Rem Rem $Header: storage_common_views.sql 08-dec-2005.11:54:38 ajdsouza Exp $ Rem Rem storage_report_views.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem common_views.sql - Rem views common to backend and ui code for the storage module. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Views for storage reporting - only those views that Rem are common to the storage backend code and storage UI Rem should exist in this file. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ajdsouza 12/08/05 - Backport ajdsouza_stg_bug4609392_4651120_fix Rem from main Rem ajdsouza 11/22/05 - fixed bug# 4609392 by joiing to Rem view mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots Rem instead of mgmt_ecm_gen_snapshots Rem sreddy 07/23/05 - Modify mgmt_v_storage_report_data to have Rem all snapshots [not just current snapshots] Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem ajdsouza 05/02/05 - added snapshot_type to predicate to ensure Rem that index MGMT_ECM_SNAP_IDX(2) can get used Rem rmenon 03/10/05 - removing mgmt_v_db_cntrlfiles_size_ecm Rem THe underlying metric is going to be Rem removed. Database size now just shows Rem tablespace size. Rem ajdsouza 03/03/05 - Modified mgmt$storage_report_disk, NVL a3 with name Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem rmenon 02/04/05 - added is_virtual_layer column to mgmt_v_storage_report_data Rem ajdsouza 01/31/05 - remove NVL fro global_unique_id in mgmt_v_storage_report_data Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem ajdsouza 10/24/04 - Changed mgmt$storage_report_issues to have count Rem rmenon 09/28/04 - added target_guid, host name columns Rem to mgmt_v_storage_report_data Rem ajdsouza 08/19/04 - moved base private views Rem rmenon 08/16/04 - formatting cleanup and some additional Rem comments. Rem ajdsouza 08/10/04 - ajdsouza_ecm_processing Rem ajdsouza 08/09/04 - Rem ajdsouza 07/30/04 - ajdsouza_fix_storage_metrics Rem ajdsouza 07/28/04 - Moved to new storage component in Rem common functional unit Rem ajdsouza 06/25/04 - storage reporting sources Rem ajdsouza 05/12/04 - Created Rem -------------------------------------------------------- -- Dummy db views in emcore. These views are recreated -- in the file storage/storage_database_views.sql -- in the emdb vob. This way we can "compile" -- the sql files in storage module that depend on -- core and db files. -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -- storage private views begin - these views are ------ -- private to sysman and start with mgmt_v. ------ --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: mgmt_v_db_datafiles_ecm -- -- PURPOSE: -- dummy view that represents the table mgmt_db_datafiles_ecm. -- -- IMPLMENTATION NOTES: --------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_db_datafiles_ecm ( ecm_snapshot_id, file_name, file_size, os_storage_entity ) AS SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2 / --------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: mgmt_v_db_redologs_ecm -- -- PURPOSE: -- dummy view that represents the table mgmt_db_redologs_ecm. -- -- IMPLMENTATION NOTES: --------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_db_redologs_ecm ( ecm_snapshot_id, file_name, logsize, os_storage_entity ) AS SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2 / --------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: mgmt_v_db_controlfiles_ecm -- -- PURPOSE: -- dummy view that represents the table mgmt_db_controlfiles_ecm. -- -- IMPLMENTATION NOTES: --------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_db_controlfiles_ecm ( ecm_snapshot_id, file_name, os_storage_entity ) AS SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2 / --------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: mgmt_v_db_dbninstanceinfo_ecm -- -- PURPOSE: -- dummy view that represents the table -- mgmt_db_dbninstanceinfo_ecm. -- -- IMPLMENTATION NOTES: --------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_db_dbninstanceinfo_ecm ( ecm_snapshot_id ) AS SELECT NULL FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2 / --------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: mgmt_v_db_tablespaces_ecm -- -- PURPOSE: -- dummy view that represents the table -- mgmt_db_tablespaces_ecm. -- -- IMPLMENTATION NOTES: --------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_db_tablespaces_ecm ( ecm_snapshot_id, tablespace_size, tablespace_used_size ) AS SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2 / --------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: mgmt_v_storage_report_data -- -- PURPOSE: -- This view gives meaningful names to the -- generic columns a1, a2 etc. Other views are -- built on top of this view (instead of the -- table mgmt_storage_reports_data.) Thus any changes -- to the meaning of these generic columns is -- isolated. -- -- IMPLMENTATION NOTES: --------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_storage_report_data ( ecm_snapshot_id, target_name, target_type, target_guid, key_value, global_unique_id, name, storage_layer, em_query_flag, is_top_layer, is_virtual_layer, is_bottom_layer, is_intermediate_layer, is_container_layer, is_spare, is_allocated, entity_type, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb, local_fs_type, local_fs, local_fs_mountpoint, nfs_vendor, nfs_server, nfs, nfs_mountpoint, nfs_server_ip_address, nfs_mount_privilege, nfs_server_mac_address, volume_manager_vendor, volume_manager_product, volume_manager_disk_group, volume_manager_used_path, volume_manager_configuration, disk_used_path, disk_vendor, disk_product, file_type ) AS SELECT