# # Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # parse-log1.pl # # DESCRIPTION # This script is used in EMD to parse log files for critical and # warning patterns. The script holds the last line number searched # for each file in a state file for each time the script is run. The # next run of the script starts from the next line. The state file name # is read from the environment variable $EM_STATE_FILE, which must # be set for the script to run. # # # Input: inputs are agentConditionContext environment variables, which specify program criteria # in terms of log file name, match pattern and ignore pattern # # The output of this script is : # For each , following record will be created-> # "em_result=log_file_name|log_file_match_pattern|timestamp|log_file_ignore_pattern|log_file_match_count|log_file_message" # where log_file_message is a concatenated string matching line found. Max length = 1024. # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # nasounda 04/19/11 - RFI : 10011972 # nasounda 04/19/11 - RFI: 10338885 # sreddy 05/08/07 - Backport sreddy_bug-5139454 from main # sreddy 05/02/07 - fix bug#5139454 # sreddy 05/02/07 - fix Windows Platform Handling # svrrao 10/10/06 - Porting Changes, added more supported platforms # ajayshar 08/09/05 - Bug-4501027-timestamp always in OMS locale (garbled). # sreddy 07/06/05 - expand dirs recursively for internal usage # sacgoyal 06/22/05 - # sreddy 06/21/05 - Fix bug#4442004 # sreddy 06/21/05 - lfm_{i,e}files_oracle located under sysman/admin now # sreddy 06/20/05 - restrict path expansion to oracle files # sreddy 06/20/05 - Suppress OMS warnings for ifiles and efiles entries # sreddy 06/20/05 - Add path separator support # sacgoyal 05/20/05 - ifiles not applicable for windows, remove support for SQL widlcards # sacgoyal 04/22/05 - fix bug#4314511 # sacgoyal 03/03/05 - fix bug#4042946 # sreddy 01/31/05 - upload content via EM_LFM_TEST_MODE flag for internal use # sacgoyal 01/26/05 - correct log-file metric Message # sacgoyal 11/23/04 - remove warning # sacgoyal 11/04/04 - add timestamp # sreddy 11/01/04 - generate separate record for each match pattern # sreddy 11/01/04 - support inode based file rotation # sreddy 11/01/04 - optimize the file reading and in memory requirements # sreddy 11/01/04 - better state management # sreddy 10/05/04 - use expandPath # sacgoyal 09/22/04 - sacgoyal_condition_contexts # sacgoyal 07/30/04 - Creation for Agent Condition Context, Enterprise Manager, 10.2 # #-Packages-------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Time::Local; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; require "conditionContext.pl"; # Environment----------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; #$ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_LEVEL}=1; #uncomment this line to get TRACE messages #-Global-Variables------------------------------------------------------------ my %key_value_set = (); our $timestamp = localtime; my $offset = sprintf "%.1f", (timegm(localtime) - time) / 3600; my $minutes = sprintf "%02d", abs( $offset - int($offset) ) * 60; my $tz = sprintf("GM %+03d", int($offset)) .":" . $minutes; $timestamp .= " " . $tz; our %Flag = (); # Holds global toggles and flags from previous run our %GC = (); # Holds the global context of log file scan criteria and output our %uploadContent = (); # Holds the uploadContent flag for a particular log-file #single em_warning record per upload my $statErrors=""; my $missingPatternErrors=""; my $missingFileErrors=""; my $fileOpenErrors=""; my $directoryErrors=""; my $includeFileErrors=""; my $excludeFileErrors=""; my $readErrors=""; my $allErrors=""; my $uncErrors=""; my $regexpErrors=""; my $driveErrors=""; my $unixPathErrors=""; # Current implementation requires stat call to return dev and inode_no our $statSupportsInode = 1; my @perlRegExpColumns = ('log_file_match_pattern', 'log_file_ignore_pattern'); our $conditionContextAref = getConditionContext(@perlRegExpColumns); # On Solaris and Linux platforms, perl stat call returns the # the same for all hard links of a # given file and symbolic links pointing to the real file # This set serves as the unique signature of the file # Verify whether your platform's perl works in similar # way. If true, set $uniqueSignature to 1 for your # platform below. my $os; if (($os = get_osType()) eq "-1") { &raise_error_and_exit("Unsupported OS", 20); } my $fpSep = '/'; my $uniqueSignature = 1; $uniqueSignature=0 if ($ENV{EM_TEST_UNIQUE_SIGNATURE}); $fpSep = '\\' if ($os eq "WIN"); $statSupportsInode = 0 if ($os eq "WIN"); # %excludeList and %includeList will have # pair keys if $uniqueSignature is 1 # else would be the key my %excludeList = (); my %includeList = (); getSignatures(\%excludeList, "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."admin"."