Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: txnmgmt_data_upgrade.sql 07-aug-2007.11:07:35 mfidanbo Exp $ Rem Rem txnmgmt_data_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem txnmgmt_data_upgrade.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mfidanbo 08/07/07 - fix drop cascade Rem bmallipe 08/13/06 - fixing the dbcontrol error Rem rmarripa 09/08/05 - fix bug 4597632 Rem rmarripa 08/17/05 - handle errors Rem mfidanbo 08/04/05 - update beacon specific collection interval Rem mfidanbo 08/04/05 - fix properties Rem chyu 07/26/05 - modifying the migrate header position Rem chyu 07/18/05 - updating the new rep manager header. version Rem number should be Rem mfidanbo 04/09/05 - update target-props into test-props Rem rmarripa 03/30/05 - add parent to the step Rem afontana 02/22/05 - fix request mode Rem mfidanbo 02/10/05 - add granularity to http props Rem ktlaw 01/13/05 - add repmgr header Rem vjraghav 11/02/04 - vjraghav_migration_1 Rem vjraghav 10/26/04 - Created Rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WARNING!!! THE CODE IN THIS FILE HAS NOT BEEN TESTED AT ALL. -- I AM WAITING FOR A TEST ENVIRONMENT TO TEST THIS IN - VIJAY RAGHAVAN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE AS FUNCTION GET_APM_TARGET_IDS RETURN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; FUNCTION GET_TXN_IDS(target_ids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) RETURN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; PROCEDURE MIGRATE_TXN_DEFNS(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); PROCEDURE MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); PROCEDURE MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS_1(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); PROCEDURE MIGRATE_PING_PROPS(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); PROCEDURE MIGRATE_TARGET_TXN_PROPS(tgt_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); MODULE_NAME constant VARCHAR2(32) := 'WEBAPP_TXN_DATA_UPGRADE'; END EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE; / SHOW ERRORS; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE AS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following function returns a list of webapp and beacon target ids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION GET_APM_TARGET_IDS RETURN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY IS CURSOR targets_cur IS SELECT target_guid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_type = 'website' OR target_type = 'oracle_beacon'; v_more BOOLEAN; v_target targets_cur%ROWTYPE; v_count PLS_INTEGER; v_ret SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; BEGIN v_more := TRUE; v_count := 0; v_ret := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); OPEN targets_cur; WHILE v_more LOOP FETCH targets_cur INTO v_target; v_more := targets_cur%FOUND; IF v_more THEN v_ret.EXTEND; v_count := v_count + 1; v_ret(v_count) := RAWTOHEX(v_target.target_guid); END IF; END LOOP; IF targets_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE targets_cur; END IF; RETURN v_ret; END GET_APM_TARGET_IDS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following function returns a list of transaction ids given a list of -- target ids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION GET_TXN_IDS(target_ids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) RETURN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY IS CURSOR txnids_cur IS SELECT txn_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE target_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(target_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(target_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ); v_more BOOLEAN; v_txn txnids_cur%ROWTYPE; v_count PLS_INTEGER; v_ret SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; BEGIN v_more := TRUE; v_count := 0; v_ret := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); OPEN txnids_cur; WHILE v_more LOOP FETCH txnids_cur INTO v_txn; v_more := txnids_cur%FOUND; IF v_more THEN v_ret.EXTEND; v_count := v_count + 1; v_ret(v_count) := RAWTOHEX(v_txn.txn_guid); END IF; END LOOP; IF txnids_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE txnids_cur; END IF; RETURN v_ret; END GET_TXN_IDS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following procedure performs these operations -- 1. Migrate data from two columns in MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN. -- 2. Create an audit entry for each transaction migrated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE MIGRATE_TXN_DEFNS(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS CURSOR txn_defn_cur(txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS SELECT target_guid, txn_guid, version, failure_regexp, default_schedule FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE txn_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(txn_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ); CURSOR txn_cons_cur(txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS SELECT DISTINCT txn_guid, auth_realm, auth_user, auth_passwd FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP WHERE txn_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(txn_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ); CURSOR txn_per_bcn_props(txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS SELECT DISTINCT target_guid, beacon_target_guid, txn_guid, schedule FROM MGMT_BCN_TARGET_TXN WHERE txn_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(txn_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ); v_more BOOLEAN; v_txn_defn txn_defn_cur%ROWTYPE; v_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; v_timestamp DATE; new_bcn_name MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_NAME%TYPE; v_bcn_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; BEGIN -- First migrate the data from the table v_more := TRUE; OPEN txn_defn_cur(txn_guids); WHILE v_more LOOP FETCH txn_defn_cur INTO v_txn_defn; v_more := txn_defn_cur%FOUND; IF v_more THEN -- Set the failure string as a property IF (v_txn_defn.failure_regexp IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_txn_defn.target_guid, v_txn_defn.txn_guid, 'FailureString', 0, v_txn_defn.failure_regexp, 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Set the collection interval as a property IF (v_txn_defn.default_schedule) IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_txn_defn.target_guid, v_txn_defn.txn_guid, 'Collection Interval', v_txn_defn.default_schedule, 2); END IF; -- Set granularity to transaction INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_txn_defn.target_guid, v_txn_defn.txn_guid, 'granularity', 0, 'transaction', 1, 'N'); v_timestamp := tgt_sysdate_wguid(v_txn_defn.target_guid); INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_AUDIT (target_guid, txn_guid, audit_timestamp, change_type, is_version_change, version, details) VALUES (v_txn_defn.target_guid, v_txn_defn.txn_guid, v_timestamp, 8, 'N', v_txn_defn.version, 'Migrated'); END IF; END LOOP; IF txn_defn_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE txn_defn_cur; END IF; FOR subrec IN txn_per_bcn_props(txn_guids) LOOP v_bcn_guid := NULL; IF(subrec.target_guid = subrec.beacon_target_guid) THEN -- this is local beacon -- so we need to get the beacon_guid for the new beacon that will -- replace the local beacon BEGIN SELECT property_value INTO new_bcn_name FROM mgmt_target_properties prop WHERE prop.target_guid = subrec.target_guid AND prop.property_name = 'Webapp10gR2UpgradeBeacon'; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN new_bcn_name := NULL; END; IF(new_bcn_name IS NOT NULL) THEN -- we will change local beacon to this beacon name. -- create beacon_guid v_bcn_guid := MGMT_TARGET.GENERATE_TARGET_GUID(new_bcn_name, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_BEACON_TARGET_TYPE); END IF; ELSE v_bcn_guid := subrec.beacon_target_guid; END IF; IF (v_bcn_guid IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_BCNTXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, bcn_guid, name, string_part, prop_type, num_value) VALUES (subrec.target_guid, subrec.txn_guid, v_bcn_guid, 'Collection Interval', 0, 2, subrec.schedule); END IF; END LOOP; FOR subrec IN txn_cons_cur(txn_guids) LOOP -- find target_guid for txn SELECT target_guid INTO v_target_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE txn_guid = subrec.txn_guid; -- Auth Realm IF (subrec.auth_realm IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, subrec.txn_guid, 'authrealm', 0, decrypt(subrec.auth_realm), 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Auth User IF (subrec.auth_user IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, subrec.txn_guid, 'authuser', 0, decrypt(subrec.auth_user), 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Auth Password IF (subrec.auth_passwd IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, subrec.txn_guid, 'authpwd', 0, subrec.auth_passwd, 1, 'Y'); END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_ERROR_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.ERROR('Fatal Error Encountered in MIGRATE_TXN_DEFNS: ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 1000), MODULE_NAME) ; END IF; IF txn_defn_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE txn_defn_cur; END IF; IF txn_cons_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE txn_cons_cur; END IF; IF txn_per_bcn_props%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE txn_per_bcn_props; END IF; END MIGRATE_TXN_DEFNS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following procedure performs these operations -- 1. Migrate data from MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP and drop the table -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS CURSOR steps_defn_cur(txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS SELECT txn_guid, step, req_mode, url, http_method, target_frame, anchor_hint, hidden_input_hint FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP WHERE txn_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(txn_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ) ORDER BY step ASC; v_more BOOLEAN; v_step_defn steps_defn_cur%ROWTYPE; v_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; v_step_guid