# $Id: HasCluster.pm /st_emdbsa_11.2/23 2011/07/20 17:31:43 ajdsouza Exp $
# $Id: HasCluster.pm /st_emdbsa_11.2/23 2011/07/20 17:31:43 ajdsouza Exp $
# HasCluster.pm
# Common cluster subroutines
# ajdsouza 11/01/10 - bug fix 10118817
# ajdsouza 06/21/11 - XbranchMerge
# ajdsouza_blr_backport_10392806_11. from
# st_emdbgc_10.
# ajdsouza 03/30/10 - set SRVM_TRACE=FALSE is nto defined as TRUE for CVU commands
# ajdsouza 03/19/10 - Bug#9496903 fix scscan fix, use resource name
# ajdsouza 03/11/10 - Bug fix#9466874 - do not invoke hasGetDomainName as var hostDomainSub is not undefed
# ajdsouza 03/04/10 - scanName will have gns/locahhost domain appended to it
# ajdsouza 02/16/10 - lowered any WARN scan/eons/voting disk/has/resource message to DEBUG
# ajdsouza 02/16/10 - do not discover cluster if crsd is down on a node
# ajdsouza 02/16/10 - bug# 9255116
# ajdsouza 02/16/10 - pre11gR2 cluster errors should be debug
# ajdsouza 02/16/10 - emcrsp command during discovery should ignore failure as
# stack could be down
# ajdsouza 02/04/10 - bug9350140
# ajdsouza 01/13/10 - bug9171474
# ajdsouza 11/14/09 - change target type to oracle_has from has and back to has
# ajdsouza 11/14/09 - append node name if cluster name is crs
# ajdsouza 11/14/09 - Bug fix#9117595
# ajdsouza 10/30/09 - Fix solaris libskgxn issues in getVendorClusterware
# ajdsouza 10/15/09 - Bug fix#9009918
# ajdsouza 10/12/09 - invoke scanapi with dynamic flag
# ajdsouza 02/02/10 - bug9212119
# ajdsouza 01/13/10 - bug9171474
# ajdsouza 10/07/09 - Bug fix#8988446
# ajdsouza 09/01/09 - invoke funrtion in has::Common for discovering cluster and has
# targets
# ajdsouza 12/07/08 - Bug fix#7689615
# kramarat 06/09/08 - Siha support for Listener
# ajdsouza 05/13/08 -
# vgoli 03/24/08 - use JDBC/OCI wrappers
# ajdsouza 01/23/07 - Created
package has::HasCluster;
use Exporter;
use strict;
use warnings;
use locale;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Path;
use Data::Dumper;
#this module is not available in emagent
my $hostNameSub = 'hostOSD::getHostName';
my $hostDomainSub = 'hostOSD::getDomainName';
eval "use hostOSD; 1 " or undef $hostNameSub and undef $hostDomainSub and warn "DEBUG:hostOSD perl module is not available";
use Sys::Hostname;
use DBI;
use XML::Parser;
use FindBin;
use Config;
use Net::Domain qw(hostdomain);
use has::Common;
use has::sCommon;
require "has/SQL.pl";
require "emd_common.pl";
require "semd_common.pl";
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( );
# global package variables
# package level variables
# variables for xml related parsing
my $has_xref;
my $has_fref;
# sub routines
sub hasGetFunctionString($;@);
sub readRegressionDatFile();
sub get_fn_results($);
sub regression_test($$;@);
sub hasInit(;$);
sub hasInitSignalsStderr();
sub hasCleanup(;$);
sub hasRestoreStderr();
sub runsystemcommand( $;$$ );
sub print_warn_message(@);
sub print_error_message(@);
sub exit_fail(@);
sub hasGetXmlErrorStack();
sub get_error_stack();
sub has_handle_error(@);
sub has_printerrors;
sub save_systemcmdoutput();
sub has_start_handler;
sub has_end_handler;
sub has_char_handler;
sub parse_xml($);
sub traverse_xml($$$@);
sub delete_element($);
sub mark_depth($);
sub append_element( $$ );
sub make_element ($;$$);
sub print_xml($$);
sub dump_xml($$);
# Traverse the tree depth first based on the start and tag passed
# and the specified order
sub fntrdf( $$$$\&$;$$$ );
# Traverse the tree breadth first based on the start and tag passed
# and the specified order
sub fntrbf( $$$$\&$; );
sub has_get_cache_dir ();
sub hasDoesFileExist($;);
sub hasIsReadable($;);
sub hasIsWriteable($;);
sub hasIsDir($;);
sub hasReturnFileContents($;$);
sub hasWriteToFile($$$;);
sub hasSetCRSEnv(;$);
sub hasRestoreCRSEnv();
sub hasGetEnv();
sub hasGetNodeCRSHome(;$$);
sub hasGetCRSHome(;$);
sub hasGetEnvCRSHome();
sub hasGetOSLocalHostName();
sub hasGetLocalHostName();
sub hasGetDomainName(;$);
sub hasGetLocalHostDomain(;$);
sub hasGetDomainNameNSLookup($;);
sub hasCheckForEmcrsp($);
sub hasGetEntityInformation($;$$);
sub hasDiscoverCluster(;$);
sub hasCheckForHasClusterInventory(;$);
sub hasGetHasName(;$$);
sub hasIsVendorClusterware($);
sub hasSearchClusterName(;$);
sub appendNodeNameToClusterName($$;);
sub hasDoesCommandExist($$;);
sub hasCemutloClusterName($);
sub hasCemutlsClusterName($);
sub hasGetClusterConfigPre11g(;$$);
sub hasGetHasNodeName(;$$);
sub hasGetHasReleaseVersion(;$$);
sub hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g(;$);
sub hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g(;$);
sub hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp(;$$);
sub hasGetClusterStatus( $;$$ );
sub getClusterCacheRef();
sub clusterConfigCopyVals($$;);
sub hasGetClusterConfig(;$$);
sub hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery($;$);
sub hasGetClusterName(;$$);
sub hasGetNodeList(;$);
sub hasGetNodeStatus(;$$);
sub hasGetNodeName(;$);
sub hasGetClusterVersion(;$$);
sub hasGetClusterVendor(;$$);
sub hasGetClusterActiveVersion(;$$);
sub hasGetIsVendorCluster(;$$);
sub computeOcrType($);
sub hasEvalOcrType($;$);
sub hasGetOcrType(;$$);
sub hasGetClusterNodes(;$);
sub hasGetGnsInformation(;$);
sub hasGetScanInformation(;$);
sub hasClusterHealthCheck($;$);
sub hasGetScanVIPInformation(;$);
sub hasGetScanName(;$);
sub hasGetScanIP(;$);
sub hasGetScanPort(;$);
sub hasGetEONSInformation(;$);
sub hasGetEONSPort(;$);
sub hasGetVIPInformation(;$);
sub hasGetVotingDiskInformation(;$);
sub hasGetOCRInformation(;$);
sub hasGetDBResourceInformation($);
sub hasGetLsnrResourceInformation($);
sub hasIsDBManagedByHas($$$$;$$$);
sub hasIsLsnrManagedByHas($$;$);
sub hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults($);
sub hasadm_resource_types_mark_base_types($);
sub hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp($$;$$);
sub hasListenerGetScanName($;$);
sub hasIsListenerScan($;$);
sub has_dependencies($$$);
sub has_em_results ($$$;$);
sub has_gen_key_value($$;);
sub has_entity_fn($$$;@);
sub has_gpnp_server_pool_fn($$$;@);
sub has_resource_crs_servers_fn($$$;@);
sub fnnpprnd ( $$$$$ );
sub fnnpprdp ( $$$$$ );
sub fnnpprnb ( $$$ );
sub hasGetResourceDependencyString($;);
sub hasGetResourceDependents($;);
# FUNCTION : hasGetFunctionString
# return the string for function name + arguments
# sub name
# reference to the sub to be executed
# reference to the list of arguments to the sub
sub hasGetFunctionString($;@)
# my ($sub,$array_ref) = @_;
my ($sub,@args) = @_;
#my @args;
#@args = @$array_ref if $array_ref and ref($array_ref) and ref($array_ref) =~ /LIST/;
#@args = $array_ref if $array_ref and ref($array_ref) and ref($array_ref) =~ /SCALAR/;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetFunctionString No function name passed for regression" and return unless $sub;
# Start Regression or capture
# create a mangled name for capture and regression test mode
my $function_name = "fn_";
# use the interface name to build the function string
# helps during multiple shell invocations if they need different tests
my $element_value = $_;
$element_value =~ s/\s+//g if $element_value;
undef $element_value if $element_value and $element_value =~ /^\s*$/;
if ( not $element_value )
$function_name = "$function_name\_null";
$function_name = "$function_name\_$element_value";
} @has::Common::iface if @has::Common::iface;
$function_name = "$function_name\_$sub";
# mangle the arguments into a function_name to be saved as a file
# for non scalar refs, put the ref type and not the address
# the function counter will take care of opening the right file
# durign regression
my $element_value = $_;
$element_value =~ s/\s+//g if $element_value;
undef $element_value if $element_value and $element_value =~ /^\s*$/;
if ( not $element_value )
$function_name = "$function_name\_null";
my $ref_type = ref($element_value) if $element_value;
if ( not $ref_type )
$function_name = "$function_name\_$element_value";
elsif ( $ref_type =~ /SCALAR/i )
$function_name = "$function_name\_$$element_value";
my $dmpstrg;
$dmpstrg = Dumper($ref_type);
$dmpstrg='' unless $dmpstrg;
$function_name = "$function_name\_$dmpstrg";
} @args if @args;
# Remove these special characters from the file name
$function_name =~ s/\n/_nl_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\@/_a_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\&/_am_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\*/_as_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\\/_b_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\(|\)|{|}|\[|\]/_br_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\^/_c_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\$/_d_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\./_do_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\!/_e_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\`/_es_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\=/_eq_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\\|\//_fs_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\#/_h_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\-/_hf_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\n/_nl_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\+/_p_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\|/_pp_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\s+/_s_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\~/_t_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\,/_cm_/g;
$function_name =~ s/\:/_sc_/g;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetFunctionString Failed to generate a function signature for sub $sub \n"
and return unless $function_name;
# Appened a count to the function name
# The same function may be invoked multiple times with
# different results
unless $has::Common::regression_fn_count{$function_name};
$function_name = "$function_name\_cnt\_$has::Common::regression_fn_count{$function_name}";
return $function_name;
# FUNCTION : readRegressionDatFile()
# DESC :
# read the contents of te regression/capture dat file and cache values to
# hash variable %has::Common::has_test_res_ref
# ARGS :
sub readRegressionDatFile()
if ( $has::Common::has_test_res_ref )
return $has::Common::has_test_res_ref;
my $has_result_fpath;
$has_result_fpath = $ENV{HAS_TEST_FILE_PATH} if $ENV{HAS_TEST_FILE_PATH};
$has_result_fpath = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir(), $has::Common::has_test_res_filen) unless $has_result_fpath;
warn "WARN:has::Common::readRegressionDatFile File $has_result_fpath for persisting command results is not accessible\n"
and return unless -e $has_result_fpath and -r $has_result_fpath;
$has::Common::has_test_res_ref = do "$has_result_fpath";
warn "WARN:has::Common::readRegressionDatFile Failed to read the captured test results from file $has_result_fpath\n"
and return
and ref($has::Common::has_test_res_ref) =~ /HASH/i
and keys %{$has::Common::has_test_res_ref}
return $has::Common::has_test_res_ref;
# FUNCTION : get_fn_results($)
# DESC :
# return the captured results for a function call
# ARGS :
# $ - mangled interface name
sub get_fn_results($)
my ($interface_name) = @_;
#$interface_name =~ s/\s+//;
warn "WARN:has::Common::get_fn_results Interface name expected as arg in get_fn_results\n" and return unless $interface_name;
#$interface_name =~ s/\./_dt_/g;
my $intfcachref = has::Common::readRegressionDatFile();
warn "WARN:has::Common::get_fn_results Failed to find the interface name $interface_name \n"
and return unless $intfcachref and ref($intfcachref) and defined $intfcachref->{$interface_name};
my $fnresults = $intfcachref->{$interface_name};
my $VAR1;
eval $fnresults
or warn "WARN:has::Common::get_fn_results Failed to eval results for interface $interface_name\n" and return;
return $VAR1;
# FUNCTION : regression_test
# Perform a capture for regression test, or perform a regression_test
# Specified by enironment variables
# sub name
# reference to the sub to be executed
# reference to the list of arguments to the sub
sub regression_test($$;@)
#my ($sub,$sub_ref,$array_ref) = @_;
my ($sub,$sub_ref,@args) = @_;
warn "WARN::has::Common::regression_test Subroutine name for regression is null" and return unless $sub;
#my @args = @$array_ref;
# fall thru below this line only for test mode
# The test mode validation
warn "WARN:has::Common:: regression_test Unknown run mode can be REGRESSION or CAPTURE\n"
# Start Regression or capture
# create a mangled name for capture and regression test mode
my $function_name;
$function_name = has::Common::hasGetFunctionString($sub,@args);
#$function_name = has::Common::hasGetFunctionString($sub,$array_ref);
warn "WARN::has::Common::regression_test Function name for regression is null" and return unless $function_name;
# If test regression mode read from stored file and return
# results
# no results expected, execute the function and return
return &$sub_ref(@args) if not defined wantarray;
my $result_ref = has::Common::get_fn_results($function_name);
return unless $result_ref;
# results expected is a list
if ( wantarray )
return @$result_ref;
# result expected is a scalar or
# a reference to a list
my $ref_type = ref($result_ref);
# if the result read is a reference to a scalar,
# return scalar value
return $$result_ref if $ref_type =~ /SCALAR/i;
# if result read is a ref to a list , return reference
return $result_ref;
# fall thru below this line only If test capture mode
# no results expected, so nothing to capture,
# execute the subroutine and return
#return &$sub_ref(@args) if not defined wantarray;
# fall thru below this line only If return value is
# expected
# If an list result is expected
if ( wantarray )
my @results_array = &$sub_ref(@args);
# Store the results
#return 1 if $has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name};
return @results_array if $has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name};
my $dumped_results;
if ( \@results_array )
$dumped_results = Dumper(\@results_array) or warn "WARN::has::Common::regression_test Failed to save results for function $function_name\n" and return;
$has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name} = $dumped_results if $dumped_results;
$has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name} = undef unless $dumped_results;
# return the results
return @results_array;
# an scalar result is expected
# scalar could be an reference to a list
my $results_ref = &$sub_ref(@args);
my $store_results_ref = $results_ref;
# if result is not a ref
# take a pointer to the scalar
# to store results
my $ref_type = ref($results_ref);
$store_results_ref = \$results_ref unless $ref_type;
# Store the results
#return 1 if $has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name};
if ( not defined $has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name} )
my $dumped_results;
if ( $store_results_ref )
$dumped_results = Dumper($store_results_ref)
or warn "WARN:has::Common::regression_test Failed to save results for function $function_name\n" and return;
$has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name} = $dumped_results if $dumped_results;
$has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{$function_name} = undef unless $dumped_results;
# return the results
return $results_ref if $results_ref;
# FUNCTION : hasInit
# do initialization before using library
# should be called explicityly by calling function
# crsHome
sub hasInit(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
my $xml_error_ref = has::Common::make_element('errors');
undef %has::Common::has_xml_errors;
%has::Common::has_xml_errors = %{$xml_error_ref};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasInitSignalsStderr
# initialize
# Perform the initialization steps
# Prepare the directory for logging
sub hasInitSignalsStderr()
#install signal handlers for warn and die
$SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { has::Common::has_handle_error( @_ );
has_exitfail() };
$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { has::Common::has_handle_error( @_)};
# initialize the library
# Save the STDERR before redirecting it to logfile
# If there is an error opening a log file, redirect stderr to null
my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
# read hostname and the ENV variables for target context
$has::Common::has_em_targettype= $ENV{EM_TARGET_TYPE} if $ENV{EM_TARGET_TYPE};
$has::Common::has_em_targetname= $ENV{EM_TARGET_NAME} if $ENV{EM_TARGET_NAME};
$has::Common::has_em_targetguid= $ENV{EM_TARGET_GUID} if $ENV{EM_TARGET_GUID};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasCleanup
# do cleanup before leaving library
# should be called explicityly by calling function
# crsHome
sub hasCleanup(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
%has::Common::hasClusterConfig = ();
@has::Common::oldOH = ();
@has::Common::oldCRSHome = ();
@has::Common::oldEMCRSHome = ();
# cleanup errr stack from previous run
%has::Common::has_error_stack = ();
%has::Common::has_xml_errors = ();
# hash variables to keep track of base resource type, attrrib base type
# resource instance - resource name
# internal resource types
%has::Common::hasadm_restype_base = ();
%has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib = ();
%has::Common::hasadm_resource_type_list = ();
%has::Common::hasadm_resource_list = ();
%has::Common::hasadm_resourceinst_list = ();
%has::Common::hasadm_list_internalresource_types = ();
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasRestoreStderr
# clean up, print results,print errors , successful exit
sub hasRestoreStderr()
# Restore STDERR
# Restore back the stderr fd
# cleanup the library
return 1;
# FUNCTION : runsystemcommand($;$$)
# Run a system command , retry n times if it times out
# command to be executed ( e.g. crsctl start crs )
# variable args to the command ( eg nodename)
# a hash ref with
# {timeout} in seconds, default 120
# {tries} no of tries , default 2.
# {timeout_return} flag 1 to indicate if function should return
# in case of timeout, default is to die
# {exit_failure_list}
# {exit_success_list}
# The lists to indicate failure and sucess exit status if they are other
# than 0=Success all other exit status are =Fail
# You can define one of the list of both the lists
# e.g. for 'crsctl start crs'
# {exit_failure_list}=[(1,3,5,6)]
# {exit_success_list}=[(0,2)]
# result set either an array or a arg
# the $? for the os command as {command_return_status} of the hash ref arg
# {command_error_message} returns $! $@
sub runsystemcommand( $;$$ )
my ($fullcmd,$args,$argref) = @_;
# fix for bug 6261302
# go over path and get the full path to the variable
# Not reqd to do this in regression or capture mode when
# ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} = capture or regression
return has::sCommon::runsystemcommand($fullcmd,$args,$argref)
if $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} and $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} =~ /capture|regression/i;
my $cmd;
my $cmdargs;
#split any args from command
($cmd,$cmdargs) = ( $fullcmd =~ /^([^\s]+) (.*)/ );
$cmd = $fullcmd and undef $cmdargs unless $cmd;
$cmd =~ s/^\s+//g if $cmd;
# $cmd is asolute path , invoke runsystemcommand
return has::sCommon::runsystemcommand($fullcmd,$args,$argref)
if has::Common::hasIsReadable($cmd);
# command does not have path figure out path from env variable
my @paths;
my $fullpath;
@paths = File::Spec->path();
# on windows get the appended path
if ( $^O =~ /windows|mswin/i )
if ( @paths and $paths[0] )
