Rem Rem $Header: website_target_pkgbody.sql 03-jun-2008.12:16:39 jashukla Exp $ Rem Rem website_target_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem website_target_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jashukla 06/03/08 - Bug 7144619 remove internal identifiers Rem shnavane 07/17/07 - Fix bug #5970781 Rem shnavane 07/23/07 - Backport shnavane_bug-5970781 from main Rem yxie 11/21/06 - XbranchMerge yxie_bug5527422 from main Rem yxie 11/09/06 - XbranchMerge yxie_bug5567723 from main Rem yxie 12/08/05 - Backport yxie_bug-4634418 from main Rem yxie 09/26/06 - fix bug 5567723 Rem yxie 11/07/05 - fix bug 4634418 Rem yxie 07/22/05 - add support for generic_redundancy group Rem yxie 05/27/05 - fix bug 4390544 Rem eporter 12/15/04 - Replace mgmt_rt_region_members table Rem snakai 09/27/04 - update type_meta_ver Rem dcawley 07/07/04 - Increase user name size Rem snakai 11/15/03 - increment website type_meta_ver Rem rmarripa 10/31/03 - Rem rmarripa 10/30/03 - cleanup getWebsiteData to get monitoring agent Rem streddy 07/11/03 - Use NEW() to create MGMT_THRESHOLD objects Rem rmarripa 04/01/03 - get agent target name Rem rmarripa 03/28/03 - change query in getEMDHostAndURLs Rem rmarripa 03/19/03 - . Rem rmarripa 03/19/03 - change getEMDHostAndURLs Rem asawant 07/09/02 - Fixing fetch of hostname Rem skini 07/12/02 - target_name column size change Rem rmarripa 06/24/02 - add error code and description Rem rmarripa 06/14/02 - remove rep url and region thresholds Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Restructured. Rem dcawley 03/14/02 - New Collection APIs. Rem edemembe 01/11/02 - Putting check around metric definition. Rem rmarripa 01/08/02 - Create target_guid to insert into targets table. Rem edemembe 01/08/02 - Metrics are now target independent Rem edemembe 12/27/01 - Removing target name/type and metric name/column references Rem rmarripa 12/19/01 - Add procedure to get the emdHost and emdURL for selected targets. Rem rmarripa 12/14/01 - Add a procedure to get URL base. Rem rmarripa 11/06/01 - To add numofoccurences to MGMT_THRESHOLDS object. Rem rmarripa 10/30/01 - To filter out website target types in available targets. Rem rmarripa 10/23/01 - To change the store metric values to 'Y'/'N'. Rem rmarripa 09/25/01 - To change the metric name to Region Latency,. Rem rmarripa 09/17/01 - updateWebsite:Do not throw an exception for empty member target list in edit mode Rem asawant 09/07/01 - Time to timezone conversion. Rem lgloyd 09/06/01 - store emd url with target Rem asawant 08/28/01 - Fixing deleteCompTarget and checkForDeletion Rem asawant 08/24/01 - Updating with API changes and bug fixes. Rem lgloyd 08/16/01 - Creation. Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY mgmt_website_target AS -- Define package global constants -- The display name the website target WEBSITE_DISPLAY_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'Website'; -- PROCEDURE addWebsite() -- PURPOSE : to add or update a website target and it's related metadata in the -- database. -- INPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_target_name : the composite target name -- v_target_type : the composite target type -- v_monitoring_host : the name of the monitoring host -- v_member_targets : a table with all the member target names and their types -- v_properties : a table with all the properties and their respective values PROCEDURE addWebsite ( v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_monitoring_host IN VARCHAR2, v_monitoring_url IN VARCHAR2, v_member_targets IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, v_properties IN MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY_LIST, v_result OUT INTEGER, v_err_desc OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_target_guid raw(16); l_current_user VARCHAR2(256) := MGMT_USER.get_current_em_user(); BEGIN -- If member targets are empty then throw an exception IF ((v_member_targets IS NULL) OR (v_member_targets.COUNT = 0)) THEN v_result := EMD_BCNTXN.p_err_empty_mem_tgt_list; v_err_desc :='Membet target list is empty.'; RETURN; END IF; -- If Monitoring url is null then return error IF (v_monitoring_url IS NULL) THEN v_result := EMD_BCNTXN.p_err_agent_url_invalid; v_err_desc :='Invalid monitoring agent URL'; RETURN; END IF; mgmt_target.add_target(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_monitoring_host, v_properties, NULL, v_member_targets, NULL, v_target_name, v_monitoring_url, TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'TZR'), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_MON_MODE_DEFAULT, '3.0'); v_result := EMD_BCNTXN.p_bcn_success; EXCEPTION WHEN MGMT_GLOBAL.insufficient_privileges THEN v_result := EMD_BCNTXN.p_err_crttgt_fullmem_priv_req; v_err_desc :='CREATE_TARGET privilege and FULL target privilegtes on member targets are required to create website target'; WHEN MGMT_GLOBAL.target_does_not_exist THEN v_result := EMD_BCNTXN.p_bcn_err_tgtnotfound; v_err_desc :='Host not found'; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_err_desc := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, EMD_BCNTXN.p_err_maxlen - 50); v_result := EMD_BCNTXN.p_bcn_err_oraerr; END addWebsite; -- PROCEDURE getWebsiteData() -- PURPOSE : to retrieve a website targets data from the DB. -- INPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_target_name : the composite target name -- v_target_type : the composite target type -- OUTPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_all_target_types : all types available in mgmt_target_memberships -- v_member_targets : a table with all the member target names and their types -- v_properties : a table with all the properties and their respective values -- v_monitoring_host : the name of the monitoring host ( -- v_emd_url : emd url of the monitoring host -- v_success : the result of the operation of the procedure ('true' if success -- and 'false' if failure) -- v_err_code : numeric code representing the failure, valid codes are: -- 1 - unexpected exception. The err_msg carries the exception number and -- related text msg as returned from the DB. -- 2 - No Website Target with the given name was found in the repository -- v_err_msg : a text message associated with the error PROCEDURE getWebsiteData ( v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_agent_tgt_name OUT VARCHAR2, v_all_target_types OUT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, v_basic_info OUT MGMT_TARGET.CURSOR_TYPE, v_properties OUT MGMT_TARGET.CURSOR_TYPE, v_member_targets OUT MGMT_TARGET.CURSOR_TYPE ) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); l_comp_target_info MGMT_TARGET.CURSOR_TYPE; l_cred_info MGMT_TARGET.CURSOR_TYPE; l_emd_url MGMT_TARGETS.EMD_URL%TYPE; l_index NUMBER; l_length NUMBER; BEGIN -- initialize out params --v_success := 'true'; --v_err_code := ' '; --v_err_msg := ' '; -- Get all existing target types SELECT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(target_type, type_display_name) BULK COLLECT INTO v_all_target_types FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT target_type, type_display_name FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type != 'website' and target_type != 'oracle_beacon' and is_group != 1 ORDER BY type_display_name ASC ); mgmt_target.get_target_info(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_basic_info, v_properties, l_comp_target_info, v_member_targets, l_cred_info); SELECT emd_url INTO l_emd_url FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; BEGIN SELECT target_name INTO