Rem Rem $Header: lsnr_policies.sql 31-jul-2005.23:33:41 dkjain Exp $ Rem Rem lsnr_policies.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem lsnr_policies.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dkjain 07/31/05 - Making identical to Beta Upgr Rem dkjain 06/17/05 - Hide the rep metrics Rem dsukhwal 06/16/05 - add policies for NT Rem dsukhwal 05/19/05 - move sqlnet policies to listener Rem rmadampa 04/22/05 - rmadampa_bug-4247709 Rem rmadampa 04/22/05 - Created Rem DECLARE -- Metric Variable l_metric_column_list MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY; l_metric_type NUMBER ; l_snapshot_list MGMT_SNAPSHOT_ARRAY; -- Policy Variable l_ctxList MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY; l_paramDefList MGMT_POLICY_PARAM_DEF_ARRAY; l_defaultParamValList MGMT_POLICY_PARAM_VAL_ARRAY; l_defaultSettingsList MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY; BEGIN l_metric_type := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_TABLE ; l_snapshot_list := MGMT_SNAPSHOT_ARRAY( MGMT_SNAPSHOT_OBJ.NEW( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_snapshot_name =>ESM.SECURITY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE)); ---NEW metrics, one per policy START----------------------------------- ----lsnrDirectAdminMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. But consider percentage does not make --sense as one listener will have only one row. Which is also why we do not need a key column. --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'admin_status', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Direct Administration Status', p_column_label_nlsid =>'ADMIN_STATUS_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Listener_Direct_Administration p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrDirectAdminMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Direct Administration', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener direct administration parameter', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , value as admin_status ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property = ''listenerAdmin''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----Listener_Direct_Administration POLICY START----------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'admin_status')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Listener_Direct_Administration', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrDirectAdminMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that no runtime modifications to the listener configuration is allowed', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'An attacker who has access to a running listener can perform runtime modifications (for example, SET operations) using the lsnrctl program.', p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'All listeners must have direct administration disabled. Set ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name to ON in listener.ora.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type p_condition =>'UPPER(:admin_status)<>''ON'' AND UPPER(:admin_status)<>''TRUE''', --condition p_message =>'Listener is in an insecure state. Direct administration is enabled.', --message p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_DIRECT_ADMIN_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --consider percentage p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----Listener_Direct_Administration POLICY END----------------- ----lsnrDirectAdminMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrHostNameMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. Uniqueness of hostname is being taken --care of at the agent side, and hence it can be a key column. This would enable the user to exclude a particular --hostname from being reported as a violation even if not specified as IP address. consider_percentage will give --the percentage of hostnames of that listener which are violating/non-violating(a listener can have a list of --addresses, each of which can have a hostname) --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required column(host_name) has to be a key column, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'host_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Host Name', p_column_label_nlsid =>'HOST_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy lsnr_Host_Name p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrHostNameMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Host Name', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_HOST_NAME_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener hostname parameter', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_HOST_NAME_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid ,value as host_name,value as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property = ''host_name''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy lsnr_Host_Name Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'host_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Host_Name', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrHostNameMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_HOST_NAME_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener host is specified as IP address and not hostname in the listener.ora', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_HOST_NAME_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'An insecure Domain Name System (DNS) Server can be taken advantage of for mounting a spoofing attack. Name server failure can result in the listener unable to resolved the host.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_HOST_NAME_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'Host should be specified as IP address in listener.ora.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_HOST_NAME_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type p_condition =>'instr(translate(lower(:host_name), ''abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'', ''aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa''),''a'') > 0', --condition p_message =>'Host is not specified as IP address in listener.ora.', --message p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_HOST_NAME_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy lsnr_Host_Name End---------------------------- ----lsnrHostNameMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrLogFileOwnerMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Only violating rows are pushed from the agent. So consider percentage is false. A listener can apparently have --only one logfile. Still, keeping 2 key columns to enable the user to exclude a pair of (owner_name,log_file_name) --from evaluation. --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required columns have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_owner', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'File Owner', p_column_label_nlsid =>'FILE_OWNER_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Log File', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LOG_FILE_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy