Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/sql/core/latest/notification/notification_pkgdefs.sql /st_emcore_10. 2010/07/14 22:33:03 bnam Exp $ Rem Rem notification_pkgdefs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem notification_pkgdefs.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This is the PL/SQL implementation of the Notification Manager Rem component of the Mozart Project Rem Rem NOTES Rem Performance data logged by this package is gathered by the mgmt_admin package (self_monitor) Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sreddy 04/27/10 - backport bug#6976948; add SSL support Rem denath 06/29/07 - Bug fix 5983944.Added Rem DEF_DEV_PING_STATE_TIMEOUT. Rem neearora 06/20/07 - bug 6142074 Rem neearora 05/03/07 - added API to get set global repeat settings Rem neearora 03/27/07 - added procedure QUEUE_NOTIF_INPUT Rem neearora 10/21/05 - Added support for Java notifications Rem dcawley 07/13/05 - Add callback for key value cleanup Rem scgrover 07/07/05 - add extended sql trace Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem gsbhatia 06/26/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem dcawley 06/22/05 - Add array version for setting gateways Rem jriel 05/17/05 - access to getqueue Rem dcawley 03/24/05 - Set additional gateway parameters Rem jriel 03/15/05 - queue rca task with normal type Rem gsbhatia 02/13/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/09/05 - updating repmgr header Rem gsbhatia 02/07/05 - updating repmgr header Rem dcawley 02/02/05 - Pass locale from OMS Rem ramalhot 02/02/05 - changed signature for handle_target_deleted Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem dcawley 01/11/05 - Rename callback Rem dcawley 01/06/05 - Add target deletion callback Rem dcawley 12/16/04 - Add RCA notification type Rem dcawley 12/03/04 - Do not use nlsid for plsql notifications Rem dcawley 11/23/04 - Use exisiting type Rem dcawley 10/22/04 - Add api for removing specific configurations Rem dcawley 10/11/04 - Include target guid for groups Rem jriel 09/28/04 - add proc to queue rca directly Rem dcawley 09/27/04 - Change parameter for queuing violation Rem dcawley 09/15/04 - Switch to violations table Rem dcawley 09/06/04 - Add context to severity details Rem jriel 09/08/04 - change params to queue_rca_retry Rem dcawley 08/19/04 - Add os parameter to register oms Rem jriel 08/06/04 - add queue rca Rem jriel 07/20/04 - add RCA Rem dcawley 07/22/04 - Allow states per metric Rem dcawley 07/21/04 - Remove extra job Rem dcawley 07/16/04 - Define constants for Corrective Actions Rem dcawley 07/12/04 - Add procedure for getting job state details Rem dcawley 06/14/04 - Changes for 10gR2 Rem aholser 05/13/04 - define types for performance monitoring Rem dcawley 03/25/04 - Add timezone to schedule Rem yaofeng 11/12/03 - show date in NLS format Rem dcawley 10/16/03 - Add error for failing to find severity details Rem dcawley 09/08/03 - Use timezone_region Rem dcawley 09/03/03 - Add log_history Rem dcawley 08/27/03 - Add new procedures for schedules Rem rpinnama 07/25/03 - Move Queue initialization to post_creation Rem dcawley 07/23/03 - Log device specific delivery times Rem dcawley 07/18/03 - Change annotations Rem dcawley 07/16/03 - Change number of queues Rem dcawley 06/26/03 - Add UNREGISTER_OMS Rem dcawley 05/21/03 - Changes for moving delivery to OMS CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE EMD_NOTIFICATION IS -- The module name for error and performance logging CHECK_MODULE_NAME constant varchar2(50) := 'EMD_NOTIFICATION.HandleSeverities Subsystem'; DELIVER_MODULE_NAME constant varchar2(50) := 'EMD_NOTIFICATION.NotificationDelivery Subsystem'; GUID_TYPE_SEVERITY constant varchar2(1) := '0'; GUID_TYPE_JOB_STATE_CHANGE constant varchar2(1) := '1'; GUID_TYPE_REP_SEVERITY constant varchar2(1) := '2'; -- These are used as the 'key column' for the notification methods performance -- metrics monitored by the emrep target. If new methods are added, they should -- also be added to this array and nls'd in -- source/oracle/sysman/resources/health/HealthResourceBundle with a key -- defined in source/oracle/sysman/health/HealthConstants METHOD_NAMES constant SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY := SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY( 'EMAIL', 'OSCMD', 'PLSQL', 'SNMP', 'RCA', 'JAVA' ); METHOD_COUNT constant NUMBER(2) := METHOD_NAMES.COUNT; -- Performance name PERF_NUM_SEVERITIES_CHECKED constant VARCHAR2(10) := 'Severities'; PERF_NUM_JOBSTATES_CHECKED constant VARCHAR2(18) := 'Job State Changes'; PERF_NUM_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(6) := 'QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_EMAILS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(13) := 'EMAILS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_OSCMDS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(13) := 'OSCMDS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_PLSQLS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(13) := 'PLSQLS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_SNMPS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(12) := 'SNMPS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_RCAS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(11) := 'RCAS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JAVA_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(19) := 'JAVAS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JOB_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(10) := 'JOB_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JOB_EMAILS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(18) := 'JOB_EMAILS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JOB_OSCMDS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(18) := 'JOB_OSCMDS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JOB_PLSQLS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(18) := 