v_agent_tgt_name FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = 'oracle_emd' AND emd_url = l_emd_url; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_index := instr(l_emd_url, '://'); IF ( l_index = 0 ) THEN l_index := instr(l_emd_url, '/'); IF ( l_index = 0 ) THEN v_agent_tgt_name := l_emd_url; ELSE v_agent_tgt_name := substr(l_emd_url, 1, l_index-1); END IF; ELSIF( ( l_index > 0 ) AND (l_index <= 6 ) ) THEN l_index := l_index+3; l_length := instr(l_emd_url, '/', l_index); IF ( l_length = 0 ) THEN v_agent_tgt_name := substr( l_emd_url, l_index); ELSE l_length := l_length - l_index; v_agent_tgt_name := substr( l_emd_url, l_index, l_length ); END IF; END IF; END; IF l_comp_target_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE l_comp_target_info; END IF; IF l_cred_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE l_cred_info; END IF; EXCEPTION -- Catch all unhandled exceptions and report them with err_code 1 WHEN OTHERS THEN IF v_basic_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE v_basic_info; END IF; IF v_properties%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE v_properties; END IF; IF l_comp_target_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE l_comp_target_info; END IF; IF v_member_targets%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE v_member_targets; END IF; IF l_cred_info%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE l_cred_info; END IF; raise; --v_success := 'false'; --v_err_code := '1'; --v_err_msg := SQLERRM(); END getWebsiteData; -- PROCEDURE getURLBase() -- PURPOSE : to retrieve a target's URL base which -- is defined as the target property. -- INPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_target_guid : the target guid -- OUTPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_urlbase : URL base of the target. PROCEDURE getURLBase ( v_target_guid IN VARCHAR2, v_urlbase OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_protocol mgmt_target_properties.property_value%TYPE := NULL; l_machine_name mgmt_target_properties.property_value%TYPE := NULL; l_port mgmt_target_properties.property_value%TYPE := NULL; l_properties SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; l_property_name mgmt_target_properties.property_name%TYPE; BEGIN -- get website properties BEGIN SELECT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR( TRIM(property_name) , TRIM( property_value) ) BULK COLLECT INTO l_properties FROM mgmt_target_properties WHERE target_guid = v_target_guid AND ( ( property_name = 'HTTPProtocol' ) OR ( property_name = 'HTTPMachine' ) OR ( property_name = 'HTTPPort' ) ); END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Number of rows retrieved : ' || l_properties.COUNT ); FOR i IN 1..l_properties.COUNT LOOP l_property_name := l_properties(i).name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_properties[i].name: ' || l_property_name ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_properties[i].value : ' ||l_properties(i).value); IF ( l_property_name = 'HTTPProtocol' ) THEN l_protocol := l_properties(i).value; ELSIF ( l_property_name = 'HTTPMachine' ) THEN l_machine_name := l_properties(i).value; ELSIF ( l_property_name = 'HTTPPort' ) THEN l_port := l_properties(i).value; END IF; END LOOP; IF( ( l_protocol IS NOT NULL ) AND ( l_machine_name IS NOT NULL ) AND ( l_port IS NOT NULL ) ) THEN v_urlbase := l_protocol || '://' || l_machine_name || ':' || l_port ; END IF; RETURN; END getURLBase; -- PROCEDURE getEMDHostAndURLs() -- PURPOSE : to retrieve a target's emd host and emd URLs given a list -- of target name and type. -- INPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_target_name_type_arr : Array of target name and type -- OUTPUT PARAMETERS: -- v_emdHostURLArr : Array of emd host and URL for the given targets. PROCEDURE getEMDHostAndURLs ( v_tgt_nametype_arr IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, v_emdHostURLArr OUT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY ) IS currIndex INTEGER; BEGIN -- get EMD host and URL for the given targets BEGIN SELECT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(tgt.emd_url, tgt.target_name) BULK COLLECT INTO v_emdHostURLArr FROM mgmt_targets tgt, ( SELECT DISTINCT tgts.emd_url emd_url FROM mgmt_targets tgts, TABLE(CAST(v_tgt_nametype_arr AS SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY)) sel WHERE tgts.target_name = TRIM( AND tgts.target_type = TRIM(sel.value) ) cho WHERE tgt.target_type = 'oracle_emd' AND tgt.emd_url = cho.emd_url; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; END getEmdHostAndURLs; -- PROCEDURE addRegionForTarget() -- PURPOSE : this procedure is of internal use to the package only, and is used -- by the testPack() function. It's purpose is to add a region in the database -- for a given target. -- INPUT: none -- OUTPUT: none PROCEDURE addRegionForTarget ( v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_region_name IN VARCHAR2, v_region_member IN VARCHAR2, v_region_min_ip IN NUMBER, v_region_max_ip IN NUMBER ) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); l_region_guid RAW(16); l_add_result INTEGER; BEGIN -- Get target guid SELECT target_guid INTO l_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; BEGIN SELECT region_guid INTO l_region_guid FROM mgmt_rt_regions WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND region_name = v_region_name; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- Insert region definition INSERT INTO mgmt_rt_regions(target_guid, region_name, description) VALUES (l_target_guid, v_region_name, 'none'); -- Now get the region guid SELECT region_guid INTO l_region_guid FROM mgmt_rt_regions WHERE target_guid = l_target_guid AND region_name = v_region_name; END; -- Insert region component l_add_result := EMD_MNTR_USER.addRegionEntry(l_region_guid, v_region_member, v_region_min_ip, v_region_min_ip); END addRegionForTarget; PROCEDURE testGetHostEMDURL IS l_memb_tgt1 VARCHAR2(256); l_memb_type1 VARCHAR2(256); l_memb_tgt2 VARCHAR2(256); l_memb_type2 VARCHAR2(256); l_member_targets SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; host_agent_arr SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; begin l_memb_tgt1 := '/fs1/path1/OC4J_EM'; l_memb_type1 := 'oc4j'; l_memb_tgt2 := '/fs1/patch1/HTTP_Server'; l_memb_type2 := 'oracle_apache'; l_member_targets := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY ( SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(l_memb_tgt1, l_memb_type1), SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(l_memb_tgt2, l_memb_type2) ); mgmt_website_target.getEMDHostAndURLs(l_member_targets, host_agent_arr); if ( host_agent_arr IS null ) then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('agent target array is null'); else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('agent target array count'||host_agent_arr.count); end if; for i in 1..host_agent_arr.count LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EMD Target ' ||host_agent_arr(i).value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EMD URL ' || host_agent_arr(i).name ); end loop; EXCEPTION -- Catch all unhandled exceptions and report them WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM()); END testGetHostEMDURL; -- PROCEDURE testPack() -- PURPOSE : this procedure is meant only to test the functionality of the -- updateWebsite() and getWebsiteData() procedures. It does not change the state -- of any schema objects (i.e. no rows are added or deleted from any table). -- Currently, the functionality has to be validated by the user