#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: netAdmin.pl 06-jun-2008.14:29:14 nachen Exp $ # # netAdmin.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # netAdmin.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # nachen 06/19/08 - XbranchMerge nachen_bug-7144603 from st_emdbsa_11.1 # nachen 06/06/08 - fix internal references security issue # mkiran 07/31/06 - 4774824: restore shared lib path. # vivsharm 02/15/06 - NT porting # vivsharm 05/23/05 - for filesExist method fix # jpegu 05/04/05 - Added subroutine to get details of servcies # command # jpegu 04/18/05 - For making parseShowForLogOrTrace generic # vivsharm 03/15/05 - for 4231285 # rasundar 11/05/03 - add changePermission function # dkapoor 10/31/03 - fix bug3221435 # rasundar 10/14/03 - append slash based on the platform # rasundar 09/12/03 - use own temp files on NT # hasriniv 05/21/03 - Checking for existence of listener.ora # dkapoor 12/11/02 - fix empty result # dkapoor 12/03/02 - fix no result # dkapoor 11/18/02 - not to use create_temp # dkapoor 11/05/02 - add exit to the command # dkapoor 10/28/02 - add testConnection # dkapoor 10/16/02 - replace prompt # dkapoor 10/07/02 - return full output # dkapoor 07/31/02 - dkapoor_fix_lsnr_targetadmin # dkapoor 07/31/02 - remove hard strings # dkapoor 07/26/02 - Creation # require 5.8.2; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/semd_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/db_common.pl"; use strict; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; sub changePermissions { my ($fileName, $permission) = @_; my $status = 'NOK'; chmod($permission, $fileName); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Permisson changed successfully"); $status = 'OK'; return $status; } sub lsnStatusChange { my ($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,$lsnrName,$promptArrowReplace,@commands) = @_; #Check for the existence of the listener.ora file my $lsnrFile; my $OSNAME = get_osType(); my $IsWin32 = ($OSNAME eq 'WIN'); if($IsWin32) { $lsnrFile = $tnsAdmin."\\listener.ora"; } else { $lsnrFile = $tnsAdmin."/listener.ora"; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("The listener file is $lsnrFile"); if ( -e $lsnrFile ) { return getRunCommandOutput($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,"$oracleHome/bin/lsnrctl",$promptArrowReplace,@commands); } else { EMD_PERL_DEBUG($lsnrFile." not found"); die "NET_ADMIN_ERROR,LSNRORA_NOT_FOUND,$tnsAdmin,$lsnrName"; } } sub getRunCommandOutput { my ($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,$executable,$promptArrowReplace,@commands) = @_; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}=$oracleHome; $ENV{TNS_ADMIN}=$tnsAdmin; my $bkup_path = get_complete_lib_path(); set_lib_path($oracleHome); my $filename; my $fh; my $OSNAME = get_osType(); my $IsWin32 = ($OSNAME eq 'WIN'); if($IsWin32) { my $TEMP = "C:\\TEMP"; #A temp solution &mkDir($TEMP); $filename = "$TEMP\\"."net.$$"; } else { ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); } my $output_string; if(open(EXEC_WRITER, "|$executable > $filename")) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("$executable opened"); my $cmd; foreach $cmd (@commands) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("priting command=[$cmd]"); print EXEC_WRITER "$cmd\n"; } EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Exit done .."); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("Closing exec writer .."); close EXEC_WRITER; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("EXEC_WRITER closed .."); if(open (OUT_PUT, "$filename")) { my @output_content = ; $output_string = "@output_content"; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("File output: \n$output_string"); close OUT_PUT; $output_string =~ s/\>/$promptArrowReplace/g; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("File output after replace: \n$output_string"); } else { die "NET_ADMIN_ERROR,REMOTE_OP_ERROR,$!"; } } else { die "NET_ADMIN_ERROR,CANNOT_EXEC,$executable,$!"; } #close($fh); if($IsWin32) { &removeFile($filename); } set_complete_lib_path($bkup_path); return $output_string; } sub parseShowForLogOrTrace { my ($lsnrctlOutput,$listenerName,$command) = @_; if($lsnrctlOutput =~ /(TNS[-:])/) { return " "; } my @lines = split(/\n/,$lsnrctlOutput); my $RESLT = " "; my $line; my $mWord; foreach $line (@lines) { #if($line =~ /^\s*$listenerName(.*)\"$command\"\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+(.*)/i) #{ # return $2; #} # The output of the command like "lsnrctl show trc_level" will be a line which will look like: # LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to off if($line =~ /^\s*$listenerName.