Rem drv: <migrate type="data_upgrade" version=""/> Rem Rem $Header: emx_data_upgrade.sql 03-aug-2005.00:08:19 caroy Exp $ Rem Rem emx_data_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem emx_data_upgrade.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem caroy 08/03/05 - caroy_bug-4496322 Rem caroy 07/18/05 - Created Rem INSERT INTO mgmt_management_plugins(target_type, mp_version, mp_guid, import_date, hwm_status, functional_description, requirements_description) SELECT target_type, te_version, te_guid, import_date, hwm_status, functional_description, requirements_description FROM mgmt_target_extensions; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_props(mp_guid, prop_name, prop_value) SELECT te_guid, prop_name, prop_value FROM mgmt_te_props; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_mechanisms(mp_guid, mechanism_id, mechanism_type, prop_name, prop_value) SELECT te_guid, mechanism_id, mechanism_type, prop_name, prop_value FROM mgmt_te_mechanisms; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_files(mp_guid, file_id, file_name, file_type, file_contents) SELECT te_guid, file_id, file_name, file_type, file_contents FROM mgmt_te_files; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_file_props(mp_guid, file_id, prop_name, prop_value) SELECT te_guid, file_id, prop_name, prop_value FROM mgmt_te_file_props; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_deployments(mp_guid, agent, deploy_date, status) SELECT te_guid, agent, deploy_date, status FROM mgmt_te_deployments; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_deployment_errors(mp_guid, agent, severity, msg_bundle, msg_id, msg_guid) SELECT te_guid, agent, severity, msg_bundle, msg_id, msg_guid FROM mgmt_te_deployment_errors; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_nls_substitutions(msg_guid, sub_index, substitution) SELECT msg_guid, sub_index, substitution FROM mgmt_te_nls_substitutions; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_contributors(mp_guid, contributor_file_id, contributor_name, contributor_role) SELECT te_guid, contributor_file_id, contributor_name, contributor_role FROM mgmt_te_contributors; INSERT INTO mgmt_mp_contributor_file(mp_guid, contributor_file_id, file_contents) SELECT te_guid, contributor_file_id, file_contents FROM mgmt_te_contributor_file; Rem Convert the sequence over from the old one to the new one so that the new Rem one picks up where the old left off DECLARE l_old_seq NUMBER; BEGIN select mgmt_te_seq.nextval into l_old_seq from dual; execute immediate 'drop sequence mgmt_mp_seq'; execute immediate 'create sequence mgmt_mp_seq start with ' || l_old_seq; END; / DROP INDEX MGMT_TE_FILE_PROPS_IDX_01 DROP INDEX MGMT_TE_VALIDATION_ERR_IDX_01 DROP INDEX MGMT_TE_DEPLOYMENT_ERR_IDX_01 DROP INDEX MGMT_TE_CONTRIBUTORS_IDX_01 DROP SEQUENCE mgmt_te_seq; DROP TABLE MGMT_TARGET_EXTENSIONS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_PROPS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_MECHANISMS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_FILES; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_FILE_PROPS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_DEPLOYMENTS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_DEPLOYMENT_ERRORS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_NLS_SUBSTITUTIONS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_VALIDATIONS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_VALIDATION_ERRORS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_CONTRIBUTORS; DROP TABLE MGMT_TE_CONTRIBUTOR_FILE;