Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: metric_ui_pkgdef.sql 20-jun-2007.21:31:16 ssukavan Exp $ Rem Rem metric_ui_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem metric_ui_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ssukavan 06/19/07 - Adding new APIs Rem ssukavan 05/24/07 - Adding a new API for setting the Acknowledge flag Rem from UI ER 5883319 Repeat Notifications Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem rpatti 05/20/05 - rpatti_bugs_1 Rem rpatti 05/18/05 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE em_metric_ui AS -- Package level Type Definition TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; TYPE TARGETS_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; --Module Name to be used for log4plSql MODULE_NAME CONSTANT VARCHAR2(15) := 'EM.METRICS.UI'; ANNOTATION_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20) := 'ACKNOWLEDGED'; -- -- PROCEDURE: get_all_metrics -- -- PURPOSE: -- This procedure returns all metrics information displayed in the all metrics -- page for a given target name and target type. -- -- IN Parameters: -- target_name_in: The target name -- target_type_in: The target type -- -- OUT Parameters: -- metrics_cur_out: The cursor containing all metrics information -- collections_cur_out: CURSORTYPE collection information -- PROCEDURE get_all_metrics(target_name_in IN VARCHAR2, target_type_in IN VARCHAR2, metrics_cur_out OUT cursorType, target_info_out OUT cursorType, collection_cur_out OUT cursorType); -- This API will be called from the Alerts Details and Metric Details UI. -- This information returned from this API will show an information / confirmation about -- 1. Insufficient user priv -- 2. Not applicable severity_guid if the user chooses -- an older severity_guid for acknowledgement. -- 3. A confirmation UI -- after processing the acknowledgement -- for already processed acknowledgment PROCEDURE acknowledge_alert( p_target_name IN mgmt_targets.target_name%TYPE, p_target_type IN mgmt_targets.target_type%TYPE, p_violation_guid IN RAW, p_user IN VARCHAR2, p_acknowledged OUT NUMBER, p_not_applicable OUT NUMBER, p_has_priv OUT NUMBER, p_ack_by OUT VARCHAR2, p_ack_when OUT DATE); -- This API will be called from the Alerts Details. -- This information returned from this API will -- 1. Not show the ack button for insufficient priv'd user. -- 2. Not show the ack button for older severity_guid for acknowledgement. -- 3. The ack attributes for already acknowledged violation. Not show the ack button. -- 4. Will show the ack button for non-ackd current violation. PROCEDURE get_acknowledge_details( p_target_name IN mgmt_targets.target_name%TYPE, p_target_type IN mgmt_targets.target_type%TYPE, p_violation_guid IN RAW, p_user IN VARCHAR2, p_acknowledged OUT NUMBER, p_not_applicable OUT NUMBER, p_has_priv OUT NUMBER, p_ack_by OUT VARCHAR2, p_ack_when OUT DATE); -- This procedure will be called from the Alerts Tab -- to acknowledge a list of violation guids. -- Internally, this API calls the mgmt_notification.acknowledge_alert API PROCEDURE acknowledge_alerts( p_violation_guid_array IN MGMT_USER_GUID_ARRAY, p_user IN VARCHAR2); -- This API will be called from the Availability Staus page. -- This information returned from this API will -- 1. Not show the ack button for insufficient priv'd user. -- 2. Not show the ack button for severity_guid null for acknowledgement. -- 3. The ack attributes for already acknowledged violation. Not show the ack button. -- 4. Will show the ack button for non-ackd severity in Availability Page. PROCEDURE get_acknowledge_details( p_target_name IN mgmt_targets.target_name%TYPE, p_target_type IN mgmt_targets.target_type%TYPE, p_user IN VARCHAR2, p_severity_guid OUT mgmt_violations.violation_guid%TYPE, p_acknowledged OUT NUMBER, p_not_applicable OUT NUMBER, p_has_priv OUT NUMBER, p_ack_by OUT VARCHAR2, p_ack_when OUT DATE); -- This API will be called from the Availability History page. -- This acknowledges the alert PROCEDURE acknowledge_avail_alert( p_target_name IN mgmt_targets.target_name%TYPE, p_target_type IN mgmt_targets.target_type%TYPE, p_violation_guid IN RAW, p_user IN VARCHAR2, p_acknowledged OUT NUMBER, p_has_priv OUT NUMBER); end em_metric_ui; / show errors;