Rem Rem $Header: beacon_common_init.sql 15-jun-2005.18:17:56 rmarripa Exp $ Rem Rem beacon_common_init.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem beacon_common_init.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rmarripa 06/14/05 - add webapp service initialization Rem rpinnama 05/16/05 - rpinnama_bug-4331862_main Rem rpinnama 05/12/05 - Created Rem DECLARE TBL_NAMES SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); BEGIN BEGIN MGMT_ADMIN.ADD_TARGET_DELETION_CALLBACK('EMD_BCN_ADMIN.BEACON_DELETE_CALLBACK'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Ignore duplicate registrations NULL; END; EM_TARGET.ADD_TGT_PRE_DELETION_CALLBACK('EMD_BCN_ADMIN.BEACON_PRE_DELETE_CALLBACK', ' ', MGMT_GLOBAL.G_BEACON_TARGET_TYPE, 0 ); TBL_NAMES.EXTEND; TBL_NAMES(1) := 'MGMT_BCN_TARGET'; MGMT_ADMIN.ADD_TARGET_DELETION_EXCEPTIONS(TBL_NAMES); TBL_NAMES.DELETE; COMMIT; END; / DECLARE BEGIN -- A separate repository patch is applied to handle 10.1.* OMS -- and 10.2 agents or later. This patch creates Response/Status metrics -- for webapps in 10.1.* repository. -- Before we create Response/Status metrics for webapp type_meta_ver 3.0 -- in 10.2, we should delete the Response/Status metrics created -- on 10.1 OMS using the patch. -- In the sql below, type_meta_ver is compared with '3.*' and '4.*' versions -- to cover any future webapp versions. -- Rajagopal 6/14/05 DELETE FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE AND (type_meta_ver <> '1.0' AND type_meta_ver <> '2.0' ) AND metric_name = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_AVAIL_METRIC_NAME; em_service.initialize_service_type(MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE, FALSE, '3.0'); MGMT_TARGET.add_target_type_property(MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE, 'IsBaselineable', 'true'); -- Set the path to the resource bundle for the service UPDATE MGMT_TARGET_TYPES SET TYPE_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = '' WHERE TARGET_TYPE = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE; COMMIT; END; / BEGIN DECLARE PROCEDURE add_prop_def(p_service_type IN VARCHAR2, p_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2, p_property_name IN VARCHAR2) AS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('adding props'); BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_target_prop_defs(target_type, type_meta_ver, property_name, property_display_name, hidden_flag) VALUES(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, p_property_name, p_property_name, 1); EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END; -- PROCEDURE add_prop_def PROCEDURE add_svc_prop_defs(p_service_type IN VARCHAR2, p_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2) AS BEGIN add_prop_def(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, EM_SERVICE.G_SVC_HP_USAGE_METRIC_NAME); add_prop_def(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, EM_SERVICE.G_SVC_HP_USAGE_METRIC_COL ); add_prop_def(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, EM_SERVICE.G_SVC_HP_USAGE_KEY ); add_prop_def(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, EM_SERVICE.G_SVC_HP_PERF_METRIC_NAME); add_prop_def(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, EM_SERVICE.G_SVC_HP_PERF_METRIC_COL ); add_prop_def(p_service_type, p_type_meta_ver, EM_SERVICE.G_SVC_HP_PERF_KEY ); END; --PROCEDURE add_svc_prop_defs BEGIN --add property def for website target add_svc_prop_defs(MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE, '3.0'); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; END; -- for previous BEGIN block END; -- / show errors; DECLARE BEGIN EMD_BCN_ADMIN.GEN_BEACON_RESP_METRICS(MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE, '2.0'); EMD_BCN_ADMIN.GEN_BEACON_RESP_METRICS(MGMT_GLOBAL.G_WEBSITE_TARGET_TYPE, '1.0'); COMMIT; END; / SHOW ERRORS;