a.ecm_snapshot_id, b.target_name, b.target_type, b.target_guid, a.key_value, a.global_unique_id,, a.storage_layer, a.em_query_flag, DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'TOP'),0,'N','Y'), DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'VIRTUAL'),0,'N','Y'), DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'BOTTOM'),0,'N','Y'), DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'INTERMEDIATE'),0,'N','Y'), DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'CONTAINER'),0,'N','Y'), DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'SPARE'),0,'N','Y'), DECODE(INSTRB(a.em_query_flag,'UNALLOCATED'),0,'Y','N'), SUBSTR(a.entity_type,1,32), a.rawsizeb, a.sizeb, a.usedb, a.freeb, DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM', a.a1, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM', a.a2, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM', a.a3, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a1, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a2, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a3, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a4, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a5, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a6, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS', a.a7, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.a1, 50, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.a2, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.a4, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.a3, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.a5, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISK', a.a3, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISK', a.a1, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISK', a.a2, NULL ) , DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISK', a.a4, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.a6, NULL ) FROM mgmt_storage_report_data a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ----------------------------------------------------- -- mgmt_v_storage_report_unique ----------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_storage_report_unique ( ecm_snapshot_id, key_value, global_unique_id, name, storage_layer, em_query_flag, is_top_layer, is_virtual_layer, is_bottom_layer, is_intermediate_layer, is_container_layer, is_spare, is_allocated, entity_type, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb, local_fs_type, local_fs, local_fs_mountpoint, nfs_vendor, nfs_server, nfs, nfs_mountpoint, nfs_server_ip_address, nfs_mount_privilege, nfs_server_mac_address, volume_manager_vendor, volume_manager_product, volume_manager_disk_group, volume_manager_used_path, volume_manager_configuration, disk_used_path, disk_vendor, disk_product, file_type ) AS SELECT ecm_snapshot_id, key_value, global_unique_id, name, storage_layer, em_query_flag, is_top_layer, is_virtual_layer, is_bottom_layer, is_intermediate_layer, is_container_layer, is_spare, is_allocated, entity_type, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb, local_fs_type, local_fs, local_fs_mountpoint, nfs_vendor, nfs_server, nfs, nfs_mountpoint, nfs_server_ip_address, nfs_mount_privilege, nfs_server_mac_address, volume_manager_vendor, volume_manager_product, volume_manager_disk_group, volume_manager_used_path, volume_manager_configuration, disk_used_path, disk_vendor, disk_product, file_type FROM ( SELECT ecm_snapshot_id, target_name, target_type, key_value, global_unique_id, name, storage_layer, em_query_flag, is_top_layer, is_virtual_layer, is_bottom_layer, is_intermediate_layer, is_container_layer, is_spare, is_allocated, entity_type, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb, local_fs_type, local_fs, local_fs_mountpoint, nfs_vendor, nfs_server, nfs, nfs_mountpoint, nfs_server_ip_address, nfs_mount_privilege, nfs_server_mac_address, volume_manager_vendor, volume_manager_product, volume_manager_disk_group, volume_manager_used_path, volume_manager_configuration, disk_used_path, disk_vendor, disk_product, file_type, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY global_unique_id ORDER BY target_type, target_name ) AS global_unique_id_rownumber FROM mgmt_v_storage_report_data data WHERE target_name = SYS_CONTEXT('storage_context', 'host_name' ) ) WHERE global_unique_id_rownumber = 1 / ----------------------------------------------- -- mgmt_v_sl_size ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_sl_size ( storage_layer, entity_type, name, top_allocatedb, top_unallocatedb, total_freeb, bottom_sizeb ) AS SELECT DECODE(a.storage_layer,'NFS', DECODE(a.nfs_mount_privilege,'WRITE', 'NFS-WRITE','NFS-READ'), a.storage_layer), a.entity_type,, DECODE(a.is_top_layer||'-'||a.is_allocated,'Y-Y', a.sizeb,0), DECODE(a.is_top_layer||'-'||a.is_allocated,'Y-N', a.sizeb,0), a.freeb, DECODE(a.is_bottom_layer,'Y', a.sizeb,0) FROM mgmt_v_storage_report_unique a / ----------------------------------------------- -- mgmt_v_sl_size_summary ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_sl_size_summary ( storage_layer, top_allocatedb, top_unallocatedb, total_freeb, bottom_sizeb ) AS SELECT storage_layer, SUM(top_allocatedb), SUM(top_unallocatedb), SUM(total_freeb), SUM(bottom_sizeb) FROM mgmt_v_sl_size a GROUP BY storage_layer / ----------------------------------------------- -- mgmt_v_sl_sz_sm_layers ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_sl_sz_sm_layers AS SELECT SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISK', a.bottom_sizeb, 0)) total_disks_sizeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.bottom_sizeb, 0)) total_volumes_sizeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS-WRITE', a.bottom_sizeb, 0)) total_writeable_nfs_sizeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM', a.bottom_sizeb, 0)) total_fs_sizeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISK', a.total_freeb, 0)) disks_total_freeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.total_freeb, 0)) volumes_total_freeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'NFS-WRITE', a.total_freeb, 0)) nfswriteable_total_freeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM', a.total_freeb, 