# $Header: emagent/sysman/admin/scripts/Ptdpm11.pm /stpl_db_11. 2010/04/29 23:34:26 nparaddi Exp $ # # Package : Ptdpm11.pm # # Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # Ptdpm11.pm # # DESCRIPTION # Common date conversion utilities # # NOTES # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # nparaddi 07/22/09 - Add compareDates function # mgoodric 05/13/05 - fix warning with bitwise operator on 5.8.3 # mgoodric 05/02/05 - convert to UTC times for INSTALLATION_DATE # mgoodric 09/27/04 - code cleanup # skumar 01/02/04 - fix instdate # skumar 12/31/03 - AIX changes # mgoodric 11/18/03 - added latest 10g timezone offsets # mgoodric 11/17/03 - fix GMT offsets for parsing by Java # mgoodric 06/16/03 - fix converting Solaris timezone to JAVA timezones # mgoodric 05/11/03 - added -debug tracing # mgoodric 04/24/03 - fix parsing dates with full month names # mgoodric 04/15/03 - fix using uname for arch # mgoodric 04/08/03 - fix finding MAC address # xxu 06/25/02 - remove /usr/local/bin/perl # vkhizder 06/20/02 - vkhizder_compare_fix_2420795_collection_script_changes # goramamo 06/02/02 - GIT5: Include zone in the outputs # mgoodric 02/14/02 - Make scripts more portable # goramamo 12/15/01 - Creation # ##************************************************************* use strict; package Ptdpm11; use Carp; require 5.005; #require 5.6.1; require Exporter; #use POSIX; use Ptdpm3; use Time::Local; #****************************************** # Export Subroutines #****************************************** @Ptdpm11::ISA = ('Exporter'); @Ptdpm11::EXPORT = qw( &convMon_DD_YYYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD &convMon_DD_YYYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD2 &convMon_DD_YYYY_To_MMDDYYYY &convDay_Mon_DD_Time_Zone_YYYYToYYYY_MM_DD &convLocalTimeToYYYYMMDD_hhmmss_Zone &convEpochTime &getTimeZone &getTimeZone2 &getTimeZone3 &getGMTDiff &convMMDDYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD &compareDates ); #****************************************** # Global Variables #****************************************** use constant NIL => ''; %Ptdpm11::Months = ( # en (English) "Thu Jun 19 18:11:11 EDT 2003" "January" => '01', "February" => '02', "March" => '03', "April" => '04', "May" => '05', "June" => '06', "July" => '07', "August" => '08', "September" => '09', "October" => '10', "November" => '11', "December" => '12', "Jan" => '01', "Feb" => '02', "Mar" => '03', "Apr" => '04', "May" => '05', "Jun" => '06', "Jul" => '07', "Aug" => '08', "Sep" => '09', "Oct" => '10', "Nov" => '11', "Dec" => '12', # de (German) "Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2003, 15:21:01 Uhr EDT" "Januar" => '01', "Februar" => '02', "M\344rz" => '03', "April" => '04', "Mai" => '05', "Juni" => '06', "Juli" => '07', "August" => '08', "September" => '09', "Oktober" => '10', "November" => '11', "Dezember" => '12', "Jan" => '01', "Feb" => '02', "M\344r" => '03', "Apr" => '04', "Mai" => '05', "Jun" => '06', "Jul" => '07', "Aug" => '08', "Sep" => '09', "Okt" => '10', "Nov" => '11', "Dez" => '12', # es (Spanish) "jueves, 19 de junio de 2003, 15:21:05 EDT" "enero" => '01', "febrero" => '02', "marzo" => '03', "abril" => '04', "mayo" => '05', "junio" => '06', "julio" => '07', "agosto" => '08', "septiembre" => '09', "octubre" => '10', "noviembre" => '11', "diciembre" => '12', "ene" => '01', "feb" => '02', "mar" => '03', "abr" => '04', "may" => '05', "jun" => '06', "jul" => '07', "ago" => '08', "sep" => '09', "oct" => '10', "nov" => '11', "dic" => '12', # fr (French) "jeudi, 19 juin 2003, 15:21:08 EDT" "janvier" => '01', "f\351vrier" => '02', "mars" => '03', "avril" => '04', "mai" => '05', "juin" => '06', "juillet" => '07', "ao\373t" => '08', "septembre" => '09', "octobre" => '10', "novembre" => '11', "d\351cembre" => '12', "jan" => '01', "f\351v" => '02', "mar" => '03', "avr" => '04', "mai" => '05', "jun" => '06', "jul" => '07', "ao\373" => '08', "sep" => '09', "oct" => '10', "nov" => '11', "d\351c" => '12', # it (Italian) "gioved, 19 giugno 2003, 15:21:11 EDT" "gennaio" => '01', "febbraio" => '02', "marzo" => '03', "aprile" => '04', "maggio" => '05', "giugno" => '06', "luglio" => '07', "agosto" => '08', "settembre" => '09', "ottobre" => '10', "novembre" => '11', "dicembre" => '12', "gen" => '01', "feb" => '02', "mar" => '03', "apr" => '04', "mag" => '05', "giu" => '06', "lug" => '07', "ago" => '08', "set" => '09', "ott" => '10', "nov" => '11', "dic" => '12', # pt_BR (Portuguese) "quinta-feira 19 junho 2003, 15:21:16 