based on the -- output displayed by SQLPLUS (or similar) after the run. If using SQLPLUS -- please issue a 'set serveroutput on size 10000' before calling the test -- procedure. -- INPUT: none -- OUTPUT: none PROCEDURE testPack IS out_v_success VARCHAR2(200); out_v_err_code VARCHAR2(200); out_v_err_msg VARCHAR2(200); l_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.target_name%TYPE; l_target_type MGMT_TARGETS.target_type%TYPE; l_memb_tgt VARCHAR2(30); l_memb_type VARCHAR2(30); l_memb_tguid RAW(16); l_member_targets SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; l_properties MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY_LIST; l_monitoring_host VARCHAR2(30); l_emd_url VARCHAR2(30); l_thresholds MGMT_THRESHOLDS; l_save_event_data VARCHAR2(5); out_err INTEGER; BEGIN SAVEPOINT testPackSavepoint; l_memb_tgt := 'mgmt_website_tst_target'; l_memb_type := 'mgmt_website_tst_target_type'; l_memb_tguid := dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5( input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw( l_memb_type||';'||l_memb_tgt)); l_target_name := 'comp_mgmt_website_tst_target'; l_target_type := 'website'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Add a target to mgmt_targets'); INSERT INTO mgmt_targets (target_name, target_type, target_guid ) VALUES (l_memb_tgt, l_memb_type, l_memb_tguid); SAVEPOINT testPackSavepoint_1; l_member_targets := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY ( SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(l_memb_tgt, l_memb_type) ); l_properties := MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY_LIST ( MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY('HTTPProtocol','abcd', 'http'), MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY('HTTPMachine','abcd', 'my_host'), MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY('HTTPPort','abcd', '0000'), MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY('HTTPPath','abcd', '/some_path'), MGMT_TARGET_PROPERTY('HTTPQuery','abcd', '?some_query') ); l_monitoring_host := 'some_host'; l_thresholds := MGMT_THRESHOLDS ( MGMT_THRESHOLD.NEW('region1', 'LATENCY', 0, '20', 0, '30', 1), MGMT_THRESHOLD.NEW('region2', 'LATENCY', 0, '20', 0, '30', 1), MGMT_THRESHOLD.NEW('region3', 'LATENCY', 0, '20', 0, '30', 1) ); l_save_event_data := 'Y'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Force failure (based on empty list of targets)'); addWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, NULL, l_properties, out_err, out_v_err_msg ); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rolling back...'); ROLLBACK TO testPackSavepoint_1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Succeed with the call.'); addWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, l_member_targets, l_properties, out_err, out_v_err_msg); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Force failure (based on the same target_name)'); addWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, l_member_targets, l_properties, out_err, out_v_err_msg); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Add some (not all) regions'); addRegionForTarget(l_target_name, l_target_type, 'region1', '1.1.1', EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num(''), EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num('')); addRegionForTarget(l_target_name, l_target_type, 'region2', '2.2.2', EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num(''), EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num('')); addRegionForTarget(l_target_name, l_target_type, 'region2', '2.2.21', EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num(''), EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num('')); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Force failure on update (incorrect list of regions)'); --updateWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_member_targets, --l_properties, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, 1, l_thresholds, l_save_event_data, --out_v_success, out_v_err_code, out_v_err_msg); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Add remaining list of regions.'); addRegionForTarget(l_target_name, l_target_type, 'region3', '3.3.3', EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num(''), EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num('')); addRegionForTarget(l_target_name, l_target_type, 'region3', '3.3.31', EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num(''), EMD_MNTR_USER.ipSubnet2Num('')); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Finally... v_success on update!'); --updateWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_member_targets, --l_properties, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, 1, l_thresholds, l_save_event_data, --out_v_success, out_v_err_code, out_v_err_msg); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Start storing data'); --updateWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_member_targets, --l_properties, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, 1, l_thresholds, 1, --out_v_success, out_v_err_code, out_v_err_msg); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Stop storing data'); --updateWebsite (l_target_name, l_target_type, l_member_targets, --l_properties, l_monitoring_host, l_emd_url, 1, l_thresholds, 0, --out_v_success, out_v_err_code, out_v_err_msg); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); DECLARE allTgtTypes SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; memberTargets SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; representativeURL VARCHAR2(120); BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('allTgtTypes.COUNT : ' || allTgtTypes.COUNT); FOR i IN 1..allTgtTypes.COUNT LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('allTgtTypes[i].name : ' || allTgtTypes(i).name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('allTgtTypes[i].value : ' || allTgtTypes(i).value); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_monitoring_host: ' || l_monitoring_host); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds.COUNT: ' || l_thresholds.COUNT); FOR i IN 1..l_thresholds.COUNT LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].region : ' || l_thresholds(i).key_column_value); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].column : ' || l_thresholds(i).metric_column); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].warning_operator: ' || l_thresholds(i).warning_operator); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].warning_threshold: ' || l_thresholds(i).warning_threshold); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].critical_operator: ' || l_thresholds(i).critical_operator); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].critical_threshold : ' || l_thresholds(i).critical_threshold); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('l_thresholds[i].num_occurrences : ' || l_thresholds(i).num_occurrences); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('SUCESSS CODE: ' || out_v_success); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR CODE: ' || out_v_err_code); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Message: ' || out_v_err_msg); END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rolling back.'); ROLLBACK TO testPackSavepoint; EXCEPTION -- Catch all unhandled exceptions and report them WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM()); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rolling back.'); ROLLBACK TO testPackSavepoint; END testPack; -- -- PROCEDURE: key_del_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a depends_on association between -- a key component and website is deleted -- PROCEDURE key_del_callback(p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS -- cursor to get the member targets of the cluster that has eum/e2e association support CURSOR eume2e_targets_cur (p_cluster_tgt_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cluster_tgt_type IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT m.member_target_name, m.member_target_type, d.assoc_def_name FROM mgmt_target_memberships m, eume2e_assocs_lookup l, mgmt_target_assoc_defs d WHERE m.composite_target_type=p_cluster_tgt_type AND m.composite_target_name=p_cluster_tgt_name AND m.member_target_type = l.target_type AND l.assoc_guid = d.assoc_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('key_del_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- check if the source target supports eum/e2e association IF (NOT ((is_eume2e_supported(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON)) OR (is_eume2e_supported(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON)))) THEN RETURN; END IF; -- if the assoc target is a cluster, delete the eum/e2e association between its members and the source target IF (MGMT_TARGET.get_type_property(p_assoc_target_type,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_CLUSTER_PROP,0)=1) THEN FOR sub_rec IN eume2e_targets_cur(p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type) LOOP IF (is_eume2e_supported(p_source_target_type, sub_rec.assoc_def_name)) THEN -- before deleting the association check if it's key component of the website itself IF (NOT (other_eume2e_assoc(sub_rec.member_target_name, sub_rec.member_target_type, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, sub_rec.assoc_def_name, 1))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(sub_rec.assoc_def_name, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, sub_rec.member_target_name, sub_rec.member_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||sub_rec.assoc_def_name||' BETWEEN '||p_source_target_name||' AND '||sub_rec.member_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; ELSE -- if assoc target supports eum association, then check if it is associated with -- the same source target the same eum association as a member of a key cluster, -- if not, delete this association IF (is_eume2e_supported(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON)) THEN IF (NOT (other_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, 0))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||p_source_target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; -- if assoc target supports e2e association, then check if it is associated with -- the same source target the same e2e association as a member of a key cluster, -- if not, delete this association IF (is_eume2e_supported(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON)) THEN IF (NOT (other_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, 0))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON||' BETWEEN '||p_source_target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('key_del_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END key_del_callback; -- -- PROCEDURE: cluster_mem_del_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a contains association between -- a cluster key component of a Web Application and -- the cluster member is deleted -- PROCEDURE cluster_mem_del_callback(p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS -- cursor to get the ancestor of the cluster target CURSOR cluster_ancestor_cur (p_cluster_tgt_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cluster_tgt_type IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT src_t.target_name, src_t.target_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets assoc_t, mgmt_targets src_t WHERE assoc_t.target_name = p_cluster_tgt_name AND assoc_t.target_type = p_cluster_tgt_type AND assoc_t.target_guid = a.assoc_target_guid AND a.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND src_t.target_guid = a.source_target_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('cluster_mem_del_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- loop through all of this cluster's source targets FOR sub_rec IN cluster_ancestor_cur(p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type) LOOP IF (is_eume2e_supported(sub_rec.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON)) THEN IF (NOT (other_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, 1))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec.target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'CLUSTER_MEM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; IF (is_eume2e_supported(sub_rec.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON)) THEN IF (NOT (other_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, 1))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec.target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'CLUSTER_MEM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('cluster_mem_del_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'CLUSTER_MEM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END cluster_mem_del_callback; -- -- PROCEDURE: cluster_mem_add_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a contains association between -- a cluster key component of a Web Application and -- the cluster member is created -- PROCEDURE cluster_mem_add_callback(p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS -- cursor to get the ancestor of the cluster target CURSOR cluster_ancestor_cur (p_cluster_tgt_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cluster_tgt_type IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT src_t.target_name, src_t.target_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets assoc_t, mgmt_targets src_t WHERE assoc_t.target_name = p_cluster_tgt_name AND assoc_t.target_type = p_cluster_tgt_type AND assoc_t.target_guid = a.assoc_target_guid AND a.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND src_t.target_guid = a.source_target_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('cluster_mem_add_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- loop through all of this cluster's source targets FOR sub_rec IN cluster_ancestor_cur(p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type) LOOP IF (is_eume2e_supported(sub_rec.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON)) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_already_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec.target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' ALREADY EXISTS', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'CLUSTER_MEM_ADD_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; IF (is_eume2e_supported(sub_rec.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON)) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_already_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec.target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' ALREADY EXISTS', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'CLUSTER_MEM_ADD_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END LOOP; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('cluster_mem_add_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'CLUSTER_MEM_ADD_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END cluster_mem_add_callback; -- -- PROCEDURE: del_key_cluster_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a oc4j_cluster, oracle_apache_cluster -- or webcache_cluster is deleted (right before the -- cluster target is deleted) -- PROCEDURE del_key_cluster_callback(p_cluster_name IN VARCHAR2, p_cluster_type IN VARCHAR2, p_cluster_guid IN RAW) IS -- cursor to get the ancestor of the cluster target CURSOR cluster_ancestor_cur (p_cluster_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT src_t.target_name, src_t.target_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets src_t WHERE a.assoc_target_guid = p_cluster_guid AND a.