Rem Rem $Header: webapp_views.sql 02-aug-2005.21:33:24 saramasa Exp $ Rem Rem webapp_views.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem webapp_views.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem saramasa 08/02/05 - Moved from beta Rem pmaddi 04/12/05 - Adding appropriate comments for transaction perf Rem views. Rem pmaddi 03/29/05 - Rem pmaddi 03/24/05 - Modifying transaction metrics query to collect Rem the correct metric value. Rem chyu 03/18/05 - removing the echo off Rem pmaddi 01/30/05 - Adding outer joins againt mgmt_metrics and Rem mgmt_targets tables for transaction performace Rem queries. Rem pmaddi 01/26/05 - pmaddi_reports_trans Rem pmaddi 12/02/04 - Created Rem SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 --Purpose: View for Reporting E2E data for rollup time from 7 days till 31 days create or replace view SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_1Day AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT uri, hit_count, total_time, servlet_count, servlet_time, jsp_count, jsp_time, ejb_count, ejb_time, jdbc_time, mt.target_guid,rollup_timestamp FROM mgmt_e2e_summary_1day e2e,mgmt_target_assocs mta, mgmt_target_assoc_defs mdef, mgmt_targets mt WHERE e2e.target_guid = mta.assoc_target_guid AND source_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND mta.assoc_guid = mdef.assoc_guid AND mdef.assoc_def_name = 'depends_on' AND mdef.scope_target_type = ' '); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM MGMT$E2E_1Day FOR SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_1Day; GRANT SELECT ON SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_1Day TO MGMT_USER; --Purpose: View for Reporting E2E data for rollup time from 24 hours to last 7 days create or replace view SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_hourly AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT uri, hit_count, total_time, servlet_count, servlet_time, jsp_count, jsp_time, ejb_count, ejb_time, jdbc_time, mt.target_guid,rollup_timestamp FROM mgmt_e2e_summary_1hour e2e,mgmt_target_assocs mta, mgmt_target_assoc_defs mdef, mgmt_targets mt WHERE e2e.target_guid = mta.assoc_target_guid AND source_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND mta.assoc_guid = mdef.assoc_guid AND mdef.assoc_def_name = 'depends_on' AND mdef.scope_target_type = ' '); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM MGMT$E2E_hourly FOR SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_hourly; GRANT SELECT ON SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_hourly TO MGMT_USER; --Purpose: View for Reporting E2E data for rollup time less than 24 hours create or replace view SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_Raw AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT uri, hit_count, total_time, servlet_count, servlet_time, jsp_count, jsp_time, ejb_count, ejb_time, jdbc_time, mt.target_guid,collection_timestamp as rollup_timestamp FROM mgmt_e2e_summary e2e,mgmt_target_assocs mta, mgmt_target_assoc_defs mdef, mgmt_targets mt WHERE e2e.target_guid = mta.assoc_target_guid AND source_target_guid = mt.target_guid AND mta.assoc_guid = mdef.assoc_guid AND mdef.assoc_def_name = 'depends_on' AND mdef.scope_target_type = ' '); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM MGMT$E2E_Raw FOR SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_Raw; GRANT SELECT ON SYSMAN.MGMT$E2E_Raw TO MGMT_USER; --Purpose of this view is to list out all the transaction names, beacons -- along with the transaction specific ('http_response' type) metrics. If there are no metrics available -- then the outer join of txn_bcns 'inner table' against mgmt$txn_metrics_raw -- should ensure listing of all transaction names and beacons for all targets, with the -- corresponding metric values as nulls. create or replace view mgmt$txn_perf_raw as SELECT met.target_guid, txn_name, met.target_type, bcn_name, is_representative, participates_avail, met.column_label, txn_guid, met.metric_column, met.value, met.collection_timestamp FROM ( select met.value value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_raw met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm, mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_response' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid )met, (SELECT b.target_guid target_guid,mt1.target_name as bcn_name, txn_name, is_representative ,txn_guid,txns.target_guid txn_target_guid, b.participates_avail as participates_avail FROM mgmt_bcn_target b, mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txns, mgmt_targets mt1 WHERE b.beacon_target_guid = mt1.target_guid AND mt1.target_type = 'oracle_beacon' ) txn_bcns WHERE txn_bcns.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) AND txn_bcns.txn_target_guid = met.target_guid(+) AND met.key_part1_value(+) = txn_bcns.txn_name AND met.key_part2_value(+) = txn_bcns.bcn_name AND (met.key_part3_value=' ' or met.key_part3_value is null); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$txn_perf_raw FOR sysman.mgmt$txn_perf_raw ; GRANT SELECT ON sysman.mgmt$txn_perf_raw TO MGMT_USER; --Purpose of this view is to list out all the transaction names, beacons -- along with the transaction specific ('http_response' type) metrics. If there are no metrics available -- then the outer join of txn_bcns 'inner table' against mgmt$txn_metrics_hourly -- should return all transaction names and beacons for all targets, with the -- corresponding metric values as null. create or replace view mgmt$txn_perf_hour as SELECT met.target_guid, txn_name, met.target_type, bcn_name, is_representative, participates_avail, met.column_label, txn_guid, met.metric_column, met.value, met.collection_timestamp FROM ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1hour met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm, mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_response' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid )met, (SELECT b.target_guid target_guid,mt1.target_name as bcn_name, txn_name, is_representative ,txn_guid,txns.target_guid txn_target_guid, b.participates_avail as participates_avail FROM mgmt_bcn_target b, mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txns, mgmt_targets mt1 WHERE b.beacon_target_guid = mt1.target_guid AND mt1.target_type = 'oracle_beacon' ) txn_bcns WHERE txn_bcns.