MGMT_BCN_STEP_DEFN.STEP_GUID%TYPE; v_parent_step_guid MGMT_BCN_STEP_DEFN.PARENT_STEP_GUID%TYPE; v_step_name VARCHAR2(32); BEGIN -- First migrate the data from the table v_more := TRUE; OPEN steps_defn_cur(txn_guids); WHILE v_more LOOP FETCH steps_defn_cur INTO v_step_defn; v_more := steps_defn_cur%FOUND; IF v_more THEN BEGIN -- Find the target guid for this transaction SELECT target_guid INTO v_target_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE txn_guid = v_step_defn.txn_guid; IF (v_step_defn.step < 10) THEN v_step_name := 'STEP 00' || v_step_defn.step; ELSIF (v_step_defn.step < 100) THEN v_step_name := 'STEP 0' || v_step_defn.step; ELSE v_step_name := 'STEP ' || v_step_defn.step; END IF; IF ( v_step_defn.req_mode = 1 ) THEN v_parent_step_guid := null; ELSE BEGIN SELECT step_guid INTO v_parent_step_guid FROM ( SELECT max(step) AS step_num FROM mgmt_bcn_step_defn step, mgmt_bcn_step_props props WHERE step.txn_guid = v_step_defn.txn_guid AND step.step_type = 'HTTP' AND step.step < v_step_defn.step AND step.target_guid = props.target_guid AND step.step_guid = props.step_guid AND = 'req_mode' AND props.NUM_VALUE=1) parent_step, mgmt_bcn_step_defn step_defn WHERE step_defn.txn_guid = v_step_defn.txn_guid AND step_defn.step=parent_step.step_num; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_ERROR_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.ERROR('Unable to find the parent step guid for the step. Step Name = '||v_step_name||', Step Order = '||v_step_defn.step, MODULE_NAME) ; END IF; END; END IF; -- Insert the step definition. This should create the step guid. INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_DEFN (target_guid, txn_guid, step, name, step_type, parent_step_guid) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_defn.txn_guid, v_step_defn.step, v_step_name, 'HTTP', v_parent_step_guid); BEGIN -- Read the step guid back SELECT step_guid INTO v_step_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_STEP_DEFN WHERE target_guid = v_target_guid AND txn_guid = v_step_defn.txn_guid AND step = v_step_defn.step AND name = v_step_name AND step_type = 'HTTP'; -- Request Mode IF (v_step_defn.req_mode IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'req_mode', v_step_defn.req_mode, 2); ELSE -- Else Insert "User Action" INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'req_mode', 1, 2); END IF; -- URL IF (v_step_defn.url IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'url', 0, v_step_defn.url, 1, 'N'); END IF; -- HTTP Method IF (v_step_defn.http_method IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'http_method', 0, v_step_defn.http_method, 1, 'N'); ELSE INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'http_method', 0, 'G', 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Target Frame IF (v_step_defn.target_frame IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'target_frame', 0, v_step_defn.target_frame, 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Anchor Hint IF (v_step_defn.anchor_hint IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'anchor_hint', 0, v_step_defn.anchor_hint, 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Hidden Input Hint IF (v_step_defn.hidden_input_hint IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'hidden_input_hint', 0, v_step_defn.hidden_input_hint, 1, 'N'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid step: ' || v_step_name); WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid step: ' || v_step_name); END; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid transaction guid: ' || v_step_defn.txn_guid); END; END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF steps_defn_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE steps_defn_cur; END IF; END MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following procedure performs these operations -- 1. Migrate data from MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP_PARAM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS_1(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS CURSOR http_params_cur(txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS SELECT txn_guid, step, part, headers, postdata FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP_PARAM WHERE txn_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(txn_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ); v_more BOOLEAN; v_http_params http_params_cur%ROWTYPE; v_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; v_step_guid MGMT_BCN_STEP_DEFN.STEP_GUID%TYPE; BEGIN -- First migrate the data from the table v_more := TRUE; OPEN http_params_cur(txn_guids); WHILE v_more LOOP FETCH http_params_cur INTO v_http_params; v_more := http_params_cur%FOUND; IF v_more THEN BEGIN -- Find the target guid for this transaction SELECT target_guid INTO v_target_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE txn_guid = v_http_params.txn_guid; -- Find the step guid for this step SELECT step_guid INTO v_step_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_STEP_DEFN WHERE target_guid = v_target_guid AND txn_guid = v_http_params.txn_guid