# Bug fix#9117595
# with perl 5.10 if command is prepended then first in path array is '.'
my $pathtosplit = $paths[0];
$pathtosplit =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
if ( ( not $pathtosplit or $pathtosplit !~ /:(?!(\\|\/))/ ) and @paths > 1 and $paths[1] )
$pathtosplit = $paths[1];
$pathtosplit =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
my @setpaths = split/:(?!(\\|\/))/,$pathtosplit if $pathtosplit and $pathtosplit =~ /:(?!(\\|\/))/;
if ( @setpaths )
my @newsetpath;
for my $setpath ( @setpaths )
next unless $setpath;
push @newsetpath,$setpath;
@setpaths = @newsetpath;
if ( @setpaths )
#shift @paths;
unshift @paths,@setpaths;
for my $path ( @paths )
for my $extn ( ( '', '.exe', '.bat' ) )
my $tcmd = "$cmd$extn";
$fullpath = catfile($path,$tcmd);
last if has::Common::hasIsReadable($fullpath);
undef $fullpath;
last if $fullpath;
$fullpath = "$fullpath $cmdargs" if $fullpath and $cmdargs;
$fullpath = $fullcmd unless $fullpath;
return has::sCommon::runsystemcommand($fullpath,$args,$argref);
# FUNCTION : print_warn_message
# print warning messages
# message
sub print_warn_message(@)
my ( $message ) = @_;
chomp $message;
$message =~ s/\n/ /g if $message;
$message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//
if $message;
$message = '' unless $message;
# log the message to the log file
EMD_PERL_WARN("WARN:Warning message from script $message");
# send the warning message to emagent
print "em_warning=Warning message from script $message\n";
return 1;
# FUNCTION : print_error_message
# print error messages
# message
sub print_error_message(@)
my ( $message ) = @_;
chomp $message;
$message =~ s/\n/ /g if $message;
$message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $message;
$message = '' unless $message;
# log the message to the log file
EMD_PERL_ERROR("ERROR:Error message from script $message");
# send the warning message to emagent
print "em_error=Error message from script $message\n";
return 1;
# FUNCTION : exit_fail
# clean up, print errors before failure exit
# message
sub exit_fail(@)
my ( $message ) = @_;
exit 1;
# FUNCTION : hasGetXmlErrorStack
# returns an ref to the has xml error stack
sub hasGetXmlErrorStack()
return \%has::Common::has_xml_errors;
# FUNCTION : get_error_stack
# returns an ref to the has error stack
sub get_error_stack()
return \%has::Common::has_error_stack;
# FUNCTION : has_handle_error
# log the message to trace and for error and warn keep it in the stack to be
# printed at the end
# message
# SIGNAL handler for die and warn to Log error and warning messages
# die will exit the program with a warn message
sub has_handle_error(@)
my ( $message ) = @_;
my $mtype;
chomp $message if $message;
$message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $message;
return unless $message;
# log only errors to the em respository, ignore debug and trace messages
( $mtype, $message ) = ( $message =~ /^(ERROR|WARN|DEBUG|INFO)\s*:\s*(.+)/i ) if $message =~ /^(ERROR|WARN|DEBUG|INFO)\s*:/i;
$message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $message;
$mtype =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $mtype;
# c executable has :: between error and message , so remove the extra :
#$message =~ s/^:+// if $message;
# log the message to the log file
if ( $mtype and $mtype =~ /WARN/i and $message )
EMD_PERL_WARN("WARN:has::Common:: $message");
elsif ( $mtype and $mtype =~ /DEBUG/i and $message )
EMD_PERL_DEBUG("DEBUG:has::Common:: $message");
elsif ( $mtype and $mtype =~ /INFO/i and $message )
EMD_PERL_INFO("INFO:has::Common:: $message");
elsif ( $mtype and $mtype =~ /ERROR/i and $message )
EMD_PERL_ERROR("ERROR:has::Common:: $message");
elsif ( $message )
EMD_PERL_ERROR("ERROR:has::Common:: $message");
$mtype = 'ERROR' unless $mtype;
return 1 unless $mtype and $mtype =~ /ERROR|WARN/i and $message;
# Log a message only once
return 1 if $has::Common::has_error_stack{$mtype}{$message};
# maintain the serial order of the messages
my $no_of_messages = keys %{$has::Common::has_error_stack{$mtype}};
# also store the error as xml
my $errref = has::Common::make_element('error');
my $etyperef = has::Common::make_element('type',$mtype);
my $emsgref = has::Common::make_element('message',$message);
return 1;
# FUNCTION : has_printerrors
# print the errors with seperators
# exit_type optional values fail|exit_fail|success
sub has_printerrors
my ( $exit_type ) = @_;
my $em_err_type;
$em_err_type = 'em_error' if $exit_type and $exit_type =~ /fail/i;
$em_err_type = 'em_warning' unless $em_err_type;
my $errstackref;
$errstackref = has::Common::get_error_stack();
return 1 unless $errstackref and ref($errstackref);
for my $mtype ( qw ( ERROR WARN ) )
next unless $errstackref->{$mtype};
# sort by the message serial num asc
for my $msg ( sort
{ $errstackref->{$mtype}{$a} <=> $errstackref->{$mtype}{$b}}
keys%{$errstackref->{$mtype}} )
next unless $msg;
chomp $msg;
$msg =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
next unless $msg;
print "$em_err_type=$mtype|$msg\n";
return 1;
# FUNCTION : save_systemcmdoutput
# save the comd output from os commandinvoked thru runsystemcommand
# to an os file - can be used for regression tests
sub save_systemcmdoutput()
return 1 unless $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} and $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} =~ /CAPTURE/i;
$has::Common::has_test_res_ref->{test_description} = $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE_DESC} if $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE_DESC};
my $thewholestrg = Dumper($has::Common::has_test_res_ref)
or warn "WARN::has::Common::save_systemcmdoutput Failed to save the results for test $has::Common::has_test_res_ref\n" and return;
my $test_file = catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir(),$has::Common::has_test_res_filen);
warn "WARN::has::Common::save_systemcmdoutput File $test_file for captured regression test data is not accessible\n" and return if -e $test_file and not -w $test_file;
open(TFH,">$test_file") or warn "WARN::has::Common::save_systemcmdoutput Failed to open file $test_file for capturing test results \n" and return;
print TFH $thewholestrg;
return 1;
# name : has_start_handler
# desc : handler to be invoked by perl parser when starting an element
# arg :
# to be passed by the perl parser
sub has_start_handler
my ($pr,$el,%attrs) = @_;
$pr->{cdata_buffer} = '';
my %ehash = (element=>$el);
$has_fref = \%ehash unless $has_fref;
for my $name ( keys %attrs )
$ehash{parent} = $has_xref if $has_xref;
$ehash{depth} = $ehash{parent}->{depth}+1 if $ehash{parent};
$ehash{depth} = 0 unless $ehash{depth};
push @{$has_xref->{child_elements}{$el}},\%ehash if $has_xref;
push @{$has_xref->{children}},\%ehash if $has_xref;
$has_xref = \%ehash;
# name : has_end_handler
# desc : handler function for perl parser when element closes
# arg :
# passed by perl parser
sub has_end_handler
my ($pr,$el) = @_;
$has_xref = $has_xref->{parent};
# name : has_char_handler
# desc : handler function for perl parser for char
# arg
# passed by parser
sub has_char_handler
my ($pr,$tag) = @_;
$has_xref->{name}=$tag unless $has_xref->{name};
$has_xref->{name} =~ s/^\s|\s+$//g;
chomp $has_xref->{name};
# delete $has_xref->{name} unless $has_xref->{name};
# name : has_parse_xml
# desc : parse a xml string to a perl variable
# arg :
# xml string to be parsed
# return:
# hash of parsed perl variable
sub parse_xml($)
my ( $result ) = @_;
warn "WARN:has::Common::parse_xml No XML content to parse" and return unless $result;
my $p = new XML::Parser(ErrorContext => 2,
ProtocolEncoding => 'UTF-8',
$p->setHandlers(Start => \&has_start_handler,
End => \&has_end_handler,
Char => \&has_char_handler);
undef $has_fref;
undef $has_xref;
# save the signal handler defined for die
my $diesh = $SIG{__DIE__} if $SIG{__DIE__};
# remove any signal handler defined for die
eval{ $p->parse($result) };
# restore back the original die signal handler
$SIG{__DIE__} = $diesh if $diesh;
die "ERROR:has::Common::parse_xml $@ Failed to Parse $result\n" if $@ and $result;
die "ERROR:has::Common::parse_xml $@ Failed to Parse \n" if $@;
return %$has_fref;
# name : traverse_xml
# desc : traverse the xml tree, execute specificed function for each element
# args :
# ref to hash of root of xml
# ref to error handlig function
# ref to traverse function
# ref to list of args to function
#sub traverse_xml(\%\&\&@)
sub traverse_xml($$$@)
my ( $xmlref,$fnerrhndl,$fnref,@args) = @_;
my @stack;
# to print the array depth first
push @stack, $xmlref if $xmlref;
while ( my $xref = pop @stack )
next unless $xref;
# keep error messages in the error stack
# error|warn
# error_message
if ( $xref->{element} and $xref->{element} =~ /^error$/i and $xref->{children} )
my $mtype;
my $message;
for my $ec ( @{$xref->{children}} )
$mtype = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^type$/i and $ec->{name};
$message = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^message$/i and $ec->{name};
&{$fnerrhndl}("$mtype:$message") if $mtype and $message and $fnerrhndl;
# keep error messages in the error stack for opcode != 0
# 0
# Succcess
elsif ( $xref->{element} and $xref->{element} =~ /^opcode$/i and $xref->{children} )
my $code;
my $mtype;
my $message;
my $emessage;
for my $ec ( @{$xref->{children}} )
$code = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^code$/i and $ec->{name};
$message = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^message$/i and $ec->{name};
# if code != 0 indicates a failure for that element
if ( $code )
$mtype = 'WARN'; #a failure of a step is a warning as other steps might have succeeded
my $entity_name;
my $entity_type;
my $parent_ref = $xref->{parent} if $xref->{parent};
if ( $parent_ref and $parent_ref->{attrs} )
$entity_name = $parent_ref->{attrs}{entity_name} if $parent_ref->{attrs}{entity_name};
$entity_type = $parent_ref->{attrs}{entity_type} if $parent_ref->{attrs}{entity_type};
$emessage = "for $entity_type $entity_name" if $entity_type and $entity_name;
$emessage = "for $entity_type" if $entity_type and not $emessage;
$emessage = "for $entity_name" if $entity_name and not $emessage;
$message = "$message $emessage" if $message and $emessage;
$message = "Failed $emessage" if $emessage and not $message;
$message = "Failed" unless $message;
&{$fnerrhndl}("$mtype:$message") if $mtype and $message and $fnerrhndl;
# keep error messages in the error stack for return code != 0
# 0
# Succcess
elsif ( $xref->{element} and $xref->{element} =~ /^returncode$/i and $xref->{children} )
my $code;
my $mtype;
my $message;
for my $ec ( @{$xref->{children}} )
$code = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^code$/i and $ec->{name};
$message = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^mesg$/i and $ec->{name};
# if code != 0 indicates a failure for that element
if ( $code )
$mtype = 'ERROR'; #a failure overall is an ERROR
$message = "Failed" unless $message;
&{$fnerrhndl}("$mtype:$message") if $mtype and $message and $fnerrhndl;
# execute function for each element
&{$fnref}($xref,@args) or die "ERROR:has::Common::traverse_xml Failed to execute function\n";
next if $xref->{ignore};
push @stack, reverse @{$xref->{children}} if $xref->{children};
return 1;
# name : delete_element
# desc : delete a element , remove it from the xml tree
# arg :
# ref to the hash of the element to be removed
sub delete_element($)
my ($elref) = @_;
# mark it to be ignored
# delete its children
delete $elref->{children} if $elref->{children};
delete $elref->{child_elements} if $elref->{child_elements};
# delete it from the parent elements
if ( $elref->{parent} and
$elref->{parent}->{child_elements} and
$elref->{parent}->{child_elements}{$elref->{element}} )
my @child_elements =
for my $i ( 0..@child_elements )
$i,1 if $child_elements[$i] == $elref;
if ( $elref->{parent} and
$elref->{parent}->{children} )
my @child_elements = @{$elref->{parent}->{children}};
for my $i ( 0..@child_elements )
splice @{$elref->{parent}->{children}},$i,1
if $child_elements[$i] == $elref;
undef %{$elref};
return 1;
# name : mark_depth
# desc : mark depth of each element in xml var
# arg
# ref to hash of parent var
sub mark_depth($)
my ( $elref ) = @_;
die "ERROR: Parent node has no depth defined for ".Dumper($elref) if $elref->{parent} and $elref->{parent}->{depth} !~ /\d+/;
$elref->{depth} = $elref->{parent}->{depth} + 1 if $elref->{parent};
$elref->{depth} = 0 unless $elref->{depth};
return 1;
# name : append_element
# desc append element
# args
# ref to parent
# ref to child
# return:
# ref to parent
sub append_element( $$ )
my ( $pref, $cref ) = @_;
push @{$pref->{children}},$cref;
push @{$pref->{child_elements}{$cref->{element}}},$cref;
$cref->{parent} = $pref;
return $pref;
# name : make_element
# make a new element
# args:
# element
# value
# ref to attributes array
# return:
# ref to hash of the new element
sub make_element ($;$$)
my ( $elem, $name, $attrs_ref ) = @_;
my %element;
$element{element} = $elem;
$element{name} = $name if $name;
$element{name} = undef unless $element{name};
return \%element unless $attrs_ref and ref($attrs_ref) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$attrs_ref};
for my $attr ( keys %{$attrs_ref} )
$element{attrs}{$attr} = $attrs_ref->{$attr} if $attr;
return \%element;
# name : print_xml
# desc : print formatted xml from xml variable
# args :
# xml doc type header
# ref to hash of root element
sub print_xml($$)
my ( $has_xml_doctype,$xmlref ) = @_;
my $xmlstrg = has::Common::dump_xml($has_xml_doctype,$xmlref);
print "$xmlstrg";
return 1;
# name : dump_xml
# desc : dump formatted xml from xml variable to string
# args :
# xml doc type header
# ref to hash of root element
# returns:
# xml dumped to a string
sub dump_xml($$)
my ( $has_xml_doctype,$xmlref ) = @_;
my @stack;
my %to_close_at;
my $xmlstring = '';
# to close the element
sub close_elements( \%\@$$ )
my ($tca_ref,$s_ref,$xref,$xmlstring) = @_;
# before printing the current element,close any elements that
# are to be closed
for my $dpth ( sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{$tca_ref} )
last unless $dpth >= $xref->{depth};
for my $stk( sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{${$tca_ref}{$dpth}} )
last unless $stk >= @{$s_ref};
my $temp = sprintf("%*s${$tca_ref}{$dpth}{$stk}>\n",$dpth,' ');
$xmlstring= "$xmlstring$temp" if $temp;
delete ${$tca_ref}{$dpth}{$stk};
delete ${$tca_ref}{$dpth};
return $xmlstring;
# make sure the depth is marked for each element as it is required for indenting
$xmlstring = "$has_xml_doctype\n";
# to print the array depth first
push @stack, $xmlref;
while ( my $xref = pop @stack )
next unless $xref;
$xref->{depth} = 0 unless defined $xref->{depth};
my $temp = '';
$temp = sprintf("%*s<",$xref->{depth},' ');
$temp = "$temp$xref->{element}" if $xref->{element};
$temp = $temp.'UNKNOWN' unless $xref->{element};
# open element
$xmlstring = "$xmlstring$temp" if $temp;
# print attributes
for my $attr ( keys %{$xref->{attrs}} )
$xmlstring =
"$xmlstring $attr=\'$xref->{attrs}{$attr}\'";
$xmlstring = "$xmlstring>";
$xmlstring = "$xmlstring$xref->{name}" if defined $xref->{name};
if ( $xref->{children} )
$xmlstring =
push @stack, reverse @{$xref->{children}};
$xmlstring = "$xmlstring$xref->{element}>\n" if $xref->{element};
$xmlstring = "$xmlstring\n" unless $xref->{element};
return $xmlstring;
# FUNCTION : fntrdf
# Traverse the tree based on the start and tag passed
# and the specified order
# order - preorder,postorder
# node
# traverse tag
# key index
# print fn or any other fn to act on each node
# ref to the print string
sub fntrdf( $$$$\&$;$$$ )
my ($order,$node, $tvtag, $iekv, $fnptr,$strg_ref,$stack_ref,$has_clpstk,$has_indnthsh) = @_;
# This is a closed loop, the stack keeps track of the node
# pointers already traversed
if ( $has_clpstk and $has_clpstk->{$tvtag}{$node} )
warn "WARN:has::Common::fntrdf:Node $node->{resource} $node->{entity_type} is in a closed loop when traversing $tvtag\n ";
return 1;
# mark the node as traversed if previously not marked so
# this will help identify nodes which are in completely closed
# loops
$node->{traversed}=1 unless $node->{traversed};
# the depth of the tree at any point
# is the size of the stack
my $depth = keys %{$stack_ref};
$depth +=1;
# keep an index of the node pointer , for closed loop check
my @kvs;
my $node_count = 0;
# traverse each child node specified by the traverse_tag
if ( defined $node->{$tvtag}
and $node->{$tvtag}
and ref($node->{$tvtag}) =~ /HASH/i
and keys %{$node->{$tvtag}}
# List of keys from this node to traverse in the direction
# specified by traverse tag
@kvs = sort { $iekv->{$a}->{type} cmp $iekv->{$b}->{type} } keys %{$node->{$tvtag}};
# count of nodes to travserse from this node
$node_count = @kvs;
# preorder processing
if ( $order =~ /preorder/i)
if ( $fnptr )
# Execute the function to execute before traversing down the tree
if ( not $fnptr->($node, $tvtag, $stack_ref, $strg_ref,$has_indnthsh) )
delete $stack_ref->{$depth};
delete $has_clpstk->{$tvtag}{$node};
# traverse each child node specified by the traverse_tag
if ( @kvs )
for my $i ( 1..$node_count )
my $kv = $kvs[$i-1];
next unless $kv;
warn "WARN:has::Common::fntrdf:Failed to find the storage entity $kv in the indexed list\n"
and return
unless $iekv->{$kv};
my $next_node = $iekv->{$kv};
next unless $next_node;
bless $next_node;
# keeps track of the pending children at any
# depth in the layout
$has_indnthsh->{$depth} = $node_count-$i;
# unwind the stack and the closed loop index
delete $stack_ref->{$depth};
delete $has_clpstk->{$tvtag}{$node};
# postorder processing
if ( $order =~ /postorder/i)
if ( $fnptr )
# Execute the function to execute before traversing down the tree
if ( not $fnptr->($node, $tvtag, $stack_ref,$strg_ref,$has_indnthsh ) )
delete $stack_ref->{$depth};
delete $has_clpstk->{$tvtag}{$node};
# unwind the stack and the closed loop index
delete $stack_ref->{$depth};
delete $has_clpstk->{$tvtag}{$node};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : fntrbf
# Traverse the tree based on the start and tag passed
# and the specified order
# order - preorder,postorder
# node
# traverse tag
# key index
# print fn or any other fn to act on each node
# ref to the result hash
sub fntrbf( $$$$\&$; )
my ( $order, $node, $tvtag, $iekv, $fnptr, $res_ref ) = @_;
my %trvstak;
my @queue;
# initialize the queue
push @queue, $node;
# while there are nodes in the queue
while ( ( my $nnode = shift @queue) )
# If the node has been processed skip it
if $trvstak{$tvtag}{$nnode};
# keep track of the processed nodes
# preorder processing - process node before pushing the children to the queue
if ( $order =~ /preorder/i)
if ( $fnptr )
# invoke the function on the nnode
if ( not $fnptr->($nnode, $tvtag, $res_ref) )
warn "Failed executing the function in fntrbf for node \n";
# if the nnode has children push them to the queue
and ref($nnode)
and ref($nnode) =~ /HASH/i
and $nnode->{$tvtag}
and ref($nnode->{$tvtag}) =~ /HASH/i
and keys %{$nnode->{$tvtag}}
# push each child node to the queue
for my $ckv ( sort { $iekv->{$a}->{type} cmp $iekv->{$b}->{type} } keys %{$nnode->{$tvtag}} )
next unless $ckv;
warn "Failed to find the $tvtag key_value $ckv in iekv for node \n"
and return
unless $iekv->{$ckv};
my $cnd = $iekv->{$ckv};
warn "The $tvtag node key_value $ckv is not a hash in iekv for node \n"
and return
and ref($cnd)
and ref($cnd) =~ /HASH/i
and keys %{$cnd}
push @queue,$cnd;
# postorder processing - process node after pushing the children to the queue
if ( $order =~ /postorder/i)
if ( $fnptr )
# invoke the function on the nnode
if ( not $fnptr->($nnode, $tvtag, $res_ref ) )
warn "Failed executing the function in fntrbf for node \n";
return 1;
# FUNCTION : has_get_cache_dir
# Get an directory to cache data on the host target
sub has_get_cache_dir ()
my $cache_dir;
return $has::Common::has_metric_config{cache_dir} if $has::Common::has_metric_config{cache_dir};
$cache_dir = $ENV{EMSTATE} if $ENV{EMSTATE};
# if the em state dir doesnt work use temp dir
$cache_dir = File::Spec->tmpdir() unless has::Common::hasIsWriteable($cache_dir) and has::Common::hasIsDir($cache_dir);
# if temp doest work use current work dir
$cache_dir = Cwd::abs_path() unless has::Common::hasIsWriteable($cache_dir) and has::Common::hasIsDir($cache_dir);
# terminate if it still doesnt work
warn "WARN:Unable to get write access to cache directory $cache_dir\n"
and return unless has::Common::hasIsWriteable($cache_dir) and has::Common::hasIsDir($cache_dir);
# build the path to the em state directory
$cache_dir = catfile($cache_dir,'sysman');
$cache_dir = catfile($cache_dir,'emd');
$cache_dir = catfile($cache_dir,'state');
$cache_dir = catfile($cache_dir,'has');
my $hashostName = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName();
for my $cdir ( ($hashostName,
$has::Common::has_em_targetguid ) )
$cdir =~ s/\s+//g;
#for portability use only 8 digits
$cdir = substr($cdir,0,8);
next unless $cdir;
$cache_dir = catfile($cache_dir,$cdir);
mkpath($cache_dir,0,0777) unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($cache_dir);
warn "WARN:Failed to get a cache dir $cache_dir to cache metric files"
and return unless has::Common::hasIsWriteable($cache_dir) and has::Common::hasIsDir($cache_dir);
return $cache_dir;
# FUNCTION : hasDoesFileExist
# true if path exists false otherwise
# path
sub hasDoesFileExist($;)
my ( $path ) = @_;
return unless $path;
stat $path;
return 1 if -e $path;
# FUNCTION : hasIsReadable
# true if path is readable false otherwise
# path
sub hasIsReadable($;)
my ( $path ) = @_;
return unless $path;
stat $path;
return 1 if -e $path and -r $path;
# FUNCTION : hasIsWriteable
# true if path is writeable false otherwise
# path
sub hasIsWriteable($;)
my ( $path ) = @_;
return unless $path;
stat $path;
return 1 if -e $path and -r $path and -w $path;
# FUNCTION : hasIsDir
# true if dir false otherwise
# path
sub hasIsDir($;)
my ( $path ) = @_;
return unless $path;
stat $path;
return 1 if -e $path and -r $path and -d $path;
# FUNCTION : hasReturnFileContents
# print file contents to stdout
# dir
# file name
# return contents dumped to string
sub hasReturnFileContents($;$)
my ($dir,$file) = @_;
my $pstring;
my $flnm;
$flnm = catfile($dir,$file) if $dir and $file;
$flnm = $dir if $dir and not $flnm;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasReturnFileContent file $flnm does not exist\n" and return
unless has::Common::hasDoesFileExist($flnm);
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasReturnFileContent file $flnm not readable\n" and return
unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($flnm);
# Open the file for reading , if it fails dont return an error,
# log an error and return gracefully, so metric is blank but with errror
open(CSHFH,"$flnm") or warn "WARN:has::Common::hasReturnFileContents Failed to open the cached file $flnm \n" and return;
my @cols = ;
close(CSHFH) or warn "WARN:has::Common::hasReturnFileContents Failed to close the file $flnm \n";
for my $row ( @cols )
chomp $row if $row;
$row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $row;
$pstring = "$pstring$row\n" and next if $pstring and $row;
$pstring = "$row\n" and next if $row;
return $pstring if $pstring;
# FUNCTION : hasWriteToFile
# write contents of array to file
# dir
# file name
# array with contents
sub hasWriteToFile($$$;)
my ($dir,$file,$resref) = @_;
# open the cache file for the metric and save the results there
my $flnm = catfile($dir,$file);
open(CSHFH,'>',$flnm) or close(CSHFH)
and warn "WARN:has::Common::hasWriteToFile Failed to open the file $flnm \n" and return;
# read and save each line to file
for my $row ( @{$resref} )
chomp $row if $row;
$row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $row;
print CSHFH "$row\n" if $row;
close(CSHFH) or warn "WARN:has::Common::hasWriteToFile Failed to close the file $flnm \n";
return 1;
# Set the cluster environment for the cli/api
# CRS Home if available
sub hasSetCRSEnv(;$)
my ($crsHome) =@_;
my $pathsep = ':';
my $os = has::Common::get_osType();
$pathsep = ';' if $os and $os =~ /^WIN$/;
push @has::Common::oldOH,$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME};
push @has::Common::oldCRSHome,$ENV{CRS_HOME} if $ENV{CRS_HOME};
push @has::Common::oldEMCRSHome,$ENV{EM_CRS_HOME} if $ENV{EM_CRS_HOME};
push @has::Common::oldOH,'' unless $ENV{ORACLE_HOME};
push @has::Common::oldCRSHome,'' unless $ENV{CRS_HOME};
push @has::Common::oldEMCRSHome,'' unless $ENV{EM_CRS_HOME};
if ( $crsHome )
undef $crsHome unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($crsHome);
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
$ENV{CRS_HOME} = $crsHome if $crsHome;
$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $crsHome if $crsHome;
$ENV{PATH} = '' unless $ENV{PATH};
my %pathOrder = (1=>'EMDROOT', 2=>'CRS_HOME');
for my $order ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %pathOrder )
my $path = $pathOrder{$order};
next unless $ENV{$path};
my $binPath = catfile($ENV{$path},'bin');
$ENV{PATH} = "$binPath$pathsep$ENV{PATH}" if $binPath;
# this is temporary to take care of emcrsp in has/bin not linked to oracle/bin
if ( $ENV{CRS_HOME} and $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT} and $ENV{NDE_PRODUCT} and not defined $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} )
my $hasbinpath = catfile($ENV{CRS_HOME},'..');
$hasbinpath = catfile($hasbinpath,'bin');
$ENV{PATH} = "$hasbinpath$pathsep$ENV{PATH}";
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasRestoreCRSEnv
# restore back the env
sub hasRestoreCRSEnv()
my $oldOracleHome;
my $oldCHome;
my $oldEMCHome;
$oldOracleHome = pop @has::Common::oldOH if @has::Common::oldOH;
if ( $oldOracleHome )
$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $oldOracleHome;
$oldCHome = pop @has::Common::oldCRSHome if @has::Common::oldCRSHome;
if ( $oldCHome )
$ENV{CRS_HOME} = $oldCHome;
delete $ENV{CRS_HOME} if keys %ENV and $ENV{CRS_HOME};
$oldEMCHome = pop @has::Common::oldEMCRSHome if @has::Common::oldEMCRSHome;
if ( $oldEMCHome )
$ENV{EM_CRS_HOME} = $oldEMCHome;
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasGetEnv
# restore back the env before regression tests
# this will make sure env is stored when capturign for regression
# and is used durig regression
# the ref to has of env variables
sub hasGetEnv()
my %env;
for my $k ( keys %ENV )
$env{$k} = $ENV{$k};
return \%env;
# FUNCTION : hasGetNodeCRSHome
# return the CRSHome for the node
# nodename
# crsHome if known
# CRSHome
sub hasGetNodeCRSHome(;$$)
# do not call clusterconfig or clusternodes here as those functions call this sub
# just look up the different data structures to pick the right value
my ( $nodename,$crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
$nodename =~ s/\s+//g if $nodename;
if ( $nodename )
undef $nodename if $nodename =~ /^$/ or $nodename eq '';
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
# get crs home for each node, assuming they are same on all nodes as we have no way
# to get crsHome from other nodes unless css api provides it
if ( $nodename and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
my $ndCrsHome;
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
next unless $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{crs_home};
$ndCrsHome = $ch;
return $ndCrsHome if $ndCrsHome;
return has::Common::hasGetCRSHome($crsHome);
# FUNCTION : hasGetCRSHome
# return the CRSHome for the local node
# crsHome if known
# CRSHome
sub hasGetCRSHome(;$)
# do not call clusterconfig or clusternodes here as those functions call this sub
# just look up the different data structures to pick the right value
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $disCRSHome;
# get the discovery home
my $confref = has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster();
# is a crsHome is passed and it matched the discovered crsHome viola, that is the crsHome
# the order of search directories for olsnode/lsnodes
my %olsnodeorder;
if ( $crsHome )
# counter for discovered firs in olsnodeorder
my $i = 1;
# pick the crsHome which matches the env variables
# sort in desc IDX order as newer crs homes have higher IDX number in installs where theure might have been a upgrade
my %crshomeidx;
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
if ( $confref->{$ch} and $confref->{$ch}{discover} and $confref->{$ch}{discover}{IDX} )
$crshomeidx{$ch} = $confref->{$ch}{discover}{IDX} and next ;
$crshomeidx{$ch} = -1;
for my $ch ( sort { $crshomeidx{$b} <=> $crshomeidx{$a} } keys %crshomeidx )
$disCRSHome = $ch;
#if this is not discovered then skip
next unless $confref->{$ch}{discover};
for my $order ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %olsnodeorder )
my $path;
next unless $olsnodeorder{$order} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
if ( $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} =~ /^(CRS_HOME|EM_CRS_HOME|ORACLE_HOME|EMDROOT)$/ )
$path = $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}} if $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}};
$path = $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
next unless $path;
# discovered crsHome from inventory is different from crsHome
if ( $disCRSHome eq $path )
return $disCRSHome;
if ( $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} =~ /^(CRS_HOME|EM_CRS_HOME|ORACLE_HOME|EMDROOT)$/ )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetCRSHome:Discovered cluster home $disCRSHome is different from $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} $path";
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetCRSHome:Discovered cluster home $disCRSHome is different from $path";
# no env matches the disc home, return passed crs home, discovered home or env as crs home
# in that order
$olsnodeorder{$i}{path}= $disCRSHome if $disCRSHome;
# the discoovered dir does nto match any of the other dirs
for my $order ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %olsnodeorder )
my $path;
next unless $olsnodeorder{$order} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
if ( $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} =~ /^(CRS_HOME|EM_CRS_HOME|ORACLE_HOME|EMDROOT)$/ )
$path = $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}} if $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}};
$path = $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
next unless $path;
next unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($path);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetCRSHome: Using $path as cluster home" and return $path;