'JOB_PLSQLS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JOB_SNMPS_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(18) := 'JOB_SNMPS_QUEUED'; PERF_NUM_JOB_JAVA_QUEUED constant VARCHAR2(19) := 'JOB_JAVAS_QUEUED'; PERF_WAITING_IN_QUEUE constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'Queued Notifications'; PERF_AVG_WAIT constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'Average Waiting Time'; PERF_TOTAL_WAIT constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'Total Waiting Time'; PERF_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(13) := 'Delivery Time'; PERF_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'Total Delivery Time'; PERF_EMAIL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'EMAIL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_EMAIL_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(26) := 'EMAIL_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_OSCMD_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'OSCMD_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_OSCMD_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(26) := 'OSCMD_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_PLSQL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'PLSQL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_PLSQL_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(26) := 'PLSQL_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_SNMP_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(20) := 'SNMP_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_SNMP_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(26) := 'SNMP_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_RCA_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(19) := 'RCA_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_RCA_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(25) := 'RCA_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_JAVA_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(22) := 'JAVA_DELIVERY_TIME'; PERF_JAVA_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME constant VARCHAR2(29) := 'JAVA_TOTAL_DELIVERY_TIME'; -- Device types -- Email device types. The long email device type has more information -- about a severity while the short email device type contains less information -- and is more useful for a pager EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; -- backwards compatability LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 5; PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 2; SNMP_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 3; PLSQL_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 4; QUEUE_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 6; RCA_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 7; JAVA_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 9; WINDOWS_PROGRAM_DEVICE_TYPE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 8; -- Device status DEVICE_UP constant number := 1; DEVICE_DOWN constant number := 0; DEVICE_BEING_PINGED constant number := 2; -- Notification types NORMAL_NOTIFICATION constant number := 1; RETRY_NOTIFICATION constant number := 2; ESCALATION_NOTIFICATION constant number := 3; REPEAT_NOTIFICATION constant number := 4; STOP_DEQUEUEING constant number := 5; START_DEQUEUEING constant number := 6; IS_PING constant number := 1; IS_NOT_PING constant number := 0; -- Notification source types METRIC_SEVERITY constant number := 1; POLICY_VIOLATION constant number := 2; JOB_STATE_CHANGE constant number := 3; METRIC_CA_STATE_CHANGE constant number := 4; POLICY_CA_STATE_CHANGE constant number := 5; RCA_SEVERITY constant number := 6; RCA_RETRY_SEVERITY constant number := 7; RCA_RETRY_EVENT constant number := 8; RCA_COMPLETED_SEVERITY constant number := 9; -- Parameters for queue sizes NOTIFY_EMAIL_QUEUES constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_EMAIL_QUEUES'; NOTIFY_OSCMD_QUEUES constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_OSCMD_QUEUES'; NOTIFY_PLSQL_QUEUES constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_PLSQL_QUEUES'; NOTIFY_SNMP_QUEUES constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_SNMP_QUEUES'; NOTIFY_RCA_QUEUES constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_RCA_QUEUES'; NOTIFY_JAVA_QUEUES constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_JAVA_QUEUES'; NOTIFY_DEV_PING_STATE_TIMEOUT constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_DEV_PING_STATE_TIMEOUT'; DEFAULT_NOTIFY_EMAIL_QUEUES constant number := 6; DEFAULT_NOTIFY_OSCMD_QUEUES constant number := 12; DEFAULT_NOTIFY_PLSQL_QUEUES constant number := 3; DEFAULT_NOTIFY_SNMP_QUEUES constant number := 3; -- Default time to remain in ping status is 30 mins. DEF_DEV_PING_STATE_TIMEOUT constant number := 1800; -- DO NOT modify this value as RCA only supports a single OMS processing -- RCA tasks and therefore can not support multiple queues... -- for 10gR2 RCA will only support a single queue to avoid having -- to synchronize RCA tasks across OMSs DEFAULT_NOTIFY_RCA_QUEUES constant number := 1; DEFAULT_NOTIFY_JAVA_QUEUES constant number := 2; -- Global repeat notification settings defaults -- Global repeat notification settings REPEAT_ENABLED_PARAM constant varchar2(50) := 'NOTIFICATION_REPEAT_ENABLED'; REPEAT_FREQUENCY_PARAM constant varchar2(50) := 'NOTIFICATION_REPEAT_FREQUENCY'; REPEAT_COUNT_PARAM constant varchar2(50) := 'NOTIFICATION_REPEAT_COUNT'; REPEAT_ENABLED_DEFAULT constant number := 0; REPEAT_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT constant number := 15; REPEAT_COUNT_DEFAULT constant number := 3; -- Parameter for upper bound when checking for new notifications (seconds) NOTIFY_CHECK_UPPER_BOUND constant varchar2(32) := 'NOTIFY_CHECK_UPPER_BOUND'; DEFAULT_NOTIFY_CHECK_UPR_BOUND constant varchar2(32) := 5; -- Error code returned when the details of a device cannot be found NO_DEVICE_ERR constant number := -1; -- Error code returned when the details of a severity cannot be found NO_SEVERITY_ERR constant number := -2; -- Error code returned