# $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/db/reorg/reorganize.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/4 2009/03/21 05:46:43 rasundar Exp $ # # reorganize.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # reorganize.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rasundar 03/18/09 - remove hardcoded password in test code # mahessub 01/20/09 - Copy on top of 11.2 DB Control # vgoli 11/21/08 - fix bug 7569063: extra check for ORA errors # mahessub 05/20/08 - Merge 11GC CM Functionality # rpattabh 01/03/08 - Project 25671: Masking integration with Clone # xshen 08/07/07 - bug 6326606 # pkaliren 06/26/07 - Adding runSynchScriptFile # szhu 10/10/03 - Turn off tracing # szhu 11/08/02 - Handle spool file # szhu 10/06/02 - szhu_reorg_job # szhu 10/06/02 - filter DB credentials # szhu 10/04/02 - Creation # require "emd_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/db_common.pl"; use strict; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use vars qw/ $userID $role /; # Global variables $userID = ""; $role = ""; #A temporary solution and will be removed after EMD supports this setting #in logging.xml. #$ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_LEVEL} = 0; #DEBUG level. # Set the source DB credential # setSrcDBCredential(userName, password) sub setSrcDBCredential { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.setSrcDBCredential(): *** START ***"); my ($userName, $password, $my_role, $tns) = @_; if(!$tns){ $userID = $userName."/".$password; } else{ $userID = $userName."/".$password."\@${tns}"; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.setSrcDBCredential(): User Name: $userName"); if($my_role) { $role = $my_role; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.setSrcDBCredential(): role: $role"); } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.setSrcDBCredential(): *** END ***"); } # Filter out DB credential from sql script, which is written to emd_perl.trc # filterDBCredential(sqlScript) sub filterDBCredential { my ($sqlScript) = @_; my $position1 = index($sqlScript, "CONNECT"); my $position2 = index($sqlScript, "AS"); if($position2 == -1) { $position2 = index($sqlScript, "\@"); } my $replacedLength = $position2 - $position1 - 9; substr($sqlScript, $position1 + 8, $replacedLength) = "username/password(Hiden intentionally)"; return $sqlScript; } # Parse the output string to detect ORA- errors # parseOutput(output) sub parseOutput { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.parseOutput(): *** START ***"); my ($output) = @_; if ($output eq "") { EMD_PERL_ERROR("reorganize.parseOutput(): Output file is empty!"); } # reorg backend error if ($output =~ /errorExitOraError!/) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("reorganize.parseOutput(): errorExitOraError! See output log."); exit(1); } elsif ($output =~ /errorExit!/) { EMD_PERL_ERROR("reorganize.parseOutput(): errorExit! See output log."); exit(1); } # sqlplus errors elsif ($output =~ /SP2-[0-9]+/) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.parseOutput(): SP2- ERROR! Exit! See output log."); exit(1); } # ORA errors elsif ($output =~ /ORA-[0-9]+/) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.parseOutput(): ORA- ERROR! Exit! See output log."); exit(1); } # successful else { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.parseOutput(): No Error found."); } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.parseOutput(): *** END ***"); } # Run given sql script on target DB # runSqlScript(sqlScript) sub runSqlScript { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSqlScript(): *** START ***"); my ($sqlScript) = @_[0]; my $sqlScript_debug = &filterDBCredential($sqlScript); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSqlScript(): SQL:\n$sqlScript_debug"); open(SQL_SCRIPT, "|$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus /nolog") || die "Cannot open pipe for SQL_SCRIPT"; print SQL_SCRIPT $sqlScript; close SQL_SCRIPT || die "Bad SQL_SCRIPT"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSqlScript(): *** END ***"); } # Run reorganize sql script file # Call &set_env(oracleHome, oracleSid) before calling this method. # runReOrgScriptFile(oracle_home, oracle_sid, sqlScriptFileName, spoolFileName) sub runReOrgScriptFile { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runReOrgScriptFile(): *** START ***"); &set_env_var(@_[0], @_[1]); my ($sqlScriptFileName) = @_[2]; my ($spoolFileName) = @_[3]; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runReOrgScriptFile(): sql script file: $sqlScriptFileName"); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runReOrgScriptFile(): spool file: $spoolFileName"); my $sql_string = ""; if($role eq "") { $sql_string .= "CONNECT $userID;\n"; } else { $sql_string .= "CONNECT $userID AS $role;\n"; } $sql_string .= "\@$sqlScriptFileName;\n"; $sql_string .= "EXIT;\n"; &runSqlScript($sql_string); #Open the spool file to parse execution error #A temp solution #my $lastDatIndex = rindex($sqlScriptFileName, "."); #my $spoolFileName = substr($sqlScriptFileName, 0, $lastDatIndex + 1); #$spoolFileName .= "log"; #EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runReOrgScriptFile(): spool file:\n$spoolFileName"); open (OUT_PUT, "$spoolFileName") || die "Unable to open spool file for OUT_PUT\n"; my @output_content = ; my $output_string = "@output_content"; close OUT_PUT; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runReOrgScriptFile(): OUT_PUT:\n$output_string"); &removeFile($spoolFileName); &parseOutput($output_string); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runReOrgScriptFile(): *** END ***"); } 1; # Run reorganize sql script file # Call &set_env(oracleHome, oracleSid) before calling this method. # runSynchScriptFile(oracle_home, oracle_sid, sqlScriptFileName, spoolFileName, dbLinkUser, dbLinkPwd) sub runSynchScriptFile { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSynchScriptFile(): *** START ***"); &set_env_var(@_[0], @_[1]); my ($sqlScriptFileName) = @_[2]; my ($spoolFileName) = @_[3]; my ($dbLinkUser) = @_[4]; my ($dbLinkPwd) = @_[5]; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSynchScriptFile(): sql script file: $sqlScriptFileName"); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSynchScriptFile(): spool file: $spoolFileName"); my $sql_string = ""; if($role eq "") { $sql_string .= "CONNECT $userID;\n"; } else { $sql_string .= "CONNECT $userID AS $role;\n"; } if($dbLinkUser eq "") { $sql_string .= "\@$sqlScriptFileName;\n"; } else { $sql_string .= "\@$sqlScriptFileName $dbLinkUser $dbLinkPwd ;\n"; } $sql_string .= "EXIT;\n"; &runSqlScript($sql_string); #Open the spool file to parse execution error #A temp solution #my $lastDatIndex = rindex($sqlScriptFileName, "."); #my $spoolFileName = substr($sqlScriptFileName, 0, $lastDatIndex + 1); #$spoolFileName .= "log"; #EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSynchScriptFile(): spool file:\n$spoolFileName"); open (OUT_PUT, "$spoolFileName") || die "Unable to open spool file for OUT_PUT\n"; my @output_content = ; my $output_string = "@output_content"; close OUT_PUT; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSynchScriptFile(): OUT_PUT:\n$output_string"); &removeFile($spoolFileName); &parseOutput($output_string); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("reorganize.runSynchScriptFile(): *** END ***"); } 1; #Tests: sub main_reorg { $ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_LEVEL} = 0; my $oracle_home = "/private1/oracle_kits/v901"; my $oracle_sid = "v901"; my $sqlScriptFileName = "/private2/backup/test.sql"; my $spoolFileName = "/private2/backup/test.log"; #### fill in db password as the second parameter below for testing purposes setSrcDBCredential("system", "", "0", "0"); ### fill in sys password as the second parameter below for testing as sys user #setSrcDBCredential("sys", "", "sysdba", "0"); runReOrgScriptFile($oracle_home, $oracle_sid, $sqlScriptFileName, $spoolFileName); } #main_reorg();