# no disc home and no env for crs home
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetCRSHome Failed to get cluster home dir for " and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetEnvCRSHome
# return the CRSHome from the env
# CRSHome
sub hasGetEnvCRSHome()
my %olsnodeorder;
for my $order ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %olsnodeorder )
my $path;
next unless $olsnodeorder{$order} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
if ( $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} =~ /CRS_HOME|EM_CRS_HOME|ORACLE_HOME|EMDROOT/ )
$path = $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}} if $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}};
$path = $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
next unless $path;
next if $path =~ /#CRS_HOME#/;
next unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($path);
return $path;
# no disc home and no env for crs home
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome Failed to get cluster home from env " and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetLocalHostName
# return the Host Name
sub hasGetOSLocalHostName()
# return host name is not cluster
my $hostName;
#this module is not available in emagent
#my $subOSDHost = "hostOSD::getHostName";
#my $subref = \&$subOSDHost;
if ( $hostNameSub )
my $fnref = \&$hostNameSub;
$hostName = &$fnref;
$hostName = hostname unless $hostName;
return $hostName;
sub hasGetLocalHostName()
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}{host_name}
if $confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}
and $confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}{host_name};
return $confref->{$ch}{host_name}
if $confref->{$ch}{host_name};
# return host name is not cluster
my $hostName = has::Common::hasGetOSLocalHostName();
if ( $hostName and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
$confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}{host_name} = $hostName;
$confref->{$ch}{host_name} = $hostName;
return $hostName if $hostName;
warn "ERROR:has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName:Failed to get the host name for the cluster node" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetDomainName
# return the Host Domain
# host name
sub hasGetDomainName(;$)
# return host Domain
my ( $hostName ) = @_;
my $domain;
$hostName = hostname unless $hostName;
$hostName = hasGetLocalHostName() unless $hostName;
if ( $hostDomainSub )
my $fnref = \&$hostDomainSub;
$domain = &$fnref($hostName);
return $domain if $domain;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetDomainName:Failed to get the Domain name for the node" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetLocalHostDomain
# return the local Host Domain
# local host name or null
sub hasGetLocalHostDomain(;$)
# return host Domain
my ( $hostName ) = @_;
my $hostdomain = Net::Domain::hostdomain();
$hostdomain =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $hostdomain;
$hostdomain =~ s/^\.// if $hostdomain and $hostdomain =~ /^\./;
return $hostdomain if $hostdomain;
# $hostdomain = has::Common::hasGetDomainName($hostName);
# return $hostdomain if $hostdomain;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetLocalHostDomain:Failed to get the Domain name for the local Host" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetDomainNameNSLookup
# return the Domain for a IP address or name
# name or ip address
sub hasGetDomainNameNSLookup($;)
# return Domain
my ( $address ) = @_;
# This function is a NOOP right now
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetDomainNameNSLookup:Failed to get the Domain name for the address $address" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasCheckForEmcrsp
# checks if emcrsp is present
# crsHome if known
# 1 for true
sub hasCheckForEmcrsp($)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
# get the cluster home by discovery
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp: cluster home directory passed is null" and return unless $crsHome;
# check if emcrsp exists in the crs bin dir
my $emcrsppath;
my %dirlist;
# this is only in dev env
my $hasbin = catdir('has','bin');
%dirlist = ( 1=>$crsHome );
for my $order ( sort {$a<=>$b} keys %dirlist )
my $dir = $dirlist{$order};
next unless $dir;
for my $bin ( ( 'bin',$hasbin ) )
my $binpath = catdir($dir,$bin);
for my $exe ( ('emcrsp','emcrsp.exe','emcrsp.bat') )
$emcrsppath = catfile($binpath,$exe);
if ( has::Common::hasIsReadable($emcrsppath) )
undef $emcrsppath;
last if $emcrsppath;
last if $emcrsppath;
# use emcrsp to get node name if it exists
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp emcrsp is not present in cluster home $crsHome"
and return unless $emcrsppath;
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasDiscoverCluster
# return a hash of
# {coma_seperated =>
# nodearray => )
# of nodes in a cluster
# hash result list
sub hasDiscoverCluster(;$)
sub has_inventory_fn(\%\%)
my ( $elref, $rsref ) = @_;
return 1 unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^(HOME)$/i;
return 1
unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{CRS} and $elref->{attrs}{CRS} =~ /^true$/i;
return 1
if $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{remote} and $elref->{attrs}{remote} =~ /^true$/i;
return 1
if $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{REMOTE} and $elref->{attrs}{REMOTE} =~ /^true$/i;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster LOC is NULL for CRS in Oracle Inventory file"
and return 1 unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{LOC};
# save oracle homes, add nodes later on
my $ch = $elref->{attrs}{LOC};
my $idx = $elref->{attrs}{IDX} if exists $elref->{attrs}{IDX};
$idx = 0 unless defined $idx;
$idx++ if $idx =~ /\d+/;
$rsref->{$ch}{discover}{IDX}=-1 unless $rsref->{$ch}{discover}{IDX};
$rsref->{$ch}{discover}{TYPE}=$elref->{attrs}{TYPE} if $elref->{attrs}{TYPE};
$rsref->{$ch}{discover}{TYPE}=0 unless $rsref->{$ch}{discover}{TYPE};
# get NODE NAME from children
return 1 unless $elref->{children} and @{$elref->{children}};
for my $nodeListRef ( @{$elref->{children}} )
next unless $nodeListRef and $nodeListRef->{element} and $nodeListRef->{element} =~ /^NODE_LIST$/i;
next unless $nodeListRef->{children} and @{$nodeListRef->{children}};
for my $noderef ( @{$nodeListRef->{children}} )
next unless $noderef and $noderef->{element} and $noderef->{element} =~ /^NODE$/i;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster NODE name is null in Oracle Inventory file"
and next unless $noderef->{attrs} and $noderef->{attrs}{NAME};
return 1;
my ( $dynProp ) = @_;
my $invPath;
my $invXMLContent;
my %xmlVar;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
# if already discovered returned the cached values
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref if $confref->{$ch}{discover};
#bugfix 7692044
my $os = has::Common::get_osType();
my $scriptsDir = $ENV{EM_SCRIPTS_DIR} if $ENV{EM_SCRIPTS_DIR};
if ( $os and $os =~ /^WIN$/ )
#bugfix 8988446
my $perlexe;
if ( $perlBin )
$perlexe = catfile($perlBin,'perl');
if ( $scriptsDir )
$scriptsDir = catfile($scriptsDir,'has');
if ( not $scriptsDir )
$scriptsDir = $FindBin::Bin if $FindBin::Bin;
if ( not $perlexe )
$perlexe = $Config{perlpath} if $Config{perlpath};
if ( $scriptsDir and $perlexe )
my $has_metrics_script = catfile($scriptsDir,'has_getinvdir.pl');
$invPath = `$perlexe $has_metrics_script`;
chomp $invPath if $invPath;
$invPath= has::Common::getInventoryXmlPath();
warn "WARN:has::Common:hasDiscoverCluster Failed to find Oracle Inventory File " and return unless $invPath;
warn "WARN:has::Common:hasDiscoverCluster Failed to read Oracle Inventory File $invPath"
and return unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($invPath);
$invXMLContent = has::Common::hasReturnFileContents($invPath);
warn "WARN:has::Common:hasDiscoverCluster Oracle Inventory file $invPath has no content\n"
and return unless $invXMLContent;
%xmlVar = has::Common::parse_xml($invXMLContent);
or warn "WARN:Failed to traverse the Oracle Inventory xml $invXMLContent" and return;
# if this is for dynamic prop, we need only the crshome not the other stuff
return $confref if $dynProp;
#get clustername for each cluster
#all nodes with the same clusterHome are bunched under the same crsHome
my @nodearray;
my $nodelist;
my $clsName;
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common:hasDiscoverCluster cluster home $ch is not in Inventory file $invXMLContent"
unless $confref->{$ch}{discover}
and keys %{$confref->{$ch}{discover}};
# get the emcrsp config information, it tells us if this is a has/cluster target
if ( $confref->{$ch} and $confref->{$ch}{ocr_type} and $confref->{$ch}{ocr_type} =~ /^has$/ )
# since this is a has home from discovery get siha name if ocr_type is has
$clsName = has::Common::hasGetHasName($ch);
# since this is a cluster home from discovery use cemutlo get cluster name if ocr_type is not has
$clsName = has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName($ch);
$confref->{$ch}{discover}{cluster_name}=$clsName if $clsName;
# build the node list for this crsHome
if ( $confref->{$ch}{discover}{nodes} )
for my $node ( keys %{$confref->{$ch}{discover}{nodes}} )
next unless $node;
push @nodearray,$node;
$nodelist = "$nodelist,$node" if $nodelist;
$nodelist = $node unless $nodelist;
# copy the cluster name,home ,nodelist, nodearray dir back to the root hash
$confref->{$ch}{discover}{nodelist} = $nodelist if $nodelist;
$confref->{$ch}{discover}{nodearray} = \@nodearray if @nodearray;
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$ch}{discover}, $confref->{$ch})
if $confref->{$ch}{discover};
return $confref;
#bug fix 9350140
# added function to check id has/cluster inventory exists
# FUNCTION : hasCheckForHasClusterInventory
# return a hash of
# {type =>
# oracle_home => )
# result list
# type = has|cluster
# oracle_home
sub hasCheckForHasClusterInventory(;$)
sub has_checkinventory_fn(\%\%)
my ( $elref, $rsref ) = @_;
return 1 unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^(HOME)$/i;
return 1
unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{CRS} and $elref->{attrs}{CRS} =~ /^true$/i;
return 1
if $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{remote} and $elref->{attrs}{remote} =~ /^true$/i;
return 1
if $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{REMOTE} and $elref->{attrs}{REMOTE} =~ /^true$/i;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasCheckForHasClusterInventory LOC is NULL for CRS in Oracle Inventory file"
and return 1 unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{LOC};
# save oracle homes, add nodes later on
my $ch = $elref->{attrs}{LOC};
my $idx = $elref->{attrs}{IDX} if exists $elref->{attrs}{IDX};
$idx = 0 unless defined $idx;
$idx++ if $idx =~ /\d+/;
$rsref->{$ch}{discover}{IDX}=-1 unless $rsref->{$ch}{discover}{IDX};
$rsref->{$ch}{discover}{TYPE}=$elref->{attrs}{TYPE} if $elref->{attrs}{TYPE};
$rsref->{$ch}{discover}{TYPE}=0 unless $rsref->{$ch}{discover}{TYPE};
# get NODE NAME from children
return 1 unless $elref->{children} and @{$elref->{children}};
for my $nodeListRef ( @{$elref->{children}} )
next unless $nodeListRef and $nodeListRef->{element} and $nodeListRef->{element} =~ /^NODE_LIST$/i;
next unless $nodeListRef->{children} and @{$nodeListRef->{children}};
for my $noderef ( @{$nodeListRef->{children}} )
next unless $noderef and $noderef->{element} and $noderef->{element} =~ /^NODE$/i;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCheckForHasClusterInventory NODE name is null in Oracle Inventory file"
and next unless $noderef->{attrs} and $noderef->{attrs}{NAME};
return 1;
my ( $dynProp ) = @_;
my $invPath;
my $invXMLContent;
my %xmlVar;
my $hasclcheckref;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
# if already discovered returned the cached values
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref if $confref->{$ch}{discover};
#bugfix 7692044
my $os = has::Common::get_osType();
my $scriptsDir = $ENV{EM_SCRIPTS_DIR} if $ENV{EM_SCRIPTS_DIR};
if ( $os and $os =~ /^WIN$/ )
#bugfix 8988446
my $perlexe;
if ( $perlBin )
$perlexe = catfile($perlBin,'perl');
if ( $scriptsDir )
$scriptsDir = catfile($scriptsDir,'has');
if ( not $scriptsDir )
$scriptsDir = $FindBin::Bin if $FindBin::Bin;
if ( not $perlexe )
$perlexe = $Config{perlpath} if $Config{perlpath};
if ( $scriptsDir and $perlexe )
my $has_metrics_script = catfile($scriptsDir,'has_getinvdir.pl');
$invPath = `$perlexe $has_metrics_script`;
chomp $invPath if $invPath;
$invPath= has::Common::getInventoryXmlPath();
warn "DEBUG:has::Common:hasCheckForHasClusterInventory Failed to find Oracle Inventory File " and return unless $invPath;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common:hasCheckForHasClusterInventory Failed to read Oracle Inventory File $invPath"
and return unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($invPath);
$invXMLContent = has::Common::hasReturnFileContents($invPath);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common:hasCheckForHasClusterInventory Oracle Inventory file $invPath has no content\n"
and return unless $invXMLContent;
%xmlVar = has::Common::parse_xml($invXMLContent);
or warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCheckForHasClusterInventory Failed to traverse the Oracle Inventory xml $invXMLContent" and return;
# if this is for dynamic prop, we need only the crshome not the other stuff
#return $confref if $dynProp;
#get clustername for each cluster
#all nodes with the same clusterHome are bunched under the same crsHome
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common:hasCheckForHasClusterInventory cluster home $ch is not in Inventory file $invXMLContent"
unless $confref->{$ch}{discover} and keys %{$confref->{$ch}{discover}};
# get the emcrsp config information, it tells us if this is a has/cluster target
if ( $confref->{$ch} and $confref->{$ch}{ocr_type} and $confref->{$ch}{ocr_type} =~ /^has$/ )
return $hasclcheckref;
# FUNCTION : hasGetEntityInformation
# return the required entity information for the cluster
# ref to the metadata to be used to extract data
# crsHome if known
# fn pointer or null if you want to use the default fn
# meta should have
# ->{cmd}
# ->{element_name}
# ->{attrs}{[attr_name]}
# ->{name_value}{[name]}
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
sub hasGetEntityInformation($;$$)
# name : hasGetEntityInformation_fn
# desc : it filters our the required information
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
# ref to the result hass entities array
# ref to the metadata hash to be used to extract data
sub hasGetEntityInformation_fn($$$)
my ( $elref, $rsref, $mtref ) = @_;
# return unless meta data is provided
return 1 unless $mtref and $mtref->{element_name};
return 1 unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^$mtref->{element_name}$/i;
# get the name for this entity
my $thisval;
if ( $elref->{attrs} )
for my $hdval ( keys %{$elref->{attrs}} )
$thisval = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} if $hdval =~ /^entity_name$/;
$thisval =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common:: failed to get entity_name from $elref->{element}" and return 1 unless $thisval;
# if there are attrs to be read read them
if ( $mtref->{$mtref->{element_name}}{attrs} )
for my $hdval ( keys %{$elref->{attrs}} )
$hdval =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
next unless $hdval;
next unless $mtref->{$mtref->{element_name}}{attrs}{$hdval};
$rsref->{$thisval}{$hdval} = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} if $elref->{attrs}{$hdval};
$rsref->{$thisval}{$hdval} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $rsref->{$thisval}{$hdval};
# return unless there are name value paris to be read from attributes
return 1 unless $mtref->{$mtref->{element_name}}{name_value};
# read all name=value pairs from the attributes of the node
for my $elref1 ( @{$elref->{children}} )
next unless $elref1->{element} =~ /^attributes$/;
for my $elref2 ( @{$elref1->{children}} )
next unless $elref2->{element} =~ /^attribute$/;
my $name;
my $value;
for my $elref3 ( @{$elref2->{children}} )
next unless $elref3->{element} =~ /^(name|value)$/;
$name = $elref3->{name} if $elref3->{element} =~ /^name$/;
$value = $elref3->{name} if $elref3->{element} =~ /^value$/;
$name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $name;
$value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $value;
next unless $name;
# if this name is not required skip it
next unless $mtref->{$mtref->{element_name}}{name_value}{$name};
$value = '' unless $value;
return 1;
my ( $metaref,$crsHome,$fn_ptr ) = @_;
$fn_ptr = \&hasGetEntityInformation_fn unless $fn_ptr;
my $reslistref;
return 1 unless $metaref and $metaref->{cmd};
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
# get the cluster home by discovery
if ( not $crsHome or not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
return $reslistref
and warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env"
unless $crsHome;
return $reslistref
and warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation:binary emcrsp is not present in $crsHome"
unless has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome);
my $cmdresults = has::Common::runsystemcommand($metaref->{cmd});
$cmdresults = has::Common::hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults($cmdresults);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation Failed to get results from command - $metaref->{cmd}"
and return $reslistref unless $cmdresults;
my %xmlvar = has::Common::parse_xml($cmdresults);
my %resulthash;
return \%resulthash;
# FUNCTION : hasCemutlsClusterName
# get the clustername from cemutls for non oracle clusters
# crsHome for vendor or EMDROOR
# cluster name
sub hasCemutlsClusterName($)
my ($dir) = @_;
# bug 4667678
# TBD is solaris 64 bit run the 64 bit cemutls
my $cemutls;
my %cemutls_command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
if (has::Common::get_osType() eq "SOL")
# bug fix 9255116
if ( has::Common::hasDoesFileExist('/opt/ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxn2.so') )
# bug fix 8459125
my $o = has::Common::runsystemcommand("file /opt/ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxn2.so 2>&1",'',\%cemutls_command_args);
if ($o and $o =~ /64-bit/)
my $cemutls64path;
$cemutls64path = catfile($dir,'bin') if $dir;
$cemutls64path = catfile($cemutls64path,'cemutls64') if $cemutls64path;
stat $cemutls64path if $cemutls64path;
$cemutls = "cemutls64" if $cemutls64path and -e $cemutls64path;
$cemutls = "cemutls" unless $cemutls;
%cemutls_command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
my $vo = has::Common::runsystemcommand("$cemutls -w 2>&1",'',\%cemutls_command_args);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCemutlsClusterName Error getting cluster name from $cemutls"
and return
if $cemutls_command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($vo) if $vo;
$vo =~ s/\n/ /g if $vo;
$vo =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $vo;
#return has::Common::appendNodeNameToClusterName($vo,$dir) if $vo and $dir;
return $vo if $vo;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCemutlsClusterName Failed to get cluster name from $cemutls" and return;
# FUNCTION : appendNodeNameToClusterName
# suffix nodeName from nodeList if clusterName is crs
# custerName,crsHome
# cluster name
sub appendNodeNameToClusterName($$;)
my ( $clusterName,$crsHome) = @_;
warn "WARN:has::Common::appendNodeNameToClusterName cluster name passed is NULL" and return $clusterName unless $clusterName;
warn "WARN:has::Common::appendNodeNameToClusterName crsHome passed is NULL" and return $clusterName unless $crsHome;
return $clusterName unless $clusterName =~ /^crs$/;
my $confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g($crsHome);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::appendNodeNameToClusterName Failed to get nodearray from hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g for $crsHome"
and return $clusterName unless ( $confref and ref($confref) and ref($confref) =~ /HASH/ );
my $nodeListRef;
if ( $confref->{$crsHome} and $confref->{$crsHome}{node} and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodearray} )
$nodeListRef = $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodearray};
elsif ( $confref->{$crsHome} and $confref->{$crsHome}{discover} and $confref->{$crsHome}{discover}{nodearray} )
$nodeListRef = $confref->{$crsHome}{discover}{nodearray};
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
next unless $confref->{$ch} and $confref->{$ch}{node} and $confref->{$ch}{node}{nodearray};
$nodeListRef = $confref->{$ch}{node}{nodearray};
if ($nodeListRef and ref($nodeListRef) and ref($nodeListRef) =~ /ARRAY/i )
for my $nodeName ( sort {$a cmp $b} @$nodeListRef )
next unless $nodeName;
$nodeName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
next unless $nodeName;
$clusterName = "crs_$nodeName";
return $clusterName;
# FUNCTION : hasDoesCommandExist
# check if a command exists
# crsHome
# cluster name
sub hasDoesCommandExist($$;)
my ( $cmd,$homedir) = @_;
my $fullcmd;
for my $ext ( ( 'exe', 'bat' , undef) )
my $ecmd;
$ecmd = "$cmd\.$ext" if $ext;
$ecmd = $cmd unless $ecmd;
$fullcmd = catfile($homedir,'bin',$ecmd);
stat $fullcmd;
last if has::Common::hasIsReadable($fullcmd);
undef $fullcmd;
return 1 if $fullcmd;
# FUNCTION : hasCemutloClusterName
# get the clustername from cemutlo for oracle clusters
# crsHome
# cluster name
sub hasCemutloClusterName($)
my ( $crsHome) = @_;
my $clusterName;
my $ocrtype = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome);
if ( $ocrtype and $ocrtype =~ /^has$/ )
$clusterName = has::Common::hasGetHasName($crsHome);
if ( $crsHome )
if ( not has::Common::hasDoesCommandExist('cemutlo',$crsHome) )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName Binary cemutlo does not exist" and return;
my %cemutlo_command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$clusterName = has::Common::runsystemcommand('cemutlo -n 2>&1','',\%cemutlo_command_args);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName Error getting cluster name from cemutlo"
and return
if $cemutlo_command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($clusterName) if $clusterName;
$clusterName =~ s/\n/ /g if $clusterName;
$clusterName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $clusterName;
if ( $clusterName )
if ( $clusterName =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+/ )
# crs may be shutdown, to avoid descrepency between discovery on different nodes, do not
# return a clustername
#$clusterName = 'crs';
undef $clusterName;
#return has::Common::appendNodeNameToClusterName($clusterName,$crsHome) if $clusterName and $crsHome;
return $clusterName if $clusterName;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName Failed to get cluster name from cemutlo" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasSearchClusterName
# get the clustername for the cluster directory passed
# if not look up inventory and get the cluster name from the
# cluster installs therte
# if not use EMDROOT to get clustername using cemutls
# crsHome for vendor or EMDROOR
# cluster name
# list of clustername, clusterhome,isVendor used to get the cluster name
# isVendor is 0 for oracle ( cemutlo )
# 1 for vendor ( cemutls )
sub hasSearchClusterName(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $clsName;
my $clsdiscref;
if ( $crsHome )
$clsName = has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName($crsHome);
if ( $clsName)
return wantarray? ($clsName,$crsHome,0):$clsName;
$clsdiscref = has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster();
if ( $clsdiscref and keys %{$clsdiscref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$clsdiscref} )
if ( not $clsdiscref->{$ch}{cluster_name} )
$clsName = has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName($ch);
$clsdiscref->{$ch}{cluster_name} = $clsName if $clsName;
$clsName = $clsdiscref->{$ch}{cluster_name};
if ( $clsName )
$crsHome = $ch;
if ( $clsName)
return wantarray? ($clsName,$crsHome,0):$clsName;
if ( $ENV{EMDROOT} )
$clsName = has::Common::hasCemutlsClusterName($ENV{EMDROOT});
undef $crsHome;
elsif ( $crsHome )
$clsName = has::Common::hasCemutlsClusterName($crsHome);
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasSearchClusterName: EMDROOT is not passed to get the cluster name"
if ($clsName)
return wantarray? ($clsName,$crsHome,1):$clsName;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasSearchClusterName:Failed to get clustername \n" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetHasName
# generate a name for has ( has_ )
# crsHome for vendor or EMDROOR
# cluster name
sub hasGetHasName(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $clsName;
my $hostName = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName();
$clsName = "has_$hostName" if $hostName;
$clsName = "has_" unless $clsName;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name}=$clsName if $crsHome;
return wantarray? ($clsName,$crsHome,0):$clsName;
# FUNCTION : hasIsVendorClusterware
# get the clustername from cemutls for non oracle clusters
# crsHome for vendor or EMDROOR
# cluster name
sub hasIsVendorClusterware($)
my ( $dir) = @_;
# bug 4667678
# TBD is solaris 64 bit run the 64 bit cemutls
my $cemutls;
my %cemutls_command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
if (has::Common::get_osType() eq "SOL")
# bug fix 9255116
if ( has::Common::hasDoesFileExist('/opt/ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxn2.so') )
# bug fix 8459125
my $o = has::Common::runsystemcommand("file /opt/ORCLcluster/lib/libskgxn2.so 2>&1",'',\%cemutls_command_args);
if ($o and $o =~ /64-bit/)
my $cemutls64path;
$cemutls64path = catfile($dir,'bin') if $dir;
$cemutls64path = catfile($cemutls64path,'cemutls64') if $cemutls64path;
stat $cemutls64path if $cemutls64path;
$cemutls = "cemutls64" if $cemutls64path and -e $cemutls64path;
$cemutls = "cemutls" unless $cemutls;
%cemutls_command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
my $vo = has::Common::runsystemcommand("$cemutls -w 2>&1",'',\%cemutls_command_args);
chomp($vo) if $vo;
$vo =~ s/\n/ /g if $vo;
$vo =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $vo;
# if cemutls fails then this is not a vendor cluster
if ( $cemutls_command_args{command_return_status} )
return wantarray?($vo,$cemutls_command_args{command_return_status}):0;
# cemutls is successful do this is a vendor cluster
return wantarray?($vo,$cemutls_command_args{command_return_status}) :1;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterConfigPre11g
# return the config information for the cluster emcrsp
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
sub hasGetClusterConfigPre11g(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
undef $crsHome if $crsHome and not has::Common::hasIsReadable($crsHome);
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
# get the cluster home by discovery
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env" unless $crsHome;
my $isVendorCW = 1;
my $version;
my $patch;
my $errMsg;
my $vendor;
my $clsName;
my $o;
my $vo;
my $CRSVersion;
my $cmd_status;
#There is a CRS home in this cluster
my $nCrsHome;
# is this a has or cluster
my $ocrtype = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp);
# I added this check as this will result in timeout of dynamic property comps
# if crs home is known then do nothins
# we should add a flag to indicate if this is called from dynamic prop or a metric
if ( $dynProp )
($clsName,$nCrsHome,$isVendorCW) = has::Common::hasSearchClusterName($crsHome);
if ( $nCrsHome and $crsHome and $crsHome ne $nCrsHome )
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g the cluster home $nCrsHome is different from $crsHome";
elsif ( $nCrsHome and not $crsHome )
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g the cluster home is $nCrsHome ";
elsif ( $clsName and not $nCrsHome )
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g: No home found for cluster $clsName ,different from $crsHome";
if ( $crsHome and $crsHome !~ /#CRS_HOME#/ )
( $vo,$cmd_status) = has::Common::hasIsVendorClusterware($crsHome);
# No vendor clusterware in use if cemutls fails
if ( $cmd_status )
$isVendorCW = 0;
$isVendorCW = 1;
# use cemutlo to get info on oracle clusterware
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
if ( not $ocrtype or $ocrtype !~ /^has$/ )
$o = has::Common::runsystemcommand('cemutlo -w 2>&1','',\%command_args);
if ( $command_args{command_return_status} )
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Failed executing command cemutlo -w");
chomp($o) if $o;
$o =~ s/\n/ /g if $o;
$o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o;
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Failed to get any results from cemutlo -w") unless $o;
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Unknown format of the output from cemutlo -w : $o")
if $o and $o !~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/;
# use the output from cemutls if output from cemutlo does not match
$o = $vo if $vo and not $o and $o !~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/;
($version,$patch,$vendor) = ($o =~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/) if $o and $o =~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/;
$version = "$version.$patch" if $version and $patch;
#Active CRS Version
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
if ( $ocrtype and $ocrtype =~ /^has$/ )
$o = has::Common::runsystemcommand('crsctl query has releaseversion 2>&1','',\%command_args);
$o = has::Common::runsystemcommand('crsctl query crs activeversion 2>&1','',\%command_args);
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Failed executing command crsctl query crs activeversion")
if $command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($o) if $o;
$o =~ s/\n/ /g if $o;
$o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o;
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Failed to get any results from crsctl query crs activeversion")
unless $o;
if ( $command_args{command_return_status} )
$CRSVersion = '';
elsif ( $o )
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Unknown format of the output from crsctl query crs activeversion : $o")
if $o and $o !~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/;
($CRSVersion) = ( $o =~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/ ) if $o and $o =~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/;
