Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: upgrade_pkgbodys.sql 24-oct-2005.16:30:11 ychan Exp $ Rem Rem upgrade_pkgbodys.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem upgrade_post_creation.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ychan 10/24/05 - Add proc Rem ychan 09/30/05 - Fix bug 4642958 Rem ysun 08/22/05 - Add Rac support Rem ychan 08/15/05 - Add Header Rem ychan 08/10/05 - Fix logging Rem ychan 08/05/05 - Add comment Rem ychan 07/12/05 - Clean up Rem ychan 06/14/05 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY mgmt_db_upgrade AS PROCEDURE change_ver_inst(p_obj IN mgmt_target_property_cbk_obj) IS BEGIN null; END; PROCEDURE change_ver_rac(p_obj IN mgmt_target_property_cbk_obj) IS BEGIN null; END; PROCEDURE change_ver_inst(p_obj IN mgmt_target_meta_ver_cbk_obj) IS BEGIN handle_version_change(p_obj, 'oracle_database'); END; PROCEDURE change_ver_rac(p_obj IN mgmt_target_meta_ver_cbk_obj) IS BEGIN handle_version_change(p_obj, 'rac_database'); END; FUNCTION get_9i_coll(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2) return COLL_LIST IS BEGIN if (p_target_type = 'oracle_database') THEN return COLL9i_INST; ELSIF (p_target_type = 'rac_database') THEN return COLL9i_RAC; END IF; return NULL; END; FUNCTION get_10g_coll(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2) return COLL_LIST IS BEGIN if (p_target_type = 'oracle_database') THEN return COLL10g_INST; ELSIF (p_target_type = 'rac_database') THEN return COLL10g_RAC; END IF; return NULL; END; PROCEDURE handle_version_change(p_obj IN mgmt_target_meta_ver_cbk_obj, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS collFrom COLL_LIST := NULL; collTo COLL_LIST := NULL; i NUMBER; l_target_name VARCHAR2(256); l_target_type VARCHAR2(64); l_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE; l_old_version VARCHAR2(10); l_new_version VARCHAR2(10); l_old_property_value VARCHAR2(64); l_new_property_value VARCHAR2(64); l_metric_list MGMT_MNTR_METRIC_ARRAY; l_policy_list MGMT_MNTR_POLICY_ARRAY; l_collection_list MGMT_MNTR_COLLECTION_ARRAY; l_operation_guid RAW(16); l_temp_var VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN l_target_type := p_target_type; IF (p_obj.from_catprop_array is not NULL and p_obj.from_catprop_array.count > 0) THEN l_old_property_value := p_obj.from_catprop_array(1); END IF; IF (p_obj.to_catprop_array is not NULL and p_obj.to_catprop_array.count > 0) THEN l_new_property_value := p_obj.to_catprop_array(1); END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'l_old_property_value = ' ||l_old_property_value, MODULE_NAME);'l_new_property_value = ' || l_new_property_value, MODULE_NAME); END IF; IF (l_old_property_value is not NULL and l_new_property_value is not NULL) THEN If (length(l_old_property_value) > 1) THEN l_old_version := substr(ltrim(l_old_property_value), 1, 2); END IF; If (length(l_new_property_value) > 1) THEN l_new_version := substr(ltrim(l_new_property_value), 1, 2); END IF; END IF; IF ( l_old_version = '9i' and l_new_version = '10') THEN collFrom := get_9i_coll(p_target_type); collTo := get_10g_coll(p_target_type); ELSIF (l_old_version = '10' and l_new_version = '9i') THEN collFrom := get_10g_coll(p_target_type); collTo := get_9i_coll(p_target_type); END IF; -- set the trace IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN FOR rec IN (select coll_name, schedule_ex from mgmt_collections where object_guid = p_obj.target_guid) LOOP || '**' || rec.schedule_ex, MODULE_NAME); END LOOP; END IF; if (collFrom is not NULL and collTo is not NULL) THEN BEGIN l_target_guid := p_obj.target_guid; SELECT target_name INTO l_target_name FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid; FOR i IN collFrom.FIRST..collFrom.LAST LOOP -- for mgmt_metric_thresholds BEGIN -- rename _9i coll name to _10i UPDATE MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS SET COLL_NAME = collTo(i) WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid and coll_name=collFrom(i); EXCEPTION when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then BEGIN -- delete any 10i threshold DELETE FROM MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid and coll_name=collTo(i); -- rename _9i coll name to _10i UPDATE MGMT_METRIC_THRESHOLDS SET COLL_NAME = collTo(i) WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid and coll_name=collFrom(i); EXCEPTION when others then IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'duplicate thresholds - delete/update exception: ' || SQLERRM, MODULE_NAME); END IF; END; when others then IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'others - update thresholds exception: ' || SQLERRM, MODULE_NAME); END IF; END; -- set the trace IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN FOR rec IN (select coll_name, schedule_ex from mgmt_collections where object_guid = l_target_guid) LOOP || '==' || rec.schedule_ex, MODULE_NAME); END LOOP; END IF; -- for mgmt_metric_collections BEGIN -- rename _9i coll name to _10i UPDATE MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS SET COLL_NAME = collTo(i) WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid and coll_name=collFrom(i); EXCEPTION when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then BEGIN -- delete any 10i threshold DELETE FROM MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid and coll_name=collTo(i); -- rename _9i coll name to _10i UPDATE MGMT_METRIC_COLLECTIONS SET COLL_NAME = collTo(i) WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid and coll_name=collFrom(i); EXCEPTION when others then IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'duplicate collections - delete/update exception: ' || SQLERRM, MODULE_NAME); END IF; END; when others then IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'others - update collections exception: ' || SQLERRM, MODULE_NAME); END IF; END; END LOOP; -- set the trace IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN FOR rec IN (select coll_name, schedule_ex from mgmt_collections where object_guid = l_target_guid) LOOP || '::' || rec.schedule_ex, MODULE_NAME); END LOOP; END IF; mgmt_monitoring.get_target_settings( l_target_type, l_target_name, l_metric_list,l_policy_list,l_collection_list); -- set the trace IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN for indx in 1..l_collection_list.COUNT loop begin || '---' || l_collection_list(indx).schedule_ex, MODULE_NAME); end; end loop; END IF; l_operation_guid := mgmt_target_update.update_monitoring_settings(l_target_name, l_target_type , l_metric_list, l_collection_list, 1, NULL); IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'Done: operation_guid = ' || l_operation_guid, MODULE_NAME); END IF; EXCEPTION when others then IF EMDW_LOG.p_is_info_set THEN'others exception: ' || SQLERRM, MODULE_NAME); END IF; END; END IF; END; END mgmt_db_upgrade; / show errors;