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND src_t.target_guid = a.source_target_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('del_key_cluster_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- for each of the cluster's source target, calls the procedure that gets called back -- when the depends_on association between the cluster and its parents is removed FOR sub_rec IN cluster_ancestor_cur(p_cluster_guid) LOOP key_del_callback(MGMT_ASSOC.ASSOC_DEF_DEPENDS_ON, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type, p_cluster_name, p_cluster_type, NULL, NULL); END LOOP; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('del_key_cluster_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'DEL_KEY_CLUSTER_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END del_key_cluster_callback; -- -- PROCEDURE: apps_key_del_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a depends_on association between -- a key component and apps r12 specific forms service is deleted -- PROCEDURE apps_key_del_callback(p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS l_source_target_guid RAW(16); l_assoc_target_guid RAW(16); -- cursor to get the member targets of the group that has eum/e2e association support CURSOR member_cur (p_group_tgt_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT assoc_t.target_name, assoc_t.target_type, assoc_t.target_guid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc flat_assoc, mgmt_targets assoc_t, eume2e_assocs_lookup l WHERE flat_assoc.source_target_guid = p_group_tgt_guid AND flat_assoc.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t.target_guid AND flat_assoc.is_membership = 1 AND assoc_t.target_type = l.target_type AND l.is_group = 0 AND l.assoc_guid = supports_eum_on_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('apps_key_del_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF ((( p_source_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_source_target_type IS NULL )) OR (( p_assoc_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_assoc_target_type IS NULL ))) THEN return; END IF; -- check if the source target supports eum/e2e association IF (NOT (is_eume2e_supported(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON))) THEN RETURN; END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_source_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_source_target_name AND target_type = p_source_target_type; SELECT target_guid INTO l_assoc_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_assoc_target_name AND target_type = p_assoc_target_type; -- if the assoc target is a group type, delete the eum/e2e association between its members and the source target IF (IS_GROUP(p_assoc_target_type)) THEN FOR sub_rec IN member_cur(l_assoc_target_guid) LOOP IF (eume2e_assoc_exists(l_source_target_guid, sub_rec.target_guid, supports_eum_on_guid)) THEN -- before deleting the association check if it's key component of the website itself IF (NOT (is_direct_key(l_source_target_guid, sub_rec.target_guid) OR is_key_member(l_source_target_guid, sub_rec.target_guid))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||p_source_target_name||' AND '||sub_rec.target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; ELSE -- if assoc target supports eum association, then check if it is associated with -- the same source target the same eum association as a member of a key cluster, -- if not, delete this association IF (eume2e_assoc_exists(l_source_target_guid, l_assoc_target_guid, supports_eum_on_guid)) THEN IF (NOT (is_key_member(l_source_target_guid, l_assoc_target_guid))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, p_source_target_name, p_source_target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||p_source_target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('apps_key_del_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_KEY_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END apps_key_del_callback; -- -- PROCEDURE: apps_cluster_mem_del_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a contains association between -- a apps specific group key component of apps forms service and -- the group member is deleted -- PROCEDURE apps_cluster_mem_del_callback(p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS l_assoc_target_guid RAW(16); -- cursor to get the member targets of the cluster that has eum/e2e association support CURSOR member_cur (p_target_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT member_t.target_name, member_t.target_type, member_t.target_guid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc flat_assoc, mgmt_targets member_t, eume2e_assocs_lookup l WHERE flat_assoc.source_target_guid = p_target_guid AND flat_assoc.assoc_target_guid = member_t.target_guid AND flat_assoc.is_membership = 1 AND member_t.target_type = l.target_type AND l.is_group = 0 AND l.assoc_guid = supports_eum_on_guid; -- All service targets that have eum/e2e association with the passed in target CURSOR service_cur (p_assoc_tgt_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT svc_t.target_name, svc_t.target_type, svc_t.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs assoc, mgmt_targets svc_t, mgmt_targets ins_t, eume2e_assocs_lookup l WHERE assoc.source_target_guid = svc_t.target_guid AND assoc.assoc_target_guid = ins_t.target_guid AND ins_t.target_guid = p_assoc_tgt_guid AND ins_t.target_type = l.target_type AND assoc.assoc_guid = supports_eum_on_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('apps_cluster_mem_del_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF ((( p_source_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_source_target_type IS NULL )) OR (( p_assoc_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_assoc_target_type IS NULL ))) THEN return; END IF; IF (NOT (supports_eume2e_assoc(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON))) THEN RETURN; END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_assoc_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_assoc_target_name AND target_type = p_assoc_target_type; -- loop through all of this cluster's source targets IF (IS_GROUP(p_assoc_target_type)) THEN FOR sub_rec IN member_cur(l_assoc_target_guid) LOOP FOR sub_rec_svc IN service_cur (sub_rec.target_guid) LOOP IF (NOT (is_direct_key(sub_rec_svc.target_guid, sub_rec.target_guid) OR is_key_member(sub_rec_svc.target_guid, sub_rec.target_guid))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, sub_rec_svc.target_name, sub_rec_svc.target_type, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec_svc.target_name||' AND '||sub_rec.target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_CLUSTER_MEM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; ELSE FOR sub_rec_svc IN service_cur (l_assoc_target_guid) LOOP IF (NOT (is_direct_key(sub_rec_svc.target_guid, l_assoc_target_guid) OR is_key_member(sub_rec_svc.target_guid, l_assoc_target_guid))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, sub_rec_svc.target_name, sub_rec_svc.target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec_svc.target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_CLUSTER_MEM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('apps_cluster_mem_del_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_CLUSTER_MEM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END apps_cluster_mem_del_callback; -- -- PROCEDURE: apps_cluster_mem_add_callback -- PURPOSE: -- callback when a contains association between -- a cluster key component of a Web Application and -- the cluster member is created -- PROCEDURE apps_cluster_mem_add_callback(p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type IN VARCHAR2) IS l_source_target_guid RAW(16); l_assoc_target_guid RAW(16); l_members_list SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; l_member_guid RAW(16); -- Cursor to find the service targets that depend on this target -- and the service targets that depend on the parents of this target -- Note that the parents need to be the eum/e2e enabled group target types CURSOR parent_service_cur (p_target_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT svc_t.target_name, svc_t.target_type, svc_t.