AND step = v_http_params.step AND step_type = 'HTTP'; -- HTTP Headers IF (v_http_params.headers IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'headers', v_http_params.part, v_http_params.headers, 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Post Data IF (v_http_params.postdata IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_STEP_PROPS (target_guid, step_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_step_guid, 'post_data', v_http_params.part, v_http_params.postdata, 1, 'Y'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid entry: Step ' || v_http_params.step || ' Transaction ' || v_http_params.txn_guid); WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid entry: Step ' || v_http_params.step || ' Transaction ' || v_http_params.txn_guid); END; END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF http_params_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE http_params_cur; END IF; END MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS_1; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following procedure performs these operations -- 1. Migrate data from MGMT_BCN_TXN_PING. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE MIGRATE_PING_PROPS(txn_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS CURSOR ping_params_cur(txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS SELECT txn_guid, hostname, ping_mode, num_packets, max_ttl, timeout FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_PING WHERE txn_ids IS NULL OR RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST(txn_ids AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY)) ); v_more BOOLEAN; v_ping_params ping_params_cur%ROWTYPE; v_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; BEGIN -- First migrate the data from the table v_more := TRUE; OPEN ping_params_cur(txn_guids); WHILE v_more LOOP FETCH ping_params_cur INTO v_ping_params; v_more := ping_params_cur%FOUND; IF v_more THEN BEGIN -- Find the target guid for this transaction SELECT target_guid INTO v_target_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE txn_guid = v_ping_params.txn_guid; -- Host Name IF (v_ping_params.hostname IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_part, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_ping_params.txn_guid, 'targetHost', 0, v_ping_params.hostname, 1, 'N'); END IF; -- Ping Mode IF (v_ping_params.ping_mode IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_ping_params.txn_guid, 'mode', v_ping_params.ping_mode, 2); END IF; -- Number of Packets IF (v_ping_params.num_packets IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_ping_params.txn_guid, 'numpackets', v_ping_params.num_packets, 2); END IF; -- Maximum Time To Live IF (v_ping_params.max_ttl IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_ping_params.txn_guid, 'maxttl', v_ping_params.max_ttl, 2); END IF; -- Timeout IF (v_ping_params.timeout IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (v_target_guid, v_ping_params.txn_guid, 'maxtime', v_ping_params.timeout, 2); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid transaction guid: ' || v_ping_params.txn_guid); WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN -- Do nothing. Ignore this entry. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid transaction guid: ' || v_ping_params.txn_guid); END; END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ping_params_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE ping_params_cur; END IF; END MIGRATE_PING_PROPS; PROCEDURE INSERT_INTO_PROP_TABLE(property_name IN VARCHAR2, property_value IN VARCHAR2, in_txn_guid IN RAW, tgt_guid IN RAW) IS prop_type NUMBER; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT props.property_type INTO prop_type FROM MGMT_TEST_PROP props, MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN txn WHERE txn.txn_guid = in_txn_guid AND txn.target_guid = tgt_guid AND props.test_type = txn.txn_type AND props.prop_name = property_name; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN prop_type := 1; END; BEGIN IF prop_type = 1 THEN -- String INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, string_value, prop_type, encrypted) VALUES (tgt_guid, in_txn_guid, property_name, property_value, prop_type, 'N'); ELSIF (prop_type = 2 or prop_type = 3) THEN -- Integer or float INSERT INTO MGMT_BCN_TXN_PROPS (target_guid, txn_guid, name, num_value, prop_type) VALUES (tgt_guid, in_txn_guid, property_name, to_number(property_value), prop_type); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END INSERT_INTO_PROP_TABLE; PROCEDURE MIGRATE_TARGET_TXN_PROPS(tgt_guids IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS l_count PLS_INTEGER; single_guid RAW(16); tgt_level_props SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); CURSOR txnids_cur(single_guid RAW) IS SELECT txn_guid FROM MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN WHERE target_guid = single_guid; CURSOR txn_level_props(txn_guid RAW, tgt_guid RAW) IS SELECT SUBSTR(property_name, INSTR(property_name, ':') + 1) as property_name, property_value FROM mgmt_target_properties WHERE