EDT" "janeiro" => '01', "fevereiro" => '02', "mar\347o" => '03', "abril" => '04', "maio" => '05', "junho" => '06', "julho" => '07', "agosto" => '08', "setembro" => '09', "outubro" => '10', "novembro" => '11', "dezembro" => '12', "jan" => '01', "fev" => '02', "mar" => '03', "abr" => '04', "mai" => '05', "jun" => '06', "jul" => '07', "ago" => '08', "set" => '09', "out" => '10', "nov" => '11', "dez" => '12' ); %Ptdpm11::Timezones = ( # Timezone regions with +00:00 standard offset from GMT "Africa/Casablanca" => 'GMT', "Africa/Freetown" => 'GMT', "Africa/Nouakchott" => 'GMT', "Atlantic/Canary" => 'GMT', "Atlantic/Faeroe" => 'GMT', "Atlantic/Madeira" => 'GMT', "Atlantic/Reykjavik" => 'GMT', "Atlantic/St_Helena" => 'GMT', "Eire" => 'GMT', "Etc/GMT" => 'GMT', "Etc/GMT+0" => 'GMT', "Etc/GMT-0" => 'GMT', "Etc/GMT0" => 'GMT', "Etc/Greenwich" => 'GMT', "Europe/Belfast" => 'GMT', "Europe/Dublin" => 'GMT', "Europe/Lisbon" => 'GMT', "Europe/London" => 'GMT', "GB" => 'GMT', "GB-Eire" => 'GMT', "GMT" => 'GMT', "GMT+0" => 'GMT', "GMT-0" => 'GMT', "GMT0" => 'GMT', "Greenwich" => 'GMT', "Iceland" => 'GMT', "Portugal" => 'GMT', "UTC" => 'GMT', "WET" => 'GMT', # Timezone regions with +01:00 standard offset from GMT "Africa/Algiers" => 'GMT+01:00', "Africa/Ceuta" => 'GMT+01:00', "Africa/Tunis" => 'GMT+01:00', "Arctic/Longyearbyen" => 'GMT+01:00', "CET" => 'GMT+01:00', "Etc/GMT-1" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Amsterdam" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Belgrade" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Berlin" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Bratislava" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Brussels" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Budapest" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Copenhagen" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Gibraltar" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Ljubljana" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Luxembourg" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Madrid" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Monaco" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Oslo" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Paris" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Prague" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Rome" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/San_Marino" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Sarajevo" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Skopje" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Stockholm" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Tirane" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Vatican" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Vienna" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Warsaw" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Zagreb" => 'GMT+01:00', "Europe/Zurich" => 'GMT+01:00', "MET" => 'GMT+01:00', "Poland" => 'GMT+01:00', # Timezone regions with +02:00 standard offset from GMT "Africa/Cairo" => 'GMT+02:00', "Africa/Johannesburg" => 'GMT+02:00', "Africa/Khartoum" => 'GMT+02:00', "Africa/Tripoli" => 'GMT+02:00', "Africa/Windhoek" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Beirut" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Damascus" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Gaza" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Istanbul" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Jerusalem" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Nicosia" => 'GMT+02:00', "Asia/Tel_Aviv" => 'GMT+02:00', "EET" => 'GMT+02:00', "Egypt" => 'GMT+02:00', "Etc/GMT-2" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Athens" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Bucharest" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Helsinki" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Istanbul" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Kaliningrad" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Kiev" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Minsk" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Riga" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Simferopol" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Sofia" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Tallinn" => 'GMT+02:00', "Europe/Vilnius" => 'GMT+02:00', "Israel" => 'GMT+02:00', "Libya" => 'GMT+02:00', "Turkey" => 'GMT+02:00', # Timezone regions with +03:00 standard offset from GMT "Africa/Djibouti" => 