#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/adrviewer.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/10 2010/08/11 22:08:10 fagonzal Exp $ # # adrviewer.pl # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # adrviewer.pl - adrviewer OS Fetchlet # # DESCRIPTION # adrviewer is to access adr repository. # arguments are as follows # $0 : argument for uidriver # # Error codes # DIU-59001: uidrvpath does not exist # DIU-59002: ccrtoolpath does not exist # DIU-59003: Can't open path # DIU-59004: Cannot chdir # DIU-59005: invalid command # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # fagonzal 08/09/10 - Changing emCCR.exe to emCCR.bat (bug 9967178) # fagonzal 07/29/10 - Changing OCM classpath # mappusam 02/24/10 - Backport mappusam_bug-6965447 from main # fagonzal 02/08/10 - Adding OH/bin to path before invoking uidrvci (bug 9204749) # fagonzal 10/15/09 - Fixing java invocation, classpath, for package # upload command # balnaff 05/11/09 - bug 7272399 # balnaff 01/29/09 - bug 8208062 # balnaff 12/17/08 - bug 7651085 # fagonzal 04/01/08 - Removing remote correlation key check before # creating remote package # dchakumk 03/10/08 - XbranchMerge dchakumk_6752_xbmsrc from # st_emdbsa_11.1 # balnaff 01/25/08 - bug 6732588 # fagonzal 12/19/07 - Fixing bug that prevented sweep command from # executing # jsoule 08/29/07 - remove unnecessary EM_TARGET_ADR_BASE parameter # balnaff 07/01/07 - adding ml creds # balnaff 05/15/07 - # loliu 05/21/07 - Disabled output TRACE for showXMLTrace and # showTraceSection # jsoule 04/20/07 - enable package name, description # jsoule 04/12/07 - use backslash to find uidrvci.exe # keiwong 04/03/07 - fix bug 5898320 # loliu 03/25/07 - Changed adrviewer.pl to use target ADR base and # home from environment # jsoule 03/15/07 - copy temp file creation # jsoule 03/09/07 - add modified createPackageCorrelated # jsoule 03/03/07 - add remote packaging special cases # keiwong 01/09/07 - fix bug 5750178 # keiwong 12/04/06 - fix bug 5678573 # hopark 10/25/06 - add package state change # hopark 10/10/06 - add upload # hopark 10/05/06 - add quick packaging # hopark 09/19/06 - return manifest # hopark 07/30/06 - change adrbase # hopark 05/09/06 - Creation # require "semd_common.pl"; require "emd_common.pl"; require "adr_common.pl"; use Time::Local; use IPC::Open2; use File::Spec; #use Time::HiRes; # default the max trace file size is 5MB $MAX_TRACE_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; if ($ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_FILESIZE} ne "") { $MAX_TRACE_SIZE = $ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_FILESIZE} * 1024; } $NT = 0; if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i){ $NT = 1; } # package state #$pkgstat_package = 4; $pkgstat_upload = 6; # declare stdinArgs early. my %stdinArgs; sub parse_csv { my $text = shift; # record containing comma-separated values my @new = (); push(@new, $+) while $text =~ m{ # the first part groups the phrase inside the quotes. # see explanation of this pattern in MRE "([^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*)",? | ([^,]+),? | , }gx; push(@new, undef) if substr($text, -1,1) eq ','; return @new; # list of values that were comma-separated } sub trim { my $string = shift(@_); $string =~ s/\s//g; return $string; } ################################ # -- BEGIN WORKAROUND -- # This routine works around bug 5924743 by stopping processing # an input variable when __EndProp__ is seen (rather than just skipping it). sub get_stdinvars_workaround { my %r; while() { if(/(.*)=(.*)/) { if($2 eq "__BeginProp__") { while() { if($_ ne "__EndProp__\n") { $r{"$1"} .= "$_"; } else { last; } } } else { $r{"$1"} = "$2"; } } } return %r; } # -- END WORKAROUND -- ################################ sub invokeCmd { @fields = parse_csv($args); $cmd = shift(@fields); TRACE("cmd = $cmd\n"); if (!