Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/security/security_tables.sql /st_emcore_10. 2011/07/28 08:53:53 pchebrol Exp $ Rem Rem security_tables.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem security_tables.sql - Tables to store EM Security information Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Tables to store EM Security information pertaining to Agent Rem IPW, CA and Agent keys. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pchebrol 08/16/07 - Changes sec table loc Rem pchebrol 06/22/07 - Backport shianand_core_5121288 from main Rem pchebrol 06/21/07 - Rem gsbhatia 02/08/05 - Removing header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem gan 08/13/04 - add monitoring Rem rpinnama 12/10/03 - Fix 3310479: Increase the size of CA_PWD Rem rpinnama 02/27/03 - Parameterize the ECM depot table space Rem izhang 01/16/03 - Rem izhang 01/06/03 - add em_ipw_info Rem izhang 11/13/02 - changing pki from varchar2 to BLOB Rem izhang 10/11/02 - Increasing size of the column for pki Rem dmshah 10/03/02 - dmshah_security_repository_apis Rem dmshah 10/02/02 - code review comments Rem dmshah 10/01/02 - Creating the LOB col in a different tablespace Rem dmshah 09/26/02 - Created Rem rem rem This script requires the following arguments rem 1. Name of the ecm_depot tablespace where all LOBs are stored rem DEFINE EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE = "&1" rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_SEC_INFO table stores security information related to the EM. rem Specifically, it stores the agent IPW which is used as a seed to generate rem the agent key. It also stores the CA for the EM. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem IPW The initial agent Install PassWord. rem CA_PKI The PKI material in CA rem CA_PWD The PWD material in CA rem CA The actual Certificate rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_SEC_INFO ( IPW VARCHAR2(256) , CA_PKI BLOB , CA_PWD VARCHAR2(128) , CA BLOB ) LOB(CA_PKI, CA) STORE AS (TABLESPACE &EM_ECM_DEPOT_TABLESPACE) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The MGMT_AGENT_SEC_INFO table stores the agent key after it is generated rem using the agent IPW. rem rem COLUMNS rem rem AGENT_GUID The target guid of the EMD rem AGENT_KEY The agent key rem CREATE TABLE MGMT_AGENT_SEC_INFO ( TARGET_GUID RAW(16) NOT NULL, AGENT_KEY varchar2(128) NOT NULL ) MONITORING; rem rem PURPOSE rem rem The EM_IPW_INFO table stores all Agent's IPW information rem rem COLUMNS rem rem PWD_IDX The index of IPW rem IPW The EM install password rem DESC_STR The description of an IPW rem TYPE The use type of an IPW (multiple/once) rem EXPIRE_date The expire date of an IPW rem CREATE TABLE EM_IPW_INFO ( PWD_IDX VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL, IPW VARCHAR2(256), DESC_STR VARCHAR2(256) , PWD_TYPE VARCHAR2(64) , EXPIRE_DATE DATE ) MONITORING; @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/ @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/