Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/notification/notification_ui_pkgbody.sql /st_emcore_10. 2010/07/14 22:33:03 bnam Exp $ Rem Rem notification_ui_pkgbody.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem notification_ui_pkgbody.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bnam 04/27/10 - backport bug#6976948; add SSL support Rem xuli 03/13/09 - fix bug 8314208 Rem ssukavan 05/17/07 - ER 5883319 Repeat Notifications support Rem rpatti 09/06/06 - XbranchMerge rpatti_bug-5503142 from main Rem mgoswami 08/02/06 - Backport mgoswami_bug-5045550 from main Rem mgoswami 02/27/06 - Backport bug 5061055 Rem neearora 12/12/05 - replaced hardcoding for JAVA_DEVICE_TYPE Rem yaofeng 12/07/05 - java device details Rem yaofeng 12/05/05 - java callback notif method Rem yaofeng 09/07/05 - nvl on key_column Rem yaofeng 08/01/05 - hidden key column Rem yaofeng 07/13/05 - hidden column Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem yaofeng 06/29/05 - hidden key column Rem vmotamar 06/28/05 - Pref subtab enhancement Rem yaofeng 06/06/05 - improve performance Rem yaofeng 06/01/05 - tune sql Rem yaofeng 05/31/05 - tune sql Rem yaofeng 03/29/05 - search query Rem yaofeng 05/17/05 - non thresholded alerts Rem yaofeng 03/24/05 - show job patterns Rem yaofeng 03/21/05 - target name Rem yaofeng 03/18/05 - target name field Rem yaofeng 03/16/05 - increase number Rem yaofeng 03/14/05 - type related data Rem dcawley 03/16/05 - Do not pass null Rem yaofeng 03/10/05 - improve performance Rem yaofeng 03/09/05 - 3458526 Rem yaofeng 03/02/05 - default schedule Rem ancheng 02/18/05 - bug 2662095 Rem yaofeng 02/11/05 - multi task jobs Rem yaofeng 02/11/05 - all targets deleted case Rem yaofeng 01/28/05 - return num_keys Rem yaofeng 01/26/05 - different key values Rem yaofeng 01/14/05 - policy NLS Rem yaofeng 01/10/05 - timezone again Rem yaofeng 01/10/05 - timezone Rem yaofeng 12/28/04 - assign rules Rem yaofeng 12/09/04 - send email checkbox Rem yaofeng 11/11/04 - add usage_type = 0 Rem yaofeng 10/28/04 - apply to all Rem yaofeng 10/26/04 - group support Rem yaofeng 10/21/04 - rca support Rem dcawley 10/18/04 - Change api Rem yaofeng 09/28/04 - fix wrong email owner Rem yaofeng 09/24/04 - policy nls Rem yaofeng 09/08/04 - back compatible Rem yaofeng 09/02/04 - cleanup Rem yaofeng 08/13/04 - notification rule changes Rem dcawley 07/22/04 - Metric severities per metric Rem dcawley 07/07/04 - Increase user name size Rem dcawley 06/18/04 - Changes to add configuration Rem yaofeng 11/24/03 - fix bug 3272366 multiple metrics Rem yaofeng 11/11/03 - donnot use . * Rem yaofeng 11/10/03 - fix bug 3243356 multiple rows Rem yaofeng 10/13/03 - non-thresholdable alerts Rem yaofeng 09/12/03 - fix bug 3129589 duplicate metrics Rem yaofeng 09/05/03 - fix cursor leak Rem yaofeng 08/25/03 - confirmation page for delete Rem yaofeng 08/18/03 - fix bug 3093073 Rem yaofeng 07/24/03 - os command line arguments Rem dcawley 05/27/03 - Change test apis Rem yaofeng 04/28/03 - fix problem when config methods Rem yaofeng 04/15/03 - pass target type info out for rules Rem yaofeng 04/04/03 - get available metric indexes Rem yaofeng 03/13/03 - add update by and time Rem jpyang 04/03/03 - nls support Rem yaofeng 02/26/03 - use preference emails for rule Rem yaofeng 02/14/03 - get disabling period Rem yaofeng 02/07/03 - email customization Rem yaofeng 01/20/03 - populate schedules Rem yaofeng 01/17/03 - notification schedule Rem yaofeng 01/02/03 - pass key part values in Rem yaofeng 12/20/02 - support metric indexes(key values) Rem yaofeng 11/19/02 - support Metric Error Rem dcawley 12/11/02 - Fix NO_TARGET_GUID Rem tjaiswal 09/12/02 - User modify user of mgmt user package Rem dcawley 09/02/02 - Move update_user_pref to mgmt_user package Rem tjaiswal 08/15/02 - Do not use target guid of mgmt notify rule configs Rem dcawley 08/08/02 - Use new type definitions Rem skini 07/12/02 - Change in target_name column size Rem tjaiswal 06/10/02 - Fix update_user_pref_ email Rem tjaiswal 05/23/02 - Add target avail notif support Rem tjaiswal 05/21/02 - tjaiswal_multiple_notif_devices Rem tjaiswal 05/17/02 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY mgmt_preferences AS -- ============================================================================ -- a private function to convert a string to an array -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION string_to_array(string_in IN VARCHAR2, separator_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY IS l_pos NUMBER := 0; l_string VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL; l_array SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; BEGIN l_array := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); l_string := string_in; --Loop exits when there is no character left or l_string is null WHILE (l_string IS NOT NULL AND length(l_string) > 0) LOOP l_pos := INSTR(l_string, separator_in); IF (l_pos = 0) -- separator is not found THEN l_array.extend(); l_array(l_array.COUNT) := l_string; l_string := NULL; RETURN l_array; ELSE -- extract from l_string the string that are before the separator and assign what's left to l_string l_array.extend(); l_array(l_array.COUNT) := SUBSTR(l_string, 1, l_pos-1); l_string := SUBSTR(l_string, l_pos+length(separator_in)); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN l_array; END string_to_array; -- ============================================================================ -- a private procedure that verifies rule_metric_names_in has the same -- length as rule_metric_indexes_in -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE check_rule_input_param(rule_metric_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_indexes_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY) IS BEGIN IF (rule_metric_names_in IS NOT null) THEN IF (rule_metric_indexes_in IS null) THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.invalid_rule_data; END IF; IF (rule_metric_names_in.count <> rule_metric_indexes_in.count) THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.invalid_rule_data; END IF; END IF; END check_rule_input_param; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to determine if rule - rule_name_in of user -- user_name_in exists -- returns G_FALSE if the rule does not exist, G_TRUE if rule exists -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION rule_exists (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_rule_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN SELECT rule_name INTO l_rule_name FROM mgmt_notify_rules WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=rule_owner_in AND rownum=1; l_rule_name := NVL(l_rule_name, ''); IF( length(trim(l_rule_name)) <> 0 ) THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; END IF; RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END rule_exists; -- ============================================================================ -- A private utility function to find if a device exists -- Note that this function only takes in the device name only -- PURPOSE -- Function to check if a device exists -- Note, here a profile_name is not passed in -- PARAMETERS -- v_device_name - name of the device -- v_type - type of the device -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION notif_device_exists(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS CURSOR dCursor IS SELECT device_name FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE device_name=v_device_name; BEGIN FOR record IN dCursor LOOP IF( record.device_name IS NULL ) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF( length(record.device_name) > 0 ) THEN RETURN 1; END IF; EXIT; END LOOP; RETURN 0; END notif_device_exists; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util procedure to check if all targets were selected for a rule. -- all targets are selected for a rule if the only target associated with the -- rule is "%" -- Returns G_TRUE if all targets were selected, G_FALSE otherwise -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION all_targets_selected (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.target_name%TYPE := ''; BEGIN SELECT target_name INTO l_target_name FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=rule_owner_in AND rownum=1; l_target_name := NVL(l_target_name, ''); IF( l_target_name='%' ) THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; END IF; RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END all_targets_selected; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util procedure to check if all metrics were selected for a rule. -- all metrics are selected for a rule if the only metric name and metric column -- associated with the rule is "%" and "%" -- Returns G_TRUE if all metrics were selected, G_FALSE otherwise -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION all_metrics_selected (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_metric_name VARCHAR2(64) := ''; l_metric_column VARCHAR2(64) := ''; BEGIN SELECT metric_name, metric_column INTO l_metric_name, l_metric_column FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=rule_owner_in AND rownum=1; l_metric_name := NVL(l_metric_name, ''); l_metric_column := NVL(l_metric_column, ''); IF( l_metric_name='%' AND l_metric_column='%' ) THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; END IF; RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END all_metrics_selected; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to return the target_type of rule - rule_name_in -- of owner - rule_owner_in -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION get_rule_target_type (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_target_type VARCHAR2(64) := ''; BEGIN SELECT target_type INTO l_target_type FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=rule_owner_in AND rownum=1; l_target_type := NVL(l_target_type, ''); RETURN l_target_type; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN BEGIN SELECT target_type INTO l_target_type FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=rule_owner_in AND rownum=1; l_target_type := NVL(l_target_type, ''); RETURN l_target_type; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RETURN ''; END; END get_rule_target_type; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to check if the current user has super user -- privilege. -- throws insufficient_privileges exception -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE check_super_user_priv_error IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_priv_result NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- now figure out if current user is a privileged user l_priv_result := MGMT_USER.has_priv(l_user_name, 'SUPER_USER'); IF( l_priv_result = 0 ) THEN -- this is not a super user RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.insufficient_privileges; END IF; END check_super_user_priv_error; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to check if the rule - rule_name_in of rule_owner_in -- exists -- throws rule_does_not_exist exception -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE check_rule_exists_error( rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2 ) IS l_rule_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; BEGIN -- figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in exists l_rule_exists_val := rule_exists(rule_name_in, rule_owner_in); IF(l_rule_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN -- rule - rule_name_in for user - rule_owner_in does not exist, so throw -- an exception RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.rule_does_not_exist; END IF; END check_rule_exists_error; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to check if the device - device_name_in exists -- throws device_does_not_exist exception -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE check_device_exists_error( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2 ) IS l_device_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; BEGIN -- figure out if device - device_name exists l_device_exists_val := notif_device_exists(device_name_in); IF(l_device_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.device_does_not_exist; END IF; END check_device_exists_error; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to check if the device - device_name_in exists -- for edit mode or if the device is duplicate for create mode -- throws duplicate_device_name exception for create mode -- throws device_does_not_exist exception for edit mode -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE check_device_error( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, mode_in IN NUMBER ) IS l_device_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; BEGIN -- figure out if device - device_name_in exists l_device_exists_val := notif_device_exists(device_name_in); -- Note that in checking for duplicate device name for create mode, we -- only check if device - device_name exists -- we do not use the profile_name or type associated with the device. this -- is because the os command, plsql and snmp devices are system wide devices -- and are not associated with a specific user. also, the device names -- need to be unique across the types - os command, plsql, snmp and email. -- while the device is created, the current user's name is used -- for the profile_name column. any subsequent edit of the device will only -- edit the actual device contents name and not the profile_name column for the -- device IF( mode_in=CREATE_MODE ) THEN -- create mode -- check if device name is duplicate IF( l_device_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.duplicate_device_name; END IF; ELSE -- edit mode -- check if device exists IF(l_device_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.device_does_not_exist; END IF; END IF; END check_device_error; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the list of rules associated with device - -- device_name_in of type device_type_in -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rules_list_for_device( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_type_in IN NUMBER, device_rules_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the list of rules associated with this device OPEN device_rules_list_out FOR SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.device_name = device_name_in AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND devices.type = device_type_in; END get_rules_list_for_device; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to delete the device - device_name_in of type -- device_type_in. use this util procedure only to delete: os command, plsql -- or snmp devices. -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_device( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_type_in IN NUMBER ) IS BEGIN -- delete the device -- note that since the device names for os command, plsql, snmp devices are -- unique across these types, the profile name of the device is therefore -- not neccessary. the device name and the device type suffice for the device -- device deletion DELETE FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE device_name = device_name_in AND type = device_type_in; END delete_device; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the detail data for the program device - -- device_name_in -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_program_device_detail_data( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the program device detail data OPEN device_data_out FOR SELECT device_name, device_description, type, profile_name, program FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE device_name = device_name_in AND type = EMD_NOTIFICATION.PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE; END get_program_device_detail_data; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the detail data for the plsql device - -- device_name_in -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_plsql_device_detail_data( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the plsql device detail data OPEN device_data_out FOR SELECT device_name, device_description, type, profile_name, program FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE device_name = device_name_in AND type = EMD_NOTIFICATION.PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE; END get_plsql_device_detail_data; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the detail data for the snmp device - -- device_name_in -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_snmp_device_detail_data( device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the snmp device detail data OPEN device_data_out FOR SELECT device_name, device_description, type, profile_name, snmp_host, snmp_port, snmp_community FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE device_name = device_name_in AND type = EMD_NOTIFICATION.SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE; END get_snmp_device_detail_data; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the list of email gateways -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_mail_gateways( mail_gateway_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the mail gateway data ... OPEN mail_gateway_list_out FOR SELECT mail_host, NVL(smtp_user, '') "smtp_user", NVL(DECRYPT(smtp_pwd), '') "smtp_pwd", NVL(smtp_port,'') "smtp_port", NVL(email_address, '') "email_address", nvl(email_name, '') "email_name", nvl(smtp_ssl, 'NONE') "smtp_ssl", precedence FROM mgmt_notify_email_gateway ORDER BY precedence ASC; END get_mail_gateways; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to update the email gateway data -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_mail_gateways( mail_gateway_server_array IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, mail_username_in IN VARCHAR2, mail_password_in IN VARCHAR2, mail_address_in IN VARCHAR2, mail_name_in IN VARCHAR2, mail_ssl_in IN VARCHAR2) IS mail_smtpport NUMBER DEFAULT NULL; port_number NUMBER DEFAULT 0; mail_gateway_server VARCHAR2 (256); BEGIN -- set the mail gateway data ... -- first delete the existing gateways DELETE mgmt_notify_email_gateway; -- now add the mail gateway servers data FOR i in 1..mail_gateway_server_array.COUNT LOOP --pick up the portNumber if specified in gateway port_number := InStr(mail_gateway_server_array(i),':'); IF (port_number != 0 ) THEN mail_smtpport := SubStr(mail_gateway_server_array(i),port_number+1); mail_gateway_server := SubStr(mail_gateway_server_array(i),1,port_number-1); --portNumber not specified in text field ELSE mail_gateway_server := mail_gateway_server_array(i); mail_smtpport := NULL; END IF; INSERT INTO mgmt_notify_email_gateway(MAIL_HOST, SMTP_USER, SMTP_PWD, EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_NAME, SMTP_PORT, PRECEDENCE, SMTP_SSL) VALUES(mail_gateway_server, mail_username_in, ENCRYPT(mail_password_in), mail_address_in, mail_name_in, mail_smtpport, i, mail_ssl_in); END