Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: beacon_post_creation.sql 03-aug-2005.00:35:19 pmodi Exp $ Rem Rem beacon_post_creation.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem beacon_post_creation.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pmodi 08/03/05 - Bug:4527450 Change rep manager header as Rem data_propgation_post_creation.sql has been moved Rem to v102020 Rem chyu 07/19/05 - modifying the new rep manager header Rem gsbhatia 07/17/05 - Removing repgmr header Rem rmarripa 07/06/05 - set 1.0 2.0 remote metrics Rem rmarripa 06/16/05 - rmarripa_bug-4430056 Rem mfidanbo 06/14/05 - moved the file from ../webapp Rem mfidanbo 03/19/05 - mfidanbo_upgrade_post_creation Rem mfidanbo 03/03/05 - Beacon post_creation upgrade Rem @@&&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/v102010/beacon/beacon_common_init.sql BEGIN UPDATE MGMT_METRICS SET remote = 1 WHERE target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE AND metric_name <> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME; UPDATE MGMT_METRICS SET remote = 1 WHERE target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_BEACON_TARGET_TYPE AND metric_name <> MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; END; / BEGIN EM_PURGE.drop_purge_policy('MGMT_BCN_AVAIL_LOG'); COMMIT; END; / show errors;