Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: license_rac_pkgdef.sql 01-jul-2005.17:27:40 gsbhatia Exp $ Rem Rem license_rac_pkgdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem license_rac_pkgdef.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gsbhatia 07/01/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem paachary 02/08/05 - Changed the package name from mgmt_rac_license to em_rac_license Rem bram 12/30/04 - bram_rac_lictrans Rem bram 12/30/04 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE em_rac_license IS TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; -- Function->get_cluster_guid -- Purpose :Knowing the target_guid of a Cluster Node,find details about the outer cluster -- Input Parameters -- p_cluster_node_guid: GUID of the Cluster Node -- p_target_type: Target Type of the cluster FUNCTION get_cluster_guid ( p_cluster_node_guid IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, p_target_type IN mgmt_targets.target_type%TYPE ) RETURN VARCHAR2; -- Function->is_racmember -- Purpose : To check if a target is associated with a rac cluster database -- Input Parameters -- p_target_type : Target Type to which the Target whose member needs to be checked -- p_target_guid : GUID of the target,whose rac membership needs to be checked -- OUTPUT Parameter 'TRUE' if associated with rac database,'FALSE' if not FUNCTION is_racmember ( p_target_type mgmt_targets.target_type%TYPE DEFAULT NULL, p_target_guid mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE ) RETURN BOOLEAN ; -- Procedure->get_asm_data -- Purpose : To return the list of ASM associated with a cluster instance or a Standalone Database -- Input Parameters -- p_target_guid :Target GUID on which the ASM association needs to be retreived,this(target guid) could -- either be a cluster instance or that of a standalone database -- OUTPUT Parameter p_asm_cursor return the list of ASM guid for a given -- cluster instance or standalone database PROCEDURE get_asm_data ( p_target_guid IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, p_asm_cursor OUT cursorType ); -- -- PROCEDURE: grant_racdb_licenseinfo -- -- PURPOSE: -- 1)Procedure identifies the asscociated members of the cluster database -- 2)Also grants license on the selected packs to the Cluster database and its members -- Input Parameters -- p_target_guid: Cluster Database GUID -- p_pack_name: License Pack to be applied -- Output Parameter:None PROCEDURE grant_racdb_licenseinfo ( p_target_guid IN mgmt_targets.target_guid%TYPE, p_pack_name IN mgmt_licensed_targets.pack_name%TYPE ); -- PROCEDURE: rac_license_assoc_create -- Purpose : This Callback is invoked when a association i.e if a cluser node, or cluster instance -- or if a asm is created against a existing cluster db -- Input Parameters -- p_assoc_def_name -- p_source_target_name -Target name of the Cluster Db from which the association needs to be remove -- p_source_target_type -Target type of the Cluster Db i.e rac_database -- p_assoc_target_name --Associate target name whose license info needs to be deleted -- p_assoc_target_type --Associate target type whose license info needs to be deleted -- p_scope_target_name -- p_scope_target_type -- Output PARAMETER: none PROCEDURE rac_license_assoc_create ( p_assoc_def_name VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type VARCHAR2 ); -- -- PROCEDURE: rac_license_assoc_delete -- -- PURPOSE: -- Procedure :This is a callback which is invoked when a assocciation is deleted to -- a cluster db -- Input Parameters -- p_assoc_def_name --Association def name for which this callback should be called (optional). -- If assoc def name is not specified, then the callback is called -- for associations of all types. -- p_source_target_name -Target name of the Cluster Db from which the association needs to be remove -- p_source_target_type -Target type of the Cluster Db i.e rac_database -- p_assoc_target_name --Associate target name whose license info needs to be deleted -- p_assoc_target_type --Associate target type whose license info needs to be deleted -- p_scope_target_name -- p_scope_target_type -- OUT PARAMETER: none PROCEDURE rac_license_assoc_delete ( p_assoc_def_name VARCHAR2, p_source_target_name VARCHAR2, p_source_target_type VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_name VARCHAR2, p_assoc_target_type VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_name VARCHAR2, p_scope_target_type VARCHAR2 ); END em_rac_license; /