$fpSep"."lfm_efiles_oracle",0); getSignatures(\%excludeList, "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_efiles",1) if (-e "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_efiles"); getSignatures(\%excludeList, "$ENV{EMSTATE}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_efiles",1) if ($ENV{ORACLE_HOME} ne $ENV{EMSTATE} && -e "$ENV{EMSTATE}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_efiles"); getSignatures(\%includeList, "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."admin"."$fpSep"."lfm_ifiles_oracle",0); getSignatures(\%includeList, "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_ifiles",1) if ( ($uniqueSignature == 1) && ( -e "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_ifiles")); getSignatures(\%includeList, "$ENV{EMSTATE}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_ifiles",1) if ( ($uniqueSignature == 1) && ($ENV{ORACLE_HOME} ne $ENV{EMSTATE}) && ( -e "$ENV{EMSTATE}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."config"."$fpSep"."lfm_ifiles")); if($uniqueSignature == 1) { foreach my $key (keys %includeList) { $includeList{$key} = "" if (defined($excludeList{$key})); } } ############################################################################# # addDefaultConditionContext() # By default, $EMSTATE/sysman/log/emagent.log file is monitored for errors # to provide an example of generic log file monitoring. # EMSTATE points to Agent Home, which can be different from ORACLE_HOME ############################################################################# sub addDefaultConditionContext () { my $defaultFile = "$ENV{EMSTATE}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."log"."$fpSep"."emagent.log"; return if (! -e $defaultFile); my @currentKeys1 = (); my %currentKey1 = ("keyName" => "log_file_name", "keyOperator" => "0", # EQ is defined as 0 "keyValueToReturn" => $defaultFile, "keyValueToMatch" => $defaultFile); push(@currentKeys1, \%currentKey1); my %currentKey2 = ("keyName" => "log_file_match_pattern", "keyOperator" => "0", # EQ is defined as 0 "keyValueToReturn" => "ERROR", "keyValueToMatch" => "ERROR"); push(@currentKeys1, \%currentKey2); my %currentKey3 = ("keyName" => "log_file_ignore_pattern", "keyOperator" => "0", # EQ is defined as 0, "keyValueToReturn" => "", "keyValueToMatch" => ""); push(@currentKeys1, \%currentKey3); my %currentCondition1 = ("conditionColumnName" => "", "conditionOperator" => "", "criticalThreshold" => "", "warningThreshold" => "", "keyColumnAref" => \@currentKeys1); push @{$conditionContextAref}, \%currentCondition1; } initFlags(); addDefaultConditionContext() if ($#$conditionContextAref < 0); #add an example file for monitoring #if there is nothing to monitor exit 0 if ($#$conditionContextAref < 0); #nothing to monitor # Process conditionContextAref and set the log file # monitoring criteria in %GC foreach my $conditionHref (@$conditionContextAref) { my $keysAref = ${$conditionHref}{"keyColumnAref"}; next if ($#{$keysAref} < 1 ); my ($fileKeyToMatch,$fileKeyToReturn,$fileKeyOperator)=("","",""); my ($searchPatternToMatch,$searchPatternToReturn,$searchPatternOperator)=("","",""); my ($ignorePatternToMatch,$ignorePatternToReturn,$ignorePatternOperator)=("","",""); foreach my $keyHref (@$keysAref) { if (${$keyHref}{"keyName"} eq "log_file_name") { $fileKeyToMatch = ${$keyHref}{"keyValueToMatch"}; $fileKeyToReturn = ${$keyHref}{"keyValueToReturn"}; $fileKeyOperator = ${$keyHref}{"keyOperator"}; } elsif (${$keyHref}{"keyName"} eq "log_file_match_pattern") { $searchPatternToMatch = ${$keyHref}{"keyValueToMatch"}; $searchPatternToReturn = ${$keyHref}{"keyValueToReturn"}; $searchPatternOperator = ${$keyHref}{"keyOperator"}; } elsif (${$keyHref}{"keyName"} eq "log_file_ignore_pattern") { $ignorePatternToMatch = ${$keyHref}{"keyValueToMatch"}; $ignorePatternToReturn = ${$keyHref}{"keyValueToReturn"}; $ignorePatternOperator = ${$keyHref}{"keyOperator"}; } elsif (${$keyHref}{"keyName"} eq "timestamp") { #ignore the timestamp key column } else { EMD_PERL_ERROR("Unknown Key Column: ${$keyHref}{'keyName'}"); } } if ( !