# $Id: 05-rr-txt.t 01-jun-2005.19:13:07 afontana Exp $ use Test::More tests => 28; use strict; my $uut; BEGIN { use_ok('Net::DNS'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Canned data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $name = 'foo.example.com'; my $class = 'IN'; my $type = 'TXT'; my $ttl = 43201; my $rr_base = join(' ', $name, $ttl, $class, $type, " " ); #Stimulus, expected response, and test name: my @Testlist = ( { # 2-5 stim => q|""|, rdatastr => q|""|, char_str_list_r => ['',], descr => 'Double-quoted null string', }, { # 6-9 stim => q|''|, rdatastr => q|""|, char_str_list_r => ['',], descr => 'Single-quoted null string', }, { # 10-13 stim => qq|" \t"|, rdatastr => qq|" \t"|, char_str_list_r => [ qq| \t|, ], descr => 'Double-quoted whitespace string', }, { # 14-17 stim => q|noquotes|, rdatastr => q|"noquotes"|, char_str_list_r => [ q|noquotes|, ], descr => 'unquoted single string', }, { # 18-21 stim => q|"yes_quotes"|, rdatastr => q|"yes_quotes"|, char_str_list_r => [ q|yes_quotes|, ], descr => 'Double-quoted single string', }, { # 22-25 stim => q|"escaped \" quote"|, rdatastr => q|"escaped \" quote"|, char_str_list_r => [ q|escaped " quote|, ], descr => 'Quoted, escaped double-quote', }, { # 26-29 stim => q|two tokens|, rdatastr => q|"two" "tokens"|, char_str_list_r => [ q|two|, q|tokens|, ], descr => 'Two unquoted strings', }, { # 30-33 stim => q|"missing quote|, rdatastr => q||, char_str_list_r => [], descr => 'Unbalanced quotes work', } ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Run the tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ foreach my $test_hr ( @Testlist ) { ok( $uut = Net::DNS::RR->new($rr_base . $test_hr->{'stim'}), $test_hr->{'descr'} . " -- Stimulus " ); is($uut->rdatastr(), $test_hr->{'rdatastr'}, $test_hr->{'descr'} . " -- Response ( rdatastr ) " ); my @list = $uut->char_str_list(); is_deeply(\@list, $test_hr->{'char_str_list_r'}, $test_hr->{'descr'} . " -- char_str_list equality" ) ; } my $string1 = q|no|; my $string2 = q|quotes|; my $rdata = pack("C", length $string1) . $string1; $rdata .= pack("C", length $string2) . $string2; # RR->new_from_hash() drops stuff straight into the hash and # re-blesses it, breaking encapsulation. my %work_hash = ( Name => $name, TTL => $ttl, Class => $class, Type => $type, ); # Don't break RR->new_from_hash (e.i. "See the manual pages for each RR # type to see what fields the type requires."). $work_hash{'txtdata'} = q|no quotes|; ok( $uut = Net::DNS::RR->new(%work_hash), # 30 "RR->new_from_hash with txtdata -- Stimulus"); ok( $uut->rdatastr() eq q|"no" "quotes"|, # 31 "RR->new_from_hash with txtdata -- Response (rdatastr())"); ok( $uut->rr_rdata() eq $rdata , "TXT->rr_rdata" ); # 32