# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package Convert::ASN1; # $Id: ASN1.pm,v 1.29 2003/10/08 14:29:17 gbarr Exp $ use 5.004; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS @opParts @opName $AUTOLOAD); use Exporter; use constant CHECK_UTF8 => $] > 5.007; BEGIN { if (CHECK_UTF8) { require Encode; require utf8; } @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = "0.18"; %EXPORT_TAGS = ( io => [qw(asn_recv asn_send asn_read asn_write asn_get asn_ready)], debug => [qw(asn_dump asn_hexdump)], const => [qw(ASN_BOOLEAN ASN_INTEGER ASN_BIT_STR ASN_OCTET_STR ASN_NULL ASN_OBJECT_ID ASN_REAL ASN_ENUMERATED ASN_SEQUENCE ASN_SET ASN_PRINT_STR ASN_IA5_STR ASN_UTC_TIME ASN_GENERAL_TIME ASN_RELATIVE_OID ASN_UNIVERSAL ASN_APPLICATION ASN_CONTEXT ASN_PRIVATE ASN_PRIMITIVE ASN_CONSTRUCTOR ASN_LONG_LEN ASN_EXTENSION_ID ASN_BIT)], tag => [qw(asn_tag asn_decode_tag2 asn_decode_tag asn_encode_tag asn_decode_length asn_encode_length)] ); @EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS; $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = \@EXPORT_OK; @opParts = qw( cTAG cTYPE cVAR cLOOP cOPT cCHILD cDEFINE ); @opName = qw( opUNKNOWN opBOOLEAN opINTEGER opBITSTR opSTRING opNULL opOBJID opREAL opSEQUENCE opSET opUTIME opGTIME opUTF8 opANY opCHOICE opROID ); foreach my $l (\@opParts, \@opName) { my $i = 0; foreach my $name (@$l) { my $j = $i++; no strict 'refs'; *{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $name} = sub () { $j } } } } sub _internal_syms { my $pkg = caller; no strict 'refs'; for my $sub (@opParts,@opName,'dump_op') { *{$pkg . '::' . $sub} = \&{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $sub}; } } sub ASN_BOOLEAN () { 0x01 } sub ASN_INTEGER () { 0x02 } sub ASN_BIT_STR () { 0x03 } sub ASN_OCTET_STR () { 0x04 } sub ASN_NULL () { 0x05 } sub ASN_OBJECT_ID () { 0x06 } sub ASN_REAL () { 0x09 } sub ASN_ENUMERATED () { 0x0A } sub ASN_RELATIVE_OID () { 0x0D } sub ASN_SEQUENCE () { 0x10 } sub ASN_SET () { 0x11 } sub ASN_PRINT_STR () { 0x13 } sub ASN_IA5_STR () { 0x16 } sub ASN_UTC_TIME () { 0x17 } sub ASN_GENERAL_TIME () { 0x18 } sub ASN_UNIVERSAL () { 0x00 } sub ASN_APPLICATION () { 0x40 } sub ASN_CONTEXT () { 0x80 } sub ASN_PRIVATE () { 0xC0 } sub ASN_PRIMITIVE () { 0x00 } sub ASN_CONSTRUCTOR () { 0x20 } sub ASN_LONG_LEN () { 0x80 } sub ASN_EXTENSION_ID () { 0x1F } sub ASN_BIT () { 0x80 } sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $self = bless {}, $pkg; $self->configure(@_); $self; } sub configure { my $self = shift; my %opt = @_; $self->{options}{encoding} = uc($opt{encoding} || 'BER'); unless ($self->{options}{encoding} =~ /^[BD]ER$/) { require Carp; Carp::croak("Unsupported encoding format '$opt{encoding}'"); } for my $type (qw(encode decode)) { if (exists $opt{$type}) { while(my($what,$value) = each %{$opt{$type}}) { $self->{options}{"${type}_${what}"} = $value; } } } } sub find { my $self = shift; my $what = shift; return unless exists $self->{tree}{$what}; my %new = %$self; $new{script} = $new{tree}->{$what}; bless \%new, ref($self); } sub prepare { my $self = shift; my $asn = shift; $self = $self->new unless ref($self); my $tree; if( ref($asn) eq 'GLOB' ){ local $/ = undef; my $txt = <$asn>; $tree = Convert::ASN1::parser::parse($txt); } else { $tree = Convert::ASN1::parser::parse($asn); } unless ($tree) { $self->{error} = $@; return; ### If $self has been set to a new object, not returning ### this object here will destroy the object, so the caller ### won't be able to get at the error. } $self->{tree} = _pack_struct($tree); $self->{script} = (values %$tree)[0]; $self; } sub prepare_file { my $self = shift; my $asnp = shift; local *ASN; open( ASN, $asnp ) or do{ $self->{error} = $@; return; }; my $ret = $self->prepare( \*ASN ); close( ASN ); $ret; } sub registeroid { my $self = shift; my $oid = shift; my $handler = shift; $self->{options}{oidtable}{$oid}=$handler; $self->{oidtable}{$oid}=$handler; } # In XS the will convert the tree between perl and C structs sub _pack_struct { $_[0] } sub _unpack_struct { $_[0] } ## ## Encoding ## sub encode { my $self = shift; my $stash = @_ == 1 ? shift : { @_ }; my $buf = ''; local $SIG{__DIE__}; eval { _encode($self->{options}, $self->{script}, $stash, [], $buf) } or do { $self->{error} = $@; undef } } # Encode tag value for encoding. # We assume that the tag has been correclty generated with asn_tag() sub asn_encode_tag { $_[0] >> 8 ? $_[0] & 0x8000 ? $_[0] & 0x800000 ? pack("V",$_[0]) : substr(pack("V",$_[0]),0,3) : pack("v", $_[0]) : chr($_[0]); } # Encode a length. If < 0x80 then encode as a byte. Otherwise encode # 0x80 | num_bytes followed by the bytes for the number. top end # bytes of all zeros are not encoded sub asn_encode_length { if($_[0] >> 7) { my $lenlen = &num_length; return pack("Ca*", $lenlen | 0x80, substr(pack("N",$_[0]), -$lenlen)); } return pack("C", $_[0]); } ## ## Decoding ## sub decode { my $self = shift; local $SIG{__DIE__}; my $ret = eval { my (%stash, $result); my $script = $self->{script}; my $stash = (1 == @$script && !$self->{script}[0][cVAR]) ? \$result : ($result=\%stash); _decode( $self->{options}, $script, $stash, 0, length $_[0], undef, [], $_[0]); $result; }; if ($@) { $self->{'error'} = $@; return undef; } $ret; } sub asn_decode_length { return unless length $_[0]; my $len = ord substr($_[0],0,1); if($len & 0x80) { $len &= 0x7f or return (1,-1); return if $len >= length $_[0]; return (1+$len, unpack("N", "\0" x (4 - $len) . substr($_[0],1,$len))); } return (1, $len); } sub asn_decode_tag { return unless length $_[0]; my $tag = ord $_[0]; my $n = 1; if(($tag & 0x1f) == 0x1f) { my $b; do { return if $n >= length $_[0]; $b = ord substr($_[0],$n,1); $tag |= $b << (8 * $n++); } while($b & 0x80); } ($n, $tag); } sub asn_decode_tag2 { return unless length $_[0]; my $tag = ord $_[0]; my $num = $tag & 0x1f; my $len = 1; if($num == 0x1f) { $num = 0; my $b; do { return if $len >= length $_[0]; $b = ord substr($_[0],$len++,1); $num = ($num << 7) + ($b & 0x7f); } while($b & 0x80); } ($len, $tag, $num); } ## ## Utilities ## # How many bytes are needed to encode a number sub num_length { $_[0] >> 8 ? $_[0] >> 16 ? $_[0] >> 24 ? 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 } # Convert from a bigint to an octet string sub i2osp { my($num, $biclass) = @_; eval "use $biclass"; $num = $biclass->new($num); my $neg = $num < 0 and $num = abs($num+1); my $base = $biclass->new(256); my $result = ''; while($num != 0) { my $r = $num % $base; $num = ($num-$r) / $base; $result .= chr($r); } $result ^= chr(255) x length($result) if $neg; return scalar reverse $result; } # Convert from an octet string to a bigint sub os2ip { my($os, $biclass) = @_; eval "require $biclass"; my $base = $biclass->new(256); my $result = $biclass->new(0); my $neg = ord($os) >= 0x80 and $os ^= chr(255) x length($os); for (unpack("C*",$os)) { $result = ($result * $base) + $_; } return $neg ? ($result + 1) * -1 : $result; } # Given a class and a tag, calculate an integer which when encoded # will become the tag. This means that the class bits are always # in the bottom byte, so are the tag bits if tag < 30. Otherwise # the tag is in the upper 3 bytes. The upper bytes are encoded # with bit8 representing that there is another byte. This # means the max tag we can do is 0x1fffff sub asn_tag { my($class,$value) = @_; die sprintf "Bad tag class 0x%x",$class if $class & ~0xe0; unless ($value & ~0x1f or $value == 0x1f) { return (($class & 0xe0) | $value); } die sprintf "Tag value 0x%08x too big\n",$value if $value & 0xffe00000; $class = ($class | 0x1f) & 0xff; my @t = ($value & 0x7f); unshift @t, (0x80 | ($value & 0x7f)) while $value >>= 7; unpack("V",pack("C4",$class,@t,0,0)); } BEGIN { # When we have XS &_encode will be defined by the XS code # so will all the subs in these required packages unless (defined &_encode) { require Convert::ASN1::_decode; require Convert::ASN1::_encode; require Convert::ASN1::IO; } require Convert::ASN1::parser; } sub AUTOLOAD { require Convert::ASN1::Debug if $AUTOLOAD =~ /dump/; goto &{$AUTOLOAD} if defined &{$AUTOLOAD}; require Carp; my $pkg = ref($_[0]) || ($_[0] =~ /^[\w\d]+(?:::[\w\d]+)*$/)[0]; if ($pkg and UNIVERSAL::isa($pkg, __PACKAGE__)) { # guess it was a method call $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*:://; Carp::croak(sprintf q{Can't locate object method "%s" via package "%s"},$AUTOLOAD,$pkg); } else { Carp::croak(sprintf q{Undefined subroutine &%s called}, $AUTOLOAD); } } sub DESTROY {} sub error { $_[0]->{error} } 1;