#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/has/clustgtinst.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/1 2011/07/20 17:31:43 ajdsouza Exp $ # # clustgtinst.pl # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # clustgtinst.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # this script removed the PUSH=TRUE from the cluster target instance file conditions in the # /sysman/emd/collection/cluster_.xml files # the modified file is backed up as /sysman/emd/collection/old_cluster_.bak # # this scripts expects the ORACLE_HOME for the agent to be provided in the environment # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 11/01/10 - bug fix 10118817 # XbranchMerge ajdsouza_blr_backport_10392806_11. # from st_emdbgc_10. # ajdsouza 12/10/10 - created # use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Data::Dumper; my $revert=0; $revert = 1 if @ARGV > 0 and $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] =~ /revert/i; my $oh; $oh=$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; die "ERROR:Failed to get the agent home directory , failed to update the cluster instance file" unless $oh; my $obin = catdir($oh,'bin'); my $emctl; for my $emct ( qw ( emctl emctl.bat ) ) { my $tmpcmd = catfile($obin,$emct); stat $tmpcmd; next unless -e $tmpcmd and -r $tmpcmd; $emctl = $tmpcmd; last; } die "ERROR:Failed to get the emctl cli in $obin , failed to update the cluster instance file" unless $emctl; my $res = `$emctl getemhome`; die "ERROR:Failed to get the results from $emctl getemhome, failed to update the cluster instance file" unless $res; my @results = split/\n/,$res; my $emhome; for my $row ( @results ) { next unless $row; $row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//; next unless $row; next unless $row =~ /^EMHOME=/; ( $emhome ) = ( $row =~ /^EMHOME=(.*)/); $emhome =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $emhome; last; } die "ERROR:Failed to get the emhome from $emctl getemhome, failed to update the cluster instance file" unless $emhome; my $sysman = catdir($emhome,'sysman'); my $emd = catdir($sysman,'emd'); my $coll = catdir($emd,'collection'); stat $coll; print "collection directory $coll does nto exist, no cluster target instance files to be updated\n" and exit 0 unless -e $coll and -r $coll; # open the collection directory and get the cluster_<>.xml files to process opendir(my $dh, $coll) or die "ERROR:Failed to open target instance collection directory $coll, no cluster target instance files to be updated"; my @clsfiles = grep { /^cluster_.*\.xml/ } readdir($dh); closedir $dh; for my $clsfile ( @clsfiles ) { next unless $clsfile; my $collfilepath = catfile($coll,$clsfile); stat $collfilepath; warn "WARN:Failed to read the cluster target instance collection file $collfilepath, skipping this file \n" and next unless -e $collfilepath and -r $collfilepath; my $datamodified = 0; my @clsdata; if ( not $revert ) { print "DEBUG:Editing cluster target instance collection file $clsfile, to remove PUSH=TRUE\n"; # read data from the collection file open CLSDATA, "$collfilepath" or warn "WARN:Failed to open $collfilepath $!, skipping this file\n " and next; @clsdata = ; for my $datarow ( @clsdata ) { next unless $datarow and $datarow =~ /PUSH\=\"TRUE\"/; $datamodified = 1; $datarow =~ s/PUSH\=\"TRUE\"//; } close (CLSDATA); } else { $datamodified = 1; } # write the modified data back to the file if ( $datamodified ) { $clsfile =~ s/\.xml$/\.bak/; $clsfile =~ s/^cluster/patch_cluster/; my $backupfilepath = catfile($coll,$clsfile); if ( $backupfilepath ne $collfilepath ) { if ( not $revert ) { print "DEBUG:Backed up file $collfilepath to $backupfilepath, before removing PUSH=TRUE\n"; copy($collfilepath,$backupfilepath) or warn "WARN:Failed to backup file $collfilepath to $backupfilepath, skipping this file \n" and next; } else { stat $backupfilepath; if ( -e $backupfilepath and -r $backupfilepath ) { print "DEBUG:Reverting from backed up file $backupfilepath to $collfilepath , restoring back PUSH=TRUE\n"; copy($backupfilepath,$collfilepath) or warn "WARN:Failed to revert from file $backupfilepath to $collfilepath , skipping this file \n" and next; } } } else { warn "WARN:Failed to backup file $collfilepath to $backupfilepath, before removing PUSH=TRUE, skipping this file\n"; } if ( not $revert ) { open(FHD,'>',$collfilepath) or die "ERROR:Failed to open cluster target instance file $collfilepath for writing back without PUSH, no cluster target instance files to be updated\n"; for my $writedata ( @clsdata ) { print FHD $writedata and next if $writedata; print FHD '\n'; } close FHD; print "DEBUG:Cluster target instance collection file $collfilepath is updated by removing PUSH=TRUE\n"; } } else { print "DEBUG:Cluster target instance collection file $collfilepath does not have PUSH=TRUE no changes needed\n"; } } exit 0;