when the details of a state change cannot be found NO_STATE_CHANGE_ERR constant number := -3; EST_NOTIFICATION_NAME constant varchar2(32) := 'EST_NOTIFICATION'; QUEUE_TIMEOUT constant NUMBER := -25228; PROCEDURE DBMSJOB_EXTENDED_SQL_TRACE_ON(p_value IN BOOLEAN); -- PURPOSE -- To initialize the queue table and get the number of queues which -- can be using in mapping user/object combinations to a queue PROCEDURE INITIALIZE_QUEUES; -- PURPOSE -- Main procedure to go through violation table, execute notification rules -- and queue notifications. This routine takes no parameters and should -- be called periodically from a DBMS JOB. PROCEDURE CHECK_FOR_SEVERITIES; -- PURPOSE -- To register an OMS with the notification system so that it can be assigned -- some queues to handle PROCEDURE REGISTER_OMS(oms_id_in IN NUMBER, admin_qname_out OUT VARCHAR2, windows_in IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0); -- PURPOSE -- To unregister an OMS from the notification system so that its queues -- can be reassigned PROCEDURE UNREGISTER_OMS(oms_id_in IN NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- To handle failover when an OMS goes down PROCEDURE OMS_FAILOVER(oms_id_in IN NUMBER, last_timestamp_in IN DATE); -- PURPOSE -- Set the number of notification queues -- -- PARAMETERS -- V_NUMBER - the number of queues. -- -- PURPOSE -- Set the number of notification queues -- -- PARAMETERS -- PROCEDURE SET_NUMBER_QUEUES( v_num_email_qs IN NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_NOTIFY_EMAIL_QUEUES, v_num_oscmd_qs IN NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_NOTIFY_OSCMD_QUEUES, v_num_plsql_qs IN NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_NOTIFY_PLSQL_QUEUES, v_num_snmp_qs IN NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_NOTIFY_SNMP_QUEUES, v_num_java_qs IN NUMBER DEFAULT DEFAULT_NOTIFY_JAVA_QUEUES); -- PURPOSE -- To determine which queue has a notifiction ready for dequeueing PROCEDURE QUEUE_READY(qnames_in IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, qtimeout_in IN NUMBER, qname_out OUT VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to queue an RCA update task PROCEDURE QUEUE_RCA_UPDATE(target_guid_in IN RAW, severity_guid_in IN RAW, event_guid_in IN RAW, delay_in IN NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to queue an RCA task (used during regression runs only) PROCEDURE QUEUE_RCA_TASK(target_guid_in IN RAW, severity_guid_in IN RAW, rca_type_in IN NUMBER, rca_mode_in IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to queue a task with a delay PROCEDURE QUEUE_WITH_DELAY(qname_in IN VARCHAR2, notification_in IN MGMT_NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION, delay_in IN NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- To dequeue a notificaiton from a queue PROCEDURE DEQUEUE(qname_in IN VARCHAR2, qtimeout_in IN NUMBER, qmsg_id_out OUT RAW, notification_out OUT MGMT_NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to specify a gateway -- -- PARAMETERS -- V_GATEWAYS - the names of the gateways through which outgoing emails -- are sent. The gateways are tried in order until a working -- one is found -- V_SMTP_PORTS - the ports of the SMTP services on the gateway machine -- V_EMAIL_ADDRESS - the email address from which emails are sent -- V_EMAIL_NAME - the name associated with the email address -- V_SMTP_USER - the name of the SMTP user to be sent to the gateway for -- authentication -- V_SMTP_PWD - the password of the SMTP user to be sent to the gateway for -- authentication -- NOTE -- The gateways all share the same SMTP username, SMTP password, email -- address and email name. PROCEDURE SET_EMAIL_GATEWAYS(v_gateways IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_ARRAY, v_smtp_ports IN MGMT_INTEGER_ARRAY, v_email_address IN VARCHAR2, v_email_name IN VARCHAR2, v_smtp_user IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_smtp_pwd IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_smtp_ssl IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to specify a number of email gateways. -- -- PARAMETERS -- V_GATEWAYS - the names of the gateways through which outgoing emails -- are sent. The gateways are tried in order until a working -- one is found -- V_EMAIL_ADDRESS - the email address from which emails are sent -- V_EMAIL_NAME - the name associated with the email address -- PROCEDURE SET_EMAIL_GATEWAYS(v_gateways IN SMP_EMD_STRING_ARRAY, v_email_address IN VARCHAR2, v_email_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add an administrator profile. The profile name must be less -- than 30 characters, contain no spaces and conform to the Oracle naming -- conventions for dictionary objects -- PARAMETERS -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the administrator profile -- V_DESCRIPTION - a description of the profile -- NOTES -- Only the super administrator should be able to add an administrator profile PROCEDURE ADD_ADMIN_PROFILE(v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add the name of an administrator profile that will serve -- as an escalation point. -- PARAMETERS -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the administrator profile for which the -- escalation point is being set up -- V_ESCALATION_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the escalation profile -- V_ESCALATION_INTERVAL - the interval after which escalaltion should take -- place if a severity occurrence has not been -- cleared -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE SET_ESCALATION_PROFILE(v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_escalation_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_escalation_interval IN NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete the name of an administrator profile that will serve -- as an escalation point. -- PARAMETERS -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the administrator profile for which the -- escalation point is being deleted -- NOTES -- PROCEDURE