Rem drv: <create type="pkgdefs" pos="preferences/preferences_pkgdefs.sql+"/> Rem Rem $Header: ping_pkgdefs.sql 10-aug-2007.02:59:46 pmodi Exp $ Rem Rem ping_pkgdefs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ping_pkgdefs.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem <short description of component this file declares/defines> Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pmodi 08/10/07 - Backport - Bug-6267173/5955813 - NLS Msg for Rem OMS generated CLEAR for Agent Rem rpinnama 08/28/05 - Rem rkpandey 07/31/05 - Added more agent status msgs Rem rkpandey 07/21/05 - Added Agent unreachable with errors Rem scgrover 07/07/05 - add extended sql trace Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem pmodi 06/20/05 - Bug:4389284- Change for NLS Message Rem neearora 03/06/05 - Removed entry for G_DEBUG Rem rpinnama 02/17/05 - Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem gan 08/19/04 - add constants Rem rzazueta 10/30/03 - Add procedures for detailed logging Rem rpinnama 10/15/03 - Remove special checks for host Rem streddy 06/09/03 - Added insert_unrch_severities Rem aholser 04/09/03 - move set_inactive_time Rem rpinnama 01/13/03 - Add support for disabling ping system Rem rpinnama 11/08/02 - Add add_agent API Rem rpinnama 10/23/02 - Use constants Rem rpinnama 10/18/02 - Use Agent Ping Rem rpinnama 10/18/02 - Add constants for heartbeat recorder and status updater Rem rpinnama 09/11/02 - Add constants for cleant and first heartbeat Rem rpinnama 07/16/02 - Adding new error messages Rem rpinnama 06/25/02 - Add constants for error messages Rem rpinnama 06/04/02 - Use the new batch heartbeat definition. Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - rpinnama_reorg_rep_scripts Rem rpinnama 05/15/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE EM_PING AS --------------------------------------------------------- -- Package Variables --------------------------------------------------------- G_DETAILED_LOGGING BOOLEAN := NULL; MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'EM_PING'; HEARTBEAT_RECORD_ACTION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'HEARTBEAT_RECORDER'; HEARTBEAT_RECORD_LOGNAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'Agent Heartbeat Recorder'; -- The following names are used for logging heartbeat performance details HEARTBEAT_CNT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'HEARTBEATS'; CLEAN_HEARTBEAT_CNT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'CLEAN_HEARTBEATS'; DIRTY_HEARTBEAT_CNT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'DIRTY_HEARTBEATS'; HEARTBEAT_ERROR_CNT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'HEARTBEAT_ERRORS'; MARK_NODE_STATUS_ACTION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'AGENT_STATUS_MARKER'; MARK_NODE_STATUS_LOGNAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'Agent Ping'; -- The following names are used for logging agent status marker details MARKED_AGENT_CNT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'AGENTS_MARKED'; UPDATE_AGENT_ACTION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'AGENT_STATUS_CONFIRM'; UPDATE_AGENT_LOGNAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'Agent Ping Status Update'; -- The following names are used for logging agent confirmation details CONFIRMED_AGENT_CNT_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'AGENTS_CONFIRMED'; NODE_STATUS_UP constant NUMBER(1) := 1; NODE_STATUS_DOWN constant NUMBER(1) := 2; NODE_STATUS_POTENTIALLY_DOWN constant NUMBER(1) := 3; HEARTBEAT_TIME_FORMAT CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; CLEAN_HEARTBEAT CONSTANT VARCHAR2(8) := 'FALSE'; PINGCFM_JOBTYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'ConfirmEMDDown'; PINGCFM_JOB_DESCRIPTION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'This is a Confirm EMD Down test job'; PINGCFM_JOBNAME_PREFIX CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'PINGCFMJOB_'; PINGCFM_JOBPARAM_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(16) := 'emd_url_list'; AGENT_UNRCH_START_MSG CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'Agent is Unreachable'; AGENT_UNRCH_CLEAR_MSG CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'Agent Unreachability is cleared.'; CODE_AGENT_UNRCH_HOST_UP CONSTANT NUMBER := -1; CODE_AGENT_UNRCH_HOST_UNRCH CONSTANT NUMBER := -2; CODE_AGENT_UNRCH_MISCFGD CONSTANT NUMBER := -3; CODE_BROKEN_AGENT_OMS_COMM CONSTANT NUMBER := -4; CODE_AGENT_UNRCH_WITH_ERR CONSTANT NUMBER := -10; DISABLE_PING_SYSTEM_PROP CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'disable_ping_system'; DISABLE_PING_SYSTEM_PROP_CMT CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Property that defines whether the ping system should be disabled or not'; DETAILED_PING_LOGGING CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'detailed_ping_logging'; DETAILED_PING_LOGGING_CMT CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Property that defines whether the detailed ping logging should be enabled or not'; G_PING_START_GRACE_PROP CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'PING_START_GRACE_TIME'; G_DEFAULT_PING_START_GRACE CONSTANT INTEGER := 10; AGENT_UNRCH_HOST_UP CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Agent is Unreachable (REASON = {0}) but the host is UP.' ; AGENT_UNRCH_HOST_UNRCH CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Agent is Unreachable (REASON = {0}). Host is unreachable (REASON = {1}).' ; AGENT_UNRCH_WITH_ERRORS CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Agent has stopped monitoring. The following errors are reported : {0}.'; AGENT_UNRCH_MISCFGD CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Agent Unreachable (REASON = Agent configured to upload to different repository).'; BROKEN_AGENT_OMS_COMM CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Agent is unable to communicate with the OMS. (REASON = {0} ).'; AGENT_CLR_OMS_DETECTED CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Agent is UP - Detected by Management Service' ; NLSID_AGENT_UNRCH_CLEAR CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__PING_AGENT_UNREACH_CLEAR' ; NLSID_AGENT_UNRCH_HOST_UP CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__PING_AGENT_UNREACH_HOST_UP' ; NLSID_AGENT_UNRCH_HOST_UNRCH CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__PING_AGENT_UNREACH_HOST_UNREACH' ; NLSID_AGENT_UNRCH_MISCFGD CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__PING_AGENT_UNRCH_MISCFGD' ; NLSID_BROKEN_AGENT_OMS_COMM CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__PING_BROKEN_AGENT_OMS_COMM' ; NLSID_AGENT_UNRCH_WITH_ERRS CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__AGENT_UNREACH_WITH_ERRORS' ; NLSID_AGENT_CLR_OMS_DETECTED CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'EM__SYS__PING_AGENT_CLR_OMS_DETECTED' ; EST_PING_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32) := 'EST_PING'; -- To speed up the HB recording process Agent R/S guid has been stored as constant AGT_RS_METRIC_GUID CONSTANT RAW(16) := HEXTORAW('2DE9FFA8045EB0726854D4E0F1375B43'); PROCEDURE DBMSJOB_EXTENDED_SQL_TRACE_ON(p_value IN BOOLEAN); -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure(s) to enable/disable/verify detailed logging -- PROCEDURE enable_detailed_logging; PROCEDURE disable_detailed_logging; FUNCTION is_detailed_logging_enabled RETURN INTEGER; -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure(s) to enable/disable/verify ping subsystem -- PROCEDURE enable_ping_system; PROCEDURE disable_ping_system; FUNCTION is_ping_system_enabled RETURN INTEGER; -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add an agent to the ping subsystem -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- p_target_guid - target guid of the agent to be added -- p_timezone_region - timezone region of the agent -- -- NOTES -- This procedure is called from the MGMT_TARGETS insert -- trigger for agent target type. -- PROCEDURE add_target(p_target_guid IN RAW, p_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2); -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to bootstrap the ping sub system. -- This procedure sets up the last_checked_ts for all EMDs to current time. -- -- NOTES -- This routine should be called only once when the ping System is -- coming up. -- PROCEDURE start_ping_system; -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to bulk update the heartbeats of the EMDs. -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- v_agent_hearbeat_arr_in - array of all Agent Heartbeats. -- PROCEDURE record_batch_heartbeat( v_agent_hb_arr_in IN EM_AGENT_HEARTBEAT_ARRAY, v_error_cnt OUT NUMBER, v_error_info OUT EM_AGENT_HEARTBEAT_RESP_ARRAY); -- -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to mark the nodes as 'potentially' DOWN based on -- whether the EMD performed heartbeat in the last -- max_inactive_time seconds. -- -- NOTES -- This is the main routine that is called by the Agent Ping dbms job -- scheduled to run every 30 seconds. -- PROCEDURE mark_node_status; -- -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to update the ping status and the failure details -- -- IN PARAMETERS -- p_emd_url - Agent EMD URL -- p_ping_status - Ping status code. 0 indicates successful ping. -- p_error_msg_1 - Error message on unsuccessful ping. -- p_error_msg_2 - Error message on unsuccessful ping. PROCEDURE update_emd_status ( v_emd_url_in IN VARCHAR2, v_ping_status_in IN NUMBER, v_error_msg_1_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_error_msg_2_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ); -- -- PURPOSE -- THIS SHOULD NEVER BE CALLED. THIS IS MADE PUBLIC FOR -- TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. FUNCTION insert_unrch_severities(log_action_name_in IN VARCHAR2, emd_url_in IN VARCHAR2, collect_time_in IN DATE, severity_code_in IN NUMBER, severity_msg_in IN VARCHAR2, severity_msg_nlsid_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, severity_msg_params_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN NUMBER; --------------------------------------------------------- -- Package Types (internal) --------------------------------------------------------- TYPE t_guid_list IS TABLE OF MGMT_TARGETS.target_guid%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE t_target_type_list IS TABLE OF MGMT_TARGETS.target_type%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; --------------------------------------------------------- -- Package Error Codes --------------------------------------------------------- e_unknown_heartbeat CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; em_unknown_heartbeat CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error while recording heartbeat for : '; e_mark_node_status CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 2; em_mark_node_status CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error while updating timestamps for ping tables.'; e_pingjob_submission CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 3; em_pingjob_submission CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error submitting ping confirm job.'; e_lock_update_status CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 4; em_lock_update_status CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error locking ping record while updating the status for : '; e_update_status CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 5; em_update_status CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error while updating the status for : '; e_insert_severity CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 6; em_insert_severity CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error while inserting severity for : '; e_process_emd_queue CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 7; em_process_emd_queue CONSTANT VARCHAR2(128) := 'Error while processing emd queue entries.'; END EM_PING; / show errors;