Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: trace_log_pkgdef.sql 03-aug-2006.23:01:00 sthiruna Exp $ Rem Rem trace_log_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem trace_log_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package contains the code for implementing logging/tracing Rem PL/SQL Code. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sthiruna 07/31/06 - Copying Config Standard changes from Rem EMCORE_MAIN_LINUX Rem niramach 02/28/06 - Add get_context_type function to get the current Rem context type. Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem jsadras 03/04/05 - purge procedure Rem jsadras 02/26/04 - jsadras_trace_create Rem jsadras 02/26/04 - emdw_log pkg spec Rem jsadras 02/26/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emdw_log AS --Record Type To Hold context Information. TYPE contextrec IS RECORD ( context_type_id emdw_trace_config.context_type_id%tYPE, context_type emdw_trace_config.context_type%TYPE, trace_level emdw_trace_config.trace_level%TYPE, context_identifier emdw_trace_data.context_identifier%TYPE, oms_host emdw_trace_data.oms_host%TYPE ); --Record To Hold Current context Information. p_ctx_arr contextrec ; --Default context type if not initialized p_default_context_type CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'DEFAULT' ; -- context type of the tracer application p_tracer_context_Type CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'TRACER' ; -- Module name for the Trace/Log package p_module VARCHAR2(15) := 'TRACE MODULE' ; -- Refresh_Context is enabled by default ,it is disabled if -- session level trace is set using set session_trace.. p_refresh_enabled BOOLEAN := TRUE ; --CONSTANTs for Log Levels LOFF CONSTANT NUMBER := 0 ; LERROR CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; LWARN CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; LINFO CONSTANT NUMBER := 3 ; LDEBUG CONSTANT NUMBER := 4 ; --BOOLEANs used for checking if a Particular Level is being logged p_is_error_set BOOLEAN := FALSE ; p_is_info_set BOOLEAN := FALSE ; p_is_debug_set BOOLEAN := FALSE ; p_is_warn_set BOOLEAN := FALSE ; p_is_tracing_set BOOLEAN := FALSE ; --Purpose : Initializes the context -- Sets the Package Variables based on Table Values for the context_type --Parameters: context Type -- context Identifier -- OMS Host PROCEDURE set_context(v_context_Type IN VARCHAR2:= p_default_context_type, v_context_Identifier IN VARCHAR2 := null, v_oms_Host IN VARCHAR2 := null ) ; --Purpose : Refreshes Information for currently Initialized context Type PROCEDURE refresh_context ; --Purpose : Creates the Context Type and sets the trace level --Parameters : Context_Type : Name for the context type to be created -- Context type cannot contain spaces -- Will be stored in upper case in DB -- if it exists then the trace level is updated -- Trace Level : Trace level to be set for the context type PROCEDURE create_context(v_context_type IN VARCHAR2, v_trace_level IN NUMBER := LOFF ) ; --Purpose : Delete the context --Parameters : context type to be deleted -- All trace Data for the context type will be deleted -- The context type will be deleted from emdw_trace_config PROCEDURE delete_context(v_context_type IN VARCHAR2 ) ; --Purpose : Log a error message, if current tracelevel is error --Parameters : LogText , Module PROCEDURE error (v_log_message IN VARCHAR2, v_module IN VARCHAR2 ) ; --Purpose : Log a Debug message,if current tracelevel in error,info,warn,debug --Parameters : LogText , Module PROCEDURE debug (v_log_message IN VARCHAR2, v_module IN VARCHAR2) ; --Purpose : Log a warn message,if current tracelevel in error or warn --Parameters : LogText, Module PROCEDURE warn (v_log_message IN VARCHAR2, v_module IN VARCHAR2) ; --Purpose : Log a Info message,if current tracelevel in error,info,warn --Parameters : LogText, Module PROCEDURE info (v_log_message IN VARCHAR2, v_module IN VARCHAR2) ; --Purpose : To Purge all trace records created before the given date. --Parameters :Context Type: Specific context type to be deleted, if not specified then -- All context types are selected -- Purge Date: The date before which all records will be deleted. -- if not specified then all purge dates are selected -- if only context type is specified, then all records for context type are purged -- if only purge date is specified, then all records less than purge date are purged -- if both are not specified then all records are purged -- if both are specified then only records for the context type before the purge date -- are purged. PROCEDURE purge(v_context_Type IN VARCHAR2 := null, v_purge_date IN DATE := sysdate+1, v_batch_size IN NUMBER := 100000 ) ; -- --Purpose : Background purge procedure called by Purge policy -- PROCEDURE purge(p_purge_params IN OUT NOCOPY MGMT_PURGE_CALLBACK_PARAMS) ; -- --Purpose : To set the trace level for a context type --Parameters : context Type (defaulted to ALL contexts), trace_level ( defaulted to 0) PROCEDURE set_trace_level(v_context_type IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, v_trace_level IN NUMBER := LOFF ) ; --Purpose : To set trace level for current context in current session only, -- other sessions will continue to use the trace level defined for the -- context type. -- emdw_trace_config.trace_level is ignored for current session -- until the next set_session_trace_level call or set_context call. --Parameters : Trace Level PROCEDURE set_session_trace_level(v_trace_level in NUMBER) ; --Purpose : Returns the current context type. FUNCTION get_context_type RETURN VARCHAR2; END ; / show errors