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets svc_t WHERE a.assoc_target_guid = p_target_guid AND a.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND a.source_target_guid = svc_t.target_guid UNION SELECT svc_t2.target_name, svc_t2.target_type, svc_t2.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs assoc, mgmt_flat_target_assoc flat_assoc, mgmt_targets svc_t2, eume2e_assocs_lookup l, mgmt_targets parent_t WHERE flat_assoc.assoc_target_guid = p_target_guid AND flat_assoc.is_membership = 1 AND flat_assoc.source_target_guid = assoc.assoc_target_guid AND assoc.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND assoc.source_target_guid = svc_t2.target_guid AND assoc.assoc_target_guid = parent_t.target_guid AND parent_t.target_type = l.target_type; -- Cursor to find all eum/e2e instance targets that are contained by this target CURSOR member_target_cur (p_target_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT SMP_EMD_NVPAIR(member_t.target_name, member_t.target_type) FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc flat_assoc, mgmt_targets member_t, eume2e_assocs_lookup l WHERE flat_assoc.source_target_guid = p_target_guid AND flat_assoc.assoc_target_guid = member_t.target_guid AND flat_assoc.is_membership = 1 AND member_t.target_type = l.target_type AND l.is_group = 0 AND l.assoc_guid = supports_eum_on_guid; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('apps_cluster_mem_add_callback: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF ((( p_source_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_source_target_type IS NULL )) OR (( p_assoc_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_assoc_target_type IS NULL ))) THEN return; END IF; IF (NOT (supports_eume2e_assoc(p_source_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) AND supports_eume2e_assoc(p_assoc_target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON))) THEN RETURN; END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_source_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_source_target_name AND target_type = p_source_target_type; SELECT target_guid INTO l_assoc_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_assoc_target_name AND target_type = p_assoc_target_type; -- loop through all of this cluster's source targets IF (IS_GROUP(p_assoc_target_type)) THEN OPEN member_target_cur(l_assoc_target_guid); FETCH member_target_cur BULK COLLECT INTO l_members_list; CLOSE member_target_cur; IF(NOT l_members_list.EXISTS(1)) THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR sub_rec_svc IN parent_service_cur(l_source_target_guid) LOOP FOR i IN l_members_list.FIRST..l_members_list.LAST LOOP SELECT target_guid INTO l_member_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = l_members_list(i).name AND target_type = l_members_list(i).value; IF ((NOT (eume2e_assoc_exists(sub_rec_svc.target_guid, l_member_guid, supports_eum_on_guid))) AND (IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED(sub_rec_svc.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, sub_rec_svc.target_name, sub_rec_svc.target_type, l_members_list(i).name, l_members_list(i).value); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_already_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec_svc.target_name||' AND '||l_members_list(i).name||' ALREADY EXISTS', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_CLUSTER_MEM_ADD_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; ELSE FOR sub_rec_svc IN parent_service_cur(l_source_target_guid) LOOP IF ((NOT (eume2e_assoc_exists(sub_rec_svc.target_guid, l_assoc_target_guid, supports_eum_on_guid))) AND (IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED(sub_rec_svc.target_type, ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, sub_rec_svc.target_name, sub_rec_svc.target_type, p_assoc_target_name, p_assoc_target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_already_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON||' BETWEEN '||sub_rec_svc.target_name||' AND '||p_assoc_target_name||' ALREADY EXISTS', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_CLUSTER_MEM_ADD_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('apps_cluster_mem_add_callback: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'APPS_CLUSTER_MEM_ADD_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END apps_cluster_mem_add_callback; -- Callback method which removes the EM page customization for a website -- -- PROCEDURE WEBSITE_EMCUSTOM_DEL_CALLBACK( p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type VARCHAR2, p_target_guid RAW ) IS BEGIN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('WEBSITE_EMCUSTOM_DEL_CALLBACK: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; -- EM Page customization data removal MGMT_PAGE_CUSTMZN.remove_page_customzn_condns ( p_page_name => 'GENERAL_PAGE', p_customizations => SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(SMP_EMD_NVPAIR('ALLOW_MEMBER_EDIT','false')), p_conditions => SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(SMP_EMD_NVPAIR('type','website'), SMP_EMD_NVPAIR('target',p_target_name) ) ); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('WEBSITE_EMCUSTOM_DEL_CALLBACK: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'WEBSITE_EMCUSTOM_DEL_CALLBACK Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END WEBSITE_EMCUSTOM_DEL_CALLBACK; -- PROCEDURE: DEL_OLD_EUME2E_ASSOCS -- -- PURPOSE -- Remove old EUM/E2E associations -- PARAMETERS -- p_target_name : target name -- p_target_type : type -- p_assoc_def_name : supports_eum_on or supports_e2e_on association -- PROCEDURE DEL_OLD_EUME2E_ASSOCS(p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); CURSOR old_eume2e_assoc_cur (p_src_tgt_guid IN RAW, p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT assoc_t.target_name, assoc_t.target_type FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets assoc_t, mgmt_target_assoc_defs d WHERE a.source_target_guid = p_src_tgt_guid AND a.