# # Copyright (c) 2001, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. # # $Id: oracle_db_files.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/3 2009/02/19 10:46:49 yozhang Exp $ # # # NAME # oracle_db_files.pl # # DESC # Subroutine for getting the file metrics for a Oracle DB files along with the filesystem or raw device # # # FUNCTIONS # # # NOTES # Target Adress expected to be in the standard format # (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=dlsun1170)(PORT=1531))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=emd))) # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # yozhang 02/17/09 - Fix bug 8216584: remove vtempfiles for 11.2DB # mnihalan 02/09/09 - Fix bug 7514751 # yozhang 02/05/09 - Fix bug 8216584 # ajdsouza 12/05/05 - XbranchMerge ajdsouza_stg_bug4739322_fix1 from # st_emdbgc_10. # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 12/02/05 - fix bug 4739322, iload storage modules after db io # to prevent nls issues # xshen 01/12/05 - modify redolog query # ajdsouza 10/13/04 - Add hint for v$datafile # ajdsouza 08/19/04 - Added locale # ajdsouza 07/23/04 - Commented the column os_storage_entity # ajdsouza 06/25/04 - storage reporting sources # ajdsouza 04/16/04 - Creation, Replicated the sqls from oracle_database.xml # # require v5.6.1; require 'emd_common.pl'; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; my $fptr_get_os_storage_entity_path; my %list_of_sqls; my %order_of_fields; my %os_file_name; # define the other configuration variables %list_of_sqls = ( db_datafiles => [ " SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(ddf.file_name, chr(10), ''), chr(13), '') \"file_name\", vdf.status \"status\", ddf.tablespace_name \"tablespace_name\", NVL(ddf.bytes,0) \"bytes\", ddf.autoextensible \"autoextensible\", ddf.increment_by \"increment_by\", ddf.maxbytes \"max_bytes\" FROM sys.dba_data_files ddf, v\$datafile vdf /*+ all_rows use_concat */ WHERE (ddf.file_name = vdf.name)", " SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(dtf.file_name, chr(10), ''), chr(13), '') \"file_name\", vtf.status \"status\", dtf.tablespace_name \"tablespace_name\", NVL(dtf.bytes,0) \"bytes\", dtf.autoextensible \"autoextensible\", dtf.increment_by \"increment_by\", dtf.maxbytes \"max_bytes\" FROM sys.dba_temp_files dtf, v\$tempfile vtf WHERE (dtf.file_id = vtf.file#)" ], db_datafiles_10gR2 => [ " SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(ddf.file_name, chr(10), ''), chr(13), '') \"file_name\", ddf.online_status \"status\", ddf.tablespace_name \"tablespace_name\", NVL(ddf.bytes,0) \"bytes\", ddf.autoextensible \"autoextensible\", ddf.increment_by \"increment_by\", ddf.maxbytes \"max_bytes\" FROM sys.dba_data_files ddf", " SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(dtf.file_name, chr(10), ''), chr(13), '') \"file_name\", vtf.status \"status\", dtf.tablespace_name \"tablespace_name\", NVL(dtf.bytes,0) \"bytes\", dtf.autoextensible \"autoextensible\", dtf.increment_by \"increment_by\", dtf.maxbytes \"max_bytes\" FROM sys.dba_temp_files dtf, v\$tempfile vtf WHERE (dtf.file_id = vtf.file#)" ], db_datafiles_11gR2 => [ " SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(ddf.file_name, chr(10), ''), chr(13), '') \"file_name\", ddf.online_status \"status\", ddf.tablespace_name \"tablespace_name\", NVL(ddf.bytes,0) \"bytes\", ddf.autoextensible \"autoextensible\", ddf.increment_by \"increment_by\", ddf.maxbytes \"max_bytes\" FROM sys.dba_data_files ddf", " SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(dtf.file_name, chr(10), ''), chr(13), '') \"file_name\", dtf.status \"status\", dtf.tablespace_name \"tablespace_name\", NVL(dtf.bytes,0) \"bytes\", dtf.autoextensible \"autoextensible\", dtf.increment_by \"increment_by\", dtf.maxbytes \"max_bytes\" FROM sys.dba_temp_files dtf" ], db_controlfiles => [ " SELECT cf.name \"file_name\", db.controlfile_type \"status\", to_char(db.controlfile_created,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') \"creation_date\", db.controlfile_sequence# \"sequence_no\", db.controlfile_change# \"last_change_scn\", to_char(db.controlfile_time,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') \"last_modification_date\" FROM v\$controlfile cf, v\$database db" ], db_redologs => [ " SELECT l.group# \"group_no\", NLS_INITCAP(l.status) \"status\", l.members \"no_of_members\", lf.member \"file_name\", NLS_INITCAP(l.archived) \"archived\", l.bytes \"size_k\", l.sequence# \"sequence_no\", l.first_change# \"first_change_scn\", l.thread# as thread_num FROM v\$log l, v\$logfile lf WHERE l.group# = lf.group#" ] ); %order_of_fields = ( db_datafiles => { file_name=>1, status=>2, tablespace_name=>3, bytes=>4, autoextensible=>5, increment_by=>6, max_bytes=>7, os_storage_entity_identifier=>8 }, db_datafiles_10gR2 => { file_name=>1, status=>2, tablespace_name=>3, bytes=>4, autoextensible=>5, increment_by=>6, max_bytes=>7, os_storage_entity_identifier=>8 }, db_datafiles_11gR2 => { file_name=>1, status=>2, tablespace_name=>3, bytes=>4, autoextensible=>5, increment_by=>6, max_bytes=>7, os_storage_entity_identifier=>8 }, db_controlfiles => { file_name=>1, status=>2, creation_date=>3, sequence_no=>4, last_change_scn=>5, last_modification_date=>6, os_storage_entity_identifier=>7 }, db_redologs => { group_no=>1, status=>2, no_of_members=>3, file_name=>4, archived=>5, size_k=>6, sequence_no=>7, first_change_scn=>8, os_storage_entity_identifier=>9, thread_num=>10 } ); %os_file_name = ( db_datafiles =>'file_name', db_datafiles_10gR2 =>'file_name', db_datafiles_11gR2 =>'file_name', db_controlfiles=>'file_name', db_redologs=>'file_name' ); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # subs declared my %stdinArgs; my $password; my $username; my $address; my $role; my $mode; my @results; # DB connection timeout and retry values in secs my $db_timeout = 10; #timeout secs my $db_retry = 3; #number of retries my $db_waittime = 60; #wait time before retry # Get the username,password and target database base address from # fetchlet environment %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); $password = $stdinArgs{EM_TARGET_PASSWORD} if $stdinArgs{EM_TARGET_PASSWORD}; $username = $stdinArgs{EM_TARGET_USERNAME} if $stdinArgs{EM_TARGET_USERNAME}; $address = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS} if $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS}; $role = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE} if $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE}; $mode = 0; $mode = 2 if $role and $role =~ /SYSDBA/i; $mode = 4 if $role and $role =~ /SYSOPER/i; die "ERROR: Target database credentials not available \n" unless $username and $password and $address; EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("Connecting to $username $address \n"); #-------------------------------- # Get connection to the database #-------------------------------- my %dbh; $dbh{dbh}= DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "$username@".$address , "$password", {ora_session_mode => $mode}) or die "Could not connect to $username/$address: $DBI::errstr\n"; $dbh{dbh}->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc'; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute the sql ad fetch the results as an array of hashes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- die "Usage perl oracle_database.pl " unless $ARGV[0]; die "The metric name $ARGV[0] is invalid" unless $list_of_sqls{$ARGV[0]} and @{$list_of_sqls{$ARGV[0]}}; for my $sql ( @{$list_of_sqls{$ARGV[0]}} ) { my $sth = $dbh{dbh}->prepare($sql) or $dbh{dbh}->disconnect and die "ERROR : preparing $sql\n"; $sth->execute or $sth->finish and $dbh{dbh}->disconnect and die "ERROR : executing $sql\n"; my $array_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( $order_of_fields{$ARGV[0]} ) or $sth->finish and $dbh{dbh}->disconnect and die "ERROR: fetching $sql \n"; die "ERROR : $sql fetch :: ".$sth->errstr." \n" and $sth->finish and $dbh{dbh}->disconnect if $sth->err; # this check is not required refer bug# 4764143, there can be queries that fetch no results # die "ERROR : $sql No rows found \n" and $sth->finish and $dbh{dbh}->disconnect unless $sth->rows and $array_ref and @{$array_ref}; next unless $sth->rows and $array_ref and @{$array_ref}; # storage the results in a global for my $row ( @{$array_ref} ) { my %rowhsh = %{$row}; push @results,\%rowhsh; } $sth->finish or $dbh{dbh}->disconnect and die "Failed to disconnect from the database $address"; } $dbh{dbh}->disconnect or return; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the storage libraries after DB I/O is completed # This will prevent any issues with DBI NLS #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get a pinter to the storage::Register::get_os_storage_entity_path # function, dont fail if module is absent $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {}; eval ' use storage::Register; $fptr_get_os_storage_entity_path = \&storage::Register::get_os_storage_entity_path '; if ( $@ ) { # In case of failure setting the environment undef $fptr_get_os_storage_entity_path if $fptr_get_os_storage_entity_path; # Do no use locale, in the absence of use locale the namespace of this # script will use the default locale # but the storage modules will use the locale set in them # Set environment to C locale # OS binaries can see this locale my $clocale='C'; for ( qw ( LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_TIME LC_NUMERIC LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LANG LANGUAGE ) ) { $ENV{$_}=$clocale; } } $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn "$_[0]"; }; # Shouldnt we set locale here if it was not set in Register #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the filesystem or the raw device used by the oracle file #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $os_file_name{$ARGV[0]} ) { for my $row ( @results ) { # Initialize $row->{os_storage_entity_identifier}='NA'; next unless $row->{$os_file_name{$ARGV[0]}}; next unless $fptr_get_os_storage_entity_path; # Do not show warn messaegs from storage reporting module $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {}; # Get the filesystem or raw device for the oracle file $row->{os_storage_entity_identifier} = $fptr_get_os_storage_entity_path->( $row->{$os_file_name{$ARGV[0]}} ); $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn "$_[0]"; }; # if the field is blanked out set it to NA $row->{os_storage_entity_identifier}='NA' unless $row->{os_storage_entity_identifier}; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the metrics to STDOUT #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for my $row ( @results ) { print "em_result="; for my $key ( sort { $order_of_fields{$ARGV[0]}{$a} <=> $order_of_fields{$ARGV[0]}{$b} } keys %{$order_of_fields{$ARGV[0]}} ) { warn " field $key is not in the list of quieried fields for ARGV[0] \n" unless exists $row->{$key}; print "$row->{$key}" if $row->{$key}; print "|" unless $order_of_fields{$ARGV[0]}{$key} == keys %{$order_of_fields{$ARGV[0]}}; } print "\n"; } exit 0;