'GMT+03:00', "Africa/Mogadishu" => 'GMT+03:00', "Africa/Nairobi" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Aden" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Amman" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Baghdad" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Bahrain" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Kuwait" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Qatar" => 'GMT+03:00', "Asia/Riyadh" => 'GMT+03:00', "Etc/GMT-3" => 'GMT+03:00', "Europe/Moscow" => 'GMT+03:00', "Indian/Mayotte" => 'GMT+03:00', "W-SU" => 'GMT+03:00', # Timezone regions with +03:30 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Tehran" => 'GMT+03:30', "Iran" => 'GMT+03:30', # Timezone regions with +04:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Aqtau" => 'GMT+04:00', "Asia/Baku" => 'GMT+04:00', "Asia/Dubai" => 'GMT+04:00', "Asia/Muscat" => 'GMT+04:00', "Asia/Tbilisi" => 'GMT+04:00', "Asia/Yerevan" => 'GMT+04:00', "Etc/GMT-4" => 'GMT+04:00', "Europe/Samara" => 'GMT+04:00', "Indian/Reunion" => 'GMT+04:00', # Timezone regions with +04:30 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Kabul" => 'GMT+04:30', # Timezone regions with +05:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Aqtobe" => 'GMT+05:00', "Asia/Bishkek" => 'GMT+05:00', "Asia/Karachi" => 'GMT+05:00', "Asia/Tashkent" => 'GMT+05:00', "Asia/Yekaterinburg" => 'GMT+05:00', "Etc/GMT-5" => 'GMT+05:00', "Indian/Chagos" => 'GMT+05:00', # Timezone regions with +05:30 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Calcutta" => 'GMT+05:30', # Timezone regions with +06:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Almaty" => 'GMT+06:00', "Asia/Dacca" => 'GMT+06:00', "Asia/Novosibirsk" => 'GMT+06:00', "Asia/Omsk" => 'GMT+06:00', "Etc/GMT-6" => 'GMT+06:00', # Timezone regions with +06:30 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Rangoon" => 'GMT+06:30', "Indian/Cocos" => 'GMT+06:30', # Timezone regions with +07:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Bangkok" => 'GMT+07:00', "Asia/Jakarta" => 'GMT+07:00', "Asia/Krasnoyarsk" => 'GMT+07:00', "Asia/Saigon" => 'GMT+07:00', "Etc/GMT-7" => 'GMT+07:00', "Indian/Christmas" => 'GMT+07:00', # Timezone regions with +08:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Chungking" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Harbin" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Hong_Kong" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Irkutsk" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Kashgar" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Kuching" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Macao" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Manila" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Shanghai" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Singapore" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Taipei" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Ujung_Pandang" => 'GMT+08:00', "Asia/Urumqi" => 'GMT+08:00', "Australia/Perth" => 'GMT+08:00', "Australia/West" => 'GMT+08:00', "Etc/GMT-8" => 'GMT+08:00', "Hongkong" => 'GMT+08:00', "PRC" => 'GMT+08:00', "ROC" => 'GMT+08:00', "Singapore" => 'GMT+08:00', # Timezone regions with +09:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Jayapura" => 'GMT+09:00', "Asia/Seoul" => 'GMT+09:00', "Asia/Tokyo" => 'GMT+09:00', "Asia/Yakutsk" => 'GMT+09:00', "Etc/GMT-9" => 'GMT+09:00', "Japan" => 'GMT+09:00', "ROK" => 'GMT+09:00', # Timezone regions with +09:30 standard offset from GMT "Australia/Darwin" => 'GMT+09:30', "Australia/North" => 'GMT+09:30', # Timezone regions with +10:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Vladivostok" => 'GMT+10:00', "Australia/Brisbane" => 'GMT+10:00', "Australia/Lindeman" => 'GMT+10:00', "Australia/Queensland" => 'GMT+10:00', "Etc/GMT-10" => 'GMT+10:00', "Pacific/Guam" => 'GMT+10:00', "Pacific/Saipan" => 'GMT+10:00', # Timezone regions with +10:30 standard offset from GMT "Australia/Adelaide" => 'GMT+10:30', "Australia/Broken_Hill" => 'GMT+10:30', "Australia/South" => 'GMT+10:30', "Australia/Yancowinna" => 'GMT+10:30', # Timezone regions with +11:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Magadan" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/ACT" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Canberra" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Hobart" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/LHI" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Lord_Howe" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Melbourne" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/NSW" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Sydney" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Tasmania" => 