Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: severity_tables.sql 21-jun-2007.00:47:26 neearora Exp $ Rem Rem severity_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem severity_tables.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem neearora 06/21/07 - removed default value for acknowledged and Rem acknowledged_by Rem neearora 05/06/07 - ER 5958873 Rem jsadras 07/04/05 - Add cfg_ columns to current_violation Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem rpinnama 06/10/05 - Bug 4345566 : Store last violation in a separete Rem table for faster lookups Rem rpinnama 05/17/05 - Change violation_duration default to NULL Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem jsadras 12/23/04 - length key_value Rem jsadras 12/06/04 - cycle_guid Rem groyal 09/23/04 - Change default of Rem MGMT_CURRENT_VIOLATION.EXEMPT_BY Rem rpinnama 09/13/04 - Remove mgmt_severity, mgmt_current_severity Rem rpinnama 09/09/04 - Add cfg_coll_name, cfg_key_value, Rem cfg_key_operator columns to mgmt_violations Rem table Rem rpinnama 06/17/04 - Add violation tables. Rem streddy 07/10/03 - Add mgmt_severity_annotation view Rem mbhoopat 05/13/03 - Add cols to severity for server alerts Rem xxu 01/14/03 - add nlsid Rem tjaiswal 07/09/02 - Obsolete mgmt annotations table Rem rpinnama 07/09/02 - Modify comments to reflect severity codes Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/14/02 - Created Rem rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_VIOLATIONS table contains the violation information that was rem collected on the target system. Severities are alerts that inform the rem user when a threshold/policy that was established on a target has been exceeded. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem TARGET_GUID - The unique id of the target rem rem COLLECTION_TIMESTAMP rem - the date/time when the alert was triggered rem rem POLICY_GUID rem - A unique ID for the policy rule. rem rem LOAD_TIMESTAMP rem - the date/time when the severity was loaded rem rem VIOLATION_LEVEL rem - The event violation level for error, warning, critical, etc. rem These codes are backward compatible to EM 9i. rem rem 0 - non up/down severity occurence rem 1 - up/down severity occurence rem 3 - severity registration/deregistration rem 10 - use to identify annotation records rem 15 - clear rem 20 - warning rem 25 - alert rem 125 - agent unreachable rem 115 - agent unreachable clear rem 225 - blackout start rem 215 - blackout end rem 325 - metric evaluation error start rem 315 - metric evaluation error end rem rem VIOLATION_DURATION - The delta time, in hours, from when the rem violation was logged until it was cleared. rem rem NOTIFICATION_STATUS rem - This field is used by the notifcation subsystem to rem determine the status of the severity. rem rem 0 - CLEARED rem 1 - NEW rem 2 - DELIVERED rem 3 - ESCALATED rem 4 - UNHANDLED rem 5 - BEING_RETRIED rem rem KEY_VALUE - If the metric defined at collection time is a TABLE type, the rem value of the column in the table that is designated as the rem key for the row that identifies the value of this metric should rem be written here. This information is used during reporting to rem uniquely identify the specific value in the table that was rem collected. KEY_VALUE is the identifying row. Together with the rem target name, target type, and metric name, the metric value can be rem uniquely identified. This allows us to flatten tables of metrics into rem simple metric values. For example, the value in this table might rem be \usr if we were storing the SpaceUsed metric. rem rem MESSAGE - The content of the alert. Alerts are sent as messages that rem provide more details about what triggered the condition. rem rem MESSAGE_NLSID rem rem - The nlsid of the severity message. rem rem MESSAGE_PARAMS rem rem - URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the severity message rem rem ACTION_MESSAGE - Suggested action message in english for the severity rem rem ACTION_NLSID - NLS id of action message rem rem ACTION_MESSAGE_PARAMS - Encoded parameters for translating ACTION_NLSID rem rem ADVISORY_ID - Id of the advisory for the severity rem rem ANNOTATED_FLAG rem - This flag is used by the availability reporting mechanism to rem determine whether a severity row has been annotated. rem rem VIOLATION_TYPE rem - The severity type allows an application that is selecting rem from this table to filter the rows returned by the type of rem severity. Values in this column are: rem rem 0 - METRIC THREHOLD ALERT rem 1 - AVAILABILITY rem 3 - POLICY rem rem NOTES rem rem rem The severity table currently serves two purposes: rem rem 1) A log for any serverities that are triggered at the target for a metric rem rem 2) A log for availability metric reporting rem rem Severities can not be logged unless metric data exists for the metric that rem is triggering the severity. When the metric definition is removed from the rem schema, the associated severity information will also be removed. rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_violations ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', collection_timestamp DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, violation_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID(), violation_level NUMBER NOT NULL, violation_type NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, violation_duration NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, annotated_flag NUMBER DEFAULT 0, notification_status NUMBER DEFAULT 1, value NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, string_value VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT NULL, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, message_params VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, action_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, action_message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, action_message_params VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, advisory_id VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_key_operator NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, load_timestamp DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, user_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT '', cycle_guid RAW(16), acknowledged NUMBER(1), acknowledged_by VARCHAR2(256) ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_violations IS 'The MGMT_VIOLATIONS table contains the violation information. Violations are alerts that inform the user when a metric threshold Test or a policy violation has failed.