*$command(.*)/i) { # $1 will be = "set to off" my @outputWords = split(/\s/,$1); foreach $mWord (@outputWords) { # we actually need the last token which is the status = "off" # we keep overwriting $RESLT with the tokens in the loop (last token is what we need) $RESLT = $mWord; } } } # final value for $RESLT will be euther "on" or "off" when we return here. return $RESLT ; } sub testConnection { my ($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,$connectString,$user,$password) = @_; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("in testConnection OracleHome==>$oracleHome"); my $output =getTestOutput ($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,$connectString,$user,$password,":") ; #return parseOutput($output); $output = parseOutput($output); EMD_PERL_DEBUG("in testConnection final output==>$output"); return $output; } sub parseOutput { my ($sqlplusOutput) = @_; if($sqlplusOutput !~ /(TNS[-:])|(ORA[:-])/i) { return " "; } my @lines = split(/\n/,$sqlplusOutput); my $line; foreach $line (@lines) { if($line =~ /(TNS[-:])|(ORA[:-])/i) { print "$line\n"; } } return " "; } sub getTestOutput { my ($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,$connectString,$user,$password,$promptArrowReplace) = @_; my @commands; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("in getTestOutput OracleHome==>$oracleHome"); push(@commands,"connect $user/$password@\"$connectString\"\n"); push(@commands,"exit\n"); return getRunCommandOutput($oracleHome,$tnsAdmin,"$oracleHome/bin/sqlplus /nolog",$promptArrowReplace,@commands); } # Given the output from the lsnrctl "services" command in raw mode # this subroutine returns an array for service names found and its correponding details # # For lsnrctl services output in raw mode like: # LSNRCTL> services # Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=stadq11.example.com)(PORT=1521)) # Services Summary... # (SERVICE=(SERVICE_NAME=orclServiceName)(INSTANCE=(INSTANCE_NAME=orcloid)(NUM=1)(IN # STANCE_STATUS=UNKNOWN)(HANDLER=(HANDLER_DISPLAY=DEDICATED SERVER)(HANDLER_INFO=L # OCAL SERVER)(HANDLER_MAXLOAD=0)(HANDLER_LOAD=0)(ESTABLISHED=0)(REFUSED=0)(HANDLE # R_ID=B94B489DEB84-11D6-B6FD-0002A517EED1)(PRE=any)(HANDLER_NAME=DEDICATED)(SESSI # ON=NS)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)(PROGRAM=extproc)(ENVS='ORACLE_HOME=d:\oracle92\test # ,ORACLE_SID=orcloid')(ARGV0=extprocPLSExtProc)(ARGS='(LOCAL=NO)')))(NUMREL= # The following will be returned # (orclServiceName1, orclServiceName2) # #Assuptions: # 0. The entry for INSTANCE_NAME = *extproc* (ignoring case) is not returned. # 1. If no ORACLE_SID or ORACLE_HOME found , the entry is not returned # sub getServicesCmdDetails { my ($results) = @_; #my %servCmdDetails; (planned to return a hash table) my @serviceArray; my @resultArray = split (/\n/, $results); my $serviceName; my $oracleHome; my $oracleSid; my $instanceName; foreach my $line (@resultArray) { #Get Host & Port #if ($line =~ /^.*HOST=(\S+)\)\(PORT=(\S+)\)\)\)/i ) { # $lsnrHost = $1 ; # $port = $2; # next; #} #Skip if No SERVICE is present if($line !~ /^\s*\(SERVICE/i) { next; } #Skip if No ORACLE_HOME is present if($line !~ /(ORACLE_HOME)|(ORACLE_SID)/i) { next; } #Get Service Name, Oracle SID and Oracle Home if( $line =~ /^.*SERVICE_NAME=(\S+)\)\(INSTANCE=.*ORACLE_HOME=(\S+)\,ORACLE_SID=(\S+)\'\)\(ARGV0=.*/ ) { $serviceName = $1; $oracleHome = $2; $oracleSid = $3; } if ($oracleSid =~ /extproc/i) { #filter out sids containing with extproc next; } if( defined $oracleSid && $oracleSid ne "" && defined $oracleHome && $oracleHome ne "") { #my %sidDetails = ('ORACLE_HOME' , $oracleHome, 'SERVICE_NAME' , $serviceName, 'PORT' , $port, 'HOST' , $lsnrHost) ; #my $refDetails = \%sidDetails; #$servCmdDetails{$oracleSid} = $refDetails; push(@serviceArray,$serviceName); } } #return \%servCmdDetails; return @serviceArray; } sub filesExistStrict { my ($fileNameArray) = @_; my $DELIMITER = ":::"; my @fileNames = split /$DELIMITER/, $fileNameArray; my $existStatus = ""; my $fileName; foreach $fileName (@fileNames) { if(! -e "$fileName") { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("db_common.filesExists(): File $fileName does not exist"); $existStatus .= "NOK:"; } else #PATH is correct, but is it a file or DIR { if(! -d "$fileName") # must be a file { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("db_common.filesExists(): File $fileName exists"); $existStatus .= "OK:"; } else { EMD_PERL_DEBUG("db_common.filesExists(): $fileName is a Directory not a file."); $existStatus .= "NOK:"; } } } return $existStatus; }