Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/sdk/sdk_user_pkgdef.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/03/20 16:22:09 nmathuri Exp $ Rem Rem sdk_user_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdk_user_pkgdef.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The package that implements the User Model for Project Mozart Rem Rem NOTES Rem The list of available privileges are : Rem Rem SYSTEM Privileges Rem CREATE_ANY_ROLE Rem CREATE_ANY_PRIVILEGE Rem CREATE_TARGET Rem DELETE_ANY_TARGET Rem VIEW_ANY_TARGET Rem VIEW_ANY_REPORT Rem USE_ANY_BEACON Rem EM_MONITOR Rem PUBLISH_REPORT Rem SUPER_USER Rem Rem TARGET Privileges Rem VIEW_TARGET Rem OPERATOR_TARGET Rem MAINTAIN_TARGET (deprecated) Rem CLONE_FROM_TARGET (deprecated) Rem FULL_TARGET Rem Rem TARGET_GROUP Privileges Rem CREATE_TARGET_IN_GROUP Rem Rem JOB Privileges Rem VIEW_JOB Rem FULL_JOB Rem Rem Template Privileges Rem VIEW_TEMPLATE Rem FULL_TEMPLATE Rem Rem Report Privileges Rem VIEW_REPORT Rem Rem Corrective Action Privileges Rem VIEW_CA Rem FULL_CA Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpatti 09/06/06 - XbranchMerge rpatti_bug-5503142 from main Rem nmathuri 08/07/06 - Backport nmathuri_bug-4725364 from main Rem dcawley 08/30/05 - Remove job grants Rem dcawley 08/18/05 - Make procedure for building flat role table Rem public Rem dcawley 04/14/05 - Change booleans to number Rem bram 03/27/05 - Changed get_users,get_users_dbconsole Rem dcawley 03/03/05 - Add predicate function for stored reports Rem dcawley 02/21/05 - Replace enter super user mode Rem dcawley 02/17/05 - Add constant for public role Rem ramalhot 02/02/05 - changed signature for handle_target_deleted Rem nkhatri 02/04/05 - Changed approach of updating data for access page Rem nkhatri 02/01/05 - Made changes in access procs Rem jaysmith 01/21/05 - change grant_ca_privs parameters Rem dcawley 01/13/05 - Add priv granted callback Rem dcawley 01/11/05 - Rename callback Rem dcawley 01/06/05 - Add target deletion callback Rem nkhatri 01/06/05 - Add procedures for access page. Rem kmanicka 12/20/04 - bug 4065441 added USER_OBJECT_GROUP Rem dcawley 12/16/04 - Add opertions for invalidating contexts Rem jabramso 12/06/04 - 2 args to revoke_view_report_all_except_owner Rem jaysmith 11/24/04 - add ca update call Rem dcawley 10/07/04 - Remove manage any user Rem jabramso 10/07/04 - add VIEW_ANY_REPORT Rem asawant 09/27/04 - Cutting over API to fetch user subtab prefs. Rem jabramso 09/24/04 - Add report routines Rem kmanicka 09/18/04 - reassign_user api and callbacks Rem dcawley 09/15/04 - target group modified is no longer used Rem dcawley 09/14/04 - Remove beacon code Rem dcawley 08/31/04 - Add callbacks for new objects Rem dcawley 08/30/04 - Add association callback Rem dcawley 08/13/04 - Remove version of has priv Rem dcawley 07/29/04 - Add predicate functions Rem dcawley 07/23/04 - 10gR2 changes Rem aholser 06/10/04 - check user validity Rem dcawley 04/15/04 - Make has_role public Rem dcawley 03/24/04 - Add callback for nested jobs Rem jsadras 03/18/04 - Rem jsadras 03/17/04 - added get_read_lock Rem jsadras 03/16/04 - Rem dcawley 01/26/04 - Do not pass user when granting full job Rem dcawley 01/16/04 - Make has_role public Rem dcawley 11/17/03 - Rename predicate functions Rem dcawley 11/12/03 - Fix deadlock Rem dcawley 09/17/03 - Add procedure for granting full job to owner of Rem a job Rem aholser 09/11/03 - add drop_user complete proc Rem dcawley 09/01/03 - Add job vpd Rem aholser 08/20/03 - add get_user_job_priv Rem aholser 07/21/03 - more job changes Rem kdas 07/31/03 - support for DB Console mode Rem dcawley 07/24/03 - Add array version of HAS_PRIV Rem dcawley 07/21/03 - Remove OP_LOGON Rem aholser 07/07/03 - add job procs Rem yaofeng 03/24/03 - update user email with format Rem dcawley 03/06/03 - Remove references to dbms_rls Rem dcawley 03/05/03 - Change TARGET_GROUP_MODIFIED Rem dcawley 01/14/03 - Define user types Rem dcawley 11/12/02 - Add Job privileges Rem skini 01/03/03 - Add an additional OUT parameter to GET_MGMT_PRIVS Rem dcawley 10/31/02 - Fix role callbacks Rem jsoule 10/30/02 - add metric user prefs alias function Rem dcawley 10/23/02 - Add protected version of GET_MAX_PRIV Rem dcawley 10/17/02 - Add get_max_priv Rem dcawley 10/07/02 - Add constant for logging system Rem dcawley 09/27/02 - Remove AUTHID Rem tjaiswal 09/24/02 - Fix create user Rem rpinnama 09/18/02 - Remove authid current_user clause Rem dcawley 09/11/02 - Add old APIs to create/modify users Rem dcawley 09/09/02 - Remove old version of CREATE_USER Rem dcawley 09/02/02 - Allow multiple emails be specified Rem rpatti 08/14/02 - add api to get target types based on privileges Rem aholser 08/15/02 - add get_mgmt_privs for em_monitor Rem dcawley 08/06/02 - Add EM_MONITOR Rem tjaiswal 08/05/02 - Add get targets api Rem dcawley 08/07/02 - Add GET_ALL_TARGET_PRIVS Rem tjaiswal 07/16/02 - Add get targets by priv for type api Rem dcawley 07/09/02 - Add callbacks Rem dcawley 06/13/02 - Update comments for USE_ANY_BEACON Rem dcawley 05/31/02 - API to get target list with a certain privilege. Rem aholser 05/20/02 - merge performance Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Restructured. Rem aholser 04/29/02 - Allow usernames with '.'. Rem rpinnama 04/19/02 - Drop from created users on error. Rem skini 04/18/02 - Fix bug 2330911 Rem mbhoopat 04/18/02 - Fix bug 2330078.. Rem dcawley 04/16/02 - Remove COMMITs from SETEMUSERCONTEXT. Rem rpinnama 04/16/02 - Add the user to MGMT_CREATED_USERS in CREATE_USER. Rem dcawley 04/12/02 - Make sure context is recreated after GRANT_PRIV. Rem aholser 04/12/02 - fix description edit. Rem skini 04/11/02 - Change documentation for node_list API Rem skini 04/10/02 - Change API to return only targets with permission Rem dcawley 04/08/02 - Make setemusercontext run in an autonomous transaction. Rem dcawley 04/05/02 - Remove check for DBMS JOB when logging off. Rem dcawley 04/04/02 - Fix recursive statements. Rem skini 04/01/02 - Continue implementation of API Rem jpyang 03/14/02 - Fix enter_super_user_mode Rem skini 03/28/02 - Add target list APIs Rem skini 03/08/02 - Fix merge problem Rem dcawley 03/05/02 - Do not clean up context for DBMS JOB. Rem dcawley 03/01/02 - Use dba_procedures. Rem dcawley 02/27/02 - Add operation to clean up all contexts. Rem rpatti 02/25/02 - call createfolders in mgmt_user Rem dcawley 02/22/02 - Add check for NULL. Rem dcawley 02/21/02 - Select predicate from global context. Rem dcawley 02/21/02 - Fix logoff trigger. Rem dcawley 02/20/02 - Store current user in private context. Rem dcawley 02/19/02 - Remove priv_name from setemusercontext. Rem skini 03/01/02 - Implement make_em_user Rem dcawley 02/11/02 - Add modify_role. Rem aholser 02/12/02 - fix get_role_users. Rem skini 02/07/02 - Include composite targets in group check Rem skini 02/07/02 - Implement add_member_target Rem skini 02/05/02 - Add methods to enter and leave super-user mode Rem ancheng 02/01/02 - check folders in modify_user Rem dcawley 02/01/02 - Standardize on NULL meaning no change in MODIFY_USER. Rem dcawley 02/01/02 - Add checks for 0 count. Rem dcawley 02/01/02 - Remove direct call to SET_TARGET_LIST. Rem dcawley 01/31/02 - Add callbacks to notify of privilege modification. Rem dcawley 01/29/02 - Change get_role_users to return available and selected. Rem dcawley 01/28/02 - Fix get_role_users. Rem dcawley 01/23/02 - Change VIEW_ALL_TARGETS_GROUP to VIEW_ANY_TARGET. Rem dcawley 01/21/02 - Only drop privs and roles if new ones have been passed into modify_user. Rem aholser 01/19/02 - don t return rep owner on get_role_users. Rem dcawley 01/18/02 - Remove typo. Rem dcawley 01/16/02 - Add new implementation of HAS_PRIV. Rem dcawley 01/16/02 - Remove MGMT_ROLE_PRIVS. Rem dcawley 01/16/02 - Remove debug statement. Rem dcawley 01/12/02 - Changes for making groups always propagating. Rem ancheng 01/22/02 - add/delete folders Rem skini 01/08/02 - Move setEMUserContext Rem dcawley 01/04/02 - Use cursors instead of arrays for return values Rem dcawley 01/03/02 - Fixes for the UI. Rem dcawley 12/19/01 - Add groups. Rem dcawley 01/03/02 - Fixes for the UI. Rem dcawley 12/19/01 - Add groups. Rem dcawley 12/17/01 - Allow use of target name and target type. Rem dcawley 12/12/01 - Add check for VIEW_ALL_TARGETS in set_target_list. Rem dcawley 12/07/01 - Allow the super user drop any privilege. Rem dcawley 12/04/01 - Add APIs for UI. Rem dcawley 11/28/01 - Do not allow SUPER_USER to be deleted. Rem