# 10.1 crsctl doesn't return the version.
$CRSVersion = '10.1' if not $CRSVersion and $version and $version =~ /^1.1$/;
#No CRS is known to the cluster
$crsHome = $ENV{EMDROOT} if $ENV{EMDROOT};
($o,$cmd_status) = has::Common::hasIsVendorClusterware($crsHome);
# cemutls -w failed, so this is a oracle cluster
if ( $cmd_status )
warn("WARN:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g:Failed executing command cemutls -w as oracle cluster");
elsif ( $o )
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g: Unknown format of the output from cemutls -w : $o")
unless $o =~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/;
($version,$patch,$vendor) = ($o =~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/) if $o =~ /(.*)\:(.*)\:(.*)/;
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g: Vendor cluster, but failed to get results from cemutls -w : ");
$version = "$version.$patch" if $version and $patch;
$crsHome = '#CRS_HOME#' unless $crsHome;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{cluster_name}= $clsName if $clsName;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{crs_version} = $CRSVersion if $CRSVersion;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{vendor} = $vendor if defined $vendor;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{version} = $version if defined $version;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{isvendorcw} = $isVendorCW if defined $isVendorCW;
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}, $confref->{$crsHome})
if $crsHome and $confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config};
return $confref;
# FUNCTION : hasGetHasNodeName
# return the node name for the local node
# crsHome if known
sub hasGetHasNodeName(;$$)
my ( $crsHome ,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodename} if $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodename} if $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetHasNodeName Failed to get the node name for the has node, trying to get hostname";
my $hostName = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName();
if ( $hostName )
$hostName =~ s/\..*//;
$hostName = lc $hostName if $hostName;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetHasNodeName Failed to get the node name for the has node" and return unless $hostName;
return $hostName;
# FUNCTION : hasGetHasReleaseVersion
# return the release version for has
# crsHome if known
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
sub hasGetHasReleaseVersion(;$$)
my ( $crsHome, $dynProp ) = @_;
undef $crsHome if $crsHome and not has::Common::hasIsReadable($crsHome);
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
# get the cluster home by discovery
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env" unless $crsHome;
my $o;
my $CRSVersion;
my %command_args;
if ( $crsHome and $crsHome !~ /#CRS_HOME#/ )
#Active CRS Version
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$o = has::Common::runsystemcommand('crsctl query has releaseversion 2>&1','',\%command_args);
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Failed executing command crsctl query has releaseversion")
if $command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($o) if $o;
$o =~ s/\n/ /g if $o;
$o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o;
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Failed to get any results from crsctl query has releaseversion")
unless $o;
if ( $command_args{command_return_status} )
$CRSVersion = '';
elsif ( $o )
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Unknown format of the output from crsctl query has releaseversion : $o")
if $o and $o !~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/;
($CRSVersion) = ( $o =~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/ ) if $o and $o =~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/;
if ( not $CRSVersion )
#Active CRS Version
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$o = has::Common::runsystemcommand('crsctl query has softwareversion 2>&1','',\%command_args);
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Failed executing command crsctl query has softwareversion")
if $command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($o) if $o;
$o =~ s/\n/ /g if $o;
$o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o;
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Failed to get any results from crsctl query has softwareversion")
unless $o;
if ( $command_args{command_return_status} )
$CRSVersion = '';
elsif ( $o )
warn("ERROR:has:Common::hasGetHasReleaseVersion:Unknown format of the output from crsctl query has softwareversion : $o")
if $o and $o !~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/;
($CRSVersion) = ( $o =~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/ ) if $o and $o =~ /\[([\d|\.]+)\]/;
$crsHome = '#CRS_HOME#' unless $crsHome;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{crs_version} = $CRSVersion if $CRSVersion;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{version} = $CRSVersion if defined $CRSVersion;
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}, $confref->{$crsHome})
if $crsHome and $confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config};
$CRSVersion = '' unless $CRSVersion;
return $CRSVersion if $CRSVersion;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g
# return the node name for the local node using olsnode/lsodes
# crsHome if known
# ref to hash
sub hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g(;$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $nodename;
$crsHome =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $crsHome;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
my $ocrType = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp);
if ( $ocrType and $ocrType =~ /^has$/ )
return $confref;
# the order of search directories for olsnode/lsnodes
my %olsnodeorder;
my $ncrsHome;
if ( $crsHome )
my $discCrsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
if ( $discCrsHome )
for my $order ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %olsnodeorder )
my $path;
my $cmd;
next unless $olsnodeorder{$order} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{cmd};
$path = $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
$path = $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}} if $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}};
next unless $path;
next unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($path);
$cmd = $olsnodeorder{$order}{cmd};
#get the list of nodes using olsnodes
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
my $fullcmd;
for my $ext ( ( 'exe', 'bat' , undef) )
my $ecmd;
$ecmd = "$cmd\.$ext" if $ext;
$ecmd = $cmd unless $ecmd;
$fullcmd = catfile($path,'bin',$ecmd);
stat $fullcmd;
last if has::Common::hasIsReadable($fullcmd);
undef $fullcmd;
next unless $fullcmd;
# bug 4667678
#Bug fix#9117595
$nodename = has::Common::runsystemcommand($fullcmd.' -l 2>&1','',\%command_args);
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g:Failed executing command **$fullcmd")
and next if $command_args{command_return_status};
# remove new line
chomp $nodename if $nodename;
if ( $nodename )
$ncrsHome = $path unless $path =~ /EMDROOT/;
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g:CRS home is: $ncrsHome") and last if $ncrsHome;
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g:No CRS home is: using $fullcmd to get node name, possibly vendor clusterware") and last unless $ncrsHome;
$confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
warn("WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g:Failed to get nodename from cluster binaries olsnodes/lsnodes")
unless $nodename;
return $confref unless $nodename;
$crsHome = $ncrsHome if $ncrsHome and not $crsHome;
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
$confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}{nodename} = $nodename unless $confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}{nodename};
if ( $crsHome )
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{nodename} = $nodename if $nodename;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{crs_home} = $crsHome unless $confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{crs_home};
$crsHome = '#CRS_HOME#' unless $crsHome;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{nodename} = $nodename;
$confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{crs_home} = $crsHome unless $confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}{crs_home};
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config}, $confref->{$crsHome})
if $crsHome and $confref->{$crsHome}{pre11gr2_config};
return $confref;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g
# return a hash of
# {nodelist =>
# nodearray => )
# crs_home =>
# of nodes in a cluster
# crsHome if known
# hash result list
sub hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g(;$)
my ($crsHome ) = @_; # CRSHome
my $nodes;
my @nodes;
my $ncrsHome;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
if ( $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodearray} )
return $confref;
$crsHome =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $crsHome;
undef $crsHome if $crsHome and $crsHome =~ /^\s*$/;
# the order of search directories for olsnode/lsnodes
my %olsnodeorder;
if ( $crsHome )
my $discCrsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
if ( $discCrsHome )
for my $order ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %olsnodeorder )
my $path;
my $cmd;
undef $ncrsHome if $ncrsHome;
undef $nodes if $nodes;
next unless $olsnodeorder{$order} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{path} and $olsnodeorder{$order}{cmd};
$path = $olsnodeorder{$order}{path};
$path = $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}} if $ENV{$olsnodeorder{$order}{path}};
next unless $path;
next unless has::Common::hasIsReadable($path);
$cmd = $olsnodeorder{$order}{cmd};
#get the list of nodes using olsnodes
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
my $fullcmd;
for my $ext ( ( 'exe', 'bat' , undef) )
my $ecmd;
$ecmd = "$cmd\.$ext" if $ext;
$ecmd = $cmd unless $ecmd;
$fullcmd = catfile($path,'bin',$ecmd);
stat $fullcmd;
last if has::Common::hasIsReadable($fullcmd);
undef $fullcmd;
next unless $fullcmd;
$nodes = has::Common::runsystemcommand($fullcmd.' 2>&1','',\%command_args);
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g:Failed executing command **$fullcmd")
and next if $command_args{command_return_status};
if ( $nodes )
# bug 4667678
$ncrsHome = $path unless $path =~ /EMDROOT/;
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g:Getting node list from $cmd at $path") and last;
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g:Failed to get nodelist from cluster binaries olsnodes and cluvfy")
unless $nodes;
# try to get the information from discovery if olsnodes fails if cluster is down
if (
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{discover}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{discover}{nodelist}
$nodes = $confref->{$crsHome}{discover}{nodelist};
warn("WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g:Failed to get nodelist from cluster binaries olsnodes and discovery")
and return unless $nodes;
chomp($nodes) if $nodes;
$nodes=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $nodes;
$nodes =~ s/\n/,/g if $nodes;
$nodes =~ s/,\s+,/,,/g if $nodes;
$nodes =~ s/,+/,/g if $nodes;
$nodes=~ s/^,|,$//g if $nodes;
return $confref unless $nodes;
@nodes = split/,/,$nodes if $nodes;
$crsHome = $ncrsHome if $ncrsHome and not $crsHome;
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
$confref->{$ch}{node}{nodelist} = $nodes unless $confref->{$ch}{node}{nodelist};
$confref->{$ch}{node}{nodearray} = \@nodes unless $confref->{$ch}{node}{nodearray};
if ( $crsHome )
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodelist} = $nodes;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodearray} = \@nodes;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{crs_home} = $crsHome unless $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{crs_home};
$crsHome = '#CRS_HOME#' unless $crsHome;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodelist} = $nodes if $nodes;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodearray} = \@nodes if @nodes;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{crs_home} = $crsHome unless $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{crs_home};
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$crsHome}{node}, $confref->{$crsHome})
if $crsHome and $confref->{$crsHome}{node};
return $confref;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp
# return the config information for the cluster using emcrsp for 11gR2 clusters
# and higher
# crsHome if known
# force recompute if already computed
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
sub hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp(;$$)
# name : hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp_fn
# desc : it filters our the nodename
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
#``ref to the result hass entities nodearray
sub hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp_fn(\%\%)
my ( $elref, $rsref ) = @_;
return 1 unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^(nodename|header|entity)$/i;
#$rsref->{nodename}=$elref->{name} and return 1 if $elref->{element} =~ /^nodename$/;
if ( $elref->{element} =~ /^nodename$/ )
$rsref->{node}{nodename}=$elref->{name} if $elref->{name};
return 1;
# if the header is passed , read the cluster_name and crs_version
if ( $elref->{element} =~ /^header$/i )
if ( $elref->{attrs} )
# read all attribs from
for my $hdval ( keys %{$elref->{attrs}} )
$rsref->{$hdval} = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval};
$rsref->{node}{crs_version} = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} and next if $hdval =~ /^crs_version$/i;
$rsref->{node}{cluster_name} = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} and next if $hdval =~ /^cluster_name$/i;
$rsref->{node}{ocr_configured} = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} and next if $hdval =~ /^ocr_configured$/i;
$rsref->{node}{ocr_location} = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} and next if $hdval =~ /^ocr_location$/i;
# if node entity
if ( $elref->{element} =~ /^entity$/i )
my $thisnode;
my %nodehash;
# return unless entitu is of type entity
return 1 unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{entity_type}
and $elref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~ /^node$/;
# get the node name
if ( $elref->{attrs} )
# read all attribs from
for my $hdval ( keys %{$elref->{attrs}} )
$thisnode = $elref->{attrs}{$hdval} if $hdval =~ /^entity_name$/;
$thisnode =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# read all name=value pairs from the attributes of the node
for my $elref1 ( @{$elref->{children}} )
next unless $elref1->{element} =~ /^attributes$/;
for my $elref2 ( @{$elref1->{children}} )
next unless $elref2->{element} =~ /^attribute$/;
my $name;
my $value;
for my $elref3 ( @{$elref2->{children}} )
next unless $elref3->{element} =~ /^(name|value)$/;
$name = $elref3->{name} if $elref3->{element} =~ /^name$/;
$value = $elref3->{name} if $elref3->{element} =~ /^value$/;
$name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $name;
$value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $value;
$nodehash{$name}=$value if $name;
# if you did not get the node name from entity_name try to get it from
# attribute name
$thisnode = $nodehash{NAME} if not $thisnode and $nodehash{NAME};
next unless $thisnode;
# save the node name information
for my $nm ( keys %nodehash )
return 1;
my ( $crsHome,$force ) = @_;
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
# get the cluster home by discovery
if ( not $crsHome or not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref
and warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env"
unless $crsHome;
# already computed emcrsp for this crs home
if ( not $force )
return $confref
if $confref and ref($confref) and ref($confref) =~ /HASH/i
and $confref->{$crsHome} and $confref->{$crsHome}{emcrsp};
return $confref
and warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp:binary emcrsp is not present in $crsHome"
unless has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome);
my %cemutls_command_args = (exit_success_list => [(0,1)]);
my $cmdresults = has::Common::runsystemcommand("emcrsp","em config -e node",\%cemutls_command_args);
$cmdresults = has::Common::hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults($cmdresults);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp Failed to get results from command - emcrsp em config -e node"
and return unless $cmdresults;
my %xmlvar = has::Common::parse_xml($cmdresults);
my %nodeList;
# this will override the discover information otherwise , esp if cssd is down and
# we do not get the nodelist from emcrsp olsnodes commands we rely on the nodelist
# from discovery
#$confref->{$crsHome} = \%nodeList;
if ( keys %nodeList )
for my $nlkey ( keys %nodeList )
# set marker that this crsHome has emcrsp so a 11gr2 cluster
# from node details get the node array and node nodelist
if ( $confref
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}
and keys %{$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}} )
my @nodearray;
my $nodelist;
for my $nodename ( keys %{$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}} )
$nodename =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
next unless $nodename;
push @nodearray,$nodename;
$nodelist = "$nodelist,$nodename" and next if $nodelist;
$nodelist = "$nodename" and next unless $nodelist;
# make sure we have NAME and HOST_NAME here as they are keys
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{NAME} = $nodename
unless $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{NAME};
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{HOST_NAME} = $nodename
unless $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{HOST_NAME};
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{crs_home} = $crsHome
unless $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{crs_home};
# for node
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{crs_home} = $crsHome;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodelist} = $nodelist if $nodelist;
$confref->{$crsHome}{node}{nodearray} = \@nodearray;
# if this has emcrsp check if it is a has target
if ( $confref
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{ocr_configured}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{ocr_location}
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$crsHome}{node}, $confref->{$crsHome})
if $crsHome and $confref->{$crsHome}{node};
return $confref;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterStatus
# get clusterware status
# list of nodes
# CRS Home if available
# type ha|crs
# returns a hash ref of results
sub hasGetClusterStatus ( $;$$ )
my ( $nodes,$crsHome,$type ) = @_;
my @nlist;
my @fnlist;
my $nodearg = '';
my $oldOH;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
if ( $crsHome )
$crsHome =~ s/\s+//g;
undef $crsHome if $crsHome =~ /^$/ or $crsHome eq '';
# by default get cluster status
$type = 'crs' unless $type and $type =~ /^(ha|crs)$/i;
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
# get the cluster home by discovery
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
return and warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env"
unless $crsHome;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 1;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{failedCount} = 0;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{successCount} = 0;
@nlist = split(/,/, $nodes) if $nodes;
# add onefor the case of cluvfy without -n nodes
push(@nlist,'') unless @nlist;
if ( $nodes )
$nodes =~ s/\s+//g;
undef $nodes if $nodes =~ /^$/ or $nodes eq '';
$nodearg = " -n $nodes" if $nodes;
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus:**Node List: $nodearg");
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()],timeout=>290,tries=>1);
# execute cluvfy new format with -display_status
# ideally this should be a version check so cluvfy is executed only once
if ( $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE} )
# trying to set CV directories as instructed by dipak.saggi due to bug in cluvfy
# if two cluvfy are executed at the same time then can run on each others stage dir
#my $cvdir = has::Common::has_get_cache_dir() or
# warn "WARN:Failed to get a cache dir for setting CV_DESTLOC and CV_TESTLOC for cluvfy";
#if ( $cvdir )
# $cvdir = catfile($cvdir,'clscv');
# my $cvdestloc = catfile($cvdir,'crsdestloc');
# my $cvtraceloc = catfile($cvdir,'crstraceloc');
# $ENV{CV_DESTLOC}=$cvdestloc if $cvdestloc;
# $ENV{CV_TRACELOC}=$cvtraceloc if $cvtraceloc;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} = has::Common::runsystemcommand(
"cluvfy comp $type -display_status $nodearg 2>\&1",'',\%command_args);
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//
if $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
#execute cluvfy new format without -display_status if flag option is not
# supported
unless ( $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ /NODE_STATUS::/i )
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()],timeout=>290,tries=>1);
if ( $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE} )
# trying to set CV directories as instructed by dipak.saggi due to bug in cluvfy
# if two cluvfy are executed at the same time then can run on each others stage dir
#my $cvdir = has::Common::has_get_cache_dir() or
# warn "WARN:Failed to get a cache dir for setting CV_DESTLOC and CV_TESTLOC for cluvfy";
#if ( $cvdir )
# $cvdir = catfile($cvdir,'clscv');
# my $cvdestloc = catfile($cvdir,'crsdestloc');
# my $cvtraceloc = catfile($cvdir,'crstraceloc');
# $ENV{CV_DESTLOC}=$cvdestloc if $cvdestloc;
# $ENV{CV_TRACELOC}=$cvtraceloc if $cvtraceloc;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} = has::Common::runsystemcommand( "cluvfy comp $type $nodearg 2>\&1",'',\%command_args);
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
if $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ s/\n/,/g
if $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ s/\cM//g
if $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
die("ERROR:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus:crs_status_cluster.pl:Failed to get any results from cluvfy comp $type -n $nodearg")
unless $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
# output with -display_status flag
# cluvfy comp crs -display_status -n staca31
# if cluvfy comp crs -n node1, node2 does not return a success
# for all nodes the exit status is failure
for ( (1) )
# crs is up if cluvfy did not return a failure
unless ( $command_args{command_return_status} )
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 1;