DELETE_ESCALATION_PROFILE(v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add an email notification device to an administrator profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_EMAIL_ADDRESS - the email address of the device -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE ADD_EMAIL_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_email_address IN VARCHAR2, v_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to change the email address of an existing email notification -- device that was added via ADD_EMAIL_DEVICE -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_EMAIL_ADDRESS - the new email address of the device -- V_TYPE - the type of email -- LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE - send long formatted emails which have -- more information -- SHORT_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE - send short formatted emails which have -- less information and are more suitable -- for pagers -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE EDIT_EMAIL_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_email_address IN VARCHAR2, v_type IN NUMBER DEFAULT LONG_EMAIL_DEVICE_TYPE, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a program/script notification device to an administrator -- profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_PROGRAM - this is the name of the program/script to run which will look -- after delivering the notification. Can be used to integrate -- other problem tracking systems -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device -- V_ARGS - a list of command line arguments PROCEDURE ADD_PROGRAM_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_program IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_args IN EMDSYSTEM_ARGS DEFAULT NULL); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to change the program/script of an existing notification device -- device that was added via ADD_PROGRAM_DEVICE -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_PROGRAM - the new name of the program/script to run -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device -- V_ARGS - a list of command line arguments PROCEDURE EDIT_PROGRAM_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_program IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_args IN EMDSYSTEM_ARGS DEFAULT NULL); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a java callback notification device to an administrator -- profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_CLASS - this is the name of fully qualified class name that will be invoked -- on delivering the notification. Can be used to integrate -- other problem tracking systems -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE ADD_JAVA_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_class IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_context IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PROCEDURE: EDIT_JAVA_DEVICE -- -- PURPOSE: -- Modify the existing notification device of type Java. -- Update p_class, p_description and context for the given p_device_name and p_profile_name -- New context will override the previous context -- -- IN Parameters: -- p_device_name : Name of the notification device -- p_profile_name : The name of the admin profile -- p_class : Fully qualified name of the class implementing the notification interface -- p_description : Description for this device -- p_context : String array of context that will be passed to the notify method while delivering the notification. -- -- OUT Parameters: -- NONE -- PROCEDURE EDIT_JAVA_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_class IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_context IN MGMT_MEDIUM_STRING_TABLE DEFAULT NULL); -- PURPOSE -- Function to test a PL/SQL notification device to see if it can be -- called -- PARAMETERS -- V_PLSQL_PROC - this is the name of the PL/SQL procedure to call -- V_ERR_MSG - the reason for failure FUNCTION TEST_PLSQL_DEVICE(v_plsql_proc IN VARCHAR2, v_err_msg OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a PL/SQL notification device to an administrator -- profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_PLSQL_PROC - this is the name of the PL/SQL procedure to call which will -- look after delivering the notification. This can be used -- to integrate other problem tracking systems -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE ADD_PLSQL_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_plsql_proc IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to change the name of the PL/SQL procedure of an existing -- notification device that was added via ADD_PLSQL_DEVICE -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_PLSQL_PROC - the new name of the PL/SQL procedure to call -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE EDIT_PLSQL_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_plsql_proc IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add an SNMP notification device to an administrator profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_SNMP_HOST - the name of the snmp host -- V_SNMP_PORT - the port of the snmp host -- V_COMMUNITY - the name of the SNMP community the host is part of -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE ADD_SNMP_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_snmp_host IN VARCHAR2, v_snmp_port IN NUMBER DEFAULT 162, v_community IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'public', v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to change the snmp host of an existing SNMP notification -- device that was added via ADD_SNMP_DEVICE -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile -- V_SNMP_HOST - the new name of the snmp host -- V_SNMP_PORT - the port of the snmp host -- V_COMMUNITY - the name of the SNMP community the host is part of -- V_DESCRIPTION - the description of the device PROCEDURE EDIT_SNMP_DEVICE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_snmp_host IN