Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: config_views.sql 08-may-2006.08:48:07 chyu Exp $ Rem Rem config_views.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem config_views.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem chyu 05/08/06 - RCU Compliant Rem hying 07/31/05 - Swap view column order for mgmt$ha_backup Rem chyu 06/28/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem xuliu 05/11/05 - re-order mgmt$ha_backup columns Rem rreilly 03/18/05 - remove dbrollup and controlfiles_size Rem xshen 01/13/05 - added columns Rem rreilly 12/01/04 - db_controlfiles_size Rem rreilly 11/19/04 - add new seg management column Rem rreilly 11/11/04 - add tablespace_used_size to db_tablespaces view Rem jsmoler 09/28/04 - delete commented emrepos lines (preventing ias_cre.sql from being called) Rem xshen 09/21/04 - moving delta_init and delta_dbrollup Rem agor 09/20/04 - create views on both for now Rem akskumar 09/16/04 - Rem pbantis 09/07/04 - Update ha_backup. Rem akskumar 09/06/04 - add database config views to be required for Rem viewwing saved configurations, will get executed Rem only in CENTRAL mode Rem sbadrina 05/05/04 - adding MGMT$DB_DBROLLUP view Rem xshen 05/04/04 - move delta init view TO sdk Rem xshen 11/12/03 - remove rule fw backend Rem xshen 10/29/03 - add type column to init param metric Rem xshen 08/15/03 - final tweaks Rem xshen 08/11/03 - remove target assoc views Rem pbantis 07/21/03 - Update MGMT$HA_INFO Rem xshen 06/16/03 - add next extent column to tablespace Rem xshen 05/22/03 - use same views for snapshot Rem xshen 05/19/03 - cutting over to snapshot framework Rem xshen 03/28/03 - supporting rac and db targets config views Rem pbantis 03/28/03 - Add RAC support Rem pbantis 03/20/03 - Add mgmt$ha_rman_config Rem pbantis 01/06/03 - Add High Availability views Rem xshen 09/18/02 - added results specific to each target/rule pair Rem xshen 09/16/02 - added target type, level to rule views Rem xshen 09/11/02 - change database_name to target_name Rem xshen 08/19/02 - support rule Rem xshen 08/08/02 - more config views Rem xshen 08/07/02 - adds tbsp datafile sdk view for search using sql Rem shuberma 05/17/02 - Remove FORCE if possible, and add column (datatype).. Rem rpinnama 05/16/02 - Moved MGMT$DB_INIT_PARAMS Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Created Rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- High Availability (Non-snapshot data) Views -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HA_BACKUP AS select d.host_name as host, d.target_name as database_name, d.target_type, d.display_name, b.target_guid, b.session_key, b.session_recid, b.session_stamp, b.command_id, b.status, b.start_time, b.end_time, b.time_taken_display, b.input_type, b.output_device_type, b.input_bytes_display, b.output_bytes_display, b.output_bytes_per_sec_display from mgmt_targets d, mgmt_ha_backup b where (d.target_type = 'oracle_database' or d.target_type = 'rac_database') and d.target_guid = b.target_guid; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HA_MTTR AS select d.host_name as host, d.target_name as database_name, d.target_type, m.target_guid, m.estimated_mttr from mgmt_targets d, mgmt_ha_mttr m where d.target_type = 'oracle_database' and d.target_guid = m.target_guid; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- dbconfig init params history -- PURPOSE -- Used to show any history changes on -- init params ecm collection CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DELTA_INIT AS SELECT e.delta_time, e.operation, g.host_name, g.target_guid, g.target_name, g.target_type, n.value as name, as attribute_name, d.old_value, d.value as new_value, ecm_util.GET_GENERIC_VALS_DATATYPE( d.value ) as datatype FROM mgmt_delta_entry e, mgmt_delta_entry_values d, mgmt_delta_ids i, mgmt_delta_id_values n, mgmt_delta_snap p, mgmt_targets g WHERE i.row_guid = e.row_guid and i.collection_type = 'MGMT_DB_INIT_PARAMS_ECM' and i.row_guid = n.delta_ids_guid and'NAME' and e.delta_entry_guid = d.delta_entry_guid and p.delta_guid = e.delta_guid and p.snapshot_type = 'oracle_dbconfig' and p.target_type = 'oracle_database' and p.new_left_target_name = g.target_name and p.old_right_target_name = g.target_name and p.target_type = g.target_type and p.delta_type = 'HISTORY'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Database Configuration Snapshot Views -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_DBNINSTANCEINFO AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, i.database_name, i.global_name, i.banner, i.host_name as host, i.instance_name, i.startup_time, i.logins, i.log_mode, i.open_mode, i.default_temp_tablespace, i.characterset, i.national_characterset from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_dbninstanceinfo_ecm i, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = i.