$fileKeyToReturn || $fileKeyToReturn eq "" || !$searchPatternToReturn || $searchPatternToReturn eq "" ) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("Skipping, Required Key Columns are null"); next; } if (!$ignorePatternToReturn || $ignorePatternToReturn eq "") { $ignorePatternToReturn = ""; $ignorePatternToMatch = ""; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("fileKeyToReturn=$fileKeyToReturn, searchPatternToReturn=$searchPatternToReturn, ignorePatternToReturn=$ignorePatternToReturn"); if ($os eq "WIN" && $fileKeyToReturn =~ /^\\\\/) { $uncErrors .= ", $fileKeyToReturn" if($uncErrors); $uncErrors="Invalid Path: [UNC filename(s) not supported on Windows]: $fileKeyToReturn" if(!$uncErrors); next; } if ($os eq "WIN" && ($fileKeyToReturn =~ /^\\/ || $fileKeyToReturn =~ /^\//)) { $driveErrors .= ", $fileKeyToReturn" if($driveErrors); $driveErrors="Invalid filename(s): Path must start with a valid drive on Windows: $fileKeyToReturn" if(!$driveErrors); next; } if ($fpSep eq '/' && !($fileKeyToReturn =~ /^\// || $fileKeyToReturn =~ /^\%/)) { $unixPathErrors .= ", $fileKeyToReturn" if($unixPathErrors); $unixPathErrors="Invalid filename(s): Path must start with root('/') on UNIX systems: $fileKeyToReturn" if(!$unixPathErrors); next; } if($fileKeyOperator eq "0") { updateGC($fileKeyToReturn, $searchPatternToReturn, $ignorePatternToReturn); } else { if (isRegexpValid($fileKeyToReturn) == 0) { $regexpErrors.= ", $fileKeyToReturn" if($regexpErrors); $regexpErrors="Invalid regular expression pattern for file(s): $fileKeyToReturn" if(!$regexpErrors); next; } my @files = expandPath($fileKeyToReturn); foreach my $file (@files) { updateGC($file, $searchPatternToReturn, $ignorePatternToReturn); } } } # Process each log file and corresponding criteria from %GC while (my ($file, $patternsAref) = each %GC) { grepLogFile ($file, $patternsAref); } #single em_warning record per upload $allErrors=$statErrors if $statErrors; $allErrors.="; $regexpErrors" if $regexpErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$regexpErrors if $regexpErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $driveErrors" if $driveErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$driveErrors if $driveErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $uncErrors" if $uncErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$uncErrors if $uncErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $unixPathErrors" if $unixPathErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$unixPathErrors if $unixPathErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $fileOpenErrors" if $fileOpenErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$fileOpenErrors if $fileOpenErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $missingFileErrors" if $missingFileErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$missingFileErrors if $missingFileErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $directoryErrors" if $directoryErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$directoryErrors if $directoryErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $readErrors" if $readErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$readErrors if $readErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $missingPatternErrors" if $missingPatternErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$missingPatternErrors if $missingPatternErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $excludeFileErrors" if $excludeFileErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$excludeFileErrors if $excludeFileErrors && !$allErrors; $allErrors.="; $includeFileErrors" if $includeFileErrors && $allErrors; $allErrors=$includeFileErrors if $includeFileErrors && !$allErrors; print "em_warning=$allErrors\n" and EMD_PERL_WARN("em_warning=$allErrors") if $allErrors; # Save the state saveFlags(); ############################################################################# #--------------------- sub updateGC ----------------------------------- ############################################################################# sub updateGC { my ($file, $searchPattern, $ignorePattern) = @_; # Return if this criteria is already registered in key_value_set return if ( $key_value_set{"$file,$searchPattern,$ignorePattern"} ); if ( ! -e $file) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$file does not exist"); $missingFileErrors.