Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/v102010/user_model_schema_upgrade.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/04/05 23:02:50 nmathuri Exp $ Rem Rem user_model_schema_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem user_model_schema_upgrade.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem aptrived 08/07/07 - Backport aptrived_bug-5493464 from Rem st_emcore_10. Rem aptrived 09/10/06 - Bug#5493464, avoid ORA-00955 Rem dcawley 09/08/05 - Check for existence of flat role grants Rem chyu 07/25/05 - modifying the upgrade header Rem chyu 07/18/05 - adding the header Rem dcawley 06/13/05 - Add primary key to callback table Rem dcawley 03/03/05 - Drop context Rem eujang 03/03/05 - add the mgmt_priv_grants_idx01 index Rem dcawley 02/24/05 - Add compression Rem dcawley 02/08/05 - Add migration Rem scgrover 02/07/05 - fix upgrade Rem scgrover 01/28/05 - make more robust Rem scgrover 01/27/05 - scgrover_bug-4143351 Rem scgrover 01/26/05 - add index rename Rem scgrover 01/26/05 - make user dynamic Rem scgrover 01/26/05 - Created Rem Rem Create new table definition for the MGMT_USER_CONTEXT table CREATE TABLE MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_INT (client_identifier VARCHAR2(256), attribute NUMBER, value NUMBER, CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_PK_INT PRIMARY KEY (client_identifier, attribute) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX COMPRESS 1 MONITORING; Rem redefine the table to be an IOT DECLARE no_errors NUMBER := 0; BEGIN BEGIN DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE('&&EM_REPOS_USER', 'MGMT_USER_CONTEXT', 'MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_INT'); DBMS_REDEFINITION.FINISH_REDEF_TABLE('&&EM_REPOS_USER', 'MGMT_USER_CONTEXT', 'MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_INT'); no_errors := 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_REDEFINITION.ABORT_REDEF_TABLE('&&EM_REPOS_USER', 'MGMT_USER_CONTEXT', 'MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_INT'); END; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_INT'; IF no_errors = 1 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MGMT_USER_CONTEXT RENAME CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_PK_INT TO MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_PK'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER INDEX MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_PK_INT RENAME TO MGMT_USER_CONTEXT_PK'; END IF; END; / Rem Create the new table definition for the MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS table CREATE TABLE MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_INT (callback VARCHAR2(100), type NUMBER, CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK_INT PRIMARY KEY (callback, type) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; Rem redefine the table to be an IOT DECLARE no_errors NUMBER := 0; BEGIN BEGIN -- Add a primary key EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS ADD CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK PRIMARY KEY (callback, type)'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_INT'; RETURN; END; BEGIN DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE('&&EM_REPOS_USER', 'MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS', 'MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_INT'); DBMS_REDEFINITION.FINISH_REDEF_TABLE('&&EM_REPOS_USER', 'MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS', 'MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_INT'); no_errors := 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS DROP CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK'; DBMS_REDEFINITION.ABORT_REDEF_TABLE('&&EM_REPOS_USER', 'MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS', 'MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_INT'); END; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_INT'; IF no_errors = 1 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS RENAME CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK_INT TO MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER INDEX MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK_INT RENAME TO MGMT_USER_CALLBACKS_PK'; END IF; END; / Rem Rem New table definitions Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_FLAT_ROLE_GRANTS table contains the list of flattened roles rem granted to a role. It does not contain the flattened list granted to a rem user. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem ROLE_GRANTEE - the role that has been granted the role rem rem ROLE_NAME - the name of the granted role rem rem NOTES rem The purpose of this table is to avoid the use of recursive queries rem that use CONNECT BY rem BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE TABLE MGMT_FLAT_ROLE_GRANTS(role_grantee VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL, role_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL) MONITORING'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE INDEX mgmt_flat_role_grants_idx1 ON MGMT_FLAT_ROLE_GRANTS (role_grantee)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE MGMT_FLAT_ROLE_GRANTS ADD CONSTRAINT mgmt_flat_role_grants_fk FOREIGN KEY (role_name) REFERENCES MGMT_ROLES (role_name) ON DELETE CASCADE'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_USER_TEMPLATES table contains the list of template guids on which rem a user has VIEW_TEMPLATE privilege rem rem COLUMNS rem rem GRANTEE - the user who has been granted the privilege rem rem TEMPLATE_GUID - template guid rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_USER_TEMPLATES (grantee VARCHAR2(256), template_guid RAW(16), CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_TEMPLATES_PK PRIMARY KEY (grantee, template_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX COMPRESS 1 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_USER_REPORT_DEFS table contains the list of report defintion rem guids on which a user has VIEW_REPORT privilege rem rem COLUMNS rem rem GRANTEE - the user who has been granted the privilege rem rem REPORT_GUID - report guid rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_USER_REPORT_DEFS (grantee VARCHAR2(256), report_guid RAW(16), CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_REPORT_DEFS_PK PRIMARY KEY (grantee, report_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX COMPRESS 1 MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_USER_CAS table contains the list of corrective actions ids on rem which a user has VIEW_CA privilege rem rem COLUMNS rem rem GRANTEE - the user who has been granted the privilege rem rem JOB_ID - job id rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_USER_CAS (grantee VARCHAR2(256), job_id RAW(16), CONSTRAINT MGMT_USER_CAS_PK PRIMARY KEY (grantee, job_id) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX COMPRESS 1 MONITORING; Rem Rem Modify columns for increased size of user name Rem ALTER TABLE mgmt_privs MODIFY (creator VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE mgmt_role_grants MODIFY (grantee VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE mgmt_priv_grants MODIFY (grantee VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE mgmt_user_targets MODIFY (grantee VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE mgmt_user_jobs MODIFY (grantee VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE mgmt_created_users MODIFY (user_name VARCHAR2(256)); Rem Rem Upgrade the MGMT_VIEW user Rem Rem Create public synonyms create or replace public synonym MGMT_VIEW_UTIL FOR MGMT_VIEW_UTIL; create or replace public synonym MGMT_MESSAGES FOR MGMT_MESSAGES; Rem Drop the global context DECLARE l_context_cnt NUMBER := 0; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO l_context_cnt FROM dba_context WHERE NAMESPACE = 'EM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT'; IF l_context_cnt > 0 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP CONTEXT em_global_context'; END IF; END; / Rem Rem Indices for MGMT_PRIV_GRANTS table Rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_priv_grants_idx01 ON MGMT_PRIV_GRANTS(guid, direct_grant) COMPRESS 1;