'GMT+11:00', "Australia/Victoria" => 'GMT+11:00', "Etc/GMT-11" => 'GMT+11:00', "Pacific/Noumea" => 'GMT+11:00', # Timezone regions with +11:30 standard offset from GMT "Pacific/Norfolk" => 'GMT+11:30', # Timezone regions with +12:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Kamchatka" => 'GMT+12:00', "Etc/GMT-12" => 'GMT+12:00', "Kwajalein" => 'GMT+12:00', "Pacific/Kwajalein" => 'GMT+12:00', "Pacific/Wake" => 'GMT+12:00', "Pacific/Wallis" => 'GMT+12:00', # Timezone regions with +13:00 standard offset from GMT "Asia/Anadyr" => 'GMT+13:00', "Etc/GMT-13" => 'GMT+13:00', "NZ" => 'GMT+13:00', "Pacific/Auckland" => 'GMT+13:00', "Pacific/Fiji" => 'GMT+13:00', # Timezone regions with +13:45 standard offset from GMT "NZ-CHAT" => 'GMT+13:45', "Pacific/Chatham" => 'GMT+13:45', # Timezone regions with -01:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Scoresbysund" => 'GMT-01:00', "Atlantic/Azores" => 'GMT-01:00', "Etc/GMT+1" => 'GMT-01:00', # Timezone regions with -02:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Araguaina" => 'GMT-02:00', "America/Fortaleza" => 'GMT-02:00', "America/Maceio" => 'GMT-02:00', "America/Noronha" => 'GMT-02:00', "America/Sao_Paulo" => 'GMT-02:00', "Brazil/DeNoronha" => 'GMT-02:00', "Brazil/East" => 'GMT-02:00', "Etc/GMT+2" => 'GMT-02:00', # Timezone regions with -03:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Asuncion" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Belem" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Boa_Vista" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Buenos_Aires" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Cayenne" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Cuiaba" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Godthab" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Miquelon" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Montevideo" => 'GMT-03:00', "America/Santiago" => 'GMT-03:00', "Atlantic/Stanley" => 'GMT-03:00', "Chile/Continental" => 'GMT-03:00', "Etc/GMT+3" => 'GMT-03:00', # Timezone regions with -03:30 standard offset from GMT "America/St_Johns" => 'GMT-03:30', "Canada/Newfoundland" => 'GMT-03:30', # Timezone regions with -04:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Anguilla" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Caracas" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Curacao" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Goose_Bay" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Guadeloupe" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Halifax" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/La_Paz" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Manaus" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Martinique" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Montserrat" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Porto_Velho" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Puerto_Rico" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/St_Thomas" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Thule" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Tortola" => 'GMT-04:00', "America/Virgin" => 'GMT-04:00', "Atlantic/Bermuda" => 'GMT-04:00', "Brazil/West" => 'GMT-04:00', "Canada/Atlantic" => 'GMT-04:00', "Etc/GMT+4" => 'GMT-04:00', # Timezone regions with -05:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Bogota" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Cayman" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Detroit" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Fort_Wayne" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Grand_Turk" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Guayaquil" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Havana" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Indianapolis" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Indiana/Knox" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Indiana/Marengo" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Indiana/Vevay" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Jamaica" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Knox_IN" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Lima" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Louisville" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Montreal" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/New_York" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Panama" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Thunder_Bay" => 