$use_arglist) { TRACE("args = $args\n"); } if ($cmd eq "getDefaultADRHome") { TRACE("$target_adrhome\n"); print "$target_adrhome\n"; return; } $adrid = shift(@fields); if ($cmd eq "checkFileExist") { $path = shift(@fields); $result = 0; if (-e $path) { $result = 1; } print $result; return; } if ($cmd eq "readFile") { $path = shift(@fields); open F, "< $path" or die "ERROR,DIU-59003: Can't open $path : $!"; my @f = ; close F; print @f; return; } if ($cmd eq "quickPackage") { # quickPackage pkgId pkgMode path sr mlusername mlpwd mlcsi mlcc mlseed # This command is only used for DiagJob # The output of this command will not be parsed by ADRViewer.java # Print out as much as information. my $ccrIndex = 2; my @adrArgs = @fields[0 .. $ccrIndex]; unshift(@adrArgs,"generatePhysicalPackage"); unshift(@adrArgs,$adrbase); TRACE("adrArgs = @adrArgs\n"); my $sr = $fields[3]; my $mlun = $fields[4]; my $mlpw = $fields[5]; my $mlcsi = $fields[6]; my $mlcc = $fields[7]; my $mlseed = $fields[8]; if (invokeADR(@adrArgs) == 0) { print("\nSuccessfully generated physical package\n"); # Get package name my $pkgid = $adrArgs[2]; my @getPkgArgs = (); # This logic has a tight dependency to ips_package_history relation. # If ips_package_history relation is changed, this should be changed # too. # Better way to handle this is to return the new package name from # generatePhysicalPackage api. # Currently IPS does not return new package name. # However, we can implement this logic in uidrvci. # .... push(@getPkgArgs, $adrbase); #adrbase push(@getPkgArgs, "query"); push(@getPkgArgs, "ips_package_history"); push(@getPkgArgs, "package_id=".$pkgid); push(@getPkgArgs, "ARCHIVE_TIME"); #sort_key push(@getPkgArgs, 0); #descending sort push(@getPkgArgs, -1); #id index push(@getPkgArgs, 1); #fetch invokeADR(@getPkgArgs); my $pkgName = ""; my $seq = ""; my $resultsize = @results; if ($resultsize > 0) { my $line = $results[0]; TRACE("$line\n"); my @cols = parse_csv($line); my $colsize = @cols; if ($colsize >= 7) { $pkgName = $cols[7]; $seq = $cols[2]; } } if ($pkgName eq "") { print("Failed to get the physical package name for package_id=$pkgid\n"); } else { print("Upload package : $sr,$pkgName\n"); my @ccrArgs = (); push(@ccrArgs,"upload"); push(@ccrArgs,$pkgId); push(@ccrArgs,$sr); push(@ccrArgs,$pkgName); push(@ccrArgs,$seq); push(@ccrArgs,$mlun); push(@ccrArgs,$mlpw); push(@ccrArgs,$mlcsi); push(@ccrArgs,$mlcc); push(@ccrArgs,$mlseed); TRACE("ccrArgs = @ccrArgs\n"); my $rc = invokeCCR(@ccrArgs); print "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < @results; $i++) { my $line = @results[$i]; print $line; } } } else { print("Failed to generated physical package\n"); } exit; } if ($cmd eq "uploadPhysicalPackage") { unshift(@fields, "upload"); invokeCCR(@fields); exit; } unshift(@fields,$cmd); unshift(@fields,$adrbase); ################################ # special case command processing for correlation key APIs # if ($cmd eq "getRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage") { # create temp file for ips to populate with correlated-key data my $corrKeysXMLFile = create_temp_file(".xml"); push(@fields, $corrKeysXMLFile); } elsif ($cmd eq "createPackageCorrelated") { invokeCreatePackageCorrelated(@fields); return; # do not call invokeADR } elsif ($cmd eq "useRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage" || $cmd eq "checkRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage") { invokeCmdRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage(@fields); return; # do not call invokeADR } # # end special case command processing ################################ invokeADR(@fields); } sub invokeCCR() { my @fields = @_; my $cmd = shift(@fields); my $pkgId = shift(@fields); my $sr = shift(@fields); my $pkgs = shift(@fields); my $seqs = shift(@fields); my $mlun = shift(@fields); my $mlpw = shift(@fields); my $mlcsi = shift(@fields); my $mlcc = shift(@fields); my $mlseed = shift(@fields); TRACE("sr = $sr, mlun = $mlun, mlpw = $mlpw\n"); TRACE("mlcsi = $mlcsi, mlcc= $mlcc, mlseed= $mlseed\n"); TRACE("pkgs = $pkgs, seqs=$seqs\n"); # Setting up classpath for invoking OCMAccess. OCMAccess is in emcoreAgent.jar. # We also need emocmclnt.jar, http_client.jar and regexp.jar my $sysmanjlibdir = $myorahome.