# $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/lsnrresp.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/1 2009/10/20 21:48:35 prjaiswa Exp $ # # lsnrresp.pl # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # lsnrresp.pl # # DESCRIPTION # Returns the status of an oracle listener. If there is an tnsping # failure the return is "em_result= |0" otherwise # "em_result=|1" # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # prjaiswa 10/15/09 - bug 8686293 # vivsharm 07/06/05 - for 4433810 # dkapoor 12/18/03 - return em_result with status down on error # dkapoor 10/31/03 - fixbug#2823971 # dkapoor 10/07/02 - use generic perl instead of tail # dkapoor 07/18/02 - fix 2296998 # xxu 06/25/02 - remove /usr/local/bin/perl # xxu 10/12/01 - set_lib_path (bug 2044793) # njagathe 10/04/01 - Return down if unable to tnsping listener # aaitghez 07/06/01 - die when error. # aaitghez 07/02/01 - error TNS check. # aaitghez 07/02/01 - set ORACLE_HOME # aaitghez 07/02/01 - instance variables naming convention # aaitghez 06/22/01 - oracle home naming. # aaitghez 06/19/01 - removing debug calls. # aaitghez 06/01/01 - adding debug and making common. # aaitghez 05/29/01 - making NLS changes. # aholser 05/17/01 - fix compilation error # aaitghez 05/16/01 - fixing syntax error. # aaitghez 05/14/01 - replacement for lsnrresp.tcl # aaitghez 05/14/01 - Creation # use strict; require "semd_common.pl"; require has::HasCluster; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $ENV{LSNR_ORACLE_HOME}; set_lib_path ($ENV{LSNR_ORACLE_HOME}); my $port = $ENV{LSNR_PORT}; my $machine = $ENV{LSNR_MACHINE}; # check for scan listener my $isScan="FALSE"; eval{ my $scanRef = has::Common::hasGetScanInformation($ENV{LSNR_ORACLE_HOME}); if ( $scanRef and ref($scanRef) and ref($scanRef) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$scanRef} ) { if ( $scanRef->{SCAN_PORT} and $scanRef->{SCAN_PORT} =~ /^$port$/ ) { $isScan = "TRUE"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG(" This is scan listener ..."); } } }; if($@) { # log the message to the log file EMD_PERL_WARN("WARN: $@->getErrorMessage()"); # send the warning message to emagent print "em_warning= $@->getErrorMessage()\n" } my $address = "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=$machine)(PORT=$port))"; my $r; if (!($r = `$ENV{LSNR_ORACLE_HOME}/bin/tnsping \"$address\"`)) { print "em_result=|0|Failed to tnsping $machine\n"; exit ; } #get the last line from the output my @lines = split /^/m, $r; $r = $lines[$#lines]; my @error_parse; my $responseTime; #check for errors: @error_parse = split(m/TNS/, $r); if ((scalar @error_parse) > 1) { # we got some sort of error # note that we parse around TNS because a TNS error # will hold this string # # We assume that the error indicates the listener is down $r =~ s/^\s*|\s*&//g; $r =~ s/\n/ /g; print "em_result=|0|$r\n"; exit; } else { # we seem to have a good result # lets get the milliseconds # the output from a good result will look like this: # OK (20 msec) # we want the number $_ = $r; /[0-9]+/; $responseTime = $&; } #Some Oracle Net process is running at the port validate that its this listener my $name = $ENV{LSNR_NAME}; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/net/listenerUtil.pl"; set_lib_path ($ENV{LSNR_ORACLE_HOME}); $ENV{TNS_ADMIN} = $ENV{LSNR_ORA_DIR}; my $listenerFile = $ENV{LSNR_ORA_DIR} . "/listener.ora"; my $executable= $ENV{LSNR_ORACLE_HOME}."/bin/lsnrctl"; my $command =""; if ($isScan eq "TRUE" ) { $command = "status $name"; }else { $command = "status $address"; } my $result ; eval { $result = getResult($executable,$command,$listenerFile,$name,1); }; if($@) { print "em_result=|0|Failed to run lsnrctl\n"; exit; } my $errorMsg = getErrorIfAny($result); if (defined $errorMsg) { @error_parse = split(m/TNS/, $result); $result =~ s/^\s*|\s*&//g; $result =~ s/\n/ /g; print "em_result=|0|$result\n"; exit; } ## parse result my @info = split(/\n/, $result); if ($#info < 0) { print "em_result=|0|Failed to run lsnrctl\n"; exit; } if(isThisListenerRunning($result,$ENV{LSNR_ORA_DIR},$name)) { print "em_result=$responseTime|1|\n"; exit; } #print "em_result=|0|listener \"$name\" is not running using \"$listenerFile\" file.\n"; if(isAnyListenerRunning($result, $machine, $port, $name)) { my $currListenerFile = getCurrentListenerOraFile($result, $name); if (!($currListenerFile eq "")) { print "em_result=|0|Although a Listener with name \"$name\", is running on this host at port: \"$port\", it was not started using this target\'s \"LISTENER.ORA\" file. CORRECTIVE ACTION: To monitor this \"EM Listener Target\" with its present configuration, you must stop the currently running listener process, and start it again using the Listener Parameter file: $listenerFile . Alternatively, you can update this target\'s \"LISTENER.ORA Location\" parameter with the location of the currently running Listener, which was started using: $currListenerFile\n"; exit; } else { print "em_result=|0|A listener process with name \"$name\" is currently running on this host at port: \"$port\", but it was started without using any Listener Parameter File. CORRECTIVE ACTION: An \"EM Listener Target\" cannot be configured without specifying a valid \"Listener Parameter File\" location. To monitor this \"EM Listener Target\" with its present configuration, you must stop the currently running listener , and create an entry for it in the parameter file: $listenerFile . After this is done, you must start the listener again using this updated listener parameter file\n"; exit; } } print "em_result=|0| The listener \"$name\" is not running using the Listener parameter file: \"$listenerFile\" on Host: \"$machine\" at Port: \"$port\".\n";