# check for failed nodes etc only if the cluvfy returned a failure
# for pre11g version we are trying to get the list of failed nodes
# from the cli output using the following logic
# cluvfy comp crs -n
# a) fails on all nodes
# Verification of CRS integrity was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
# b) partial failure , fails on some nodes
# Verification of CRS integrity was unsuccessful.
# checks did nto pass for the following node(s):
# node1,node2
# c)all successful
# Verification of CRS integrity was successful
# email sent by dipak.saggi confirming the messages
# "Verification of {0} was unsuccessful on all the nodes. "
# "Verification of {0} was unsuccessful. "
# "Checks did not pass for the following node(s):"
my $with_node_status_for_em = 'NODE_STATUS::|OVERALL_STATUS::';
my $failed_on_some_nodes=
my $failed_on_all_nodes =
my $error_executing_cluvfy =
# if cluvfy supports the displsy_status flag and gives NODE_STATUS
if ( $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ /$with_node_status_for_em/ )
my @inp = split /\n/,$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
my @rows = grep /$with_node_status_for_em/, @inp;
my $nodeVerificationFailed;
for my $row ( @rows )
$row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{successCount} +=1 and next
if $row and $row =~ /NODE_STATUS::.+:SUCC$/;
#if command returns overall success, then take the results of overall
# and declare crs is up on all nodes
if ( $row and $row =~ /OVERALL_STATUS::SUCC/ )
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{successCount} = @nlist;
# verification failed, increment failed count
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{failedCount} +=1 and next
if $row =~ /NODE_STATUS::.+:VFAIL/;
# execution failure
next unless $row =~ /NODE_STATUS::.+:EFAIL/;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{errCount} += 1;
my ($node) = ( $row =~ /NODE_STATUS::(.+):EFAIL/);
warn("WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus Failed to get node name from execution failure of cluvfy while checking Clusterware Status $row\n")
and next unless $node;
$nodeVerificationFailed = "$nodeVerificationFailed,$node" and next if $nodeVerificationFailed;
$nodeVerificationFailed = "$node" unless $nodeVerificationFailed;
warn("WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus Status verification failed due to cluvfy execution failure for node(s) $nodeVerificationFailed\n")
if $nodeVerificationFailed;
# crs is down if all nodes failed or failed count is > nodes
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 0
if scalar(@nlist) == $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{failedCount};
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 0
unless $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{successCount};
elsif ($confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ /$failed_on_some_nodes/i)
my $fo = $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o};
$fo =~ s/\n+/,/g;
my ($ignore,$fnodes) =
( $fo =~ /.*($failed_on_some_nodes)(.*)$/i);
$fnodes =~ s/,\s+,/,/g;
$fnodes =~ s/,+/,/g;
$fnodes =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
$fnodes =~ s/^,+|,+$//;
warn("DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus:crs_status_cluster.pl:**failed node list:($fnodes)");
@fnlist = split(/,/, $fnodes);
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{failedCount} = scalar(@fnlist);
# if crs is up on atleast one node then crs is up
if ( scalar(@nlist) == scalar (@fnlist) )
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 0;
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 1;
elsif ($confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ /$failed_on_all_nodes/i )
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 0;
elsif ($confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o} =~ /$error_executing_cluvfy/i )
warn("WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus Failed to get Status for cluster, CRS verification failed for cluster $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o}\n");
$confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{crsIsUp} = 2;
warn("WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterStatus Failed to get Status for cluster , CRS verification failed for cluster $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status}{o}\n");
$confref->{$crsHome}{crs_home} = $crsHome
if $crsHome and not $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_home};
return $confref->{$crsHome}{cluvfy_status};
# FUNCTION : hasClusterHealthCheck
# get clusterware health check status
# CRS Home if available
# type = crs
# returns a hash ref of results
sub hasClusterHealthCheck ( $;$ )
my ( $type,$crsHome ) = @_;
my %clshm;
my $with_node_status_for_em = 'NODE_STATUS:|OVERALL_STATUS::';
if ( $crsHome )
$crsHome =~ s/\s+//g;
undef $crsHome if $crsHome =~ /^$/ or $crsHome eq '';
# by default get cluster status
$type = 'crs' unless $type and $type =~ /^(ha|crs)$/i;
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
# get the cluster home by discovery
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
return and warn "WARN:has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env"
unless $crsHome;
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()],timeout=>290,tries=>1);
my $results;
# execute cluvfy new format with -display_status
# ideally this should be a version check so cluvfy is executed only once
if ( $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE} )
# trying to set CV directories as instructed by dipak.saggi due to bug in cluvfy
# if two cluvfy are executed at the same time then can run on each others stage dir
#my $cvdir = has::Common::has_get_cache_dir() or
# warn "WARN:Failed to get a cache dir for setting CV_DESTLOC and CV_TESTLOC for cluvfy";
#if ( $cvdir )
# $cvdir = catfile($cvdir,'clshc');
# my $cvdestloc = catfile($cvdir,'crsdestloc');
# my $cvtraceloc = catfile($cvdir,'crstraceloc');
# $ENV{CV_DESTLOC}=$cvdestloc if $cvdestloc;
# $ENV{CV_TRACELOC}=$cvtraceloc if $cvtraceloc;
$results = has::Common::runsystemcommand(
"cluvfy comp health -_format 2>\&1",'',\%command_args);
# warn "ERROR::has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Failed executing the cluster health check command cluvfy comp health \n" and return if $command_args{command_return_status};
chomp $results if $results;
$results =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $results;
chomp $results if $results;
$results =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $results;
$results =~ s/\cM//g if $results;
warn "ERROR::has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Failed to get results for cluster health check from cluvfy comp health \n"
and return unless $results;
my @results = split/\n/,$results;
# if cluvfy comp crs -n node1, node2 does not return a success
# for all nodes the exit status is failure
my %description;
my $current_component;
my $current_message;
my $i=0;
for my $res ( @results )
$res =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $res;
next unless $res;
# if cluvfy supports the displsy_status flag and gives NODE_STATUS
if ( $res =~ /$with_node_status_for_em/ )
my ( $component,$node,$status,$description) = split/::/,$res;
warn "WARN::has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Failed to read the component and status from $res"
and next
unless $component or $node or $status;
if ( $description )
if ( $node =~/NODE_STATUS:/ )
my ( $node_name ) = ( $node =~ /NODE_STATUS:(.*)$/);
warn "WARN::has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Failed to read the node name from $node"
unless $node_name;
$node = "$node_name" if $node_name;
elsif ( $node =~/OVERALL_STATUS/ )
$node = 'Cluster';
if ( $status =~ /SUCC/ )
if ( $status =~ /SUCC/ )
elsif ( $status =~ /VFAIL/ )
elsif ( $status =~ /EFAIL/ )
$clshm{$current_component}{elem_attribs}{COMPONENT_STATUS_MESSAGE}='Execution Failed';
elsif ( $status =~ /WARN/ )
if $description{$component};
elsif ($res =~ /^MSG_START/i)
undef $current_message;
$i = 0;
elsif ( $res =~ /^MSG_END/i )
if $clshm{$current_component}{elem_attribs}{DEDUCED_COMPONENT_STATUS};
if ( $current_message )
warn "WARN::has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Failed to get the component for error message $current_message\n"
unless $current_component;
warn "WARN::has::Common::hasClusterHealthCheck:Failed to get the component for $res\n"
unless $current_component;
undef $current_message;
undef $current_component;
if ( $res =~ /^PRVF-/ )
$res = "($i) $res";
if ( $current_message )
$current_message = "$current_message $res";
$current_message = $res;
return \%clshm;
# FUNCTION : getClusterCacheRef
# return the ref for config information for the cluster
# ref for config information for the cluster
sub getClusterCacheRef()
return \%has::Common::hasClusterConfig;
# FUNCTION : clusterConfigCopyVals
# copy the list of cluster properties between the two lists passed
# source ref to copy from config information for the cluster
# destination ref to copy to config information for the cluste
sub clusterConfigCopyVals($$;)
my ( $source_ref,$dest_ref) = @_;
for my $prop ( qw ( crs_home nodelist nodearray crs_version version
vendor isvendorcw nodename host_name cluster_name emcrsp
ocr_location ocr_configured ocr_type
) )
next if ( not $source_ref or not defined $source_ref->{$prop} )
and ( not $dest_ref or not defined $dest_ref->{$prop} );
if ( not $dest_ref or not defined $dest_ref->{$prop} )
$dest_ref->{$prop} = $source_ref->{$prop}
if $source_ref and $source_ref->{$prop};
if ( not $source_ref or not defined $source_ref->{$prop} )
$source_ref->{$prop} = $dest_ref->{$prop}
if $dest_ref and $dest_ref->{$prop};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterConfig
# return the config information for the cluster
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
#the structure returned is
#it can hold information for multiple crs_homes which is required in dev
# environments
# cluster information from cli or emcrsp
# {}=(crs_home,cluster_name,host_name,nodelist,nodearray,nodename,host_name,
# vendor,isvendorcw,crs_version,version,emcrsp)
# local node information from cli or emcrsp
# {}{pre11gr2_config} = {crs_home,nodename,host_name,vendor,isvendorcw,
# crs_version,version,nodelist,nodearray}
# discovered information
# {}{discover}{nodes}{}
# {}{discover}{crs_home}
# {}{discover}{cluster_name}
# {}{discover}{nodelist}
# {}{discover}{nodearray}
# node information from cli lsnode or emcrsp
# {}{node}{details}{}={NAME,HOST_NAME,NODE_NUM,}
# {}{node}{crs_home}
# {}{node}{cluster_name}
# {}{node}{nodearray}
# {}{node}{nodelist}
sub hasGetClusterConfig(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref;
$confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
$crsHome =~ s/\s+//g if $crsHome;
undef $crsHome if $crsHome and $crsHome =~ /^\s*$/;
# values already cached then return it back
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
if ( $crsHome )
if ( $confref->{$crsHome} )
my $flag = 1;
for my $prop ( qw ( crs_home nodelist nodearray crs_version version
ocr_location ocr_configured ocr_type
vendor isvendorcw nodename host_name cluster_name emcrsp
) )
next if defined $confref->{$crsHome}{$prop};
$flag = 0;
return $confref if $flag;
# if there is no entry for the passed crs home then check for others
# the assumption that there is only one crsHome or one cluster per box
# values already cached then return it back
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
my $flag = 1;
for my $prop ( qw ( crs_home nodelist nodearray crs_version version
ocr_location ocr_configured ocr_type
vendor isvendorcw nodename host_name cluster_name emcrsp ) )
next if defined $confref->{$ch}{$prop};
$flag = 0;
return $confref if $flag;
# start with discovery , populates the discover structure
$confref = has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster();
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
next unless $confref->{$ch}{discover};
my @chomes;
# if a crs home is passed get config only by passing that crs home
# if no crs home is passed use discovery
if ( $crsHome )
push @chomes,$crsHome;
@chomes = keys %{$confref};
if ( not @chomes )
my $crsEnvHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
push @chomes, $crsEnvHome if $crsEnvHome;
# for each cluster home get the values
for my $ch ( @chomes )
# get he 11g node list crsctl/cemutl stuff, pupulates pre11gr2_config
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g($ch,$dynProp);
# get the 11g local nodename using olsnodes -l , populates pre11gr2_config
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g($ch);
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config}, $confref->{$ch})
if $confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config};
# get the 11g node list from olsnodes populates the node element
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterNodeListPre11g($ch)
unless $confref->{$ch}{node}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{nodearray}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{nodelist};
if $confref->{$ch}{node};
# get the local node name
my $nodename = $confref->{$ch}{nodename} if $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
# get the local host name
$confref->{$ch}{host_name} = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName()
unless $confref->{$ch}{host_name};
my $hostname = $confref->{$ch}{host_name}
if $confref->{$ch}{host_name};
# get the node list to build node details from 11gR1 olsnodes list
if ( keys %{$confref->{$ch}} and $confref->{$ch}{nodearray} )
for my $node ( @{$confref->{$ch}{nodearray}} )
# if this is the current node then get hostname
if $hostname and $nodename and $node =~ /^$nodename$/
and not $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$node}{HOST_NAME};
# TBD if this is the current node then get hostname
# css api should provide the host name for each nodename
if not $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$node}{HOST_NAME};
unless $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$node}{crs_home};
# get the node name
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterGetNodeNamePre11g($ch) unless $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
# do the 11 discovery using emcrsp
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp($ch);
# synchronize the top vales from all the sub lists
# discover - from discovery
# pre11gr2_config - from cemutl,crsctl, olsnode
# node - from emcrsp,olsnode
has::Common::clusterConfigCopyVals($confref->{$ch}{node}, $confref->{$ch})
if $confref->{$ch}{node};
if $confref->{$ch}{pre11gr2_config};
if $confref->{$ch}{discover};
return $confref;
# FUNCTION : hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery
# return the cluster name, crsHome and type(has|cluster)
# emdRoot
# crsHome if known
sub hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery($;$)
my ($emdRoot,$crsHome) = @_;
my $hascluster = 'cluster';
my $clusterName;
undef $crsHome unless $crsHome;
warn("ERROR:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery EMDROOT is not passed as an argument, failed discovery")
and return unless $emdRoot;
# Init as this function is called directly by discovery function
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery emdRoot=$emdRoot");
if (not $crsHome )
if (defined($ENV{CRS_HOME}))
if ($ENV{CRS_HOME} ne "#CRS_HOME#")
$crsHome = $ENV{CRS_HOME};
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery crsHome is picked from the environment CRS_HOME as $crsHome");
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery crsHome passed as argument=$crsHome");
$clusterName = '';
# a crsHome has been passed for discovery
if ($crsHome)
if ( has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) and has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome) =~ /^has$/ )
$hascluster = 'has';
$clusterName = has::Common::hasGetHasName($crsHome);
if ( $clusterName )
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing has::Common::hasGetHasName hasName=$clusterName");
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing has::Common::hasGetHasName hasName=undef");
$hascluster = 'cluster';
$clusterName = has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName($crsHome);
if ( $clusterName )
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing cemutlo,clusterName=$clusterName");
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing cemutlo,clusterName=undef");
# Attempt to search OUI inventory for the CRS Home if we still could not get a clsName
if ( not $clusterName )
my $confref;
$confref = has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster();
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and ref($confref) =~ /HASH/ )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
next unless $confref->{$ch}{discover};
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery Checking $ch ...Checking $ch ...");
if ( $confref->{$ch}{ocr_type} and $confref->{$ch}{ocr_type} =~ /has/ )
$hascluster = 'has';
$clusterName = has::Common::hasGetHasName($ch);
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing has::Common::hasGetHasName hasName=$clusterName") if $clusterName;
$hascluster = 'cluster';
$clusterName = has::Common::hasCemutloClusterName($ch);
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing cemutlo,clusertName=$clusterName") if $clusterName;
$clusterName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $clusterName;
if ($clusterName)
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery cemutlo works fine in $ch. Found ($clusterName, $ch)");
$crsHome = $ch;
if ( not $clusterName )
# still empty, check cemutls in case of 92 cluster
$hascluster = 'cluster';
$clusterName = has::Common::hasCemutlsClusterName($emdRoot);
$clusterName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $clusterName;
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery After executing cemutls,clusertName=$clusterName") if $clusterName;
if ( not $clusterName )
$hascluster = 'cluster';
# it's a 9.2 cluster, setting crsHome to emtpy.
$crsHome = '';
$clusterName = '' unless $clusterName;
warn("DEBUG:HasCluster.pm:hasEMClusterHasTargetDiscovery Returning clusterName:$clusterName");
# append first node name if cluster name is crs and target type is cluster to get a distinct targetName
if ( $hascluster =~ /^cluster$/ )
$clusterName = has::Common::appendNodeNameToClusterName($clusterName,$crsHome) if $clusterName and $crsHome;
return wantarray? ($clusterName, $crsHome, $hascluster):$clusterName;
# FUNCTION : hasGetNodeName
# return the node name for the local node
# crsHome if known
sub hasGetNodeName(;$)
my ( $crsHome, $dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodename} if $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome,$dynProp);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodename};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodename} if $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetNodeName Failed to get the node name for the cluster node, trying to get hostname";
my $hostName = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName();
if ( $hostName )
$hostName =~ s/\..*//;
$hostName = lc $hostName if $hostName;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetNodeName Failed to get the node name for the cluster node" and return unless $hostName;
return $hostName;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterName
# return the Cluster Name
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
sub hasGetClusterName(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{cluster_name}
if $confref->{$ch}{cluster_name};
if ( $dynProp )
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g($crsHome,$dynProp);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name};
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{cluster_name};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{cluster_name} if $confref->{$ch}{cluster_name};
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterName Failed to get the cluster name for the cluster ";
my $cookedName;
if ( ( $ENV{EM_TARGET_TYPE} and $ENV{EM_TARGET_TYPE} =~ /cluster|has/i ) or
( $ENV{TARGET_TYPE} and $ENV{TARGET_TYPE} =~ /cluster|has/i ) )
my $hostname = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName() unless $cookedName;
$cookedName = "host_$hostname" if $hostname and not $cookedName;
return $cookedName if $cookedName;
# FUNCTION : hasGetNodeList
# return the coma seperated list of nodes
# crsHome if known
sub hasGetNodeList(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodelist}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodelist};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodelist}
if $confref->{$ch}{nodelist};
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodelist} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodelist};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodelist} if $confref->{$ch}{nodelist};
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetNodeList Failed to get list of nodes" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetNodeStatus
# return the status for the node passed or local node is null
# crsHome if known
# nodeName is known
sub hasGetNodeStatus(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$nodeName ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodestatus}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodestatus};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodestatus}
if $confref->{$ch}{nodestatus};
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{nodestatus} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{nodestatus};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{nodestatus} if $confref->{$ch}{nodestatus};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetNodeStatus Failed to get status for node" and return unless $nodeName;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetNodeStatus Failed to get status for node $nodeName" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterVersion
# return the Clusterware Acive Version
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
sub hasGetClusterVersion(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_version}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_version};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{crs_version}
if $confref->{$ch}{crs_version};
if ( $dynProp )
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g($crsHome,$dynProp);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_version}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_version};
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterVersion Failed to get cluster active version " and return;
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_version} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{crs_version};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{crs_version} if $confref->{$ch}{crs_version};
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterVersion Failed to get cluster active version " and return;
sub hasGetClusterActiveVersion(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
if ( $dynProp )
return hasGetClusterVersion($crsHome,$dynProp);
return hasGetClusterVersion($crsHome);
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterVendor
# return the cluster vendor
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
# vendor name
sub hasGetClusterVendor(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{vendor}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{vendor};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{vendor}
if $confref->{$ch}{vendor};
if ( $dynProp )
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g($crsHome,$dynProp);
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{vendor} if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{vendor};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{vendor} if $confref->{$ch}{vendor};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterVendor Failed to get Vendor Name" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetIsVendorCluster
# return 1 if vendor cluster , 0 for oracle
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
# 1 or 0
sub hasGetIsVendorCluster(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{isvendorcw}
if $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and defined $confref->{$crsHome}{isvendorcw};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{isvendorcw}
if defined $confref->{$ch}{isvendorcw};
if ( $dynProp )
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g($crsHome,$dynProp);
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{isvendorcw}
if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and defined $confref->{$crsHome}{isvendorcw};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{isvendorcw} if defined $confref->{$ch}{nodename};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetIsVendorCluster Failed to check if Vendor clusterware" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterSoftwareVersion
# return the software version for a node
# node name or null for local node
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
# cluster software version for that node
sub hasGetClusterSoftwareVersion(;$$$)
my ( $nodename,$crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $activ_version;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version}
if $nodename and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version}
if $nodename
and $confref->{$ch}{node}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version};
if ( $dynProp )
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigPre11g($crsHome,$dynProp);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version}
if $nodename and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version}
if $nodename
and $confref->{$ch}{node}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version};
$activ_version = has::Common::hasGetClusterActiveVersion($crsHome,$dynProp);
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version}
if $nodename and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version}
if $nodename
and $confref->{$ch}{node}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details}{$nodename}{version};
$activ_version = has::Common::hasGetClusterActiveVersion($crsHome);
# return active version if software version is not available
if ( $activ_version )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterSoftwareVersion Failed to get software version for node $nodename, returning active version" if $nodename;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterSoftwareVersion Failed to get software version for local node, returning active version";
return $activ_version;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterSoftwareVersion Failed to get software version for node $nodename"
and return if $nodename;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetClusterSoftwareVersion Failed to get software version for local node" and return;
# FUNCTION : computeOcrType
# return if OCR type is has or cluster
# based on ocr properties in 11.2 cluster and higher
# ref to config has for a cluster home
# compute ocr type based on output from emcrsp
sub computeOcrType($)
my ( $ref ) = @_;
return unless $ref and keys %{$ref};
return $ref->{ocr_type} if $ref->{ocr_type};
return unless $ref->{ocr_configured} and $ref->{ocr_location};
if ( $ref->{ocr_configured} =~ /TRUE/ and $ref->{ocr_location} =~ /CLUSTER/ )
$ref->{ocr_type} = 'cluster';
elsif ( $ref->{ocr_location} =~ /CLUSTER/ )
$ref->{ocr_type} = 'cluster';
elsif ( $ref->{ocr_location} =~ /LOCAL/ )
$ref->{ocr_type} = 'has';
$ref->{ocr_type} = 'cluster';
# FUNCTION : hasEvalOcrType
# return if OCR type is has or cluster
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
sub hasEvalOcrType($;$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasEvalOcrType crsHome is not passed" and return unless $crsHome;
return 'cluster' unless has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome);
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
