#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: db_instance.pl 31-may-2007.11:39:08 kdas Exp $ # # db_instance.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # db_instance.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # kdas 05/31/07 - fix for 6079211 # xshi 05/15/07 - bug5591354 handle & in password # kdas 04/09/07 - fix for 5937948 # rgiroux 02/07/07 - XbranchMerge rgiroux_bug-5768229 from main # kdas 01/30/07 - XbranchMerge kdas_bug-5768229 from st_emdbsa_11.1 # kdas 06/17/05 - fix for 4434018 # kdas 02/15/05 - fix for 4175468 # kdas 11/01/04 - fix for 3980057 # kdas 10/22/04 - support for 3088641 # hying 06/03/04 - no open db with resetlogs option for standby # hying 03/23/04 - Open db with resetlogs # ychan 10/23/03 - Fix bug 3173824 # kdas 09/15/03 - fix for 3139381 # kdas 08/26/03 - fix for 3113830 # kdas 07/03/03 - fix for 3033825 # kdas 05/22/03 - bugfix # kdas 04/03/03 - fix for 2835853 # kdas 12/06/02 - fix for 2695040 # kdas 09/24/02 - cleanup # ychan 09/18/02 - ychan_move_dbscript # kdas 08/28/02 - remove debug stmt # kdas 08/14/02 - fix for library path # kdas 07/19/02 - fix for exitcode # kdas 07/16/02 - Creation # use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use FileHandle; use IPC::Open2; use vars qw/ $OS $NT $S $TEMP $CP $MV $PS $DF $DELIMITER/; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/db_common.pl"; #Wrapper function to change database state using sqlplus. sub change_db_state { $oracle_home=fixOracleHome($oracle_home); &set_env_var($oracle_home, $oracle_sid); $retval=executeSQLPlusScriptUniDirPipe(); if (!$NT) { system("emctl reload agent dynamicproperties $target_name:$target_type"); } } #This method assumes 2 array variables - @sqlListParseError and @sqlList. #@sqlListParseError should contain sqls that donot support sqlerror eg. startup#and shutdown #@sqlList should contain any other sql #These should no longer be needed once sqlplus supports sqlerror in 10i. sub executeSQLPlusScript { $|=1; $pid = open2(\*RDRFH, \*SQL_WRITER, "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus /nolog"); $old_fh = select(SQL_WRITER); $| = 1; select($old_fh); # handle special characters in password: & add escape my $password_copy = $password; if ($password_copy =~ m/&/) { my $e = &find_escape($password_copy); print SQL_WRITER "set escape $e\n"; $password_copy =~ s/&/$e&/g; } if ($password) { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\" as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\"\n"; } } else { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password \n"; } } if($? !=0) { exit 100; } $arrayIndex = 0; while($arrayIndex <@sqlListParseError) { print SQL_WRITER "$sqlListParseError[$arrayIndex]"; print SQL_WRITER "prompt EOTMARKER;\n"; $markerIndex =0; $fullBuf =""; do { $sysret = sysread RDRFH, $buf, 100; $fullBuf=$fullBuf.$buf; $markerIndex = index($fullBuf, "EOTMARKER",0); } while (($sysret != 0) &&($markerIndex==-1)); $computedBuf =substr $fullBuf,0, $markerIndex; print "$computedBuf\n"; #ignore ORA-01109 error: error trying to close not open database #ignore ORA-32006 :deprecated parameter warning for instance startup #ignore ORA-01507: error trying to unmount started database during shutdown $errorIndex = -2; while ($errorIndex>0 || $errorIndex==-2) { $errorIgnore1Index = index($computedBuf, "ORA-01109",0); $errorIgnore2Index = index($computedBuf, "ORA-32006",0); $errorIgnore3Index = index($computedBuf, "ORA-01507",0); $errorIndex = index($computedBuf, "ORA-",0); if($errorIndex!=-1) { if($errorIndex == $errorIgnore1Index || ($errorIndex == $errorIgnore2Index) || ($errorIndex == $errorIgnore3Index)) { $remainingStr=substr($computedBuf,$errorIndex+1); $computedBuf =$remainingStr; #ignore this error, continue looking for more ORA errors $errorIndex=-2; } else #valid ORA error { last; } } } ; if($errorIndex !=-1) { print SQL_WRITER "exit;\n"; close SQL_WRITER; exit 100; } $arrayIndex++; } $arrayIndex = 0; if($arrayIndex <@sqlList) { print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode;\n"; } while ($arrayIndex <@sqlList) { print SQL_WRITER "$sqlList[$arrayIndex]"; $arrayIndex++; } $arrayIndex = 0; if($arrayIndex <@sqlListNoError) { print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror continue;\n"; } while ($arrayIndex <@sqlListNoError) { print SQL_WRITER "$sqlListNoError[$arrayIndex]"; $arrayIndex++; } print SQL_WRITER "exit;\n"; close SQL_WRITER; $toExitWithError = 0; if($? !