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.target_guid IS ' The target guid of the violation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.policy_guid IS ' The policy rule guid of the violation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.key_value IS ' The key value of the violation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.collection_timestamp IS ' The timestamp at which the violation occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.violation_guid IS ' The unique id of the violation. Defaults to SYS_GUID()'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.violation_level IS 'The severity codes for error, warnin, critical etc. These codes are backwards compatible with EM 9i and EM 10gR1. 15 - CLEAR 18 - INFO 20 - WARNING 25 - CRITICAL 115 - AGENT UNREACHABLE CLEART 125 - AGENT UNREACHABLE START 215 - BLACKOUT END 225 - BLACKOUT START 315 - METRIC ERROR END 325 - METRIC ERROR START Codes 115 and above are applicable only for response/status metric'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.violation_type IS ' The severity type allows an application that is selecting from this table to filter the rows returned by the type of severity. Values in this column are: 0 - METRIC THRESHOLD ALERT 1 - AVAILABILITY 3 - POLICY VIOLATION'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.violation_duration IS 'The delta time, in hours, from when the severity was logged until it was cleared.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.annotated_flag IS 'A flag to indicate whether the severity is annotated or not.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.notification_status IS 'The column used by the notification sub system to determine notification status of the severity.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.value IS 'The numeric value of the column that violated the threshold. This column is populated if the threshold violation is for numeric metric column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.string_value IS 'The string value of the column that violated the threshold. This column is populated if the thresholded violation is for a string metric column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.message IS 'The message of the severity. The messages usually contain details about what triggered this severity.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.message_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.action_message IS 'Suggested action message in english for this severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.action_message_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the action message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.action_message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters for translating action message'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.advisory_id IS 'Advisory ID of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.cfg_coll_name IS 'The name of the collection that triggered the violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.cfg_key_value IS 'The key value of the key configuration that trigged the violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.cfg_key_operator IS 'The key operator of the key configuration that trigged the violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.load_timestamp IS 'Date and time when the severity was loaded'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.user_name IS 'Name of the user to load the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.cycle_guid IS 'Violation Guid of the first violation in the severity life cycle, this is meant to easily identify to which life cycle a violation belongs to' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.acknowledged IS 'Flag to indicate whether this violation has been acknowledged or not'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violations.acknowledged_by IS 'Name of the use who acknowledged this violation record'; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The mgmt_current_violation table contains the current severity for a metric. rem This table was created to improve the performance of queries requesting the rem current severity information for a metric. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem See MGMT_VIOLATIONS rem rem rem NOTES rem rem Once the loader mechanism support is added for this table, then we rem will change the current severity view to use it. rem rem The primary key for this table doesn't include the timestamp. We rem only want one record in this table for each metric. rem CREATE TABLE mgmt_current_violation ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', collection_timestamp DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, violation_guid RAW(16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID(), violation_level NUMBER NOT NULL, violation_type NUMBER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, annotated_flag NUMBER DEFAULT 0, value NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, string_value VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT NULL, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, message_params VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, action_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, action_message_nlsid VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, action_message_params VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, advisory_id VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, exempt_code NUMBER DEFAULT 0, exempt_until DATE DEFAULT NULL, exempt_by VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, load_timestamp DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, cfg_coll_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT NULL, cfg_key_operator NUMBER DEFAULT NULL ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_current_violation IS 'The MGMT_CURRENT_VIOLATION table contains the information about active violations.' COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.target_guid IS ' The target guid of the active violation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.policy_guid IS ' The policy rule guid of the active violation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.key_value IS ' The key value of the active violation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.collection_timestamp IS ' The timestamp at which the violation occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.violation_guid IS ' The unique id of the violation. Defaults to SYS_GUID()'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.violation_level IS 'The severity codes for error, warnin, critical etc. These codes are backwards compatible with EM 9i anad EM 10gR1. 