VARCHAR2, v_snmp_port IN NUMBER DEFAULT 162, v_community IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'public', v_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''); -- PURPOSE -- Get the device owner for device - v_device_name of type v_type -- PARAMETERS -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_TYPE - the type of the device FUNCTION GET_DEVICE_OWNER(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_type IN INTEGER) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to set the start date of a user's notification schedule -- PARAMETERS -- V_SCHEDULE_OWNER - the owner of the schedule -- V_SCHEDULE_NAME - the name of the schedule -- V_START_DATE - the date on which the schedule starts. Note that the hour -- and minutes are ignored since the schedule starts at 12:00 -- V_NUM_WEEKS - the number of weeks after which the schedule repeats -- V_TIMEZONE_REGION - the timezone region of the schedule owner -- PROCEDURE SET_SCHEDULE(v_schedule_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_start_date IN DATE, v_num_weeks IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, v_timezone_region IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'TZR')); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to get the user who last updated a notification schedule -- PARAMETERS -- V_SCHEDULE_OWNER - the owner of the schedule -- V_SCHEDULE_NAME - the name of the schedule -- V_UPDATED_BY - the user who updated the schedule -- V_UPDATED - when the update took place -- PROCEDURE WHO_UPDATED_SCHEDULE(v_schedule_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_updated_by OUT VARCHAR2, v_updated OUT DATE); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to disable a user's notification schedule for a period of time -- PARAMETERS -- V_SCHEDULE_OWNER - the owner of the schedule -- V_SCHEDULE_NAME - the name of the schedule -- V_DISABLE_START - the date on which the disabling period starts -- V_DISABLE_END - the date on which the disabling period ends -- -- NOTES -- To clear a disabling period pass NULL in for both v_disable_start and -- v_disable_end -- PROCEDURE DISABLE_SCHEDULE(v_schedule_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_disable_start IN DATE, v_disable_end IN DATE); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to set the notification schedule of a notification device -- PARAMETERS -- V_SCHEDULE_OWNER - the owner of the schedule -- V_SCHEDULE_NAME - the name of the schedule -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_DEVICE_OWNER - the name of the admin profile -- V_SCHEDULE - the hours in this schedule when the device is available. -- This must be an array of 1344 characters PROCEDURE SET_DEVICE_SCHEDULE(v_schedule_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ', v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_device_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to clear a user's schedule -- PARAMETERS -- V_SCHEDULE_OWNER - the owner of the schedule -- V_SCHEDULE_NAME - the name of the schedule PROCEDURE CLEAR_SCHEDULE(v_schedule_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' '); -- PURPOSE -- Function to check if a user has a schedule set -- PARAMETERS -- V_SCHEDULE_OWNER - the owner of the schedule -- V_SCHEDULE_NAME - the name of the schedule FUNCTION USER_SCHEDULE_SET(v_schedule_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_schedule_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' ') RETURN NUMBER; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a notification rule -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the profile name of the admin who created the rule -- V_DESCRIPTION - a description of the notification rule -- V_PUBLIC_RULE - whether the rule can be accessed by other profiles PROCEDURE ADD_NOTIFICATION_RULE(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2, v_public_rule IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_repeat_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a configuration to a rule. This allows the specification of -- the severity properties to which the rule applies. -- -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_TARGET_TYPE - the types of targets that this rule applies to -- V_TARGET_NAME - the name of a target that this rule applies to -- V_GROUP_GUID - the GUID of a group target that this rule applies to -- V_METRIC_NAME - the name of a metric that this rule applies to -- V_METRIC_COLUMN - the name of a column in a table metric that this rule -- applies to -- V_KEY_VALUE - the value of the key for which this rule applies: -- % means no key specified so match all values -- %% means all composite keys -- string value specifies single key -- GUID value specifies composite key -- V_IS_COMPOSITE_KEY - flag to indicate if this is a composite key -- 1 - is composite key -- 0 - is single key -- V_TARGET_GUID - the target GUID of the target associated with the composite -- key -- V_KEY_PART1 - the first part of the composite key -- V_KEY_PART2 - the second part of the composite key -- V_KEY_PART3 - the third part of the composite key -- V_KEY_PART4 - the fourth part of the composite key -- V_KEY_PART5 - the fifth part of the composite key -- V_WANT_CLEARS - whether this rule applies to clears -- V_WANT_WARNINGS - whether this rule applies to warnings -- V_WANT_CRITICAL_ALERTS - whether this rule applies to criticals -- V_WANT_TARGET_UP - whether this rule applies to target state up severities -- V_WANT_TARGET_DOWN - whether this rule applies to target state down -- severities -- V_WANT_TARGET_UNREACHABLE_ST - whether this rule applies to severities -- indicating the start of a target being -- unreachable -- V_WANT_TARGET_UNREACHABLE_END - whether this rule applies to severities -- indicating the end of a target being -- unreachable and thus reachable again -- target metric -- V_WANT_TARGET_METRIC_ERR_END - whether this rule applies to severities -- indicating the end of an error in a -- target metric -- V_WANT_TARGET_BLACKOUT_START - whether this rule applies to target -- blackout start severities -- V_WANT_POLICY_CLEARS - whether this rule applies to policy cleared -- V_WANT_POLICY_VIOLATIONS - whether this rule applies to policy violations -- V_WANT_WARNING_JOB_SUCCEEDED - whether this rule applies to succeeded -- state changes for a correcive action that -- was run as a result of a warning severity -- V_WANT_WARNING_JOB_PROBLEMS - whether this rule applies to problem -- state changes for a correcive action that -- was run as a result of a warning severity -- V_WANT_CRITICAL_JOB_SUCCEEDED - whether this rule applies to succeeded -- state changes for a correcive action that -- was run as a result of a critical severity -- V_WANT_CRITICAL_JOB_PROBLEMS - whether this rule applies to problem -- state changes for a correcive action that -- was run as a result of a critical severity -- V_WANT_POLICY_JOB_SUCCEEDED - whether this rule applies to succeeded -- state changes for a correcive action that -- was run as a result of a policy violation -- V_WANT_POLICY_JOB_PROBLEMS - whether this rule applies to problem -- state changes for a correcive action that -- was run as a result of a policy violation -- -- NOTES -- For composite keys v_is_composite_key must be set to 1, the v_key_value -- parameter must contain the composite GUID, the associated key parts -- must be specified in v_key_part1..v_key_part5 and the target type must -- be specified in v_target_guid -- -- All the v_want_* columns can have the following values: -- 0 - DO NOT WANT THEM -- 1 - WANT THEM -- -- except for metric errors. The following applies to the value of both -- v_want_target_metric_start and v_want_target_metric_err_end -- 0 -> does not want to be notified for metric errors for -- response/status or other metrics -- 1 -> wants to be notified for metric errors for response/status metric only -- 2 -> wants to be notified for metric errors for non-response/status metric -- only -- 3 -> wants to be notified for metric errors for both response/status and -- non-response/status metric -- PROCEDURE ADD_CONFIGURATION_TO_RULE (v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_group_guid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_key_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_is_composite_key IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_target_guid IN RAW DEFAULT NULL, v_key_part1 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_key_part2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_key_part3 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_key_part4 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_key_part5 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '', v_want_clears IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_warnings IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_critical_alerts IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_up IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_down IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_unreachable_st IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_unreachable_end IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_metric_err_start IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_metric_err_end IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_blackout_start IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_target_blackout_end IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_policy_clears IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_policy_violations IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_warning_job_succeeded IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_warning_job_problems IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_critical_job_succeeded IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_critical_job_problems IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_policy_job_succeeded IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_policy_job_problems IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_ignore_rca IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to add a configuration to a job rule. This allows the -- specification of the job properties to which the rule applies. This is also -- used for corrective actions in which case the metric details are also -- supplied -- -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_TARGET_TYPE - the types of targets that this rule applies to -- V_TARGET_NAME - the name of a target that this rule applies to -- V_GROUP_GUID - the GUID of a group target that this rule applies to -- V_JOB_NAME - the name of the job that this rule applies to -- V_JOB_OWNER - the owner of the job that this rule applies to -- V_JOB_TYPE - the type of the job that this rule applies to -- V_WANT_JOB_SCHEDULED - whether this rule applies to scheduled state changes -- V_WANT_JOB_RUNNING - whether this rule applies to running state changes -- V_WANT_JOB_SUCCEEDED - whether this rule applies to succeeded state changes -- V_WANT_JOB_SUSPENDED - whether this rule applies to suspended state changes -- V_WANT_JOB_PROBLEMS - whether this rule applies to problem state changes -- -- All the v_want_* columns can have the following values: -- 0 - DO NOT WANT THEM -- 1 - WANT THEM -- PROCEDURE ADD_CONFIGURATION_TO_JOB_RULE (v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_target_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_group_guid IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, v_job_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_job_owner IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_job_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%', v_want_job_scheduled IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_job_running IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_job_succeeded IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_job_suspended IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_want_job_problems IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to set the properties of a rule. Properties include whether this -- rule applies to criticals or warnings, and also allow the rule to match -- collection dates and messages -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_DESCRIPTION - a description of the notification rule -- V_PUBLIC_RULE - whether the rule can be accessed by other profiles -- -- PROCEDURE SET_RULE_PROPERTIES (v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_description IN VARCHAR2, v_public_rule IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, v_repeat_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to make a rule public -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_MAKE_PUBLIC - whether the rule is public or private PROCEDURE MAKE_RULE_PUBLIC(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_make_public IN NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to enable/disable repeat setting for a rule -- PARAMETERS -- P_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- P_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- P_ENABLE_REPEAT - whether to enable or disable the reepat. PROCEDURE SET_RULE_REPEAT(p_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, p_owner IN VARCHAR2, p_enable_repeat IN NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to assign notification devices to a notification rule -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile PROCEDURE ADD_DEVICE_TO_RULE(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Function to check if a notification rule exists -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule FUNCTION RULE_EXISTS(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2) RETURN INTEGER; -- PURPOSE -- Function to find out if the email gateway has been setup -- by the super user FUNCTION IS_MAIL_GATEWAY_SETUP RETURN NUMBER; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete the configurations of a notification rule -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule PROCEDURE DELETE_RULE_CONFIGURATIONS(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete a specific configuration of a notification rule -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_TARGET_NAME - the name of the target -- V_TARGET_TYPE - the type of the target -- V_TARGET_NAME - the name of the metric -- V_TARGET_NAME - the name of the metric column -- V_TARGET_NAME - the key value -- -- NOTES -- This is used to delete rule configurations when a UDM or transposed -- metric is deleted. Only configurations that exactly match all input -- parameters will be deleted PROCEDURE DELETE_RULE_CONFIGURATION(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_target_name IN VARCHAR2, v_target_type IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_name IN VARCHAR2, v_metric_column IN VARCHAR2, v_key_value IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to remove notification devices from a notification rule -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device -- V_PROFILE_NAME - the name of the admin profile PROCEDURE DELETE_DEVICE_FROM_RULE(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to remove notification devices from a notification rule -- Note that this procedure does not take in a profile_name. This is needed -- for deleting snmp device or program command device -- PARAMETERS -- V_RULE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_OWNER - the owner of the notification rule -- V_DEVICE_NAME - the name of the device PROCEDURE DELETE_DEVICE_FROM_RULE(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_device_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete an administrator profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_PROFILE_NAME - name of the administrator profile -- NOTES -- Only the super administrator can delete an administrator profile PROCEDURE DELETE_ADMIN_PROFILE(v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete a notification device associated with an administrator -- profile -- PARAMETERS -- V_PROFILE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_DEVICE_NAME - name of the device PROCEDURE DELETE_DEVICE(v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_device_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete a notification program device associated with an -- administrator profile -- NOTE: This is a UI specific API and could change depending on the -- UI design. -- PARAMETERS -- V_PROFILE_NAME - name of the notification rule -- V_DEVICE_NAME - name of the device PROCEDURE DELETE_PROGRAM_DEVICE(v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_device_name IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Used for testing purposes FUNCTION IS_DEVICE_AVAILABLE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_profile_name IN VARCHAR2, v_time_to_check IN DATE) RETURN BOOLEAN; -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to delete a notification rule PROCEDURE DELETE_NOTIFICATION_RULE(v_rule_name IN VARCHAR2, v_owner IN VARCHAR2, v_super_user IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Get the details of a violation for sending in a notification PROCEDURE GET_VIOLATION_DETAILS(violation_guid_in IN RAW, language_in IN VARCHAR2, country_in IN VARCHAR2, details_out OUT MGMT_MAX_STRING_ARRAY, collection_timestamp_out OUT DATE, logged_timestamp_out OUT DATE, keys_out OUT MGMT_NOTIFY_COLUMNS, ctxt_list_out OUT MGMT_NOTIFY_COLUMNS, is_plsql_notification IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE); -- PURPOSE -- To send a metric severity notification to a PL/SQL procedure PROCEDURE METRIC_SEVERITY_FOR_PLSQL(violation_guid_in IN RAW, language_in IN VARCHAR2, country_in IN VARCHAR2, device_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, procedure_name_out OUT VARCHAR2, error_code_out OUT NUMBER, error_out OUT VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Get the details of a job state change for sending in a notification PROCEDURE