=0) { $toExitWithError = 1; } $fullBuf =""; do { $sysret = sysread RDRFH, $buf, 100; $fullBuf=$fullBuf.$buf; } while ($sysret != 0); $errorIndex = index($fullBuf, "ORA-",0); print "$fullBuf\n"; if($? !=0) { $toExitWithError = 1; } if($toExitWithError ==1) { exit 100; } if($errorIndex !=-1) { exit 100; } } sub startupWithInitParameters { &set_env_var($oracle_home, $oracle_sid); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); (my $fh, my $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); if($NT) { $TEMP = "C:\\TEMP"; &mkDir($TEMP); $mytime = time(); $filename = "$TEMP\\dbinstora.$mytime"; } open (PFILE_WRITER , "+>$filename"); print PFILE_WRITER "$initParameters"; close (PFILE_WRITER); close $fh; $arrayElem = "shutdown $shutdownMode;\n"; @sqlListParseError = (@sqlListParseError,$arrayElem); $arrayElem = "startup $startupMode pfile=$filename;\n"; @sqlListParseError = (@sqlListParseError,$arrayElem); $retval=executeSQLPlusScriptUniDirPipe(); if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } } sub startupWithInitParametersAndChangeArchiveLogMode { &set_env_var($oracle_home, $oracle_sid); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); (my $fh, my $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); if($NT) { $TEMP = "C:\\TEMP"; &mkDir($TEMP); $mytime = time(); $filename = "$TEMP\\dbinstarch.$mytime"; } open (PFILE_WRITER , "+>$filename"); print PFILE_WRITER "$initParameters"; close (PFILE_WRITER); close $fh; $arrayElem = "shutdown $shutdownMode;\n"; @sqlListParseError = (@sqlListParseError,$arrayElem); $arrayElem = "startup mount pfile=$filename;\n"; @sqlListParseError = (@sqlListParseError,$arrayElem); $arrayElem = "alter database $archiveLogMode;\n"; @sqlList = (@sqlList,$arrayElem); $arrayElem = "alter database open;\n"; @sqlList = (@sqlList,$arrayElem); $retval=executeSQLPlusScriptUniDirPipe(); system("emctl reload agent dynamicproperties $target_name:$target_type"); if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } } sub get_db_status { &set_env_var($oracle_home, $oracle_sid); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); (my $fh, my $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); if($NT) { $TEMP = "C:\\TEMP"; &mkDir($TEMP); $mytime = time(); $filename = "$TEMP\\dbinstance.$mytime"; } open(SQL_WRITER, "|$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus /nolog >$filename") || die "Can not open pipe for DB_STATUS"; print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode\n"; # handle special characters in password: & add escape my $password_copy = $password; if ($password_copy =~ m/&/) { my $e = &find_escape($password_copy); print SQL_WRITER "set escape $e\n"; $password_copy =~ s/&/$e&/g; } if($password) { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\" as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\"\n"; } } else { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password \n"; } } print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror continue\n"; print SQL_WRITER "select status from v\$instance;\n"; print SQL_WRITER "exit;\n"; close SQL_WRITER; open (DB_STATUS, "$filename") || die "Unable to open tmp file\n"; while ($_=<DB_STATUS>) { $fullOutput=$fullOutput.$_; if (/OPEN/) { close DB_STATUS; print "OPEN"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } if (/MOUNTED/) { close DB_STATUS; print "MOUNTED"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } if (/STARTED/) { close DB_STATUS; print "STARTED"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } } close DB_STATUS; close $fh; if($? !=0) { print "$fullOutput\n"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } exit 100; } print "SHUTDOWN"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } sub get_db_open_resetlogs_option { &set_env_var($oracle_home, $oracle_sid); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); (my $fh, my $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); if($NT) { $TEMP = "C:\\TEMP"; &mkDir($TEMP); $mytime = time(); $filename = "$TEMP\\dbinstance.