lsnr_Ora_Logfile_Policy p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrLogFileOwnerMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Log File Owner', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'listener logfile owner', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid ,value as file_name, value2 as file_owner,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property = ''log_file_lsnr_own'' ', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy Lsnr_Logfile_Own_Policy Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_owner'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Logfile_Own_Policy', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrLogFileOwnerMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener log file is owned by the Oracle software owner', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'The information in the logfile can reveal important network and database connection details. Having a log file not owned by the Oracle software owner can expose them to public scrutiny with possible security implications.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'The listener logfile must be owned by Oracle software owner.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type --p_condition =>':property = ''log_file_listener''', --condition p_condition =>'rownum > 0', --condition p_message =>'The listener is in an insecure state. The listener log file %file_name% is owned by %file_owner%.', p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_OWN_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --if there is a violation, we have exactly one row in the table. --So considering the percentage does not make sense here. p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, --default param val list p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy Lsnr_Logfile_Own_Policy End ---------------------------- ----lsnrLogFileOwnerMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrLogFilePermMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. But consider percentage does not make --sense as one listener will have only one row. A listener can apparently have --only one logfile. Still, keeping 2 key columns to enable the user to exclude a pair of (permission,log_file_name) --from evaluation. --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required columns have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_permission', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Log File Permission', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LOG_FILE_PER_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Log File', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LOG_FILE_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Lsnr_Logfile_Perm_Policy p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrLogFilePermMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Lsnr Log File Permission', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Listener logfile permission', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , value as file_name, value2 as file_permission,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property = ''log_file_lsnr_perm'' ', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy Lsnr_Logfile_Perm_Policy Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_permission'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Logfile_Perm_Policy', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrLogFilePermMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener logfile cannot be read by or written to by public', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'The information in the logfile can reveal important network and database connection details. Allowing access to the log file can expose them to public scrutiny with possible security implications.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'The listener logfile must not allow public to read/write to it. Restrict the file permission to Oracle software owner and DBA group.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type --p_condition =>':property = ''log_file_listener''', --condition p_condition =>'trunc(mod(:file_permission,10)/2,0) > 0', --condition p_message =>'The listener is in an insecure state. The listener log file %file_name% has permission %file_permission%.', p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_FILE_PERM_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --if there is a violation, we have exactly one row in the table. --So considering the percentage does not make sense here. p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, --default param val list p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy Lsnr_Logfile_Perm_Policy End ---------------------------- ----lsnrLogFilePermMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrTraceDirPermMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. But consider percentage does not make --sense as one listener will have only one row. A listener can apparently have only one tracedir. Still, keeping 2 --key columns to enable the user to exclude a pair of (permission,trace_dir_name) from evaluation. --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required columns have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dir_permission', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace Directory Permission', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_DIR_PERM_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dir_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace Directory', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_DIR_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Lsnr_Tracedir_Perm_Policy p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceDirPermMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Trace Directory Permission', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener trace directory permission', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , ' ||'value as dir_name, value2 as dir_permission,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''trace_dir_lsnr_perm''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracedir_Perm_Policy Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( --show all the columns in violations list MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'dir_permission'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'dir_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Tracedir_Perm_Policy', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceDirPermMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener trace directory does not have public read/write permissions', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'Allowing access to the trace directory can expose them to public scrutiny with possible security implications.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'The listener trace directory must not allow public to read/write to it. Restrict the directory permission to Oracle software owner and DBA group.