if ( not defined $confref or not ref($confref) or not ref($confref) =~ /HASH/
or not defined $confref->{$crsHome} )
# if this is for dynamic prop then get the emcrsp config information
# only and not all the other config info
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp($crsHome);
return unless $confref and ref($confref) and ref($confref) =~ /HASH/ and $confref->{$crsHome};
my $o;
$o = has::Common::computeOcrType($confref->{$crsHome}) if $crsHome and $confref->{$crsHome};
return $o if $o;
# FUNCTION : hasGetOcrType
# return if OCR type is has or cluster
# crsHome if known
# dynamicProperty - not null valud if function is called for dynamic prop
# computation
sub hasGetOcrType(;$$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $o;
$o = has::Common::hasEvalOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp) if $crsHome;
return $o if $o;
#if no crs home is passed go thru all the discovered crs homes
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
$o = has::Common::hasEvalOcrType($ch,$dynProp);
return $o if $o;
# if this is for dynamic prop then get the emcrsp config information
# only and not all the other config info
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfigEmcrsp($crsHome);
$o = has::Common::hasEvalOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp) if $crsHome;
return $o if $o;
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
$o = has::Common::hasEvalOcrType($ch,$dynProp);
return $o if $o;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetOcrType:Failed to get OCR type, defaulting to a cluster";
return 'cluster';
# FUNCTION : hasGetClusterNodes
# return a has list of cluster nodes with config information
# crsHome if known
# return a hash of nodes
sub hasGetClusterNodes(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{node}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}
and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details};
$confref = has::Common::hasGetClusterConfig($crsHome);
return $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
if $confref and $crsHome
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{node}{details};
if ( $confref and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{node}
if $confref->{$ch}{node} and $confref->{$ch}{node}{details};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetClusterNodes:Failed to get the list of nodes for cluster" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetGnsInformation
# return the Gns Information
# crsHome
# hash for results
sub hasGetGnsInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{gns}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{gns};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{gns}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{gns};
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found, no GNS information";
my $ocrtype = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp);
if ( $ocrtype and $ocrtype =~ /^has$/ )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation:this is a Oracle restart install, no GNS information";
# get the scan information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.gns.type';
my $gnslistref;
$gnslistref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
# get the scan vip information
%meta = ();
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.gns_vip.type';
my $gnsvipref;
$gnsvipref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
my %gnsres;
# if we have eons data then farm the fields to make sure we have reqd data
if ( $gnslistref and ref($gnslistref) and ref($gnslistref) =~ /HASH/ and keys %{$gnslistref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$gnslistref} )
$gnsres{GNS_NAME} = $gnslistref->{$id}{NAME} if defined $gnslistref->{$id}{NAME};
last if $gnsres{GNS_NAME};
if ( $gnsvipref and ref($gnsvipref) and ref($gnsvipref) =~ /HASH/ and keys %{$gnsvipref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$gnsvipref} )
$gnsres{GNS_VIP_NAME} = $gnsvipref->{$id}{NAME} if $gnsvipref->{$id}{NAME};
$gnsres{GNS_VIP_IP} = $gnsvipref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP} if $gnsvipref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP};
last if $gnsres{GNS_VIP_NAME} and $gnsres{GNS_VIP_IP};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation Failed to get NAME for GNS" unless $gnsres{GNS_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation Failed to get GNS_VIP_NAME for GNS" unless $gnsres{GNS_VIP_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation Failed to get GNS_VIP_IP for GNS" unless $gnsres{GNS_VIP_IP};
# if gns is configured then try to get the gns domain using srvctl commands
if ( keys %gnsres and $gnsres{GNS_NAME} )
my $gnsdomain;
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
my $srvgnsres = has::Common::runsystemcommand('srvctl','config gns -d',\%command_args);
#command failed so no gns domain
if ( $command_args{command_return_status} )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation Failed to get DOMAIN for GNS using command srvctl config gns -d";
elsif ( $srvgnsres )
$srvgnsres =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $srvgnsres;
# we look for the english string, if not for nls we go with the :
($gnsdomain) = ( $srvgnsres =~ /Domain served by GNS\s*:(.+)/i ) if $srvgnsres and $srvgnsres =~ /Domain served by GNS\s*:/;
$gnsdomain =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $gnsdomain;
if ( not $gnsdomain and $srvgnsres and $srvgnsres =~ /:/ )
($gnsdomain) = ( $srvgnsres =~ /.+:([^:]+)$/i );
$gnsdomain =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $gnsdomain;
$gnsdomain =~ s/^\.// if $gnsdomain =~ /^\./;
$gnsres{GNS_DOMAIN} = $gnsdomain if $gnsdomain;
# if srvctl fails to give gns domain then use resolve on gns ip
if ( $gnsres{GNS_VIP_IP} and not $gnsres{GNS_DOMAIN} )
$gnsdomain = has::Common::hasGetDomainNameNSLookup($gnsres{GNS_VIP_IP});
$gnsres{GNS_DOMAIN} = $gnsdomain if $gnsdomain;
if ( $crsHome )
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return \%gnsres if keys %gnsres;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation Failed to get Information for GNS resource" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetScanInformation
# return the scan Information
# crsHome if known
# hash for results
sub hasGetScanInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{scan}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{scan};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{scan}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{scan};
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found, no Scan information";
my $ocrtype = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp);
if ( $ocrtype and $ocrtype =~ /^has$/ )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation:this is a Oracle restart install, no Scan information";
# get the scan information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.scan_listener.type';
my $scanlistref;
$scanlistref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
# get the scan vip information
%meta = ();
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.scan_vip.type';
my $scanvipref;
$scanvipref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
my %scanres;
# if we have eons data then farm the fields to make sure we have reqd data
if ( $scanlistref and ref($scanlistref) and ref($scanlistref) =~ /HASH/ and keys %{$scanlistref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$scanlistref} )
$scanres{SCAN_PORT} = $scanlistref->{$id}{PORT} if defined $scanlistref->{$id}{PORT};
$scanres{RESOURCE_NAME} = $scanlistref->{$id}{NAME} if defined $scanlistref->{$id}{NAME};
$scanres{RESOURCE_NAME} = $scanlistref->{$id}{entity_name} if defined $scanlistref->{$id}{entity_name} and not $scanres{RESOURCE_NAME};
last if $scanres{SCAN_PORT} and $scanres{RESOURCE_NAME};
if ( $scanvipref and ref($scanvipref) and ref($scanvipref) =~ /HASH/ and keys %{$scanvipref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$scanvipref} )
$scanres{SCAN_NAME} = $scanvipref->{$id}{SCAN_NAME} if $scanvipref->{$id}{SCAN_NAME};
$scanres{USE_ORA_VIP} = $scanvipref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP} if $scanvipref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP};
last if $scanres{SCAN_NAME} and $scanres{USE_ORA_VIP};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation Failed to get SCAN PORT for scan listener" unless $scanres{SCAN_PORT};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation Failed to get NAME for scan" unless $scanres{SCAN_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation Failed to get USE_ORA_VIP for scan" unless $scanres{USR_ORA_VIP};
if ( $scanres{SCAN_NAME} and $scanres{SCAN_NAME} !~ /\./ )
# check if gns is defined and get the gns domain
my $gnsref = has::Common::hasGetGnsInformation($crsHome);
if ( $gnsref and ref($gnsref) and ref($gnsref) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$gnsref} and $gnsref->{GNS_NAME} )
$scanres{SCAN_NAME_WITH_FQDN} = "$scanres{SCAN_NAME}.$gnsref->{GNS_DOMAIN}" if $gnsref->{GNS_DOMAIN};
# if not gns get domain name for scan, using scan address using net utilities nslookup
my $scanDomain;
$scanDomain = has::Common::hasGetDomainNameNSLookup($scanres{USE_ORA_VIP}) if $scanres{USR_ORA_VIP};
$scanDomain = has::Common::hasGetDomainNameNSLookup($scanres{SCAN_NAME}) unless $scanDomain;
if ( $scanDomain )
$scanres{SCAN_NAME_WITH_FQDN} = "$scanres{SCAN_NAME}.$scanDomain";
my $hostDomain = has::Common::hasGetLocalHostDomain();
if ( $hostDomain )
$scanres{SCAN_NAME_WITH_FQDN} = "$scanres{SCAN_NAME}.$hostDomain";
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation Failed to domain for scan";
$scanres{SCAN_PORT} = 0 unless $scanres{SCAN_PORT};
if ( $crsHome )
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return \%scanres if keys %scanres;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanInformation Failed to get Information for Scan resource" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetScanVIPInformation
# return the scan VIP Information
# crsHome if known
# hash for results
sub hasGetScanVIPInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{scan_vip}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{scan_vip};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{scan_vip}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{scan_vip};
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetScanVIPInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found, no Scan information";
# get the scan information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.scan_vip.type';
my $resref;
$resref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
# if we have eons data then farm the fields to make sure we have reqd data
if ( keys %{$resref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$resref} )
$resref->{$id}{SCAN_IP} = $resref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP} if defined $resref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP};
$resref->{$id}{SCAN_IP}='scanIP_TBD' unless $resref->{$id} and $resref->{$id}{SCAN_IP};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanVIPInformation Failed to get SCAN IP for scan VIP resource"
unless $resref->{$id} and $resref->{$id}{SCAN_IP};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanVIPInformation Failed to get information for scan vip resource";
if ( $crsHome )
for my $id ( keys %{$resref} )
return $confref->{$crsHome}{scan_vip};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$resref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{scan_vip}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{scan_vip};
return $resref if $resref and keys %{$resref};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanVIPInformation Failed to get Information for Scan VIP resource" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetScanPort
# return the scanPort
# crsHome if known
# scanPort
sub hasGetScanPort(;$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $ref;
$ref = has::Common::hasGetScanInformation($crsHome,$dynProp);
return $ref->{SCAN_PORT} if defined $ref->{SCAN_PORT};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanPort Failed to get Scan Port" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetScanName
# return the scanName
# crsHome if known
# scanPort
sub hasGetScanName(;$)
my ( $crsHome,$dynProp ) = @_;
my $ref;
$ref = has::Common::hasGetScanInformation($crsHome,$dynProp);
return $ref->{SCAN_NAME_WITH_FQDN} if defined $ref->{SCAN_NAME_WITH_FQDN};
return $ref->{SCAN_NAME} if defined $ref->{SCAN_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanPort Failed to get Scan Name" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetScanIP
# return the scan IP Addres
# crsHome if known
# scanPort
sub hasGetScanIP(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $ref;
$ref = has::Common::hasGetScanVIPInformation($crsHome);
return $ref->{SCAN_IP} if defined $ref->{SCAN_IP};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetScanPort Failed to get Scan IP" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetEONSInformation
# return the eONS Information
# crsHome if known
# has to be returned
sub hasGetEONSInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{eons}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{eons};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{eons}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{eons};
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetEONSInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found, no eons information";
# get the eons information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource_instance -p ora.eons.type';
my $resref;
$resref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
# if we have eons data then farm the fields to make sure we have reqd data
if ( keys %{$resref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$resref} )
$resref->{$id}{ID} = $resref->{$id}{entity_name} if not $resref->{$id}{ID} and $resref->{entity_name};
# split id of form 'ora.eons stbdq16 1
my $name;
my $node;
my $instance;
($name,$node, $instance) = ( $resref->{$id}{ID} =~ /^([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]*)/)
if $resref->{$id}{ID} and $resref->{$id}{ID} =~ /^[^\s]+\s+[^\s]+\s+[^\s]*/;
$resref->{$id}{NAME} = $name if $name and not $resref->{$id}{NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NAME} = $resref->{$id}{ID} if $resref->{$id}{ID} and not $resref->{$id}{NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NAME} = 'ora.eons UNKNOWN' unless $resref->{$id}{NAME};
$resref->{$id}{EONS_PORT} = $resref->{$id}{PORT} if defined $resref->{$id}{PORT};
$resref->{$id}{EONS_PORT} = 0 unless defined $resref->{$id}{EONS_PORT};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $resref->{$id}{LAST_SERVER} if $resref->{$id}{LAST_SERVER};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $node if $node and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = "$resref->{$id}{NAME} $instance" if $resref->{$id}{NAME} and $instance and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $resref->{$id}{ID} if $resref->{$id}{ID} and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $resref->{$id}{HOSTING_MEMBERS} if $resref->{$id}{HOSTING_MEMBERS} and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = "UNKNOWN $instance" if $instance and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEONSInformation Failed to get NODE_NAME for eons resource" unless $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEONSInformation Failed to get NAME for eons resource" unless $resref->{$id}{NAME};
if ( $crsHome )
return $confref->{$crsHome}{eons};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{eons}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{eons};
return $resref if $resref and keys %{$resref};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEONSInformation Failed to get eONS Information" and return;
# return the eONS Port
# crsHome if known
# eons port to be returned
sub hasGetEONSPort(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $eonsref = has::Common::hasGetEONSInformation($crsHome);
my $eonsPort;
if ( $eonsref and ref($eonsref) )
for my $id ( keys %{$eonsref} )
$eonsPort = $eonsref->{$id}{EONS_PORT} if $eonsref->{$id}{EONS_PORT};
$eonsPort = 0 unless $eonsPort;
return $eonsPort if defined $eonsPort;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetEONSPort Failed to get eONS port" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetVIPInformation
# return the VIP Information
# crsHome if known
# has to be returned
sub hasGetVIPInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $resref;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{vip}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{vip};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{vip}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{vip};
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetVIPInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found";
return ;
# get the vip information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.cluster_vip_net1.type';
$resref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
# if we have eons data then farm the fields to make sure we have reqd data
if ( keys %{$resref} )
for my $id ( keys %{$resref} )
$resref->{$id}{ID} = $resref->{$id}{entity_name} if not $resref->{$id}{ID} and $resref->{entity_name};
# split id of form 'ora.stbdq16.vip 1 1 12
my $node;
my $name;
my $instance;
($name, $instance) = ( $resref->{$id}{ID} =~ /^([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)/)
if $resref->{$id}{ID} and $resref->{$id}{ID} =~ /^[^\s]+\s+[^\s]+/;
$resref->{$id}{NAME} = $name if not $resref->{$id}{NAME} and $name;
$resref->{$id}{NAME} = $resref->{$id}{ID} if $resref->{$id}{ID} and not $resref->{$id}{NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NAME} = 'ora.cluster_vip UNKNOWN' unless $resref->{$id}{NAME};
$resref->{$id}{VIP_IP} = $resref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP} if defined $resref->{$id}{USR_ORA_VIP};
$resref->{$id}{VIP_IP} = 0 unless defined $resref->{$id}{VIP_IP};
($node) = ( $name =~ /ora\.([^'\.vip']+)\.vip/) if $name and $name =~ /ora\..+\.vip/;
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $resref->{$id}{LAST_SERVER} if $resref->{$id}{LAST_SERVER};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $resref->{$id}{HOSTING_MEMBERS}
if $resref->{$id}{HOSTING_MEMBERS} and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $node if $node and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = "$resref->{$id}{NAME} $instance"
if $resref->{$id}{NAME} and $instance and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = $resref->{$id}{ID} if $resref->{$id}{ID} and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
$resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME} = "UNKNOWN $instance" if $instance and not $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetVIPInformation Failed to get NODE_NAME for vip resource"
unless $resref->{$id}{NODE_NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetVIPInformation Failed to get NAME for vip resource"
unless $resref->{$id}{NAME};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetVIPInformation Failed to get IP Address for vip resource"
unless $resref->{$id}{VIP_IP};
if ( $crsHome )
return $confref->{$crsHome}{vip};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{vip}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{vip};
return $resref if $resref and keys %{$resref};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetVIPInformation Failed to get VIP Information" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetVotingDiskInformation
# return the Voting Disk Information
# crsHome if known
# hash for results
sub hasGetVotingDiskInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{votingdisk}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{votingdisk};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{votingdisk}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{votingdisk};
# get the scan information
my %results;
return \%results;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetVotingDiskInformation Failed to get Voting Disk Information " and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetOCRInformation
# return the OCR Information
# crsHome if known
# hash for results
sub hasGetOCRInformation(;$)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
my $confref = has::Common::getClusterCacheRef();
return $confref->{$crsHome}{OCR}
if $crsHome
and $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref}
and $confref->{$crsHome}
and $confref->{$crsHome}{OCR};
if ( $confref and ref($confref) and keys %{$confref} )
for my $ch ( keys %{$confref} )
return $confref->{$ch}{OCR}
if $confref->{$ch}
and $confref->{$ch}{OCR};
# get the scan information
my %results;
return \%results;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetOCRInformation Failed to get Voting Disk Information " and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetDBResourceInformation
# use emcrsp to get resource information for a db resource type
# crsHome
# hash for database attributes by database resource name
sub hasGetDBResourceInformation($)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetDBResourceInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found, no Scan information";
# get the db target type information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.database.type';
my $resref;
$resref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
return $resref if $resref and keys %{$resref};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetDBResourceInformation Failed to get database resource information from crs $crsHome" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasGetLsnrResourceInformation
# use emcrsp to get resource information for a listener target type
# crsHome
# hash for listener attributes by listener resource name
sub hasGetLsnrResourceInformation($)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
if ( not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
warn "INFO:has::Common::hasGetLsnrResourceInformation:This is a pre 11gR2 cluster, binary emcrsp is not found, no Scan information";
# get the lsnr target type information
my %meta;
$meta{cmd}='emcrsp em config -e resource -p ora.listener.type';
my $resref;
$resref = has::Common::hasGetEntityInformation(\%meta,$crsHome);
return $resref if $resref and keys %{$resref};
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetLsnrResourceInformation Failed to get database resource information from crs $crsHome" and return;
# FUNCTION : hasIsDBManagedByHas
# return FALSE or HAS Name
# username
# password
# connect string
# role
# dbOracleHome
# dbVersion - this helps in choosing the righ sql if sqls are versioned
# return FALSE or HAS Name
# FUNCTION : hasIsDBManagedByHas
# return FALSE or HAS Name
# username
# password
# connect string
# role
# dbOracleHome
# sid
# dbVersion - this helps in choosing the righ sql if sqls are versioned
# return FALSE or HAS Name
sub hasIsDBManagedByHas($$$$;$$$)
my ( $username,$password,$address,$role,$dbOracleHome,$sid,$dbVersion ) = @_;
my $dynProp = 'TRUE';
# define the other configuration variables
my $sql=
SELECT \'YES\'\"has_db\"
FROM v\$session vs /*+ all_rows use_concat */
WHERE (vs.client_info = \'oraagent\')
my $sql_par = "SELECT parallel \"parallel\" FROM v\$instance";
my $dbsql = "
SELECT database_name \"db_name\"
SELECT name,
value database_name
FROM v\$parameter
WHERE (name = \'db_unique_name\'
OR name = \'db_name\')
# order of fields in the results
my %fieldOrder;
$fieldOrder{$sql} = {has_db=>1 };
$fieldOrder{$sql_par} = {parallel=>1 };
$fieldOrder{$dbsql} = { db_name =>1 };
# pupulate the credentials array
my %credentials;
$credentials{username} = $username if $username;
$credentials{password} = $password if $password;
$credentials{address} = $address if $address;
$credentials{role} = $role if $role;
$credentials{sql} = [ ( $sql,$sql_par,$dbsql ) ];
# subs declared
my $hasDB = 'NO';
my $parallel = 'NO';
my $ocrType = 'cluster';
my $clusterOcr = 1;
my $hasManaged = 'N/A';
my $oracleName = $ENV{EM_ORACLE_SID} if $ENV{EM_ORACLE_SID};
# if the verson category is less than 11gR2 then db cannot be HA managed
if ( keys %ENV and $ENV{EM_VERSION_CATEGORY} and $ENV{EM_VERSION_CATEGORY} =~ /^(pre8|8i|8iR2|9i|9iR2|10gR1|10gR2|10gR203|11gR1)$/ )
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,undef):$hasManaged;
my $results_ref = has::Common::hasGetSQLResults(\%credentials,\%fieldOrder);
my $array_ref;
if ( $results_ref and keys %{$results_ref} )
for my $sq ( keys %{$results_ref} )
# check if db is had managed
$array_ref = $results_ref->{$sq};
if ( $array_ref and ref($array_ref)
and ref($array_ref) =~ /LIST|ARRAY/
and @{$array_ref}
# parse query results to check if db has has
for my $row ( @{$array_ref} )
my %rowhash = %{$row};
$hasDB = $rowhash{has_db} if $rowhash{has_db};
$parallel = $rowhash{parallel} if $rowhash{parallel};
$oracleName = $rowhash{db_name} if $rowhash{db_name};
#last if $hasDB and $parallel;
# cluster database is not has managed
if ( $parallel and $parallel =~ /YES/i )
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,undef):$hasManaged;
#bug fix 9350140
# added function to check id has/cluster inventory exists
my $hasclcheck = has::Common::hasCheckForHasClusterInventory();
if ( $hasclcheck and ref($hasclcheck) and ref($hasclcheck) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$hasclcheck}
and $hasclcheck->{type} and $hasclcheck->{type} =~ /has|cluster/i
and $hasclcheck->{oracle_home} )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasIsDBManagedByHas an $hasclcheck->{type} install is present on this host at $hasclcheck->{oracle_home}\n";
# there is no has/cluster installed on this box with inventory
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,undef):$hasManaged;
# if not single instance has managed database
# check if it has a resource name
my $resourceName = undef;
if ( not $hasDB or $hasDB !~ /^YES$/i )
$resourceName = has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp($dbOracleHome,'database',$oracleName);
my $cHome = undef;
my $HasManagedCRSHome = undef;
# failed to get from db try to find a crs home and get information
my $discResultsref = has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster($dynProp);
if ( $discResultsref and keys %{$discResultsref} )
for my $crsHome ( keys %{$discResultsref} )
# code below this will not execute on nt as emcrsp is not in the nt shiphome for beta1
if ( has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
$cHome = $crsHome;
$ocrType = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp);
# there is a single instance ha on the box but the db table shows none
if ( $ocrType and $ocrType =~ /has/i )
$HasManagedCRSHome = $crsHome;
my $db_ref = has::Common::hasGetDBResourceInformation($crsHome);
if ( $db_ref and keys %{$db_ref} )
for my $dbres ( keys %{$db_ref} )
if ( $db_ref->{$dbres} )
if ( $dbOracleHome and $sid and $db_ref->{$dbres}{ORACLE_HOME}
and $db_ref->{$dbres}{ORACLE_HOME} eq $dbOracleHome
and $db_ref->{$dbres}{USR_ORA_INST_NAME}
and $db_ref->{$dbres}{USR_ORA_INST_NAME} =~ /^$sid$/
$hasManaged = "YES";
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$HasManagedCRSHome):$hasManaged;
elsif ( $resourceName and $db_ref->{$dbres}{NAME}
and $db_ref->{$dbres} =~ /^$resourceName$/
$hasManaged = "YES";
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$HasManagedCRSHome):$hasManaged;
elsif ( $ocrType and $ocrType =~ /cluster/ )
$clusterOcr = 1;
# there is a single instance HAS
if ( $HasManagedCRSHome )
$cHome = $HasManagedCRSHome;
if ( $resourceName )
$hasManaged = 'YES';
elsif ( $hasDB and $hasDB =~ /^YES$/i )
$hasManaged = 'YES';
$hasManaged = 'NO';
$cHome = undef;
if ( $resourceName )
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasIsDBManagedByHas: No HA install found \n" unless $clusterOcr;
elsif ( $hasDB and $hasDB =~ /^YES$/i )
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasIsDBManagedByHas: No HA install found \n";
