Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/user_model/user_view_pkgdef.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/06/17 22:17:24 nmathuri Exp $ Rem Rem user_view_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem user_view_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem nmathuri 06/12/09 - Fix the bug 8564295 Rem kmanicka 08/25/05 - add init_view_user_out_of_box Rem jsadras 06/01/05 - add api to change view user passwd Rem rpinnama 02/27/03 - Remove password Rem rpinnama 01/21/03 - Provide an API to reset view user's password Rem dmshah 11/11/02 - Generating mgmt_view password based on input password Rem dmshah 10/29/02 - Ensuring mgmt_view pwd is always valid Rem dmshah 10/29/02 - Setting the size of the pwd constant correctly Rem dmshah 10/28/02 - Fixing bug 2480080.Hardcoded view pwd Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Restructured. Rem mbhoopat 04/18/02 - Fix bug 2330078.. Rem rpinnama 04/16/02 - Add MGMT_VIEW user to created users. Rem mbhoopat 04/12/02 - mbhoopat_view_user_support Rem mbhoopat 04/09/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE MGMT_VIEW_PRIV AS MGMT_VIEW_USER CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'MGMT_VIEW'; MGMT_VIEW_USER_KEY CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'MGMT_VIEW_USER'; MGMT_VIEW_PWD_KEY CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'MGMT_VIEW_USER_PWD'; G_SYS_USER CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'SYS'; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Sets the global application context for EM, calculates the security -- predicate and stores it in the EM global context -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- EM_CLIENT_IN - the name of the EMD user -- -- OP_IN - the operation to perform -- -- MGMT_USER.OP_SET_IDENTIFIER: Set the EM client name for this session -- to em_client_in, creating the security predicate and target list -- if necessary -- MGMT_USER.OP_RECREATE_CONTEXT: Recompute the predicate function -- for the specified user -- MGMT_USER.OP_CLEAR_IDENTIFIER: Clear the EM client name for this -- session; no new identifier is set. The em_client_in value is -- ignored in this case. -- MGMT_USER.OP_CLEAR_CONTEXT: Clear the predicate and target list for -- em_client_in -- MGMT_USER.OP_CLEAR_CONTEXTS: Clear all predicates and target lists for -- all EM clients -- MGMT_USER.OP_LOGOFF: Clear the EM_USERNAME from the user context and clear -- all information from the global context if the session is the only -- session using the information -- PROCEDURE SET_VIEW_USER_CONTEXT(em_client_in IN VARCHAR2, op_in IN INTEGER, view_user IN VARCHAR2, view_pwd IN VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE GET_VIEW_USER_CREDS(view_user OUT VARCHAR2, view_pwd OUT VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE GET_VIEW_USER(view_user OUT VARCHAR2); PROCEDURE SET_VIEW_USER_CREDS(v_secret IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get a Random password from a given seed -- FUNCTION random_password(seed_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 ; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To change the password for mgmt_view user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- view_pwd: The new password to be set -- -- Exceptions: -- MGMT_GLOBAL.INSUFFICIENT_PRIVS :Only REPOSITORY OWNER can change password -- MGMT_GLOBAL.MODIFY_FAILED_ERR :Changing password failed for some reason -- -- -- Note: ** THERE IS A IMPLICIT COMMIT IN THIS PROCEDURE DUE TO -- ALTER USER -- PROCEDURE change_view_user_password(view_pwd IN VARCHAR2) ; -- PURPOSE -- -- Called during out of box -- It replaces the View user password in the seed db to a new random password. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- Exceptions: -- MGMT_GLOBAL.INSUFFICIENT_PRIVS :Only REPOSITORY OWNER can change password -- MGMT_GLOBAL.MODIFY_FAILED_ERR :Changing password failed for some reason -- -- -- Note: ** THERE IS A IMPLICIT COMMIT IN THIS PROCEDURE DUE TO -- ALTER USER -- PROCEDURE init_view_user_out_of_box; END MGMT_VIEW_PRIV; / show errors;