Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: collections_schema_upgrade.sql 16-may-2007.17:05:48 dgiaimo Exp $ Rem Rem collections_schema_upgrade.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem collections_schema_upgrade.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dgiaimo 05/16/07 - Backport dgiaimo_bug-5984641 from main Rem dgiaimo 05/14/07 - Removing mgmt_collection_tasks_time table Rem chyu 08/23/05 - removing the task_class from the schema Rem upgrade since it is introduced after BETA. Rem chyu 07/25/05 - modifying the upgrade header Rem chyu 07/18/05 - modify the version number for the header Rem jsadras 06/08/05 - add index on next_collection_time Rem jsadras 06/02/05 - add task class Rem jsadras 05/03/05 - add task class support Rem jsadras 04/15/05 - Bug:4039961, handle multiple metrics per Rem collection Rem jsadras 03/29/05 - add is_transient Rem chyu 03/16/05 - remove the extra table Rem jsadras 02/28/05 - remove task_time Rem pmodi 02/24/05 - Adding indexes Rem jsadras 02/08/05 - add data move Rem rpinnama 02/06/05 - rpinnama_add_upgrade_scripts Rem rpinnama 02/02/05 - Created Rem Rem Upgrading types Rem PURPOSE Rem Used to hold a name value pair for a metric Rem COLUMNS Rem NAME : Name of the metric column Rem VALUE : Value of the metric, will be stored as VARCHAR2 Rem as in current mgmt_metric_results Rem index_position returns the index location of a particular name in the array Rem value_of returns the value of a particular name in the array CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mgmt_namevalue_obj IS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(64), value VARCHAR2(4000), STATIC FUNCTION NEW(p_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN mgmt_namevalue_obj ) / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mgmt_namevalue_array as TABLE of mgmt_namevalue_obj / Rem PURPOSE Rem mgmt_metric_value is used to hold the results of metric evaluation Rem This will eventually replace mgmt_metric_results type Rem Target_guid has been introduced into the object to support bulk collections Rem COLUMNS Rem TARGET_GUID : Target Guid for which the metric result has been obtained Rem STATUS : Status of the message Rem 0=Success, 1=Skip 2=Error Rem STATUS_MESSAGE: Status message Rem METRIC_VALUES : List of (metric_column,value) pairs Rem The function metric_value returns the value of a particular metric column Rem The function index_position returns the index in the array of the column CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mgmt_metric_value_obj IS OBJECT ( target_guid RAW(16), status NUMBER(1), status_message VARCHAR2(256), metric_values mgmt_namevalue_array, collection_timestamp DATE, STATIC FUNCTION NEW(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_status IN NUMBER, p_status_message IN VARCHAR2, p_metric_values IN mgmt_namevalue_array, p_collection_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN mgmt_metric_value_obj, MEMBER FUNCTION metric_value(p_metric_column IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2, MEMBER FUNCTION index_position(p_column_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER ) / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mgmt_metric_value_array as TABLE of mgmt_metric_value_obj / Rem Rem PURPOSE Rem Rem Used to hold Collection Tasks information in AQ Rem Rem COLUMNS Rem Rem TASK_ID : Task_ID of the collection Rem MESSAGE_CODE : Message_code=0 Means Data Rem Message_Code=N Where N>0 Means stop worker N Rem SCHEDULED_TIME: Time when this task is to be run Rem Time is in Repository Timezone CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mgmt_coll_queue_obj IS OBJECT ( task_id NUMBER, task_class NUMBER, message_code NUMBER, scheduled_time DATE, STATIC FUNCTION NEW( p_task_id IN NUMBER, p_task_class IN NUMBER, p_message_code IN NUMBER, p_scheduled_time IN DATE ) RETURN mgmt_coll_queue_obj ) / BEGIN DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE ( queue_table=> '&&EM_REPOS_USER' || '.MGMT_TASK_QTABLE', sort_list=> 'PRIORITY,ENQ_TIME', queue_payload_type=> '&&EM_REPOS_USER' || '.MGMT_COLL_QUEUE_OBJ') ; DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE ( queue_name=> '&&EM_REPOS_USER' || '.MGMT_TASK_Q', queue_table=> '&&EM_REPOS_USER' || '.MGMT_TASK_QTABLE', max_retries=>10, retry_delay=>0, retention_time=>0) ; DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE( queue_name=> '&&EM_REPOS_USER' || '.MGMT_TASK_Q'); COMMIT ; END ; / -- --This is to speed up collections which queries on --collection time -- Index is created here because the table is created -- when queue is created which is after type is created -- CREATE INDEX MGMT_TASK_QTABLE_IDX01 ON &&EM_REPOS_USER..mgmt_task_qtable(user_data.scheduled_time,user_data.task_class) ; Rem PURPOSE Rem Used to hold Collection scheduling information Rem Column Values mean the same as in mgmt_blackout_schedule_record Rem Rem Use the NEW() function to create instances of MGMT_COLL_SCHEDULE object. This Rem is important to support type evolution. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mgmt_coll_schedule_obj IS OBJECT ( frequency_code NUMBER, start_time DATE, end_time DATE, execution_hours NUMBER, execution_minutes NUMBER, interval NUMBER, months MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY, days MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY, STATIC FUNCTION NEW(p_frequency_code IN NUMBER, p_execution_hours IN NUMBER, p_execution_minutes IN NUMBER, p_interval IN NUMBER, p_months IN mgmt_integer_array, p_days IN mgmt_integer_array, p_start_time IN DATE, p_end_time IN DATE ) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION one_time(p_start_time IN DATE) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION interval_schedule(p_interval IN NUMBER, p_start_time IN DATE, p_end_time IN DATE) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION daily_schedule(p_execution_hours IN NUMBER, p_execution_minutes IN NUMBER, p_start_time IN DATE, p_end_time IN