15 - CLEAR 18 - INFO 20 - WARNING 25 - CRITICAL 115 - AGENT UNREACHABLE CLEART 125 - AGENT UNREACHABLE START 215 - BLACKOUT END 225 - BLACKOUT START 315 - METRIC ERROR END 325 - METRIC ERROR START Codes 115 and above are applicable only for response/status metric'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.violation_type IS ' The severity type allows an application that is selecting from this table to filter the rows returned by the type of severity. Values in this column are: 0 - METRIC THRESHOLD ALERT 1 - AVAILABILITY 3 - POLICY VIOLATION'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.annotated_flag IS 'A flag to indicate whether the severity is annotated or not.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.value IS 'The numeric value of the column that violated the threshold. This column is populated if the threshold violation is for numeric metric column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.string_value IS 'The string value of the column that violated the threshold. This column is populated if the thresholded violation is for a string metric column.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.message IS 'The message of the severity. The messages usually contain details about what triggered this severity.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.message_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.action_message IS 'Suggested action message in english for this severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.action_message_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the action message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.action_message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters for translating action message'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.advisory_id IS 'Advisory ID of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.load_timestamp IS 'Date and time when the severity was loaded'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.exempt_code IS 'Indication of exemption status. Legal values: 0 - not exempt 1 - exempt indefinitely 2 - exempt until date specified in EXEMPT_UNTIL 3 - exempt until next evaluation Default 0'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.cfg_coll_name IS 'The name of the collection that triggered the violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.cfg_key_value IS 'The key value of the key configuration that trigged the violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.cfg_key_operator IS 'The key operator of the key configuration that trigged the violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.exempt_until IS 'Only application if EXEMPT_CODE is 2. Specifies date until which exemption should be applied.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_violation.exempt_by IS 'The username of the EM user who applied the exemption.'; CREATE TABLE mgmt_violation_context ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', collection_timestamp DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, column_name VARCHAR2(64) DEFAULT ' ', column_type NUMBER DEFAULT 1, column_value NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, column_str_value VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL ) MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_violation_context IS 'The MGMT_VIOLATION_CONTEXT table contains additional information about violations.' COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.target_guid IS ' The target guid of the violation for which the context is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.policy_guid IS ' The policy rule guid of the violation for which the context is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.key_value IS ' The key value of the violation for which the context is stored.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.collection_timestamp IS ' The timestamp at which the violation occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.column_name IS ' The name of the column of the violation context'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.column_type IS ' The type of the column_name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.column_value IS ' The numeric value of the column name when the violation happened. Valid only if the column_type is NUMERIC.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_violation_context.column_str_value IS ' The string value of the column_name when the violation happened. Applicable only if the column type is STRING. '; CREATE TABLE mgmt_last_violation ( target_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, policy_guid RAW(16) NOT NULL, key_value VARCHAR2(256) DEFAULT ' ', collection_timestamp DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, CONSTRAINT mgmt_last_violation_pk PRIMARY KEY (target_guid, policy_guid, key_value) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX COMPRESS 2 INITRANS 4 MONITORING; COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_last_violation IS 'The MGMT_LAST_VIOLATION table contains details about the last violation.' COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_last_violation.target_guid IS ' The target guid of the last violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_last_violation.policy_guid IS ' The policy rule guid of the last violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_last_violation.key_value IS ' The key value of the last violation.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_last_violation.collection_timestamp IS ' The timestamp of the last violation for the target, policy, key.'; rem rem View for severity annotations rem NOTE: There is no "$" in the view name because this view is created rem with the intent of being used as a table for all practical purposes rem and we may even make this a table if needed in future. rem "1" is mgmt_global.G_ANNOTATION_SOURCE_SEVERITY for source_obj_type rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MGMT_SEVERITY_ANNOTATION (severity_guid, collection_timestamp, annotation_type, user_name, message) AS SELECT source_obj_guid, timestamp, annotation_type, user_name, message FROM mgmt_annotation WHERE source_obj_type = 1; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_SEVERITY view contains the severity information that was rem collected on the target system. Severities are alerts that inform the rem user when a threshold that was established on a target has been exceeded. rem rem NOTE: There is no "$" in the view name because this view is created rem with the intent of being used as a table for all practical purposes rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_severity (target_guid, metric_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, severity_code, severity_type, severity_duration, severity_guid, annotated_flag, notification_status, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id, load_timestamp, user_name) AS SELECT target_guid, policy_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, violation_level, violation_type, violation_duration, violation_guid, annotated_flag, notification_status, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_message_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id, load_timestamp, user_name FROM mgmt_violations WHERE violation_type IN (0, 1, 2); COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_severity IS 'The MGMT_SEVERITY view contains the severity information. Severities are alerts that inform the user when a metric threshold Test or a policy violation has failed.