= ", $file" if($missingFileErrors); $missingFileErrors="Missing file(s): $file" if(!$missingFileErrors); return ; } if( -d $file) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$file is a directory, not a log file"); $directoryErrors .= ", $file" if $directoryErrors; $directoryErrors =" Following directories can not be monitored as Log Files: $file" if !$directoryErrors; return; } if ( ! -r $file ) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$file is not readable"); $readErrors .= ", $file" if $readErrors; $readErrors =" Following files are not readable: $file" if !$readErrors; return; } my $file_signature=""; if ($os eq "WIN") { my $fileOpen = open DATA, "< $file"; if (!$fileOpen) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$file could not be opened\n"); $fileOpenErrors.= ", $file" if($fileOpenErrors); $fileOpenErrors="Could not open file(s): $file" if(!$fileOpenErrors); return; } my $firstHundredLines=""; read(DATA,$firstHundredLines,10240); #for (my $i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) #{ # my $line = ; # last if (!defined($line)); # $firstHundredLines .= $line; #} close DATA; $file_signature = md5_hex($firstHundredLines); } else { my @attr = stat($file); if ($#attr == -1) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("could not stat $file"); $statErrors .= ", $file" if $statErrors; $statErrors = "Could not stat file(s): $file" if !$statErrors; return ; } my $dev = $attr[0]; my $inode_no = $attr[1]; $file_signature = "$dev,$inode_no"; } if ($excludeList{$file_signature} && $excludeList{$file_signature} == 1) { # Raise an error here EMD_PERL_ERROR("Following Log Files can not be monitored: $file"); $excludeFileErrors .= ", $file" if $excludeFileErrors; $excludeFileErrors = "Following Log File(s) can not be monitored: $file" if !$excludeFileErrors; return; } $uploadContent{$file} = 1 if (!$uploadContent{$file} && $includeList{$file_signature} && $includeList{$file_signature} == 1); my @patterns = (); my %pattern = ( "searchPattern" => $searchPattern, "ignorePattern" => $ignorePattern, "matchCount" => 0, "matchedContent" => ""); @patterns = @{$GC{$file}} if $GC{$file}; push @patterns, \%pattern; $GC{$file} = \@patterns; $key_value_set{"$file,$searchPattern,$ignorePattern"} = 1; } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub grepLogFile----------------------------------- # Input Parameters: # $file - log file to be scanned # $patternsAref - Aref to the patterns to be scanned in this file, # where each element is a patternHref # patternHref has the following elements # searchPattern # ignorePattern ############################################################################# sub grepLogFile { my ($file, $patternsAref) = @_; if ($#$patternsAref < 0) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("No patterns specified for $file"); $missingPatternErrors.= ", $file" if($missingPatternErrors); $missingPatternErrors="No patterns specified for: $file" if(!$missingPatternErrors); return; } my @patterns = @$patternsAref; if ( ! -e $file) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$file does not exist"); $missingFileErrors.= ", $file" if($missingFileErrors); $missingFileErrors="Missing file(s): $file" if(!$missingFileErrors); return ; } my $beginline = 1; my $beginByte = 0; my $fileRotated = 0; my $dev = -1; my $inode_no = -1; my $size = -1; my @attr = (); @attr = stat($file); if ($#attr == -1) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("could not stat $file"); $statErrors.= ", $file" if($statErrors); $statErrors="Could not stat file(s): $file" if(!$statErrors); return ; } $size = $attr[7]; return if $size == 0; # Either no log has been generated yet or # The file has just been rotated, new file has no data my ($oldSignatureLineCount, $signatureLineCount) = (0, 0); my ($oldSignature, $signature); $oldSignatureLineCount = $Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount} if (defined($Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount})); $oldSignature = $Flag{$file}{signature} if (defined($Flag{$file}{signature})); my $fileOpen = open DATA, "< $file"; if (!$fileOpen) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$file could not be opened\n"); $fileOpenErrors.= ", $file" if($fileOpenErrors); $fileOpenErrors="Could not open file(s): $file" if(!