DATE) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION days_of_week(p_execution_hours IN NUMBER, p_execution_minutes IN NUMBER, p_days IN mgmt_integer_array, p_start_time IN DATE, p_end_time IN DATE) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION days_of_month(p_execution_hours IN NUMBER, p_execution_minutes IN NUMBER, p_days IN mgmt_integer_array, p_start_time IN DATE, p_end_time IN DATE) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION days_of_year(p_execution_hours IN NUMBER, p_execution_minutes IN NUMBER, p_days IN mgmt_integer_array, p_months IN mgmt_integer_array, p_start_time IN DATE, p_end_time IN DATE) RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj, STATIC FUNCTION on_demand_schedule RETURN mgmt_coll_schedule_obj ); / CREATE TABLE MGMT_COLL_ITEMS ( target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT '1.0' NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_1 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_2 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_3 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_4 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, category_prop_5 VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, is_enabled NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, is_required NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (target_type,type_meta_ver,coll_name, category_prop_1, category_prop_2, category_prop_3, category_prop_4, category_prop_5) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_coll_items IS 'This table contains details of the default collections set up for a target type.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.target_type IS 'Target type of the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.type_meta_ver IS 'Target type meta version of the collection item.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_1 IS 'Category property 1 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_2 IS 'Category property 2 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_3 IS 'Category property 3 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_4 IS 'Category property 4 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.category_prop_5 IS 'Category property 5 ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.is_enabled IS 'Identifies whether the collection item is enabled or not'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_items.is_required IS 'Identifies whether the collection item can be disabled or not, Required collections cannot be disabled. Default is 0, so collections can be disabled.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_coll_item_metrics ( target_type VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, type_meta_ver VARCHAR2(8) DEFAULT '1.0' NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL , metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_item_metrics_pk PRIMARY KEY(target_type, type_meta_ver, coll_name, metric_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_coll_item_metrics IS 'Table to hold the metrics associated with a collection item' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.target_type IS 'Target type' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.type_meta_ver IS 'Target type meta version' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.coll_name IS 'Name of the collection item.' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_metrics.metric_guid IS 'Metric associated with the collection name.' ; CREATE TABLE mgmt_coll_item_properties ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, property_name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, object_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, property_value VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_items_properties_pk PRIMARY KEY (object_guid, metric_guid, coll_name, property_name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING property_value MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_coll_item_properties IS 'This table contains the list of properties defined for a collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.object_guid IS 'The guid for which the collection properties are stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.metric_guid IS 'The metric guid for which the collection properties are stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.coll_name IS 'The collection name associated with the collection property.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.property_name IS 'The name of the collection property.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.object_type IS 'The type of object for which the collection properties are stored. Possible values are 1 - DEFAULT, 2- TARGET, 3 - TEMPLATE.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_coll_item_properties.property_value IS 'The value of the collection property.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_collections ( object_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, object_type NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1, is_enabled NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, schedule_ex VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT ' ', store_metric NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, upload_frequency NUMBER DEFAULT 1, is_transient NUMBER(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, frequency_code NUMBER DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL, start_time DATE DEFAULT NULL, end_time DATE DEFAULT NULL, execution_hours NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, execution_minutes NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, interval NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, months MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, days MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL ) TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_collections IS 'This table contains details of the collections set up for a metric.