Rem drv: Rem Rem $Header: license_post_creation.sql 30-apr-2007.09:28:54 dgiaimo Exp $ Rem Rem license_post_creation.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem license_post_creation.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dgiaimo 04/26/07 - Changing to Rem dgiaimo 04/30/07 - Backport dgiaimo_bug-6014523 from main Rem smudumba 03/06/07 - Adding the post creation license script for Rem Rem acgopala 07/11/06 - Backport acgopala_bug-5118309 from main Rem bram 12/09/05 - Backport bram_bug-4777882 from main Rem acgopala 04/05/06 - bug-5118309 Adding target type oc4jjvm Rem bram 12/04/05 - Bug-4777882 TARGET TYPE "SLB" TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH SMND Rem paachary 09/16/05 - Calling license_post_creation script from v102020/license/license_post_creation.sql Rem gsbhatia 07/03/05 - New repmgr header impl Rem paachary 03/04/05 - Moved the post creation scripts to the migration path. Rem Any additions to the post creation data / insertions to the tables Rem should be done in the following path: Rem emcore/source/oracle/sysman/emdrep/core/v102010/license/license_post_creation.sql Rem pratagar 02/16/05 - Changed Description for dg_chgmgt pack Rem sdantkal 02/07/05 - pack description changed Rem xshen 02/08/05 - make rac_database licensable for db_chgmgt Rem paachary 02/08/05 - Changed the package name from mgmt_license to em_license Rem And from mgmt_rac_license to em_rac_license Rem bram 01/28/05 - Added pack_abbr values Rem sdantkal 01/26/05 - Rem ktlaw 01/11/05 - add repmgr header Rem bram 12/30/04 - rac_licensing addition and deletion callback Rem paachary 12/17/04 - Changed the call back proc Rem from del_assoc_addition to add_assoc_deletion Rem paachary 12/06/04 - webapp license addition and deletion callback Rem sdantkal 10/28/04 - target deletion callback Rem sdantkal 09/28/04 - target addition callback Rem yaofeng 04/23/04 - change column order Rem yaofeng 04/16/04 - yaofeng_bug-3548336 Rem jpyang 04/07/04 - Rem jpyang 03/16/04 - Created Rem @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/v102010/license/license_post_creation.sql @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/v102020/license/license_post_creation.sql @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/ @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/ @&EM_SQL_ROOT/core/