Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/sdk/sdk_schema_pkgbody.sql /st_emcore_10. 2009/02/26 20:39:36 jsadras Exp $ Rem Rem sdk_schema_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sdk_schema_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jsadras 11/19/08 - Fix perf issues Rem scgrover 07/12/06 - Backport scgrover_bug-5043773 from main Rem jsadras 08/17/05 - Bug:4548286 null violation type Rem jsadras 03/10/05 - Bug:4215429, violation_type Rem niramach 10/01/04 - Changing mgmt_severity -> mgmt_violations for Rem addSeverityAnnotation. Rem jsadras 09/21/04 - eval_func replaced Rem rpinnama 09/13/04 - mgmt_severity -> mgmt_violations Rem streddy 08/10/04 - Add is_transposed to create_metric Rem streddy 09/25/03 - Added type_meta_ver support for rep metric Rem ancheng 09/24/03 - bug 3139898 Rem aholser 09/07/03 - fix add_table_metric_column Rem ancheng 07/31/03 - add add_severity_annotation Rem streddy 07/11/03 - Add message_nlsid to add_severity Rem rpinnama 05/13/03 - Pass category props to add_metric procedures Rem streddy 03/03/03 - Added severity_eval_proc to add_metric API Rem sgrover 03/19/03 - remove variance, load_timestamp Rem njagathe 11/15/02 - Review comments Rem njagathe 11/15/02 - Increase size based on key_column widening Rem dcawley 09/23/02 - Add load_time parameter Rem rpinnama 05/16/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts_2 Rem rpinnama 05/16/02 - Created Rem ---------------------- -- The package body -- ---------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY EMD_SCHEMA IS ---------------------------------------------- -- Procedures for adding metric definitions -- ---------------------------------------------- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a metric. PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC(v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_type IN NUMBER, v_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_eval_proc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_unit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_short_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_is_for_summary IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_label_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_is_transposed IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS BEGIN -- Add metric with default version ADD_METRIC_FOR_VERSION(v_target_type, v_metric_name, v_metric_type, '1.0', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', v_label, v_description, v_eval_proc, v_unit, v_short_name, v_is_for_summary, v_label_nlsid, v_is_transposed); END ADD_METRIC; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a metric (that supports metric versioning) PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC_FOR_VERSION (v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_type IN NUMBER, v_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '1.0', v_category_prop_1 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_3 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_4 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_5 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_eval_proc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_unit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_short_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_is_for_summary IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_label_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_is_transposed IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS p_metric_guid MGMT_METRICS.metric_guid%TYPE; BEGIN -- Generate the new metric guid. p_metric_guid := dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5( input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(v_target_type || ';'|| v_metric_name)); -- Insert into MGMT_METRICS. INSERT INTO MGMT_METRICS (target_type, metric_name, metric_guid, metric_type, type_meta_ver, category_prop_1, category_prop_2, category_prop_3, category_prop_4, category_prop_5, metric_label, description, unit, short_name, is_for_summary, source_type,source, eval_func, metric_label_nlsid, is_transposed) VALUES (v_target_type, v_metric_name, p_metric_guid, v_metric_type, v_type_meta_ver, v_category_prop_1, v_category_prop_2, v_category_prop_3, v_category_prop_4, v_category_prop_5, v_label, v_description, v_unit, v_short_name, v_is_for_summary, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_OLD_PLSQL, v_eval_proc, v_eval_proc, v_label_nlsid, v_is_transposed); END ADD_METRIC_FOR_VERSION; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a column to a table metric PROCEDURE ADD_TABLE_METRIC_COLUMN(v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_type IN NUMBER, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_is_key IN NUMBER, v_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_unit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_short_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_is_for_summary IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_severity_eval_proc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_label_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS key_col MGMT_METRICS.key_column%TYPE; p_metric_guid RAW(16); BEGIN -- Add table metric column for default version. ADD_METRIC_COLUMN_FOR_VERSION( v_target_type, v_metric_name, v_metric_type, v_metric_column, v_is_key, '1.0', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', v_label, v_description, v_unit, v_short_name, v_is_for_summary, v_severity_eval_proc, v_label_nlsid); END ADD_TABLE_METRIC_COLUMN; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a column to a table metric (supporting metric version) PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC_COLUMN_FOR_VERSION (v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_type IN NUMBER, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_is_key IN NUMBER, v_type_meta_ver IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '1.0', v_category_prop_1 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_3 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_4 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_category_prop_5 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_unit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_short_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_is_for_summary IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_severity_eval_proc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_label_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS key_col MGMT_METRICS.key_column%TYPE; l_label_col VARCHAR(64); l_is_transposed MGMT_METRICS.is_transposed%TYPE; p_metric_guid MGMT_METRICS.metric_guid%TYPE; BEGIN -- Generate the new metric guid. p_metric_guid := dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5( input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(v_target_type || ';'|| v_metric_name ||';'|| v_metric_column)); -- Check that the table has been added. A NO_DATA_FOUND exception will -- be thrown if the select statement does not return a row. If a key -- column has already been added, then it can be selected from the row -- describing the table metric although it may just have the default value of ' ' SELECT key_column,metric_label,is_transposed INTO key_col,l_label_col,l_is_transposed FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND type_meta_ver = v_type_meta_ver AND category_prop_1 = v_category_prop_1 AND category_prop_2 = v_category_prop_2 AND category_prop_3 = v_category_prop_3 AND category_prop_4 = v_category_prop_4 AND category_prop_5 = v_category_prop_5 AND metric_type IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_TABLE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_TABLE); -- If a key column is being added, then make sure a key column does not -- already exist IF v_is_key = 1 THEN IF key_col <> ' ' THEN raise_application_error(-20000, 'Key column already defined!'); ELSE key_col := v_metric_column; -- Update any other columns with the name of the key column UPDATE mgmt_metrics SET key_column = v_metric_column WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND type_meta_ver = v_type_meta_ver AND category_prop_1 = v_category_prop_1 AND category_prop_2 = v_category_prop_2 AND category_prop_3 = v_category_prop_3 AND category_prop_4 = v_category_prop_4 AND category_prop_5 = v_category_prop_5; END IF; END IF; -- Add the key column INSERT INTO MGMT_METRICS (target_type, metric_name, metric_type, metric_column, metric_label, metric_guid, type_meta_ver, category_prop_1, category_prop_2, category_prop_3, category_prop_4, category_prop_5, key_column, column_label, description, unit, short_name, is_for_summary, source_type,source, column_label_nlsid, is_transposed) VALUES (v_target_type, v_metric_name, v_metric_type, v_metric_column, l_label_col, p_metric_guid, v_type_meta_ver, v_category_prop_1, v_category_prop_2, v_category_prop_3, v_category_prop_4, v_category_prop_5, key_col, v_label, v_description, v_unit, v_short_name, v_is_for_summary, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_SOURCE_OLD_PLSQL,v_severity_eval_proc, v_label_nlsid, l_is_transposed); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise_application_error(-20000, 'You must call ADD_METRIC first!'); END ADD_METRIC_COLUMN_FOR_VERSION; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete a metric PROCEDURE DELETE_METRIC(v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2) IS CURSOR metric_cursor IS SELECT metric_column, type_meta_ver FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE metric_name = v_metric_name AND target_type = v_target_type; l_metric_desc MGMT_METRIC_DESC; mguid RAW(16); BEGIN BEGIN -- Get the metric type to see if this is a collection SELECT distinct metric_guid INTO mguid FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND metric_type IN (MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_TABLE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_NUMBER, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_STRING, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_METRIC_TYPE_REPOS_EVENT); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; -- Delete the metric dependencies if any FOR metric in metric_cursor LOOP l_metric_desc := MGMT_METRIC_DESC.NEW(v_target_type, v_metric_name, metric.metric_column, metric.type_meta_ver); mgmt_target.delete_metric_severity_deps(l_metric_desc); END LOOP; DELETE FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name; END DELETE_METRIC; --------------------------------------- -- Procedures for adding metric data -- --------------------------------------- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a number value for a simple metric PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC_DATA (v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_value IN NUMBER, v_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) IS tguid RAW(16); mguid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT target_guid INTO tguid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; SELECT distinct metric_guid INTO mguid FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND metric_column = ' ' AND key_column = ' '; EMD_LOADER.ADD_METRIC_DATA(tguid, mguid, ' ', v_value, v_timestamp); END ADD_METRIC_DATA; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a string value for a simple metric PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC_DATA (v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_string_value IN VARCHAR2, v_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) IS tguid RAW(16); mguid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT target_guid INTO tguid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; SELECT distinct metric_guid INTO mguid FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND metric_column = ' ' AND key_column = ' '; EMD_LOADER.ADD_METRIC_DATA(tguid, mguid, ' ', v_string_value, v_timestamp); END ADD_METRIC_DATA; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a number value for a column in a table metric PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC_DATA (v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_value IN NUMBER, v_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) IS tguid RAW(16); mguid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT target_guid INTO tguid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; SELECT distinct metric_guid INTO mguid FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND metric_column = v_metric_column; EMD_LOADER.ADD_METRIC_DATA(tguid, mguid, v_key_value, v_value, v_timestamp); END ADD_METRIC_DATA; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a string value for a column in a table metric PROCEDURE ADD_METRIC_DATA (v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_string_value IN VARCHAR2, v_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE) IS tguid RAW(16); mguid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT target_guid INTO tguid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; SELECT distinct metric_guid INTO mguid FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND metric_column = v_metric_column; EMD_LOADER.ADD_METRIC_DATA(tguid, mguid, v_key_value, v_string_value, v_timestamp); END ADD_METRIC_DATA; ------------------------------------------------ -- Procedures for adding severity occurrences -- ------------------------------------------------ -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a warning severity occurrence for a simple metric PROCEDURE ADD_WARNING_SEVERITY(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_metric_name, ' ', ' ', 20, v_severity_type, v_annotation, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_WARNING_SEVERITY; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a warning severity occurrence for a table metric PROCEDURE ADD_WARNING_SEVERITY(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_metric_name, v_metric_column, v_key_value, 20, v_severity_type, v_annotation, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_WARNING_SEVERITY; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a critical severity occurrence for a simple metric PROCEDURE ADD_CRITICAL_SEVERITY(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_metric_name, ' ', ' ', 25, v_severity_type, v_annotation, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_CRITICAL_SEVERITY; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a critical severity occurrence for a table metric -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- NOTES PROCEDURE ADD_CRITICAL_SEVERITY(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2, v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_metric_name, v_metric_column, v_key_value, 25, v_severity_type, v_annotation, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_CRITICAL_SEVERITY; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a severity clear occurrence for a simple metric PROCEDURE ADD_SEVERITY_CLEAR(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_metric_name, ' ', ' ', 15, v_severity_type, v_annotation, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_SEVERITY_CLEAR; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a severity clear occurrence for a table metric PROCEDURE ADD_SEVERITY_CLEAR(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2, v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name, v_target_type, v_metric_name, v_metric_column, v_key_value, 15, v_severity_type, v_annotation, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_SEVERITY_CLEAR; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a severity occurrence PROCEDURE ADD_SEVERITY(v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2, v_severity_code IN NUMBER, v_severity_type IN NUMBER, v_annotation IN VARCHAR2, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_message_nlsid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_message_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS tguid RAW(16); mguid RAW(16); sguid RAW(16) := SYS_GUID(); anno_flag NUMBER := 0; l_current_time DATE; BEGIN SELECT target_guid , MGMT_GLOBAL.SYSDATE_TZRGN(timezone_region) INTO tguid, l_current_time FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; SELECT distinct metric_guid INTO mguid FROM MGMT_METRICS WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name AND metric_column = v_metric_column; IF v_annotation IS NOT NULL THEN anno_flag := 1; add_severity_annotation(sguid, v_annotation, mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), l_current_time) ; END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_violations (target_guid, key_value, policy_guid, violation_guid, collection_timestamp, violation_level, violation_type, annotated_flag, notification_status, message, message_nlsid, message_params) VALUES (tguid, v_key_value, mguid, sguid, l_current_time, v_severity_code, v_severity_type, anno_flag, 1, v_message, v_message_nlsid, v_message_params); END ADD_SEVERITY; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a severity annotation PROCEDURE add_severity_annotation_ttzr(v_severity_guid IN RAW, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_user_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_annotation_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS l_timezone_region mgmt_targets.timezone_region%TYPE; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT tgt.timezone_region INTO l_timezone_region FROM mgmt_violations sev, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE sev.violation_guid = v_severity_guid AND sev.target_guid = tgt.target_guid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN raise; END; INSERT INTO mgmt_severity_annotation (severity_guid, collection_timestamp, annotation_type, user_name, message) VALUES (v_severity_guid, MGMT_GLOBAL.SYSDATE_TZRGN(l_timezone_region), v_annotation_type, v_user_name, v_message); END; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a severity annotation PROCEDURE add_severity_annotation(v_severity_guid IN RAW, v_message IN VARCHAR2, v_user_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_timestamp IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, v_annotation_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO mgmt_severity_annotation (severity_guid, collection_timestamp, annotation_type, user_name, message) VALUES (v_severity_guid, v_timestamp, v_annotation_type, v_user_name, v_message); END; --------------------------------------- -- Procedures for deleting metric data -- --------------------------------------- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete all data related to a given metric. PROCEDURE DELETE_METRIC_DATA (v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2) IS tguid RAW(16); mguid RAW(16); BEGIN SELECT target_guid INTO tguid FROM MGMT_TARGETS WHERE target_name = v_target_name AND target_type = v_target_type; DELETE FROM mgmt_metrics_raw WHERE target_guid = tguid AND metric_guid IN ( SELECT metric_guid FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name ); DELETE FROM mgmt_metrics_1hour WHERE target_guid = tguid AND metric_guid IN ( SELECT metric_guid FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name ); DELETE FROM mgmt_metrics_1day WHERE target_guid = tguid AND metric_guid IN ( SELECT metric_guid FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = v_target_type AND metric_name = v_metric_name ); END DELETE_METRIC_DATA; END EMD_SCHEMA; / show errors