Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/target/target_ui_pkgbody.sql /st_emcore_10. 2010/04/26 20:30:59 bram Exp $ Rem Rem target_ui_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem target_ui_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bram 10/03/09 - Perf Fixes Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem bram 05/10/05 - Bug 4350323 EM_TARGET_UI HAS 1 SQL CODING VIOLATION Rem narkumar 05/11/05 - added type display in select list Rem paachary 03/31/05 - Bug # 4252834 SCALABILITY: TARGETSELECTOR TAKES A LONG TIME TO LOAD Rem narkumar 01/05/05 - SQL for aggregate Only Rem narkumar 12/08/04 - Child Type Limiting Rem narkumar 12/02/04 - limiting the number of maximum rows Rem narkumar 10/08/04 - set default privilege to view Rem narkumar 09/22/04 - narkumar_targetselectoritem4 Rem narkumar 08/27/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY EM_TARGET_UI AS PROCEDURE get_targets_info(p_target_guids IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY, p_targets_cursor OUT cursor_type) IS BEGIN OPEN p_targets_cursor FOR SELECT /*+ CARDINALITY (guids 10)*/ tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.load_timestamp, tgt.timezone_delta, tgt.display_name, tgt.type_display_name, tgt.service_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url, tgt.last_load_time, tgt.is_group, tgt.broken_str, tgt.broken_reason, tgt.last_rt_load_time, tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM TABLE(CAST(p_target_guids AS MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY)) guids, MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_guid = guids.column_value; END get_targets_info; FUNCTION get_value_string(p_package_variable IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_value VARCHAR2(256) ; -- this function is to find out the value of the package variables BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' begin :x := '||EM_CHECK.QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME(p_package_variable)|| '; end ;' USING OUT l_value ; RETURN(l_value) ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, 'Invalid Value '||p_package_variable) ; END get_value_string; FUNCTION get_target_list(p_sql_query IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY IS l_target_list MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY ; l_tgt_cur cursor_Type; -- this function is to find out the list of targets guids BEGIN --Fix part of Bug-4359323 SQL Coding Violation --1)Changed Execute Immediate to Open Cursor which ensure only SELECT statements --are executed --2)l_target_list is not returned, but returned as part of --mgmt_target_guid_array which ensures that only target_guid is selected OPEN l_tgt_cur FOR p_sql_query; FETCH l_tgt_cur BULK COLLECT INTO l_target_list; CLOSE l_tgt_cur; RETURN(l_target_list); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, 'Invalid Value '||p_sql_query) ; END get_target_list; FUNCTION get_targets_by_host_with_priv(p_priv_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_host_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_types IN MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY, p_max_row_num IN NUMBER, p_sql_query VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, p_sql_for_aggregate IN NUMBER) RETURN TARGETS_CURSOR IS l_targets_cursor TARGETS_CURSOR; l_include_agents BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_tguids MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY; l_group_members MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY; l_user_name mgmt_created_users.user_name%type := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); l_uname mgmt_created_users.user_name%type ; l_pname mgmt_privs.priv_name%type; max_row_num NUMBER := p_max_row_num; l_target_list MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY; l_ret NUMBER; BEGIN l_uname := UPPER(l_user_name); BEGIN l_ret := mgmt_target.get_type_property(p_target_type, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_AGGREGATE_PROP, '0'); IF l_ret=0 and p_sql_for_aggregate=1 THEN l_target_list := null; ELSE l_target_list := get_target_list(p_sql_query); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_target_list := null; END ; BEGIN l_pname := EM_TARGET_UI.get_value_string(p_priv_name); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, -- 'Invalid Privilege') ; l_pname := MGMT_USER.VIEW_TARGET; END ; -- If this is a SUPER_USER or the privilege is VIEW_TARGET and the user has -- the VIEW_ANY_TARGET privilege, then return all targets IF MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname, MGMT_USER.SUPER_USER) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV OR (l_pname = MGMT_USER.VIEW_TARGET AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname, MGMT_USER.VIEW_ANY_TARGET) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV) THEN IF p_target_types.COUNT > 0 THEN -- Broke the existing SQL into two parts to enhance the performance: -- 1. If data for "ALL" target types are being fetched, then, force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by -- using a sub-query returning all the target types. -- 2. If data for a specific target type is being fetched, then force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by narrowing the -- search using "IN" clause. IF (p_target_type = '%') THEN OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE --tgt.target_type IN (SELECT target_type FROM mgmt_target_types) AND upper(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) lIKE upper(p_host_name) AND upper(tgt.target_name) LIKE upper(p_target_name) AND avail.target_guid (+) = tgt.target_guid