$separator."sysman".$separator."jlib".$separator; my $sysmanjlibocmdir = $sysmanjlibdir."ocm".$separator; my $classpath = $sysmanjlibdir."emocmclnt.jar".$classpath_separator.$sysmanjlibdir."emocmcommon.jar".$classpath_separator.$sysmanjlibocmdir."log4j-core.jar".$classpath_separator.$sysmanjlibocmdir."regexp.jar".$classpath_separator.$sysmanjlibocmdir."http_client.jar".$classpath_separator.$sysmanjlibdir."emcoreAgent.jar"; TRACE("Classpath: $classpath\n"); #constructing the java command, which takes two arguments: the agent home and the target home. It tries the agent home first to see # if the OCM there is configured. If it is not, it'll try the DB home. my $java_binary = $ENV{JAVA_HOME}.$separator."bin".$separator."java"; my $java_command = "$java_binary -classpath $classpath oracle.sysman.eml.swb.framework.emagentAccess.OCMAccess $myorahome $orahome"; TRACE("Command: $java_command\n"); open(LOGFILE, ">>$tracefile"); open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR"); open(STDERR, ">>&LOGFILE"); open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT"); open(STDOUT, ">>&LOGFILE"); #invoking the command. The output is the OCM config path, the error thrown, or both. open(BUFP, "$java_command |"); @results = (); while () { my $line = $_; TRACE("$line"); push(@results, $line); } close(BUFP); my $exitcode = $?; #retriving the exit code from the java command. It should be in the second byte. my $ec = ($exitcode>>8) & 127; #the exit code is divided into two parts: agent exit code, and target exit code like this: tttaaa my $agent_ec = $ec & 7; my $target_ec = $ec >>3; TRACE("ec = $ec\n"); TRACE("agent_ec = $agent_ec\n"); TRACE("target ec = $target_ec\n"); my $ccrpath = $orahome.$separator."ccr"; my $resultcode = 1; #if we do have a successful invocation, the last line of the output is the config path if($agent_ec==0||$target_ec==0) { my $ressize = $results; $ccrpath = trim(@results[$ressize-1]); } else { #otherwise, we want to throw the correct error. Since the OMS expects certain exit codes, we have to convert the #exit code we got from OCMAccess to the correct OMS exit codes if($agent_ec==2) { #OCM not configured $resultcode = 100; } elsif($agent_ec==3) { #Invalid OCM state $resultcode = 101; } elsif($agent_ec==4) { #File not found $resultcode = 102; } elsif($agent_ec==5) { #Path exception $resultcode = 8; } elsif($agent_ec==6||$agent_ec==1) { #other exception or incorrect usage $resultcode = 56; } close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT"); close(STDERR); open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR"); print $resultcode; return $resultcode; } my $ccrdir = $ccrpath.$separator."state"; TRACE("ccrdir = $ccrdir\n"); chdir($ccrdir) || die "ERROR,DIU-59004: Cannot chdir $ccrdir: $!"; my $first = "diagnostic"; my $second = "$sr"; if(!(-d $first)) { mkdir($first, 0750) || die "Cannot mkdir $first: $!"; } chdir($first) || die "Cannot chdir $first: $!"; if(!(-d $second)) { mkdir($second, 0750) || die "Cannot mkdir $second: $!"; } chdir($second) || die "Cannot chdir $second: $!"; my $crd_dir = $ccrdir.$separator.$first.$separator.$second.$separator; my $crd_file = $crd_dir.$sr.".crd"; TRACE("sr file: $crd_file\n"); my $ccrhome = $agent_ec==0?$agent_ccrhome:$target_ccrhome; if (!-e $ccrhome) { print SAVEOUT "ERROR,DIU-59002: $ccrhome does not exist\n"; exit; } chdir($ccrhome) || die "ERROR,DIU-59004: Cannot chdir $ccrhome: $!"; if ($cmd eq "upload") { my $ccrtoolpath = $ccrhome . "/emCCR"; my $ccrtool = "./emCCR"; if ($NT) { $ccrtoolpath = $ccrhome . "\\emCCR.bat"; $ccrtool = ".\\emCCR.bat"; } if (!