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$cHome):$hasManaged;
# FUNCTION : hasIsLsnrManagedByHas
# return FALSE or HAS Name
# oracle Home
# Listener Port
# listner name ( optional)
# return FALSE or HAS Name
sub hasIsLsnrManagedByHas($$;$)
my ( $oracleHome,$lsnrPort,$oracleName ) = @_;
my $dynProp = 'TRUE';
my $ocrType = 'cluster';
my $clusterOcr = 1;
my $hasManaged = 'N/A';
my $cHome = undef;
my $HasManagedCRSHome = undef;
#bug fix 9350140
# added function to check id has/cluster inventory exists
my $hasclcheck = has::Common::hasCheckForHasClusterInventory();
if ( $hasclcheck and ref($hasclcheck) and ref($hasclcheck) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$hasclcheck}
and $hasclcheck->{type} and $hasclcheck->{type} =~ /has|cluster/i
and $hasclcheck->{oracle_home} )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasIsLsnrManagedByHas an $hasclcheck->{type} install is present on this host at $hasclcheck->{oracle_home}\n";
# there is no has/cluster installed on this box with inventory
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$cHome):$hasManaged;
# if not single instance has managed database
# check if it has a resource name
my ($resourceName,$isScan) = has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp($oracleHome,'listener',$oracleName,$lsnrPort);
# scan listener is not has managed
if ( $isScan and $isScan =~ /TRUE/ )
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$cHome):$hasManaged;
# failed to get from db try to find a crs home and get information
my $discResultsref = has::Common::hasDiscoverCluster($dynProp);
if ( $discResultsref and keys %{$discResultsref} )
for my $crsHome ( keys %{$discResultsref} )
# code below this will not execute on nt as emcrsp is not in the nt shiphome for beta1
if ( has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
$cHome = $crsHome;
$ocrType = has::Common::hasGetOcrType($crsHome,$dynProp);
# there is a single instance ha on the box but the db table shows none
if ( $ocrType and $ocrType =~ /has/i )
$HasManagedCRSHome = $crsHome;
my $db_ref = has::Common::hasGetLsnrResourceInformation($crsHome);
if ( $db_ref and keys %{$db_ref} )
for my $dbres ( keys %{$db_ref} )
if ( $db_ref->{$dbres} )
if ( $db_ref->{$dbres}{PORT} and $db_ref->{$dbres}{PORT} =~ /^$lsnrPort$/
$hasManaged = "YES";
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$HasManagedCRSHome):$hasManaged;
elsif ( $resourceName and $db_ref->{$dbres}{NAME}
and $db_ref->{$dbres} =~ /^$resourceName$/
$hasManaged = "YES";
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$HasManagedCRSHome):$hasManaged;
elsif ( $ocrType and $ocrType =~ /cluster/ )
$clusterOcr = 1;
# there is a single instance HAS
if ( $HasManagedCRSHome )
$cHome = $HasManagedCRSHome;
if ( $resourceName )
$hasManaged = 'YES';
$hasManaged = 'NO';
$cHome = undef;
if ( $resourceName )
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasIsDBManagedByHas: No HA install found \n" unless $clusterOcr;
$hasManaged = 'N/A';
return wantarray? ($hasManaged,$cHome):$hasManaged;
# FUNCTION : hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults
# checks he command results to make sure they do not have anything
# other than the stdout printed from emcrsp
# arg :
# cmdresults from emcrsp
# return:
# return the ckecked cmd results
sub hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults($)
my ( $cmdresults ) = @_;
return unless $cmdresults;
my $temp_res;
$temp_res = $cmdresults;
#bug fix 9212119
$temp_res =~ s/\n\s*[^\s|^<]+[^<]*<[^\n]+//g if $temp_res;
$temp_res =~ s/^\s*[^\s|^<]+[^<]*<[^\n]+//g if $temp_res;
return $temp_res if $temp_res;
# FUNCTION : hasadm_resource_types_mark_base_types
# this function will mark the base type,
# build the base_type_chain
# mark the base resource type for each attribute of a resource type
# arg :
# ref to hash list of resource types with attribs parsed from xml
# return:
sub hasadm_resource_types_mark_base_types($)
# name : hasadm_resourcetype_markbase_fn
# desc : for each resource type element passed it keeps track of the base type
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
#``ref to the result hass entities array
sub hasadm_resourcetype_markbase_fn($$)
my ( $elref, $rsref ) = @_;
return 1 unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^(entity|attribute)$/i;
# keep an index of resource_type to base_type
if ( $elref->{element} =~ /^attribute$/i )
# attribute should have the name ,value .. child elements
return 1 unless $elref->{children};
my $entity_ref;
#get the resource_type entity
$entity_ref = $elref->{parent}->{parent} if $elref->{parent} and $elref->{parent}->{parent};
return 1 unless $entity_ref and $entity_ref->{attrs} and $entity_ref->{attrs}{entity_name};
return 1 unless $entity_ref->{attrs}{entity_type} and $entity_ref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~ /^resource_type$/i;
# get the default_value for name= BASE_TYPE
my $val = '';
my $name;
for my $elem ( @{$elref->{children}} )
next unless $elem and $elem->{element} and $elem->{element} =~ /^(name|default_value)$/i;
$name = $elem->{name} and next if $elem->{element} =~ /name/ and $elem->{name};
$val = $elem->{name} and next if $elem->{element} =~ /default_value/ and $elem->{name};
return 1 unless $name;
#keep an look up list of resource attrib and default value
#this is for marking as to the resource type a attrib comes from
$has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$entity_ref->{attrs}{entity_name}}{$name}=$val if $val;
$has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$entity_ref->{attrs}{entity_name}}{$name}='' unless $val;
return 1 unless $name and $name =~ /^BASE_TYPE$/i;
$has::Common::hasadm_restype_base{$entity_ref->{attrs}{entity_name}}{base_type}= $val;
return 1;
return 1 unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{entity_type} and $elref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~ /^resource_type$/i;
# keep an has stack of resource types
return 1 unless $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
return 1;
# name : hasadm_resource_attrib_type_fn
# desc : for each attrib passed it gets the source resource type for that attrib
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
#``ref to the result hass entities array
sub hasadm_resource_attrib_type_fn($$)
my ( $elref, $rsref ) = @_;
return 1 unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^(entity)$/i;
return 1 unless $elref->{attrs} and $elref->{attrs}{entity_type} and $elref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~ /^resource_type$/i;
return 1 unless $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
my $base_type_chain;
my @base_types;
$base_type_chain = $elref->{attrs}{base_type_chain} if $elref->{attrs}{base_type_chain};
@base_types = split/,/,$base_type_chain if $base_type_chain;
# go thru each attrib and get the name and go thru base_type_chain to get the root resource type
# for that attrib name
for my $attribs ( @{$elref->{children}} )
for my $attrib ( @{$attribs->{children}} )
for my $elem ( @{$attrib->{children}} )
next unless $elem and $elem->{element} and $elem->{element} =~ /^(name)$/i;
my $name;
$name = $elem->{name} if $elem->{element} =~ /name/ and $elem->{name};
$name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $name;
next unless $name;
# for each attrib get the base name from where it came
# move from the leaf to the root, so the root for attrib sticks
my $attribResType;
my $attribResValue;
for my $btype ( @base_types )
$btype =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $btype;
next unless $btype;
next unless $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$btype} and defined $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$btype}{$name};
$attribResType = $btype;
$attribResValue = $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$btype}{$name} if $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$btype}{$name};
if ( not $attribResType )
$attribResType = $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
$attribResValue = $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$elref->{attrs}{entity_name}}{$name}
if $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$elref->{attrs}{entity_name}}
and $has::Common::hasadm_restype_attrib{$elref->{attrs}{entity_name}}{$name};
$attribResType = '' unless $attribResType;
$attribResValue = '' unless $attribResValue;
my %attribResElement;
my %attribResValueElement;
my $attribResElementRef = has::Common::make_element('resource_type',$attribResType);
my $attribResValueElementRef = has::Common::make_element('base_attrib_value',$attribResValue);
return 1;
my ( $reslistref ) = @_;
%has::Common::hasadm_restype_base = ();
%has::Common::hasadm_resource_type_list = ();
# create the coma separated string list of resource types
if ( keys %has::Common::hasadm_restype_base )
# for each resource type build the stack
for my $res ( keys %has::Common::hasadm_restype_base )
next if $has::Common::hasadm_restype_base{$res}{chain};
my @bstack;
my $bres = $res;
while ( $bres )
# build a stack of base resource types
push @bstack,$bres;
$bres = $has::Common::hasadm_restype_base{$bres}{base_type};
if ( not $bres )
# reached the base resource type, start building the chain
my $chain='';
my $pres = pop @bstack;
while ( $pres )
unless $has::Common::hasadm_restype_base{$pres}{base_type_chain};
$chain = "$pres,$chain" if $chain;
$chain = $pres unless $chain;
$pres = pop @bstack;
# get the resource type chain for each resource
for my $restype ( keys %has::Common::hasadm_resource_type_list )
my $resref = $has::Common::hasadm_resource_type_list{$restype};
$resref->{attrs}{root_type} = '';
$resref->{attrs}{base_type_chain} = '';
if $has::Common::hasadm_restype_base{$restype}{base_type};
if $has::Common::hasadm_restype_base{$restype}{base_type_chain};
# for each resource type go up the base chain and mark the source resource type for each attrib
return 1;
# name : hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp
# desc : return the resource name for oracle type, oracle name
# arg :
# oracleHome of the resource
# type of resource (database,listener,service,scanlistener,asm,eons)
# oracle name of the reesource
# return:
sub hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp($$;$$)
my ($oracleHome,$oracleType,$oracleName,$oracleName2 ) = @_;
my $resName = undef;
my $type1;
my $type2;
my $nown;
my $scanPortMatch=undef;
my $isScan = undef;
my %scanList;
warn "ERROR:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp, ORACLE Home not passed for getting resource name\n" and return unless $oracleHome;
warn "ERROR:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp , Type not passed for getting resource name\n" and return unless $oracleType;
#bug fix 9350140
# added function to check id has/cluster inventory exists
my $hasclcheck = has::Common::hasCheckForHasClusterInventory();
if ( $hasclcheck and ref($hasclcheck) and ref($hasclcheck) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$hasclcheck}
and $hasclcheck->{type} and $hasclcheck->{type} =~ /has|cluster/i
and $hasclcheck->{oracle_home} )
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp an $hasclcheck->{type} install is present on this host at $hasclcheck->{oracle_home}\n";
# there is no has/cluster installed on this box with inventory
return wantarray? ('N/A',$isScan):'N/A';
if ( $oracleType =~ /database|oracle_database|rac_database/ )
$type1 = 'dbunique_name';
$nown = 'database';
elsif ( $oracleType =~ /listener|oracle_listener/ )
$type1 = 'res_name';
$nown = 'listener';
elsif ( $oracleType =~ /asm|asm_instance/ )
$type1 = 'asm_name';
$nown = 'asm';
elsif ( $oracleType =~ /scan_listener/ )
$isScan = 'TRUE';
$type1 = 'port';
$type2 = 'lsnr_name';
$nown = 'scan_listener';
warn "ERROR:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp unsupported type $oracleType, for getting resource name\n";
# set oracle home
# execute srvctl config <> -S 1
# if run is successful parse for
# unset oracle home
# for oracle internal resources we do not want to throw an error if the srvctl command is not supported
# for older versions, so check for srvctl and throw and debug message
if ( $oracleHome )
my $srvctl_full_path;
my $obindir = catfile($oracleHome,'bin');
for my $extn ( ( '', '.exe', '.bat' ) )
my $tcmd = "srvctl$extn";
$srvctl_full_path = catfile($obindir,$tcmd);
last if has::Common::hasIsReadable($srvctl_full_path);
undef $srvctl_full_path;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp , resource name is not supported, command srvctl is not presnt in ORACLE HOME $oracleHome\n" and return unless $srvctl_full_path;
my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
my $vo;
if ( $nown =~ /database/ and $oracleName )
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$vo = has::Common::runsystemcommand("srvctl","config $nown -d $oracleName -S 1",\%command_args);
elsif ( $nown =~ /^listener$/ and $oracleName )
# store information for all scan listeners
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$vo = has::Common::runsystemcommand("srvctl","config scan_listener -S 1",\%command_args);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp Failed executing srvctl config scan_listener -S 1, no scan listener"
if $command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($vo) if $vo;
$vo =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $vo;
my @scanrows = split /\n/,$vo if $vo;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp Failed to get any output from command srvctl config scan_listener -S 1" unless @scanrows;
#parse for res_name={resource name}
for my $scanrow ( @scanrows )
$scanrow =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $scanrow;
next unless $scanrow and $scanrow =~ /res_name\s*=\s*{[^}]+}/;
my ( $scanResName ) = ( $scanrow =~ /res_name\s*=\s*{\s*([^}]+)\s*}/ );
$scanResName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $scanResName;
$scanList{$scanResName}=$scanrow if $scanResName;
# check if the scan listener name passed is in the resource name
next unless $scanResName;
next unless $oracleName;
next unless $scanrow =~ /$type1={\s*ora\.$oracleName\.[^}]+\s*}/;
# if listener port is provided check for port on the output of srvctl
if ( $oracleName2 )
next unless $scanrow =~ /\{$oracleName2\}/ or $scanrow =~ /\{$oracleName2\,/ or $scanrow =~ /\,$oracleName2\}/
or $scanrow =~ /\,$oracleName2\,/;
# if listenername and port are in the scanrow output it is a scan listener
$isScan = 'TRUE';
return wantarray? ($scanResName,$isScan):$scanResName if $isScan;
undef $vo if $vo;
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$vo = has::Common::runsystemcommand("srvctl","config $nown -l $oracleName -S 1",\%command_args);
if ( $command_args{command_return_status} or not $vo )
%command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]);
$vo = has::Common::runsystemcommand("srvctl","config $nown -S 1",\%command_args);
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp Error executing srvctl config $nown -S 1"
if $command_args{command_return_status};
return wantarray? ($resName,$isScan):$resName if $command_args{command_return_status};
chomp($vo) if $vo;
$vo =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $vo;
my @rows = split /\n/,$vo if $vo;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp Failed to get any output from command srvctl config $nown -S 1" unless @rows;
#parse for res_name={resource name}
for my $row ( @rows )
$row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $row;
next unless $row =~ /res_name=/;
if ( $nown =~ /database|listener|scan_listener/ )
next unless $row =~ /$type1=/;
if ( $nown =~ /database/ )
next unless $oracleName;
next unless $row =~ /$type1={\s*$oracleName\s*}/;
elsif ( $nown =~ /listener|scan_listener/ )
next unless $oracleName;
next unless $row =~ /$type1={\s*ora\.$oracleName\.[^}]+\s*}/;
# if listener port is provided check for port on the output of srvctl
if ( $oracleName2 )
next unless $row =~ /\{$oracleName2\}/ or $row =~ /\{$oracleName2\,/ or $row =~ /\,$oracleName2\}/ or $row =~ /\,$oracleName2\,/;
( $resName ) = ( $row =~ /res_name=\s*{\s*([^}]+)\s*}/ );
$isScan = 'TRUE' if $nown =~ /listener|scan_listener/ and $resName and keys %scanList and $scanList{$resName};
last if $resName;
warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceNameForOracleApp Failed to get resource name from command srvctl config $nown -S 1" unless $resName;
return wantarray? ($resName,$isScan):$resName;
# name : hasListenerGetScanName
# desc : return the scan name for scan listener
# arg :
# oracleHome of the listener
# name of the listener
# return:
# scan name
sub hasListenerGetScanName($;$)
my ($oracleHome,$oracleName ) = @_;
# yet to implement the srvctl implementation
return has::Common::hasGetScanName();
# name : hasIsListenerScan
# desc : return true if listener is scan, false otherwise
# arg :
# oracleHome of the listener
# name of the listener
# return:
# scan name
sub hasIsListenerScan($;$)
my ($oracleHome,$oracleName ) = @_;
# yet to implement the srvctl implementation
my $scanname = has::Common::hasGetScanName();
return 1 if $scanname;
return 0;
# name : has_dependencies
# desc : for each element passed it gets the dependencies and instruments them
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
# ref to xml ref to be returned back
# metric_name being processed
sub has_dependencies($$$)
my ( $elref, $rsref, $metric_name ) = @_;
my $parent_metric_name;
# storage an empty value, if there are no custom attribs the metric exec
# should not fail
$rsref->{$metric_name} = [()] unless $rsref->{$metric_name};
# this is a function for dependent metrics, get the parent metric_name
warn "WARN:Failed, parent metric is not defined for dependent metric $metric_name\n"
and return
unless $has::Common::has_metric_config{parent_metric}{$metric_name};
$parent_metric_name = $has::Common::has_metric_config{parent_metric}{$metric_name};
# this should have already have has the elemm attribs instrumented
return 1 unless $elref->{elem_attribs};
# instrument both the start and stop dependencies
for my $depStartStop ( sort qw ( START_DEPENDENCIES STOP_DEPENDENCIES ) )
next unless $elref->{elem_attribs}{$depStartStop};
# get the start or stop dependency string
my $depls = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$depStartStop};
$depls =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $depls;
next unless $depls;
# replace end brace with )== to easily split them
$depls =~ s/\)/\)\=\=/g;
my @deplist = split/\=\=/,$depls;
for my $dps ( @deplist )
my $pref;
chomp $dps;
$dps =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
next unless $dps;
# get the dependency attrib 1 from attrib>(,,..)
my ( $dependentAttrib1,$depnds) = ( $dps =~ /^(.+)\((.*)\)$/);
$dependentAttrib1 =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $dependentAttrib1;
$depnds =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $depnds;
warn "WARN:has_metrics.pl::has_dependencies Failed to get dependency type from $dps" and next unless $dependentAttrib1;
warn "WARN:has_metrics.pl::has_dependencies Failed to get dependent name list from $dps" and next unless $depnds;
# get the list of dependents from , seperated list
my @dependentList = split/,/,$depnds;
for my $dependents ( @dependentList )
my $dependentName;
my $dependentAttrib2;
chomp $dependents;
$dependents =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
warn "WARN:has_metrics.pl::has_dependencies Got Null for dependents from $depnds" and next unless $dependents;
$dependentName = $dependents;
# get the second attrib if the dependent name has a :
($dependentAttrib2,$dependentName) =
( $dependentName =~ /(.+):(.*)/)
if $dependentName =~ /:/;
$pref->{DEPENDENCY_ATTRIB1}='NA' unless $pref->{DEPENDENCY_ATTRIB1};
$pref->{DEPENDENCY_ATTRIB2}='NA' unless $pref->{DEPENDENCY_ATTRIB2};
# get the attrib 1 for the dependency
for my $dpat1 ( qw ( hard weak attraction dispersion pullup ) )
$pref->{uc $dpat1} = 'YES' if $dependentAttrib1 =~ /^$dpat1$/i;
$pref->{uc $dpat1} = 'NO' unless $pref->{uc $dpat1};
# get the attrib 2 for the dependency
for my $dpat2 ( qw ( global ) )
$pref->{uc $dpat2} = 'YES' if $dependentAttrib2 and $dependentAttrib2 =~ /^$dpat2$/i;
$pref->{uc $dpat2} = 'NO' unless $pref->{uc $dpat2};
# build the em_results row
return 1;
# name : has_em_results
# desc : for each element passed it gets the metric cols
# and build the em_result row after verufying the keys
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
# ref to xml ref to be returned back
# metric_name being processed
# ref to attribute element to be printed for dependent metrics
sub has_em_results ($$$;$)
my ($elref,$rsref,$metric_name,$pref) = @_;
# build the result string
if ( $has::Common::has_metric_config{basic_fields}{$metric_name} )
my $retstr = 'em_result=';
my %hashret;
for my $attrpos ( sort
{ $a <=> $b }
keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{basic_fields}{$metric_name}} )
my $attr;
my $metval = '';
$attr = $has::Common::has_metric_config{basic_fields}{$metric_name}{$attrpos};
# if the attr starts with # then its an attr element name
# this is so as not to confuse things like entity name with attribute NAME
if ( $attr =~ /NULLSTRING_/ )
elsif ( $attr !~ /^#/ )
$metval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$attr} if defined $elref->{elem_attribs}{$attr} ;
$metval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $attr} if defined $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $attr} ;
$metval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $attr} if defined $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $attr} ;
my $nattr = $attr;
$nattr =~ s/^#//;
$metval = $pref->{$nattr} if defined $pref->{$nattr} ;
$metval = $pref->{lc $nattr} if defined $pref->{lc $nattr} ;
$metval = $pref->{uc $nattr} if defined $pref->{uc $nattr} ;
# | is special char for em, repalce it if it is in value
$metval =~ s/\|+/_/g;
# do this special for _NULL values change them to NULL
$metval = 'NULL' if $metval =~ /^_NULL$/;
# validate metric value , data type checks
if ( $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}{$attr} )
my $datatype = $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}{$attr};
if ( $datatype =~ /number/i )
$metval = 0 if $metval =~ /^NULL$/;
$metval = 0 unless $metval;
$metval = 0 unless defined $metval;
warn "WARN:Invalid metric value $metval for metric column $attr for metic $metric_name not a number"
and next
unless $metval =~ /\d*/;
elsif ( $datatype =~ /boolean/ )
$metval = 1 if $metval =~ /YES|TRUE/i;
$metval = 0 if $metval =~ /NO|FALSE/i;
$metval = 0 if $metval =~ /^NULL$/;
warn "WARN:Invalid metric value $metval for metric column $attr for metic $metric_name not a boolean"
and next
unless $metval =~ /\d+/ and ( $metval == 0 or $metval == 1 );
$retstr .= "$metval|";
$hashret{$attr} = $metval;
# we might have keys which are not in the list of columns
# so pick key values fro them and store them in hashret
for my $kno ( keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{key_fields}{$metric_name}} )
for my $keypos ( sort
{ $a <=>$b }
keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{key_fields}{$metric_name}{$kno}} )
my $attr;
my $metval = '';
$attr = $has::Common::has_metric_config{key_fields}{$metric_name}{$kno}{$keypos};
next if $hashret{$attr};
# if the attr starts with # then its an attr element name
# this is so as not to confuse things like entity name with attribute NAME
if ( $attr =~ /NULLSTRING_/ )
elsif ( $attr !~ /^#/ )
$metval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$attr} if defined $elref->{elem_attribs}{$attr} ;
$metval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $attr} if defined $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $attr} ;
$metval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $attr} if defined $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $attr} ;
my $nattr = $attr;
$nattr =~ s/^#//;
$metval = $pref->{$nattr} if defined $pref->{$nattr} ;
$metval = $pref->{lc $nattr} if defined $pref->{lc $nattr} ;
$metval = $pref->{uc $nattr} if defined $pref->{uc $nattr} ;
# | is special char for em, repalce it if it is in value
$metval =~ s/\|+/_/g;
# do this special for _NULL values change them to NULL
$metval = 'NULL' if $metval =~ /^_NULL$/;
# validate metric value , data type checks
if ( $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}{$attr} )
my $datatype = $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}{$attr};
if ( $datatype =~ /number/i )
$metval = 0 if $metval =~ /^NULL$/;
$metval = 0 unless $metval;
$metval = 0 unless defined $metval;
warn "WARN:Invalid metric value $metval for metric column $attr for metic $metric_name not a number"
and next
unless $metval =~ /\d*/;
elsif ( $datatype =~ /boolean/ )
$metval = 1 if $metval =~ /YES|TRUE/i;
$metval = 0 if $metval =~ /NO|FALSE/i;
$metval = 0 if $metval =~ /^NULL$/;
warn "WARN:Invalid metric value $metval for metric column $attr for metic $metric_name not a boolean"
and next
unless $metval =~ /\d+/ and ( $metval == 0 or $metval == 1 );
$hashret{$attr} = $metval;
# check for keys before pushing
my $key_valid = 1;
for my $kno ( keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{key_fields}{$metric_name}} )
my $keyval = "";
for my $keypos ( sort
{ $a <=>$b }
keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{key_fields}{$metric_name}{$kno}} )
my $keycolval;
my $keyattr;
$keyattr = $has::Common::has_metric_config{key_fields}{$metric_name}{$kno}{$keypos};
$keycolval = $hashret{$keyattr} if $hashret{$keyattr};
$keycolval = $hashret{uc $keyattr} if $hashret{uc $keyattr};
$keycolval = $hashret{lc $keyattr} if $hashret{lc $keyattr};
if ( not $keycolval
and $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}
and $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}{$keyattr}
and $has::Common::has_metric_config{data_type}{$metric_name}{$keyattr} =~ /number/)
$keycolval = $hashret{$keyattr} if defined $hashret{$keyattr};
# key value cannot be null
warn "WARN:Key column $keyattr is null while instrumenting metric $metric_name "
and $key_valid = 0
and last
unless defined $keycolval;
$keyval = $keyval.'_'.$keycolval if defined $keycolval;
$keyval =~ s/^_// if $keyval;
# if the key already exists then mark the key as invalid
warn "WARN:Duplicate key $keyval while instrumenting metric $metric_name"
and $key_valid = 0
if $rsref->{$metric_name.'_key_value'}{$kno}{$keyval};
# skip this metric row if key is invalid
last unless $key_valid;
# keep the list of keys
# add the metric row only if key is valid
push @{$rsref->{$metric_name}},$retstr if $key_valid;;
return 1;
# name : has_gen_key_value
# desc : generate a key value for an element passed
# arg :
# ref to hash opf element with attribs
# metric_name being processed
# return :
# key value
sub has_gen_key_value($$;)
my ( $elref,$metric_name) = @_;
# for event metrics build the event key
my $gen_key_value = '';
if ( $has::Common::has_metric_config{build_key}{$metric_name} )
for my $ek ( sort keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{build_key_cols}{$metric_name}} )
my $keycol = $has::Common::has_metric_config{build_key_cols}{$metric_name}{$ek};
my $keycolval = '';
if ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{$keycol} )
$keycolval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$keycol};
elsif ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $keycol} )
$keycolval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $keycol};
elsif ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $keycol} )
$keycolval = $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $keycol};
if ( $gen_key_value )
$gen_key_value = "$gen_key_value\_$keycolval";
$gen_key_value = $keycolval;
return $gen_key_value;
# name : has_entity_fn
# desc : for each element passed it filters our the enity element
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
# ref to xml ref to be returned back
# metric_name being processed
# crs home
# filter metric column
# filter metric column value
# filter metric verb
sub has_entity_fn($$$;@)
my ( $elref, $rsref, $metric_name ,$crsHome, $args) = @_;