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_TABLESPACES AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, t.tablespace_name, t.contents, t.status, t.extent_management, t.allocation_type, t.logging, t.tablespace_size, t.initial_ext_size, t.next_extent, t.increment_by, t.max_extents, t.tablespace_used_size, t.segment_space_management, t.block_size, t.min_extents, t.min_extlen, t.bigfile from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_tablespaces_ecm t, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = t.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_DATAFILES AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, f.file_name, f.tablespace_name, f.status, f.file_size, f.autoextensible, f.increment_by, f.max_file_size, f.os_storage_entity from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_datafiles_ecm f, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = f.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_LICENSE AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, f.SESSIONS_MAX, f.SESSIONS_WARNING, f.SESSIONS_CURRENT, f.SESSIONS_HIGHWATER, f.USERS_MAX from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_license_ecm f, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = f.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_OPTIONS AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp,, o.selected from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_options_ecm o, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = o.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_REDOLOGS AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, r.group_num, r.status, r.members, r.file_name, r.archived, r.logsize, r.sequence_num, r.first_change_scn, r.os_storage_entity, r.thread_num from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_redologs_ecm r, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_CONTROLFILES AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, c.file_name, c.status, c.creation_date, c.sequence_num, c.change_num, c.mod_date, c.os_storage_entity from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_controlfiles_ecm c, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = c.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_ROLLBACK_SEGS AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, r.rollname, r.status, r.tablespace_name, r.extents, r.rollsize, r.initial_size, r.next_size, r.maximum_extents, r.minimum_extents, r.pct_increase, r.optsize, r.aveactive, r.wraps, r.shrinks, r.aveshrink, r.hwmsize from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_rollback_segs_ecm r, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = r.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_SGA AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, sg.sganame, sg.sgasize from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_sga_ecm sg, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = sg.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$DB_INIT_PARAMS AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, as name, p.isdefault, p.value, ecm_util.GET_GENERIC_VALS_DATATYPE( p.value ) as datatype from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_db_init_params_ecm p, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = p.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HA_INFO AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp, i.dbid, i.log_mode, i.force_logging, i.database_role, i.flashback_on from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_ha_info_ecm i, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = i.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HA_INIT_PARAMS AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp,, p.value from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_ha_init_params_ecm p, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = p.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HA_FILES AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp,, f.totalsize from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_ha_files_ecm f, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = f.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT$HA_RMAN_CONFIG AS select g.host_name, s.target_name, s.target_type, s.target_guid, s.start_timestamp as collection_timestamp,, a.value from mgmt_targets g, mgmt_ha_rman_config_ecm a, mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshot s where s.snapshot_guid = a.ecm_snapshot_id and s.target_guid = g.target_guid and s.is_current = 'Y'; -- create views for viewing saved database configurations -- For now, to be executed only in CENTRAL mode -- the following is not supported by RCU, would need to -- use condition attribute in the RepManager header for -- EM_REPOS_MODE specific script /* COLUMN :script_name NEW_VALUE views_file NOPRINT VARIABLE script_name VARCHAR2(256) BEGIN :script_name :='&EM_SQL_ROOT/db/latest/config/config_gc_views.sql'; END; / SELECT :script_name FROM DUAL; @&views_file */