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) AND txn_bcns.txn_target_guid = met.target_guid(+) AND met.key_part1_value(+) = txn_bcns.txn_name AND met.key_part2_value(+) = txn_bcns.bcn_name AND (met.key_part3_value=' ' or met.key_part3_value is null); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$txn_perf_hour FOR sysman.mgmt$txn_perf_hour ; GRANT SELECT ON sysman.mgmt$txn_perf_hour TO MGMT_USER; create or replace view mgmt$txn_perf_day as SELECT met.target_guid, txn_name, met.target_type, bcn_name, is_representative, participates_avail, met.column_label, txn_guid, met.metric_column, met.value, met.collection_timestamp FROM ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1day met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm, mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_response' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid )met, (SELECT b.target_guid target_guid,mt1.target_name as bcn_name, txn_name, is_representative ,txn_guid,txns.target_guid txn_target_guid, b.participates_avail as participates_avail FROM mgmt_bcn_target b, mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txns, mgmt_targets mt1 WHERE b.beacon_target_guid = mt1.target_guid AND mt1.target_type = 'oracle_beacon' ) txn_bcns WHERE txn_bcns.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) AND txn_bcns.txn_target_guid = met.target_guid(+) AND met.key_part1_value(+) = txn_bcns.txn_name AND met.key_part2_value(+) = txn_bcns.bcn_name AND (met.key_part3_value=' ' or met.key_part3_value is null); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$txn_perf_day FOR sysman.mgmt$txn_perf_day ; GRANT SELECT ON sysman.mgmt$txn_perf_day TO MGMT_USER; --Purpose of this view is to get all the steps in a transaction create or replace view mgmt$steps as select as txn_name,bcn_name, step_name, txns.target_guid,txns.txn_guid from mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txns, mgmt_bcn_step_defn steps,(select b.target_guid target_guid,mt1.target_name as bcn_name from mgmt_bcn_target b,mgmt_targets mt1 where b.beacon_target_guid = mt1.target_guid and mt1.target_type = 'oracle_beacon') bcns where steps.txn_guid = txns.txn_guid and bcns.target_guid = txns.target_guid and txns.target_guid = steps.target_guid and txn_type='HTTP'; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$steps FOR sysman.mgmt$steps; GRANT SELECT ON sysman.mgmt$steps TO MGMT_USER; --Purpose of this function is to concat all the steps in a step group for the tranaction. create OR replace function concat_steps(target_guid_in in raw, txn_guid_in in raw, stp_grp_guid_in in raw) return varchar2 is l_str varchar2(2000) default null; l_sep varchar2(2) default null; begin for x in ( select name from mgmt_bcn_step_defn steps,mgmt_bcn_stepgroup_steps stlink where stlink.target_guid = target_guid_in AND steps.target_guid = stlink.target_guid AND stlink.txn_guid = txn_guid_in AND stlink.txn_guid = steps.txn_guid AND stepgroup_guid = stp_grp_guid_in AND steps.step_guid = stlink.step_guid order by asc ) loop l_str := l_str || l_sep ||; l_sep := ', '; end loop; return l_str; end; / --Purpose of this view is to get all the step groups and the steps involved in a group for the transaction create or replace view mgmt$step_groups as select as txn_name,bcn_name, txns.target_guid,txns.txn_guid, || ' ('||concat_steps(txns.target_guid,txns.txn_guid,stepgroup_guid)||')' grp_name from mgmt_bcn_txn_defn txns,mgmt_bcn_stepgroup_defn stgrp, (select b.target_guid target_guid,mt1.target_name as bcn_name from mgmt_bcn_target b,mgmt_targets mt1 where b.beacon_target_guid = mt1.target_guid and mt1.target_type = 'oracle_beacon') bcns where bcns.target_guid = txns.target_guid and stgrp.target_guid = txns.target_guid and stgrp.txn_guid = txns.txn_guid and stgrp.target_guid = txns.target_guid and txn_type='HTTP'; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$step_groups FOR sysman.mgmt$step_groups; GRANT SELECT ON sysman.mgmt$step_groups TO MGMT_USER; -- Views for Latest Metric Performance details create or replace view mgmt$step_metrics_raw as ( select step_name, value, metric_column,column_label, column_label_nlsid,met.target_type target_type, txn_name ,bcn_name,txn_guid,txn_steps.target_guid,collection_timestamp from mgmt$steps txn_steps, ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1hour met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm, mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_page' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid ) met where met.key_part1_value(+) = txn_steps.txn_name and met.key_part2_value(+) = txn_steps.bcn_name and met.key_part3_value(+) = txn_steps.step_name and txn_steps.