$fileOpenErrors); return; } my ($line1, $line2, $line3); read(DATA,$line1,1024); ++$signatureLineCount and read(DATA,$line2,1024) if (defined($line1)); ++$signatureLineCount and read(DATA,$line3,1024) if (defined($line2)); ++$signatureLineCount if (defined($line3)); if ($oldSignatureLineCount > 0) { #The file has been read before #Check if the old signature matches the current file signature if ($oldSignatureLineCount == 1) { $signature = md5_hex($line1); } elsif ($oldSignatureLineCount == 2) { $signature = md5_hex($line1.$line2); } elsif ($oldSignatureLineCount == 3) { $signature = md5_hex($line1.$line2.$line3); } if ($signature ne $oldSignature) { $fileRotated = 1; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("File Rotated: old sig: $oldSignature, new sig: $signature"); } } if ($signatureLineCount > 0) { #Compute the current file signature $signature = md5_hex($line1.$line2.$line3); } if ($fileRotated == 0) { $beginByte = $Flag{$file}{position} if (defined($Flag{$file}{position})); $beginline = $Flag{$file}{line} if (defined($Flag{$file}{line})); } #Save the new signature into the hash so that it can be persisted $Flag{$file}{signature} = $signature ; $Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount} = $signatureLineCount ; if ($beginByte >= $size) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$file: Nothing to read"); close DATA; return; } seek (DATA, $beginByte, 0); #my @file_lines = ; #chomp(@file_lines); #$Flag{$file}{position} = tell DATA; #close DATA; my $currentLine = $beginline; my $file_contents; my $block_size = 10240; my $end_pos; my $match; my $tmp_block=""; my $pos_correct; my $lastLine = $beginline; while(read(DATA,$file_contents,$block_size)) { $end_pos = rindex($file_contents,"\n"); $Flag{$file}{position} = tell DATA; if(length($file_contents) ne $block_size) { $match = $file_contents; $match = $tmp_block.$file_contents; $tmp_block = ""; $pos_correct=0; } else { if($end_pos == -1 ) { $end_pos = rindex($file_contents," "); } $match = substr($file_contents,0,$end_pos); $match = $tmp_block.$match; $tmp_block = substr($file_contents,$end_pos,$block_size-$end_pos); $pos_correct = $block_size-$end_pos; } my @file_lines=split("\n",$match); foreach my $line (@file_lines) { foreach my $patternHref (@patterns) { my $searchPattern = ${$patternHref}{"searchPattern"}; my $ignorePattern = ${$patternHref}{"ignorePattern"}; next if ($ignorePattern ne "" && $ignorePattern ne "%" && $line =~ /$ignorePattern/); next if ($searchPattern eq "" || $searchPattern eq "%"); if ($line =~ /$searchPattern/i) { ${$patternHref}{"matchCount"}++; ${$patternHref}{"matchedContent"} .= ": ". $line . "; " if ($uploadContent{$file}); } } $currentLine++; } $lastLine += $#file_lines; } my $msg1 = ""; if( $beginline == $lastLine ) { $msg1 = "Scanned line $beginline in $file." } else { $msg1 = "Scanned $file from line $beginline to $lastLine."; } $msg1 = "$file has been Rotated. $msg1" if $fileRotated; foreach my $patternHref (@patterns) { if (${$patternHref}{"matchCount"} > 0) { my $searchPattern = ${$patternHref}{"searchPattern"}; my $ignorePattern = ${$patternHref}{"ignorePattern"}; my $matchCount = ${$patternHref}{"matchCount"}; my $msg; if (${$patternHref}{"matchCount"} > 1) { $msg = $msg1 . " Found $matchCount occurences of the pattern [$searchPattern]"; } else { $msg = $msg1 . " Found 1 occurence of the pattern [$searchPattern]"; } $msg .= " with ignore pattern [" . $ignorePattern ."]" if ${$patternHref}{"ignorePattern"}; if ($uploadContent{$file}) { $msg .= ";"; $msg .= " " . ${$patternHref}{"matchedContent"}; if (length($msg) > 1024) { my $msg2 = "; truncated ..."; $msg = substr($msg, 0, 1024-length($msg2)) . $msg2; } } else { $msg .= "."; } my $result="em_result=$file,$searchPattern,$ignorePattern,$timestamp,$matchCount,$msg"; print "$result\n"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$result"); } } $Flag{$file}{line} = $lastLine; # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Next State[$file]: Line: $Flag{$file}{line}; Position: $Flag{$file}{position}; signatureLineCount: $Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount}; signature: $Flag{$file}{signature}"); } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub getStateFileName--------------------------------- ############################################################################# sub getStateFileName { unless( exists $ENV{EMSTATE} or defined $ENV{EMSTATE} ) { &raise_error_and_exit("The environment variable EMSTATE needs to be set in order to run parse-log1.pl",2); } unless( exists $ENV{EM_TARGET_GUID} ) { &raise_error_and_exit("The environment variable EM_TARGET_GUID needs to be set in order to run parse-log1.pl",3); } return "$ENV{EMSTATE}"."