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.object_guid IS 'The guid of the target/template/default associated with the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.coll_name IS 'Collection Item' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.object_type IS 'The type of guid stored in object_guid. Possible values are: = 0, for default collection = 1, for target = 2, for template'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.schedule_ex IS 'The schedule column used for agent collections'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.store_metric IS 'The flag to indicate whether values returned by the collection should be stored in the MGMT_METRIC_RAW. 1 - STORE 0 - DO NOT'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.is_transient IS '1=Transient collection, 0 - Non-transient collection DEFAULT, The agent uses the value to determine whether to upload data or not' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.frequency_code IS ' Refer mgmt_blackout_schedule' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.start_time IS 'start time when collection becomes active' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.end_time IS 'end time when collection becomes inactive ' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.execution_hours IS 'hour of the day when to execute' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.execution_minutes IS 'the minute of the hour when to execute' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.interval IS 'interval in minutes' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.months IS ' months of the year' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collections.days IS 'days of the month' ; CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_tasks ( task_id NUMBER NOT NULL, task_type NUMBER NOT NULL, priority NUMBER NOT NULL, timezone_region VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, frequency_code NUMBER DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL, start_time DATE, end_time DATE, execution_hours NUMBER, execution_minutes NUMBER, interval NUMBER, months MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY , days MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY , task_proc VARCHAR2(4000), task_status NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, task_start_time DATE, last_collection_timestamp DATE, next_collection_timestamp DATE, error_message VARCHAR2(4000), failures NUMBER, worker_id NUMBER, total_runs NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, min_wait_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_wait_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, avg_wait_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, min_run_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, max_run_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, avg_run_time NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ) TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_collection_tasks IS ' Table to Hold list of collection tasks' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_id iS ' Unique Task Id' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.frequency_code is 'Frequency of the schedule, see mgmt_blackout_schedule' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.start_time IS ' Start time when the collection has to start' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.end_time IS ' End time for repeating collections' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.execution_hours IS 'Hour of the day when the collection is scheduled' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.execution_minutes IS 'Minute of the hour when the collection is to end' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.interval IS ' Interval in minutes for interval schedule' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.months IS 'Months of the year' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.days IS 'Days of the month' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_proc IS 'procedure to be run, should accept task_id(number) and context(mgmt_namevalue_array) as parameter' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_status IS 'Status of the task 0=Scheduled, 1=Running' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.task_start_time IS 'Time when the task started running' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.last_collection_timestamp IS 'Last time the task was run' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.next_collection_timestamp IS 'Next time when the task is scheduled' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.error_message IS 'Last error message encountered when running this task' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.failures IS 'failures encountered so far, reset on successful execution' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.worker_id IS ' Worker running this task' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.total_runs IS ' Total number of times the task has run' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.min_wait_time IS ' Minimum wait time in seconds for the collection to be picked up by collections engine, Wait time=collection_start_time-scheduled_time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.max_wait_time IS ' Maximum wait time in seconds for the collection to be picked up by collections engine, Wait time=collection_start_time-scheduled_time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.avg_wait_time IS 'Average wait time in seconds for the collection to be picked up by collections engine, Wait time=collection_start_time-scheduled_time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.min_run_time IS 'Minimum run time for the collection in seconds' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.max_run_time IS 'Maximum run time for the collection in seconds' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_tasks.avg_run_time IS 'Average run time for the collection