LOOP; END update_mail_gateways; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get a list of all devices(os command, plsql, snmp) -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_devices_list( notif_devices_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the notif devices data ... OPEN notif_devices_list_out FOR SELECT device_name, device_description, profile_name, type, DECODE( type, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE, 'OS COMMAND', EMD_NOTIFICATION.SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE, 'SNMP', EMD_NOTIFICATION.PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE, 'PLSQL', EMD_NOTIFICATION.JAVA_DEVICE_TYPE, 'JAVA' ) device_type FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE ORDER BY device_type ASC; END get_devices_list; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get a list of all devices(os command, plsql, snmp) -- that are associated with rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_devices_list_for_rule( rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_device_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the notif devices data for rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in OPEN rules_device_notif_list_out FOR SELECT notifyees.device_name, devices.device_description, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.rule_name = rule_name_in AND notifyees.owner = rule_owner_in AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE; END get_devices_list_for_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get a list of all email notifyees for -- rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in -- note no error handling is done here ... -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rule_email_notifyees( rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_email_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN -- get the list of all email notifyees OPEN rules_email_notif_list_out FOR SELECT notifyees.profile_name "email_notifyee", devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.rule_name = rule_name_in AND notifyees.owner = rule_owner_in AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ORDER BY notifyees.profile_name; END get_rule_email_notifyees; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util procedure to check for the errors in notif rule creation -- or updating -- create_mode_in: CREATE_MODE for create, EDIT_MODE for edit -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE check_notif_rule_errors (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, mode_in IN NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_rule_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; BEGIN -- for create mode, the following exceptions will be thrown: -- duplicate_rule_name -- for edit mode, the following exceptions will be thrown: -- rule_does_not_exist -- user_does_not_exist - note: this check will be made in -- update_notification_rule -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); IF( mode_in=CREATE_MODE ) THEN -- create mode -- check if rule is duplicate l_rule_exists_val := rule_exists(rule_name_in, l_user_name); IF( l_rule_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.duplicate_rule_name; END IF; ELSE -- edit mode -- check if rule - rule_name_in exists for owner - rule_owner_in -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists l_rule_exists_val := rule_exists(rule_name_in, rule_owner_in); IF(l_rule_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN -- rule - rule_name_in for user - rule_owner_in does not exist, so throw -- an exception RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.rule_does_not_exist; END IF; END IF; END check_notif_rule_errors; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util procedure to create or edit a notification rule with -- the passed in data -- mode_in: CREATE_MODE for create, EDIT_MODE for edit -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE create_edit_notif_rule (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_public_in IN NUMBER, rule_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_targets_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, target_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY DEFAULT NULL, want_tgt_up_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_down_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_started_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in IN NUMBER, ignore_rca_in IN NUMBER, rule_metric_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_columns_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_indexes_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, metric_want_clears_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_critical_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_warning_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, policy_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_policy_violation_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_clear_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, job_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_owner_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_job_scheduled_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_started_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_suspended_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_succeeded_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, mode_in IN NUMBER, rule_repeat_enabled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_device_exists NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_device_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_current_index NUMBER := 0; l_key_part_values SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); l_key_value_str VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; -- SMP_EMD_NVPAIR.value%TYPE; l_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.target_guid%TYPE; l_comp_target_guid MGMT_TARGETS.target_guid%TYPE; l_target_name MGMT_TARGETS.target_name%TYPE; l_pos NUMBER := 0; l_email_address SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); l_key_value_array SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY; CURSOR c_preferred_email_address (current_user VARCHAR2) IS SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = current_user AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; BEGIN -- Check the correctness of the input parameters -- it's assumed that rule_metric_names_in and rule_metric_indexes_in has the same length. Verify this condition holds. check_rule_input_param(rule_metric_names_in,rule_metric_indexes_in); -- initialize OUT parameters device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); IF( mode_in=CREATE_MODE ) THEN -- create the rule - rule_name_in for user - rule_owner_in EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_NOTIFICATION_RULE( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_desc_in, rule_public_in, rule_repeat_enabled_in ); END IF; -- set the rule properties EMD_NOTIFICATION.SET_RULE_PROPERTIES( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_desc_in, rule_public_in, rule_repeat_enabled_in ); IF( mode_in=EDIT_MODE ) THEN -- clear of the data in mgmt_notify_rule_configs for rule - rule_name_in -- of owner - rule_owner_in EMD_NOTIFICATION.DELETE_RULE_CONFIGURATIONS( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in ); END IF; l_key_part_values := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); l_key_part_values.extend(5); -- set the rule config data FOR i in 1..rule_targets_in.COUNT LOOP -- NOTE: for simple target: -- target_name is target_name; -- target_type is the simple target type; -- target_guid is NULL; -- for composite target: -- target_name is ' '; -- target_type is the simple target type (not the composite target type); -- target_guid is the composite target guid; -- get composite target guid l_target_name := rule_targets_in(i); l_comp_target_guid := NULL; IF (target_types_in IS NOT NULL AND target_types_in(i) <> rule_target_type_in) THEN l_target_name := ' '; l_comp_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid( rule_targets_in(i), target_types_in(i)); END IF; FOR j in 1..rule_metric_names_in.COUNT LOOP BEGIN -- rule_metric_names_in and rule_metric_indexes_in are same size l_key_value_array := string_to_array(rule_metric_indexes_in(j).value, ','); EXCEPTION WHEN SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT THEN -- it's assumed that rule_metric_names_in and rule_metric_indexes_in has the same length. Verify this condition holds. RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.invalid_rule_data; END; FOR m in 1..l_key_value_array.COUNT LOOP l_key_value_str := l_key_value_array(m); l_pos := INSTR(l_key_value_str, ';'); IF (l_pos = 0) THEN -- NOT composite key values; simply add the key value EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_CONFIGURATION_TO_RULE ( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_target_type_in, l_target_name, l_comp_target_guid, rule_metric_names_in(j), rule_metric_columns_in(j), l_key_value_str, 0, NULL, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', NVL(metric_want_clears_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(metric_want_warning_alerts_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(metric_want_critical_alerts_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, NVL(want_warning_succeed_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_warning_problem_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_critical_succeed_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_critical_problem_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, NVL(ignore_rca_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) ); ELSE -- composite key values; -- add the composite key guid and pass in all key part values -- get the target_guid first IF (rule_targets_in(i) = '%') THEN -- "All Targets" case, simply pick up a target_guid SELECT target_guid INTO l_target_guid FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type = rule_target_type_in AND rownum = 1; ELSE -- a specific target, get its target_guid l_target_guid := mgmt_target.get_target_guid(rule_targets_in(i), rule_target_type_in); END IF; FOR m in 1..l_key_part_values.COUNT LOOP IF (l_key_value_str is not null) THEN l_pos := INSTR(l_key_value_str, ';'); IF (l_pos = 0) THEN l_key_part_values(m) := l_key_value_str; l_key_value_str := null; ELSE l_key_part_values(m) := SUBSTR(l_key_value_str, 1, l_pos-1); l_key_value_str := SUBSTR(l_key_value_str, l_pos+1); END IF; ELSE l_key_part_values(m) := null; END IF; END LOOP; EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_CONFIGURATION_TO_RULE ( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_target_type_in, l_target_name, l_comp_target_guid, rule_metric_names_in(j), rule_metric_columns_in(j), mgmt_global.get_composite_key_guid(l_key_part_values), 1, l_target_guid, l_key_part_values(1), l_key_part_values(2), l_key_part_values(3), l_key_part_values(4), l_key_part_values(5), NVL(metric_want_clears_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(metric_want_warning_alerts_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(metric_want_critical_alerts_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, NVL(want_warning_succeed_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_warning_problem_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_critical_succeed_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_critical_problem_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, NVL(ignore_rca_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) ); END IF; END LOOP; END LOOP; -- add policies FOR j in 1..policy_names_in.COUNT LOOP EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_CONFIGURATION_TO_RULE ( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_target_type_in, l_target_name, l_comp_target_guid, policy_names_in(j), '%', '%', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, NVL(want_policy_clear_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_policy_violation_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, NVL(want_policy_job_succeed_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_policy_job_problem_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(ignore_rca_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) ); END LOOP; -- add jobs FOR j in 1..job_names_in.COUNT LOOP EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_CONFIGURATION_TO_JOB_RULE ( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_target_type_in, l_target_name, l_comp_target_guid, job_names_in(j), job_owner_in(j), job_types_in(j), NVL(want_job_scheduled_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_job_started_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_job_succeeded_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_job_suspended_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE), NVL(want_job_problem_in(j), MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) ); END LOOP; END LOOP; -- get the preffered email addresses OPEN c_preferred_email_address (l_user_name); FETCH c_preferred_email_address BULK COLLECT INTO l_email_address; CLOSE c_preferred_email_address; -- update the send email data for rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in IF( send_email_in=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- add these email devices to the rule FOR i IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP BEGIN -- add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in emd_notification.add_device_to_rule( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, l_email_address(i), l_user_name ); EXCEPTION -- ignore duplicate rows (could happen when editing a rule) WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; ELSE -- delete these email devices from the rule FOR i IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP -- delete the device from the rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in emd_notification.delete_device_from_rule( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, l_email_address(i), l_user_name ); END LOOP; END IF; -- IMPORTANT: -- before devices(os command, snmp, plsql) can be added to rule -- rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in, first delete all such devices -- from mgmt_notify_notifyees which are associated with this rule IF( mode_in=EDIT_MODE ) THEN -- delete all the devices(os command, snmp, plsql) which are currently -- associated with this rule -- TODO: this will have to change to use APIs from EmdNotification.sql once -- they are available DELETE FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees WHERE rule_name = rule_name_in AND owner = rule_owner_in AND device_name IN ( SELECT notifyees.device_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.rule_name = rule_name_in AND notifyees.owner = rule_owner_in AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE ); END IF; -- now add the devices from device_names_in to the rule - rule_name_in of -- user - rule_owner_in -- TODO: this will have to change to use APIs from EmdNotification.sql once -- they are available FOR i in 1..device_names_in.COUNT LOOP -- first figure out if the device exists l_device_exists := notif_device_exists( device_names_in(i) ); IF( l_device_exists=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN -- if the device does not exist, add the device name to -- device_not_avail_list_out device_not_avail_list_out.extend(1); l_current_index := l_current_index + 1; device_not_avail_list_out(l_current_index) := device_names_in(i); ELSE -- if the device exists, add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user -- rule_owner_in -- first get the device owner for device - device_names_in(i) l_device_owner := EMD_NOTIFICATION.GET_DEVICE_OWNER( device_names_in(i), device_types_in(i) ); EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_DEVICE_TO_RULE( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, device_names_in(i), l_device_owner ); END IF; END LOOP; END create_edit_notif_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- a private utility function to return the rule config devices data -- Note that rule_email_out and user_pref_email_out cursors will be -- determined in all case. However, rule_devices_out and all_devices_out -- cursors will be determined only in the following conditions: -- (current user = rule_owner_in) OR -- (current user != rule_owner_in AND current user is privileged) -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rule_config_dev_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rule_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, all_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_priv_result NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- get the current user name l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- figure out if current user is a privileged user l_priv_result := MGMT_USER.has_priv(l_user_name, 'SUPER_USER'); -- get the data for cursor - rule_email_out -- always get the list of emails of user l_user_name that are associated with -- rule rule_name_in of user rule_owner_in OPEN rule_email_out FOR SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.rule_name = rule_name_in AND notifyees.owner = rule_owner_in AND notifyees.profile_name = l_user_name AND devices.type IN ( EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE ) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address AND devices.profile_name = notifyees.profile_name AND devices.device_name = notifyees.device_name; -- get the data for cursor - user_pref_email_out -- get the list of user pref email for the current user - l_user_name get_user_pref_email( user_pref_email_out ); -- get the data for cursor - rule_devices_out and all_devices_out -- get this data only if: -- (l_user_name = rule_owner_in) OR -- (l_user_name != rule_owner_in AND l_user_name is privileged) IF( (l_user_name = rule_owner_in) OR (l_user_name != rule_owner_in AND l_priv_result = 1 ) ) THEN -- get the data for cursor - rule_devices_out get_devices_list_for_rule( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, rule_devices_out ); -- get the data for cursor - all_devices_out get_devices_list( all_devices_out ); ELSE -- create dummy cursors for rule_devices_out and all_devices_out OPEN rule_devices_out FOR SELECT dummy "device_name", dummy "device_description", dummy "type" FROM dual WHERE rownum < 1; OPEN all_devices_out FOR SELECT dummy "device_name", dummy "device_description", dummy "profile_name", dummy "type", dummy "device_type" FROM dual WHERE rownum < 1; END IF; END get_rule_config_dev_data; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util procedure to update the rule