GET_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_DETAILS(state_change_guid_in IN RAW, language_in IN VARCHAR2, country_in IN VARCHAR2, details_out OUT MGMT_NOTIFY_JOB_SC); -- PURPOSE -- To send a job/ca state change notification to a PL/SQL procedure PROCEDURE STATE_CHANGE_FOR_PLSQL(state_change_guid_in IN RAW, language_in IN VARCHAR2, country_in IN VARCHAR2, device_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, device_name_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, rule_name_in IN VARCHAR2, procedure_name_out OUT VARCHAR2, error_code_out OUT NUMBER, error_out OUT VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- To set a notification up to be retried PROCEDURE SETUP_FOR_RETRY(notification_in IN MGMT_NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION, error_in IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to find the devices that need to be notified for a severity -- occurrence and queue the notifications -- PROCEDURE QUEUE_METRIC_NOTIFICATIONS ( v_violation IN MGMT_VIOLATIONS%ROWTYPE, v_ca_state_change IN MGMT_JOB_STATE_CHANGES%ROWTYPE DEFAULT NULL ); -- PURPOSE -- Procedure to find the devices that need to be notified for a job state -- change and queue the notifications -- PROCEDURE QUEUE_JOB_NOTIFICATIONS (v_state_change IN MGMT_JOB_STATE_CHANGES%ROWTYPE); -- -- PURPOSE -- This procedure gets a list of all devices that are currently in the -- down state and have pending notifications. PROCEDURE PING_DEVICES; -- -- PURPOSE -- To requeue all notifications for a device because the device is now -- available again PROCEDURE REQUEUE(v_device_name IN VARCHAR2, v_device_owner IN VARCHAR2); -- PURPOSE -- Called when a device has been successfully pinged PROCEDURE PING_SUCCEEDED(notification_in IN MGMT_NOTIFY_NOTIFICATION); -- PURPOSE -- Log the delivery time for a severity; PROCEDURE LOG_DELIVERY_TIME(collection_time_in IN DATE, load_time_in IN DATE, tz_region_in IN VARCHAR2, device_type_in IN NUMBER, oms_name_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- PROCEDURE -- To log a record of a delivery PROCEDURE LOG_HISTORY(source_obj_type_in IN NUMBER, source_obj_guid_in IN RAW, delivered_in IN VARCHAR2, message_in IN VARCHAR2, tz_region_in IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); -- -- PURPOSE -- -- To remove deleted targets from notification rules -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- TARGET_NAME_IN - the target name of the deleted target -- TARGET_TYPE_IN - the type of the deleted target -- PROCEDURE HANDLE_TARGET_DELETED(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, target_guid_in IN RAW); -- PURPOSE -- -- To cleanup when a key value has been deleted -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- P_TARGET_GUID - the target GUID -- P_METRIC_GUID - the metric GUID -- P_KEY_VALUE - the key value -- PROCEDURE HANDLE_METRIC_KEYVAL_DELETION( p_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, p_metric_guid mgmt_metrics.metric_guid%TYPE, p_key_value mgmt_metrics_raw.key_value%TYPE); -- PURPOSE -- -- To queue a severity into MGMT_NOTIFY_INPUT_Q -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_msg - violation GUID or state change guid + guid type -- p_guid_type - JOB_STATE_CHANGE or SEVERITY PROCEDURE QUEUE_NOTIF_INPUT(p_msg_in RAW, p_guid_type NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- -- To queue a repeat signal into MGMT_NOTIFY_INPUT_Q -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_msg - violation GUID or state change guid + guid type -- p_rule_guid - GUID of the rule for which repeat is enabled -- p_repeat_count - Number of times the repeat is sent for this severity -- p_delay - duration in minutes after which repeat notification should be send PROCEDURE QUEUE_REPEAT_NOTIF_INPUT(p_msg_in RAW, p_rule_guid RAW, p_repeat_count NUMBER, p_delay NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- -- To de-queue a severity from MGMT_NOTIFY_INPUT_Q -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- p_notif_src_guid - SEVERITY OR JOB_STATE_CHANGE_GUID -- p_guid_type - JOB_STATE_CHANGE or SEVERITY -- p_rule_guid - RULE GUID in case of repeat signal, null otherwise -- p_repeat_count - Repeat count in case of repeat notification, null otherwise PROCEDURE DEQUEUE_NOTIF_INPUT(p_notif_src_guid OUT RAW, p_guid_type OUT NUMBER, p_rule_guid OUT RAW, p_repeat_count OUT NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- -- To update and en-queue RCA completed severity in MGMT_NOTIFY_INPUT_Q -- -- PARAMETERS -- -- violation_guid_in - violation guid PROCEDURE UPDATE_AND_ENQUEUE_RCA_SEV(violation_guid_in IN RAW, notif_status_in IN NUMBER); FUNCTION GET_QUEUE(device_type_in IN NUMBER, device_owner_in IN VARCHAR2, source_guid_in IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- PURPOSE -- To retrieve global repeat settings -- -- PARAMETERS -- p_enabled - 1 if enabled, 0 is disabled -- p_frequency - frequency in minutes, -- p_count -- maximum repeat count -- PROCEDURE GET_GLOBAL_REPEAT_SETTINGS( p_enabled OUT NUMBER, p_frequency OUT NUMBER, p_count OUT NUMBER); -- PURPOSE -- To set global repeat settings -- -- PARAMETERS -- p_enabled - 1 if enabled, 0 is disabled -- p_frequency - frequency in minutes, -- p_count -- maximum repeat count -- PROCEDURE SET_GLOBAL_REPEAT_SETTINGS( p_enabled IN NUMBER DEFAULT REPEAT_ENABLED_DEFAULT, p_frequency IN NUMBER DEFAULT REPEAT_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT, p_count IN NUMBER DEFAULT REPEAT_COUNT_DEFAULT); -- -- PROCEDURE: ACKNOWLEDGE_ALERT -- -- PURPOSE -- To acknowledge a particular alert record. -- -- PARAMETERS -- p_violation_guid - GUID of the violation record that needs to be acknowledged. -- p_acknowledged_by - User name who aknowledged this alert. -- p_annotation_type - Annotation type for severity acknowledged annotation -- p_message - Annotation message PROCEDURE ACKNOWLEDGE_ALERT(p_violation_guid IN RAW, p_acknowledged_by IN VARCHAR2, p_annotation_type IN VARCHAR2, p_message IN VARCHAR2); END EMD_NOTIFICATION; / show errors