dcawley 11/27/01 - Merged dcawley_add_user_model Rem dcawley 11/27/01 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE MGMT_USER IS USERMODEL_MODULE_NAME constant varchar2(20) := 'MGMT_USER.User Model'; -- Value for NULL guid for use in System Privileges NO_GUID constant raw(16) := '0000000000000000'; -- Value for user alias wildcard WILDCARD_USER_NAME_ALIAS constant varchar2(1) := '*'; -- Operator definitions for SETCONTEXT OP_SET_IDENTIFIER constant integer := 1; OP_CLEAR_IDENTIFIER constant integer := 2; OP_CLEAR_CONTEXT constant integer := 4; OP_CLEAR_CONTEXTS constant integer := 5; OP_CREATE_TARGET_CONTEXT constant integer := 3; OP_CREATE_JOB_CONTEXT constant integer := 6; OP_CREATE_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT constant integer := 7; OP_CREATE_REPORT_DEF_CONTEXT constant integer := 8; OP_CREATE_CA_CONTEXT constant integer := 10; OP_INVALIDATE_TARGET_CONTEXT constant integer := 11; OP_INVALIDATE_JOB_CONTEXT constant integer := 12; OP_INVALIDATE_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT constant integer := 13; OP_INVALIDATE_REPORT_CONTEXT constant integer := 14; OP_INVALIDATE_CA_CONTEXT constant integer := 15; -- Return codes for HAS_ROLE NO_SUCH_ROLE constant integer := 0; USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ROLE constant integer := 1; USER_HAS_ROLE constant integer := 2; -- Return codes for HAS_ROLE USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_PRIV constant number := 0; USER_HAS_PRIV constant number := 1; -- Return codes for VALID_PRIVILEGE VALID_PRIV constant number := 0; VALID_TARGET_PRIV constant number := 1; VALID_GROUP_PRIV constant number := 2; INVALID_PRIV constant number := 3; INVALID_TARGET constant number := 4; -- Names of the VPD policies EM_TARGET_POLICY_NAME constant varchar2(16) := 'EM_TARGET_POLICY'; EM_JOB_POLICY_NAME constant varchar2(13) := 'EM_JOB_POLICY'; EM_TEMPLATE_POLICY_NAME constant varchar2(18) := 'EM_TEMPLATE_POLICY'; EM_REPORT_DEF_POLICY_NAME constant varchar2(20) := 'EM_REPORT_DEF_POLICY'; EM_REPORT_POLICY_NAME constant varchar2(20) := 'EM_REPORT_POLICY'; EM_CA_POLICY_NAME constant varchar2(12) := 'EM_CA_POLICY'; -- Variable names used in context EM_TARGET_PREDICATE constant number := 1; EM_JOB_PREDICATE constant number := 2; EM_TEMPLATE_PREDICATE constant number := 3; EM_REPORT_DEF_PREDICATE constant number := 4; EM_CA_PREDICATE constant number := 5; -- Values of predicates CREATE_PREDICATE constant number := -1; ANY_PREDICATE constant number := 0; PRIV_PREDICATE constant number := 1; -- Predicate value specially for targets EM_MONITOR_PREDICATE constant number := 2; -- Privilege types SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE constant number := 0; TARGET_PRIVILEGE constant number := 1; TARGET_GROUP_PRIVILEGE constant number := 2; JOB_PRIVILEGE constant number := 3; TEMPLATE_PRIVILEGE constant number := 4; REPORT_PRIVILEGE constant number := 5; CA_PRIVILEGE constant number := 6; -- System privileges CREATE_ANY_ROLE constant varchar2(15) := 'CREATE_ANY_ROLE'; CREATE_ANY_PRIVILEGE constant varchar2(20) := 'CREATE_ANY_PRIVILEGE'; CREATE_TARGET constant varchar2(13) := 'CREATE_TARGET'; DELETE_ANY_TARGET constant varchar2(17) := 'DELETE_ANY_TARGET'; VIEW_ANY_TARGET constant varchar2(15) := 'VIEW_ANY_TARGET'; VIEW_ANY_REPORT constant varchar2(15) := 'VIEW_ANY_REPORT'; USE_ANY_BEACON constant varchar2(14) := 'USE_ANY_BEACON'; EM_MONITOR constant varchar2(10) := 'EM_MONITOR'; PUBLISH_REPORT constant varchar2(14) := 'PUBLISH_REPORT'; SUPER_USER constant varchar2(10) := 'SUPER_USER'; FULL_ANY_TARGET constant varchar2(17) := 'FULL_ANY_TARGET'; -- Target privileges VIEW_TARGET constant varchar2(11) := 'VIEW_TARGET'; OPERATOR_TARGET constant varchar2(15) := 'OPERATOR_TARGET'; MAINTAIN_TARGET constant varchar2(15) := 'MAINTAIN_TARGET'; CLONE_FROM_TARGET constant varchar2(17) := 'CLONE_FROM_TARGET'; FULL_TARGET constant varchar2(11) := 'FULL_TARGET'; -- Target group privileges CREATE_TARGET_IN_GROUP constant varchar2(22) := 'CREATE_TARGET_IN_GROUP'; -- Job privileges VIEW_JOB constant varchar2(8) := 'VIEW_JOB'; FULL_JOB constant varchar2(8) := 'FULL_JOB'; -- Template privileges VIEW_TEMPLATE constant varchar2(13) := 'VIEW_TEMPLATE'; FULL_TEMPLATE constant varchar2(13) := 'FULL_TEMPLATE'; -- Report privileges VIEW_REPORT constant varchar2(11) := 'VIEW_REPORT'; -- Corrective Action privileges VIEW_CA constant varchar2(7) := 'VIEW_CA'; FULL_CA constant varchar2(7) := 'FULL_CA'; -- The PUBLIC role PUBLIC_ROLE constant varchar2(6) := 'PUBLIC'; -- USER OBJECTS TYPE USER_OBJECT_JOB constant varchar2(20) := 'Job'; USER_OBJECT_CA constant varchar2(20) := 'Corrective Action'; USER_OBJECT_BLACKOUT constant varchar2(20) := 'Blackout'; USER_OBJECT_TARGET constant varchar2(20) := 'Target'; USER_OBJECT_GROUP constant varchar2(20) := 'Group'; USER_OBJECT_TEMPLATE constant varchar2(20) := 'Template'; USER_OBJECT_REPORT_DEF constant varchar2(20) := 'Report Definition'; -- Type of callback USER_CREATED_CALLBACK constant number := 0; USER_DROPPED_CALLBACK constant number := 1; USER_REASSIGN_CALLBACK constant number := 2; -- Note that only target privileges are handled. There is no callback for -- role grants/revokes since they are actually handled as privilege callbacks PRIV_GRANTED_CALLBACK constant number := 7; PRIV_REVOKED_CALLBACK constant number := 3; CHECK_USER_DROPPED_CALLBACK constant number := 4; CHECK_USER_REASSIGN_CALLBACK constant number := 5; GET_USER_OBJECTS_CALLBACK constant number := 6; -- Type of privilege grant callbacks. These values are passed to the privilege -- granted callback and are not for use when registering a callback -- A user has been granted a single privilege USER_GRANTED_PRIV_CALLBACK constant number := 8; -- A role has been granted a single privilege ROLE_GRANTED_PRIV_CALLBACK constant number := 9; -- A role has been granted another role which means the role can have been -- granted multiple privileges ROLE_GRANTED_ROLE_CALLBACK constant number := 10; -- A user has been granted a role which means the user can have been -- granted multiple privileges USER_GRANTED_ROLE_CALLBACK constant number := 11; -- Type of privilege revoke callbacks. These values are passed to the privilege -- revoked callback and are not for use when registering a callback -- A privilege has been revoked from a user USER_REVOKED_PRIV_CALLBACK constant number := 12; -- A privilege has been revoked from a role ROLE_REVOKED_PRIV_CALLBACK constant number := 13; -- A role has been revoked from another role which means multiple privileges -- can have been revoked ROLE_REVOKED_ROLE_CALLBACK constant number := 14; -- A role has been revoked from a user which means multiple privileges -- can have been revoked USER_REVOKED_ROLE_CALLBACK constant number := 15; -- SYNC_DROP_OBJECT constant number := 0; ASYNC_DROP_OBJECT constant number := 1; -- User types EM_USER constant NUMBER := 0; SYSTEM_USER constant NUMBER := 1; SSO_USER constant NUMBER := 2; ENTERPRISE_USER constant NUMBER := 3; TYPE STRING_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE GUID_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE TARGET_PRIVS_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE TARGETS_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE PRIVS_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE NODELIST_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE ROLEDESC_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE CURSOR_TYPE IS REF CURSOR; TYPE GRANT_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; -- Configuration parameters TARGET_POLICY_ENABLED constant VARCHAR2(32) := 'TARGET_POLICY_ENABLED'; PROPAGATE_GROUP_PRIVILEGES constant VARCHAR2(30) := 'PROPAGATE_GROUP_PRIVILEGES'; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To create a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PASSWORD_IN - the password of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN - the email addresses of the user -- ROLES_IN - the roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the user -- USER_TYPE_IN - type of user -- 0 - EM_USER -- 1 - SYSTEM_USER -- 2 - SSO_USER -- 3 - ENTERPRISE_USER -- -- NOTES -- -- When a user is created, it is granted the MGMT_USER role. This role is -- used to give the CONNECT privilege to the user and any other privileges -- that are necessary. The caller cannot grant any privileges that are more -- powerful that those he/she has -- PROCEDURE CREATE_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, password_in IN