool_info = (); foreach $line (@cmd_lines) { my @toks = split(" ", $line); my @tok_list = grep(/res_name={.*}/, @toks); my $pool_name = ""; if(@tok_list == 1) { $tok_list[0] =~ /res_name={(.*)}/; $pool_name = $1; } @tok_list = grep(/active_servers={.*}/, @toks); my $pool_active_cardinality = 0; if(@tok_list == 1) { $tok_list[0] =~ /active_servers={(.*)}/; my @active_servers = split(",", $1); $pool_active_cardinality = @active_servers; } $srvpool_info{$pool_name} = $pool_active_cardinality; } my @arr = %srvpool_info; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Server pool information hash contents @arr"); return(%srvpool_info); } sub run_command { my ($dbhome, $command) = @_; my $config_cmd = ''; my $result = ''; $config_cmd = $dbhome."/bin/".$command; print($config_cmd); EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "run_command: srvctl command $config_cmd \n"); my $saveOraHome = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $dbhome; chomp ($result = `$config_cmd`); if ($? != 0) { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; my $errormsg = "Failed to run command ".$config_cmd." in run_command(). Return value - $?.\n"; print($errormsg); EMD_PERL_DEBUG($errormsg); return undef; } $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; my $err= has_errcode($result); if ($err != 0) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "run_command(): error codes found in the srvctl result : $result \n"); return undef; } return $result; } sub parse_db_config { my($line) = @_; my @result = ("", ""); if($line=~/(db_type={POLICY_MANAGED})/) { $result[1] = "UNIFORM"; if($line=~/srvpool={(.*)} db_type/) { $result[0] = $1; } } return ($result[0], $result[1]); } # Retrieves server pools for a given database as # comma seperated list in result[0] something like # "racPool1,racPool2". Retrieves db service cardinality # type in result[1], either UNIFORM or "". If db type # is ADMIN_MANAGED, cardinality type is set to "". # Also, If database type is ADMIN_MANAGED, server pool # list is empty sub get_srvpool_param { my($dbhm, $cmd) = @_; my $result = run_command($dbhm, $cmd); parse_db_config($result); } # Returns an array where index [0] contains server pool # data and [1] contains cardinality type. For ADMIN_MANAGED # databases, index [0] will have the value "". sub get_mgmt_racsvc_params { my($dbname, $dbhome) = @_; my $cmd = "srvctl config database -d ".$dbname." -S 1"; my @mgmt_racsvc_params = get_srvpool_param($dbhome, $cmd); if($mgmt_racsvc_params[1] eq "UNIFORM") { $mgmt_racsvc_params[0] = setup_pool_maxsizes(\@mgmt_racsvc_params, $dbhome); } EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_mgmt_racsvc_params(): For database $dbname, Server Pools: $mgmt_racsvc_params[0] , Cardinality Type: $mgmt_racsvc_params[1].\n"); return(@mgmt_racsvc_params); } sub setup_srvpool_config { my($input, $pools) = @_; my @poolnms = split(",", $pools); my @cmd_lines = split("\n", $input); my $line = ""; my $pool_names = ""; my $srv_cnt= ""; foreach $line (@cmd_lines) { my $poolnm = ""; foreach $poolnm(@poolnms) { if($line=~/res_name={.*$poolnm}/) { if($line=~ /active_servers={(.*)} online/) { if($srv_cnt ne "") { $srv_cnt .= ","; } if($1 ne "") { my @active_srvs = split(",", $1); $srv_cnt .= @active_srvs; } else { $srv_cnt .= 0; } } if($pool_names ne "") { $pool_names .= ","; } $pool_names.="ora.".$poolnm; } } } $pool_names.":".$srv_cnt; } # Appends the pool max sizes to the server pool # list, something like - racPool1,racPool2:6,4 sub setup_pool_maxsizes { my @racsvc_params = @{$_[0]}; my $dbhome = $_[1]; my $cmd = "srvctl status srvpool -S 1"; my $result = run_command($dbhome, $cmd); return(setup_srvpool_config($result, $racsvc_params[0])); } # mgmt_rac_services subroutines END sub get_database_config { my ($dbName, $dbhome) = @_; my $config_cmd = ''; my $result = ''; $config_cmd = "$dbhome/bin/srvctl config database -S 1 -d ".$dbName ; # print "Srvctl command: $config_cmd\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_database_config : srvctl command $config_cmd \n"); my $saveOraHome = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $dbhome; chomp ($result = `$config_cmd`); if ($? != 0) { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; print "Failed to run the srvctl config command in get_service_config $? \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_config : failed to run srvctl config command status $? \n"); return undef; } $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; ## print "in getServiceStatus, result : $result.