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.target_guid IS ' The target guid of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.metric_guid IS ' The metric guid of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.key_value IS ' The key value of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.collection_timestamp IS ' The timestamp at which the severity occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.severity_guid IS ' The unique id of the severity. Defaults to SYS_GUID()'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.severity_code IS 'The severity codes for error, warnin, critical etc. These codes are backwards compatible with EM 9i and EM 10gR1. 15 - CLEAR 18 - INFO 20 - WARNING 25 - CRITICAL 115 - AGENT UNREACHABLE CLEART 125 - AGENT UNREACHABLE START 215 - BLACKOUT END 225 - BLACKOUT START 315 - METRIC ERROR END 325 - METRIC ERROR START Codes 115 and above are applicable only for response/status metric'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.severity_type IS ' The severity type allows an application that is selecting from this table to filter the rows returned by the type of severity. Values in this column are: 0 - METRIC THRESHOLD ALERT 1 - AVAILABILITY'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.severity_duration IS 'The delta time, in hours, from when the severity was logged until it was cleared.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.annotated_flag IS 'A flag to indicate whether the severity is annotated or not.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.notification_status IS 'The column used by the notification sub system to determine notification status of the severity.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.message IS 'The message of the severity. The messages usually contain details about what triggered this severity.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.message_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.action_message IS 'Suggested action message in english for this severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.action_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the action message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.action_message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters for translating action message'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.advisory_id IS 'Advisory ID of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.load_timestamp IS 'Date and time when the severity was loaded'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_severity.user_name IS 'Name of the user to load the severity'; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The mgmt_current_severity table contains the current severity for a metric. rem This table was created to improve the performance of queries requesting the rem current severity information for a metric. rem rem rem COLUMNS rem rem See MGMT_SEVERITY rem rem rem NOTES rem rem Once the loader mechanism support is added for this table, then we rem will change the current severity view to use it. rem rem The primary key for this table doesn't include the timestamp. We rem only want one record in this table for each metric. rem rem NOTE: There is no "$" in the view name because this view is created rem with the intent of being used as a table for all practical purposes rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mgmt_current_severity (target_guid, metric_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, severity_code, severity_type, severity_guid, annotated_flag, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id, load_timestamp ) AS SELECT target_guid, policy_guid, key_value, collection_timestamp, violation_level, violation_type, violation_guid, annotated_flag, message, message_nlsid, message_params, action_message, action_message_nlsid, action_message_params, advisory_id, load_timestamp FROM mgmt_current_violation WHERE violation_type IN (0, 1, 2); COMMENT ON TABLE mgmt_current_severity IS 'The mgmt_current_severity view contains the severity information. Severities are alerts that inform the user when a metric threshold Test or a policy violation has failed.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.target_guid IS ' The target guid of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.metric_guid IS ' The metric guid of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.key_value IS ' The key value of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.collection_timestamp IS ' The timestamp at which the severity occurred'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.severity_guid IS ' The unique id of the severity. Defaults to SYS_GUID()'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.severity_code IS 'The severity codes for error, warnin, critical etc. These codes are backwards compatible with EM 9i and EM 10gR1. 15 - CLEAR 18 - INFO 20 - WARNING 25 - CRITICAL 115 - AGENT UNREACHABLE CLEART 125 - AGENT UNREACHABLE START 215 - BLACKOUT END 225 - BLACKOUT START 315 - METRIC ERROR END 325 - METRIC ERROR START Codes 115 and above are applicable only for response/status metric'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.severity_type IS ' The severity type allows an application that is selecting from this table to filter the rows returned by the type of severity. Values in this column are: 0 - METRIC THRESHOLD ALERT 1 - AVAILABILITY'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.message IS 'The message of the severity. The messages usually contain details about what triggered this severity.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.message_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters separated by "&" to be used to format the severity message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.action_message IS 'Suggested action message in english for this severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.action_nlsid IS 'The NLS ID of the action message.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.action_message_params IS 'URL encoded parameters for translating action message'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.advisory_id IS 'Advisory ID of the severity'; COMMENT ON COLUMN mgmt_current_severity.load_timestamp IS 'Date and time when the severity was loaded';