VARCHAR2, email_addresses_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES, user_type_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT EM_USER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To create a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PASSWORD_IN - the password of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESS_IN - the email address of the user -- ROLES_IN - the roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the user -- USER_TYPE_IN - type of user -- 0 - EM_USER -- 1 - SYSTEM_USER -- 2 - SSO_USER -- 3 - ENTERPRISE_USER -- -- NOTES -- -- When a user is created, it is granted the MGMT_USER role. This role is -- used to give the CONNECT privilege to the user and any other privileges -- that are necessary. The caller cannot grant any privileges that are more -- powerful that those he/she has -- PROCEDURE CREATE_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, password_in IN VARCHAR2, email_address_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES DEFAULT NULL, user_type_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT EM_USER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- "Convert" an existing database user into an EM user, granting -- the user the specified privileges and roles -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN - the email addresses of the user -- ROLES_IN - the roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the user -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have the SUPER_USER privilege. -- PROCEDURE MAKE_EM_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, email_addresses_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- "Convert" an existing database user into an EM user, granting -- the user the specified privileges and roles -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN - the email address of the user -- ROLES_IN - the roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the user -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have the SUPER_USER privilege. -- PROCEDURE MAKE_EM_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, email_address_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To modify a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PASSWORD_IN - the new password of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN - the new email addresses of the user -- NULL - no change -- SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY() - to remove existing addresses -- SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY('a','b') - to set the addresses -- to a and b -- ROLES_IN - the new roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the new privileges to grant to the user -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller cannot grant any privileges that are more powerful that those -- he/she has. All existing role and privileges are dropped before the new -- ones are granted provided all the new ones are valid -- PROCEDURE MODIFY_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, password_in IN VARCHAR2, email_addresses_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES); PROCEDURE MODIFY_DBCONSOLE_USER ( user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, password_in IN VARCHAR2, email_addresses_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES, to_grant_db_role_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To modify a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PASSWORD_IN - the new password of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESS_IN - the new email address of the user -- NULL - no change -- '' - set to -- ' ' - clear email address -- ROLES_IN - the new roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the new privileges to grant to the user -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller cannot grant any privileges that are more powerful that those -- he/she has. All existing role and privileges are dropped before the new -- ones are granted provided all the new ones are valid -- PROCEDURE MODIFY_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, password_in IN VARCHAR2, email_address_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To drop a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- NEW_USER_NAME_IN - the name of the new user -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE DROP_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, new_user_name_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To complete dropping a user, called from the DelUser JOB -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- NEW_USER_NAME_IN - the name of the new user -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE DROP_USER_COMPLETE(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, new_user_name_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get a list of users -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAMES_OUT - the names of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- This routines searches for all users that have the MGMT_USER role. It -- will not return the repository owner, and will not return any -- users with the SUPER_USER privilege, if the caller is not a SUPER_USER. -- Additional IN parameter (p_user) added to pass the SEACRH string -- ,to restrict rows based on search condition and to support WIRLDCARD -- SEARCH PROCEDURE GET_USERS(user_names_out OUT STRING_CURSOR, user_type_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT EM_USER, p_user_srch IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To create a privilege -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PRIV_NAME_IN - name of the privilege -- PRIV_TYPE_IN - the type of the privilege -- 1 - TARGET -- 2 - TARGET GROUP -- DESCRIPTION_IN - a description (max of 256 characters) of the privilege -- -- NOTES -- -- This should only be used to add user defined privileges. The caller -- must have the CREATE_ANY_PRIVILEGE system privilege and the type of -- privilege must be either 1 or 2 depending on whether this privilege -- applies to a target or a target group. An exception will be thrown if -- the type is any other value -- PROCEDURE CREATE_PRIV(priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_type_in IN NUMBER, description_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To drop a privilege -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PRIV_NAME_IN - name of the privilege -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have created the privilege -- PROCEDURE DROP_PRIV(priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To create a role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - name of the role -- DESCRIPTION_IN - a description (max of 256 characters) of the role -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have the CREATE_ANY_ROLE privilege -- PROCEDURE CREATE_ROLE(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, description_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To create a role, grant other roles to it, grant privileges to it and then -- grant the created role to a list of users -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - name of the role -- DESCRIPTION_IN - a description (max of 256 characters) of the role -- ROLES_IN - the names of the roles to grant to the created role -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the created role -- USERS_IN - the names of the user to grant the created role to -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have the CREATE_ANY_ROLE system privilege and have already -- been granted all the roles and privileges which are being assigned to the -- role being created. -- PROCEDURE CREATE_ROLE(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, description_in IN VARCHAR2, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES, users_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To modify a role. grant other roles to it, grant privileges to it and then -- grant the created role to a list of users -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - name of the role -- -- Note that if any of the parameters are NULL, they are ignored. -- -- DESCRIPTION_IN - the new description (max of 256 characters) of the role. -- ROLES_IN - the names of the roles to grant to the role, all existing roles -- are revoked -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the role, all existing -- privileges are revoked -- USERS_IN - the names of the user to grant the role to, the role is -- revoked from all users that currently have the role -- -- NOTES -- -- -- The caller must have been granted the role with the with admin option and -- have already been granted all the roles and privileges which are being -- assigned to the role being modified. -- PROCEDURE MODIFY_ROLE(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, description_in IN VARCHAR2, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES, users_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To drop a privilege -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - name of the role -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have been granted the role with the WITH_ADMIN flag -- set -- PROCEDURE DROP_ROLE(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To grant a privilege to a user or role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GRANTEE_IN - the name of the user or role -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege which must be one of the supplied -- privileges (see list at top) or else the name of an -- Integrator defined privilege that was added using CREATE_PRIV -- GUID_IN - target guid in the case of a target privilege -- target group guid in the case of target group privilege -- job guid in the case of job privilege -- NULL in the case of system privilege -- INVALIDATE_IN - whether or not to invalidate users of the role. Defaults to -- 1 (invalidate) -- -- NOTES -- -- When granting to a role the user must have been granted the role with the -- WITH ADMIN option. The caller can not grant a privilege -- unless he/she has already been granted that privilege. This means that -- first time grants will have to be done by a SUPER_USER who has permission -- to do anything -- PROCEDURE GRANT_PRIV(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, guid_in IN RAW DEFAULT NO_GUID, invalidate_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); PROCEDURE GRANT_PRIV(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, invalidate_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); PROCEDURE GRANT_PRIVS(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES); -- -- To grant FULL_JOB to the owner of a job -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GUID_IN - job guid -- -- NOTES -- The caller must be the job owner PROCEDURE GRANT_FULL_JOB_TO_OWNER( guid_in IN RAW); -- -- To grant view priveleges on a CA to the appropriate group of admins -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- P_GUID_IN - job id for the CA -- P_SCOPE_IN -- scope of the CA: one of CA_SCOPE_TARGET, CA_SCOPE_TEMPLATE, -- CA_SCOPE_TARGET_TYPE, or CA_SCOPE_USER -- P_TARGET_GUID_IN -- if a target-scoped CA, the guid of the target -- P_TEMPLATE_GUID_IN -- if a template-scoped CA, the guid of the template -- P_OWNER_IN -- the owner of the CA PROCEDURE GRANT_CA_PRIVS(p_guid_in IN RAW, p_scope_in IN NUMBER, p_target_guid_in IN RAW, p_template_guid_in IN RAW, p_owner_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To revoke a privilege from a user or role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GRANTEE_IN - the name of the user or role -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege which must be one of the supplied -- privileges (see list at top) or else the name of an -- Integrator defined privilege that was added using CREATE_PRIV -- GUID_IN - target guid in the case of a target privilege -- target group guid in the case of target group privilege -- job guid in the case of job privilege -- NULL in the case of system privilege -- INVALIDATE_IN - whether or not to invalidate users of the role. Defaults to -- 1 (invalidate) -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have been granted a role with the WITH_ADMIN option to be -- able to revoke a privilege from the role. -- PROCEDURE REVOKE_PRIV(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, guid_in IN RAW DEFAULT NO_GUID, invalidate_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); PROCEDURE REVOKE_PRIV(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, invalidate_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); PROCEDURE REVOKE_PRIVS(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To grant a role to a user or another role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GRANTEE_IN - the name of the user or role -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role to grant -- WITH_ADMIN_IN - flag to indicate whether the role is to be granted -- allowing the grantee the ability to modify it and grant it -- to other users -- INVALIDATE_IN - whether or not to invalidate users of the role. Defaults to -- 1 (invalidate) -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have already been granted the role with the WITH ADMIN -- flag set -- PROCEDURE GRANT_ROLE(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, with_admin_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, invalidate_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To grant bulk roles to a user or another role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_grantee - the name of the user or role -- p_roles - list of roles to be assigned -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have already been granted the role with the WITH ADMIN -- flag set -- PROCEDURE GRANT_ROLES ( p_grantee IN VARCHAR2, p_roles IN MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To revoke a role from a user or another role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GRANTEE_IN - the name of the user or role -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role which can be one of the -- pre-defined roles, SECURITY_ADMIN or TARGET_GROUP_ADMIN -- INVALIDATE_IN - whether or not to invalidate users of the role. Defaults to -- 1 (invalidate) -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have been granted the role with the WITH ADMIN option -- if revoking the role from another role -- -- PROCEDURE REVOKE_ROLE(grantee_in IN VARCHAR2, role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, invalidate_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To revoke bulk roles from a user or another role -- -- PARAMETERS -- p_grantee - Name of user or role from which roles will be revoked -- p_roles - List of roles revokes from user or role -- -- NOTES -- -- The caller must have been granted the role with the WITH ADMIN option -- if revoking the role from another role -- -- PROCEDURE REVOKE_ROLES ( p_grantee IN VARCHAR2, p_roles IN MGMT_SHORT_STRING_ARRAY); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check if a user has a particular role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role -- WITH_ADMIN_IN - the with_admin flag -- -- NOTES -- -- Return codes for HAS_ROLE -- -- RETURNS : NO_SUCH_ROLE - if the role does not exist -- USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ROLE - if the user does not have the role -- USER_HAS_ROLE - if the user has the role -- -- FUNCTION HAS_ROLE(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, with_admin_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) RETURN NUMBER; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To rebuild the flattended list of role grants for a role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_FLAT_ROLE_GRANTS(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check if a user has a privilege -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege -- GUID_IN - target guid in the case of a target privilege -- target group guid in the case of target group privilege -- job guid in the case of job privilege -- NO_GUID in the case of a system privilege -- -- NOTES -- -- RETURNS 1 if the user has the privilege otherwise 0 -- FUNCTION HAS_PRIV(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, guid_in IN RAW DEFAULT NO_GUID) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION HAS_PRIV(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check if the user exists -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAMES - the names of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- This routines checks if the user exests in the mgmt_created_users table -- raises an application error MGMT_GLOBAL.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST if not -- PROCEDURE CHECK_USER_EXISTS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Takes an array of target guids and returns an array of the guids -- that the user has the privilege on. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege -- TARGET_GUIDS_IN - target guids to check -- -- NOTES -- -- RETURNS an array of the guids for which the user has the privilege. Note -- that the privilege must be something other than VIEW_TARGET -- FUNCTION HAS_PRIV(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guids_in IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY) RETURN GUID_CURSOR; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Takes an array of guids and returns true if the user has the privilege -- all the targets. -- -- NOTES -- -- RETURNS an array of the guids for which the user has the privilege. Note -- that the privilege must be something other than VIEW_TARGET -- FUNCTION HAS_PRIV_ON_ALL(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guids_in IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY) RETURN NUMBER; -- -- PURPOSE: -- -- To get the list of targets on which a user has a certain privilege -- -- If the user_name_in is empty and the current user is a super user, -- the list of targets on which the current user(i.e the super user) has the -- privilege - priv_name_in will be returned -- If the user_name_in is not empty and valid and the current user is a super -- user, the list of targets on which the user - user_name_in -- has the privilege - priv_name_in will be returned -- If target_type_in is empty, then the list of targets of all types -- for the user - user_name_in having privilege - priv_name_in will be -- returned -- If target_type_in is not empty, then the list of targets of type - -- target_type_in for the user - user_name_in having privilege - priv_name_in -- will be returned -- If the current user is not a super user, then insufficient privileges -- exception will be thrown -- -- NOTE: -- This api should only be called by a privileged user(super user) -- -- IN PARAMETERS: -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- TARGET_TYPE_IN - the type of the target -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege -- -- RETURNS: -- TARGETS_CURSOR: CURSOR_TYPE -- A cursor which returns rows containing the target related information -- like target_guid, target_name, target_type etc -- -- ERROR codes: -- USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERR: user does not exist error -- INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES_ERR: insufficient privileges error -- FUNCTION GET_TARGETS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN TARGETS_CURSOR; -- -- PURPOSE: -- -- To get the list of targets on which the current user has a certain privilege -- -- If target_type_in is empty, then the list of targets of all types -- for the current user having privilege - priv_name_in will be -- returned -- If target_type_in is not empty, then the list of targets of type - -- target_type_in for the current user having privilege - priv_name_in -- will be returned -- -- NOTE: -- This api can be called by any user -- -- IN PARAMETERS: -- -- TARGET_TYPE_IN - the type of the target -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege -- -- RETURNS: -- TARGETS_CURSOR: CURSOR_TYPE -- A cursor which returns rows containing the target related information -- like target_guid, target_name, target_type etc -- -- ERROR codes: -- None. -- FUNCTION GET_TARGETS(target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN TARGETS_CURSOR; -- -- PURPOSE: -- -- To get the list of target types on which the current -- user has a certain privilege -- -- NOTE: -- This api can be called by any user -- -- IN PARAMETERS: -- -- PRIV_NAME_IN - the name of the privilege -- -- RETURNS: -- CURSOR_TYPE -- A cursor which returns rows containing the target type -- related information: target_type, type_display_name -- -- ERROR codes: -- None. -- FUNCTION GET_TARGET_TYPES(priv_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN CURSOR_TYPE; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check whether a target can be added to a group. The target can be -- added only if the user has the same privileges on the target as the user -- has on the group. For example if the user has MAINTAIN_TARGET on a group -- then a target can only be added to the group if the user also has -- MAINTAIN_TARGET on the group. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GROUP_GUID_IN - the target GUID of the group -- MEMBER_GUID_IN - the target GUID of the member to be added -- -- NOTES -- -- Returns 1 if member can be added to a group -- FUNCTION VALID_GROUP_MEMBER(group_guid_in IN RAW, member_guid_in IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a target has been deleted. This allows -- the user model to recompute the targets visible to users whose visible -- target list have been cached and to remove any grants for that target -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- TARGET_NAME_IN - the target name of the deleted target -- TARGET_TYPE_IN - the type of the deleted target -- PROCEDURE HANDLE_TARGET_DELETED(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a target association has changed. This allows -- the user model to recompute the targets visible to users whose visible -- target list have been cached -- -- PURPOSE -- SOURCE_TARGET_GUID_IN - the target GUID of the modified target -- ASSOC_TARGET_GUIDS_IN - the target GUIDs of the associated targets -- CHANGE_IN - what has changed -- 0 = removed 1 = added -- PROCEDURE TARGET_ASSOC_CHANGED(source_target_guid_in IN RAW, assoc_target_guids_in IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY, change_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a job has been deleted. This allows -- the User Model to remove any grants for that job -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- JOB_GUID_IN - the GUID of the deleted job -- PROCEDURE JOB_DELETED(job_guid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a nested job has been added. This allows -- the User Model to allow it be visible to all users having access to the -- parent job by adding rows to the job cache -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PARENT_JOBID_IN - the GUID of the parent job -- NESTED_JOBID_IN - the GUID of the nested job -- PROCEDURE NESTED_JOB_ADDED(parent_jobid_in IN RAW, nested_jobid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a nested job has been deleted. This allows -- the User Model to remove it from the job cache -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- NESTED_JOBID_IN - the GUID of the nested job -- PROCEDURE NESTED_JOB_DELETED( nested_jobid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a report has been deleted. This allows -- the User Model to remove any grants for that job -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- REPORT_GUID_IN - the GUID of the deleted report definition -- PROCEDURE REPORT_DEFINITION_DELETED(report_guid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a template has been deleted. This allows -- the User Model to remove any grants for that job -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- TEMPLATE_GUID_IN - the GUID of the deleted template -- PROCEDURE TEMPLATE_DELETED(template_guid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To notify the user model that a template has been deleted. This allows -- the User Model to remove any grants for that job -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- JOB_GUID_IN - the GUID of the deleted corrective action -- PROCEDURE CORRECTIVE_ACTION_DELETED(job_guid_in IN RAW); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To add a callback that is invoked whenever one of the following happens: -- * a user is created -- * a user is dropped -- * a user is reassigned to a new user -- * a user has a privilege granted -- * a user has a privilege revoked -- * to get a list of objects owned by the user -- * to check for conflicts while droping a user -- * to check for conflicts while reassigning a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- TYPE_IN - the type of the callback -- MGMT_USER.USER_CREATED_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.USER_DROPPED_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.USER_REASSIGN_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.PRIV_GRANTED_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.PRIV_REVOKED_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.GET_USER_OBJECTS_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.CHECK_DROP_USER_CALLBACK -- MGMT_USER.CHECK_REASSIGN_USER_CALLBACK -- -- PROC_IN - the name of the callback which must be defined as : -- -- PROCEDURE USER_CREATED_CALLBACK(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PROCEDURE