\n"; # check if any error code found in result string else pass on to calling function my $err= has_errcode($result); if ($err != 0) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_config : error codes found in the srvctl result : $result \n"); return undef; } return $result; } # RAC One Node: Parse the Database Type value sub parseForDbType { my $type = ''; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "Input for db type parsing:\n @_ \n"); foreach(@_) { if(/Type/) { my @tokens = split(' ', $_); $type = pop(@tokens); } } $type; } # Usage: get_dbnames() # Calls: srvctl config sub get_dbnames { my $cmd = ''; my $result = ''; $cmd = "$ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}/bin/srvctl config" ; print "Srvctl command: $cmd\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_dbnames : srvctl command $cmd \n"); my @dbnames = (); chomp ($result = `$cmd`); if ($? != 0) { print "em_error=Failed to run the srvctl command in get_dbnames $? \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "em_error=get_dbnames : failed to run srvctl command status $? \n"); # print "$result\n"; return @dbnames; } # print "in get_dbnames, result : $result.\n"; @dbnames = split("\n", $result); # Get database homes my $dbname = ''; my $dbtype = ''; my $dbhome = $ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}; my @dblist = (); foreach $dbname (@dbnames) { my $result2 = ''; my $cmd2 = "$ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}/bin/srvctl config database -d $dbname" ; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "db config command: srvctl command $cmd2 \n"); chomp ($result2 = `$cmd2`); if (1 != 1) { #$? != 0) { print "em_error=Failed to run the srvctl config database command in get_dbnames $? \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "em_error=get_dbnames : failed to run srvctl config database command status $? \n"); # print "$result\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "Failed to get database home, will use crs home \n"); } else { my @dblines = split("\n", $result2); my $dbline = pop(@dblines); EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "db details: $dbline \n"); my @dbvalues = split(' ', $dbline); my $dbhome = pop(@dbvalues); $dbtype = parseForDbType(@dblines); } EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "db name: $dbname, db home: $dbhome, db type: $dbtype \n"); if($dbname eq "onenodedb") { $dbtype = "RACOneNode"; } push(@dblist, "$dbname,$dbhome,$dbtype"); } return @dblist; } # Usage: get_service_config(dbName, [sv1...svK]) # Calls: srvctl status service -f -S 1 -d dbName -s sv1,sv2...svK sub get_service_config { my ($dbName, $dbhome) = @_; my $config_cmd = ''; my $result = ''; $config_cmd = "$dbhome/bin/srvctl config service -S 1 -d ".$dbName ; print "Srvctl command: $config_cmd\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_config : srvctl command $config_cmd \n"); my $saveOraHome = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $dbhome; chomp ($result = `$config_cmd`); if ($? != 0) { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; print "Failed to run the srvctl config command in get_service_config $? \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_config : failed to run srvctl config command status $? \n"); # print "$result\n"; return undef; } $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; ## print "in getServiceStatus, result : $result.\n"; # check if any error code found in result string else pass on to calling function my $err= has_errcode($result); if ($err != 0) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_config : error codes found in the srvctl result : $result \n"); return undef; } return $result; } # Usage: get_service_status(dbName, [sv1...svK]) # Calls: srvctl status service -f -S 1 -d dbName -s sv1,sv2...svK sub get_service_status { my ($dbName, $dbhome) = @_; my $status_cmd = ''; my $result = ''; $status_cmd = "$dbhome/bin/srvctl status service -f -S 1 -d ".$dbName ; print "Srvctl command: $status_cmd\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_status : srvctl command $status_cmd \n"); my $saveOraHome = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $dbhome; chomp ($result = `$status_cmd`); if ($? != 0) { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; print "Failed to run the srvctl config command in get_service_status $? \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_status : failed to run srvctl config command status $? \n"); # print "$result\n"; return undef; } $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $saveOraHome; ## print "in getServiceStatus, result : $result.\n"; # check if any error code found in result string else pass on to calling function my $err= has_errcode($result); if ($err != 0) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_service_status : error codes found in the srvctl result : $result \n"); return undef; } return $result; } sub parse_serviceconfig_res { my ($result, $styp, $alist, $plist, $tfp, $en, $grp, $resnm, $card) = @_; my @lines = split("\n", $result); my @srv_names; my $line = ''; # print "-------------\n inside parse_serviceconfig_res \n"; my $lineno = 0; foreach $line (@lines) { # print " Parsing line $lineno : $line \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "parsing srvctl status line $lineno : $line \n"); # replace " ," with "," before tokenizing i.e t1, t2, t3 will be replaced by t1,t2,t3 $line =~ s/, /,/g; # print " replaced line : $line \n"; my $name=""; my $typ=""; my $pl=""; my $al=""; my $rl=""; my $tf=""; my $ct=""; my $res=""; # parse config line in format # @=service[0]: name={servicename1} enabled={true/false} pref={inst_list} # avail={inst_list2} disabled_insts={inst_list3} # tafpolicy={NONE/BASIC/PRECONNECT} type={internal/user} # for trail blazer the format will be as follows # @=result[0]: res_name={..