my $filter_col;
my $filter_val;
my $filter_verb;
my $dbPolicyManaged;
($filter_col,$filter_val,$filter_verb ) = @{$args} if $args and ref($args) =~/ARRAY/i;
# check if this represents a element of interest
return 1
unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^entity$/i;
# does this metric need instrumenting an entity type
# if no entity type is defined the metric may be a cached from
# another run
return 1 unless $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name};
return 1
unless $elref->{attrs} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_type} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_name} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~
# save the cluster name and such globals as they are needed in every row to be printed
$elref->{elem_attribs}{CLUSTER_NAME}= has::Common::hasGetClusterName($crsHome);
$elref->{elem_attribs}{CLUSTER_ACTIVE_VERSION}= has::Common::hasGetClusterVersion($crsHome);
$elref->{elem_attribs}{OS_HOST_NAME}= has::Common::hasGetLocalHostName();
$elref->{elem_attribs}{EM_TARGET_NAME}= $has::Common::has_em_targetname;
$elref->{elem_attribs}{EM_TARGET_TYPE}= $has::Common::has_em_targettype;
$elref->{elem_attribs}{EM_TARGET_GUID}= $has::Common::has_em_targetguid;
$elref->{elem_attribs}{METRIC_SOURCE}= 'AGENT_GENERATED';
# event type for resource state change events
if ( $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name}
and $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name} =~ /resource|resource_instance/ )
elsif ( $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name}
and $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name} =~ /node|server/ )
$elref->{elem_attribs}{EONS_EVENT_NAME}= 'CRS_SERVER_STATE_CHANGE';
# the timestamp for the metric generation in GMT
my $time = time;
my ($sec,$min,$hr,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime($time);
$year += 1900 if $year;
$mon += 1 if $mon;
my $timestring = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year,$mon,$mday,$hr,$min,$sec);
$elref->{elem_attribs}{TIMESTAMP}= $timestring;
# save entity type and entity name as elem attribs so they are
# easy to print
# when iterating over attribs to print
$elref->{elem_attribs}{entity_type} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_type};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{entity_name} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
# for now we kep oracle_name same as entity name
$elref->{elem_attribs}{oracle_name} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
# keep the root type, base_type_chain attribs if present
$elref->{elem_attribs}{root_type} = $elref->{attrs}{root_type} if $elref->{attrs}{root_type};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{base_type_chain} = $elref->{attrs}{base_type_chain} if $elref->{attrs}{base_type_chain};
# check if it has attributes
return 1 unless $elref->{children} and
and ref($elref->{child_elements}{attributes}) =~ /ARRAY/i
and @{$elref->{child_elements}{attributes}};
my $attribsref = @{$elref->{child_elements}{attributes}}[0];
return 1 unless $attribsref->{children} and
and ref($attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}) =~ /ARRAY/i
and @{$attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}};
my $valuefld = 'value';
$valuefld = $has::Common::has_metric_config{$metric_name}{value_property} if $has::Common::has_metric_config{$metric_name}{value_property};
my $attribbody='';
# create a name value array from the attributes
for my $attribref ( @{$attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}} )
# get ref to the and <[value]> element from attrib children
my $nameref;
my $valueref;
next unless $attribref->{children};
for my $cref ( @{$attribref->{children}} )
next unless $cref and $cref->{element} and $cref->{element} =~ /^(name|$valuefld)$/;
$nameref = $cref if $cref->{element} =~ /^name$/;
$valueref = $cref if $cref->{element} =~ /^$valuefld$/;
# if we do not get xx then skip this attribute
next unless $nameref and $valueref and $nameref->{name};
my $value = $valueref->{name};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{$nameref->{name}}= $value;
# save all the elements of the attribute as hash members in elref
# this can be used for dependency values
# added them as attribs not to confuse them with elem_attribs{name}
# we mitght have a attribute name like MANDATORY etc
# which matches element name MANDATORY
for my $cref ( @{$attribref->{children}} )
next unless $cref and $cref->{element};
$elref->{elem_attribs_properites}{$nameref->{name}}{$cref->{element}}= $cref->{name};
$value='' unless defined $value;
if ( $attribbody )
$attribbody = "$attribbody$nameref->{name}=$value\;";
$attribbody = "$nameref->{name}=$value\;";
#cook up an RESOURCE_LOCATION attribute in attrib body
# as eons event sends RESOURCE_LOCATION but not LAST_SERVER
# and the gpnp callback looks for RESOURCE_LOCATION
if ( $nameref->{name} =~ /^LAST_SERVER$/ )
$attribbody = "$attribbody"."RESOURCE_LOCATION=$value\;";
# do the filteration based on filters passed
if ( $filter_col and $filter_val )
my $filter_column_value;
if ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{$filter_col} )
$filter_column_value = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$filter_col};
elsif ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $filter_col} )
$filter_column_value = $elref->{elem_attribs}{uc $filter_col};
elsif ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $filter_col} )
$filter_column_value = $elref->{elem_attribs}{lc $filter_col};
if ( $filter_verb and $filter_verb =~ /NO/i )
# filter rows with column values not like
if ( not defined $filter_column_value and defined $filter_val )
return 1;
if ( defined $filter_column_value and not defined $filter_val )
return 1;
if ( defined $filter_column_value and defined $filter_val )
return 1 if $filter_column_value =~ /$filter_val/;
# filter rows with column values like
if ( defined $filter_column_value and defined $filter_val )
return 1 unless $filter_column_value =~ /$filter_val/;
# generate key value if required
my $gen_key_value = has_gen_key_value($elref,$metric_name);
# mark relocated for vip
if ( $metric_name =~ /vip_relocation_metric|resource_instance_alert_metric/ )
if ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{TYPE} =~ /ora.cluster_vip_net1.type/ )
if ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{NAME} and $elref->{elem_attribs}{LAST_SERVER} )
if ( $elref->{elem_attribs}{NAME} =~ /ora\.$elref->{elem_attribs}{LAST_SERVER}\.vip/ )
$elref->{elem_attribs}{ADDITIONAL_ALERT_MESSAGE}=" Relocated to Node $elref->{elem_attribs}{LAST_SERVER}"
if $elref->{elem_attribs}{STATE} =~ /INTERMEDIATE/;
#generate any dependent metrics if they are to be instrumented
# get the function name for instrumenting the dependent metrics from
# the config hash
for my $dp_metric_name
( keys %{$has::Common::has_metric_config{dependent_metric_functions}{$metric_name}} )
warn "WARN:has::Common::has_dependencies:Failed to instrument dependent metric $dp_metric_name for $metric_name"
my $dp_retstr =
or warn "WARN:has::Common::has_dependencies:Failed to instrument dependent metric $dp_metric_name for $metric_name"
and next;
if ( $metric_name =~ /gpnp_alert_metric/ and $dp_metric_name =~ /gpnp_server_pool/ )
my $sglist;
$sglist = $elref->{elem_attribs}{SERVER_POOLS} if $elref
and ref($elref) =~ /HASH/i
and $elref->{elem_attribs}
and $elref->{elem_attribs}{SERVER_POOLS};
my $rtype;
$rtype = $elref->{elem_attribs}{TYPE} if $elref->{elem_attribs}{TYPE};
if ( $rtype and $rtype =~ /ora.database.type/ )
if ( $sglist )
my @sgs = split /\s+/,$sglist if $sglist;
for my $sg ( @sgs )
$sg =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
next unless $sg;
if ( $rsref
and ref($rsref) =~ /HASH/i and $rsref->{$dp_metric_name}
and keys %{$rsref->{$dp_metric_name}}
and $rsref->{$dp_metric_name}{$sg} )
my $pp = $rsref->{$dp_metric_name}{$sg}{PARENT_POOLS}
if $rsref->{$dp_metric_name}{$sg}{PARENT_POOLS};
$pp =~ s/\s+//g if $pp;
# if the server pools do no thave parent pools then it is policy managed
# an admin managed db can have only one server pool
if ( $pp )
$dbPolicyManaged = 'NO' if @sgs < 2;
$dbPolicyManaged = 'YES' if @sgs > 1;
$dbPolicyManaged = 'YES';
last if @sgs > 1;
$dbPolicyManaged = 'NO' if @sgs < 2;
$dbPolicyManaged = 'YES' if @sgs > 1;
$dbPolicyManaged = 'NO';
if ( $dbPolicyManaged )
if ( $attribbody )
if ( $attribbody )
if ( length($attribbody) > 2000 )
# build the em_results row
return 1;
# name : has_gpnp_server_pool_fn
# desc : for each element passed it filters our the enity element
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
# ref to xml ref to be returned back
# metric_name being processed
# crs home
# filter metric column
# filter metric column value
# filter metric verb
sub has_gpnp_server_pool_fn($$$;@)
my ( $elref, $rsref, $metric_name ,$crsHome, $args) = @_;
my $filter_col;
my $filter_val;
my $filter_verb;
($filter_col,$filter_val,$filter_verb ) = @{$args} if $args and ref($args) =~/ARRAY/i;
# check if this represents a element of interest
return 1
unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^entity$/i;
# does this metric need instrumenting an entity type
# if no entity type is defined the metric may be a cached from
# another run
return 1 unless $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name};
return 1
unless $elref->{attrs} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_type} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_name} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~
# save entity type and entity name as elem attribs so they are
# easy to print
# when iterating over attribs to print
$elref->{elem_attribs}{entity_type} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_type};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{entity_name} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
# check if it has attributes
return 1 unless $elref->{children} and
and ref($elref->{child_elements}{attributes}) =~ /ARRAY/i
and @{$elref->{child_elements}{attributes}};
my $attribsref = @{$elref->{child_elements}{attributes}}[0];
return 1 unless $attribsref->{children} and
and ref($attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}) =~ /ARRAY/i
and @{$attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}};
my $valuefld = 'value';
$valuefld = $has::Common::has_metric_config{$metric_name}{value_property} if $has::Common::has_metric_config{$metric_name}{value_property};
my $attribbody='';
# create a name value array from the attributes
for my $attribref ( @{$attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}} )
# get ref to the and <[value]> element from attrib children
my $nameref;
my $valueref;
next unless $attribref->{children};
for my $cref ( @{$attribref->{children}} )
next unless $cref and $cref->{element} and $cref->{element} =~ /^(name|$valuefld)$/;
$nameref = $cref if $cref->{element} =~ /^name$/;
$valueref = $cref if $cref->{element} =~ /^$valuefld$/;
# if we do not get xx then skip this attribute
next unless $nameref and $valueref and $nameref->{name};
my $value = $valueref->{name};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{$nameref->{name}}= $value;
# save all the elements of the attribute as hash members in elref
# this can be used for dependency values
# added them as attribs not to confuse them with elem_attribs{name}
# we mitght have a attribute name like MANDATORY etc
# which matches element name MANDATORY
for my $cref ( @{$attribref->{children}} )
next unless $cref and $cref->{element};
$elref->{elem_attribs_properites}{$nameref->{name}}{$cref->{element}}= $cref->{name};
$value='' unless defined $value;
if ( $elref and $elref->{elem_attribs}
and $elref->{elem_attribs}{NAME}
and ref($elref->{elem_attribs}) =~ /HASH/i
and keys %{$elref->{elem_attribs}}
for my $attrib ( keys %{$elref->{elem_attribs}} )
{$attrib} = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$attrib};
return 1;
# name : has_resource_crs_servers_fn
# desc : for each element passed it filters our the enity element
# arg :
# ref to xml element to be filtered
# ref to xml ref to be returned back
# metric_name being processed
# crs home
# filter metric column
# filter metric column value
# filter metric verb
sub has_resource_crs_servers_fn($$$;@)
my ( $elref, $rsref, $metric_name ,$crsHome, $args) = @_;
my $filter_col;
my $filter_val;
my $filter_verb;
($filter_col,$filter_val,$filter_verb ) = @{$args} if $args and ref($args) =~/ARRAY/i;
# check if this represents a element of interest
return 1
unless $elref->{element} and $elref->{element} =~ /^entity$/i;
# does this metric need instrumenting an entity type
# if no entity type is defined the metric may be a cached from
# another run
return 1 unless $has::Common::has_metric_config{entity_type}{$metric_name};
return 1
unless $elref->{attrs} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_type} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_name} and
$elref->{attrs}{entity_type} =~
# save the cluster name and such globals as they are needed in every row to be printed
$elref->{elem_attribs}{METRIC_SOURCE}= 'AGENT_GENERATED';
# event type for resource state change events
$elref->{elem_attribs}{EONS_EVENT_NAME}= 'CRS_SERVER_STATE_CHANGE';
# the timestamp for the metric generation in GMT
my $time = time;
my ($sec,$min,$hr,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime($time);
$year += 1900 if $year;
$mon += 1 if $mon;
my $timestring = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year,$mon,$mday,$hr,$min,$sec);
$elref->{elem_attribs}{TIMESTAMP}= $timestring;
# save entity type and entity name as elem attribs so they are
# easy to print
# when iterating over attribs to print
$elref->{elem_attribs}{entity_type} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_type};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{entity_name} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
# for now we kep oracle_name same as entity name
$elref->{elem_attribs}{oracle_name} = $elref->{attrs}{entity_name};
# check if it has attributes
return 1 unless $elref->{children} and
and ref($elref->{child_elements}{attributes}) =~ /ARRAY/i
and @{$elref->{child_elements}{attributes}};
my $attribsref = @{$elref->{child_elements}{attributes}}[0];
return 1 unless $attribsref->{children} and
and ref($attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}) =~ /ARRAY/i
and @{$attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}};
my $valuefld = 'value';
$valuefld = $has::Common::has_metric_config{$metric_name}{value_property} if $has::Common::has_metric_config{$metric_name}{value_property};
my $attribbody='';
# create a name value array from the attributes
for my $attribref ( @{$attribsref->{child_elements}{attribute}} )
# get ref to the and <[value]> element from attrib children
my $nameref;
my $valueref;
next unless $attribref->{children};
for my $cref ( @{$attribref->{children}} )
next unless $cref and $cref->{element} and $cref->{element} =~ /^(name|$valuefld)$/;
$nameref = $cref if $cref->{element} =~ /^name$/;
$valueref = $cref if $cref->{element} =~ /^$valuefld$/;
# if we do not get xx then skip this attribute
next unless $nameref and $valueref and $nameref->{name};
my $value = $valueref->{name};
$elref->{elem_attribs}{$nameref->{name}}= $value;
# save all the elements of the attribute as hash members in elref
# this can be used for dependency values
# added them as attribs not to confuse them with elem_attribs{name}
# we mitght have a attribute name like MANDATORY etc
# which matches element name MANDATORY
for my $cref ( @{$attribref->{children}} )
next unless $cref and $cref->{element};
$elref->{elem_attribs_properites}{$nameref->{name}}{$cref->{element}}= $cref->{name};
$value='' unless defined $value;
if ( $attribbody )
$attribbody = "$attribbody$nameref->{name}=$value\;";
$attribbody = "$nameref->{name}=$value\;";
if ( $attribbody )
if ( length($attribbody) > 2000 )
# generate key value if required
my $gen_key_value = has_gen_key_value($elref,$metric_name);
if ( $elref and $elref->{elem_attribs}
and $elref->{elem_attribs}{NAME}
and ref($elref->{elem_attribs}) =~ /HASH/i
and keys %{$elref->{elem_attribs}}
for my $attrib ( keys %{$elref->{elem_attribs}} )
{$attrib} = $elref->{elem_attribs}{$attrib};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : fnnpprnd
# print each node , to be called from the depth first tree traversal fn
# prints the nested tree with braces
# node,
# traverse tag
# stack
# string to print
# hash of depth and nodes to be closed
sub fnnpprnd ( $$$$$ )
my ($node, $tvtag , $stack_ref, $strg_ref, $has_indnthsh) = @_;
warn "WARN:has::Common::fnnpprnd:entity passed is not a reference\n" and return unless ref($node);
$$strg_ref='' unless $$strg_ref;
my $type = 'resource';
#start to print from relationships, do not print root nodes
if ( not $node->{entity_type} or $node->{entity_type} !~/relationship/ )
$$strg_ref = "$$strg_ref(" and return 1;
if ( $node->{type} )
if ( $node->{attrib1} and $node->{attrib1} !~ /^NA$/ )
if ( $node->{attrib2} and $node->{attrib2} !~ /NA/ )
$type = 'resourcetype' if $node->{attrib2} =~ /^type$/ and $tvtag !~ /^dependents$/;
if ( $node->{resource} )
return 1 if defined $node->{$tvtag} and $node->{$tvtag} and keys %{$node->{$tvtag}};
# close any parent nodes that need to be closed
# How deep is the node
for ( sort {$b<=>$a} keys %{$stack_ref} )
# if there are children at a particular level, then do not close the braces
$$strg_ref="$$strg_ref, " and last if $has_indnthsh->{$_};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : fnnpprdp
# mark depth and parent for each node , to be called from the depth first tree traversal fn
# node,
# traverse tag
# stack
# string to print
# hash of depth and nodes to be closed
sub fnnpprdp ( $$$$$ )
my ($node, $tvtag , $stack_ref, $strg_ref, $has_indnthsh) = @_;
warn "WARN:has::Common::fnnpprdp:entity passed is not a reference\n" and return unless ref($node);
my $depth = 0;
# close any parent nodes that need to be closed
# How deep is the node
for ( sort {$b<=>$a} keys %{$stack_ref} )
$depth = $_;
return 1;
# FUNCTION : fnnpprnb
# print each node , to be called from the breadth first tree traversal fn
# keeps an hash of the string of resources by depth
# node,
# traverse tag
# ref to hash of results
sub fnnpprnb ( $$$ )
my ($node, $tvtag , $res_ref ) = @_;
warn "WARN:has::Common::fnnpprnb:entity passed is not a reference\n" and return unless ref($node);
warn "WARN:has::Common::fnnpprnb:entity passed does not have a name \n" and return unless $node->{resource};
my $type = 'resource';
my $strg;
#start to print from relationships, do not print root nodes
if ( not $node->{entity_type} or $node->{entity_type} !~/relationship/ )
return 1;
if ( $node and $node->{depth} and $node->{depth} == 1 )
return 1;
warn "WARN:has::Common::fnnpprnb:entity passed does not have a dependee \n" and return unless $node->{dependee};
return 1 if $res_ref and $res_ref->{key} and $res_ref->{key}{$node->{dependee}}
and $res_ref->{key}{$node->{dependee}}{$node->{resource}};
if ( $node->{type} )
$strg = 'START' if $node->{type} =~ /START_DEP/;
$strg = 'STOP' if $node->{type} =~ /STOP_DEP/;
if ( $node->{attrib1} and $node->{attrib1} !~ /^NA$/ )
if ( $node->{attrib2} and $node->{attrib2} !~ /NA/ )
$type = 'resourcetype' if $node->{attrib2} =~ /^type$/ and $tvtag !~ /^dependents$/;
if ( $node->{resource} )
$res_ref->{results}{$node->{dependee}} = "$res_ref->{results}{$node->{dependee}},$strg"
if $res_ref->{results}{$node->{dependee}};
$res_ref->{results}{$node->{dependee}}=$strg unless $res_ref->{results}{$node->{dependee}};
return 1 if defined $node->{$tvtag} and $node->{$tvtag} and keys %{$node->{$tvtag}};
return 1;
# FUNCTION : hasGetResourceDependencyString
# return the resource dependency as a string
# crsHome if known
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
sub hasGetResourceDependencyString($;)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
# get the resource information
my $cmd='emcrsp em config -e resource';
my $reslistref;
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
# get the cluster home by discovery
if ( not $crsHome or not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
return $reslistref
and warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetResourceDependencyString:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env"
unless $crsHome;
return $reslistref
and warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceDependencyString:binary emcrsp is not present in $crsHome"
unless has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome);
my $cmdresults = has::Common::runsystemcommand($cmd);
$cmdresults = has::Common::hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults($cmdresults);
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetResourceDependencyString Failed to get results from command - $cmd"
and return $reslistref unless $cmdresults;
my %xmlvar = has::Common::parse_xml($cmdresults);
$has::Common::has_metric_config{dependent_metric_functions}{resources} =
resource_dependencies => \&has::Common::has_dependencies,
my %resulthash;
return unless $resulthash{resource_dependencies};
my @rows = @{$resulthash{resource_dependencies}};
my $rel = 0;
my $depends_rel_index;
my $dependent_rel_index;
my $depends_on_index;
my $dependent_index;
for my $row ( @rows )
$row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $row;
next unless $row;
$row =~ s/^em_result=//g;
my @rowcols = split/\|/,$row;
my ( $cn,$res,$typ,$child,$atb1,$atb2) = @rowcols;
# e.g. this is the relationship rel where there is an dependency on emres2 for emres1
$depends_rel_index->{$rel} = { entity_type=>'relationship', type=>$typ, resource=>$child, attrib1=>$atb1, attrib2=>$atb2 };
# e.g. this is the relationship rel where there is an dependency where emres1 depends on emres2
$dependent_rel_index->{$rel} = { entity_type=>'relationship', type=>$typ, resource=>$res, attrib1=>$atb1, attrib2=>$atb2 };
# this is the start|stop dependencies of a resource
# e.g. resource emres1 depends on resource emres2
# resources that depend on a given resource
# e.g. resource emres2 has resource emres1 dependent on it thru relation rel
# for each resource that depends on a given resource
# for each resource that are dependents of emres2
if ( $dependent_index and $dependent_index->{dependents} )
for my $resnm ( keys %{$dependent_index->{dependents}} )
# are there other resources that this resource depends on
# is emres2 in turn dependent on other resources
next unless $depends_on_index and $depends_on_index->{depends_on}
and $depends_on_index->{depends_on}{$resnm};
# for every relationship where you have another resource dependening on this
# resource mark that it has dependencies on other resources in turn
# take the dependents emres2 and slap them on to all relationships
# where other resources are dependent on emres2, so you get the chain of dependents
for my $rel ( keys %{$dependent_index->{dependents}{$resnm}{dependents}} )
for my $upperrel ( keys %{$depends_on_index->{depends_on}{$resnm}{depends_on}} )
# for each resource that depends on other resource
# for each resource that emres1 depends on
if ( $depends_on_index and $depends_on_index->{depends_on} )
for my $resnm ( keys %{$depends_on_index->{depends_on}} )
# are there other resources that are dependents of this
# other resources which are dependent on emres2
next unless $dependent_index and $dependent_index->{dependents}
and $dependent_index->{dependents}{$resnm};
# for every relationship where you have another resource dependening on this
# resource mark that it has dependencies on other resources in turn
# take the dependents emres2 and slap them on to all relationships
# where other resources are dependent on emres2, so you get the chain of dependents
for my $rel ( keys %{$depends_on_index->{depends_on}{$resnm}{depends_on}} )
for my $upperrel ( keys %{$dependent_index->{dependents}{$resnm}{dependents}} )
my %has_sort_dep_index;
my %res;
for my $key ( keys %{$depends_on_index->{depends_on}} , keys %{$dependent_index->{dependents}} )
my $node;
my $strg;
next if $has_sort_dep_index{$key};
if ( $depends_on_index->{depends_on}{$key} )
$node = $depends_on_index->{depends_on}{$key};
$res{$key}{dependent_on}=$strg if $strg;
next unless $dependent_index->{dependents}{$key};
$node = $dependent_index->{dependents}{$key};
$res{$key}{dependents}=$strg if $strg;
return \%res;
# FUNCTION : hasGetResourceDependents
# return the resource dependets as a couple
# crsHome if known
# ref to the hash to be filled in with values
sub hasGetResourceDependents($;)
my ( $crsHome ) = @_;
# get the resource information
my $cmd='emcrsp em config -e resource';
my $reslistref;
# no cluster home is passed then
# get the cluster home from the env
# and if not available or no emcrsp then discover one
if ( not $crsHome )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetCRSHome();
# get the cluster home by discovery
if ( not $crsHome or not has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome) )
$crsHome = has::Common::hasGetEnvCRSHome();
return $reslistref
and warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetResourceDependents:Cluster home is not passed or not set in env"
unless $crsHome;
return $reslistref
and warn "DEBUG:has::Common::hasGetResourceDependents:binary emcrsp is not present in $crsHome"
unless has::Common::hasCheckForEmcrsp($crsHome);
my $cmdresults = has::Common::runsystemcommand($cmd);
$cmdresults = has::Common::hasCheckAndReturnEmcrspResults($cmdresults);
warn "WARN:has::Common::hasGetResourceDependents Failed to get results from command - $cmd"
and return $reslistref unless $cmdresults;
my %xmlvar = has::Common::parse_xml($cmdresults);
$has::Common::has_metric_config{dependent_metric_functions}{resources} =
resource_dependencies => \&has::Common::has_dependencies,
my %resulthash;
return unless $resulthash{resource_dependencies};
my @rows = @{$resulthash{resource_dependencies}};
my $rel = 0;
my $depends_rel_index;
my $dependent_rel_index;
my $depends_on_index;
my $dependent_index;
for my $row ( @rows )
$row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $row;
next unless $row;
$row =~ s/^em_result=//g;
my @rowcols = split/\|/,$row;
my ( $cn,$res,$typ,$child,$atb1,$atb2) = @rowcols;
# e.g. this is the relationship rel where there is an dependency where emres1 depends on emres2
$dependent_rel_index->{$rel} = { dependee=>$child, entity_type=>'relationship', type=>$typ, resource=>$res, attrib1=>$atb1, attrib2=>$atb2 };
# e.g. this is the relationship rel where there is an dependency on emres2 for emres1
$depends_rel_index->{$rel} = { entity_type=>'relationship', type=>$typ, resource=>$child, attrib1=>$atb1, attrib2=>$atb2 };
# this is the start|stop dependencies of a resource
# e.g. resource emres1 depends on resource emres2
# resources that depend on a given resource
# e.g. resource emres2 has resource emres1 dependent on it thru relation rel
# for each resource that depends on other resource
# for each resource that emres1 depends on
if ( $depends_on_index and $depends_on_index->{depends_on} )
for my $resnm ( keys %{$depends_on_index->{depends_on}} )
# are there other resources that are dependents of this
# other resources which are dependent on emres2
next unless $dependent_index and $dependent_index->{dependents}
and $dependent_index->{dependents}{$resnm};
# for every relationship where you have another resource dependening on this
# resource mark that it has dependencies on other resources in turn
# take the dependents emres2 and slap them on to all relationships
# where other resources are dependent on emres2, so you get the chain of dependents
for my $rel ( keys %{$depends_on_index->{depends_on}{$resnm}{depends_on}} )
for my $upperrel ( keys %{$dependent_index->{dependents}{$resnm}{dependents}} )
my %has_sort_dep_index;
my %res;
for my $key ( keys %{$dependent_index->{dependents}} )
my $node;
my %dep_res = ();
my $strg = '';
next if $has_sort_dep_index{$key};
$node = $dependent_index->{dependents}{$key};
$res{$key}=$dep_res{results} if $dep_res{results};
return \%res;