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type --(check for existence of row for violation) --p_condition =>':property = ''trace_directory_listener_name''', --condition p_condition =>'mod(:dir_permission,10) > 0', --dir_permission comes in octal. Taking mod with 10 gives the permission for others, which should be 0 for directories p_message =>'The listener is in an insecure state. The listener trace directory %dir_name% has permission %dir_permission%.', p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_PERM_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --if there is a violation, we have exactly one row in the table. --So considering the percentage does not make sense here. p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, --default param val list p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracedir_Perm_Policy End ---------------------------- ----lsnrTraceDirPermMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrTraceDirOwnMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Only violating rows are pushed from the agent. So consider percentage is false. A listener can apparently have --only one trace directory. Still, keeping 2 key columns to enable the user to exclude a pair of --(owner_name,trace_dir_name) from evaluation. --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required column have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dir_owner', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace Directory Owner', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_DIR_OWNER_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dir_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace Directory', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_DIR_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Lsnr_Tracedir_Own_Policy p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceDirOwnMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Trace Directory Owner', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener trace directory owner', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , ' ||'value as dir_name, value2 as dir_owner,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''trace_dir_lsnr_own''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracedir_Own_Policy Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( --show all the columns in violations list MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'dir_owner'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'dir_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Tracedir_Own_Policy', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceDirOwnMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener trace directory is a valid directory owned by Oracle software owner', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'Having a trace directory not owned by the Oracle software owner can expose the trace files to public scrutiny with possible security implications.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'The listener trace directory must be owned by the Oracle software owner.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type p_condition =>'rownum > 0', --condition p_message =>'The listener is in an insecure state. The listener trace directory %dir_name% is owned by %dir_owner%.', p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_DIR_OWN_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --if there is a violation, we have exactly one row in the table. --So considering the percentage does not make sense here. p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, --default param val list p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracedir_Own_Policy End ---------------------------- ----lsnrTraceDirOwnMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrTraceFileOwnMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Only violating rows are pushed from the agent. So consider percentage is false. A listener can apparently have --only one tracefile. Still, keeping 2 key columns to enable the user to exclude a pair of --(owner_name,trace_file_name) from evaluation. --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required column have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_owner', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace File Owner', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_FILE_OWNER_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace File', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_FILE_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Lsnr_Tracefile_Own_Policy p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceFileOwnMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Trace File Owner', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener trace file owner', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , ' ||'value as file_name, value2 as file_owner,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''trace_file_lsnr_own''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracefile_Own_Policy Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_owner'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL )); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Tracefile_Own_Policy', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceFileOwnMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener trace file owner is same as the Oracle software owner', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'Having trace files not owned by the Oracle software owner can expose them to public scrutiny with possible security implications.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'The listener trace file must be owned by Oracle software owner.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type -- p_condition =>':property = ''trace_file_listener_name'' ', --condition p_condition =>'rownum > 0', p_message =>'The listener is in an insecure state. The listener trace file %file_name% is owned by %file_owner%.', --message p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_OWN_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --if there is a violation, we have exactly one row in the table. --So considering the percentage does not make sense here. p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracefile_Own_Policy End---------------------------- ----lsnrTraceFileOwnMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrTraceFilePermMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. But consider percentage does not make --sense as one listener will have only one row. A listener can apparently have only one tracefile. Still, keeping --2 key columns to enable the user to exclude a pair of (owner_name,trace_file_name) from evaluation. --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required columns have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_permission', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace File Permission', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_FILE_PERM_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Trace