#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/rac/clsInterconn.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/4 2010/07/29 11:44:11 ajdsouza Exp $ # # clsInterconn.pl # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # clsInterconn.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 09/08/09 - Bug# 7510817 # ajdsouza 09/08/09 - set ORA_CRS_HOME if EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME is set # ajdsouza 08/25/09 - added EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME env # ajdsouza 08/25/09 - switched from siha::Common to has::Common # ajdsouza 12/07/09 - Bug Fix 7686990, added back ORACLE_HOME from Bug Fix# 6723959 # ajdsouza 09/08/08 - # rsamaved 08/11/08 - work around extra text in parsing # ajdsouza 08/09/06 - fix bug 5378241,5184611,5732015 # xuliu 04/05/05 - using qualified hostname # xuliu 10/07/04 - xuliu_mov_rac_f # xuliu 07/08/04 - xuliu_rac_interconn # xuliu 07/01/04 - Creation # use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use Data::Dumper; use locale; use has::Common; require "emd_common.pl"; my $oldOH; BEGIN { use POSIX qw(locale_h); my $clocale='C'; for ( qw ( LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_TIME LC_NUMERIC LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LANG LANGUAGE ) ) { $ENV{$_}=$clocale; } setlocale(LC_ALL,$clocale) or warn "WARN:Failed to set locale to $clocale \n "; # save ORACLE_HOME and restore it back in END $oldOH = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; # temporarly setting environment only in dev view env # this code is not avtive in production # !! DO NOT CHANGE THE CLUSTER NAME HERE WHEN YOU # CHECK IN AS THIS WILL BREAK REGRESSION # # IF YOU ARE CREATING A HAS VIEW CREATE IT # WITH VIEW NAME t # e.g. if sa view is sa3114 the has view should be sa3114t # the clustername is the has view should be newdb_cluster if ( $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT} and not $ENV{HAS_USE_SHIPHOME} ) { if ( $ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME} ) { $ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME} = $ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME}; } else { my $advrt; $advrt = $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT}; $advrt =~ s/_ag$//; $advrt = $advrt."t"; $ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}="$advrt/oracle"; } if ( $ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CLUSTER_NAME} ) { $ENV{CSS_CLUSTERNAME}=$ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CLUSTER_NAME}; } else { $ENV{CSS_CLUSTERNAME}='newdb_cluster'; } $ENV{CRS_HOME}="$ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{CV_HOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{OCR_ROOT}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/data.ocr"; $ENV{OCR_LOC}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/ocr.loc"; $ENV{OLR_LOC}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/olr.loc"; $ENV{OCR_DEVELOPER_ENV}='TRUE'; $ENV{HAS_DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT}='TRUE'; $ENV{CV_JDKHOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/jdk15"; $ENV{ORA_ENVIRON_OPTS}='true'; my $libs = "$ENV{CRS_HOME}/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/opsm/lib"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" if $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs" unless $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin:$ENV{PATH}" if $ENV{PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin" unless $ENV{PATH}; } # enable autoflush as POSIX:_exit does not flush before exit $|=1; } my %crsidx; my $crsHome = $ENV{EM_CRS_HOME}; my $o; $crsHome = $ENV{CRS_HOME} unless $crsHome; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl:Ignore cluster interconnect metric: no CRS_HOME is found in the cluster\n") and exit 0 unless $crsHome and $crsHome !~ /#CRS_HOME#/; my $tmppath = catfile($crsHome,'bin'); $ENV{PATH}="$tmppath:$ENV{PATH}"; my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]); # bug 6723959 $oldOH = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $crsHome if $crsHome; $o = has::Common::runsystemcommand('oifcfg getif','',\%command_args); has::Common::exit_fail ("clsInterconn.pl:Failed executing oifcfg getif") if $command_args{command_return_status}; $o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o; chomp($o) if $o; has::Common::exit_fail('clsInterconn.pl:Failed to get any results from oifcfg getif') unless $o; my @lines = split /\n/, $o; for my $ln (@lines) { # $ln is in format of "if_name subnet scope type" # e.g. eth0 global cluster_interconnect $ln =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; next unless $ln; next if $ln =~ /PRIF\-/; # remove the Only in GPNp prefied to the interface name $ln =~ s/Only in GPnP//ig; $ln =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $ln =~ s/^://; $ln =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my @attrs = split / /, $ln; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl:Unknown format of the output from oifcfg getif: $ln") and next unless scalar(@attrs) >= 2; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl:Unknown format of the output from oifcfg getif: $ln") and next if scalar(@attrs) >= 6; if ($attrs[2] !~ /global/i) { ($attrs[2]) = gethostbyname($attrs[2]); # fully qualified host name } if ($attrs[3] =~ /cluster_interconnect/i) { $attrs[3] = 'NO'; } elsif ($attrs[3] =~ /public/i) { $attrs[3] = 'YES'; } else { $attrs[3] = ''; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("clsInterconn.pl:$attrs[0]|$attrs[2]|$attrs[1]||$attrs[3]|"); # make sure no duplicate keys next if $crsidx{"$attrs[0]_$attrs[2]"}; $crsidx{"$attrs[0]_$attrs[2]"} = 1; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl: Failed to get interface name from $ln") unless $attrs[0]; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl: Failed to get node name from $ln") unless $attrs[2]; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl: Failed to get subnet from $ln") unless $attrs[1]; has::Common::print_warn_message("clsInterconn.pl: Failed to get if interface type is public/private from $ln") unless $attrs[3]; # output in format of if_name|node|subnet|ip|public print "em_result=$attrs[0]|$attrs[2]|$attrs[1]||$attrs[3]\n"; } exit 0; END { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $oldOH if $oldOH; has::Common::save_systemcmdoutput() or warn "clsInterconn.pl:Failed to save the test results from clsInterconn.pl\n"; }