} name={..} enabled={true/false} srvgrp={..} # cardinality={UNIFORM/SINGLETON} disconnect={false} dbRoles={PRIMARY} # mgmtPolicy={automatic} dtp={false} aqhaNatification={false} # failoverType={NONE} failoverMethod={NONE} failoverRetry={0} # failoverDelay={0} clbGoal={NONE} rlbGoal={NONE} tafPolicy={NONE} # enabledNodes={n1,n2} disabledNodes={} up={} down={n1,n2} if ($line =~ /^#@=service/ or $line =~ /^#@=result/) { if(isInternalService($line)) { next; } my @tokens = split(" ",$line); my $token = ''; $name=""; my $istb = 0; foreach $token (@tokens) { # print " parsing token : $token \n"; # EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "parsing token $token \n"); if ($token =~ /^name=/) { $name = parseToken($token); push (@srv_names, $name); # print " parsed service name = $name "; # res_name is first for TB so need to put it in hash using service name here # make sure res_name appears in output, for older crs it wont if ($istb == 1) { ${$resnm}->{$name}= $res; # print " service = $name, parsed resource name = ".${$resnm}->{$name}."\n"; } } # 11.2 onwards type will not be listed so will not be internal services # we will hard code type as user from 11.2 onwards if ($token =~ /^type=/) { $typ = parseToken($token); ${$styp}->{$name}= $typ; # print " type = $typ "; } #parse preferrable instance list if ($token =~ /^pref=/) { $pl = parseToken($token); ${$plist}->{$name}= $pl; # print " pref = $pl "; } # parse available instance list if ($token =~ /^avail=/) { $al = parseToken($token); ${$alist}->{$name}= $al; } # parse taf policy if ($token =~ /^tafpolicy=/) { $tf = parseToken($token); ${$tfp}->{$name}= $tf; } # parse enabled if ($token =~ /^enabled=/) { $tf = parseToken($token); ${$en}->{$name}= $tf; } # parse server group if ($token =~ /^srvpool=/) { $tf = parseToken($token); ${$grp}->{$name}= $tf; } # parse resource Name if ($token =~ /^res_name=/) { $res = parseToken($token); $istb = 1; } # parse service cardinality if ($token =~ /^cardinality=/) { $ct = parseToken($token); ${$card}->{$name}= $ct; } } if ($istb == 1) { $typ = 'user'; ${$styp}->{$name}= $typ; } } # print "\n------ - ----- \n"; $lineno++; } return @srv_names; } sub isInternalService { my ($input) = @_; my $retval = 0; if($input =~ /usage_type={internal}/) { $retval = 1; } return $retval; } sub parse_servicestat_res { my ($result, $rlist) = @_; my @lines = split("\n", $result); my $line = ''; # print "-------------\n inside parse_servicestat_res \n"; my $lineno = 0; foreach $line (@lines) { # print " Parsing line $lineno : $line \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "parsing srvctl status line $lineno : $line \n"); # replace " ," with "," before tokenizing i.e t1, t2, t3 will be replaced by t1,t2,t3 $line =~ s/, /,/g; # print " replaced line : $line \n"; my $rl=""; # parse status line in format # #@=result[0]: up={inst_list} down={inst_list2} disabled={inst_list3} # unknown={inst_list4} if ($line =~ /^#@=result/) { my @tokens = split(" ",$line); my $token = ''; foreach $token (@tokens) { # print " parsing token : $token \n"; # EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "parsing token $token \n"); # parse running instance list if ($token =~ /^up=/) { $rl = parseToken($token); push (@{$rlist}, $rl); } } } # print "\n------ - ----- \n"; $lineno++; } return; } sub parseToken { my ($token) = @_; my $value=""; my $s = substr $token, index($token, "=")+1; # print "parseToken : s : $s "; $s =~ s/[{}]//g; # print "parseToken : s : $s "; $value = $s; return $value; } # Purpose: find following error codes in input string: # "PRKP" # "PRKH" # "PRKO" # "CRS" # "ORA" sub has_errcode { my $in_str = $_[0]; # print "error code detector: $in_str\n"; if ($in_str =~ /PRKP-/ || $in_str =~ /PRKH-/ || $in_str =~ /PRKO-/ || $in_str =~ /CRS-/ || $in_str =~ /ORA-/) { return(-1); # error mesg } else { return(0); } } sub get_cluster_size { my $sg_config_cmd = ''; my $result = ''; my $olsnodes_cmd = "$ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}/bin/olsnodes -s"; chomp ($result = `$olsnodes_cmd`); if ($? != 0) { print "Failed to run the olsnodes command $? \n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_cluster_size : failed to run olsnodes command; status $? \n"); print "$result\n"; return 0; } # check if any error code found in result string else pass on to calling function my $err= has_errcode($result); if ($err != 0) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG( "get_cluster_size : error codes found in the olsnodes result : $result \n"); return 0; } print "get_cluster_size, result = $result \n"; my @lines = split("\n", $result); my $line = ''; my $lineno = 0; foreach $line (@lines) { # if required to take Active servers, modify here to have condition for it $lineno++; } return $lineno; }