in seconds' ; CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_task_context ( task_id NUMBER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT mgmt_collection_task_ctx_pk PRIMARY KEY (task_id,name) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING value MONITORING ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_task_context.task_id IS ' Task id' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'name of the context' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_task_context.value IS 'value of the context' ; Rem Rem table to store worker counts for each task class Rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_task_worker_counts (task_class_list VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL, worker_count NUMBER(2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT mgmt_task_worker_counts_pk PRIMARY KEY (task_class_list) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW INCLUDING worker_count MONITORING ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_task_worker_counts.task_class_list IS ' task class or a list of task class seperated by comma, no whitespace' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_task_worker_counts.worker_count IS ' Number of workers to start up for a given task class ' ; CREATE SEQUENCE mgmt_task_sequence INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 1.0E28 MINVALUE 1 NOCYCLE CACHE 5 NOORDER; CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_metric_tasks ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL, metric_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, task_id NUMBER, last_collected_timestamp DATE DEFAULT NULL, status_message VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', CONSTRAINT mgmt_coll_metric_tasks_pk PRIMARY KEY(target_guid,coll_name,metric_guid) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_collection_metric_tasks IS 'The table stores the target-metric to collection task association.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.target_guid IS 'The guid of the target associated with the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.metric_guid IS 'The GUID of the metric associated with the collection. Now one task can have only one metric, metric_guid is in tasks table to enforce that and for performance' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.coll_name IS 'The name of the collection.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_metric_tasks.task_id IS 'The collection task that executes this collection. If collection for the metric is suspended then task_id is null'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_collection_workers ( worker_id NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, task_class_list VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, worker_status NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, job_id NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, worker_start_time DATE, CONSTRAINT mgmt_collection_workers_pk PRIMARY KEY (worker_id) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX MONITORING; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.worker_id IS 'Unique Worker id' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.job_id IS 'Job ID associated with the worker, null if the worker is run directly' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.worker_status IS 'Status of worker, 0=Worker Starting 1=Worker Started 2=Stop pending' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.worker_start_time IS 'Time when worker started running first When worker status changed from 0 to 1' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_collection_workers.task_class_list IS 'Comma seperated list of task classes the worker can pick up' ; Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_collections table Rem ALTER TABLE mgmt_collections ADD CONSTRAINT mgmt_collections_pk PRIMARY KEY (object_guid, coll_name) ; Rem Rem Indices on mgmt_collection_tasks table Rem ALTER TABLE mgmt_collection_tasks ADD CONSTRAINT mgmt_collection_tasks_pk PRIMARY KEY (task_id) ; CREATE INDEX mgmt_collection_tasks_idx01 ON mgmt_collection_tasks (next_collection_timestamp) ; Rem Rem No index on task_status for now to benefit Rem repo collections performance at tha cost of verify jobs Rem Rem Rem Indices for mgmt_collection_metric_tasks Rem CREATE INDEX mgmt_coll_metric_tasks_idx_01 ON mgmt_collection_metric_tasks (task_id, target_guid) ; Rem Rem ** Data Migration from old tables to new tables Rem Rem Rem Migrate data from mgmt_metric_collections to the new tables Rem BEGIN FOR rec in ( SELECT * FROM mgmt_metric_collections ) LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_collections (object_guid, coll_name,object_type, schedule_ex, frequency_code,start_time, interval, store_metric, is_enabled) VALUES (rec.target_guid,rec.coll_name,2, rec.schedule_ex,2,sys_extract_utc(systimestamp), rec.schedule, decode(rec.store_metric,'Y',1,0), decode(rec.suspended,1,0,2)) ; EXCEPTION -- If there are 2 metrics in the collection then only the schedule of -- the first is used. WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL ; END ; INSERT INTO mgmt_collection_metric_tasks (target_guid, metric_guid, coll_name, last_collected_timestamp,status_message) VALUES (rec.target_guid,rec.metric_guid,rec.coll_name, rec.last_collected_timestamp,rec.status_message) ; END LOOP ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' drop table mgmt_metric_collections ' ; END ; / -- -- Migrate data from mgmt_collection_properties to mgmt_coll_item_properties -- BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_coll_item_properties (object_guid,object_type,metric_guid, coll_name, property_name,property_value) SELECT target_guid, 2, metric_guid, coll_name, property_name, property_value FROM mgmt_collection_properties ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' drop table mgmt_collection_properties ' ; END ; / Rem Rem Migrate data from mgmt_metric_thresholds to the new tables Rem