#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: archivetracefile.pl 13-nov-2006.07:06:00 ganessub Exp $ # # archivetracefile.pl # # Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # archivetracefile.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # This script will archive the files specified by given pattern # in given directory whose modified date is older than given age # into the destination host&directory. # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ganessub 11/13/06 - Bug 5622272 fix. # ganessub 07/05/06 - # armaity 06/25/06 - # ganessub 04/12/06 - Creation. # # use strict; use Time::Local; use HTTP::Date; use Fcntl qw (:flock); use File::Copy; use Net::FTP; require "archivepurge_util.pl"; # Command Line Arguments my $argnum = @ARGV; my $trcfiles = shift(@ARGV); my $archiveAge = shift(@ARGV); # number of days older need to be archived my $destdir = shift(@ARGV); my $destuserid = shift(@ARGV); my $destuserpwd = shift(@ARGV); my $purgeflag = shift(@ARGV); my $sourcehost = shift(@ARGV); my $desthost = shift(@ARGV); # End Arguments # Check if timezone exist if not set to UTC as it is required by DateManip module. my $timez = $ENV{"TZ"}; print "Host Time Zone is : $timez\n"; if ( $timez eq '') { print "Warning:Local Timezone is not set on this host, hence UTC is assumed as a timezone."; print " Set TZ environment variable if you want correct timezone."; &Date_Init("TZ=UTC"); } my $file; #get files based on the pattern my @files = glob($trcfiles); #closedir(DIR); my $fileseparator = do { if( $^O =~ m/MSWin32/ ) { '\\' } else { '/' } }; if (length(@files) <= 0) { print "\nNo trace files matched to the given archival criteria!"; exit 0; } my $trueflag = "true"; my $filename; my $destfilename; my $ftp; if ($sourcehost eq $desthost) { #print "same host so ftp avoided."; } else { # Create a new Net::FTP object, changing the # timeout to 60 seconds $ftp = Net::FTP->new($desthost, Timeout => 60) or die "Could not connect to $desthost. Archive operation aborted."; $ftp->login($destuserid,$destuserpwd) or die "Can't login ($desthost):" . $ftp->message; # Change the working directory $ftp->cwd($destdir) or die "Can't change directory ($destdir) in host $desthost:" . $ftp->message; } my $localtstamp = getlocaltimestamp(); my $dotc = "."; my $archcnt = 0; my $dispfile; foreach $file (@files) { $filename = $file; $filename =~ s#.*$fileseparator##; # remove part before last slash $dispfile = $filename; $filename = $filename.$dotc.$localtstamp; if (-M $file >= $archiveAge) { print "\n Archiving $dispfile as $filename"; $archcnt = $archcnt + 1; #print "comparing source and destination"; if ($sourcehost eq $desthost) { $destfilename = $destdir.$fileseparator.$filename; #print "purgeflag is :$purgeflag"; if ($purgeflag eq $trueflag) { move($file,$destfilename); if (!-e $destfilename) { print "\nError archiving trace file in $destfilename. Archive operation failed!"; exit 1; } } else { #print "copying $destfilename..\n"; copy($file,$destfilename); if (!-e $destfilename) { print "\nError archiving trace file in $destfilename. Archive operation failed!"; exit 1; } } } else { $ftp->put($file,$filename) or warn "Couldn't ftp '$file', skipped: $!"; if ($purgeflag eq $trueflag) { unlink $file; if (-e $file) { print "\nError purging trace file $file. Purge operation failed!"; exit 1; } } } } # end of age check } #end of for if (!$sourcehost eq $desthost) { # Close the connection to the FTP server. $ftp->quit or die "Couldn't close the ftp connection cleanly: $!"; } if ($archcnt > 0) { if ($purgeflag eq $trueflag) { print "\nArchiving and Purging of Trace files have been successfully completed."; } else { print "\nArchiving of Trace files have been successfully completed."; } } else { print "\nNo trace files found matching the archival criteria!So nothing archived!"; }