-e $ccrtool) { print SAVEOUT "ERROR,DIU-59002: $ccrtoolpath does not exist\n"; exit; } @results = (); my @pkgfiles = parse_csv($pkgs); my @pkgseqs = parse_csv($seqs); $resultcode = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < @pkgfiles; $i++) { my $pkg = @pkgfiles[$i]; my $seq = @pkgseqs[$i]; open(CRD, ">$crd_file"); print CRD "CRD_VERSION=1.0\n"; print CRD "METALINK_USER=$mlun\n"; print CRD "METALINK_PSWD=$mlpw\n"; print CRD "CRYPT_SEED=$mlseed\n"; print CRD "METALINK_CSI=$mlcsi\n"; print CRD "METALINK_CC=$mlcc\n"; close(CRD); my $cmdline = "$ccrtoolpath upload -nointeractive -diagnostic=SR=".$sr.",FILE=".$pkg; TRACE("$cmdline\n"); open(BUFP, "$cmdline |"); while () { my $line = $_; TRACE("$line"); push(@results, $line); } close(BUFP); $ec = $?; $exitcode = $ec >> 8; my $sig = $ec & 127; my $has_coredump = $ec & 128; if ($exitcode == 0) { setPackageState($adrbase, $pkgId, $seq, $pkgstat_upload); } if ($resultcode eq 0) { $resultcode = $exitcode; } } close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT"); TRACE("resultcode = $resultcode\n"); print $resultcode; } else { close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT"); print("ERROR,DIU-59005: invalid command '$cmd'\n"); } close(STDERR); open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR"); return $resultcode; } # # getCorrKeys # Pull the correlation keys from stdin arguments, populate a temp file with # them. Return the filename of the temp file. # sub getCorrKeys() { # populate temp file with correlated-key data for ips $corrKeysXMLFile = create_temp_file(".xml"); open(F, ">$corrKeysXMLFile") or die "ERROR,DIU-59003: Can't open temp file : $!"; # use ARGLIST (i.e., these operations cannot be performed in batch) print {F} ($stdinArgs{"ARGLIST"}); close(F); return $corrKeysXMLFile; } # # invokeCreatePackageCorrelated # This routine intercepts a createPackageCorrelated invocation from the OMS # This processing is necessary to avoid making many OMS->Agent calls. # # $adrBase the adr base # $createCmd should be createPackageCorrelated # $name name of the main package # sub invokeCreatePackageCorrelated() { my ($adrBase, $createCmd, $name) = @_; my $output = ''; my $corrKeysXMLFile = getCorrKeys(); # redirect printing to the trace file -- this suppresses invokeADR output. # if tracing is disabled, attempt to trace to /dev/null TRACE("Redirecting output to the log.\n"); if (EMAGENT_isPerlDebugEnabled() || !open(LOG, ">/dev/null")) { open(LOG, ">>$tracefile"); } select(LOG); # correlated keys apply; continue with the create invokeADR($adrBase, $createCmd ,$name ,"correlated_package on instance $ENV{ORACLE_SID}" ); $output = $results[0]; if (!($results[0] =~ /ERROR/)) { # no error indicates success; # output has now been determined, unless errors below my ($relation, $corrPackageID, $corrADRHome) = parse_csv($results[0]); invokeADR($adrBase, "useRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage", $corrPackageID, $corrKeysXMLFile); if ($results[0] =~ /ERROR/) { # error in useRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage"; report it and clean up TRACE("error populating package; cleaning up...\n"); $output = $results[0]; invokeADR($adrBase, "deletePackage", $corrPackageID); } } # restore printing to STDOUT. select(STDOUT); # the result print $output; } # # invokeCmdRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage # This routine intercepts a use/checkCorrKeysFromPackage invocation from the # client. # It adds a temporary correlation key file to the end of the args. # sub invokeCmdRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage() { my @fields = @_; push (@fields, getCorrKeys()); invokeADR(@fields); } sub setPackageState() { my $adrbase = shift(@_); my $pkgId = shift(@_); my $seq = shift(@_); my $pkgstate = shift(@_); my @fields = (); push(@fields, $adrbase); push(@fields, "updatePackageUploadStatus"); push(@fields, $pkgId); push(@fields, $seq); push(@fields, $pkgstate); invokeADR(@fields); # format time in 2006-10-25 16:16:01 GMT-07:00 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my $offset = sprintf "%.1f", (timegm(localtime) - time) / 3600; my $minutes = sprintf "%02d", abs( $offset - int($offset) ) * 60; $timestr = sprintf ("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT%+03d:%02d", $year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,int($offset), $minutes); @fields = (); push(@fields, $adrbase); push(@fields, "setPackageUploadTime"); push(@fields, $pkgId); push(@fields, $seq); push(@fields, $timestr); invokeADR(@fields); } # # Function: sweepADR # Description: check whether ADR should be swept and do so when necessary. # Arguments: $_[0] = target's adrbase # $_[1] = target's adrhome # $_[2] = target's oracle_home # $_[3] = arg to adrci sweep directive # sub sweepADR { my $adr_base = shift(@_); my $adr_home = shift(@_); my $oracle_home = shift(@_); my $sweep = shift(@_); my $adr_homepath = ""; if ($sweep && $adr_base) { $regexp = quotemeta("$adr_base$separator"); if ($adr_home =~ /$regexp(.*)/) { $adr_homepath = $1; $adrciexe = "$oracle_home$separator"."bin$separator". ($NT ? "adrci.exe" : "adrci"); $adrscript = "exec=\"set base $adr_base;". "set homepath $adr_homepath;". "sweep $sweep\""; TRACE("Sweeping ADR with [$adrciexe $adrscript]\n"); if (system("$adrciexe $adrscript")) { # TODO: this should be error level TRACE("ADR sweep failed; error code: ".($?>>8). " signal: ".($?&255)." error: $!\n"); } } } } sub invokeADR() { my @fields = @_; my $adrbase = shift(@fields); my $cmd = shift(@fields); my $arguments = "$cmd"; foreach (@fields) { $arg = $_; if ($arguments) { $arguments .= ","; } if ($arg eq "_TEMP_") { $arg = $temp_folder; } if ($arg =~ m/(,)/) { $arguments .= "\"" . $arg . "\""; } else { $arguments .= $arg; } } # identify the XML file for getRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage my $corrKeysXMLFile = ''; if ($cmd eq "getRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage") { $corrKeysXMLFile = $fields[$#fields]; } my $uidrv = "$uidrvhome/uidrvci"; if ($NT) { $uidrv = "$uidrvhome\\uidrvci.exe"; } if (!-e $uidrv) { print "ERROR,DIU-59001: $uidrv does not exist\n"; exit; } TRACE("$uidrv -uidrv_adrbase=$uidrv_adrbase -target_adrhome=$target_adrhome\n"); if ($use_arglist) { TRACE("command: $cmd\n"); } else { TRACE("command: $arguments\n"); } my $pid; eval { $pid = open2(*BUFP, *INPUT, "$uidrv -uidrv_adrbase=$uidrv_adrbase -target_adrhome=$target_adrhome"); }; if ($@) { print "adrviewer.pl: unexpected error $@"; return $?; } print INPUT "$arguments\n"; print INPUT "\n"; # need this for uidrvci to exit close(INPUT); @results = (); $isTraceCmd = 0; if (($cmd eq "showXMLTraceMap") || ($cmd eq "showTraceSection")) { $isTraceCmd = 1; } while( ) { my $line = $_; # bug 9258685. On Windows, a CR char is seen before the newline # Working around this by stripping each line of whitespace $line =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading spaces $line =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing spaces (including newlines) $line .= "\n"; # add a newline if (!$isTraceCmd) { TRACE("$line"); } ################################ # special case output for getRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage # on success, XML file contents are returned # if ($cmd eq "getRemoteCorrKeysFromPackage" && # command $line == 1 && # success $corrKeysXMLFile) { # unspooled file if (!open(F, "< $corrKeysXMLFile")) { print "ERROR,DIU-59003: Can't open temp correlation key file : $!"; } else { while () { print; } close(F); } # we tried once; don't try again $corrKeysXMLFile = ''; } # # end special case output ################################ else { # standard operating procedure print $line; } push(@results, $line); } close(BUFP); # need to avoid running out of resource in NT waitpid($pid, 0); my $ec = $?; my $exitcode = $ec >> 8; my $sig = $ec & 127; my $has_coredump = $ec & 128; return $exitcode; } $orahome = trim($ENV{"EM_TARGET_ORACLE_HOME"}); $sid = trim($ENV{"EM_TARGET_ORACLE_SID"}); $args = ""; foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) { if ($args ne "") { $args .= " "; } $args .