File', p_column_label_nlsid =>'TRC_FILE_NAME_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Lsnr_Tracefile_Perm_Policy p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceFilePermMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Trace File Permissions', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener trace file permission', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , ' ||'value as file_name, value2 as file_permission,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''trace_file_lsnr_perm''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracefile_Perm_Policy Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_permission'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL )); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Tracefile_Perm_Policy', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrTraceFilePermMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the listener trace file is not accessible to public', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'Allowing access to the trace files can expose them to public scrutiny with possible security implications.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'The listener trace file must not allow public to read/write to it. Restrict the file permission to Oracle software owner and DBA group.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type -- p_condition =>':property = ''trace_file_listener_name'' ', --condition p_condition =>'trunc(mod(:file_permission,10)/2,0) > 0',--file_permission value comes in octal. Taking mod with --10 gives the permission for others. Truncating this after dividing by 2 makes the execute bit a don't care bit. --All other bits(r and p_message =>'The listener is in an insecure state. The listener trace file %file_name% has permission %file_permission%.', --message p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_TRACE_FILE_PERM_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --if there is a violation, we have exactly one row in the table. --So considering the percentage does not make sense here. p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy Lsnr_Tracefile_Perm_Policy End---------------------------- ----lsnrTraceFilePermMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrPasswdMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. But consider percentage does not make --sense as one listener will have only one row. Hence do not need key columns. --AGENT METRIC : lsnrCmdStatus, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'pwd_status', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Listener Password Status', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_PWD_STATUS_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Listener_Password p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrPasswdMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Password', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_PASSWD_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener password parameter', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_PASSWD_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , value as pwd_status ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''listenerPwd''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ---Listener_Password POLICY START----------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW( p_metric_column => 'pwd_status')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_policy_name =>'Listener_Password', --Policy name p_metric_name =>'lsnrPasswdMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_PASSWD_NAME', p_description =>'Ensures that access to listener is password protected', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_PASSWD_DESC', p_impact =>'Without password protection, a user can gain access to the listener. Once someone has access to the listener, he/she can stop the listener. He/she can also set a password and prevent others from managing the listener.', p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_PASSWD_IMPACT', p_recommendation =>'All listeners should be protected by a non-trivial password using the CHANGE_PASSWORD command.', p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_PASSWD_RECOMM', p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, p_condition =>'UPPER(:pwd_status) <> ''ON''', p_message =>'Listener is in an insecure state. It is running without password protection.', p_message_nlsid => 'LSNR_PASSWD_MESG', p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_dflt_param_val_list => l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list => l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ---Listener_Password POLICY END-------------------------- ----lsnrPasswdMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrLogStatusMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. But consider percentage does not make --sense as one listener will have only one row. Hence do not need key columns. --AGENT METRIC : lsnrCmdStatus, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'log_status', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Logging Status', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Listener_Logging_Status p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrLogStatusMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Log Status', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener log status parameter', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , value as log_status ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''loggingStatus''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----POLICY Listener_Logging_Status START---------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW( p_metric_column => 'log_status')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_policy_name =>'Listener_Logging_Status', --Policy name p_metric_name =>'lsnrLogStatusMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_NAME', p_description =>'Ensures that listener logging is enabled', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_DESC', p_impact =>'Without listener logging attacks on the listener can go unnoticed.', p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_IMPACT', p_recommendation =>'Enable listener logging by setting the LOG_STATUS parameter to ON.', p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_RECOMM', p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, p_condition =>'UPPER(:log_status) <> ''ON''', p_message =>'Listener is in an insecure state. Logging is not enabled.', p_message_nlsid => 'LSNR_LOG_STATUS_MESG', p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_dflt_param_val_list => l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list => l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----POLICY Listener_Logging_Status END------------------ ----lsnrLogStatusMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ----lsnrDefaultNameMetricRep METRIC START----------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. One listener will have only one row, so --consider percentage is