#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/db/ob/ob_jobs.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/1 2009/02/03 18:27:47 swbalasu Exp $ # # ob_jobs.pl # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. # # NAME # ob_jobs.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # swbalasu 09/18/08 - bug 7654377 # pfgavin 09/23/08 - completed jobs in last 24 hours # swbalasu 09/18/08 - performance fix # swbalasu 02/06/08 - new metric - failed in last 24 hours # swbalasu 01/28/08 - fixing job type in query # swbalasu 10/30/07 - Creation # use Time::Local; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/ob/ob_common.pl"; #hash map to hold ids of jobs printed to stdout. used to avoid duplicate key error my %hashJobIds = (); # Parse the output of the obtool command and generate multiple print statements one each for a single job in the form # print "em_result=||||\n"; sub handleJobOutput { my @matrix = parseObOutput($rbug); my $length = @matrix; my $output; my $job_id, $job_type1, $job_type2, $job_state, $job_host, $job_info; #include only jobs having include_status1 pattern in their status. my $include_status1, $include_status2; for ($count = 0; $count <= $length; $count++) { my $name = "$matrix[$count]->[0]"; my $value = "$matrix[$count]->[1]"; next if (!$name && !$value); next if (length $name == 0 && length $value == 0); if ( length $value == 0 && rindex ($matrix[$count +1]->[0], "Type") > -1 ) { #start of next job; if (!$hashJobIds {$job_id}) { print "em_result=$job_id|$job_type1|$job_state|$job_host|$job_info" if length $job_id > 0 && ( !$include_status1 || rindex($job_state, $include_status1) > -1); $hashJobIds {$job_id} = $job_id if length $job_id > 0 && ( !$include_status1 || rindex($job_state, $include_status1) > -1); #additional status checks within same state print "em_result=$job_id|$job_type2|$job_state|$job_host|$job_info" if length $job_id > 0 && ( length $include_status2 > 0 && rindex($job_state, $include_status2) > -1); $hashJobIds {$job_id} = $job_id if length $job_id > 0 && ( length $include_status2 > 0 && rindex($job_state, $include_status2) > -1); } $job_id = "$name"; #reinitialize the rest $job_state = ""; $job_host = ""; $job_info = ""; } elsif (rindex ($name, "Output of command") > -1) { #start of next set of output #first print the previous collected entry if (!$hashJobIds {$job_id}) { print "em_result=$job_id|$job_type1|$job_state|$job_host|$job_info" if length $job_id > 0 && ( !$include_status1 || rindex($job_state, $include_status1) > -1); $hashJobIds {$job_id} = $job_id if length $job_id > 0 && ( !$include_status1 || rindex($job_state, $include_status1) > -1); #additional status checks within same state print "em_result=$job_id|$job_type2|$job_state|$job_host|$job_info" if length $job_id > 0 && ( length $include_status2 > 0 && rindex($job_state, $include_status2) > -1); $hashJobIds {$job_id} = $job_id if length $job_id > 0 && ( length $include_status2 > 0 && rindex($job_state, $include_status2) > -1); } $job_id = ""; #reinitialize the rest $job_state = ""; $job_host = ""; $job_info = ""; # switch the job_type1 for this set of output if (rindex($value, "--pending") > -1) { $job_type1 = "pending_resources"; $include_status1 = ""; $job_type2 = ""; $include_status2 = ""; } elsif (rindex($value, "--inputrequest") > -1) { $job_type1 = "pending_user_input"; $include_status1 = ""; $job_type2 = ""; $include_status2 = ""; } elsif (rindex($value, "--complete") > -1) { $job_type1 = "failed24"; $include_status1 = "failed"; $job_type2 = "completed24"; $include_status2 = "completed"; } elsif (rindex($value, "--active") > -1) { $job_type1 = "active"; $include_status1 = ""; $job_type2 = ""; $include_status2 = ""; } } elsif ( rindex ($name, "Type") > -1 ) { $job_info = "$value"; } elsif ( rindex ($name, "State") > -1 ) { $job_state = "$value"; } elsif ( rindex ($name, "Run on host") > -1 ) { $job_host = "$value"; } elsif ( rindex ($name, "Deferred because") > -1 ) { $job_info .= ". $name $value"; } } #print the last device details if (!$hashJobIds {$job_id}) { print "em_result=$job_id|$job_type1|$job_state|$job_host|$job_info" if length $job_id > 0 && ( !$include_status1 || rindex($job_state, $include_status1) > -1); $hashJobIds {$job_id} = $job_id if length $job_id > 0 && ( !$include_status1 || rindex($job_state, $include_status1) > -1); } } init(); my $COMMAND_SEP = " ';' " ; if ($NT) { $COMMAND_SEP = " ; "; } #pending jobs $ob_command="$OBTOOL --gui --user $ob_username lsjob --long --type backup,restore --pending"; #handleJobOutput("pending_resources") if (length $rbug > 0); #append command for jobs waiting for user input $ob_command .= $COMMAND_SEP; $ob_command .= "lsjob --long --type backup,restore --inputrequest"; #active jobs $ob_command .= $COMMAND_SEP; $ob_command .= "lsjob --long --type backup,restore --active"; #running as 2 sets of obtool executions due to command length restriction in windows OBrunOb(); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: OBrunOb returned"); exit 0 if (checkErrorsAndWarnings() == 1); my $rbug_copy = $rbug; #store the output to use later #failed jobs in last 24 hours #there is no direct filter to get failed jobs, so the workaround is to get completed jobs which include failed as well, then manually extract only the failed jobs from the result set. #include only those jobs that have the string "failed" in their status EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: using epoch time to calculate from and to timestamp"); $to = time; ($sec1,$min1,$hour1,$mday1,$mon1,$year1,$wday1,$yday1,$isdst1) = localtime($to); my $todate = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d",$year1+1900,$mon1+1,$mday1,$hour1,$min1,$sec1; $from = $to - 24*60*60; #current time - 24 hours ($sec2,$min2,$hour2,$mday2,$mon2,$year2,$wday2,$yday2,$isdst2) = localtime($from); my $fromdate = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d",$year2+1900,$mon2+1,$mday2,$hour2,$min2,$sec2; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: from date is $fromdate and"); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: to date is $todate"); $ob_command="$OBTOOL --gui --user $ob_username lsjob --long --type backup,restore --complete --from $fromdate --to $todate"; $ob_command .= $COMMAND_SEP; #needed to get the string "Output of command:..." in the output. OBrunOb(); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: OBrunOb returned"); exit 0 if (checkErrorsAndWarnings() == 1); $rbug .= $rbug_copy; #combine the output from the 2 commands. handleJobOutput() if (length $rbug > 0); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: handleJobOutput returned"); if(keys %hashJobIds == 0) { #print dummy row to clear out the contents on the oms side print "em_result=n/a|n/a|n/a|n/a|No operations pending resources, pending user input, failed in last 24 hours or currently active."; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("ob_jobs.pl: ready to exit"); exit 0;