AND tgt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_target_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); ELSE OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_type in (p_target_type) AND upper(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) lIKE upper(p_host_name) AND upper(tgt.target_name) LIKE upper(p_target_name) AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) --AND tgt.target_type IN (SELECT column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_target_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); END IF; ELSE -- Broke the existing SQL into two parts to enhance the performance: -- 1. If data for "ALL" target types are being fetched, then, force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by -- using a sub-query returning all the target types. -- 2. If data for a specific target type is being fetched, then force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by narrowing the -- search using "IN" clause. IF (p_target_type = '%') THEN OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_type IN (SELECT target_type FROM mgmt_target_types) AND upper(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) lIKE upper(p_host_name) AND upper(tgt.target_name) LIKE upper(p_target_name) AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); ELSE OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_type IN (p_target_type) AND upper(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) lIKE upper(p_host_name) AND upper(tgt.target_name) LIKE upper(p_target_name) AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); END IF; END IF; ELSE -- not a super user IF p_target_types.COUNT > 0 THEN -- Broke the existing SQL into two parts to enhance the performance: -- 1. If data for "ALL" target types are being fetched, then, force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by -- using a sub-query returning all the target types. -- 2. If data for a specific target type is being fetched, then force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by narrowing the -- search using "IN" clause. IF (p_target_type = '%') THEN OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) -- AND tgt.target_type IN (SELECT target_type FROM mgmt_target_types) AND UPPER(NVL(host_name,'%')) like p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) like p_target_name AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname,l_pname,tgt.target_guid) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV AND tgt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_target_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (SELECT column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); ELSE OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type IN (p_target_type) AND UPPER(NVL(host_name,'%')) like p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) like p_target_name AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname,l_pname,tgt.target_guid) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV --AND tgt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_target_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (SELECT column_value FROM TABLE(l_target_list))); END IF; ELSE -- Broke the existing SQL into two parts to enhance the performance: -- 1. If data for "ALL" target types are being fetched, then, force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by -- using a sub-query returning all the target types. -- 2. If data for a specific target type is being fetched, then force the usage of the -- index on the primay key column target type in the mgmt_targets table by narrowing the -- search using "IN" clause. IF (p_target_type = '%') THEN OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type IN (SELECT target_type FROM mgmt_target_types) AND UPPER(NVL(host_name,'%')) like p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) like p_target_name AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname,l_pname,tgt.target_guid) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (SELECT column_value FROM TABLE(l_target_list))); ELSE OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail WHERE tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type IN (p_target_type) AND UPPER(NVL(host_name,'%')) like p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) like p_target_name AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname,l_pname,tgt.target_guid) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN l_targets_cursor; END get_targets_by_host_with_priv; FUNCTION get_targets_by_host_assoc(p_priv_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_host_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_types IN MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY, p_max_row_num IN NUMBER, p_sql_query varchar2 default null, p_sql_for_aggregate IN NUMBER, p_child_type IN VARCHAR2, p_child_name IN VARCHAR2, p_child_types IN MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY) RETURN TARGETS_CURSOR IS l_targets_cursor TARGETS_CURSOR; l_include_agents BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_tguids MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY; l_group_members MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY; l_user_name mgmt_created_users.user_name%type := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); l_uname mgmt_created_users.user_name%type ; l_pname mgmt_privs.priv_name%type; max_row_num NUMBER := p_max_row_num; l_child_type_count NUMBER := 0; l_target_list MGMT_TARGET_GUID_ARRAY ; l_ret NUMBER; BEGIN EMDW_LOG.REFRESH_CONTEXT ; EMDW_LOG.ERROR('one','target_selector'); l_uname := UPPER(l_user_name); BEGIN l_ret := mgmt_target.get_type_property(p_target_type, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_IS_AGGREGATE_PROP, '0'); IF l_ret=0 and p_sql_for_aggregate=1 THEN l_target_list := null; ELSE l_target_list := get_target_list(p_sql_query); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, -- 'Invalid Privilege') ; l_target_list := null; END ; BEGIN l_pname := EM_TARGET_UI.get_value_string(p_priv_name); IF p_child_types.COUNT > 0 THEN l_child_type_count :=1; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, -- 'Invalid Privilege') ; l_pname := MGMT_USER.VIEW_TARGET; END ; -- If this is a SUPER_USER or the privilege is VIEW_TARGET and the user has -- the VIEW_ANY_TARGET privilege, then return all targets IF MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname, MGMT_USER.SUPER_USER) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV OR (l_pname = MGMT_USER.VIEW_TARGET AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname, MGMT_USER.VIEW_ANY_TARGET) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV) THEN IF p_target_types.COUNT > 0 THEN OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT distinct tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail, mgmt_flat_target_assoc a , mgmt_targets mt WHERE a.is_membership =1 AND tgt.target_guid = a.source_target_guid AND mt.target_guid = a.assoc_target_guid AND tgt.target_type LIKE p_target_type AND UPPER(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) lIKE p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) LIKE p_target_name AND upper(mt.target_type) LIKE p_child_type AND UPPER(mt.target_name) LIKE p_child_name AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_target_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY))) AND ( l_child_type_count = 0 OR mt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_child_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY)))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); ELSE OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT distinct tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status,MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail, mgmt_flat_target_assoc a , mgmt_targets mt WHERE a.is_membership =1 AND tgt.target_guid = a.source_target_guid AND mt.target_guid = a.assoc_target_guid AND tgt.target_type LIKE p_target_type AND upper(mt.target_type) LIKE p_child_type AND UPPER(mt.target_name) LIKE p_child_name AND UPPER(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) lIKE p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) LIKE p_target_name AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND ( l_child_type_count = 0 OR mt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_child_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY)))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); END IF; ELSE -- not a super user IF p_target_types.COUNT > 0 THEN OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT distinct tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail, mgmt_flat_target_assoc a , mgmt_targets mt WHERE a.is_membership =1 AND tgt.target_guid = a.source_target_guid AND mt.target_guid = a.assoc_target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type like p_target_type AND upper(mt.target_type) LIKE p_child_type AND UPPER(mt.target_name) LIKE p_child_name AND UPPER(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) like p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) like p_target_name AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname,l_pname,tgt.target_guid) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV AND tgt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_target_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY))) AND ( l_child_type_count = 0 OR mt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_child_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY)))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); ELSE OPEN l_targets_cursor FOR SELECT distinct tgt.target_guid, tgt.target_name, tgt.target_type, tgt.host_name, tgt.emd_url,tgt.type_display_name,tgt.display_name,tgt.timezone_region, NVL(avail.current_status, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_STATUS_UNKNOWN) cur_status FROM MGMT_TARGETS tgt, MGMT_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY avail, mgmt_flat_target_assoc a , mgmt_targets mt WHERE a.is_membership =1 AND tgt.target_guid = a.source_target_guid AND mt.target_guid = a.assoc_target_guid AND tgt.target_guid = avail.target_guid (+) AND tgt.target_type like p_target_type AND UPPER(NVL(tgt.host_name,'%')) like p_host_name AND UPPER(tgt.target_name) like p_target_name AND UPPER(mt.target_type) LIKE p_child_type AND UPPER(mt.target_name) LIKE p_child_name AND MGMT_USER.HAS_PRIV(l_uname,l_pname,tgt.target_guid) = MGMT_USER.USER_HAS_PRIV AND ( l_child_type_count = 0 OR mt.target_type IN (select column_value from TABLE(CAST(p_child_types AS MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY)))) AND rownum < max_row_num AND (l_target_list is null or tgt.target_guid IN (select column_value from TABLE(l_target_list))); END IF; END IF; RETURN l_targets_cursor; END GET_TARGETS_BY_HOST_ASSOC; PROCEDURE get_types_in_target_selection(p_priv_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_types_cur OUT cursor_type ) IS BEGIN -- find the target types the user can see p_target_types_cur := MGMT_USER.GET_TARGET_TYPES(p_priv_name); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(MGMT_GLOBAL.INVALID_PARAMS_ERR, 'Invalid Privilege') ; END get_types_in_target_selection; END EM_TARGET_UI; / show err