USER_DROPED_CALLBACK(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PROCEDURE USER_REASSIGN_CALLBACK(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- new_user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PROCEDURE PRIV_CALLBACK(user_names_in IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_ARRAY, -- priv_names_in IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_ARRAY, -- guids_in IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PROCEDURE GET_USER_OBJECTS_CALLBACK( -- user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- user_objects_out OUT MGMT_USER_OBJECTS, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PROCEDURE CHECK_DROP_USER_CALLBACK( -- user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- user_objects_out OUT MGMT_USER_OBJECTS, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PROCEDURE CHECK_REASSIGN_USER_CALLBACK( -- user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- new_user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, -- user_objects_out OUT MGMT_USER_OBJECTS, -- type_in IN NUMBER); -- PROCEDURE ADD_CALLBACK(proc_in IN VARCHAR2, type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To remove a callback -- -- PARAMETERS -- PROC_IN - the name of the callback -- TYPE_IN - the type of the callback -- PROCEDURE REMOVE_CALLBACK(proc_in IN VARCHAR2, type_in IN NUMBER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check whether a target can be added to a group. The target can be -- added only if the user has the same privileges on the target as the user -- has on the group. For example if the user has MAINTAIN_TARGET on a group -- then a target can only be added to the group if the user also has -- MAINTAIN_TARGET on the group. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- GROUP_GUID_IN - the target GUID of the group -- MEMBER_TARGET_NAME_IN, MEMBER_TARGET_TYPE_IN: The name and type of the -- member target -- -- NOTES -- -- Returns 1 if member can be added to a group -- FUNCTION VALID_GROUP_MEMBER(group_guid_in IN RAW, member_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, member_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of available privileges of a given type -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- PRIV_TYPE_IN - the type of privilege -- 0 - SYSTEM -- 1 - TARGET -- 2 - TARGET_GROUP -- -1 - All privileges -- USER_DEFINED_IN - flag to indicate whether user defined privs should be -- returned. 0 => no, 1 => yes -- PRIVS_OUT - the privileges are returned here -- -- NOTES -- -- PROCEDURE GET_PRIVS(priv_type_in IN NUMBER, user_defined_in IN NUMBER, privs_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of available privileges of a given type for a particular -- user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PRIV_TYPE_IN - the type of privilege -- 0 - SYSTEM -- 1 - TARGET -- 2 - TARGET_GROUP -- -1 - All privileges -- USER_DEFINED_IN - flag to indicate whether user defined privs should be -- returned. 0 => no, 1 => yes -- PRIVS_OUT - the privileges are returned here -- -- NOTES -- -- PROCEDURE GET_USER_PRIVS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_type_in IN NUMBER, user_defined_in IN NUMBER, privs_out OUT PRIVS_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of available roles -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLES_OUT - the roles are returned here -- -- NOTES -- -- The NAME component of the SMP_EMD_NVPAIR contains the name of the role -- and the VALUE component of the SMP_EMD_NVPAIR containst the description -- of the role -- PROCEDURE GET_ROLES(roles_out OUT ROLEDESC_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of privileges of a given type for a particular role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role -- PRIV_TYPE_IN - the type of privilege -- 0 - SYSTEM -- 1 - TARGET -- 2 - TARGET_GROUP -- -1 - All privileges -- USER_DEFINED_IN - flag to indicate whether user defined privs should be -- returned. 0 => no, 1 => yes -- PRIVS_OUT - the privileges are returned here -- USER_NAMES_OUT - the list of users who have been granted the role -- -- NOTES -- -- PROCEDURE GET_ROLE_PRIVS(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, priv_type_in IN NUMBER, user_defined_in IN NUMBER, privs_out OUT PRIVS_CURSOR, user_names_out OUT STRING_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of privileges and roles belonging to a role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the roles -- PRIVS_OUT - the privileges are returned here -- ROLES_OUT - the roles are returned here -- -- NOTES -- -- If this procedure is used to get the list of permissions associated -- with a role for display in a UI then another call will have to be made -- to get the details of an included role i.e. this is not a flattened list -- PROCEDURE GET_ROLE_GRANTS(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, privs_out OUT PRIVS_CURSOR, roles_out OUT STRING_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of users assigned a particular role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the roles -- AVAILABLE_USERS_OUT - the users that are not currently granted the role are -- returned here -- GRANTED_USERS_OUT - the users that are currently granted the role are -- returned here -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE GET_ROLE_USERS(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, available_users_out OUT STRING_CURSOR, granted_users_out OUT STRING_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of roles granted to a user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- ROLES_OUT - the roles are returned here -- -- NOTES -- -- PROCEDURE GET_USER_ROLES(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, roles_out OUT STRING_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of roles currently granted to a role and the list of -- roles available for granting to that role -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role -- AVAILABLE_ROLES_OUT - the roles available for granting to ROLE_NAME_IN -- are returned here -- GRANTED_ROLES_OUT - the roles currently granted to ROLE_NAME_IN are -- returned here -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE GET_ROLES_FOR_ROLE(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, available_roles_out OUT STRING_CURSOR, granted_roles_out OUT STRING_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of targets that this role has FULL_TARGET privilege on -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role -- TARGETS_OUT - the distinct array of targets that have privileges granted -- on them by this role. -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE GET_TARGETS_FOR_ROLE(role_name_in IN VARCHAR2, targets_out OUT TARGETS_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of targets on which a user has been granted FULL_TARGET -- privilege -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- TARGETS_OUT - the distinct array of targets that the user has been granted -- privileges on -- -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE GET_TARGETS_FOR_USER(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, targets_out OUT TARGETS_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of privileges for each target with an flag to indicate -- whether : -- -- * Privilege not granted to any of the roles passed in, or to the caller of -- the procedure -- * Privilege granted to caller of the procedure and not granted to any of -- the roles passed in -- * Privilege granted to any of the roles passed in -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- ROLES_IN - the roles to check -- TARGETS_IN - the list of target_guids -- PRIVS_OUT - a cursor returning: -- target_name -- target_type -- target_privilege -- privilege_state (one of the three states listed above -- -- NOTES -- -- The privilege state can be : -- 0 => NOT GRANTED -- 1 => GRANTED TO CALLER -- 2 => GRANTED TO ROLE -- -- PROCEDURE GET_TARGET_PRIVS(roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, targets_in IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY, privs_out OUT TARGET_PRIVS_CURSOR); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the max privilege a user has on any target. This will not include -- user defined privilege. The privilege can be granted the privilege -- directly, via a role, via a nested role or via a group privilege. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- Can only be called by a user with the SUPER_USER privilege -- FUNCTION GET_MAX_PRIV(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the max privilege the current user has on any target. This will not -- include user defined privilege. The privilege can be granted the privilege -- directly, via a role, via a nested role or via a group privilege. -- FUNCTION GET_MAX_PRIV RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To generate a security policy for a user accessing the MGMT_TARGETS table -- FUNCTION EM47455450524544494341544554(p_schema IN VARCHAR2, p_object in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To generate a security policy for a user accessing the MGMT_JOB table -- FUNCTION EM4745545052454449434154454A(p_schema IN VARCHAR2, p_object in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To generate a security policy for a user accessing the MGMT_TEMPLATES table -- FUNCTION GET_TEMPLATE_PREDICATE(p_schema IN VARCHAR2, p_object in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To generate a security policy for a user accessing the MGMT_IP_REPORT_DEF -- table -- FUNCTION GET_REPORT_DEF_PREDICATE(p_schema IN VARCHAR2, p_object in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To generate a security policy for a user accessing the -- and MGMT_IP_STORED_REPORT table -- FUNCTION GET_STORED_REPORT_PREDICATE(p_schema IN VARCHAR2, p_object in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To generate a security policy for a user accessing the -- MGMT_CORRECTIVE_ACTION table -- FUNCTION GET_CA_PREDICATE(p_schema IN VARCHAR2, p_object in VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- Sets the user context for EM, calculates the security predicate and -- builds caches of visible objects based on user's privilege set -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- EM_CLIENT_IN - the name of the EMD user -- -- OP_IN - the operation to perform -- -- OP_SET_IDENTIFIER - set the current user and build visible object -- caches if necessary -- OP_CLEAR_IDENTIFIER - clear the current user -- OP_CLEAR_CONTEXT - clear the user's caches -- OP_CLEAR_CONTEXTS - clear all caches -- OP_CREATE_TARGET_CONTEXT - create the user's visible target cache -- OP_CREATE_JOB_CONTEXT - create the user's visible job cache -- OP_CREATE_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT - create the user's visible template -- cache -- OP_CREATE_REPORT_DEF_CONTEXT - create the user's visible report -- definition cache -- OP_CREATE_CA_CONTEXT - create the user's visible corrective action -- cache -- OP_INVALIDATE_TARGET_CONTEXT - invalidate the user's visible target -- cache -- OP_INVALIDATE_JOB_CONTEXT - invalidate the user's visible job cache -- OP_INVALIDATE_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT - invalidate the user's visible -- template cache -- OP_INVALIDATE_REPORT_CONTEXT - invalidate the user's visible report -- definition cache -- OP_INVALIDATE_CA_CONTEXT - invalidate the user's visible corrective -- action cache -- -- NOTE: -- This procedure cannot be called directly - it must be called from the -- procedure SETEMUSERCONTEXT. SETEMUSERCONTEXT is very powerful and -- only the repository owner should be granted execute permission on it -- PROCEDURE SET_EM_USER_CONTEXT(em_client_in IN VARCHAR2, op_in IN INTEGER); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To return the current EM user. Note that this is not necessarily -- the owner of the database session (the pl/sql variable USER). -- -- PARAMETERS -- NONE -- -- NOTES -- FUNCTION GET_CURRENT_EM_USER RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To return the owner of the repository schema -- -- PARAMETERS -- NONE -- -- NOTES -- FUNCTION GET_REPOSITORY_OWNER RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To return all nodes in the repository, and specify, for each node, -- whether there is at least one target on the node that the current user -- has the specified privilege on. -- -- INPUT PARAMETERS -- p_privilege The privilege to check for -- -- RETURN -- A cursor that lists the nodes that have at least -- one target that the user has the specified privilege on. This is a -- cursor with three columns: the host name, emd url, and the last -- time any data was uploaded from that emd -- -- NOTES -- FUNCTION GET_NODE_LIST_WITH_PRIVILEGE(p_privilege IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NODELIST_CURSOR; -- -- PURPOSE -- To invalidate the cached security contexts of all users that have -- been granted a role that has been modified -- -- PARAMETER -- MODIFIED_ROLE_NAME_IN - the name of the role that has been modified -- PROCEDURE INVALIDATE_USERS(modified_role_name_in IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To return the management privileges for the logged on user -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- SUPER_USER_OUT - true(1) if the user is a superuser -- EMREP_USER_OUT - true(1) if the user has access to the emrep target -- EMD_USER_OUT - true(1) if the user has access to any emd target -- VALID_EM_USER_OUT - true (1) if the user is a valid "EM" user -- PROCEDURE GET_MGMT_PRIVS(super_user_out OUT INTEGER, emrep_user_out OUT INTEGER, emd_user_out OUT INTEGER, valid_em_user_out OUT INTEGER); -- PURPOSE -- -- To update the pref email of the current user -- -- PARAMETERS -- user_name_in - the name of the user -- user_email_in - the new list of email addresses -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_USER_PREF_EMAIL( user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_email_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY ); -- PURPOSE -- -- To update the pref email (and its format) of the current user -- -- PARAMETERS -- user_name_in - the name of the user -- user_email_in - the new list of email addresses -- user_email_format_in - the format of the new list of email addresses -- PROCEDURE UPDATE_USER_PREF_EMAIL ( user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_email_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, user_email_format_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY ); -- PURPOSE -- -- To identify which alias to use for a user accessing subtab preferences. -- -- PARAMETERS -- user_name_in - the name of the user -- subtab_name - the subtab being accessed -- -- RETURN -- user_name_in if preferences exist the user for the give subtab or wildcard -- otherwise (WILDCARD_USER_NAME_ALIAS). FUNCTION GET_SUBTAB_PREFS_ALIAS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, subtab_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- PURPOSE -- -- To identify which alias to use for a user accessing metric preferences. -- This function only remains for backward compatability, new code should use -- GET_SUBTAB_PREFS_ALIAS instead. -- -- PARAMETERS -- user_name_in - the name of the user -- target_type_in - the target type to constrain to -- -- RETURN -- user_name_in if metric preferences exists for that user in that target -- type, wildcard (WILDCARD_USER_NAME_ALIAS) otherwise. FUNCTION GET_METRIC_PREFS_ALIAS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- PURPOSE -- To get the list of targets associated with the repository target -- -- PARAMETERS -- INCLUDE_REPOSITORY_TARGET - flag to indicate whether the repository -- target itself should be included -- FUNCTION GET_REPOSITORY_TARGETS(include_repository_target IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1) RETURN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY; PROCEDURE GET_USER_JOB_PRIV (job_id_in IN RAW, user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, admin_out OUT VARCHAR2, priv_out OUT VARCHAR2); -- -- To return a list of users and roles assigned the VIEW_REPORT privilege -- for a particular report. -- -- PARAMETERS -- report_id_in - the report_id -- owner_out - the name of the report owner -- grantees_out - a cursor - user/role name, type (ROLE,ADMIN) and -- privilege -- PROCEDURE GET_REPORT_GRANTS (report_id_in IN RAW, owner_out OUT VARCHAR2, grantees_out OUT GRANT_CURSOR); -- PURPOSE -- -- To revoke the VIEW_REPORT privilege for a particular report to -- any users that currently have that privilege -- for a particular report. -- -- PARAMETERS -- report_id_in - the report_id -- PROCEDURE REVOKE_VIEW_REPORT_ALL(report_id_in IN RAW, owner_in IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- -- To modify privileges for a particular job. -- -- PARAMETERS -- job_id_in - IN the jobid -- replace_in - IN whether or not to replace the existing grants with the new set -- Valid values 'Y' 'N' - defaults to 'Y' -- grant_name_in - IN - an array of name/value grants. The