devices data for rule - -- rule_name_in of owner - rule_owner_in -- -- Note that device_names_in and device_types_in cursors will be -- used only in the following conditions: -- (current user = rule_owner_in) OR -- (current user != rule_owner_in AND current user is privileged) -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_rule_dev_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_device_exists NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_device_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_current_index NUMBER := 0; l_priv_result NUMBER := 0; l_email_address SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); CURSOR c_preferred_email_address IS SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = user_name_in AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- figure out if current user is a privileged user l_priv_result := MGMT_USER.has_priv(l_user_name, 'SUPER_USER'); -- get the preffered email addresses OPEN c_preferred_email_address; FETCH c_preferred_email_address BULK COLLECT INTO l_email_address; CLOSE c_preferred_email_address; -- update the send email data for rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in IF( send_email_in=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- add these email devices to the rule FOR i IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP BEGIN -- add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in emd_notification.add_device_to_rule( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, l_email_address(i), user_name_in ); EXCEPTION -- ignore duplicate rows (could happen when editing a rule) WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; ELSE -- delete these email devices from the rule FOR i IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP -- add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in emd_notification.delete_device_from_rule( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, l_email_address(i), user_name_in ); END LOOP; END IF; -- IMPORTANT: -- before devices(os command, snmp, plsql) can be added to rule -- rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in, first delete all such devices -- from mgmt_notify_notifyees which are associated with this rule -- also do this only if: -- (l_user_name = rule_owner_in) OR -- (l_user_name != rule_owner_in AND l_user_name is privileged) IF( (l_user_name = rule_owner_in) OR (l_user_name != rule_owner_in AND l_priv_result = 1 ) ) THEN -- first, delete all the devices(os command, snmp, plsql) which are currently -- associated with this rule -- TODO: this will have to change to use APIs from EmdNotification.sql once -- they are available DELETE FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees WHERE rule_name = rule_name_in AND owner = rule_owner_in AND device_name IN ( SELECT notifyees.device_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.rule_name = rule_name_in AND notifyees.owner = rule_owner_in AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE ); -- now add the devices from device_names_in to the rule - rule_name_in of -- user - rule_owner_in -- TODO: this will have to change to use APIs from EmdNotification.sql once -- they are available FOR i in 1..device_names_in.COUNT LOOP -- first figure out if the device exists l_device_exists := notif_device_exists( device_names_in(i) ); IF( l_device_exists=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN -- if the device does not exist, add the device name to -- device_not_avail_list_out device_not_avail_list_out.extend(1); l_current_index := l_current_index + 1; device_not_avail_list_out(l_current_index) := device_names_in(i); ELSE -- if the device exists, add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user -- rule_owner_in -- first get the device owner for device - device_names_in(i) l_device_owner := EMD_NOTIFICATION.GET_DEVICE_OWNER( device_names_in(i), device_types_in(i) ); EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_DEVICE_TO_RULE( rule_name_in, rule_owner_in, device_names_in(i), l_device_owner ); END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END update_rule_dev_data; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the assign devices to rules data for a given -- user. this will return the data for the rules for only this user -- note this procedure does not do any error handling -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_assign_data_for_user (user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, mode_in IN NUMBER, devices_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- get the assign dev to rules data for rules of user l_user_name IF( mode_in = RULE_VIEW_MODE ) THEN OPEN devices_data_out FOR SELECT all_devices.rule_name, all_devices.owner, all_devices.device_name, all_devices.type, notifyees.device_name "notif_device_name", decode( notifyees.device_name, NULL, 0, 1 ) is_dev_assigned FROM (SELECT rules.rule_name, rules.owner, devices.device_name, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE rules.owner = user_name_in AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) all_devices, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.device_name, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.owner = user_name_in AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name ) notifyees WHERE all_devices.rule_name = notifyees.rule_name(+) AND all_devices.owner = notifyees.owner(+) AND all_devices.device_name = notifyees.device_name(+) ORDER BY all_devices.owner, all_devices.rule_name, all_devices.type, all_devices.device_name; ELSE OPEN devices_data_out FOR SELECT all_devices.rule_name, all_devices.owner, all_devices.device_name, all_devices.type, notifyees.device_name "notif_device_name", decode( notifyees.device_name, NULL, 0, 1 ) is_dev_assigned FROM (SELECT rules.rule_name, rules.owner, devices.device_name, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE rules.owner = user_name_in AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) all_devices, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.device_name, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.owner = user_name_in AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name ) notifyees WHERE all_devices.rule_name = notifyees.rule_name(+) AND all_devices.owner = notifyees.owner(+) AND all_devices.device_name = notifyees.device_name(+) ORDER BY all_devices.type, all_devices.device_name, all_devices.owner, all_devices.rule_name; END IF; END get_assign_data_for_user; -- ============================================================================ -- a private util function to get the assign devices to all rules of all -- users. -- note this procedure does not do any error handling -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_assign_data_for_all_rules (mode_in IN NUMBER, devices_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- get the assign dev to rules data for rules of user l_user_name IF( mode_in = RULE_VIEW_MODE ) THEN OPEN devices_data_out FOR SELECT all_devices.rule_name, all_devices.owner, all_devices.device_name, all_devices.type, notifyees.device_name "notif_device_name", decode( notifyees.device_name, NULL, 0, 1 ) is_dev_assigned FROM (SELECT rules.rule_name, rules.owner, devices.device_name, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) all_devices, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.device_name, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name ) notifyees WHERE all_devices.rule_name = notifyees.rule_name(+) AND all_devices.owner = notifyees.owner(+) AND all_devices.device_name = notifyees.device_name(+) ORDER BY all_devices.owner, all_devices.rule_name, all_devices.type, all_devices.device_name; ELSE OPEN devices_data_out FOR SELECT all_devices.rule_name, all_devices.owner, all_devices.device_name, all_devices.type, notifyees.device_name "notif_device_name", decode( notifyees.device_name, NULL, 0, 1 ) is_dev_assigned FROM (SELECT rules.rule_name, rules.owner, devices.device_name, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) all_devices, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.device_name, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND devices.type != EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name ) notifyees WHERE all_devices.rule_name = notifyees.rule_name(+) AND all_devices.owner = notifyees.owner(+) AND all_devices.device_name = notifyees.device_name(+) ORDER BY all_devices.type, all_devices.device_name, all_devices.owner, all_devices.rule_name; END IF; END get_assign_data_for_all_rules; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_user_pref_email -- -- Purpose: -- Get the configured email addresses(if any) of the currently logged in user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_user_pref_email (user_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- default to the current user get_user_email(mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(), user_email_out); END get_user_pref_email; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_user_email -- -- Purpose: -- Get the email addresses(if any) of the given user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_user_email (user_name_in VARCHAR2, user_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- need super user's priv to get other admin's email addresses IF (user_name_in != mgmt_user.get_current_em_user()) THEN check_super_user_priv_error(); END IF; -- get the email addresses data ... OPEN user_email_out FOR SELECT devices.email_address, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = user_name_in AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; END get_user_email; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_all_key_values -- -- Purpose: Get key values for a metric in both current and history metric tables -- -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_all_key_values (target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, metric_name_in IN VARCHAR2, metric_column_in IN VARCHAR2, search_names_in SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, search_target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, key_value_current_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_value_1day_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_metric_columns_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_num_keys NUMBER := 1; BEGIN SELECT NUM_KEYS INTO l_num_keys FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = target_type_in AND metric_name = metric_name_in AND metric_column = metric_column_in AND rownum = 1; IF l_num_keys = 1 THEN -- simple metric IF target_names_in.COUNT = 1 AND target_names_in(1) = '%' THEN -- all targets case OPEN key_value_current_out FOR SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column, NULL as key_part1_value, NULL as key_part2_value, NULL as key_part3_value, NULL as key_part4_value, NULL as key_part5_value FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_current_metrics c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid AND upper(c.key_value) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(t.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; OPEN key_value_1day_out FOR SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column, NULL as key_part1_value, NULL as key_part2_value, NULL as key_part3_value, NULL as key_part4_value, NULL as key_part5_value FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_1day c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.rollup_timestamp > SYSDATE-7 AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid AND upper(c.key_value) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(t.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; ELSE -- a list of targets case OPEN key_value_current_out FOR SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column, NULL as key_part1_value, NULL as key_part2_value, NULL as key_part3_value, NULL as key_part4_value, NULL as key_part5_value FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_current_metrics c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid AND upper(c.key_value) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(t.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; OPEN key_value_1day_out FOR SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ DISTINCT c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column, NULL as key_part1_value, NULL as key_part2_value, NULL as key_part3_value, NULL as key_part4_value, NULL as key_part5_value FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_1day c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.rollup_timestamp > SYSDATE-7 AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid AND upper(c.key_value) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(t.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; END IF; -- get all key columns for this target type -- simple key case: no hidden key column OPEN key_metric_columns_out FOR SELECT distinct metric_column, column_label, column_label_NLSID, metric_name, metric_label, metric_label_NLSID, key_column, is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = target_type_in AND metric_name = metric_name_in AND usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND key_order != 0; ELSE -- metric with composite key IF target_names_in.COUNT = 1 AND target_names_in(1) = '%' THEN -- all target type case OPEN key_value_current_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT cm.key_value, cm.target_name, cm.key_column, ck.key_part1_value, ck.key_part2_value, ck.key_part3_value, ck.key_part4_value, ck.key_part5_value FROM (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ c.target_guid, c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_current_metrics c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid) cm, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck WHERE cm.target_guid = ck.target_guid (+) AND cm.key_value = ck.composite_key (+) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part1_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part2_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(2) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part3_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(3) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part4_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(4) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part5_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(5) AND upper(cm.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; OPEN key_value_1day_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT cm.key_value, cm.target_name, cm.key_column, ck.key_part1_value, ck.key_part2_value, ck.key_part3_value, ck.key_part4_value, ck.key_part5_value FROM (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ c.target_guid, c.key_value, target_name, m.key_column FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_1day c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.rollup_timestamp > SYSDATE-7 AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid) cm, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck WHERE cm.target_guid = ck.target_guid (+) AND cm.key_value = ck.composite_key (+) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part1_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part2_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(2) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part3_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(3) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part4_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(4) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part5_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(5) AND upper(cm.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; -- get all key columns for this target type OPEN key_metric_columns_out FOR SELECT distinct metric_column, column_label, column_label_NLSID, metric_name, metric_label, metric_label_NLSID, key_column, is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = target_type_in AND metric_name = metric_name_in AND usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND key_order != 0; ELSE -- a list of targets case OPEN key_value_current_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT cm.key_value, cm.target_name, cm.key_column, ck.key_part1_value, ck.key_part2_value, ck.key_part3_value, ck.key_part4_value, ck.key_part5_value FROM (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ c.target_guid, c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_current_metrics c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid) cm, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck WHERE cm.target_guid = ck.target_guid (+) AND cm.key_value = ck.composite_key (+) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part1_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part2_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(2) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part3_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(3) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part4_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(4) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part5_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(5) AND upper(cm.