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t.target_guid AND a.assoc_guid = d.assoc_guid AND d.assoc_def_name = p_assoc_def_name; BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('del_old_eume2e_assocs: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF ( p_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_target_type IS NULL ) THEN return; END IF; IF (NOT (IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED(p_target_type, p_assoc_def_name))) THEN return; END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_target_name AND target_type = p_target_type; FOR sub_rec IN old_eume2e_assoc_cur(l_target_guid, p_assoc_def_name) LOOP BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.delete_target_assoc(p_assoc_def_name, p_target_name, p_target_type, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_does_not_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||p_assoc_def_name||' BETWEEN '||p_target_name||' AND '||sub_rec.target_name||' DOES NOT EXIST', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'DEL_OLD_EUME2E_ASSOCS Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END LOOP; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('del_old_eume2e_assocs: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'DEL_OLD_EUME2E_ASSOCS Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END DEL_OLD_EUME2E_ASSOCS; -- PROCEDURE: ADD_EUME2E_ASSOCIATIONS -- -- PURPOSE -- Creates EUM/E2E associations -- PARAMETERS -- p_target_name : target name -- p_target_type : type -- p_assoc_def_name : supports_eum_on or supports_e2e_on association -- PROCEDURE ADD_EUME2E_ASSOCIATIONS(p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2) IS l_target_guid RAW(16); l_assoc_guid RAW(16); CURSOR eume2e_assoc_cur (p_src_tgt_guid IN RAW, p_assoc_guid IN RAW) IS SELECT assoc_t.target_name, assoc_t.target_type, assoc_t.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets assoc_t, eume2e_assocs_lookup l WHERE a.source_target_guid = p_src_tgt_guid AND a.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t.target_guid AND a.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND assoc_t.target_type = l.target_type AND l.assoc_guid = p_assoc_guid AND l.is_group = 0 UNION SELECT c_m.member_target_name, c_m.member_target_type, c_m.member_target_guid as target_guid FROM mgmt_target_memberships c_m, eume2e_assocs_lookup c_l WHERE c_m.member_target_type = c_l.target_type AND c_l.assoc_guid = p_assoc_guid AND c_l.is_group = 0 AND c_m.composite_target_guid IN (SELECT assoc_t2.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs a2, mgmt_targets assoc_t2, eume2e_assocs_lookup l2 WHERE a2.source_target_guid = p_src_tgt_guid AND a2.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t2.target_guid AND a2.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND assoc_t2.target_type = l2.target_type AND l2.is_group = 1) UNION SELECT assoc_t.target_name, assoc_t.target_type, assoc_t.target_guid FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc flat_assoc, eume2e_assocs_lookup c_l, mgmt_targets assoc_t WHERE flat_assoc.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t.target_guid AND assoc_t.target_type = c_l.target_type AND c_l.assoc_guid = p_assoc_guid AND c_l.is_group = 0 AND flat_assoc.is_membership = 1 AND flat_assoc.source_target_guid IN (SELECT a2.assoc_target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs a2, mgmt_targets assoc_t2, eume2e_assocs_lookup l2 WHERE a2.source_target_guid = p_src_tgt_guid AND a2.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND a2.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t2.target_guid AND assoc_t2.target_type = l2.target_type AND l2.is_group = 1 AND l2.expand_group = 1); BEGIN --emdw_log.set_session_trace_level(3); IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('add_eume2e_associations: Enter', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; IF ( p_target_name IS NULL ) OR (p_target_type IS NULL ) THEN return; END IF; IF (NOT (IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED(p_target_type, p_assoc_def_name))) THEN return; END IF; SELECT target_guid INTO l_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_name = p_target_name AND target_type = p_target_type; SELECT assoc_guid INTO l_assoc_guid FROM mgmt_target_assoc_defs WHERE assoc_def_name = p_assoc_def_name; FOR sub_rec IN eume2e_assoc_cur(l_target_guid, l_assoc_guid) LOOP IF (NOT (eume2e_assoc_exists(l_target_guid, sub_rec.target_guid, l_assoc_guid))) THEN BEGIN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc(p_assoc_def_name, p_target_name, p_target_type, sub_rec.target_name, sub_rec.target_type); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_already_exist THEN IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_WARN_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.WARN('ASSOCIATION '||p_assoc_def_name||' BETWEEN '||p_target_name||' AND '||sub_rec.target_name||' ALREADY EXISTS', MODULE_NAME); END IF ; WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'ADD_EUME2E_ASSOCIATIONS Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END; END IF; END LOOP; IF EMDW_LOG.P_IS_INFO_SET THEN EMDW_LOG.INFO('add_eume2e_associations: Exit', MODULE_NAME) ; END IF ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN MGMT_LOG.LOG_ERROR(MODULE_NAME, NULL, 'ADD_EUME2E_ASSOCIATIONS Exception: ' || SQLERRM); END ADD_EUME2E_ASSOCIATIONS; -- -- FUNCTION: IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED -- PURPOSE: -- Determines if the specified service type supports EUM/E2E associations -- IN PARAMETERS -- p_service_type: Service type. -- p_assoc_def_name: supports_eum_on or supports_e2e_on association -- RETURN -- TRUE if yes; FALSE otherwise -- FUNCTION IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED(p_service_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_assoc_prop_name VARCHAR2(200); l_is_supported NUMBER; BEGIN IF (p_assoc_def_name = ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) THEN l_assoc_prop_name := SUPPORTS_EUM_PROP; ELSIF (p_assoc_def_name = ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON) THEN l_assoc_prop_name := SUPPORTS_E2E_PROP; ELSE return FALSE; END IF; SELECT count(1) INTO l_is_supported FROM mgmt_type_properties WHERE target_type = p_service_type AND property_name = l_assoc_prop_name AND property_value = '1'; IF (l_is_supported > 0) THEN return TRUE; ELSE return FALSE; END IF; END IS_EUME2E_SUPPORTED; -- -- FUNCTION: SUPPORTS_EUME2E_ASSOC -- PURPOSE: -- check if a target type supports eum/e2e association -- returns TRUE if it does, returns FALSE otherwise -- FUNCTION SUPPORTS_EUME2E_ASSOC(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_support NUMBER; l_assoc_guid RAW(16); BEGIN IF (p_assoc_def_name = ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON) THEN l_assoc_guid := supports_eum_on_guid; ELSIF (p_assoc_def_name = ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON) THEN l_assoc_guid := supports_e2e_on_guid; ELSE return FALSE; END IF; SELECT count(1) INTO l_support FROM eume2e_assocs_lookup WHERE target_type = p_target_type AND assoc_guid = l_assoc_guid; IF (l_support > 0) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END SUPPORTS_EUME2E_ASSOC; -- -- FUNCTION: IS_GROUP -- PURPOSE: -- Determines if the specified target type is a group, cluster, or aggregate -- IN PARAMETERS -- p_target_type: type of the target -- RETURN -- TRUE if yes; FALSE otherwise -- FUNCTION IS_GROUP(p_target_type IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS l_is_group NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO l_is_group FROM mgmt_type_properties WHERE target_type = p_target_type AND property_name IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_CLUSTER_PROP, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_AGGREGATE_PROP, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_GROUP_PROP, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_COMPOSITE_PROP) AND property_value = '1'; IF (l_is_group > 0) THEN return TRUE; ELSE return FALSE; END IF; END IS_GROUP; -- -- FUNCTION: IS_DIRECT_KEY -- PURPOSE: -- check if the associate target is a direct key component -- of the source target -- FUNCTION IS_DIRECT_KEY(p_source_target_guid IN RAW, p_assoc_target_guid IN RAW) RETURN BOOLEAN IS is_direct_key NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO is_direct_key FROM MGMT_TARGET_ASSOCS assoc WHERE assoc.source_target_guid = p_source_target_guid AND assoc.assoc_target_guid = p_assoc_target_guid AND assoc.