Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/security/security_pkgdef.sql /st_emcore_10. 2011/07/28 08:53:53 pchebrol Exp $ Rem Rem security_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem security_pkgdef.sql - APIs to store/retreive security info Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem APIs to store retreive EM Security info from tables defined Rem in security_tables.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pchebrol 07/08/11 - RFI 12337159 - strong sign alg Rem pchebrol 06/22/07 - Backport shianand_core_5121288 from main Rem pchebrol 06/21/07 - Rem shianand 07/23/05 - fix bug 3335221 Rem shianand 06/22/05 - fix bug 4242977 Rem neearora 06/10/05 - added procedure delete_agent_key Rem izhang 01/16/03 - Rem izhang 01/07/03 - api for multiple ipw management Rem izhang 11/13/02 - changing pki from varchar2 to BLOB Rem dmshah 10/18/02 - Deprecating set_agent_key(url) Rem izhang 10/11/02 - Adding api to take host,port Rem dmshah 10/03/02 - dmshah_security_repository_apis Rem dmshah 10/02/02 - Code review comments Rem dmshah 09/30/02 - Rem dmshah 09/26/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE EM_SEC IS -- Constants for setting the oms state OMS_STATE_UNSECURE constant NUMBER(1) :=0; OMS_STATE_SECURE constant NUMBER(1) :=1; OMS_STATE_SECURE_LOCK constant NUMBER(1) :=2; --Constants for request-id from the agent STATUS_UNINIT constant VARCHAR2(30) :='uninitialized'; STATUS_INIT constant VARCHAR2(30) :='init'; STATUS_INIT_COMPLETED constant VARCHAR2(30) :='init_completed'; STATUS_AUTH constant VARCHAR2(30) :='auth'; STATUS_AUTH_COMPLETED constant VARCHAR2(30) :='auth_completed'; STATUS_DOWNLOAD constant VARCHAR2(30) :='download'; STATUS_DOWNLOAD_WALLET constant VARCHAR2(30) :='wallet_downloaded'; STATUS_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL_CA constant VARCHAR2(30) :='local_cert_downloaded'; STATUS_DOWNLOAD_INTERNTET_CA constant VARCHAR2(30) :='internet_cert_downloaded'; --Constants for minimum secure agent protocol version supported by OMS MIN_AGENT_SEC_VERSION constant VARCHAR2(30) :='min_agent_sec_ver'; --Constants for slb secure port for Big IP configuration SLB_SECURE_UPLOAD_PORT constant VARCHAR2(30) :='slb_secure_upload_port'; --Constants for oms status for Big IP configuration OMS_SECURE_STATUS constant VARCHAR2(30) :='oms_secure_status'; --Constants for one time agent registration password ONE_TIME_IPW constant VARCHAR2(30) :='one-time'; --Constants for one time agent registration password NORMAL_IPW constant VARCHAR2(30) :='persistent'; --Constant for undefined port value in case of download request of older agents prior 11g UNDEFINED_PORT constant VARCHAR2(30) :='-1'; --Constant for undefined port value in case of download request of older agents prior 11g MIN_COMPAT_AGENT_VER constant VARCHAR2(30) := ''; --Constants for delete one-time expired password from the repository; IPW_ONE_TIME_EXP_SUCCESS constant NUMBER(2) :=0; IPW_VALID constant NUMBER(2) :=1; IPW_EXPIRED constant NUMBER(2) :=2; IPW_PERSISTENT constant NUMBER(2) :=3; IPW_NOT_FOUND constant NUMBER(2) :=4; IPW_ERROR constant NUMBER(2) :=5; UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCESS constant NUMBER(2) :=6; UPDATE_STATUS_MANY_ROWS constant NUMBER(2) :=7; UPDATE_STATUS_ERROR constant NUMBER(2) :=8; PROCESS_INIT_FAILED constant NUMBER(2) :=9; PROCESS_AUTH_FAILED constant NUMBER(2) :=10; --Constansts of the Error messages IPW_EXPIRED_MSG constant VARCHAR2(256) :='agent registration password expired'; IPW_NOT_FOUND_MSG constant VARCHAR2(256) :='invalid agent registration verifier'; VERIFY_IPW_ERR_MSG constant VARCHAR2(256) :='error occured while verifying agent registration verifier'; INIT_NOT_DONE VARCHAR2(256) :='auth cannot be done before init'; INVALID_AUTH_STR VARCHAR2(256) :='auth string doesnt match'; PROCESS_AUTH_FAILED_MSG VARCHAR2(256) :='error occured during auth'; ONE_TIME_EXP_IPW_FAILED_MSG VARCHAR2(256) :='updating one-time agent registration verifier to expired failed'; AUTH_NOT_DONE VARCHAR2(256) :='wallet cannot be downloaded before auth'; B64_LOC_NOT_DONE VARCHAR2(256) :='b64 Internet Certificate cannot be downloaded before b64 Local Certificate'; WALLET_NOT_DONE VARCHAR2(256) :='b64 Local Certificate cannot be downloaded before agent wallet'; -- Package level Type Definition TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Set the Agent IPW -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- VERIFIER_IN - The initial Agent Installation Password that generates -- the actual agent key. -- -- PROCEDURE SET_AGENT_IPW( verifier_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Get the Agent IPW -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- VERIFIER_OUT - The initial Agent Installation Password that generates -- the actual agent key. -- -- PROCEDURE GET_AGENT_IPW( verifier_out OUT VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Set the Certificate Authority -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PKI - The PKI material in the CA -- CA_PWD - The PWD in the CA -- CA - The actual CA -- PROCEDURE SET_CA( pki_in IN RAW, ca_pwd_in IN varchar2, ca_in IN RAW, reset_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Get the Certificate Authority -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PKI - The PKI material in the CA -- CA_PWD - The PWD in the CA -- CA - The actual CA -- PROCEDURE GET_CA( pki_out OUT RAW, ca_pwd_out OUT varchar2, ca_out OUT RAW, sign_alg_out OUT varchar2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Set Agent Key -- -- PARAMETERS -- HOST - host name of the agent -- PORT - agent port -- KEY - agent key -- PROCEDURE SET_AGENT_KEY( host IN varchar2, port IN varchar2, key IN varchar2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Delete Agent Key corresponding to host and port . -- -- PARAMETERS -- HOST - host name of the agent -- PORT - agent port -- PROCEDURE DELETE_AGENT_KEY( host IN varchar2, port IN varchar2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Get Agent Key -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- KEY - The actual CA -- PROCEDURE GET_AGENT_KEY( host IN varchar2, port IN varchar2, key_out OUT varchar2 ); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Set An Agent IPW -- -- -- PROCEDURE SET_IPW( pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2, pwd_in IN VARCHAR2, desc_str_in IN VARCHAR2, type_in IN VARCHAR2, expire_in IN DATE); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Get a specifed Agent IPW information -- -- PARAMETERS -- PROCEDURE GET_IPW( pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2, pwd_out OUT VARCHAR2, desc_str_out OUT VARCHAR2, type_out OUT VARCHAR2, expire_out OUT DATE); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Get ALL Agent IPWs information in EM_IPW_INFO -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PROCEDURE GET_IPW_INFO( pwd_info_out OUT cursorType); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Validates the given verifier with the verifier stored in the Repository -- -- Function returns the following: -- 0 - If the verifier passed in the same as the one in the repository -- 1 - If the verifier passed is not the same as the one in the repository -- 2 - If no verifier is stored in the repository. FUNCTION VERIFY_IPW(verifier_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER; -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure updates the row with the b64 local certificate while securing oms. -- -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_B64_LOCAL_CA(p_b64_local_ca_out OUT CLOB); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure updates the row with the b64 internet certificate while securing oms. -- -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_B64_INTERNET_CA(p_b64_internet_ca_out OUT CLOB); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure updates the row with the agent-wallet generated during auth request. -- -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_AGENT_EWALLET(p_agent_host_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_port_in IN VARCHAR2, p_request_status_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_ewallet_out OUT BLOB); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- The procedure will set the agent random seed along with the agent-guid during -- INIT request in the mgmt_agent_sec_info table.The procedure will also set the -- oms random seed along with the agent-guid in the mgmt_agent_sec_info table. -- -- PROCEDURE PROCESS_INIT(p_agent_host_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_port_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_seed_in IN VARCHAR2, p_oms_seed_in IN VARCHAR2, p_pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_version_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure carries out the auth, it checks the agent-seed and auth-str and pwd-idx then generates -- agent-key and stores it in the repository. -- -- PROCEDURE PROCESS_AUTH(p_agent_host_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_port_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_seed_in IN VARCHAR2, p_auth_str_in IN VARCHAR2, p_pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_version_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_key_out OUT VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure validates the pwd_idx and then open a outputstream of b64-Local-Certificate. -- For older agents it also checks the agent_version to refine the search and avoid collisions. -- Port undefined is the older agent case. -- -- PROCEDURE GET_B64_LOCAL_CA(p_agent_host_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_port_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT UNDEFINED_PORT, p_b64_local_ca_out OUT CLOB, p_agent_version_in IN VARCHAR2, p_pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure validates the pwd_idx and then open a outputstream of b64-Internet-Certificate. -- For older agents it also checks the agent_version to refine the search and avoid collisions. -- Port undefined is the older agent case. -- -- PROCEDURE GET_B64_INTERNET_CA(p_agent_host_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_port_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT UNDEFINED_PORT, p_b64_internet_ca_out OUT CLOB, p_agent_version_in IN VARCHAR2, p_pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- This procedure validates the pwd_idx and then open a outputstream of agent wallet corresponding -- agent-guid. For older agents it also checks the agent_version to refine the search and avoid collisions. -- Port undefined is the older agent case -- -- PROCEDURE GET_AGENT_EWALLET(p_agent_host_in IN VARCHAR2, p_agent_port_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT UNDEFINED_PORT, p_agent_ewallet_out OUT BLOB, p_agent_version_in IN VARCHAR2, p_pwd_idx_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- The procedure will get the secure slb port from mgmt_oms_parameters table. -- -- -- PROCEDURE GET_SEC_SLB_PORT (p_oms_instance_in IN VARCHAR2, p_slb_sec_port_out OUT VARCHAR2); END EM_SEC; / show errors;