$mytime"; } open(SQL_WRITER, "|$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus /nolog >$filename") || die "Can not open pipe for DB_STATUS"; print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode\n"; # handle special characters in password: & add escape my $password_copy = $password; if ($password_copy =~ m/&/) { my $e = &find_escape($password_copy); print SQL_WRITER "set escape $e\n"; $password_copy =~ s/&/$e&/g; } if ($password) { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\" as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\"\n"; } } else { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password \n"; } } print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror continue\n"; print SQL_WRITER "select controlfile_type, open_resetlogs from v\$database;\n"; print SQL_WRITER "exit;\n"; close SQL_WRITER; open (DB_OPTION, "$filename") || die "Unable to open tmp file\n"; while (<DB_OPTION>) { ## return "NOT ALLOWED" if controlfile_type is STANDBY if (/NOT ALLOWED/ || /STANDBY/) { close DB_OPTION; print "NOT ALLOWED"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } if (/REQUIRED/) { close DB_OPTION; print "REQUIRED"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } if (/ALLOWED/) { close DB_OPTION; print "ALLOWED"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } } close DB_OPTION; close $fh; if($? !=0) { print "sql error: $?\n"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } exit 100; } print "NOT ALLOWED"; if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } return; } # This version of executeSQLPlusScript doesnot support parsinf og intermediate #error messages sub executeSQLPlusScriptUniDirPipe { my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); (my $fh, my $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $dir ); if($NT) { $TEMP = "C:\\TEMP"; &mkDir($TEMP); $mytime = time(); $filename = "$TEMP\\dbinstance.$mytime"; } open(SQL_WRITER, "|$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus /nolog >$filename") || die "Can not open pipe for DB_STATUS"; # handle special characters in password: & add escape my $password_copy = $password; if ($password_copy =~ m/&/) { my $e = &find_escape($password_copy); print SQL_WRITER "set escape $e\n"; $password_copy =~ s/&/$e&/g; } if ($password) { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\" as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/\"$password_copy\"\n"; } } else { if ($role) { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password as $role\n"; } else { print SQL_WRITER "connect $username/$password \n"; } } $arrayIndex = 0; while ($arrayIndex <@shutdownSqlList) { print SQL_WRITER "$shutdownSqlList[$arrayIndex]"; $arrayIndex++; } print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode;\n"; $arrayIndex = 0; while ($arrayIndex <@sqlListParseError) { print SQL_WRITER "$sqlListParseError[$arrayIndex]"; $arrayIndex++; } $arrayIndex = 0; while ($arrayIndex <@sqlList) { print SQL_WRITER "$sqlList[$arrayIndex]"; $arrayIndex++; } $arrayIndex = 0; if($arrayIndex <@sqlListNoError) { print SQL_WRITER "whenever sqlerror continue;\n"; } while ($arrayIndex <@sqlListNoError) { print SQL_WRITER "$sqlListNoError[$arrayIndex]"; $arrayIndex++; } print SQL_WRITER "exit;\n"; close SQL_WRITER; $toExitWithError = 0; if($? !=0) { $toExitWithError = 1; } open (DB_STATUS, "$filename") || die "Unable to open tmp file\n"; while (<DB_STATUS>) { print; } close DB_STATUS; if($toExitWithError ==1) { if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } exit 100; } if($NT) { &removeFile($filename); } } sub fixOracleHome($oracle_home) { $len = length $oracle_home; $last = substr $oracle_home, $len-1, 1; if(($last eq "/") || ($last eq "\\")) { $oracle_home=substr $oracle_home, 0,$len-1; } return $oracle_home; } # Get a special char that is not included in the password as escape char # Called in three places: db_instance.pl, ha_dbstate_o.pl and rman_o,pl # Should be put in a common file like db_common.pl sub find_escape() { my ($password_str) = @_; my @specialchars = ('!', '~', '#', '_', '`'); my $escape = q/!/; for my $char (@specialchars) { $escape = $char; if ( $password_str !~ m/$char/) { last; } } return $escape; } 1;