$fpSep"."sysman"."$fpSep"."emd"."$fpSep"."state"."$fpSep"."parse-log-$ENV{EM_TARGET_GUID}"; } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub initFlags----------------------------------- ############################################################################# sub initFlags { $ENV{EM_STATE_FILE} = getStateFileName(); # Read the state line if we have one. unless( open STATE, "< $ENV{EM_STATE_FILE}" ) { # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$ENV{EM_STATE_FILE} file couldn't be opened"); return; } my @stateLines = ; close STATE; foreach my $state (@stateLines) { chomp($state); if ($state) { my @tokens = split ('\|\|\|', $state); # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("#tokens = $#tokens"); if ($#tokens == 4) { my $file = $tokens[0]; $Flag{$file}{line} = $tokens[1]; $Flag{$file}{position} = $tokens[2]; my @decodedLineCount = split('signature_line_count:',$tokens[3]); if ($#decodedLineCount == 1) { $Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount} = $decodedLineCount[1]; $Flag{$file}{signature} = $tokens[4]; } else { #this can only happen from the old code which stored dev/inode info #in $tokens[3] and $tokens[4]. Following code takes care of #potential file rotation when switching to the new md5 digest scheme. if ($statSupportsInode) { my $oldDev = $tokens[3]; my $oldInode = $tokens[4]; my $dev = -1; my $inode = -1; my @attr = stat($file); if ($#attr != -1) { $dev = $attr[0]; $inode = $attr[1]; if ($dev ne $oldDev || $inode ne $oldInode) { #file has been rotated, so set the old signature #to a default which would not match with the current #MD5 digest for the top 3 lines $Flag{$file}{position} = 0; $Flag{$file}{line} = 1; $Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount} = 1; $Flag{$file}{signature} = "SECRET"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$file rotated while switching to the md5 scheme for the first time"); } } } } # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Previous State[$file]: Line: $Flag{$file}{line}; Position: $Flag{$file}{position}; signatureLineCount: $Flag{$file}{signatureLineCount}; signature: $Flag{$file}{signature}"); } } else { EMD_PERL_ERROR("Bad State: $state"); } } } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub saveFlags----------------------------------- ############################################################################# sub saveFlags { # Save the state file. unless( open STATE, "> $ENV{EM_STATE_FILE}" ) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("Unable to open state file: $ENV{EM_STATE_FILE}. [$!]"); return; } foreach my $logFile (keys %Flag) { chomp($logFile); if ($logFile && defined($GC{$logFile})) { print STATE "$logFile|||$Flag{$logFile}{line}|||$Flag{$logFile}{position}|||signature_line_count:$Flag{$logFile}{signatureLineCount}|||$Flag{$logFile}{signature}\n"; } } close STATE; } ############################################################################# #-----------------------raise_error_and_exit-------------------- ############################################################################# sub raise_error_and_exit() { my ($message, $exit_status) = @_; EMD_PERL_ERROR($message); print STDERR "$message \n"; exit $exit_status; } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub getSignatures ----------------------------------- # Inputs: # href having pair keys # name of list-file ############################################################################# sub getSignatures { my ($signHref , $config_file, $customerFile) = @_; my @expandedPaths = getConfiguredFiles($config_file, $customerFile); #get the signature for each file, and collect them in signHref as keys foreach my $path (@expandedPaths) { if (-e $path) { my $signature = getSignature($path); # if ($customerFile) # { # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("external: $path: $signature"); # } # else # { # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("internal: $path: $signature"); # } ${$signHref}{$signature}=1; } else { # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$path does not exist"); } } } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub getConfiguredFiles ----------------------------- # Inputs: # $file - configuration file for log file monitoring # $customerFile - 1 if it is a customer file, else 0 # # Outputs: # @signatures - Array of file-names indicated by the configuration file ############################################################################# sub getConfiguredFiles { my ($config_file, $customerFile) = @_; my @configured_files = (); my $fileOpen = open (FILE, "<$config_file"); if (!