# $Header: load.pl 28-jan-2005.06:56:05 rgiroux Exp $ # # load.pl # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # load.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # rgiroux 01/28/05 - fix for bug 4094619; REALLY delete control and # data files # rgiroux 09/17/04 - fix for bug 3875553; display ORA errors to the # user # rgiroux 07/02/04 - inplement delete of control and data file after # use # ngade 04/01/04 - tts support and cleanup # ngade 09/19/03 - nt fix -bug 3134969 # npamnani 09/18/03 - fix for bug 3134969 # ngade 02/21/03 - remove using perl from /usr/local/bin # ngade 01/17/03 - add support for db_10_or_higher # ngade 11/21/02 - remove 10i version check # ngade 10/23/02 - remove checking for fileExecute permissions # ngade 09/23/02 - change support for lower-case users/tables # ngade 09/04/02 - # ngade 08/29/02 - fix bug 2463124 # ngade 08/08/02 - cleanup tempfiles # rgiroux 08/02/02 - rgiroux_start_10i_support # rgiroux 08/02/02 - Creation # ngade 07/19/02 - show log output # ngade 06/26/02 - ngade_change_job_submission # ngade 06/26/02 - Creation # require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/db_common.pl"; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/db/dataUtilities/datapump_job.pl"; use strict; ## global variables. use vars qw($oracle_home $oracle_sid $parse_errors $script $generate_log $log_file_name $smp_ignore $delete_control_file $delete_data_file); ################################################### ## MAIN SCRIPT TO CALL EXPORT JOB. ################################################### sub load() { print_debug("Load Started..........\n"); my ($user, $password, $role, $db_10_or_higher) = @_; if(!defined($db_10_or_higher)) { $db_10_or_higher = "FALSE"; } &set_env_var($oracle_home, $oracle_sid, $db_10_or_higher); my $log_file = run_load(&set_userid($user, $password, $role)); if($parse_errors =~ /TRUE/i) { parse_log($log_file); } if(defined($delete_control_file)) { removeFile($delete_control_file); } if(defined($delete_data_file)) { removeFile($delete_data_file); } } ################################################### ## SET DATABASE USERID ################################################### sub set_userid() { my($user, $password, $role) = @_; my $userid = $user."/".$password; $userid = ($role =~ /NORMAL/i)? $userid: "$userid as $role"; return $userid; } ################################################### ## PERFORM LOAD OPERATION. ################################################### sub run_load { print_debug("Data Pump Load: Running Load....\n"); my($userid) = @_; # Create a temporary File (my $param_fh, my $param_filename) = create_temp_file(); open(PARAM_FILE, ">$param_filename"); print PARAM_FILE $script; close PARAM_FILE; my $load_exe = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlldr"; my $command = "|$load_exe PARFILE='$param_filename'"; if($generate_log =~ /FALSE/i) { my($log_fh, $log_file) = create_temp_file(".log"); close $log_fh; $command = $command." "."LOG=$log_file"; $log_file_name = $log_file; } print_debug("Load: Command: $command\n"); print_debug("Load: generate_log: $generate_log\n"); print_debug("Load: log_file_name: $log_file_name\n"); open(DATA_MGMT, $command)|| die "Couldn't execute $load_exe"; print DATA_MGMT "$userid\n"; print DATA_MGMT "exit"; close DATA_MGMT; close $param_fh; return $log_file_name; } ################################################### ## PARSE LOG FILE FOR ERRORS. ################################################### sub parse_log() { print_debug("Data Pump Load: Parsing logfile: $_[0]\n"); if (-e $_[0]) { open(LOGFILE, $_[0]) || die "Can't open :$!\n"; my @cont_arr = <LOGFILE>; close LOGFILE; my $cont = "@cont_arr"; if(($cont !~ /ORA-[0-9]/) && ($cont !~ /SQL\*Loader-[0-9]/)) { print_debug("Data Pump Load: No Errors\n"); } else { ## If sqlldr fails with ORA-errors, output is written to log file but not STDOUT. ## Hence capture the contents of the logfile and write to STDOUT. if($cont =~ /ORA-[0-9]/) { print STDOUT $cont; } if($cont =~ /SQL\*Loader-[0-9]/) { print_debug("Data Pump Load: LOADER ERROR[0-9]\n"); exit(1); } elsif($smp_ignore eq "true") { print_debug("Data Pump Load: SMP_IGNORE=TRUE\n"); } else { print_debug("Data Pump Load:SMP_IGNORE = $smp_ignore\n"); exit(1); } } } else { print_error("Data Pump Load: File does not exist: $_[0]\n"); } } ################################################### ## TEST CASE FOR LOAD. ## 1. Uncomment loadtest(), modify any parameters. ## 2. set EMDROOT and run command ## 3. runperl load.pl ################################################### ##&loadtest(); sub loadtest() { $oracle_home = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $oracle_sid = $ENV{ORACLE_SID}; $script = " control=$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms/demo/ulcase1.ctl log=/tmp/load.log"; $smp_ignore="true"; $generate_log="true"; $parse_errors="true"; $log_file_name="/tmp/load.log"; my $db_user="SYSMAN"; my $db_passwd="sysman"; my $db_role="normal"; &load($db_user, $db_passwd, $db_role); } 1;