Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: topology_schema_upgrade.sql 25-jul-2005.14:04:30 chyu Exp $ Rem Rem topology_schema_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem topology_schema_upgrade.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem chyu 07/25/05 - modifying the upgrade header Rem chyu 07/18/05 - adding the header Rem nigupta 02/16/05 - nigupta_rep_test Rem nigupta 02/15/05 - Created Rem rem rem This script requires the following arguments rem 1. Name of the ecm_depot tablespace where all LOBs are stored rem DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE = "&1" rem rem PURPOSE rem The MGMT_TOPOLOGY_PAGE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE table stores the image name and rem content for a topology page or an instance of a topology page rem rem COLUMNS rem TOPO_PAGE_TYPE - rem The identifier for the type of toology page. For eg. for the System rem Topology page, this value is 'grpsTopoPageType'. For a page, whose rem background image does not vary from instance to instance of the page, rem this parameter is sufficient to uniquely identify the background image rem PAGE_INSTANCE_ID - rem The identifier for a page instance. For eg. System Topology page has rem different background images for different systems, which are identified rem by system's GUID. Here, page type and page instance id together rem uniquely identify the background image. rem IMAGE_NAME - rem The file name of the image. It should end with filename extension .gif, rem .svg or .jpg. It does not contain the file's directory name. rem IMAGE_DATA - rem The file content of the image. It can be of gif, svg or jpg file types. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_TOPO_PAGE_BG_IMAGE ( topo_page_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, page_instance_id VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, image_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, image_data BLOB, CONSTRAINT PK_MGMT_TOPO_PAGE_BG_IMAGE PRIMARY KEY(topo_page_type, page_instance_id) ) MONITORING LOB(image_data) STORE AS (TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE); rem rem PURPOSE rem The MGMT_TOPOLOGY_PAGE_PREFERENCE table stores the preference name and rem value for a topology page or an instance of the page. Some examples are rem manual layout or auto layout, icon size, etc. rem rem COLUMNS rem TOPO_PAGE_TYPE - rem The identifier for the type of toology page. For eg. for the System rem Topology page, this value is 'grpsTopoPageType'. rem PAGE_INSTANCE_ID - rem The identifier for a page instance. rem PREFERENCE_NAME - rem The name of the preference parameter. It should follow the variable rem naming standard in Oracle Java Coding Standard. rem PREFERENCE_VALUE - rem The value of the preference rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_TOPO_PAGE_PREF ( topo_page_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, page_instance_id VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, preference_name VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, preference_value VARCHAR2(4000) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_MGMT_TOPO_PAGE_PREF PRIMARY KEY(topo_page_type, page_instance_id, preference_name) ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem The MGMT_TOPOLOGY_PAGE_OBJECT_POSITION table stores the nodes' and rem subgraphs' coordinates. rem rem COLUMNS rem TOPO_PAGE_TYPE - rem The identifier for the type of toology page. For eg. for the System rem Topology page, this value is 'grpsTopoPageType'. rem PAGE_INSTANCE_ID - rem The identifier for a page instance. rem NODE_ID - rem The id for the node instance. It should not be the graphic object ID rem that SDK uses when transferring data between browser and server. It rem should be the business object identifier. For eg. in System Topology, rem a node or a subgraph is always a target and its node_id should be rem target's GUID. rem X - rem The x coordinate of the node. rem Y - rem The y coordinate of the node. rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_TOPO_PAGE_OBJ_POS ( topo_page_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, page_instance_id VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, x NUMBER(5) DEFAULT 0, y NUMBER(5) DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PK_MGMT_TOPO_PAGE_OBJ_POS PRIMARY KEY(topo_page_type, page_instance_id, node_id) ) MONITORING; CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE TOPO_NODE_POS AS OBJECT ( node_id VARCHAR2(128), x NUMBER(5), y NUMBER(5) ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE TOPO_NODE_POS_ARRAY AS TABLE OF TOPO_NODE_POS; /