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; OPEN key_value_1day_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT cm.key_value, cm.target_name, cm.key_column, ck.key_part1_value, ck.key_part2_value, ck.key_part3_value, ck.key_part4_value, ck.key_part5_value FROM (SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ c.target_guid, c.key_value, t.target_name, m.key_column FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_metrics_1day c WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND m.metric_name = metric_name_in AND m.metric_column = metric_column_in AND c.rollup_timestamp > SYSDATE-7 AND c.target_guid = t.target_guid AND c.metric_guid = m.metric_guid) cm, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck WHERE cm.target_guid = ck.target_guid (+) AND cm.key_value = ck.composite_key (+) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part1_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(1) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part2_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(2) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part3_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(3) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part4_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(4) AND upper(NVL(ck.key_part5_value, ' ')) LIKE search_names_in(5) AND upper(cm.target_name) LIKE search_target_name_in AND rownum <= 2001; -- get all key columns for this target type OPEN key_metric_columns_out FOR SELECT distinct m.metric_column, m.column_label, m.column_label_NLSID, m.metric_name, m.metric_label, m.metric_label_NLSID, m.key_column, m.is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND metric_name = metric_name_in AND usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND key_order != 0; END IF; END IF; END get_all_key_values; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_user_pref_data -- -- Purpose: -- Update the current user preferences data. This includes the user password -- and the user email -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_user_pref_data (user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_password_in IN VARCHAR2, should_update_pwd_in IN NUMBER, user_email_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, user_email_format_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, mail_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER, rules_subscribed_out OUT NUMBER, schedule_setup_out OUT NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256); l_old_email_count NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters mail_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; rules_subscribed_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; schedule_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; -- get the current user name l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- update the user password IF( should_update_pwd_in=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN mgmt_user.modify_user( user_name_in, user_password_in ); END IF; SELECT count(email_address) INTO l_old_email_count FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE profile_name = user_name_in AND type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND device_name = email_address; mgmt_user.update_user_pref_email( user_name_in, user_email_in, user_email_format_in ); -- find out if the mail gateway is setup mail_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); -- find out if the schedule is defined schedule_setup_out := emd_notification.user_schedule_set(user_name_in); -- delete the schedule without any email address IF (schedule_setup_out=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN emd_notification.clear_schedule(user_name_in); END IF; IF (l_old_email_count = 0 AND user_email_in.COUNT > 0) THEN -- create a default notification schedule EMD_NOTIFICATION.SET_SCHEDULE(user_name_in, ' ', sysdate, 1); -- 24x7 schedule for each email address FOR i IN user_email_in.FIRST..user_email_in.LAST LOOP -- 24x7 schedule for each email address EMD_NOTIFICATION.SET_DEVICE_SCHEDULE(user_name_in, ' ', user_email_in(i), user_name_in, MGMT_PREFERENCES.DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_VALUE); END LOOP; END IF; schedule_setup_out := emd_notification.user_schedule_set(user_name_in); END update_user_pref_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: try_update_user_pref -- -- Purpose: -- try to update the current user preferences data. This includes the user -- password and the user email. If all email addresses used in the notification -- schedule are going to be deleted, do nothing and return a list of all email -- addresses used in the schedule. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE try_update_user_pref (user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_password_in IN VARCHAR2, should_update_pwd_in IN NUMBER, user_email_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, user_email_format_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, mail_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER, rules_subscribed_out OUT NUMBER, schedule_setup_out OUT NUMBER, operation_done_out OUT NUMBER, email_used_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_defined NUMBER; l_ok_to_delete NUMBER; BEGIN l_defined := emd_notification.user_schedule_set(user_name_in); IF (l_defined = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN -- schedule was not defined; update is allowed update_user_pref_data(user_name_in, user_password_in, should_update_pwd_in, user_email_in, user_email_format_in, mail_gateway_setup_out, rules_subscribed_out, l_defined); operation_done_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; -- return a dummy cursor OPEN email_used_out FOR SELECT dev_schedules.device_name FROM mgmt_notify_dev_schedules dev_schedules WHERE rownum < 1; ELSE -- schedule was defined; l_ok_to_delete := 0; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO l_ok_to_delete FROM mgmt_notify_dev_schedules dev_schedules WHERE dev_schedules.schedule_owner = user_name_in AND dev_schedules.schedule_name = ' ' AND dev_schedules.device_owner = user_name_in AND upper(dev_schedules.device_name) IN (SELECT upper(column_value) FROM TABLE(CAST(user_email_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND rownum = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF (l_ok_to_delete = 1) THEN -- do it; update_user_pref_data(user_name_in, user_password_in, should_update_pwd_in, user_email_in, user_email_format_in, mail_gateway_setup_out, rules_subscribed_out, l_defined); operation_done_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; -- return a dummy cursor OPEN email_used_out FOR SELECT dev_schedules.device_name FROM mgmt_notify_dev_schedules dev_schedules WHERE rownum < 1; ELSE -- don't update email addresses; operation_done_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; -- check if need to update the password IF( should_update_pwd_in=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- update the user password mgmt_user.modify_user(user_name_in, user_password_in); END IF; -- return email addresses used in notification schedule OPEN email_used_out FOR SELECT dev_schedules.device_name FROM mgmt_notify_dev_schedules dev_schedules WHERE dev_schedules.schedule_owner = user_name_in AND dev_schedules.schedule_name = ' ' AND dev_schedules.device_owner = user_name_in; END IF; END IF; END try_update_user_pref; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: add_email_addresses -- -- Purpose: -- Add a list of email addresses to the user's preferences data. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE add_email_addresses (user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_email_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, user_email_format_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY) IS l_count NUMBER := 0; l_user_emails SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); l_user_email_formats SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); CURSOR c_existing_email_addresses IS SELECT email_address, type FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE profile_name = user_name_in AND type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND device_name = email_address; BEGIN OPEN c_existing_email_addresses; FETCH c_existing_email_addresses BULK COLLECT INTO l_user_emails, l_user_email_formats; CLOSE c_existing_email_addresses; l_count := l_user_emails.COUNT; FOR i IN 1..user_email_in.COUNT LOOP l_count := l_count + 1; l_user_emails.extend(1); l_user_emails(l_count) := user_email_in(i); l_user_email_formats.extend(1); l_user_email_formats(l_count) := user_email_format_in(i); END LOOP; mgmt_user.update_user_pref_email( user_name_in, l_user_emails, l_user_email_formats); END add_email_addresses; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_metrics_for_rule -- -- Purpose: -- Get a list of metric columns of a target type for a rule -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_metrics_for_rule (target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, threshold_metric_colums_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_metric_columns_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- get all metric columns which could have thresholds IF (target_names_in IS NULL OR target_names_in.COUNT = 0) THEN OPEN threshold_metric_colums_out FOR SELECT distinct metrics.metric_column, metrics.column_label, metrics.column_label_NLSID, metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_label, metrics.metric_label_NLSID, NVL(metrics.key_column, ' ') "key_column", metrics.is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics metrics WHERE metrics.target_type = target_type_in AND metrics.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND metrics.metric_label != ' ' AND metrics.column_label != ' ' AND (EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(p) */ policy_guid FROM mgmt_policy_assoc p WHERE p.policy_type = 1 AND metrics.metric_guid = p.policy_guid) OR metrics.non_thresholded_alerts = 1) ORDER BY metrics.column_label; -- get all key columns for this target type OPEN key_metric_columns_out FOR SELECT distinct metric_column, column_label, column_label_NLSID, metric_name, metric_label, metric_label_NLSID, key_column, is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = target_type_in AND usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND key_order != 0; ELSE OPEN threshold_metric_colums_out FOR SELECT distinct m.metric_column, m.column_label, m.column_label_NLSID, m.metric_name, m.metric_label, m.metric_label_NLSID, NVL(m.key_column, ' ') "key_column", m.is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_targets t WHERE m.target_type = target_type_in AND m.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND m.metric_label != ' ' AND m.column_label != ' ' AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND (EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(p) */ policy_guid FROM mgmt_policy_assoc p WHERE p.policy_type = 1 AND m.metric_guid = p.policy_guid) OR m.non_thresholded_alerts = 1) ORDER BY m.column_label; -- get all key columns for this target type OPEN key_metric_columns_out FOR SELECT distinct m.metric_column, m.column_label, m.column_label_NLSID, m.metric_name, m.metric_label, m.metric_label_NLSID, m.key_column, m.is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics m, mgmt_targets t WHERE t.target_type = target_type_in AND t.target_name IN ( SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(target_names_in AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))) AND m.target_type = t.target_type AND m.type_meta_ver = t.type_meta_ver AND (m.category_prop_1 = t.category_prop_1 OR m.category_prop_1 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_2 = t.category_prop_2 OR m.category_prop_2 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_3 = t.category_prop_3 OR m.category_prop_3 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_4 = t.category_prop_4 OR m.category_prop_4 = ' ') AND (m.category_prop_5 = t.category_prop_5 OR m.category_prop_5 = ' ') AND usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND key_order != 0; END IF; END get_metrics_for_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_notification_rules -- -- Purpose: -- Get the list of notification rules(with the overview data) for a user. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notification_rules (user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_overview_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_target_type_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_current_user VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_priv_result NUMBER := 0; l_query_str VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_email_address_count NUMBER := 0; l_email_address SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); CURSOR c_preferred_email_address (current_user VARCHAR2) IS SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = current_user AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); l_current_user := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- first, figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(user_name_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists(user_name_in); l_user_exists_val := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; END IF; -- get the preffered email addresses OPEN c_preferred_email_address (l_current_user); FETCH c_preferred_email_address BULK COLLECT INTO l_email_address; CLOSE c_preferred_email_address; l_email_address_count := l_email_address.count; IF( l_user_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- user name was passed in so get the notification rules for user - -- user_name_in l_user_name := user_name_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so get the notification rules for current -- user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); END IF; -- error conditions have been taken care of, so get the rules overview data IF( l_user_exists_val=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- user name was passed in so get the notification rules for -- user - user_name_in IF( rules_type_in = RULES_TYPE_ALL ) THEN -- get all rules for user - user_name_in OPEN rules_overview_list_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_email_address_count "email_address_count", decode(emails.profile_name, NULL, 'N', 'Y') "send_email" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.profile_name = l_current_user AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ) emails WHERE rules.owner=l_user_name AND rules.rule_name=emails.rule_name(+) AND rules.owner=emails.owner(+) ORDER BY rules.rule_name; OPEN rules_target_type_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.rule_name "rule_name", configs.owner "rule_owner", configs.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs configs WHERE configs.owner=l_user_name UNION SELECT distinct jr.rule_name "rule_name", jr.owner "rule_owner", jr.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs jr WHERE owner=l_user_name; ELSE -- get public rules for user - user_name_in OPEN rules_overview_list_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_email_address_count "email_address_count", decode(emails.profile_name, NULL, 'N', 'Y') "send_email" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.profile_name = l_current_user AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ) emails WHERE rules.owner!=l_user_name AND rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.rule_name=emails.rule_name(+) AND rules.owner=emails.owner(+) ORDER BY rules.rule_name; OPEN rules_target_type_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.rule_name "rule_name", configs.owner "rule_owner", configs.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_rule_configs configs WHERE rules.owner!=l_user_name AND rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.owner=configs.owner AND rules.rule_name=configs.rule_name UNION SELECT distinct jr.rule_name "rule_name", jr.owner "rule_owner", jr.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs jr WHERE rules.owner!=l_user_name AND rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.owner=jr.owner AND rules.rule_name=jr.rule_name; END IF; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so get the notification rules for the -- currently logged in (privileged) user IF( rules_type_in = RULES_TYPE_ALL ) THEN -- get all rules for current privileged user OPEN rules_overview_list_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_email_address_count "email_address_count", decode(emails.profile_name, NULL, 'N', 'Y') "send_email" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.profile_name = l_current_user AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ) emails WHERE rules.rule_name=emails.rule_name(+) AND rules.owner=emails.owner(+) ORDER BY rules.owner, rules.rule_name; OPEN rules_target_type_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.rule_name "rule_name", configs.owner "rule_owner", configs.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs configs UNION SELECT distinct jr.rule_name "rule_name", jr.owner "rule_owner", jr.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs jr; ELSE -- get public rules for current privileged user OPEN rules_overview_list_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_email_address_count "email_address_count", decode(emails.profile_name, NULL, 'N', 'Y') "send_email" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.profile_name = l_current_user AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ) emails WHERE rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.rule_name=emails.rule_name(+) AND rules.owner=emails.owner(+) ORDER BY rules.owner, rules.rule_name; OPEN rules_target_type_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.rule_name "rule_name", configs.owner "rule_owner", configs.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_rule_configs configs WHERE rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.owner=configs.owner AND rules.rule_name=configs.rule_name UNION SELECT distinct jr.rule_name "rule_name", jr.owner "rule_owner", jr.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_rule_configs jr WHERE rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.owner=jr.owner AND rules.rule_name=jr.rule_name; END IF; END IF; END get_notification_rules; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_notification_rules -- -- Purpose: -- Get the list of notification rules(with the overview data) for the current -- user. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notification_rules (rules_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_overview_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_target_type_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_email_address_count NUMBER := 0; l_email_address SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); CURSOR c_preferred_email_address (current_user VARCHAR2) IS SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = current_user AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; BEGIN -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- get the preffered email addresses OPEN c_preferred_email_address (l_user_name); FETCH c_preferred_email_address BULK COLLECT INTO l_email_address; CLOSE c_preferred_email_address; l_email_address_count := l_email_address.count; -- error conditions have been taken care of, so get the rules overview data IF( rules_type_in = RULES_TYPE_ALL ) THEN -- get all rules for user - user_name_in OPEN rules_overview_list_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_email_address_count "email_address_count", decode(emails.profile_name, NULL, 'N', 'Y') "send_email" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.profile_name = l_user_name AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ) emails WHERE rules.owner=l_user_name AND rules.rule_name=emails.rule_name(+) AND rules.owner=emails.owner(+) ORDER BY rules.rule_name; OPEN rules_target_type_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.rule_name "rule_name", configs.owner "rule_owner", configs.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs configs WHERE configs.owner=l_user_name UNION SELECT distinct jr.rule_name "rule_name", jr.owner "rule_owner", jr.