#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emagent/sysman/admin/scripts/crs_status.pl /st_emagent_10. 2010/05/18 15:01:32 ajdsouza Exp $ # # crs_status.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # crs_status.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 08/25/09 - added EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME env # ajdsouza 11/11/08 - add begin clock for view testing # ajdsouza 02/02/07 - fix bug 5732015,5732112, # 5527466,5494189 # ysun 07/11/05 - Creation # use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use Data::Dumper; use locale; eval "use has::Common; 1" or print "em_warning=Module has::Common:: is not found, Failed to get cluster node status \n" and exit 0; require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; my $oldOH; BEGIN { use POSIX qw(locale_h); my $clocale='C'; for ( qw ( LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_TIME LC_NUMERIC LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LANG LANGUAGE ) ) { $ENV{$_}=$clocale; } # if SRVM_TRACE is set to TRUE them do not disable SRVM_TRACE for cluvfy if ( exists $ENV{SRVM_TRACE} and $ENV{SRVM_TRACE} and $ENV{SRVM_TRACE} =~ /TRUE/i ) { $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE}='TRUE'; # added the extra line to get around the perl error # used only once: possible typo $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE}='TRUE'; } # trace is disabled as srvctl writes trace to stdout, enabled slectively for cluvfy delete $ENV{SRVM_TRACE} if $ENV{SRVM_TRACE}; setlocale(LC_ALL,$clocale) or warn "WARN:Failed to set locale to $clocale \n "; # save ORACLE_HOME and restore it back in END $oldOH = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; # temporarly setting environment only in dev view env # this code is not avtive in production # !! DO NOT CHANGE THE CLUSTER NAME HERE WHEN YOU # CHECK IN AS THIS WILL BREAK REGRESSION # # IF YOU ARE CREATING A HAS VIEW CREATE IT # WITH VIEW NAME t # e.g. if sa view is sa3114 the has view should be sa3114t # the clustername is the has view should be newdb_cluster if ( $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT} and not $ENV{HAS_USE_SHIPHOME} ) { my $advrt; if ( $ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME} ) { $advrt = $ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CRS_HOME}; } else { $advrt = $ENV{ADE_VIEW_ROOT}; $advrt =~ s/_ag$//; $advrt = $advrt."t"; $ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}="$advrt/oracle"; } if ( $ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CLUSTER_NAME} ) { $ENV{CSS_CLUSTERNAME}=$ENV{EM_CRS_TEST_CLUSTER_NAME}; } else { $ENV{CSS_CLUSTERNAME}='newdb_cluster'; } $ENV{CRS_HOME}="$ENV{ORA_CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{CV_HOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}"; $ENV{OCR_ROOT}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/data.ocr"; $ENV{OCR_LOC}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has_work/ocr.loc"; $ENV{OCR_DEVELOPER_ENV}='TRUE'; $ENV{HAS_DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT}='TRUE'; $ENV{CV_JDKHOME}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/jdk15"; $ENV{ORA_ENVIRON_OPTS}='true'; my $libs = "$ENV{CRS_HOME}/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/lib:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/opsm/lib"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" if $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}="$libs" unless $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin:$ENV{PATH}" if $ENV{PATH}; $ENV{PATH}="$ENV{CRS_HOME}/bin:$ENV{CRS_HOME}/has/bin" unless $ENV{PATH}; } } my ($rootDir) = @ARGV; # CRSHome $rootDir =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if $rootDir; $rootDir = $ENV{CRS_HOME} unless $rootDir; $rootDir = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} unless $rootDir; $rootDir = $ENV{EMDROOT} unless $rootDir; EMD_PERL_DEBUG("crs_status.pl:**crs home is: $rootDir"); # bug 4667678 $oldOH = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} if $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $rootDir; my $tmppath = catfile($rootDir,'bin'); $ENV{PATH}="$tmppath:$ENV{PATH}"; # default settings my $crsIsUp = 1; my $o; for ( ( 1 ) ) { unless ( $rootDir and $rootDir !