Rem THIS FILE SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY REPMANAGER HEADER Rem $Header: paf_post_creation_102030.sql 04-dec-2006.17:49:31 zsamar Exp $ Rem Rem paf_post_creation.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem paf_post_creation.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem zsamar 12/04/06 - Backport zsamar_upgardefix from main Rem ktamtoro 10/05/06 - Backport ktamtoro_bug-5381533 from main Rem rlemos 10/03/06 - Register PAF status notification rule Rem rahgupta 08/20/06 - Notification rules Rem zsamar 08/03/06 - registering filer command Rem zsamar 08/18/06 - Backport zsamar_groups from main Rem apjohn 08/13/06 - fixing the diff for 5367336 Rem apjohn 08/08/06 - Backport apjohn_fix5367336 from main Rem ktlaw 07/27/06 - Backport ktlaw_bug-5409475 from main Rem ktlaw 06/26/06 - created Rem BEGIN DELETE FROM MGMT_PARAMETERS WHERE parameter_name in ('paf.functions.ora:getInstGUID','paf.functions.ora:previousStep', 'paf.groups.VolCloningGroup'); BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_PARAMETERS VALUES ('paf.functions.ora:getInstGUID' , 'oracle.sysman.pp.paf.func.GetInstGUID' , 'PAF funcs' , 1); INSERT INTO MGMT_PARAMETERS VALUES ( 'paf.groups.VolCloningGroup' , 'oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl.CreateVolumeCloningGroupImpl' , 'PAF groups' , 1); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; BEGIN DECLARE param_types MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY := MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY(); BEGIN param_types.extend(3); param_types(1) := 'VARCHAR2' ; param_types(2) := 'VARCHAR2' ; param_types(3) := 'VARCHAR2' ; MGMT_JOBS.REGISTER_COMMAND_BLOCK_PROC('MGMT_PAF_UTL.UPDATE_RUNTIME_DATA',param_types); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END; BEGIN mgmt_jobs.register_command('filerCommand', '', MGMT_JOBS.LONG_RUNNING_COMMAND); mgmt_jobs.register_command('PAFPutBinaryCommand', ''); -- Registering job command to print out email content mgmt_jobs.register_command('PAFNotificationOutput', ''); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- any other things should be inserted here and have its own exception handler. -- this file should be made re-entrant , i.e. should produce no error when run more than once. BEGIN INSERT INTO MGMT_PARAMETERS VALUES ( 'paf.functions.ora:previousStep' , 'oracle.sysman.pp.paf.func.GetPreviousStepStatus' , 'PAF funcs' , 1); MGMT_PAF_NOTIF.REGISTER_PAF_STATUS_NOTIF_RULE; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- Register paf notification rule and pl/sql device. BEGIN MGMT_PAF_NOTIF.REG_NOTIF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END; /