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs jr WHERE owner=l_user_name; ELSE -- get public rules for user - user_name_in OPEN rules_overview_list_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_email_address_count "email_address_count", decode(emails.profile_name, NULL, 'N', 'Y') "send_email" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, (SELECT notifyees.rule_name, notifyees.owner, notifyees.profile_name FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees notifyees, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE notifyees.profile_name = l_user_name AND notifyees.device_name = devices.device_name AND notifyees.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address ) emails WHERE rules.owner!=l_user_name AND rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.rule_name=emails.rule_name(+) AND rules.owner=emails.owner(+) ORDER BY rules.rule_name; OPEN rules_target_type_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.rule_name "rule_name", configs.owner "rule_owner", configs.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_rule_configs configs WHERE rules.owner!=l_user_name AND rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.owner=configs.owner AND rules.rule_name=configs.rule_name UNION SELECT distinct jr.rule_name "rule_name", jr.owner "rule_owner", jr.target_type "target_type" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules, mgmt_notify_rule_configs jr WHERE rules.owner!=l_user_name AND rules.public_rule=1 AND rules.owner=jr.owner AND rules.rule_name=jr.rule_name; END IF; END get_notification_rules; -- ============================================================================ -- a private plsql to get the notification rule detail data -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notif_rule_detail_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, language_in IN VARCHAR2, country_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_detail_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_target_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_index_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_policy_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_job_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_email_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_device_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, notif_devices_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_metric_columns_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_all_targets_selected NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_all_metrics_selected NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_target_type VARCHAR2(64) := ''; l_number_of_targets NUMBER := 0; l_visible_targets_count NUMBER := 0; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- get the target type for rule - rule_name_in of user - user_name_in l_target_type := get_rule_target_type( rule_name_in, user_name_in ); -- get the data for cursor - rules_detail_list_out OPEN rules_detail_list_out FOR SELECT rules.rule_name "rule_name", rules.owner "rule_owner", rules.description "rule_desc", rules.public_rule "rule_public", l_target_type "target_type", (SELECT type_display_name FROM mgmt_targets WHERE target_type=l_target_type AND rownum=1) "type_display_name", rules.repeat "rule_repeat" FROM mgmt_notify_rules rules WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in ORDER BY rules.rule_name; -- get the data for cursor - rules_target_list_out SELECT count(*) INTO l_number_of_targets FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=user_name_in; SELECT count(config.target_name) INTO l_visible_targets_count FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs config, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE config.rule_name=rule_name_in AND config.owner=user_name_in AND config.target_type=tgt.target_type AND (config.target_name=tgt.target_name OR config.target_name=' ' AND config.target_guid IS NOT NULL); IF (l_number_of_targets > 0) THEN OPEN rules_target_list_out FOR SELECT distinct config.target_name, config.target_type, config.visible_target_name, config.visible_target_type, tgt.target_name "comp_target_name", tgt.target_type "comp_target_type", tgt.type_display_name "comp_type_display_name", l_number_of_targets "targets_count", l_visible_targets_count "visible_targets_count", want_target_up, want_target_down, want_target_unreachable_start, want_target_unreachable_end, want_target_metric_err_start, want_target_metric_err_end, want_target_blackout_start, want_target_blackout_end, ignore_rca FROM (SELECT rc.target_name, rc.target_type, rc.target_guid, mt.target_name as visible_target_name, mt.target_type as visible_target_type, want_target_up, want_target_down, want_target_unreachable_start, want_target_unreachable_end, want_target_metric_err_start, want_target_metric_err_end, want_target_blackout_start, want_target_blackout_end, ignore_rca FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rc, mgmt_targets mt WHERE rc.rule_name = rule_name_in AND rc.owner = user_name_in AND rc.target_name = mt.target_name (+) AND rc.target_type = mt.target_type (+) ) config, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE config.target_guid = tgt.target_guid (+) ORDER BY target_type, target_name; ELSE SELECT count(*) INTO l_number_of_targets FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=user_name_in; SELECT count(config.target_name) INTO l_visible_targets_count FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs config, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE config.rule_name=rule_name_in AND config.owner=user_name_in AND config.target_type=tgt.target_type AND config.target_name=tgt.target_name; OPEN rules_target_list_out FOR SELECT distinct config.target_name, config.target_type, config.visible_target_name, config.visible_target_type, tgt.target_name "comp_target_name", tgt.target_type "comp_target_type", tgt.type_display_name "comp_type_display_name", l_number_of_targets "targets_count", l_visible_targets_count "visible_targets_count", 0 want_target_up, 0 want_target_down, 0 want_target_unreachable_start, 0 want_target_unreachable_end, 0 want_target_metric_err_start, 0 want_target_metric_err_end, 0 want_target_blackout_start, 0 want_target_blackout_end, 0 ignore_rca FROM (SELECT jrc.target_name, jrc.target_type, jrc.target_guid, mt.target_name as visible_target_name, mt.target_type as visible_target_type FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs jrc, mgmt_targets mt WHERE jrc.rule_name = rule_name_in AND jrc.owner = user_name_in AND jrc.target_name = mt.target_name (+) AND jrc.target_type = mt.target_type (+) ) config, mgmt_targets tgt WHERE config.target_guid = tgt.target_guid (+) ORDER BY target_type, target_name; END IF; -- get the data for cursor - rules_metric_list_out -- the cursor for metrics data depends on whether: -- 1. all targets were selected -- 2. all metrics were selected -- there are four possibilities: --==================================================================== -- "all targets selected" | "all metrics selected" | "possibility #" | --==================================================================== -- YES | YES | P1 -- YES | NO | P2 -- NO | YES | P3 -- NO | NO | P4 -- the query for the metrics cursor data depends on these possibilities -- find out if all targets were selected l_all_targets_selected := all_targets_selected( rule_name_in, user_name_in ); -- find out if all metrics were selected l_all_metrics_selected := all_metrics_selected( rule_name_in, user_name_in ); IF( l_all_targets_selected=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN IF( l_all_metrics_selected=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- possibility # P1 - all targets, all metrics OPEN rules_metric_list_out FOR SELECT distinct metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_column, metrics.metric_label, metrics.column_label, NVL(metrics.key_column, ' ') "key_column", metrics.metric_label_nlsid, metrics.column_label_nlsid, metrics.num_keys, rules.key_value, rules.want_clears, rules.want_warnings, rules.want_critical_alerts, rules.want_warning_job_succeeded, rules.want_warning_job_problems, rules.want_critical_job_succeeded, rules.want_critical_job_problems, rules.want_policy_clears, rules.want_policy_violations, rules.want_policy_job_succeeded, rules.want_policy_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rules, mgmt_metrics metrics, (SELECT metric_guid FROM mgmt_metric_thresholds UNION ALL SELECT metric_guid FROM mgmt_metrics_ext WHERE alertable = 'Y' AND thresholdable = 'N') thresholds WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in AND rules.target_type=l_target_type AND metrics.metric_name=rules.metric_name AND metrics.metric_column=rules.metric_column AND metrics.target_type=l_target_type AND metrics.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND metrics.metric_type!=2 AND metrics.metric_guid=thresholds.metric_guid AND (metric_label != ' ' AND column_label != ' '); ELSE -- possibility # P2 - all targets, some metrics OPEN rules_metric_list_out FOR SELECT distinct metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_column, metrics.metric_label, metrics.column_label, NVL(metrics.key_column, ' ') "key_column", metrics.metric_label_nlsid, metrics.column_label_nlsid, metrics.num_keys, rules.key_value, rules.want_clears, rules.want_warnings, rules.want_critical_alerts, rules.want_warning_job_succeeded, rules.want_warning_job_problems, rules.want_critical_job_succeeded, rules.want_critical_job_problems, rules.want_policy_clears, rules.want_policy_violations, rules.want_policy_job_succeeded, rules.want_policy_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rules, mgmt_metrics metrics WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in AND metrics.target_type=rules.target_type AND metrics.metric_name=rules.metric_name AND metrics.metric_column=rules.metric_column AND metrics.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND metrics.metric_type!=2 AND (metric_label != ' ' AND column_label != ' '); END IF; ELSE IF( l_all_metrics_selected=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- possibility # P3 - some targets, all metrics OPEN rules_metric_list_out FOR SELECT distinct metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_column, metrics.metric_label, metrics.column_label, NVL(metrics.key_column, ' ') "key_column", metrics.metric_label_nlsid, metrics.column_label_nlsid, metrics.num_keys, rules.key_value, rules.want_clears, rules.want_warnings, rules.want_critical_alerts, rules.want_warning_job_succeeded, rules.want_warning_job_problems, rules.want_critical_job_succeeded, rules.want_critical_job_problems, rules.want_policy_clears, rules.want_policy_violations, rules.want_policy_job_succeeded, rules.want_policy_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rules, mgmt_targets targets, mgmt_metrics metrics, (SELECT target_guid, metric_guid FROM mgmt_metric_thresholds UNION ALL SELECT NULL target_guid, metric_guid FROM mgmt_metrics_ext WHERE alertable = 'Y' AND thresholdable = 'N') thresholds WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in AND targets.target_name=rules.target_name AND targets.target_type=rules.target_type AND (thresholds.target_guid=targets.target_guid OR thresholds.target_guid IS NULL) AND metrics.metric_guid=thresholds.metric_guid AND metrics.target_type=rules.target_type AND metrics.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND metrics.metric_type!=2 AND (metric_label != ' ' AND column_label != ' '); ELSE -- possibility # P4 - some targets, some metrics OPEN rules_metric_list_out FOR SELECT distinct metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_column, metrics.metric_label, metrics.column_label, NVL(metrics.key_column, ' ') "key_column", metrics.metric_label_nlsid, metrics.column_label_nlsid, metrics.num_keys, rules.key_value, rules.want_clears, rules.want_warnings, rules.want_critical_alerts, rules.want_warning_job_succeeded, rules.want_warning_job_problems, rules.want_critical_job_succeeded, rules.want_critical_job_problems, rules.want_policy_clears, rules.want_policy_violations, rules.want_policy_job_succeeded, rules.want_policy_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rules, mgmt_metrics metrics WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in AND metrics.target_type=rules.target_type AND metrics.metric_name=rules.metric_name AND metrics.metric_column=rules.metric_column AND metrics.usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND (metric_label != ' ' AND column_label != ' '); END IF; END IF; OPEN rules_metric_index_list_out FOR SELECT distinct target_type, metric_name, metric_column, key_value, ck.key_part1_value, ck.key_part2_value, ck.key_part3_value, ck.key_part4_value, ck.key_part5_value FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs r, mgmt_metrics_composite_keys ck WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=user_name_in AND ck.composite_key (+)= r.key_value; -- get the policy related data IF (language_in IS NOT NULL AND country_in IS NOT NULL) THEN OPEN rules_policy_list_out FOR SELECT distinct policies.policy_name, policies.policy_label_nlsid, NVL(MGMT_MESSAGE.GET_MESSAGE(policies.policy_label_nlsid, 'POLICY', language_in, country_in, policies.policy_name), policies.policy_name) policy_label, policies.policy_type, category.category_name, NVL(MGMT_MESSAGE.GET_MESSAGE(cs.category_name_nlsid, 'CATEGORY', language_in, country_in, cs.category_name), cs.category_name) category_label, rules.want_policy_clears, rules.want_policy_violations, rules.want_policy_job_succeeded, rules.want_policy_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rules, mgmt_policies policies, mgmt_categories cs, mgmt_category_map category WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in AND rules.target_type=l_target_type AND rules.metric_name=policies.policy_name AND rules.metric_column='%' AND policies.target_type=l_target_type AND policies.policy_guid=category.object_guid AND cs.category_name=category.category_name AND cs.class_name='Functional'; ELSE OPEN rules_policy_list_out FOR SELECT distinct policies.policy_name, policies.policy_label_nlsid, policies.policy_name policy_label, policies.policy_type, category.category_name, category.category_name category_label, rules.want_policy_clears, rules.want_policy_violations, rules.want_policy_job_succeeded, rules.want_policy_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_rule_configs rules, mgmt_policies policies, mgmt_category_map category WHERE rules.rule_name=rule_name_in AND rules.owner=user_name_in AND rules.target_type=l_target_type AND rules.metric_name=policies.policy_name AND rules.metric_column='%' AND policies.target_type=l_target_type AND policies.policy_guid=category.object_guid; END IF; -- get the job related data OPEN rules_job_list_out FOR SELECT distinct configs.job_name, configs.job_owner, configs.job_type, info.job_type_category, configs.want_job_scheduled, configs.want_job_running, configs.want_job_succeeded, configs.want_job_suspended, configs.want_job_problems FROM mgmt_notify_job_rule_configs configs, mgmt_job_type_info info WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=user_name_in AND target_type=l_target_type AND configs.job_type=info.job_type(+); -- get all key columns for this target type OPEN key_metric_columns_out FOR SELECT distinct metric_column, column_label, column_label_NLSID, metric_name, metric_label, metric_label_NLSID, key_column, is_renderable FROM mgmt_metrics WHERE target_type = l_target_type AND usage_type = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_USAGE_VIEW_COLLECT AND key_order != 0; -- get the data for cursor - rules_email_notif_list_out get_rule_email_notifyees( rule_name_in, user_name_in, rules_email_notif_list_out ); -- get the data for cursor - rules_device_notif_list_out get_devices_list_for_rule( rule_name_in, user_name_in, rules_device_notif_list_out ); -- get the data for cursor - user_pref_email_list_out get_user_pref_email( user_pref_email_list_out ); -- get the data for cursor - notif_devices_list_out get_devices_list( notif_devices_list_out ); END get_notif_rule_detail_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_notification_rule_details -- -- Purpose: -- Get the notification rule detail data for rule - rule_name_in of the -- current user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notification_rule_details (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_detail_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_target_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_index_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_policy_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_job_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_email_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_device_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, notif_devices_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_metric_columns_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- check for error conditions first -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error(rule_name_in, l_user_name); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so get the rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name get_notif_rule_detail_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name, NULL, NULL, rules_detail_list_out, rules_target_list_out, rules_metric_list_out, rules_metric_index_list_out, rules_policy_list_out, rules_job_list_out, rules_email_notif_list_out, rules_device_notif_list_out, user_pref_email_list_out, notif_devices_list_out, key_metric_columns_out); END get_notification_rule_details; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_notification_rule_details -- -- Purpose: -- Get the notification rule detail for rule - rule_name_in of user - -- user_name_in -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notification_rule_details (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, language_in IN VARCHAR2, country_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_detail_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_target_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_index_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_policy_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_job_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_email_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_device_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, notif_devices_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_metric_columns_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- check for error conditions first -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(user_name_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists(user_name_in); l_user_name := user_name_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so get the notification rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of the currently logged in (privileged) user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); END IF; -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error(rule_name_in, l_user_name); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so get the rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name get_notif_rule_detail_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name, language_in, country_in, rules_detail_list_out, rules_target_list_out, rules_metric_list_out, rules_metric_index_list_out, rules_policy_list_out, rules_job_list_out, rules_email_notif_list_out, rules_device_notif_list_out, user_pref_email_list_out, notif_devices_list_out, key_metric_columns_out); END get_notification_rule_details; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_notification_rule_details -- -- Purpose: -- Get the notification rule detail for rule - rule_name_in of user - -- user_name_in -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notification_rule_details (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rules_detail_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_target_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_metric_index_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_policy_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_job_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_email_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rules_device_notif_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, notif_devices_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, key_metric_columns_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN get_notification_rule_details(rule_name_in, user_name_in, NULL, NULL, rules_detail_list_out, rules_target_list_out, rules_metric_list_out, rules_metric_index_list_out, rules_policy_list_out, rules_job_list_out, rules_email_notif_list_out, rules_device_notif_list_out, user_pref_email_list_out, notif_devices_list_out, key_metric_columns_out); END get_notification_rule_details; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: create_notification_rule -- -- Purpose: -- Create a notification rule - rule_name_in for the current user -- with the passed in values -- -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE create_notification_rule (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_public_in IN NUMBER, rule_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_targets_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_clears_in IN NUMBER, want_critical_alerts_in IN NUMBER, want_warning_alerts_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_up_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_down_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_started_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in IN NUMBER, rule_metric_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_columns_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_indexes_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, send_email_in IN NUMBER, email_address_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, email_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER, rule_repeat_enabled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS l_metric_want_clears SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_metric_want_critical_alerts SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_metric_want_warning_alerts SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_want_warning_succeed SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_want_warning_problem SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_want_critical_succeed SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_want_critical_problem SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY; l_count INTEGER := 0; l_want_critical_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_warning_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- Check the correctness of the input parameters -- it's assumed that rule_metric_names_in and rule_metric_indexes_in has the same length. Verify this condition holds. check_rule_input_param(rule_metric_names_in,rule_metric_indexes_in); -- initialize OUT parameters email_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- check for error conditions check_notif_rule_errors( rule_name_in, l_user_name, CREATE_MODE ); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so create the rule - rule_name_in -- for user - l_user_name l_count := rule_metric_names_in.count; l_metric_want_clears := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_metric_want_critical_alerts := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_metric_want_warning_alerts := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_want_warning_succeed := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_want_warning_problem := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_want_critical_succeed := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_want_critical_problem := SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY(); l_metric_want_clears.extend(l_count); l_metric_want_critical_alerts.extend(l_count); l_metric_want_warning_alerts.extend(l_count); l_want_warning_succeed.extend(l_count); l_want_warning_problem.extend(l_count); l_want_critical_succeed.extend(l_count); l_want_critical_problem.extend(l_count); FOR i IN 1..l_count LOOP l_metric_want_clears(i) := NVL(want_clears_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE); l_metric_want_critical_alerts(i) := NVL(want_critical_alerts_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE); l_metric_want_warning_alerts(i) := NVL(want_warning_alerts_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE); l_want_warning_succeed(i) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_warning_problem(i) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_critical_succeed(i) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_critical_problem(i) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END LOOP; create_edit_notif_rule( rule_name_in, l_user_name, rule_desc_in, rule_public_in, rule_target_type_in, rule_targets_in, null, want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE, rule_metric_names_in, rule_metric_columns_in, rule_metric_indexes_in, l_metric_want_clears, l_metric_want_critical_alerts, l_metric_want_warning_alerts, l_want_warning_succeed, l_want_warning_problem, l_want_critical_succeed, l_want_critical_problem, SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(), null, null, null, null, SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(), SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(), SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(), null, null, null, null, null, send_email_in, device_names_in, device_types_in, device_not_avail_list_out, CREATE_MODE, rule_repeat_enabled_in ); -- figure out if the mail gateway is setup email_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); END create_notification_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: create_notification_rule -- -- Purpose: -- Create a notification rule - rule_name_in for the current user -- with the passed in values -- -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE create_notification_rule (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_public_in IN NUMBER, rule_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_targets_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, target_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_tgt_up_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_down_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_started_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in IN NUMBER, ignore_rca_in IN NUMBER, rule_metric_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_columns_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_indexes_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, metric_want_clears_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_critical_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_warning_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, policy_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_policy_violation_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_clear_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, job_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_owner_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_job_scheduled_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_started_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_suspended_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_succeeded_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, email_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER, rule_repeat_enabled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS l_want_clears NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_critical_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_warning_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- Check the correctness of the input parameters -- it's assumed that rule_metric_names_in and rule_metric_indexes_in has the same length. Verify this condition holds. check_rule_input_param(rule_metric_names_in,rule_metric_indexes_in); -- initialize OUT parameters email_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- check for error conditions check_notif_rule_errors( rule_name_in, l_user_name, CREATE_MODE ); create_edit_notif_rule( rule_name_in, l_user_name, rule_desc_in, rule_public_in, rule_target_type_in, rule_targets_in, target_types_in, want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, ignore_rca_in, rule_metric_names_in, rule_metric_columns_in, rule_metric_indexes_in, metric_want_clears_in, metric_want_critical_alerts_in, metric_want_warning_alerts_in, want_warning_succeed_in, want_warning_problem_in, want_critical_succeed_in, want_critical_problem_in, policy_names_in, want_policy_violation_in, want_policy_clear_in, want_policy_job_succeed_in, want_policy_job_problem_in, job_names_in, job_owner_in, job_types_in, want_job_scheduled_in, want_job_started_in, want_job_suspended_in, want_job_succeeded_in, want_job_problem_in, send_email_in, device_names_in, device_types_in, device_not_avail_list_out, CREATE_MODE, rule_repeat_enabled_in ); -- figure out if the mail gateway is setup email_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); END create_notification_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_notification_rule -- -- Purpose: -- Update the notification rule data for rule - rule_name_in of the currently -- logged in user -- -- This API will be used by a non-privileged user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_notification_rule (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_public_in IN NUMBER, rule_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_targets_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, target_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_tgt_up_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_down_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_started_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in IN NUMBER, ignore_rca_in IN NUMBER, rule_metric_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_columns_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_indexes_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, metric_want_clears_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_critical_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_warning_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, policy_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_policy_violation_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_clear_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, job_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_owner_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_job_scheduled_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_started_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_suspended_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_succeeded_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, email_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER, rule_repeat_enabled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS l_want_clears NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_critical_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_warning_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters email_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- non-super user calls this procedure, so use the current em user and -- ignore the passed in rule_owner_in -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- check for error conditions check_notif_rule_errors( rule_name_in, l_user_name, EDIT_MODE ); create_edit_notif_rule( rule_name_in, l_user_name, rule_desc_in, rule_public_in, rule_target_type_in, rule_targets_in, target_types_in, want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, ignore_rca_in, rule_metric_names_in, rule_metric_columns_in, rule_metric_indexes_in, metric_want_clears_in, metric_want_critical_alerts_in, metric_want_warning_alerts_in, want_warning_succeed_in, want_warning_problem_in, want_critical_succeed_in, want_critical_problem_in, policy_names_in, want_policy_violation_in, want_policy_clear_in, want_policy_job_succeed_in, want_policy_job_problem_in, job_names_in, job_owner_in, job_types_in, want_job_scheduled_in, want_job_started_in, want_job_suspended_in, want_job_succeeded_in, want_job_problem_in, send_email_in, device_names_in, device_types_in, device_not_avail_list_out, EDIT_MODE, rule_repeat_enabled_in ); -- figure out if the mail gateway is setup email_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); END update_notification_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_notification_rule_priv -- -- Purpose: -- Update the notification rule data for rule - rule_name_in -- -- If rule_owner_in is specified and is valid, then the data for the -- notification rule - rule_name_in of owner - rule_owner_in will be updated -- ELSE the data for the notification rule - rule_name_in of the currently -- logged in privileged user will be updated -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_notification_rule_priv (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_public_in IN NUMBER, rule_target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_targets_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, target_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_tgt_up_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_down_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_started_in IN NUMBER, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in IN NUMBER, ignore_rca_in IN NUMBER, rule_metric_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_columns_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_metric_indexes_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, metric_want_clears_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_critical_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, metric_want_warning_alerts_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_warning_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_critical_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, policy_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_policy_violation_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_clear_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_succeed_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_policy_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, job_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_owner_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, job_types_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, want_job_scheduled_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_started_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_suspended_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_succeeded_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, want_job_problem_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, email_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER, rule_repeat_enabled_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS l_want_clears NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_critical_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_want_warning_alerts NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters email_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- first, figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(rule_owner_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists(rule_owner_in); l_user_name := rule_owner_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so update the notification rule data for the -- rule - rule_name_in of currently logged in (privileged) user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); END IF; -- check for error conditions check_notif_rule_errors( rule_name_in, l_user_name, EDIT_MODE ); create_edit_notif_rule( rule_name_in, l_user_name, rule_desc_in, rule_public_in, rule_target_type_in, rule_targets_in, target_types_in, want_tgt_up_in, want_tgt_down_in, want_tgt_unreachable_start_in, want_tgt_unreachable_end_in, want_tgt_metric_err_start_in, want_tgt_metric_err_end_in, want_tgt_blkout_started_in, want_tgt_blkout_ended_in, ignore_rca_in, rule_metric_names_in, rule_metric_columns_in, rule_metric_indexes_in, metric_want_clears_in, metric_want_critical_alerts_in, metric_want_warning_alerts_in, want_warning_succeed_in, want_warning_problem_in, want_critical_succeed_in, want_critical_problem_in, policy_names_in, want_policy_violation_in, want_policy_clear_in, want_policy_job_succeed_in, want_policy_job_problem_in, job_names_in, job_owner_in, job_types_in, want_job_scheduled_in, want_job_started_in, want_job_suspended_in, want_job_succeeded_in, want_job_problem_in, send_email_in, device_names_in, device_types_in, device_not_avail_list_out, EDIT_MODE, rule_repeat_enabled_in ); -- figure out if the mail gateway is setup email_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); END update_notification_rule_priv; -- ============================================================================ -- a private plsql to delete the notif rule data -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_notif_rule_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2) IS l_rule_emails SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY(); BEGIN -- delete the rule rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in -- this will also delete the related