~ /#CRS_HOME#/ ) { $crsIsUp = 0; $o = "Not a cluster host"; last; } my %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]); # execute cluvfy new format with -display_status # ideally this should be a version check so cluvfy is executed only once if ( $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE} ) { $ENV{SRVM_TRACE}='TRUE'; } $o = has::Common::runsystemcommand( "cluvfy comp crs -display_status 2>&1","",\%command_args); delete $ENV{SRVM_TRACE} if $ENV{SRVM_TRACE}; $o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o; #execute cluvfy new format without -display_status if flag option is not # supported unless ( $o and $o =~ /NODE_STATUS::/i ) { %command_args = (exit_failure_list => [()]); if ( $has::Commmon::has_metric_config{ENV_VARIABLE_SRVM_TRACE} ) { $ENV{SRVM_TRACE}='TRUE'; } $o = has::Common::runsystemcommand("cluvfy comp crs 2>&1","",\%command_args); delete $ENV{SRVM_TRACE} if $ENV{SRVM_TRACE}; $o =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $o; } chomp($o) if $o; has::Common::exit_fail("crs_status.pl:Failed to get any results from cluvfy comp crs") unless $o; # output with -display_status flag # cluvfy comp crs -display_status -n staca31 #NODE_STATUS::Node1:SUCC #NODE_STATUS::Node2:EFAIL #NODE_STATUS::Node3:VFAIL #NODE_STATUS::Node4:SUCC #OVERALL_STATUS::EFAIL # if cluvfy comp crs -n node1, node2 does not return a success # for all nodes the exit status is failure for ( (1) ) { # crs is up if cluvfy did not return a failure unless ( $command_args{command_return_status} ) { $crsIsUp = 1; last; } # # for pre11g version we are trying to get the list of failed nodes # from the cli output using the following logic # cluvfy comp crs -n # a) fails on all nodes # Verification of CRS integrity was unsuccessful on all the nodes. # b) partial failure , fails on some nodes # Verification of CRS integrity was unsuccessful. # checks did nto pass for the following node(s): # node1,node2 # c)all successful # Verification of CRS integrity was successful # # email sent by dipak.saggi confirming the messages # "Verification of {0} was unsuccessful on all the nodes. " # "Verification of {0} was unsuccessful. " # "Checks did not pass for the following node(s):" # my $with_node_status_for_em = 'NODE_STATUS::'; my $failed_on_all_nodes = 'unsuccessful\s+on\s+all\s+the\s+nodes|CRS\s+integrity\s+check\s+failed|Checks\s+did\s+not\s+pass\s+for\s+the\s+following\s+node\(s\)\s*:|Check\s+failed\s+on\s+nodes\s*:'; my $error_executing_cluvfy = 'ERROR:|CRS\s+is\s+not\s+installed\s+on\s+any\s+of\s+the\s+nodes|Verification\s+cannot\s+proceed|User\s+equivalence\s+is\s+not\s+set\s+for\s+nodes'; # if cluvfy supports the displsy_status flag and gives NODE_STATUS if ( $o =~ /$with_node_status_for_em/ ) { my @inp = split /\n/,$o; my @rows = grep /$with_node_status_for_em/, @inp; my $row = $rows[0] if @rows and $rows[0]; $row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $row; #success if ( $row and $row =~ /NODE_STATUS::.+:SUCC$|OVERALL_STATUS::SUCC/ ) { $crsIsUp=1; last; } # verification failed if ( $row and $row =~ /NODE_STATUS::.+:VFAIL|OVERALL_STATUS::VFAIL/ ) { $crsIsUp=0; last; } # execution failure if not SUCC or VFAIL $crsIsUp=-1; has::Common::print_warn_message ("crs_status.pl:Failed to get CRS Status, CRS verification failed for node from $o\n"); last; } elsif ($o =~ /$error_executing_cluvfy/i ) { $crsIsUp =-1; has::Common::print_warn_message ("crs_status.pl:Failed to get CRS Status, CRS verification failed for node from $o\n"); last; } elsif ($o =~ /$failed_on_all_nodes/i ) { $crsIsUp = 0; last; } else { $crsIsUp = -1; has::Common::print_warn_message ("crs_status.pl:Failed to get CRS Status, CRS verification failed for node from $o\n"); last; } } } $o =~ s/\n/ /g; print "em_result=", $crsIsUp, "|", $o, "\n"; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $oldOH if $oldOH; delete $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} unless $oldOH; exit 0; END { $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $oldOH if $oldOH; }