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid; IF (is_direct_key > 0) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END IS_DIRECT_KEY; -- -- FUNCTION: IS_KEY_MEMBER -- PURPOSE: -- check if the associate target is a member of a direct key component -- of the source target -- FUNCTION IS_KEY_MEMBER(p_source_target_guid IN RAW, p_assoc_target_guid in RAW) RETURN BOOLEAN IS is_key_member NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO is_key_member FROM mgmt_flat_target_assoc flat_assoc WHERE flat_assoc.assoc_target_guid = p_assoc_target_guid AND flat_assoc.is_membership = 1 AND flat_assoc.source_target_guid IN (SELECT assoc_t2.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs a2, mgmt_targets assoc_t2, eume2e_assocs_lookup l2 WHERE a2.source_target_guid = p_source_target_guid AND a2.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND a2.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t2.target_guid AND assoc_t2.target_type = l2.target_type); IF (is_key_member > 0) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END IS_KEY_MEMBER; -- -- FUNCTION: EUME2E_ASSOC_EXISTS -- PURPOSE: -- check if the associate target is already associated with -- the source target the eum/e2e association -- FUNCTION EUME2E_ASSOC_EXISTS(p_source_target_guid IN RAW, p_assoc_target_guid IN RAW, p_assoc_guid IN RAW) RETURN BOOLEAN IS assoc_exists NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT count(1) INTO assoc_exists FROM mgmt_target_assocs assoc WHERE assoc.source_target_guid = p_source_target_guid AND assoc.assoc_target_guid = p_assoc_target_guid AND assoc.assoc_guid = p_assoc_guid; IF (assoc_exists > 0) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END EUME2E_ASSOC_EXISTS; -- -- FUNCTION: other_eume2e_assoc -- PURPOSE: -- check if a target is associated with the same website -- in the same eum/e2e association in another way -- Example: If the associated target as a member of a key -- cluster is associated with the website with eum -- association, check if it is also a key component -- of the website itself which may also associate -- it with the website with eum association. In this -- case removing either the member of the cluster -- or key component association should not remove -- the eum association -- -- FUNCTION OTHER_EUME2E_ASSOC(p_assoc_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_src_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_src_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_assoc_def_name IN VARCHAR2, p_is_cluster IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS has_other_eume2e_assoc NUMBER; BEGIN -- check if the assoc_target is a also member of a key cluster IF (p_is_cluster = 0) THEN SELECT count(c_t.target_guid) INTO has_other_eume2e_assoc FROM mgmt_target_memberships c_m, mgmt_targets c_t, eume2e_assocs_lookup l, mgmt_target_assoc_defs d WHERE c_m.member_target_guid = c_t.target_guid AND c_m.member_target_name = p_assoc_target_name AND c_m.member_target_type = p_assoc_target_type AND c_m.member_target_type = l.target_type AND l.assoc_guid = d.assoc_guid AND d.assoc_def_name = p_assoc_def_name AND c_m.composite_target_guid IN (SELECT assoc_t2.target_guid FROM mgmt_target_assocs a2, mgmt_targets assoc_t2, mgmt_targets src_t2, eume2e_assocs_lookup l2, mgmt_type_properties tp2, mgmt_target_assoc_defs d2 WHERE src_t2.target_name = p_src_target_name AND src_t2.target_type = p_src_target_type AND a2.source_target_guid = src_t2.target_guid AND a2.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t2.target_guid AND a2.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND assoc_t2.target_type = l2.target_type AND l2.assoc_guid = d2.assoc_guid AND d2.assoc_def_name = p_assoc_def_name AND tp2.target_type = assoc_t2.target_type AND tp2.property_name = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_CLUSTER_PROP AND tp2.property_value = '1'); -- check if the assoc_target is also a key component of the source target ELSE SELECT count(assoc_t.target_guid) INTO has_other_eume2e_assoc FROM mgmt_target_assocs a, mgmt_targets assoc_t, mgmt_targets src_t WHERE src_t.target_name = p_src_target_name AND src_t.target_type = p_src_target_type AND a.source_target_guid = src_t.target_guid AND a.assoc_target_guid = assoc_t.target_guid AND a.assoc_guid = MGMT_ASSOC.g_depends_on_guid AND assoc_t.target_name = p_assoc_target_name AND assoc_t.target_type = p_assoc_target_type; END IF; IF (has_other_eume2e_assoc > 0) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END OTHER_EUME2E_ASSOC; -- -- Create supports_eum_on_guid and supports_e2e_on_guid -- BEGIN -- Create supports_eum_on_guid BEGIN supports_eum_on_guid := MGMT_ASSOC.get_assoc_def_guid(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON,MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_def_does_not_exist THEN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc_def( p_assoc_name =>ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, p_source_target_type =>MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE, p_assoc_target_type =>MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE, p_assoc_type => ASSOC_TYPE_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, p_prop_view_priv => MGMT_ASSOC.ALL_LEVEL_VIEW_PROPAGATION ); supports_eum_on_guid := MGMT_ASSOC.get_assoc_def_guid(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_EUM_ON, MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE); END; -- Create supports_e2e_on_guid BEGIN supports_e2e_on_guid := MGMT_ASSOC.get_assoc_def_guid(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON,MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_def_does_not_exist THEN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc_def( p_assoc_name =>ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, p_source_target_type =>MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE, p_assoc_target_type =>MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE, p_assoc_type => ASSOC_TYPE_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, p_prop_view_priv => MGMT_ASSOC.ALL_LEVEL_VIEW_PROPAGATION ); supports_e2e_on_guid := MGMT_ASSOC.get_assoc_def_guid(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_E2E_ON, MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE); END; -- Create supports_forms_on_guid BEGIN supports_forms_on_guid := MGMT_ASSOC.get_assoc_def_guid(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_FORMS_ON,MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE); EXCEPTION WHEN mgmt_global.assoc_def_does_not_exist THEN MGMT_ASSOC.create_target_assoc_def( p_assoc_name =>ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_FORMS_ON, p_source_target_type =>MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE, p_assoc_target_type =>MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE, p_assoc_type => ASSOC_TYPE_SUPPORTS_FORMS_ON, p_prop_view_priv => MGMT_ASSOC.ALL_LEVEL_VIEW_PROPAGATION ); supports_forms_on_guid := MGMT_ASSOC.get_assoc_def_guid(ASSOC_DEF_SUPPORTS_FORMS_ON, MGMT_ASSOC.ANY_TARGET_TYPE); END; END mgmt_website_target; / show errors;