Rem Rem $Header: ecm_hostpatch_indexes.sql 14-feb-2005.04:59:39 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem ecm_hostpatch_indexes.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ecm_hostpatch_indexes.sql - Indexes for Host Patching tables. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Indexes for Host Patching tables. Rem Rem NOTES Rem None. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 02/14/05 - Removing header Rem ranmath 02/10/05 - Created Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem ranmath 12/08/04 - bug-4053039: Do not use TARGET_GUID in column Rem names. Rem ranmath 12/03/04 - (bug-4046371) Update indexes for the new column Rem names. Rem ranmath 09/10/04 - Created Rem rem rem Index for the Group Target GUID foreign key in the Hosts table. rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_ecm_hp_host_group_idx ON mgmt_ecm_hostpatch_hosts(group_guid); rem rem Index for the packages repository GUID foreign key in rem packages repository available packages table. rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_ecm_hp_pkg_repos_idx ON mgmt_ecm_hostpatch_repos_pkgs(repos_guid); rem rem Indexes for the Group Target GUID and packages repository GUID foreign rem keys respectively in Group packages repository relationship table. rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_ecm_hp_gr_group_idx ON mgmt_ecm_hostpatch_group_repos(group_guid); CREATE INDEX mgmt_ecm_hp_gr_repos_idx ON mgmt_ecm_hostpatch_group_repos(repos_guid); rem rem Index for Host Target GUID foreign key in the Host compliance rem information table. rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_ecm_hp_compl_host_idx ON mgmt_ecm_hostpatch_host_compl(host_guid); rem rem Index for Group Target GUID foreign key in Group compliance history table. rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_ecm_hp_compl_group_idx ON mgmt_ecm_hostpatch_compl_hist(group_guid);