'GMT-05:00', "America/Porto_Acre" => 'GMT-05:00', "Brazil/Acre" => 'GMT-05:00', "Canada/Eastern" => 'GMT-05:00', "Chile/EasterIsland" => 'GMT-05:00', "Cuba" => 'GMT-05:00', "EST" => 'GMT-05:00', "EST5EDT" => 'GMT-05:00', "Etc/GMT+5" => 'GMT-05:00', "Jamaica" => 'GMT-05:00', "Pacific/Easter" => 'GMT-05:00', "US/East-Indiana" => 'GMT-05:00', "US/Eastern" => 'GMT-05:00', "US/Indiana-Starke" => 'GMT-05:00', "US/Michigan" => 'GMT-05:00', # Timezone regions with -06:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Cambridge_Bay" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Cancun" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Chicago" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Costa_Rica" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/El_Salvador" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Guatemala" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Iqaluit" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Managua" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Mexico_City" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Rankin_Inlet" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Regina" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Swift_Current" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Tegucigalpa" => 'GMT-06:00', "America/Winnipeg" => 'GMT-06:00', "CST" => 'GMT-06:00', "CST6CDT" => 'GMT-06:00', "Canada/Central" => 'GMT-06:00', "Canada/East-Saskatchewan" => 'GMT-06:00', "Canada/Saskatchewan" => 'GMT-06:00', "Etc/GMT+6" => 'GMT-06:00', "Mexico/General" => 'GMT-06:00', "US/Central" => 'GMT-06:00', # Timezone regions with -07:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Boise" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Chihuahua" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Dawson_Creek" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Denver" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Edmonton" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Inuvik" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Mazatlan" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Phoenix" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Shiprock" => 'GMT-07:00', "America/Yellowknife" => 'GMT-07:00', "Canada/Mountain" => 'GMT-07:00', "Etc/GMT+7" => 'GMT-07:00', "MST" => 'GMT-07:00', "MST7MDT" => 'GMT-07:00', "Mexico/BajaSur" => 'GMT-07:00', "Navajo" => 'GMT-07:00', "US/Arizona" => 'GMT-07:00', "US/Mountain" => 'GMT-07:00', # Timezone regions with -08:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Dawson" => 'GMT-08:00', "America/Ensenada" => 'GMT-08:00', "America/Los_Angeles" => 'GMT-08:00', "America/Tijuana" => 'GMT-08:00', "America/Vancouver" => 'GMT-08:00', "America/Whitehorse" => 'GMT-08:00', "Canada/Pacific" => 'GMT-08:00', "Canada/Yukon" => 'GMT-08:00', "Etc/GMT+8" => 'GMT-08:00', "Mexico/BajaNorte" => 'GMT-08:00', "PST" => 'GMT-08:00', "PST8PDT" => 'GMT-08:00', "US/Pacific" => 'GMT-08:00', "US/Pacific-New" => 'GMT-08:00', # Timezone regions with -08:30 standard offset from GMT "Pacific/Pitcairn" => 'GMT-08:30', # Timezone regions with -09:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Anchorage" => 'GMT-09:00', "America/Juneau" => 'GMT-09:00', "America/Anchorage" => 'GMT-09:00', "Etc/GMT+9" => 'GMT-09:00', "Pacific/Gambier" => 'GMT-09:00', "US/Alaska" => 'GMT-09:00', # Timezone regions with -09:30 standard offset from GMT "Pacific/Marquesas" => 'GMT-09:30', # Timezone regions with -10:00 standard offset from GMT "America/Adak" => 'GMT-10:00', "America/Atka" => 'GMT-10:00', "Etc/GMT+10" => 'GMT-10:00', "HST" => 'GMT-10:00', "Pacific/Fakaofo" => 'GMT-10:00', "Pacific/Honolulu" => 'GMT-10:00', "Pacific/Johnston" => 'GMT-10:00', "Pacific/Rarotonga" => 'GMT-10:00', "Pacific/Tahiti" => 'GMT-10:00', "US/Aleutian" => 'GMT-10:00', "US/Hawaii" => 'GMT-10:00', # Timezone regions with -11:00 standard offset from GMT "Etc/GMT+11" => 'GMT-11:00', "Pacific/Midway" => 'GMT-11:00', "Pacific/Niue" => 'GMT-11:00', "Pacific/Pago_Pago" => 'GMT-11:00', "Pacific/Samoa" => 'GMT-11:00', "US/Samoa" => 'GMT-11:00', # Timezone regions with -12:00 standard offset from GMT "Etc/GMT+12" => 'GMT-12:00', # Atlantic "ADT" => 'GMT-03:00', # Eastern "EDT" => 'GMT-04:00', # Central "CDT" => 'GMT-05:00', # Mountain "MDT" => 'GMT-06:00', # Pacific "PDT" => 'GMT-07:00', # Hawaii "HDT" => 'GMT-09:30' ); $Ptdpm11::Timezone = NIL; use constant DASH_CHR => '-'; use constant SLASH_CHR => '/'; use constant OPAREN_CHR => '('; use constant CPAREN_CHR => ')'; use constant TW_YEAR => 1911; use constant PM_OFFSET => 12; #****************************************** # Exported Subroutines #****************************************** # en "INSTDATE: Jun 19 2003" # de "INSTDATE: 19. Juni 2003" # es "INSTDATE: 19 de junio de 2003" # fr "INSTDATE: 19 juin 2003" # it "INSTDATE: 19 giugno 2003" # ja "INSTDATE: 2003ޯ0619" # ko "INSTDATE: 2003 6 19" # pt_BR "INSTDATE: 19 junho 2003" # zh_CN "INSTDATE: 20030619" # zh_TW "INSTDATE: 92 06ם19" sub convMon_DD_YYYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD { #Arguments: date, required format #Outputs : date #Function : conversion to required format my ($indt) = $_[0]; # Sample input: INSTDATE: Feb 1 2001 my $instdt = NIL; # Sample output: 2001-02-01 my $mon = NIL; my $day = NIL; my $year = NIL; my (@in) = (); if ((defined $indt) && (length($indt) > 0)) { @in = split (' ', $indt); if (scalar(@in) == 2) # Japanese, Chinese { # ja "INSTDATE: 2003ޯ0619" $year = substr($in[1], 0, 4); $mon = substr($in[1], 6, 2); $day = substr($in[1], 10, 2); } elsif (scalar(@in) == 3) # Taiwan { # zh_TW "INSTDATE: 92 06ם19" $year = substr($in[1], 0, length($in[1]) - 2); $year += TW_YEAR if (isYear($year)); $mon = substr($in[2], 0, 2); $day = substr($in[2], 4, 2); } elsif (scalar(@in) >= 4) { $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[1]}; if (isMonth($mon)) # English { $day = $in[2]; $year = $in[3]; } else # European, Asian { $day = $in[1]; if (scalar(@in) >= 6 && $in[2] eq "de") # Spanish { # es "INSTDATE: 19 de junio de 2003" $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[3]}; $year = $in[5]; } else # French, German, Italian, Portugese { # fr "INSTDATE: 19 juin 2003" $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[2]}; $year = $in[3]; } if (!isMonth($mon)) { if (scalar(@in) == 4) # Korean { # ko "INSTDATE: 2003 6 19" $year = substr($in[1], 0, 4); $mon = substr($in[2], 0, length($in[2]) - 2); $day = substr($in[3], 0, length($in[3]) - 2); } } } } $day =~ s/[. ,]//g; $year =~ s/[. ,]//g; if (isMonth($mon) && isDay($day) && isYear($year)) { # YYYY-MM-DD Format $instdt = $year . DASH_CHR . zeroPad($mon) . DASH_CHR . zeroPad($day); } } return $instdt; } sub getDateComponents($) { # sample input : 2009-07-15 05:40:21 (GMT) # sample output : 21 40 05 15 07 2009 my ($date,$time) = split(' ',$_[0]); my ($yr,$mon,$dd) = split('-',$date); my ($hr,$min,$sec) = split(':',$time); return ($sec,$min,$hr,$dd,$mon,$yr); } sub compareDates($$) { # This function compare two dates and returns # greater than 0 if first date is later than second date # less than 0 if second date is later than first date # 0 if both equal # date format should be YYYY-MON-DD HH:MIN:SEC (GMT) # time zone will be ignored # effectively this returns epoch sec difference between the dates my $l_epoch_sec=0; my $r_epoch_sec=0; if ( $_[0] ne NIL ) { my ($sec,$min,$hr,$dd,$mon,$yr) = getDateComponents($_[0]); # timelocal takes month values from 0..11(meaning Since Jan), so less 1 from month $mon--; $l_epoch_sec = timelocal($sec,$min,$hr,$dd,$mon,$yr); } if ( $_[1] ne NIL ) { my ($sec,$min,$hr,$dd,$mon,$yr) = getDateComponents($_[1]); $mon--; $r_epoch_sec = timelocal($sec,$min,$hr,$dd,$mon,$yr); } return $l_epoch_sec - $r_epoch_sec; } # NOTE: not currently used sub convMon_DD_YYYY_To_MMDDYYYY { my ($indt) = $_[0]; # Sample input: INSTDATE: Feb 1 2001 my $instdt = NIL; # Sample output: 02012001 $instdt = convMon_DD_YYYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD($indt); if ((defined $instdt) && (length($instdt) >= 10)) { # MMDDYYYY Format $instdt = substr($instdt, 5, 2) . substr($instdt, 8, 2) . substr($instdt, 0, 4); } return $instdt; } # en "Jun 19 2003 18:11" # de "19. Juni 2003, 15:21" # es "19 de junio de 2003, 15:21" # fr "19 juin 2003, 15:21" # it "19 giugno 2003, 15:21" # ja "2003ޯ0619 1521ڭ" # ko "2003 6 19 « 03 21" # pt_BR "19 junho 2003, 15:21" # zh_CN "20030619 1521" # zh_TW "92 06ם19 դݾ 1521׍" sub convMon_DD_YYYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD2 { #Arguments: date and timezone, required format #Outputs : date #Function : Package date conversion to required format my ($indt) = $_[0]; # Sample input: Apr 24 1998 20:50 my ($tz) = $_[1]; # Sample input: US/Pacific or PST8PDT or PDT or PST my $instdt = NIL; # Sample output: 1998-04-24 20:50:00 (GMT-08:00) my $mon = NIL; my $day = NIL; my $year = NIL; my $hr = NIL; my $min = NIL; my $hhmmss = NIL; my $tzID = NIL; my (@in) = (); # $tz =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # $tz =! /^[A-Z][A-Z]T$/ && do { $tz = getTimeZone();}; # if ($tz =~ /^[A-Z][A-Z]/T) { $tz = getTimeZone();} # if (length($tz) == 0) # { # $tz = getTimeZone(); # chomp($tz); # } # $tz = 'GMT'; if ((defined $indt) && (length($indt) > 0)) { @in = split (' ', $indt); if (scalar(@in) == 2) # Japanese, Chinese { # ja "2003ޯ0619 1521ڭ" $year = substr($in[0], 0, 4); $mon = substr($in[0], 6, 2); $day = substr($in[0], 10, 2); $hr = substr($in[1], 0, 2); $min = substr($in[1], 4, 2); $hhmmss = zeroPad($hr) . ':' . zeroPad($min) if (isHour($hr) && isMins($min)); } elsif (scalar(@in) >= 4) { $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[0]}; if (isMonth($mon)) # English { $day = $in[1]; $year = $in[2]; $hhmmss = $in[3]; } else # European, Asian { $day = $in[0]; if (scalar(@in) >= 6 && $in[1] eq "de") # Spanish { # es "19 de junio de 2003, 15:21" $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[2]}; $year = $in[4]; $hhmmss = $in[5]; } else # French, German, Italian, Portugese { # fr "19 juin 2003, 15:21" $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[1]}; $year = $in[2]; $hhmmss = $in[3]; } if (!isMonth($mon)) { if (scalar(@in) == 4) # Taiwan { # zh_TW "92 06ם19 դݾ 1521׍" $year = substr($in[0], 0, length($in[0]) - 2); $year += TW_YEAR if (isYear($year)); $mon = substr($in[1], 0, 2); $day = substr($in[1], 4, 2); $hr = substr($in[3], 0, 2); $min = substr($in[3], 4, 2); $hhmmss = zeroPad($hr) . ':' . zeroPad($min) if (isHour($hr) && isMins($min)); } elsif (scalar(@in) == 6) # Korean { # ko "2003 6 19 03 21" $year = substr($in[0], 0, 4); $mon = substr($in[1], 0, length($in[1]) - 2); $day = substr($in[2], 0, length($in[2]) - 2); $hr = substr($in[4], 0, length($in[4]) - 2); $hr += PM_OFFSET if (isInRange($hr, 0, 11) && $in[3] eq "\277\300\310\304"); $min = substr($in[5], 0, length($in[5]) - 2); $hhmmss = zeroPad($hr) . ':' . zeroPad($min) if (isHour($hr) && isMins($min)); } } } } $day =~ s/[. ,]//g; $year =~ s/[. ,]//g; if (isMonth($mon) && isDay($day) && isYear($year) && isTime($hhmmss)) { $tz = getTimeZone3() if ((!defined $tz) || (length($tz) == 0)); $tzID = $Ptdpm11::Timezones{$tz} if ((defined $tz) && (length($tz) > 0)); if ((!defined $tzID) || (length($tzID) == 0)) { if (substr($tz, 0, 3) eq "GMT") { $tzID = $tz; } else { $tzID = NIL; # let UI figure out the GMT offset for host } } $hhmmss .= ':00' if (length($hhmmss) <= 5); # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (z) Format $instdt = $year . DASH_CHR . zeroPad($mon) . DASH_CHR . zeroPad($day) . ' ' . $hhmmss . ' ' . OPAREN_CHR . $tzID . CPAREN_CHR; } } return $instdt; } # en "Thu Jun 19 18:11:11 EDT 2003" # de "Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2003, 15:21:01 Uhr EDT" # es "jueves, 19 de junio de 2003, 15:21:05 EDT" # fr "jeudi, 19 juin 2003, 15:21:08 EDT" # it "gioved, 19 giugno 2003, 15:21:11 EDT" # ja "2003ޯ0619 () 1521ڭ12Ϯ EDT" # ko "2003 6 19 « 03 21 12" # pt_BR "quinta-feira 19 junho 2003, 15:21:16 EDT" # zh_CN "20030619  152121 EDT" # zh_TW "➥ݞ 92 06ם19 դݾ 1521׍ 21Զ EDT" sub convLocalTimeToYYYYMMDD_hhmmss_Zone { # Function: Patch date conversion my ($indt) = $_[0]; # Sample input: Fri Apr 24 20:50:37 PDT 1998 my $instdt = NIL; # Sample output: 1998-04-24 20:50:37 (PDT) my $mon = NIL; my $day = NIL; my $year = NIL; my $hr = NIL; my $min = NIL; my $sec = NIL; my $hhmmss = NIL; my $tz = NIL; my (@in) = (); if ((defined $indt) && (length($indt) > 0)) { @in = split (' ', $indt); if (scalar(@in) == 4) # Japanese, Chinese { # ja "2003ޯ0619 () 1521ڭ12Ϯ EDT" $year = substr($in[0], 0, 4); $mon = substr($in[0], 6, 2); $day = substr($in[0], 10, 2); $hr = substr($in[2], 0, 2); $min = substr($in[2], 4, 2); $sec = substr($in[2], 8, 2); $hhmmss = zeroPad($hr) . ':' . zeroPad($min) . ':' . zeroPad($sec) if (isHour($hr) && isMins($min) && isSecs($sec)); $tz = $in[3]; } elsif (scalar(@in) >= 6) { $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[1]}; if (isMonth($mon)) # English { $day = $in[2]; $hhmmss = $in[3]; $tz = $in[4]; $year = $in[5]; } else # European, Asian { $day = $in[1]; if (scalar(@in) >= 8 && $in[2] eq "de") # Spanish { # es "jueves, 19 de junio de 2003, 15:21:05 EDT" $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[3]}; $year = $in[5]; $hhmmss = $in[6]; $tz = $in[7]; } else # French, German, Italian, Portuguese { # fr "jeudi, 19 juin 2003, 15:21:08 EDT" $mon = $Ptdpm11::Months{$in[2]}; $year = $in[3]; $hhmmss = $in[4]; if (scalar(@in) >= 7 && $in[5] eq "Uhr") # German { # de "Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2003, 15:21:01 Uhr EDT" $tz = $in[6]; } else # French, Italian, Portugese { $tz = $in[5]; } } if (!isMonth($mon)) { if (scalar(@in) == 7) # Taiwan { # zh_TW "➥ݞ 92 06ם19 դݾ 1521׍ 21Զ EDT" $year = substr($in[1], 0, length($in[1]) - 2); $year += TW_YEAR if (isYear($year)); $mon = substr($in[2], 0, 2); $day = substr($in[2], 4, 2); $hr = substr($in[4], 0, 2); $min = substr($in[4], 4, 2); $sec = substr($in[5], 0, length($in[5]) - 2); $hhmmss = zeroPad($hr) . ':' . zeroPad($min) . ':' . zeroPad($sec) if (isHour($hr) && isMins($min) && isSecs($sec)); $tz = $in[6]; } elsif (scalar(@in) == 8) # Korean { # ko "2003 6 19 « 03 21 12" $year = substr($in[0], 0, 4); $mon = substr($in[1], 0, length($in[1]) - 2); $day = substr($in[2], 0, length($in[2]) - 2); $hr = substr($in[5], 0, length($in[5]) - 2); $hr += PM_OFFSET if (isInRange($hr, 0, 11) && $in[4] eq "\277\300\310\304"); $min = substr($in[6], 0, length($in[6]) - 2); $sec = substr($in[7], 0, length($in[7]) - 2); $hhmmss = zeroPad($hr) . ':' . zeroPad($min) . ':' . zeroPad($sec) if (isHour($hr) && isMins($min) && isSecs($sec)); $tz = NIL; } } } } $day =~ s/[. ,]//g; $year =~ s/[. ,]//g; if (isMonth($mon) && isDay($day) && isYear($year) && isTime($hhmmss)) { # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (z) Format $instdt = $year . DASH_CHR . zeroPad($mon) . DASH_CHR . zeroPad($day) . ' ' . $hhmmss . ' ' . OPAREN_CHR . $tz . CPAREN_CHR; } } return $instdt; } # NOTE: not currently used sub convDay_Mon_DD_Time_Zone_YYYYToYYYY_MM_DD { my ($indt) = $_[0]; # Sample input Fri Apr 24 20:50:37 PDT 1998 my $instdt = NIL; # Sample output 1998-04-24 $instdt = convLocalTimeToYYYYMMDD_hhmmss_Zone($indt); if ((defined $instdt) && (length($instdt) >= 10)) { # YYYY-MM-DD Format $instdt = substr($instdt, 0, 10); } return $instdt; } # NOTE: not currently used sub convEpochTime { my $indt = gmtime($_[0]); # Sample input: 1052818216 my $instdt = NIL; # Sample output: 1998-04-24 20:50:37 (GMT) my (@in) = (); @in = split (' ', $indt); if (scalar(@in) >= 5) { $in[5] = $in[4]; $in[4] = 'GMT'; $indt = join (' ', @in); $instdt = convLocalTimeToYYYYMMDD_hhmmss_Zone($indt); } return $instdt; } # NOTE: not currently used sub getTimeZone { # Method 1 to get time zone use POSIX; my $tz = strftime "%Z\n", localtime; return $tz; } # NOTE: not currently used sub getTimeZone2 { # Method 2 to get time zone from ctime.pl # Determine what time zone is in effect. # Use GMT if TZ is defined as null, local time if TZ undefined. # There's no portable way to find the system default timezone. my $sec = 0; my $min = 0; my $hour = 0; my $mday = 0; my $mon = 0; my $year = 0; my $wday = 0; my $yday = 0; my $isdst = 0; my $time = 0; my $tz = defined($ENV{'TZ'}) ? ($ENV{'TZ'} ? $ENV{'TZ'} : "GMT") : NIL; ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = ($tz eq "GMT") ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time); # Hack to deal with 'PST8PDT' format of TZ # Note that this can't deal with all the esoteric forms, but it # does recognize the most common: [:]STDoff[DST[off][,rule]] if ($tz =~ /^([^:\d+\-,]{3,})([+-]?\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2}){0,2})([^\d+\-,]{3,})?/) { $tz = $isdst ? $4 : $1; } $tz .= ' ' unless length($tz) == 0; return $tz; } sub getTimeZone3 { # Method 3 to get time zone from /etc/TIMEZONE my $rest = NIL; my $tz = NIL; if ($Ptdpm11::Timezone eq NIL) { if (-e "$Ptdpm0::TIMEZONEFILE") { debugTrace('Opening... ' . $Ptdpm0::TIMEZONEFILE); open(IN1, "$Ptdpm0::TIMEZONEFILE"); while () { chomp($_); if (index($_, "TZ=") > -1) { ($rest, $tz) = split ('=', $_, 2); $Ptdpm11::Timezone = $tz; } } } } return $Ptdpm11::Timezone; } # NOTE: not currently used sub getGMTDiff { my ($l_min, $l_hour, $l_year, $l_yday) = (localtime $^T)[1, 2, 5, 7]; my ($g_min, $g_hour, $g_year, $g_yday) = (gmtime $^T)[1, 2, 5, 7]; my $tzval = ($l_min - $g_min) / 60 + $l_hour - $g_hour + 24 * ($l_year <=> $g_year || $l_yday <=> $g_yday); return $tzval; } sub convMMDDYY_To_YYYY_MM_DD { #Arguments: date, required format mm/dd/yy Ex., 01/22/01 #Outputs : date YYYY-MM-DD Ex., 2001-01-22 #Function : conversion to required format my ($indt) = $_[0]; my $instdt = ""; my $yyyy=""; my @in = split ( "/", $indt ); my $yy = $in[2]; if ($yy/10 < 1) { $yyyy="20".$yy; } else { $yyyy="19".$yy; } $instdt = $yyyy . DASH_CHR . $in[0] . DASH_CHR . $in[1]; return $instdt; } 1; # End of the Program