first is the user or role -- name, the value is the privilege being granted (VIEW_JOB or FULL_JOB) -- PROCEDURE MODIFY_JOB_GRANTS (job_id_in IN RAW, replace_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y', grant_name_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To create a user in db console mode -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- PASSWORD_IN - the password of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN - the email addresses of the user -- ROLES_IN - the roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the user -- For more details, please look at CREATE_USER -- PROCEDURE CREATE_USER_DBCONSOLE(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, password_in IN VARCHAR2, email_addresses_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- "Convert" an existing database user into an EM user -- in DB Console mode -- On top of MAKE_EM_USER, it grants the database user -- SELECT ANY DICTIONARY system privilege. -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the name of the user -- EMAIL_ADDRESSES_IN - the email addresses of the user -- ROLES_IN - the roles to grant to the user -- PRIVILEGES_IN - the privileges to grant to the user -- TO_GRANT_DB_PRIV_IN - whether to grant SELECT ANY DICTIONARY -- System privilege to the database user, DEFAULT is TRUE -- PROCEDURE MAKE_EM_USER_DBCONSOLE(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, email_addresses_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, roles_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, privileges_in IN MGMT_USER_PRIVILEGES, to_grant_db_priv_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get a list of users -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAMES_OUT - the names of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- This routines searches for all users that have the MGMT_USER role -- and are Database users. It -- will not return the repository owner, and will not return any -- users with the SUPER_USER privilege, if the caller is not a SUPER_USER. -- p_user-->IN parameter added to facilitate WILDCARD SEARCH PROCEDURE GET_USERS_DBCONSOLE(user_names_out OUT STRING_CURSOR, p_user_srch IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- Acquires read lock for current em user -- so that the user cannot be deleted when activity in progress -- FUNCTION GET_READ_LOCK(exception_id_in IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- -- Releases the read lock -- FUNCTION RELEASE_READ_LOCK(lock_handle_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get a list of objects owned by the users -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the names of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- This routines return a list of bjects owned by the user. which include -- jobs, jobtypes, blackouts, targets, corrective action, templates, reports -- and report definition -- FUNCTION GET_USER_OBJECTS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MGMT_USER_OBJECTS; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check weather the user owns some objects which cant be droped -- Returns a list of all conflicting objects -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the names of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- FUNCTION CHECK_DROP_USER_CONFLICTS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MGMT_USER_OBJECTS; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To check weather the user owns some objects which cant be reassigned to the -- new user. Returns a list of all conflicting objects -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- USER_NAME_IN - the names of the user -- -- NOTES -- -- FUNCTION CHECK_REASSIGN_USER_CONFLICTS(user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, new_user_name_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN MGMT_USER_OBJECTS; -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the list of users and roles. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_given_object_name - the names of the user -- p_object_name - Array of user/role names -- p_object_description - Array of description for user/role -- -- -- -- PROCEDURE GET_USER_ROLE_LIST(p_given_object_name IN VARCHAR2, p_object_name OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_object_description OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the access info for targets.. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_target_name - Name of the target -- p_target_type - Type of target -- p_error_message - Error Message -- p_user_name - Array of user/role names -- p_user_description - Array of description of user/role -- p_user_privilege - Array of privileges -- -- -- procedure get_access_info(p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_error_message OUT VARCHAR2, p_super_or_owner OUT VARCHAR2, p_user_name OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_user_description OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_user_privilege OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To get the access info for templates.. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_target_name - Name of the target -- p_target_type - Type of target -- p_error_message - Error Message -- p_user_name - Array of user/role names -- p_user_description - Array of description of user/role -- p_user_privilege - Array of privileges -- -- -- procedure get_access_info_template(p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_error_message OUT VARCHAR2, p_super_or_owner OUT VARCHAR2, p_user_name OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_user_description OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_user_privilege OUT VARCHAR2_TABLE); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To update the privileges. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_target_name - Name of the target -- p_target_type - Type of target -- p_type - Either type is target or template -- p_object_name - Array of user/role names -- p_object_priv - Array of privileges of user/role -- -- -- PROCEDURE update_privilige(p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_type IN VARCHAR2, p_object_name IN VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_object_priv IN VARCHAR2_TABLE); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To update the privileges. This Procedure takes arrays as parameters and grant/update or revoke the -- privileges according to the condition. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_target_name - Name of the target -- p_target_type - Type of target -- p_type - Either type is target or template -- p_new_object_name - Array of new user/role names -- p_new_object_priv - Array of new privileges of user/role -- p_changed_object_name - Array of changed user/role names -- p_changed_object_priv - Array of changed privileges of user/role -- p_previous_object_name - Array of previous user/role names needed to revoke the privilege -- p_previous_object_priv - Array of previous privileges of user/role needed to revoke the privilege -- p_revoked_object_name - Array of revoked user/role names -- p_revoked_object_priv - Array of revoked privileges of user/role -- -- PROCEDURE update_privilege(p_target_name IN VARCHAR2, p_target_type IN VARCHAR2, p_type IN VARCHAR2, p_new_object_name IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_new_object_priv IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_changed_object_name IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_changed_object_priv IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_previous_object_name IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_previous_object_priv IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_revoked_object_name IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL, p_revoked_object_priv IN VARCHAR2_TABLE DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To update the privileges. This Procedure is like an api which will be called from the MGMT_USER.update_privilege -- procedure and according to the condition it will either grant or revoke the privilege. -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_guid - guid -- p_revoke_or_grant - Either revoke or grant -- p_object_name - Array of user/role name -- p_object_priv - Array of new user/role privileges -- -- PROCEDURE update_revoke_grant_privilege(p_guid IN RAW, p_revoke_or_grant IN VARCHAR2, p_object_name IN VARCHAR2_TABLE, p_object_priv IN VARCHAR2_TABLE); END MGMT_USER; / show errors;