Rem Rem $Header: sdk_service_level_pkgbody.sql 18-aug-2006.04:01:08 skotha Exp $ Rem Rem sdk_service_level_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdk_service_level_pkgbody.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem skotha 07/21/06 - Exposing get_services_sla_value Rem skotha 07/21/06 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY MGMT_SERVICE_LEVEL AS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FUNCTION: GET_SERVICE_LEVEL_VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- PURPOSE -- To compute the service level for a given service with in a given -- time period. -- RETURNS -- Service Level value -- PARAMETERS -- p_service_name : Service name -- p_service_type : Service type -- p_start_time : Start time (format 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') -- p_end_time : End time (format 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') -- p_timezone : Timezone -- FUNCTION GET_SERVICE_LEVEL_VALUE(p_service_name IN VARCHAR2, p_service_type IN VARCHAR2, p_start_time IN VARCHAR2, p_end_time IN VARCHAR2, p_timezone IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_sla_computed NUMBER; l_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.TARGET_GUID%TYPE; l_target_guid_array TARGET_GUID_ARRAY; l_sla_array SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; l_name_array SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; l_sla_pie_array PIE_TIME_RECORD_ARRAY; l_sla_expected_array SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY; BEGIN -- Obtain TARGET_GUID for the given service and type l_target_guid := MGMT_SERVICE.GET_SERVICE_GUID(p_service_name, p_service_type); -- Call the method in dashboard_service package to compute sla l_target_guid_array := TARGET_GUID_ARRAY(); l_target_guid_array.extend(1); l_target_guid_array(1) := l_target_guid; em_dashboard_service.get_services_sla_value(l_target_guid_array, p_start_time, p_end_time, p_timezone, l_sla_array, l_name_array, l_sla_pie_array, l_sla_expected_array); l_sla_computed := l_sla_array(1).value; RETURN l_sla_computed; END GET_SERVICE_LEVEL_VALUE; END MGMT_SERVICE_LEVEL; / SHOW ERRORS;