= $ARGV[$argnum]; } $myorahome = trim($ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}); $separator = $NT ? "\\" : "\/"; $classpath_separator = $NT ? ";":":"; if ($ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_DIR} ne "") { $tracefile = $ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_DIR}.$separator."adrviewer.log"; $backup_tracefile = $ENV{EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_DIR}.$separator.".adrviewer.log"; } my $state_root = ""; if ($ENV{EMSTATE} ne "") { $state_root = $ENV{EMSTATE}; } elsif ($ENV{EMDROOT} ne "") { $state_root = $ENV{EMDROOT}; } elsif ($ENV{EM_AGENT_STATE_DIR} ne "") { $state_root = $ENV{EM_AGENT_STATE_DIR}; } if ($state_root ne "" && -d $state_root) { $temp_folder = $state_root.$separator."sysman".$separator."emd".$separator."state".$separator; if ($tracefile eq "") { $tracefile = $state_root.$separator."sysman".$separator."log".$separator."adrviewer.log"; $backup_tracefile = $state_root.$separator."sysman".$separator."log".$separator.".adrviewer.log"; } } else { chdir($myorahome) || die "Cannot chdir $myorahome: $!"; my $firstdir = "sysman"; my $seconddir = "log"; if (!(-d $firstdir)) { mkdir($firstdir, 0750) || die "Cannot mkdir $firstdir: $!"; } chdir($firstdir) || die "Cannot chdir $firstdir: $!"; if (!(-d $seconddir)) { mkdir($seconddir, 0750) || die "Cannot mkdir $seconddir: $!"; } $temp_folder = $myorahome.$separator.$firstdir.$separator.$seconddir.$separator; if ($tracefile eq "") { $tracefile = $temp_folder."adrviewer.log"; $backup_tracefile = $temp_folder."adrviewer.log"; } } my $tracesize = -s $tracefile; if ($tracesize > $MAX_TRACE_SIZE) { if (!rename($tracefile, $backup_tracefile)) { EMAGENT_PERL_WARN("Could not rename file $trace_file : $!\n"); unlink($tracefile); } } TRACE("orahome : $orahome\n"); TRACE("myorahome : $myorahome\n"); TRACE("sid : $sid\n"); TRACE("args = $args\n"); TRACE("temp_folder = $temp_folder\n"); $target_adrbase = $ENV{"EM_TARGET_ADR_BASE"}; $target_adrhome = $ENV{"EM_TARGET_ADR_HOME"}; TRACE("EM_TARGET_ADR_BASE = $target_adrbase\n"); TRACE("EM_TARGET_ADR_HOME = $target_adrhome\n"); $sweep = $ENV{"EM_TARGET_SWEEP"}; TRACE("EM_TARGET_SWEEP = $sweep\n"); $uidrv_adrbase = File::Spec->catdir($orahome, "log"); $uidrvhome = File::Spec->catdir($orahome, "bin"); $uidrvlib = File::Spec->catdir($orahome, "lib"); $target_ccrhome = File::Spec->catdir($orahome, "ccr", "bin"); $agent_ccrhome = File::Spec->catdir($myorahome, "ccr", "bin"); TRACE("NT = $NT\n"); ################################ # -- BEGIN WORKAROUND -- # Restore the following line to get_stdinvars when the workaround for bug # 5924743 is no longer necessary. %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars_workaround(); #%stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); # -- END WORKAROUND -- ################################ @requests = (); $use_arglist = 0; if ($args eq "ARGLIST") { my $arglist = $stdinArgs{"ARGLIST"}; @requests = split('\n', $arglist); $use_arglist = 1; } else { push(@requests, $args); } @results = (); # setup the environment if ($orahome ne "") { $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $orahome; } if ($sid ne "") { $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} = $sid; } if ($NT) { my $ldpath = $ENV{'PATH'}; $ldpath = "$uidrvhome;$uidrvlib;$ldpath"; $ENV{'PATH'} = $ldpath; } else { my $sep_token = get_shared_lib_path_separator(); my $current_lib_path = get_complete_lib_path(); my $new_lib_path = "$uidrvlib"."$sep_token"."$current_lib_path"; set_complete_lib_path("$new_lib_path"); my $path = $ENV{'PATH'}; $path = "$uidrvhome"."$sep_token"."$path"; $ENV{'PATH'} = $path; } # Conditionally sweep ADR. sweepADR($target_adrbase, $target_adrhome, $orahome, $sweep); if ($args ne "") { for ($i = 0; $i < @requests; $i++) { $args = @requests[$i]; $args =~ s/=/=/g; $args =~ s/,/,/g; $args =~ s/"/"/g; $args =~ s/'/'/g; if ($args =~ m/^EM_TARGET/) { $args = ""; } if ($args ne "") { invokeCmd; if (($i + 1) < @requests) { print "RESP\n"; } } } } exit;