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) ); create or replace view mgmt$grp_metrics_raw as ( select grp_name, value, metric_column,column_label, column_label_nlsid,met.target_type target_type, txn_name ,bcn_name,txn_guid,stp_groups.target_guid,collection_timestamp from mgmt$step_groups stp_groups, ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1hour met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm,mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_uagroup' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid ) met where stp_groups.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) and met.key_part1_value(+) = stp_groups.txn_name and met.key_part2_value(+) = stp_groups.bcn_name and stp_groups.grp_name = met.key_part3_value(+) ); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$step_metrics_raw FOR sysman.mgmt$step_metrics_raw; GRANT SELECT ON mgmt$step_metrics_raw TO MGMT_USER; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$grp_metrics_raw FOR sysman.mgmt$grp_metrics_raw; GRANT SELECT ON mgmt$grp_metrics_raw TO MGMT_USER; -- Purpose of this view is to get all the step metrics. create or replace view mgmt$step_metrics_hourly as ( select step_name, value, metric_column,column_label, column_label_nlsid,met.target_type target_type, txn_name ,bcn_name,txn_guid,txn_steps.target_guid,collection_timestamp from mgmt$steps txn_steps, ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1hour met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm,mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_page' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid ) met where met.key_part1_value(+) = txn_steps.txn_name and met.key_part2_value(+) = txn_steps.bcn_name and met.key_part3_value(+) = txn_steps.step_name and txn_steps.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) ); --Purpose of this view is to get all the group metrics. create or replace view mgmt$grp_metrics_hourly as ( select grp_name, value, metric_column,column_label, column_label_nlsid,met.target_type target_type, txn_name ,bcn_name,txn_guid,stp_groups.target_guid, collection_timestamp from mgmt$step_groups stp_groups, ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1hour met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm,mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_uagroup' ) mtm where ck.target_guid = mtm.target_guid and met.key_value=ck.composite_key and mtm.metric_guid=met.metric_guid ) met where stp_groups.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) and met.key_part1_value(+) = stp_groups.txn_name and met.key_part2_value(+) = stp_groups.bcn_name and stp_groups.grp_name = met.key_part3_value(+) ); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$step_metrics_hourly FOR sysman.mgmt$step_metrics_hourly; GRANT SELECT ON mgmt$step_metrics_hourly TO MGMT_USER; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$grp_metrics_hourly FOR sysman.mgmt$grp_metrics_hourly; GRANT SELECT ON mgmt$grp_metrics_hourly TO MGMT_USER; -- Metric Performance details Views for last 31 days create or replace view mgmt$step_metrics_daily as ( select step_name, value, metric_column,column_label, column_label_nlsid,met.target_type target_type, txn_name ,bcn_name,txn_guid,txn_steps.target_guid,collection_timestamp from mgmt$steps txn_steps, ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1day met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm,mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_page') mtm ) met where met.key_part1_value(+) = txn_steps.txn_name and met.key_part2_value(+) = txn_steps.bcn_name and met.key_part3_value(+) = txn_steps.step_name and txn_steps.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) ); create or replace view mgmt$grp_metrics_daily as ( select grp_name, value, metric_column,column_label, column_label_nlsid,met.target_type target_type, txn_name ,bcn_name,txn_guid,stp_groups.target_guid,collection_timestamp from mgmt$step_groups stp_groups, ( select met.value_average value,met.target_guid target_guid, mtm.target_type target_type, metric_column,column_label,column_label_nlsid, ck.key_part1_value,ck.key_part2_value,ck.key_part3_value,rollup_timestamp as collection_timestamp from mgmt_metrics_1day met, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck, ( SELECT metric_column,target_guid,metric_guid ,column_label,column_label_nlsid,mt.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics mm, mgmt_targets mt WHERE mt.type_meta_ver = mm.type_meta_ver and mm.target_type = mt.target_type and (mt.category_prop_1 = mm.category_prop_1 or mm.category_prop_1 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_2 = mm.category_prop_2 or mm.category_prop_2 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_3 = mm.category_prop_3 or mm.category_prop_3 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_4 = mm.category_prop_4 or mm.category_prop_4 = ' ') and (mt.category_prop_5 = mm.category_prop_5 or mm.category_prop_5 = ' ') and metric_name = 'http_uagroup') mtm ) met where stp_groups.target_guid = met.target_guid(+) and met.key_part1_value(+) = stp_groups.txn_name and met.key_part2_value(+) = stp_groups.bcn_name and stp_groups.grp_name = met.key_part3_value(+) ); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$step_metrics_daily FOR sysman.mgmt$step_metrics_daily; GRANT SELECT ON mgmt$step_metrics_daily TO MGMT_USER; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM mgmt$grp_metrics_daily FOR sysman.mgmt$grp_metrics_daily; GRANT SELECT ON mgmt$grp_metrics_daily TO MGMT_USER; COMMIT;