false. Exclusion of any name as violation also does not make sense here, --hence keeping no key columns --AGENT METRIC : lsnrCmdStatus, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'lsnr_name', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Listener Name', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_NAME_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used by policy Listener_Default_Name p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrDefaultNameMetricRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener Default Name', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener default name parameter', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid , value as lsnr_name ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property = ''lsnr_default_name''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----POLICY Listener_Default_Name START------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW( p_metric_column => 'lsnr_name')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_policy_name =>'Listener_Default_Name', --Policy name p_metric_name =>'lsnrDefaultNameMetricRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_NAME', p_description =>'Ensures that the default name of the listener is not used', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_DESC', p_impact =>'Having a listener with the default name increases the risk of unauthorized access and denial of service attacks.', p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_IMPACT', p_recommendation =>'Avoid having a listener with the default name (LISTENER).', p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_RECOM', p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_WARNING, p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, p_condition =>'UPPER(:lsnr_name) = ''LISTENER''', p_message =>'Listener is in an insecure state. The listener is addressed by the default name.', p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_DFLT_NAME_MESG', p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----POLICY Listener_Default_Name START------------------------- ----lsnrDefaultNameMetricRep METRIC END----------------------- ---NEW metrics, one per policy END------------------------------- ---------------OLD METRICS, ALREADY ONE METRIC PER POLICY----------------------------------------- --Violating as well as non-violating rows are pushed from the agent side. One listener will have only one row, so consider_percentage is false. Still keeping 2 key columns to enable the user to exclude some permission, filename --Adding the metric column property , due to requirement of atleast one non-key column from the policy framework. --The policy does not need this property for its proper --evaluation or functioning. But policy framework requires that every repository metric have at least one non-key --column. The required column have to be key columns, so this dummy column is being added --AGENT METRIC : lsnrParameters, perl fetchlet l_metric_column_list := MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_ARRAY( MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_permission', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Listener.ora File Permission', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LSNRORA_PERM_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'file_path', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE, p_column_label => 'Listener.ora File', p_column_label_nlsid =>'LSNR_ORA_FILE_COL'), MGMT_METRIC_COLUMN_OBJ.NEW( p_column_name => 'dummy', p_column_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_STRING, p_is_key => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, p_column_label => 'Dummy', p_column_label_nlsid =>'DUMMY_COL')); MGMT_METRIC.CREATE_METRIC(--used only by policy lsnr_Ora_Restrict_Perms p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, p_metric_name => 'lsnrOraPermRep', p_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_valid_if_list => NULL, p_metric_type => l_metric_type , --it is table here p_metric_label => 'Listener.ora File Permissions', p_metric_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_ORA_PERM_METRIC_LABEL', p_description => 'Collect listener.ora file permission', p_description_nlsid => 'LSNR_ORA_PERM_METRIC_DESC', p_is_repository => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE , --it is true here p_author => 'ORACLE', p_source_type => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_QUERY, p_source => 'SELECT target_guid ,value as file_path, value2 as file_permission,value2 as dummy ' ||'FROM esm_collection_latest ' ||'WHERE property =''lsnrora_permission''', p_snapshot_name_list => l_snapshot_list, p_metric_column_list => l_metric_column_list ) ; COMMIT; ----------Policy lsnr_Ora_Restrict_Perms Start ---------------------------- l_ctxList := MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF_ARRAY( MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_permission'), MGMT_VIOL_CTXT_DEF.NEW(p_metric_column => 'file_path')); l_defaultSettingsList := MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL_ARRAY( MGMT_POLICY_KEY_VAL.NEW( p_importance => MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)); ESM.CREATE_POLICY( p_target_type => ESM.LSNR_TARGET_TYPE, --Target Type p_policy_name => 'Lsnr_Ora_Restrict_Perms', --Policy name p_metric_name => 'lsnrOraPermRep', --Metric name p_policy_label_nlsid => 'LSNR_ORA_PERM_NAME', --policylabelnlsid p_description => 'Ensures that the file permissions for listener.ora are restricted to the owner of Oracle software', p_description_nlsid =>'LSNR_ORA_PERM_DESC', --Policy Decription NLSID p_impact =>'If the listener.ora file is public readable, passwords may be extracted from this file. This can also lead to exposure of detailed information on the Listener, database, and application configuration. Also, if public has write permissions, a malicious user can remove any password that has been set on the listener.', --Impact p_impact_nlsid =>'LSNR_ORA_PERM_IMPACT', --Impact NLSID p_recommendation =>'Listener.ora permissions should be restricted to the owner of Oracle software installation and DBA group.', --Recommendation p_recommendation_nlsid =>'LSNR_ORA_PERM_RECOMM', --Recommendation NLSID p_violation_level =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, --violation level p_condition_type =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_CONDITION_SQL, --condition type p_condition =>'trunc(mod(:file_permission,10)/2,0) > 0',--'substr(:file_permission,-3,2) <> ''--'' ', p_message =>'Listener is in an insecure state. Permissions of listener.ora are not restricted to the Oracle set', p_message_nlsid =>'LSNR_ORA_PERM_MESG', --MESSAGE NLSID p_start_type_meta_ver => ESM.LSNR_TYPE_META_VERSION, p_cs_consider_percentage =>MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, --consider percentage p_dflt_param_val_list =>l_defaultSettingsList, --default param val list p_viol_ctxt_list =>l_ctxList ); COMMIT ; ----------Policy lsnr_Ora_Restrict_Perms End---------------------------- END ; / show errors ;