target_guid = tgt_guid AND property_type = EMD_BCN_ADMIN.REP_ONLY_PROP_TYPE AND property_name LIKE (RAWTOHEX(txn_guid) || '%'); BEGIN IF(tgt_guids IS NULL OR tgt_guids.COUNT = 0) THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR l_count IN tgt_guids.FIRST..tgt_guids.LAST LOOP single_guid := HEXTORAW(tgt_guids(l_count)); -- select all tgt level txn properties SELECT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(property_name, property_value) BULK COLLECT INTO tgt_level_props FROM mgmt_target_properties WHERE target_guid = single_guid AND property_type = EMD_BCN_ADMIN.REP_ONLY_PROP_TYPE AND INSTR(property_name, ':') = 0; -- select all txns belonging to this target -- for each txn, add all tgt level txn props to this txn -- migrate all txn level txn props from mgmt_target_properties to txn_props FOR subrec IN txnids_cur(single_guid) LOOP IF(tgt_level_props IS NOT NULL and tgt_level_props.COUNT > 0) THEN FOR l_prop_count IN tgt_level_props.FIRST..tgt_level_props.LAST LOOP BEGIN IF( (tgt_level_props(l_prop_count).name = 'OCCURRENCES') OR (tgt_level_props(l_prop_count).name = 'OCCURENCES') )THEN -- update mgmt_admin_metric_thresholds, -- this applies to all collections, all beacons, all metrics UPDATE MGMT_ADMIN_METRIC_THRESHOLDS SET num_occurences = TO_NUMBER(tgt_level_props(l_prop_count).value) WHERE target_guid = single_guid AND coll_name = subrec.txn_guid; ELSE INSERT_INTO_PROP_TABLE(tgt_level_props(l_prop_count).name, tgt_level_props(l_prop_count).value, subrec.txn_guid, single_guid); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END IF; FOR subtxnprop IN txn_level_props(subrec.txn_guid , single_guid) LOOP BEGIN IF( (subtxnprop.property_name = 'OCCURRENCES') OR (subtxnprop.property_name = 'OCCURENCES') )THEN -- update mgmt_admin_metric_thresholds, -- this applies to all beacons, all metrics UPDATE MGMT_ADMIN_METRIC_THRESHOLDS SET num_occurences = TO_NUMBER(subtxnprop.property_value) WHERE target_guid = single_guid AND coll_name = subrec.txn_guid; -- this might change in the future, coll_name = txn_name? ELSE INSERT_INTO_PROP_TABLE(subtxnprop.property_name, subtxnprop.property_value, subrec.txn_guid, single_guid); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- txn id loop IF (tgt_level_props IS NOT NULL) THEN tgt_level_props.DELETE; END IF; END LOOP; -- tgt id loop END MIGRATE_TARGET_TXN_PROPS; END EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE; / SHOW ERRORS; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use the package created above to perform the migration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE v_target_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; v_txn_ids SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; BEGIN -- First get the ids of all targets for which we want to migrate transactions. -- We then figure out the transaction ids corresponding to this target id list. v_target_ids := EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.GET_APM_TARGET_IDS; v_txn_ids := EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.GET_TXN_IDS(v_target_ids); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO(v_target_ids.COUNT || ' targets selected', EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MODULE_NAME) ; EMDW_LOG.INFO(v_txn_ids.COUNT || ' transactions selected', EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MODULE_NAME) ; END IF; -- Migrate transaction definitions EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MIGRATE_TXN_DEFNS(v_txn_ids); -- Migrate HTTP step definitions and properties EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS(v_txn_ids); -- Migrate additional HTTP step properites EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MIGRATE_HTTP_STEPS_1(v_txn_ids); -- Migrate Ping properties EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MIGRATE_PING_PROPS(v_txn_ids); -- Migrate target props into txn props EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE.MIGRATE_TARGET_TXN_PROPS(v_target_ids); END; / -- Delete two columns from the txn definition table ALTER TABLE MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN DROP COLUMN failure_regexp; ALTER TABLE MGMT_BCN_TXN_DEFN DROP COLUMN default_schedule; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drop Table Constraints --------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE l_count NUMBER := 0; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_count FROM all_constraints WHERE lower(constraint_name) = 'bcn_tgt_txn_primary_key'; IF (l_count > 0) THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MGMT_BCN_TARGET_TXN DROP CONSTRAINT bcn_tgt_txn_primary_key CASCADE DROP INDEX'; END IF; END; / --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Drop Tables --------------------------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE MGMT_BCN_TARGET_TXN; -- Drop the old HTTP table DROP TABLE MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP; -- Drop the old HTTP params table DROP TABLE MGMT_BCN_TXN_HTTP_PARAM; -- Drop the ping table DROP TABLE MGMT_BCN_TXN_PING; -- Drop the migration package DROP PACKAGE EMD_BCNTXN_MIGRATE; SHOW ERRORS;