0)) fs_total_freeb, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.top_allocatedb, 0)) volumes_total_allocated, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISKS', a.top_allocatedb, 0)) disks_total_allocated, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.top_unallocatedb, 0)) volumes_total_unallocated, SUM(DECODE( a.storage_layer, 'OS_DISKS', a.top_unallocatedb, 0)) disks_total_unallocated FROM mgmt_v_sl_size_summary a / ----------------------------------------------- -- mgmt_v_sl_src ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_v_sl_src AS SELECT a.parent_storage_layer AS parent_storage_layer, SUM( DECODE( a.child_storage_layer,'OS_DISK', a.parent_sizeb, 0) ) AS on_local_disks, SUM( DECODE( a.child_storage_layer,'VOLUME_MANAGER', a.parent_sizeb, 0) ) on_volumes, SUM( DECODE( a.child_storage_layer,'NFS', a.parent_sizeb, 0) ) AS on_nfs_read, SUM( DECODE( a.child_storage_layer,'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM', a.parent_sizeb, 0) ) AS on_local_fs FROM ( SELECT p.storage_layer AS parent_storage_layer, c.storage_layer AS child_storage_layer, p.global_unique_id, p.sizeb AS parent_sizeb, p.usedb AS parent_usedb, c.sizeb AS child_sizeb, c.freeb AS child_usedb, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY p.storage_layer, p.global_unique_id ORDER BY p.sizeb, c.sizeb ) AS global_unique_id_rownumber FROM mgmt_v_storage_report_data p, mgmt_storage_report_keys k, mgmt_v_storage_report_data c, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots s WHERE s.ecm_snapshot_id = k.ecm_snapshot_id AND s.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' AND s.target_name = p.target_name AND s.target_type = p.target_type AND s.target_name = c.target_name AND s.target_type = c.target_type AND s.target_type = 'host' AND s.target_name = SYS_CONTEXT('storage_context', 'host_name' ) AND k.key_value = c.key_value AND k.parent_key_value = p.key_value ) a WHERE a.parent_storage_layer != a.child_storage_layer AND a.global_unique_id_rownumber = 1 GROUP BY a.parent_storage_layer, a.child_storage_layer / ----------------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC VIEWS -- -- these views are published to the end user ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_localfs ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_localfs ( target_name, target_type, filesystem_type, filesystem, mountpoint, sizeb, usedb, freeb ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a1, a2, a3, sizeb, usedb, freeb FROM mgmt_storage_report_data a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE storage_layer = 'LOCAL_FILESYSTEM' AND entity_type = 'Mountpoint' AND a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_nfs ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_nfs ( target_name, target_type, filesystem, mountpoint, sizeb, usedb, freeb, nfs_server, nfs_server_ip_address, nfs_vendor, mount_privilege ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a3, a4, sizeb, usedb, freeb, a2, a5, a1, a6 FROM mgmt_storage_report_data a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE storage_layer = 'NFS' AND entity_type = 'Mountpoint' AND a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_volume ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_volume ( target_name, target_type, vendor, product, type, disk_group, name, used_path, file_type, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb, configuration ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a1, a2, entity_type, a4, name, a3, a4, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb, a5 FROM mgmt_storage_report_data a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE storage_layer = 'VOLUME_MANAGER' AND a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_disk ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_disk ( target_name, target_type, entity_type, used_path, file_type, sizeb, usedb, freeb, vendor, product ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, entity_type, NVL(a3,name), a4, sizeb, usedb, freeb, a1, a2 FROM mgmt_storage_report_data a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE storage_layer = 'OS_DISK' AND a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_data ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_data ( target_name, target_type, key_value, global_unique_id, name, storage_layer, entity_type, rawsizeb, sizeb, usedb, freeb ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a.key_value, a.global_unique_id,, a.storage_layer, a.entity_type, a.rawsizeb, a.sizeb, a.usedb, a.freeb FROM mgmt_storage_report_data a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_keys ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_keys ( target_name, target_type, key_value, parent_key_value ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a.key_value, a.parent_key_value FROM mgmt_storage_report_keys a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_issues ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_issues ( target_name, target_type, type, message_count ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a.type, COUNT(*) FROM mgmt_storage_report_issues a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b WHERE a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' GROUP BY b.target_name, b.target_type, a.type / ---------------------------------------------- -- mgmt$storage_report_paths ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt$storage_report_paths ( target_name, target_type, key_value, name, path, file_type, storage_layer, entity_type ) AS SELECT b.target_name, b.target_type, a.key_value,, a.value, a.file_type, c.storage_layer, c.entity_type FROM mgmt_storage_report_alias a, mgmt$ecm_current_snapshots b, mgmt_storage_report_data c WHERE a.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND c.ecm_snapshot_id = b.ecm_snapshot_id AND c.key_value = a.key_value AND b.snapshot_type = 'host_storage' /