rows from mgmt_notify_notifyees DELETE FROM mgmt_notify_rules WHERE rule_name=rule_name_in AND owner=rule_owner_in; END delete_notif_rule_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: delete_notification_rule -- -- Purpose: -- Delete the notification rule - rule_name_in of the currently logged in user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_notification_rule (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- check for error conditions -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error(rule_name_in, l_user_name); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so delete the rule -- rule_name_in of user - l_user_name delete_notif_rule_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name ); END delete_notification_rule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: delete_notification_rule_priv -- -- Purpose: -- Delete the notification rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_notification_rule_priv (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- check for error conditions -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- first, figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(rule_owner_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists( rule_owner_in ); l_user_name := rule_owner_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so delete the notification rule - rule_name_in -- of the currently logged in (privileged) user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); END IF; -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error(rule_name_in, l_user_name); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so delete the rule -- rule_name_in of user - l_user_name delete_notif_rule_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name ); END delete_notification_rule_priv; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_rule_overview_data -- -- Purpose: -- Update the notification rule overview data for a set of rules -- The overview data for the rules include the make public, send email, -- send trap information for each rule in the set of rules -- rule_name_in(1), rule_owner_in(1), rule_public_in(1), rule_email_in(1), -- rule_snmp_in(1) are all associated to each other and are part of the -- same rule -- NOTE: This is a UI specific API -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_rule_overview_data (rule_name_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_owner_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_public_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, send_email_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_user_priv_val INTEGER := 0; l_count INTEGER := 0; l_user_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_rule_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_email_address SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); CURSOR c_preferred_email_address IS SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = l_user_name AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- check for the invalid rule data error l_count := rule_name_in.COUNT; IF( rule_owner_in.COUNT <> l_count OR rule_public_in.COUNT <> l_count ) THEN -- invalid rule data, so throw an exception RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.invalid_rule_data; END IF; -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- now figure out if l_user_name is a privileged user l_user_priv_val := MGMT_USER.has_priv(l_user_name, 'SUPER_USER'); -- get the preffered email addresses OPEN c_preferred_email_address; FETCH c_preferred_email_address BULK COLLECT INTO l_email_address; CLOSE c_preferred_email_address; FOR i in 1..rule_name_in.COUNT LOOP -- first check if rule_owner_in(i) exists IF( (length(trim(rule_owner_in(i))) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists( rule_owner_in(i) ); END IF; -- next check if rule - rule_name_in(i) of rule_owner_in(i) exists check_rule_exists_error(rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i)); -- now update the rule make public data only if l_user_name is the same as -- rule_owner_in(i) or l_user_priv_val=1 IF( l_user_name=rule_owner_in(i) OR l_user_priv_val=1 ) THEN EMD_NOTIFICATION.MAKE_RULE_PUBLIC( rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i), rule_public_in(i) ); END IF; -- update the send email data for rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in IF( send_email_in(i)=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE ) THEN -- add these email devices to the rule FOR j IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP BEGIN -- add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in emd_notification.add_device_to_rule( rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i), l_email_address(j), l_user_name ); EXCEPTION -- ignore duplicate rows (could happen when editing a rule) WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; ELSE -- delete these email devices from the rule FOR j IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP -- add the device to the rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in emd_notification.delete_device_from_rule( rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i), l_email_address(j), l_user_name ); END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; END update_rule_overview_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_rule_target_types -- -- Purpose: -- Get target types which could have availability, metrics, policies, or jobs -- to create a notification rule -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rule_target_types (avail_target_type_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, metric_target_type_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, policy_target_type_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, job_target_type_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE ) IS BEGIN OPEN avail_target_type_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT t.target_type FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_metrics m WHERE t.target_type = m.target_type ANd metric_name = 'Response' AND metric_column = 'Status'; OPEN metric_target_type_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT m.target_type FROM mgmt_metrics m WHERE NOT (m.metric_name='Response' AND m.metric_column='Status') AND (EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX (p)*/ p.policy_guid FROM mgmt_policy_assoc p WHERE p.policy_type = 1 AND -- metric p.policy_guid = m.metric_guid) OR non_thresholded_alerts = 1); OPEN policy_target_type_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT t.target_type FROM mgmt_targets t, mgmt_policy_assoc pa WHERE t.target_guid=pa.object_guid AND pa.object_type=2 -- target AND pa.policy_type=2; -- policies OPEN job_target_type_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT t.target_type FROM mgmt_job_type_info i, mgmt_job_single_target_types st, mgmt_targets t WHERE st.job_type_id = i.job_type_id ANd t.target_type = single_target_type; END get_rule_target_types; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_rule_devices_data -- -- Purpose: -- Get the devices data for a rule creation. Note this is a UI specific plsql -- and should be used with care. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rule_devices_data (user_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rule_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- get the email addresses data ... get_user_pref_email( user_email_out ); -- get the available devices list get_devices_list( rule_devices_out ); END get_rule_devices_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_rule_config_devices_data -- -- Purpose: -- Get the rule devices data for rule - rule_name_in of the current user. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rule_config_devices_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rule_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, all_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- check for error conditions first -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error(rule_name_in, l_user_name); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so get the rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name get_rule_config_dev_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name, rule_email_out, user_pref_email_out, rule_devices_out, all_devices_out); END get_rule_config_devices_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_rule_config_devices_data -- -- Purpose: -- Get the rule devices data for rule - rule_name_in of the current user. -- -- If the rule_owner_in is specified and is valid, then the rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of owner - rule_owner_in will be returned ELSE -- the rule detail data for rule - rule_name_in of the current -- user will be returned -- -- Note that rule_email_out and user_pref_email_out cursors will be -- determined in all case. However, rule_devices_out and all_devices_out -- cursors will be determined only in the following conditions: -- (current user = rule_owner_in) OR -- (current user != rule_owner_in AND current user is privileged) -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_rule_config_devices_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, user_pref_email_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, rule_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, all_devices_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters -- check for error conditions first -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(rule_owner_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists( rule_owner_in ); l_user_name := rule_owner_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so get the notification rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of the currently logged in (privileged) user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); END IF; -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error( rule_name_in, l_user_name ); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so get the rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name get_rule_config_dev_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name, rule_email_out, user_pref_email_out, rule_devices_out, all_devices_out); END get_rule_config_devices_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_rule_devices_data -- -- Purpose: -- Update the notification rule devices data for rule - rule_name_in of the -- currently logged in user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_rule_devices_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, email_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters email_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- check for error conditions -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - l_user_name exists check_rule_exists_error( rule_name_in, l_user_name ); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so update the rule devices -- data for rule - rule_name_in for user - l_user_name update_rule_dev_data( rule_name_in, l_user_name, l_user_name, send_email_in, device_names_in, device_types_in, device_not_avail_list_out ); -- figure out if the mail gateway is setup email_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); END update_rule_devices_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_rule_devices_data -- -- Purpose: -- Update the notification rule devices data for rule - rule_name_in of -- user - rule_owner_in -- -- If rule_owner_in is specified and is valid, then the data for the -- notification rule - rule_name_in of owner - rule_owner_in will be updated -- ELSE the data for the notification rule - rule_name_in of the currently -- logged in user will be updated -- -- Note that device_names_in and device_types_in cursors will be -- used only in the following conditions: -- (current user = rule_owner_in) OR -- (current user != rule_owner_in AND current user is privileged) -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_rule_devices_data (rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, send_email_in IN NUMBER, device_names_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_types_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, email_gateway_setup_out OUT NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_rule_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters email_gateway_setup_out := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- check for error conditions first -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(rule_owner_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists( rule_owner_in ); l_rule_owner := rule_owner_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so get the notification rule detail data -- for rule - rule_name_in of the currently logged in user l_rule_owner := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); END IF; -- now figure out if rule - rule_name_in of user - rule_owner_in exists check_rule_exists_error( rule_name_in, l_rule_owner ); l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- error conditions have been taken care of, so update the rule devices data -- for rule - rule_name_in for user - rule_owner_in update_rule_dev_data( rule_name_in, l_rule_owner, l_user_name, send_email_in, device_names_in, device_types_in, device_not_avail_list_out ); -- figure out if the mail gateway is setup email_gateway_setup_out := EMD_NOTIFICATION.IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP(); END update_rule_devices_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_mail_gateway_data -- -- PURPOSE: Update the mail gateway data. The user can enter more than one -- mail gateway server names. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_mail_gateway_data (mail_gateway_server_array IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, mail_username_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, mail_password_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, mail_address_in IN VARCHAR2, mail_name_in IN VARCHAR2, mail_ssl_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- set the mail gateway data ... update_mail_gateways( mail_gateway_server_array, mail_username_in, mail_password_in, mail_address_in, mail_name_in, mail_ssl_in ); END update_mail_gateway_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_notif_devices_data -- -- Purpose: -- Get the notification devices data. -- -- This API can be called only by a privileged user -- -- This procedure returns the list if email gateways configured and also the -- the list of notification devices(snmp device, os command, plsql device) -- that are configured system wide -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_notif_devices_data (mail_gateway_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, notif_devices_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- get the mail gateway data ... get_mail_gateways( mail_gateway_list_out ); -- get the notif devices data ... get_devices_list( notif_devices_list_out ); END get_notif_devices_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: edit_program_device -- -- PURPOSE: Create/Edit the program device. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE edit_program_device (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, os_command_name_in IN VARCHAR2, os_command_args_in IN EMDSYSTEM_ARGS, mode_in IN NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_device_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_error( device_name_in, mode_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- get the current user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- create/edit the program device IF( mode_in=CREATE_MODE ) THEN -- add the program device emd_notification.add_program_device( device_name_in, l_user_name, os_command_name_in, device_desc_in, os_command_args_in ); ELSE -- first get the owner for device - device_name_in of type - PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE l_device_owner := emd_notification.get_device_owner( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE ); -- now edit the program device emd_notification.edit_program_device( device_name_in, l_device_owner, os_command_name_in, device_desc_in, os_command_args_in ); END IF; END edit_program_device; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_program_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: get the program device detail data. a list of all the rules that -- use this program device is also returned -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_program_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, device_rules_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, device_parameters_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now get the snmp device detail data get_program_device_detail_data( device_name_in, device_data_out ); -- get the list of rules associated with this snmp device get_rules_list_for_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE, device_rules_list_out ); -- get the list of parameters associated with this device OPEN device_parameters_out FOR SELECT params.parameter, params.position FROM mgmt_notify_device_params params, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE params.device_name = device_name_in AND params.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND params.device_name = devices.device_name AND devices.type = EMD_NOTIFICATION.PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE ORDER BY params.position ASC; END get_program_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: delete_program_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: delete the program device detail data. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_program_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now delete the snmp device delete_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE ); END delete_program_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: edit_plsql_device -- -- PURPOSE: Create/Edit the plsql device. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE edit_plsql_device (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, plsql_proc_name IN VARCHAR2, mode_in IN NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_device_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_error( device_name_in, mode_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- get the current user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- create/edit the plsql device IF( mode_in=CREATE_MODE ) THEN -- add the plsql device emd_notification.add_plsql_device( device_name_in, l_user_name, plsql_proc_name, device_desc_in ); ELSE -- first get the owner for device - device_name_in of type - PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE l_device_owner := emd_notification.get_device_owner( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE ); -- now edit the plsql device emd_notification.edit_plsql_device( device_name_in, l_device_owner, plsql_proc_name, device_desc_in ); END IF; END edit_plsql_device; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_plsql_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: get the plsql device detail data. a list of all the rules that -- use this plsql device is also returned -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_plsql_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, device_rules_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now get the snmp device detail data get_plsql_device_detail_data( device_name_in, device_data_out ); -- get the list of rules associated with this snmp device get_rules_list_for_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE, device_rules_list_out ); END get_plsql_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: delete_plsql_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: delete the plsql device detail data. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_plsql_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now delete the snmp device delete_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE ); END delete_plsql_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: edit_snmp_device -- -- PURPOSE: Create/Edit the snmp device. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE edit_snmp_device (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_desc_in IN VARCHAR2, snmp_host_name_in IN VARCHAR2, snmp_port_in IN NUMBER, snmp_community_in IN VARCHAR2, mode_in IN NUMBER) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_device_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_error( device_name_in, mode_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- get the current user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- create/edit the snmp device IF( mode_in=CREATE_MODE ) THEN -- add the snmp device emd_notification.add_snmp_device( device_name_in, l_user_name, snmp_host_name_in, snmp_port_in, snmp_community_in, device_desc_in ); ELSE -- first get the owner for device - device_name_in of type - SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE l_device_owner := emd_notification.get_device_owner( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE ); -- now edit the snmp device emd_notification.edit_snmp_device( device_name_in, l_device_owner, snmp_host_name_in, snmp_port_in, snmp_community_in, device_desc_in ); END IF; END edit_snmp_device; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_snmp_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: get the snmp device detail data. a list of all the rules that -- use this plsql device is also returned -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_snmp_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, device_rules_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now get the snmp device detail data get_snmp_device_detail_data( device_name_in, device_data_out ); -- get the list of rules associated with this snmp device get_rules_list_for_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE, device_rules_list_out ); END get_snmp_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: delete_snmp_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: delete the snmp device detail data. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE delete_snmp_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now delete the snmp device delete_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE ); END delete_snmp_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_java_device_data -- -- PURPOSE: get the java device detail data. a list of all the rules that -- use this java device is also returned -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_java_device_data (device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, device_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, device_parameter_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, device_rules_list_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN -- check for error conditions first -- figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- figure out if device - device_name exists check_device_exists_error( device_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- now get the java device detail data OPEN device_data_out FOR SELECT device_name, device_description, type, profile_name, program FROM mgmt_notify_devices WHERE device_name = device_name_in AND type = EMD_NOTIFICATION.JAVA_DEVICE_TYPE; -- now get the java device parameter data OPEN device_parameter_out FOR SELECT params.parameter, params.position FROM mgmt_notify_device_params params, mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE params.device_name = device_name_in AND params.profile_name = devices.profile_name AND params.device_name = devices.device_name AND devices.type = EMD_NOTIFICATION.JAVA_DEVICE_TYPE ORDER BY params.position ASC; -- get the list of rules associated with this snmp device get_rules_list_for_device( device_name_in, EMD_NOTIFICATION.JAVA_DEVICE_TYPE, device_rules_list_out ); END get_java_device_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_assign_dev_to_rules_data -- -- PURPOSE: get the data for whether a device is assigned to a rule. this data -- is returned for all devices for all the rules of the current user. -- -- NOTE: This API can be called by any user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_assign_dev_to_rules_data (mode_in IN NUMBER, devices_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; BEGIN -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- get the assign dev to rules data for rules of user l_user_name get_assign_data_for_user( l_user_name, mode_in, devices_data_out ); END get_assign_dev_to_rules_data; -- ============================================================================ -- Name: get_assign_dev_to_rules_data -- -- PURPOSE: get the data for whether a device is assigned to a rule. -- -- If rule_owner_in is specified and is valid, then the data for all rules -- of owner - rule_owner_in will be obtained. -- ELSE the data for all rules for all users will be returned. -- -- NOTE: This API should be called only by a super user. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_assign_dev_to_rules_data (rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, mode_in IN NUMBER, devices_data_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_all_users NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; BEGIN -- check for error conditions -- first get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- first, figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) IF( (length(trim(rule_owner_in)) <> 0 ) ) THEN -- check for the existence of this user mgmt_user.check_user_exists( rule_owner_in ); l_user_name := rule_owner_in; ELSE -- user name was not passed in so delete the notification rule - rule_name_in -- of the currently logged in (privileged) user l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); l_all_users := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; END IF; -- error conditions have been taken care of -- get the assign dev to rules data for rules of user l_user_name IF( l_all_users = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN -- get the data for rules of user - l_user_name get_assign_data_for_user( l_user_name, mode_in, devices_data_out ); ELSE -- get the data for all rules of all users get_assign_data_for_all_rules( mode_in, devices_data_out ); END IF; END get_assign_dev_to_rules_data; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: update_assign_data -- -- Purpose: -- Update the notification rule devices data for the passed in array data -- -- NOTE: rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i), device_name_in(i), device_type_in(i) and -- notify_in(i) indicate that if notify_in(i) is 1, then rule_name_in(i) -- of rule_owner_in(i) will be notified using device_name_in(i) of type -- device_type_in(i) -- -- Note: This API can be used by any user -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE update_assign_data (rule_name_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_owner_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_name_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, device_type_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, notify_in IN SMP_EMD_INTEGER_ARRAY, device_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, user_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS l_user_name VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_user_priv_val INTEGER := 0; l_user_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_rule_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_device_exists_val NUMBER(1) := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; l_user_not_avail_count NUMBER := 0; l_rule_not_avail_count NUMBER := 0; l_device_not_avail_count NUMBER := 0; l_device_owner VARCHAR2(256) := ''; l_count INTEGER := 0; BEGIN -- initialize OUT parameters device_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); rule_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); user_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- check for the invalid rule data error l_count := rule_name_in.COUNT; IF( rule_owner_in.COUNT <> l_count OR device_name_in.COUNT <> l_count OR device_type_in.COUNT <> l_count OR notify_in.COUNT <> l_count ) THEN -- invalid rule data, so throw an exception RAISE MGMT_GLOBAL.invalid_rule_data; END IF; -- get the current user name from sys context l_user_name := mgmt_user.get_current_em_user(); -- now figure out if l_user_name is a privileged user l_user_priv_val := MGMT_USER.has_priv(l_user_name, 'SUPER_USER'); FOR i in 1..rule_name_in.COUNT LOOP -- first check if rule_owner_in(i) exists BEGIN l_user_exists_val := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_TRUE; mgmt_user.check_user_exists( rule_owner_in(i) ); EXCEPTION WHEN MGMT_GLOBAL.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST THEN l_user_exists_val := MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE; END; IF( l_user_exists_val = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN -- add this user name to user_not_avail_list_out array user_not_avail_list_out.extend(1); l_user_not_avail_count := l_user_not_avail_count + 1; user_not_avail_list_out(l_user_not_avail_count) := rule_owner_in(i); ELSE -- check if the rule exists l_rule_exists_val := rule_exists( rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i) ); IF( l_rule_exists_val = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN -- add this rule name to rule_not_avail_list_out array rule_not_avail_list_out.extend(1); l_rule_not_avail_count := l_rule_not_avail_count + 1; rule_not_avail_list_out(l_rule_not_avail_count) := rule_name_in(i); ELSE -- check if the device exists l_device_exists_val := notif_device_exists( device_name_in(i) ); IF( l_device_exists_val = MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE ) THEN -- add this device name to device_not_avail_list_out device_not_avail_list_out.extend(1); l_device_not_avail_count := l_device_not_avail_count + 1; device_not_avail_list_out(l_device_not_avail_count) := device_name_in(i); ELSE -- all error conditions have been taken care of -- if notify_in(i) = 1, rule_name_in(i) of rule_owner_in(i) should -- be notified by device_name_in(i) of device_type_in(i) -- if notify_in(i) is 0 or 1, first delete this device from the -- corresponsind rule. if notify_in(i) is 1, add the device to -- the corresponding rule -- first find the owner of device_name_in(i) of type device_type_in(i) l_device_owner := EMD_NOTIFICATION.GET_DEVICE_OWNER( device_name_in(i), device_type_in(i) ); -- delete device from rule always EMD_NOTIFICATION.DELETE_DEVICE_FROM_RULE( rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i), device_name_in(i), l_device_owner ); -- add device to rule only if notify_in(i) = 1 IF( notify_in(i) = 1 ) THEN EMD_NOTIFICATION.ADD_DEVICE_TO_RULE( rule_name_in(i), rule_owner_in(i), device_name_in(i), l_device_owner ); END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END update_assign_data; -- ============================================================================ -- Name: subscribe_to_rules -- -- PURPOSE: subscribe a user for a list of public notification rules -- -- If rule_owner_in is specified and is valid, then the data for all rules -- of owner - rule_owner_in will be obtained. -- ELSE the data for all rules for all users will be returned. -- -- NOTE: This API should be called only by a super user. -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE subscribe_to_rules (user_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_name_list_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_owner_list_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, rule_not_avail_list_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS l_public NUMBER(1) := 0; l_count NUMBER := 0; l_email_address SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); CURSOR c_preferred_email_address IS SELECT devices.email_address FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = user_name_in AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; BEGIN -- first, figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- check for the existence of the user(if supplied) mgmt_user.check_user_exists( user_name_in ); -- error conditions have been taken care of -- initialize the out parameter rule_not_avail_list_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); -- get the preffered email addresses OPEN c_preferred_email_address; FETCH c_preferred_email_address BULK COLLECT INTO l_email_address; CLOSE c_preferred_email_address; -- first, remove all rules for this user DELETE FROM mgmt_notify_notifyees WHERE profile_name = user_name_in AND device_name IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(l_email_address AS SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY))); -- add rules in the list FOR i IN 1..rule_name_list_in.COUNT LOOP l_public := 0; BEGIN SELECT public_rule INTO l_public FROM mgmt_notify_rules WHERE rule_name = rule_name_list_in(i) AND owner = rule_owner_list_in(i) AND public_rule = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN l_count := l_count + 1; rule_not_avail_list_out.extend(); rule_not_avail_list_out(l_count) := rule_name_list_in(i); END; IF (l_public = 1 ) THEN FOR j IN 1..l_email_address.COUNT LOOP BEGIN emd_notification.add_device_to_rule(rule_name_list_in(i), rule_owner_list_in(i), l_email_address(j), user_name_in); EXCEPTION -- ignore duplicate rows WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; END subscribe_to_rules; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: get_schedule_defination -- -- Purpose: -- get the details for a notification schedule -- -- NOTE: -- -- Note: -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE get_schedule_defination (owner_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_info_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, schedule_emails_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE, avail_emails_out OUT CURSOR_TYPE) IS BEGIN OPEN schedule_info_out FOR SELECT start_date, num_weeks, timezone_region, updated_by, updated, disable_start, disable_end FROM mgmt_notify_schedules WHERE schedule_owner = owner_in AND schedule_name = schedule_name_in; OPEN schedule_emails_out FOR SELECT device_name, schedule FROM mgmt_notify_dev_schedules WHERE schedule_owner = owner_in AND device_owner = owner_in; OPEN avail_emails_out FOR SELECT devices.email_address, devices.type FROM mgmt_notify_devices devices WHERE devices.profile_name = owner_in AND devices.type IN (EMD_NOTIFICATION.SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, EMD_NOTIFICATION.LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE) AND devices.device_name = devices.email_address; END get_schedule_defination; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: create_notification_schedule -- -- Purpose: -- Create a notification schedule -- -- NOTE: -- -- Note: -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE create_notification_schedule (owner_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_weeks_in IN NUMBER, schedule_start_date_in IN Date, schedule_emails_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, emails_not_avail_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS BEGIN create_notification_schedule( owner_in, schedule_name_in, schedule_weeks_in, schedule_start_date_in, null, schedule_emails_in, emails_not_avail_out); END create_notification_schedule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: create_notification_schedule -- -- Purpose: -- Create a notification schedule -- -- NOTE: -- -- Note: -- -- ============================================================================ PROCEDURE create_notification_schedule (owner_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_weeks_in IN NUMBER, schedule_start_date_in IN Date, schedule_timezone_in IN VARCHAR2, schedule_emails_in IN SMP_EMD_NVPAIR_ARRAY, emails_not_avail_out OUT SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY) IS l_current_index NUMBER := 0; BEGIN emails_not_avail_out := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY(); IF (schedule_timezone_in IS NULL) THEN emd_notification.set_schedule(owner_in, schedule_name_in, schedule_start_date_in, schedule_weeks_in); ELSE emd_notification.set_schedule(owner_in, schedule_name_in, schedule_start_date_in, schedule_weeks_in, schedule_timezone_in); END IF; FOR i IN 1..schedule_emails_in.COUNT LOOP l_current_index := l_current_index + 1; emails_not_avail_out.extend(1); emails_not_avail_out(l_current_index) := schedule_emails_in(i).name; emd_notification.set_device_schedule(owner_in, schedule_name_in, schedule_emails_in(i).name, owner_in, schedule_emails_in(i).value); END LOOP; -- delete the schedule without any email address IF (emd_notification.user_schedule_set(owner_in, schedule_name_in)=MGMT_GLOBAL.G_FALSE) THEN emd_notification.clear_schedule(owner_in, schedule_name_in); END IF; END create_notification_schedule; -- ============================================================================ -- -- Name: test_plsql_device -- -- Purpose: -- Test the plsql device -- -- NOTE: This API should be called only by a super user. -- -- ============================================================================ FUNCTION test_plsql_device(plsql_in IN VARCHAR2, err_msg_out OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS l_ret_val NUMBER := 1; BEGIN -- first, figure out if current user is a privileged user check_super_user_priv_error(); -- test the program l_ret_val := emd_notification.test_plsql_device( plsql_in, err_msg_out ); RETURN l_ret_val; END test_plsql_device; END mgmt_preferences; / SHOW ERRORS;