
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 
#  $Id:oracle_sage_database_metrics.pl 
# NAME  
#   oracle_sage_database_metrics.pl
#    spalapu 08/28/08 - 
#    spalapu 08/28/08 - 
#    spalapu 08/27/08 - 
#    spalapu 08/27/08 - replace sagemonitor with cellmonitor
#    spalapu 08/26/08 - 
#    spalapu 08/26/08 - removed sage from plug-in and added exadata. Also,
#                       fixed realm reports to remove targer_guid from realm
#                       reports. Creating new files from oracle_sage_cell
#    spalapu 07/17/08 - 
#    spalapu 07/17/08 - fix conversion of collectiontime to secs
#    loliu   06/20/08 - Bug 7191050: Added iormtimestamp. Fixed IO request
#                       timestamp.
#    spalapu 05/01/08 - Change cumulative value to Cumulative
#    spalapu 04/25/08 - 
#    spalapu 04/17/08 - Split IO Requests into Small and Large from current
#                       Read and Write
#    spalapu 04/03/08 - remove uneccesary fields
#    spalapu 03/28/08 - change ifs to elsifs where possible
#    spalapu 03/19/08 - Add Copyright statements
#    spalapu 03/18/08 - 
#    spalapu 03/17/08 - 
#    spalapu 02/13/08 - new file
#   spalapud 10/07/06 	Created the file.

use XML::Parser;
use Class::Struct;
require emx::oracle_cell::oracle_cell_common;
require "emd_common.pl";

our %databases;  # Hash of databases


if($ipaddress eq "") {
  print "em_error=Failed to ping Cell\n";
  exit -1;
my $command = "ssh -l cellmonitor $ipaddress cellcli  -xml -e 'list metriccurrent where objectType=".'\"IORM_DATABASE\"'."'";
EMD_PERL_DEBUG("command = $command \n");

my $xmlout = `$command`;

my $str;
use Data::Dumper;
$str = Dumper($xmlout);

my $parser = XML::Parser->new( Handlers => {
				      Char=> \&characterData,
$str = Dumper($parser);

my $myinf;
my $io_requests;
my $io_wait_requests;
my $io_wait_per_request;
$parser->parse( $xmlout);

       foreach $database (keys %databases)
          print "em_result=".$databases{$database}{name}."|".$cellname."|".$realmname."|".$iormtimestamp."|Database*_Statistics|INTER_DATABASE|".$databases{$database}{DB_IO_RQ_SM}."|".$databases{$database}{DB_IO_WT_SM}."|".$databases{$database}{DB_IO_RQ_LG}."|". $databases{$database}{DB_IO_WT_LG}."|".$databases{$database}{DB_IO_RQ_SM_time}."\n";

# FUNCTIONS :  handle_start
# DESC : Does node based parsing of the XML output.
#		elements : Node elements in the XML 
#  		attrs 	 : Attributes of the elements.

sub handle_start {
    my( $expat, $element, %attrs  ) = @_;
    #Oracle Sage Cell Properties.
    if ($element eq "context")
      if( %attrs )
         $cellname = $attrs{cell};
         $realmname = $attrs{realm};
         $iormtimestamp = $attrs{iormResetTimestamp};
         $iormtimestamp = $iormtimestamp/1000;
    elsif ($element eq "cli-output")
    elsif ($element eq "name")
    elsif ($element eq "metricType")
    elsif ($element eq "metricValue")
    elsif ($element eq "collectionTime")
    elsif ($element eq "metricObjectName")
       EMD_PERL_DEBUG("invisible element = $element \n");

sub handle_end {
    my( $expat, $element, %attrs  ) = @_;
    if ($element eq "metric")
      if ($realmname eq "") {
       EMD_PERL_DEBUG("find not metric element: $element \n");

sub characterData {
    my( $parseinst, $data ) = @_;
    $space=" ";
    $data =~ s/\n//g;
    if (($data !~ m/^\s/) and ($data ne "\""))
      if ($myinf eq "name" )
      elsif ($myinf eq "metric_type" )
      elsif ($myinf eq "metric_value" )
        if ($metric_type eq "Cumulative")
          $collection_time = $collection_time/1000;
          $databases{$object_name}{name} = $object_name;
          $databases{$object_name}{$name} = $metric_value;
          $databases{$object_name}{$name."_time"} = $collection_time;
      elsif ($myinf eq "collection_time" )
      elsif ($myinf eq "object_name" )