$fileOpen) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("Configuration file $config_file could not be opened\n"); $fileOpenErrors.= ", $config_file" if($fileOpenErrors); $fileOpenErrors="Could not open file(s): $config_file" if(!$fileOpenErrors); return; } my @configData = ; close FILE; foreach my $configLine ( @configData ) { #escape leading and trailing whitespace, removing trailing new-line character, & ignoring comments $configLine =~ s/^\s+//; $configLine =~ s/\s+$//; chomp $configLine; next if($configLine =~ /^\#/); next if($configLine =~ /^$/); #if used, then replace it with its value if ($configLine =~ /^/) { my @lineParts = split("", $configLine); $configLine = $ENV{EMSTATE} . $lineParts[1]; } #if used, then replace it with its value if ($configLine =~ /^/) { my @lineParts = split("", $configLine); $configLine = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} . $lineParts[1]; } #On Windows, change / to \\ in the file path specification for oracle #shipped configuration files. Replacing with double backslash #ensures that wildcard % is not escaped on Windows platform. $configLine =~ s/\//\\\\/g if ($customerFile == 0 && $os eq "WIN"); if ($customerFile == 1) { if(-f $configLine || -l $configLine) { push (@configured_files, $configLine); } else { EMD_PERL_ERROR("$configLine is not a file or symbolic link, bad entry in $config_file"); } } else { push(@configured_files, recursiveExpand($configLine)); } } return @configured_files; } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub getSignature ----------------------------- # Inputs: # $path - absolute path of file/link/directory # # Outputs: # @signature - Returns MD5 Digest of first 100 lines on Windows # - Returns pair on UNIX platforms ############################################################################# sub getSignature { if ($os ne "LNX" && $os ne "SOL" && $os ne "WIN" && $os ne "HP" && $os ne "AIX" && $os ne "OSF1" && $os ne "MAC OS X") { EMD_PERL_ERROR("Check if your OS supports unique stat based signature for symbolic and hard links"); print "em_error=Check if your OS supports unique stat based signature for symbolic and hard links\n"; exit 1; } my ($path) = @_; # print "getSignature: $path\n"; if ($os eq "WIN") { # On Windows Platform, compute MD5 digest over the first 100 lines # of the given file. This digest would be used as the unique signature # for a given file. This approximation on Windows would lead to false # positives with respect to 2 files being equivalent. Such false # positives are highly unlikely to occur in real customer situations # with sensitive files. open FH, "< $path" || return $path; my $firstHundredLines=""; read(FH,$firstHundredLines,10240); close FH; my $signature = md5_hex($firstHundredLines); # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("getSignature: $path: $signature"); return $signature; } else { my @attr = stat($path); return $path if ($#attr != 12); my $dev = $attr[0]; my $inode_no = $attr[1]; return "$dev,$inode_no"; } } ############################################################################# #---------------------sub recursiveExpand ----------------------------- # Inputs: # path to expand # # Outputs: # Returns list of files and symbolic links after recursive expansion ############################################################################# sub recursiveExpand { my @result = (); my ($configLine) = @_; my @expandedPaths = expandPath($configLine); foreach my $path (@expandedPaths) { if (-d $path) { # NOTE: Add two $fpSep after $path, avoids # wildcard % being escaped on Windows my $dir = "$path"."$fpSep"."$fpSep"."%"; # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("recursiveExpand: $dir"); push (@result, recursiveExpand($dir)); next; } push (@result, $path) and # EMD_PERL_DEBUG("recursiveExpand: pushing $path") and next if (-f $path || -l $path); } return @result; }